butchyeons · 1 month
give and take
jeongmi but make mina a vampire. they have a deal where when mina needs blood, jeongyeon gets to smash. also they love each other but it’ll never get to really happen bc yknow… mina’s dead or whatever. i <3 subby vampires and i esp <3 subby vampire mina! hope y’all enjoy :3
read on ao3
warnings/tags: vampires, vampire sex, light bdsm (i think), handcuffs, strap-ons, blood, blood drinking, light angst
minors dni
Mina was dying.
At least, she certainly felt like she was. As much as an undead person possibly could, anyways.
She almost couldn’t remember the last meal she had. Her head pounded, her body was half limp. She locked herself in her dorm, holing herself up to prevent herself from jumping on the next person she saw. Her fangs angrily protruded from her gums as she laid in her bed, tossing and turning, trying to fight off the voice of her vampiric side screaming at her to feed.
She doesn’t often let this happen- but she’s been busy. It’s the end of the year, and her classes were piling up. She hadn’t had time to go hunting, instead being forced to finish her homework and study for her finals. And right now she was too scared to ask anyone for help- she messed up with Sana, and even though Sana assured her it was fine, she didn’t trust herself to reach out to the others.
But she really couldn’t ignore it any longer. She only had one option.
Hesitantly, she pulled her phone out. She opened her messages and scrolled down until she found the exact name she was looking for.
MN 🐧
Hey, are you at your apartment? It’s an emergency.
Almost immediately she received a reply.
JY 🐶
yeah. you ok?
MN 🐧
Hungry. Please, I need your help.
A moment passed before Jeongyeon replied again.
JY 🐶
alright, come over whenever you’re ready.
An hour passed and Mina found herself nearly banging on the door to Jeongyeon’s apartment. After a minute, Jeongyeon answered the door, wordlessly inviting the anxious girl inside. Mina pushed past Jeongyeon, quickly taking her shoes off, before heading directly to Jeongyeon’s bedroom. Jeongyeon couldn’t help but roll her eyes, following behind her. Mina was standing at the end of the bed, her fists balled at her sides, biting her lip between her front teeth. Her fangs were still protracted- a clear sign that the poor girl was hungry, desperate.
Jeongyeon leaned against her doorframe, looking at the vampire with pity.
“A hello would’ve been nice.”
Mina looked up, a sullen expression.
Jeongyeon finally moved into the room, walking over to Mina and cupping her cheek. Mina gulped, almost wanting to shy away from Jeongyeon’s touch. She could practically hear the blood running through the veins in older girl’s arm, could already even smell it.
“You know how this goes, Minari.” Jeongyeon said, her voice low.
“J-Just this once, Jeong… Make it easy, please.” Mina whispered, locking eyes with her friend.
Jeongyeon just tutted, slightly annoyed, running her thumb back and forth against Mina’s cold cheek.
“When’s the last time you fed?” She asked, ignoring Mina’s plea.
“Three days ago.” Mina answered.
Jeongyeon raised her eyebrows. It wasn’t like Mina to go that long without at least a snack- she often frequented the woods on the outskirts of their college, preying on any small animals she could find before she could get a real fix.
“Did something happen?” Jeongyeon asked, genuinely concerned.
Mina mashed her lips together.
“Haven’t had time. But… I fed off of Sana last week and… It got pretty messy.” She answered, looking down at the ground.
Ah. She had scared herself.
“She’s fine.” Mina quickly reassured. “Just… Needs more time to rest.”
It wasn’t the first time Mina had messed up during a feeding. The other girls tried to be gracious and understanding with her, always helped when they could. When she first got turned, they all often volunteered to feed her- until she got too excited and nearly killed Dahyun. None of them really spoke about it, but some of the others became a lot more distant. Dahyun was hardly ever around, and Tzuyu and Chaeyoung started to avoid her like the plague. It caused a rift, and it ruined Mina for months.
Jeongyeon knew how badly it ate at her friend. Mina was sweet, caring, and shy. She took things a lot harder than the others. It was unfortunate that out of everyone in their friend group, she ended up being the one to get turned.
However, Jeongyeon used the opportunity to set up a deal with her. Mina would feed, so long as Jeongyeon could have her way with her. There was a boundary set that made sure Jeongyeon was always safe. And really, she always had a soft spot for Mina- feelings that were much deeper than just platonic. Their deal was unfortunately the only way Jeongyeon could ever be with Mina like that now that she was a vampire. Jeongyeon loved her dearly, always had, but the two of them could never really be together now.
