b-baang · 4 months
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꒰⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝒦 .⠀⠀⠀canadian boy ⠀⠀✿𝆬
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✧⃝ ⌒ ꒰ @miniepsds ꒱ ♡ ⭒
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fullsunstrawberry · 1 year
P1harmony Text Reaction:
barbie movie
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requested? no starting a p1h taglist! comment/ask to be added :)
a/n: my friend got me into p1 and i’m in love 😍 also sitting in the movie theaters to watch barbie <3
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margotw10bis · 6 months
Crashing On Crush.JJK 8 [m]
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crush!Jungkook x reader
Genre: smut; series; romance; angst
Words: 3.3k
Synopsis: What happens when your first encounter with your crush is Jungkook seeing your ass?
Warnings: drugs
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"Kookie, I'm home" Mina announces when she steps in Jungkook's apartment
He is already waiting for her, determined to set the record straight. He has made his decision: he wants to be with you. Everything feels right with you. When you two talked at the coffee shop, he promised himself to do everything for you if you give him the chance to. He is tired of doing everything wrong and he wants to be happy, just for once. He does care about Mina, a lot. But he can't deny everything else for her. He has done it in the past, and nothing good arose from it.
"We need to talk"
Jungkook's serious tone makes Mina wince. She notices the frown on Jungkook's face and she knows that she won't like what is coming. She sits next to him on the couch.
"I think you should go back to Busan" Jungkook starts, carefully "I thought I could help you, but I can't"
"You're lying!" Mina exclaims, tears in her dark eyes
Jungkook's heart squeezes when he sees the pain and the betrayal on Mina's delicate features. He is hurting as much as she is.
"I'll still be there for you, Mina but you need to go to Busan, where people can actually help you. I called your parents, they'll arrive tonight to bring you home"
"You did not!" Mina gasps, now furious
She jumps on her feet, her whole body shaking of fury. She is angrily walking back and forth in the living room. She points an accusing finger at the person she trusted the most.
"How could you? You said you'd help me! You promised me you'll never give up on me!"
Jungkook closes his eyes at the accusations. They are all true. He promised when he saw her in front of his building waiting for him. When she asked him to help her. Because she is one of the most important people in his life. He promised because he thought she was Mina, his best friend. But as the days went on, Jungkook discovered new faces of her: she lied, she was manipulative, she was deceitful. She stole some cash in Jungkook's wallet and went out at night. If Jungkook promised her to help her, she promised to stop acting like that. She broke the promise first. And honestly, Jungkook is not strong enough to deal with that. He is still struggling for himself.
Suddenly, Mina's eyes narrow.
"It's because of her, isn't it?"
"What are talking about?"
"The girl we saw at the club. It's because of her! You are leaving me for her!"
"No, it's not because of her" Jungkook sighs, standing up too "It's because of you, Mina. It's too much to bare for me"
"She doesn't even know you! I know you. Do you really think that she'd want to see you again when she knows the truth?"
Jungkook winces, pain weighing on his heart at the simple thought of you rejecting him even though he knows that it's probably what will happen.
"But I'm here. I will never leave you. I know you, I know everything about you and I still love you" Mina's voice is way softer now.
She steps closer to Jungkook and cups his cheeks with her hands, making him look straight into her eyes.
"I love you, Jungkook. I always have and I always will. We can stay together, forever. I'll be better for you. I can't do it without you, please don't leave me"
Jungkook gulps and gently get her hands off of his face.
"Mina, I can't help you. I wish I could"
Mina's face changes once again and the soft features disappears to be replaced by anger.
"What did she say to you? That bitch must have said something, otherwise you won't leave me"
"She didn't say anything. This is not about her, I already told you" Jungkook is beginning to be sick of this go-around-in-circle conversation
"Do you love her?"
For a few seconds, the apartment goes completely silent. Jungkook looks at Mina, not seeing any emotion on her face. His jaws clench and he ends up nodding.
"Yes, I do"
Everything breaks in Mina. Jungkook is a fucking traitor. He promised her to always be there for her and now, he is ready to dump her for a girl he's known for five minutes. She knew you were not as innocent as you looked like. One thing is clear in Mina's mind: if she looses everything, then Jungkook will lose everything too.
"Okay" She says
Saying that Jungkook is surprised by Mina's calm tone is an understatement. He expected her to scream or to break everything. This is not normal...
"Your parents will arrive in a few minutes. Get your stuff, I'll go take a shower" He gets closer to Mina and hugs her "I am really sorry, Mina"
Mina doesn't hug him back but Jungkook understands that she is mad right now and he gives her room to process everything.
