#Jeske D. & Shultz K. S. (2016). Using social media content for screening in recruitment and selection: pros and cons. Work Employment and So
lexxanddas-blog · 6 years
Social Media’s Negative Influence in the Recruitment and Selection Process
Though Social Media is a free platform for employers to screen applicants, it is used for more harm than good without the employer even knowing. Many professions including Human Resource professionals, have to go through a Recruitment and Selection process when hiring employees. 
“The concerns about data protection and access, as well as security are largely missing in the debate on employer screening of social media for employment purposes. For example, to what extent is the information obtained from social media profiles protected to the same degree as their standardized applicant data?”[1]
So how does social media influence the decision of a Human Resource Professional seeking a candidate, other than the obvious answer of shaping their decisions before they even meet the candidate. Also, at what cost does it come at, an ethical one perhaps? 
If an employer seeks out information on an applicant using social media, it can potentially lead to inconsistent information based on the applicant and a bias decision when it comes to hiring. Some individuals choose to keep certain behaviours or details about their personal lives hidden from the world. So when met in person, the perception could be perceived as improper to business standards depending on career path. There are many different social media platforms, different profile information can make it confusing to know what type of behaviors and norms the candidate possesses.  
Another way social media influences the recruitment and selection process is age discrimination. Whether people believe it’s ethical or not, many people do get discriminated based on their age everyday, and it even prevents many individuals from obtaining work. Visual characteristics is enough for an employer to pass you up even for just an interview. 
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