But, despite Mina feeling the same way, she only typically resorted to Jeongyeon if all else had failed because she knew the older girl was not letting her get her way so easily.
“Did you ask the others?” Jeongyeon asked as she stepped away, moving to her closet and squatting down to search for something.
Mina hummed.
“No. I… I don’t know if I can trust myself with them right now.” She replied.
Jeongyeon looked back over her shoulder as she rifled through some of the boxes on the floor, her expression curious.
“And what makes me any different?” She asked, finally grabbing the box she was looking for.
Mina stepped over towards her. She opened her mouth and closed it a few times, her fangs glistening in the light. She took a deep breath before answering.
“Because you’re the one in control.”
Jeongyeon smirked as she stood back up, holding the box in her hands. She moved back over to the bed, setting it down and taking the lid off. Inside was her collection of toys- several dildos of all different shapes and sizes, a few vibrators, a blindfold, handcuffs, and most importantly, her harness.
“Pick the one you want, and I’ll give you a taste.” Jeongyeon said bluntly.
Mina nodded reluctantly. She knew this was inevitable. Where everyone else let her freely feed, sometimes a bit too freely, Jeongyeon was different. She had to be the one in charge, the one who took and gave. Secretly, Mina loved it- Jeongyeon’s blood was to die for, sweet but not overwhelming. And Jeongyeon was… well, an amazing lover, to say the least.
But right now, at that moment, Mina was desperate- she was starving.
And still Jeongyeon seemingly couldn’t care less. If Mina took from her, she would take something right back- that’s how it always went. It kept Mina in check, prevented her from going too far. It was good, Mina told herself, to have someone else in control for once. It helped her not think so much about everything. Sure, she needed to feed- and soon. But… she really needed to be brainless and broken more than anything else. It was good to have someone take care of her for a bit, to use her.
Mina walked over to the bed, looking down at her options. She eyed the different toys before settling on one of the… tamer ones, a smaller purple dildo- around 6 inches- that only slightly curved up towards the end. Jeongyeon chuckled.
“You sure you don’t want your favorite?” She teased, eyeing the one Mina normally asked for- the thick, 8 inch realistic one that matched Jeongyeon’s skin tone a bit too perfectly.
Mina pursed her lips the best she could, her fangs digging in slightly. She shook her head.
“Not tonight…”
Jeongyeon hummed and nodded. She grabbed the toy, her harness, and, much to Mina’s dismay, the handcuffs. Mina pouted.
“Really?” She asked.
Jeongyeon smirked.
“I can’t remember the last time you’ve been this desperate, Minari.” She replied, moving to return the box to its proper home in the closet. “At least let me have some fun.”
Mina rolled her eyes as Jeongyeon walked back, trying to ignore how her body was practically screaming at her with hunger. It was taking everything in her to not jump on the older girl, to sink her fangs directly into Jeongyeon’s neck and just take it-
Jeongyeon held up her wrist to Mina.
“Go on, baby. I promised you a taste.”
Mina moves slightly closer, shakily taking Jeongyeon’s forearm in her hands. She looks up at the other girl, her expression asking if it was okay. Jeongyeon just nods, moving her wrist slightly closer to Mina’s face. Mina practically salivates as she stares at the most prominent vein on Jeongyeon’s wrist. She needed this so badly, her head nearly spun.
She kept her eyes locked on Jeongyeon’s as she pulled her wrist towards her mouth. Gently, she pressed her fangs against Jeongyeon’s skin, still hesitant. Jeongyeon only looked back and nodded, smiling softly.
“I trust you, Minari.”
No matter how rough Jeongyeon was going to be with her after this, and as much as she wanted to show she didn’t care, she was still Mina’s big softie.
Gently, Mina sunk her fangs down, breaking the skin of Jeongyeon’s wrist. Jeongyeon’s breath hitched, her eyes fluttering closed. Mina began to feed, still doing her absolute best to contain herself, as she drank Jeongyeon’s sweet blood directly from the source. Mina couldn’t help the groan that escaped her throat, her hunger finally somewhat satiated. Jeongyeon hummed, her eyes still closed.
“Do I taste good?” She asked, a smirk on her lips.