The whole argument with Mina makes you cranky and a little blue. The meeting with the print company didn't go well either so you decide to stop at a pojangmacha. You don't care it's only 6 pm and you asks the owner a bottle of soju. As you are filling up your glass shot, you wonder what to do with Jungkook. The few days working with him made you hope that things could work between you. You felt so good with him, even when you were just talking. You felt a real bond between you but did you imagine everything because you wanted it to be?
You have no doubt that Mina loves Jungkook. How can you blame her when you feel the exact same? But you had the feeling that Jungkook wanted something - whatever is it - with you... If Mina confesses, will he change his mind? Will he say that he loves her too?
You are completely lost, overwhelmed by multiple feelings you can't even identify. You want Jungkook to be happy, even if it's not with you and if you suffer. That's how much you love him, ready to give up your own happiness for him. Are you crazy? Mina was kind of right: you don't know much about him or about his past. But you do know what kind of human being he is. He is kind, caring, smart and funny. He is the kind of person you can count on and you can trust. He is sincere with his feelings. Isn't it enough to say that you know him and that you love him for who he is?
But then again, Mina is standing between you and you can't deny that they have history... Aren't you the villain if you keep them from living their first love? Do you have to step back or do you have to fight for your feelings? There are so many questions in your head and not a clue to answer them.
With a dragger in the throat, you drink your shot. The soju burns the inside of your body but doesn't hurt more than the whole situation with Jungkook.
"Imonim!'"You call out the lady owner of the pojangmacha "Can I have some tteokbokki please?"
You pull out your phone from your bag to tell Aecha how it went for the printer since you haven't check your cellphone for hours now. You are surprised to see a text from Jungkook: 'Can you come over to my place at seven please? I want to tell you something' Your heart speeds up its pace and your cheeks redden. You check the time and you freeze when you see it's almost seven pm. You need to leave now if you don't want to be late.
"I'm sorry, Imonim, I have to go. I left the money on the desk" You tells the owner while grabbing your things
In the bus, you are thinking about a hundred of scenarios. You go through all the possible things Jungkook would like to say: that Mina confessed and he loves her too, that Mina confessed but he realized that he loves you, or something totally different about work... When you step out the bus, you still have no idea what will come out of your meeting with Jungkook.
You stand in front of his door, your heart beating loud in your chest and ears. You rise your hand to knock but freeze when you notice the door is open. Why? Did something happen? You begin to stress but you rush in to check on Jungkook. What if something happened to him? Is he hurt? You panic at the thought.
You check the living room and the open kitchen but no one is here. Same in the bedroom. Something is weird. You hear a faint noise coming from the bathroom. You gather all your courage and push the door. You are shocked by what you see: Jungkook, sitting on the floor with his back leaning on the bathtub's wall, sobbing and staring at a small pouch in his hands. There is a white and glistening powder in it but you don't know what it is.
What the fuck is going on?
"Jungkook?" You whisper
Jungkook bursts into tears and hides his wet eyes with his hands. Your heart breaks. He is such in pain and you don't understand why. You get closer to him, gently putting a comforting hand on his shaking shoulders.
"Throw it in the toilet, I can't do it" He manages to say between hiccups
You frown but don't ask question. You take the small pouch and flush the toilet, making it disappear. You kneel down and you tightly hug Jungkook. Even if you don't know what's going on, you are here for him. You always thought that Jungkook was a strong man, never afraid of anything. His look and his confidence are the definition of fearless. But now, you are witnessing something you have no idea Jungkook had. It's true that sometimes you felt some pain in his eyes but you never thought that he was suffering this much.
"It's okay, I'm here" You say in his ear while you caresse his hair and back
Jungkook throws his arms around you and holds on on you for dear life. It's like he is drowning and you are a lifeline. If he lets go of you, he will be swallowed by the huge and terrifying black hole underneath his feet.
You would give everything to make Jungkook stop suffering. You feel his pain in your whole body and it's suffocating. You want to cry of how much it's painful to see him in pain. You pray every god to soothe him.
"Tell me what to do" You ask him, hopeless in front of his tears
"Can you drive me somewhere?" He demands with a broken voice
"Of course, anything"
You pull over just enough to look at his face. His eyes are red and his cheeks are drenched by his tears. The pain on his pretty face should be illegal. You softly rub his cheeks with your thumbs and press your forehead against his. By that, you try to show him that you are here for him and that you love him, no matter what. Everything that has been before is long forgotten, you only care about now, about him.
You stand up and grab his big hands. The effects of the two shots of soju you have drunk earlier are completely erased. Seeing Jungkook this distraught sobered you up. Hand in hand, you walk out of Jungkook's place and he gives you his car key. He is way too shaken to drive himself.