Mina rolled her eyes- of course Jeongyeon was using the opportunity to stroke her ego- but did her best to nod, not wanting to jostle her fangs too much and cause Jeongyeon any serious pain. She felt like she was in heaven, her eyes finally closing as she sucked away. Her body relaxed, and her mind started to get foggy- almost as if she was drunk on Jeongyeon’s blood.
But right as she was just starting to feel better, Jeongyeon pulled her wrist away. Mina’s eyes flew open, and she let out a whine. Quickly, Jeongyeon’s other hand met her throat, squeezing tight enough to cut off her air.
“You’ve had more than enough, Minari. It’s time for you to hold up your end of the deal.”
Mina whimpered, her head fuzzy from the lack of oxygen mixed with the euphoria of getting to feed. Jeongyeon loosened her grip, and Mina gasped for air. Jeongyeon moved her hand away, cupping her cheek. Her thumb swiped across Mina’s now blood-stained lips before dipping inside. Mina eagerly sucked, running her tongue across the tip of it. Jeongyeon huffed, amused.
“So desperate, baby. You’re so easy to work up.”
Mina just nodded weakly. Her legs felt wobbly, and her head was nearly spinning. She was still hungry, especially now that she could smell the blood that was dripping from Jeongyeon’s wrist. But a part of her dripped too- she could feel the arousal that pooled at her core, the wetness even more apparent when she shifted her weight onto her other leg. She let out a small whine, finally releasing Jeongyeon’s thumb.
“P-Please, Jeongyeon. Need you. Need all of you.” She whimpered out.
Jeongyeon smirked.
“Get on the bed.”
Quickly Mina complied. Both of them undressed, Mina haphazardly tossing her clothes to the side as she crawled onto the bed. She sat and watched as Jeongyeon took her time, deliberately prolonging Mina’s wait. Mina fidgeted as she watched Jeongyeon’s little show- her mind completely enthralled by it all. After what felt like an eternity, Jeongyeon finally pulled her shirt and sports bra over her head, leaving herself in just her underwear. But those, too, were removed as she stepped into her harness and pulled it up. She walked over to the bed and grabbed the handcuffs first. Mina whined as Jeongyeon moved to stand beside her.
“Do we really have to do this?” She asked, her voice meek.
Jeongyeon reached her hand out for Mina’s wrist. Mina complied, pouting as Jeongyeon attached one of the cuffs to her hand and the other to one of the metal poles of the headboard. Jeongyeon leaned down, her mouth close to Mina’s ear.
“I can tell that the moment I let my guard down, you’d devour me.” She whispered, her voice low. “I know that once we get started, you’ll get more frenzied. And although I trust you, it’s just a precaution.”
Jeongyeon grinned.
“Plus you look hot like this.”
Mina blushed and pouted, feeling a little embarrassed as she looked down.
Jeongyeon leaned in and pressed a kiss to the side of Mina’s head.
“You can have as much as you need once I finish, I promise.” She whispered.
Mina nodded, smiling weakly.
“Usually I’m too tired after you’re done with me, anyways…”
Jeongyeon chuckled.
“That’s kinda the whole point, Minari.”
Jeongyeon gave Mina another kiss before she leaned back up. She gave her wrist to Mina again, letting the vampire have a last few licks- Jeongyeon was mean but not mean enough to make Mina pass out from hunger- before she moved to settle between Mina’s legs. Mina parted them immediately, a blush creeping up on her pale cheeks as Jeongyeon examined her. The human propped herself up on one arm, using her other hand to gently run her fingers through Mina’s slick folds. The vampire couldn’t help but let out a whimper as she felt Jeongyeon’s index finger circling her clit.
“So wet for me already.” Jeongyeon cooed. She moved to lay down, her face hovering right above Mina’s core. “I need a taste.”
Mina whimpered but nodded eagerly, her eyes squeezed shut. Jeongyeon pressed a kiss to her mound before moving down, licking a broad stripe before sucking Mina’s clit into her mouth. The vampire moaned, her head rolling onto her shoulder. She nearly bit at her own skin, unable to hold back the sounds she made as Jeongyeon worked at her.
If Mina’s head wasn’t swimming before, it certainly was now. Between the sensation of Jeongyeon between her legs, her hunger, and the smell of Jeongyeon’s blood, she felt absolutely ravenous. It was torture in the best way possible.
“Jeongyeonie…” Mina groaned out. “Need you… Please…”
Jeongyeon looked up, her lips still attached to Mina’s clit. She pulled away for a moment, replacing her lips with a finger, lightly rubbing over the bundle of nerves- the pressure was too light for Mina to get off, but enough to tease her. Mina hissed, which made Jeongyeon chuckle.
“Need me to do what?” She asked coyly. “Use your words, baby.”
Mina whimpered, baring her fangs.
“Need to drink…”
Jeongyeon hummed, taking her fingers away. Mina let out a whine, but Jeongyeon shifted up onto her knees. Mina looked at her frustratedly, but something darker flashed across Jeongyeon’s face. Without a word, she held up the wrist that Mina had bitten, right in front of Mina’s face but just out of reach.
Mina’s breath hitched. She began to salivate instinctively, her pupils blown wide. She pulled at her restraint- her body was too weak to break free, and Jeongyeon knew that. Jeongyeon was toying with her.
“Need this?” Jeongyeon asked, smirking.
Mina hissed, unable to reply as her instincts fully took over. Jeongyeon leaned back, taking her arm away. Mina grunted.
The older girl clicked her tongue, moving away. She got up and grabbed the dildo that Mina had picked out earlier and fastened it to her harness, giving it a few pumps to make sure it would stay. She crawled back onto the bed, pushing Mina’s legs apart with a smirk.
“You can have all of that and more once I’m finished playing with you.”
Mina gritted her teeth and nodded. She knew this was coming, but it didn’t make it any easier. But now on top of being hungry, she was turned on- painfully so. Jeongyeon gently adjusted Mina onto her back, her arm still being held to the headboard by the cuff.
“Is that okay? It doesn’t hurt much, does it?” She asked from above Mina, a worried expression.
Mina rolled her eyes and smiled. Jeongyeon really couldn’t keep up the tough act for very long.
“It’s fine, Jeong. Just fuck me so I can eat already.”
Jeongyeon nodded, moving to position herself between Mina’s legs. She rubbed the tip of her strap through Mina’s soaked core, earning a moan from the vampire. After teasing her a bit more, Jeongyeon gave in, finally sliding into Mina’s dripping hole. Mina let out a breathy moan, her jaw hanging slack. Jeongyeon plants her hands on either side of Mina’s shoulders before she bucks her hips, earning another moan.
“So fucking tight, Minari.” Jeongyeon whispers from above her. “Such a good girl for me.”
Mina bites her lip hard enough for her fangs to nearly break the skin. Her eyes have squeezed shut, her body trembling. She nods eagerly.
“J-Just for you, only you, Jeongyeon.”
The older girl lets out an amused huff, smiling down at the vampire.
“And so easy to break.”
She finally begins to thrust, moving at a pace she knows is agonizing for Mina- it’s pleasurable but it’s just not enough, and Mina needs more. She bends down and takes one of Mina’s nipples into her mouth, swirling her tongue around before biting gently.
Mina is truly beside herself at this point, all sense of shame out the window. She writhed around, the pleasure too much but not enough at the same time. Her hunger was insatiable- she could still smell Jeongyeon’s blood. Her fingers dug into the bedsheets as Jeongyeon switches to her other breast, repeating her actions, causing a hiss to rip itself from Mina’s throat. Her mind is practically gone, her vampiric instincts fighting to take over, screaming at her to just take it- to absolutely ravage Jeongyeon. She pulls against her handcuff again, but it’s useless- she’s trapped.
She’s brought back down to earth at a particularly rough thrust. Jeongyeon had propped herself back up on her hands, giving herself a better angle to work with. She rolled her hips roughly, causing Mina to moan out. She could feel Jeongyeon everywhere- her strap pressing directly against her most sensitive spot over and over. She gripped at the handcuff around her wrist, a tight coil in her stomach.
“Jeongyeon… I’m gonna-“
She couldn’t even finish her sentence before one last thrust directly against her g-spot sent her over the edge. But even though Mina wasn’t finished, Jeongyeon didn’t slow down.
“W-Wait-“ Mina tried to warn, her body trembling from overstimulation.
Jeongyeon clicked her tongue.
“I want two more.”
Mina whimpered, her body going limp as Jeongyeon continued to fuck her- to use her. Mina really couldn’t complain- after all, she wanted it just as bad as she wanted Jeongyeon’s blood. The system worked for a reason.