"Where do you want to go?" You asks him when you are both in the Mercedes, the sun now melting into gold as it settles down into the horizon
You don't question more. Jungkook will tell you when he feels ready to. You type in the GPS the address he gives you and you start driving. You are quite stressed because it's been a long time since you have been behind a wheel but you are more preoccupied by Jungkook's well-being. When you enter the highway, you feel more relaxed because it's easier for you than driving in the city. Without taking your eyes off of the road, you grab Jungkook's hand in yours on his lap. You caress the back of his hand and you feel him relax.
Jungkook is sleeping during the whole four hours of driving. Even if it's late in the night, you don't feel tired at all. Your brain is working flat out to make sense of this situation. Why Jungkook was so distressed because of this white powder? What was this white powder? Where was Mina? Why does Jungkook need to go to Busan all of the sudden? If you had questions regarding your relationship with Jungkook earlier, now you have so much questionings about Jungkook, period.
The GPS leads you to an apartment block. Nothing fancy, just middle-class neighboring. You sigh and look at Jungkook. He is sleeping peacefully and you don't want to wake him up. He is calm now but you know the second he'll open his eyes, he'll suffer again from whatever it is. You give him some rest for a few more minutes and gently shake his shoulder. Jungkook slowly opens his eyes and your heart breaks a little when you don't see the usual sparkles in them. He used to have beautiful shiny eyes like stars at night but now, they are like a cloudy night. You miss his bright doe eyes...
"I need to go see someone" Jungkook simply says
"Do you want me to come with you?" You replies softly, you don't want to push him but just let him know that you are here if he needs anything
"Can you wait in the car? It'll just take a few minutes" Jungkook seems embarrassed to have let you drive four hours and not invite you in when you arrive
"No problem, take your time" You give him a reassuring smile and he leaves the car
Jungkook knocks on the door and waits a few seconds but nothing happens. 'He must be sleeping' He thinks and knocks again, harder.
"What the hell?" A grumpy and sleepy man exclaims while finally opening the door.
His eyes widen when he discovers Jungkook on the other side. He hasn't seen him in years and judging by the time, it's not a simple courtesy visit. He worries immediately.
"Jungkook? Are you okay?"
"No"Jungkook manages to say before bursting into tears
"Come on in and tell me everything" The man responds and puts a strong and reassuring hand on Jungkook's shoulder while guiding him into his living room.
"I'm glad you went to see me" The man finally says after Jungkook told him everything "I know it wasn't easy but you being here says a lot about your courage and determination. You didn't choose the easy way and you can be proud of that. I am proud of you"
These words warm Jungkook's heart. He needed to talk to someone he could trust, someone who knew him in the past but didn't treat him like the others. That someone is Seokjin. Basically, Jungkook owes him his life.
"Do you want to sleep here tonight or are you going to your parents'?" Seokjin asks
"I haven't spoken to them in years" Jungkook winces "So, if it's okay with you, I'd like to stay at your place"
"No prob, I have a guest room" Seokjin smiles, patting Jungkook's shoulder
Jungkook smiles too, his friend does touch his shoulder a lot but he doesn't mind since it's a comforting habit of Seokjin.
"But, my friend drove me here so..." Jungkook starts, embarrassed
"Go get him, he can stay too"
Jungkook doesn't correct his friend, maybe because he is afraid that he will change his mind if he knows you're a woman. So he just gets up and walks back to his car.
When you see him, you get off the car.
"Are you okay?" You ask immediately, worried
"Yes, don't worry. We are going to stay at my friend's place for the night, okay?" Jungkook checks on you, he doesn't want you to feel ill-at-ease
You just nod, honestly exhausted now that the adrenaline went down. Jungkook grabs your hand and leads you to the apartment he was in a few minutes ago. This time, the door is unlocked and you both enter without knocking.
You are as surprised as the man in front of you but not for the same reasons. Seokjin expected you to be a man, and you didn't expect to see such an handsome man. His brown hair are messy but his features are just perfect. His eyes are in a so beautiful brown color and his lips are plump and juicy. He is as tall as Jungkook but he does seem older than him.
"Hi, I'm Seokjin, but my friends call me Jin" He warmly welcomes you
"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you. Thank you for letting us stay"
"Don't mention it"
His personality is soft and welcoming and you feel really good around him. There is something in his aura that calms you down after everything that you've been through today.
After saying your goodnights, Jungkook leads you to the guest room. It's quite a small room with a double bed and a drawer but you don't really care, you are just too tired. But that's when you realize that you're with Jungkook.