Jeongyeon repositioned herself so that Mina’s legs were over her shoulders, letting her thrusts get even harder, reaching impossibly deeper. Mina let herself go completely limp, the pleasure of it all overshadowing everything else.
Mina loved their deal. That’s the only thought she had in her now brainless mind.
“Come on baby, I know you can give me another.” Jeongyeon teased as she moved her hand down to rub at Mina’s clit.
Mina whimpered out, her hole clenching tightly around Jeongyeon’s strap. Her instincts kicked back in for a moment, and she tugged harshly at the handcuffs, hissing and baring her fangs. She was just so desperate- to finish and to feed. Jeongyeon didn’t care, continuing to pound into her at an animalistic pace, nearly pinching Mina’s clit between her knuckles. The vampire’s eyes screwed shut, and she moaned brokenly.
After a bit more, Mina’s second orgasm hit, and she writhed under Jeongyeon. Jeongyeon finally let her have a break, slowing down to a halt, her strap still buried deep inside the vampire. Jeongyeon adjusted Mina again, letting Mina’s legs fall back down and wrap around her waist, before leaning down so her face was above Mina’s.
“You look so pretty when you’re all fucked out, Minari.”
Mina finally opened her eyes, looking up at the smiling girl above her. Although Jeongyeon was sadistic, to say the least, she was still so… Jeongyeon. She was still so sweet despite what she wanted everyone else to think. Mina weakly reached her hand up to cup Jeongyeon’s cheek.
“Only for you.” She whispered. “No one else gets to do this to me. Just you, Jeongyeonie.”
This was the only real way the two of them could ever be together. They both knew it, accepted it a long time ago. But even in the middle of their roughest scenes, both of them couldn’t help but indulge in some of the softer things they both craved.
Jeongyeon leaned down and gently pressed her lips against Mina’s. Mina did her best to kiss back with her fangs getting in the way, but the kiss was soft, gentle. Both of them were savoring it. After a bit longer, Jeongyeon pulled away, breathless. Her cheeks were bright red, and Mina giggled softly at the sight.
“So cute.” She teased.
“Stop it…” Jeongyeon said, looking away with a pout.
“Can’t help it.” Mina took Jeongyeon’s chin in her hand and pulled her back to make eye contact. “The cutest girl I’ve never seen.”
Jeongyeon’s pout melted.
“I love you, Mina.” She whispered.
Mina smiled.
“I love you too, Jeongyeonie.”
Jeongyeon moved back down for another brief kiss. She shifted herself back up, pressing her hips firmly against Mina, reminding the vampire of the strap that was still nestled so deeply inside her. Mina let out a breathless whimper.
“One more.” Jeongyeon reminded. “For me, baby.”
Mina nodded eagerly. Jeongyeon took off again, fucking her deeply. Mina couldn’t help but bring her hand to the back of Jeongyeon’s neck, pulling the older girl in for a kiss. It was rough, and sloppy, Mina’s fangs nearly ripping Jeongyeon’s lips open- but it was perfect.
Shortly afterwards, Mina came one final time with Jeongyeon gently fucking her through it. After she relaxed, Jeongyeon pulled out, ridding herself of her harness before finally taking the handcuffs off Mina. Jeongyeon adjusted both of them so that Mina laid on her chest. They laid there together for a bit, just enjoying the moment with each other.
Mina was satiated by then. Her frenzy had gone away, but she still needed something. Her body was weak, but not in a good way. She slowly rose to look up at Jeongyeon.
“Jeong… Please…” She whimpered.
Jeongyeon reached up to swipe her thumb across Mina’s bottom lip.
“I know. Let me help.”
The two of them shifted around so that Mina was lying against the headboard among the pillows. She pulled Jeongyeon’s back against her front, wrapping her arms around the older girl’s waist. She pressed her nose into Jeongyeon’s neck, inhaling deeply- Jeongyeon’s blood smelled just as good as it tasted. She ran her tongue along the skin, causing Jeongyeon to shudder.
“Mina...” Jeongyeon whimpered.
Mina only nuzzled into Jeongyeon’s neck further.
“Shhh… Let me have this.” Mina spoke softly. “I never get to be with you like this anymore…”
Jeongyeon moved her head to the side, baring her neck to Mina. She closed her eyes and frowned, although Mina couldn’t see, her brows furrowed.