"I will sleep on the couch, get some rest" You tell him, gently
"Stay with me please. I don't want to be alone" Jungkook's voice is so fragile that you're afraid it will break
Your heart softens and cracks at his sweet but hurt tone. You step closer to him and hug him. You want to take all his pain away but you don't know how. Your eyes water at the intense emotion between the two of you. Once again, you feel the bond between you but way deeper than before since you have the feeling that you are witnessing a buried, hidden, maybe ashamed part of Jungkook.
Seokjin, being very considering, has brought two large t-shirts and sweatpants for you and Jungkook before you enter his place. You go to the bathroom to change while Jungkook does it in the bedroom. You take the opportunity to wash your face at the same time, removing your make-up.
When you come back to Jungkook, he is already in the bed but not sleeping. You turn off the light and join him. He immediately pulls you closer, your head resting on his chest and his arm around your waist. You hear his heart and it someway reassures you: it's not completely broken. Your hand goes up to reach his black hair. You run your fingers through it to soothe him and it works since he releases a content but weak sigh.
"Why did you come to my apartment earlier?" Jungkook asks
"What do you mean? You sent me a text" You answer, confused
You can't see it but Jungkook is frowning.
"I did not" But as soon as the words leave his mouth he understands: Mina must have done it while he was showering
It's another punch in his already smashed up heart. One of his best friends betrayed him in the worst way possible. Does she hate him so much to destroy everything around him? To destroy you? How much pain can he take from her without being too broken to fix it? Jungkook didn't know that Mina was ready to go this far to keep you away from him. She makes him show you his worst part without him even being prepared to deal with it. He was so close to drown but you saved him and you don't know it. Maybe it was a good thing that you received the text...
"Talk to me" You whisper as gently as you can but you still feel Jungkook's body tense under you "It's not because you owe me an explanation, because you don't. But I don't want you to go through this alone, Jungkook. I'm here for you, talk to me"
Jungkook stays silent for a few minutes, so you don't think he is going to talk. But then, he holds you closer, kisses the top of your head and starts speaking, confessing his darkest secrets and praying that you won't leave him afterwards. 
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Taglist @hoseokteardrop @aerynorirene @jkoooooooookie @lacolegaming @busanbby-jjk @mysteriousstress65 @coralmusicblaze @winter-bear98 @gimeow @cuntessaiii @nikkinik485 @jjin-kun @dmstoyangyang
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kpop-locks · 7 months
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ p1harmony ; killin it ”♡ᵎ ꒱
like/reblog | @chinzhilla-edits
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
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doozyfrog · 1 year
P1h movie character doodles ‼️‼️
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23179 · 6 months
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m00nbap · 2 months
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Saw p1harmony for the second time and managed to snatch a VIP ticket. Although that send off was a bit disappointing for us who weren’t at barricade my boys delivered and slayed every performance again! (Sad they did not play if you call me) 😭💔
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minahinanads · 18 days
Oh we're so back.
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vickyyoon · 11 months
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P1harmony group photos feel like they're real besties. Pure friends for life ❤️
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h-aobin · 7 months
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seob ☝️
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yyawnjun · 1 month
I've read some wonderful spiderman!idol x reader, but what about spider(wo)man!reader and mingyu is the one obsessed to find out who's the hero is bc once she saved his life
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lobitos · 1 year
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kpop-locks · 7 months
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ p1harmony ; killin it ”♡ᵎ ꒱
killin it
like/reblog | @chinzhilla-edits
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
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kypopkypop · 4 months
My bias list
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Stray Kids: I love them all so much I cant really choose just one so it changes like every other week but if I had to pick one I think Changbin
Borderline ults:
Dreamcatcher: SIYEOOOOON
Ateez: Seonghwa and Jungho
Purple kiss: Swan and Dosie
Baemon: I still dont know they memebers that well but from what Ive seen Rami, Ruka, Asa, and Pharita
P1Harmany: Soul and Jeongseob
Casual stan
Itzy: Ryujin
Txt: Beomgyu
Twice: Sana and Jihyo (was Chaeyoung until the shirt situation)
Red velvet: Seulgi
Gidle: Minnie
I mainly just listen to the music rather than pay attention to the members
Blackpink: Rose
I've: Liz
I practically only like the group because of this one member
NCT: Taeyong
BTS: Yoongi
Enhypen: Jake
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sxxko · 4 months
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saw piwon in nashville last night. so proud of these men and everything they have accomplished and will continue to accomplish as the years go on. best night w amazing people.
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cardboardheartss · 6 months
hii how are you? ^^
can I please request jongseob from p1harmony as a friend? thank you so much <3
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6oP rx, Sun rx, The World, 4oS
Jongseob could possibly not be interested in friends too, and he could possibly try avoid them as much as possible but on the bright side, he’d be a fairly good friend who would like to go out and travel with his friends.
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