“I’m sorry, Mina. I wish things were different.”
Mina frowned too. She accepted a long time ago that her and Jeongyeon just weren’t meant to be.
“It’s okay. I’m happy I still get to have you sometimes, even if it’s just… Temporary.”
She grazed her fangs against Jeongyeon’s neck, earning another shudder. She paused, ready to sink them in, and looked up. Jeongyeon’s eyes were closed, but she nodded, giving Mina permission. At that, Mina sunk her fangs in, breaking the skin.
Jeongyeon nearly moaned, biting her bottom lip to hold the sound in. She could feel her body heating up at the sensation of Mina feeding from her- the feeling of the vampire’s lips and tongue on her sending a wave of pleasure straight to her core. Jeongyeon grabbed at the sheets, trying to ground herself, but it was no use. It felt so good when Mina drank from her. She couldn’t focus on anything other than the need between her thighs, how she was practically dripping onto the sheets.
Jeongyeon pressed her thighs together, letting out a tiny sound as her head got fuzzy- both from the blood loss and from just how turned on she was. The feeling, she guessed, was like being high. She almost never wanted it to end.
Mina continued to drink blissfully- her body had already long calmed down, and at this point she was just hungry. Jeongyeon’s blood was so delicious to her, and she nearly got lost in the moment when she registered a whimper from the older girl. Mina looked up, noticing the way Jeongyeon bit her lower lip. She could feel Jeongyeon’s body tensing, and her eyes trailed downwards- Jeongyeon was touching herself.
Mina couldn’t help but smirk. She moved one of her hands down from Jeongyeon’s waist, swatting away the other girl’s hand and replacing it with her own. Jeongyeon groaned, her head rolling back as Mina began to rub tight circles into her clit.
“Mina…” Jeongyeon groaned out, her voice deep.
Mina couldn’t really reply with her fangs still in Jeongyeon’s neck. She just hummed, applying more pressure to her movements as she drank. She knew Jeongyeon was already close based on how her body twitched, how warm she had gotten. Her jaw was locked tightly, her teeth gritted together as she made tiny noises of pleasure.
Mina loved it- she loved being able to have Jeongyeon just as needy as she was earlier. As much as Jeongyeon got to take from her, she could take right back. She knew she was the only one who got to do this to her- no one else got to see Jeongyeon a whimpering, needy mess but her. A major perk of their system, indeed.
After a bit longer, Mina finally finished and pulled off, feeling significantly better. She laved her tongue over the wounds on Jeongyeon’s neck, sealing them up. Jeongyeon whimpered brokenly beside her.
“Mina- Please… Harder…”
Mina wordlessly obliged, adding more pressure against Jeongyeon’s clit. And with a few more passes of her fingers across it, Jeongyeon came undone, whimpering as her orgasm washed through her. Mina pressed a few kisses to Jeongyeon’s jaw as she helped her through it, gently rubbing until Jeongyeon pushed her hand away. Mina helped Jeongyeon lay down on her back, the older girl nearly panting.
“Do you feel okay? Did I take too much?” Mina asked, worried.
Jeongyeon’s eyes were closed, her face scrunched up.
“Jus’ dizzy…” She replied. “Feels good, though…”
Mina leaned down to kiss her cheek, forgetting that her mouth was covered in blood. She accidentally smeared some on Jeongyeon’s cheek, and moved to rub it off with her finger. Jeongyeon whined.
“Did it get on me?”
“Yeah, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay…”
Jeongyeon was half asleep at this point. Mina took that as her queue to leave. She gently got up from the bed and went to gather her clothes.
“What are you doing?” Jeongyeon asked.
Mina turned to look over at Jeongyeon, who was now propped up on one arm, a frown on her face.
“I…” Mina answered, her voice trailing off. “I’ll be going.”
Jeongyeon’s frown deepened.
“Stay…” She pleaded. “Please.”
Mina smiled softly. She just couldn’t resist her Jeongyeonie. She dropped her clothes and crawled into the bed with Jeongyeon, pulling the other girl on top of her. Jeongyeon latched onto her side, throwing her arm and leg across Mina, pinning the vampire down. Mina couldn’t help but laugh.
“Somebody’s needy…”
Jeongyeon whined.
“I missed you.”
Mina pressed a kiss to the top of Jeongyeon’s head.
“I missed you too. I think I always do.”
Both of them laid in silence. After a bit, Jeongyeon drifted off. Mina didn’t need to sleep anymore, so she stared at the ceiling, letting her mind wander. She can’t help but wonder what her and Jeongyeon could have been if she wasn’t turned. Even though they weren’t as close anymore, she still had so much love for her. Jeongyeon was always the sweetest to her, always took care of her. They could go for weeks without speaking but go back like nothing happened. She couldn’t remember the last time they got to see each other before then, but here they were, cuddled close as if they really were partners.
Deep down, a greedy part of her wanted to turn Jeongyeon. To have Jeongyeon to herself completely. But she really wouldn’t wish this on her worst enemy- she could never do that to Jeongyeon.
For now, she decides, this is enough. Their system is enough. Jeongyeon clinging to her for dear life while she sleeps after they both ruined each other is enough. Getting to hold her and taste her every once in a while is enough.
She wonders if Jeongyeon felt the same.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Jeongyeon shifting slightly. Mina could get a clear view of the sleeping girl’s face, all relaxed. She couldn’t help but smile.
“I love you, Jeongyeonie.” She whispered.
There was a moment of silence. Mina closed her eyes.
“Love you too, Minari.” Jeongyeon answered.
That would always be enough.
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otwicepairing · 9 months
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just jeongmi enjoying TWICE's remix/∞
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arjyles · 8 months
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jeongmi nation where are u …
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maluyoongi · 10 months
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título: What Is Love? data: 26 de agosto de 2023 programa: ibis paint x feita para: @shibuinni3 link: 🪩
título: Flores De Kim data: 26 de agosto de 2023 programa: ibis paint x feita para: @shibuinni3 link: 💐
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alcoholfreenayeon · 9 months
Can i request some JeongMi relationship hcs? swf and nsfw plss<3
JeongMi HCs
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They were a surprisingly good match for each other. Both being helpful, kind, somewhat serious and a little mischievous.
It was actually Mina who asked Jeongyeon out. Even though Mina prefers to be the one being approached, she just wanted Jeongyeon really bad and went to those lengths to make sure she was hers,
Jeongyeon was rather pleasantly surprised by it. She was generally used to approaching people first but when her crush asked her out it was a no brainer for her to say yes.
The girls don’t always express their feelings through touch but more often do it through words or actions. Mina likes to write small letters and do little things like giving shoulder or leg massages when Jeongyeon is tired.
Jeongyeon in a similar fashion, likes to tell Mina how grateful she is for her and how much she appreciates her. She also likes to cook food for her or give her little gifts.
They like to visit cold places since they prefer the colder weather.
Sometimes Jeongyeon plays little pranks on Mina.
While they express their feelings in a similar manner for positive things, they also end up doing it similarly for negative things. Like they both end up staying quiet if they sense the conversation leading towards an argument since they really don’t like to fight.
Jeongyeon doesn’t usually take many pictures of herself but the fact that she’s often eager to take pictures of herself and Mina speaks volumes of how much she adores her.
Mina sometimes wonders if it’s better for their relationship if one of them is more expressive physically so she often hints that she’d like to be kissed or hugged or held hoping Jeongyeon realizes the signs since she feels too shy to take the initiative herself.
Mina is actually more dominant but prefers to be the bottom one. Jeongyeon occasionally takes charge and likes to spoil her girlfriend regardless of who’s the top.
Mina loves to taste Jeongyeon. She loves eating her out and she’s really good with her tongue. Making a mess of Jeongyeon within minutes.
After an argument the best way for them making up is by making the other girl cum her brains out.
They often whisper dirty jokes or thoughts to each other.
Both girls can be quite diverse in bed with both being quite easily very bratty, dominant, submissive etc.
Jeongyeon is deceptively good at both fingering and eating out. Her technique might not seem very efficient at the start but it’s completely intentional so there is a long build up before she goes all in to suddenly overload the pleasure and cause Mina to orgasm quite intensely
They role play on special occasions and enjoy it quite a lot.
Jeongyeon was quite surprised to find out that the elegant, shy and sweet Mina would become demanding of rough treatment towards her but she found it quite hit after the initial shock.
This led to Jeongyeon discovering that she has a degradation kink and she soon began to become quite good at it.
Jeongyeon is the one who dresses up more often but that effort doesn’t always get appreciated completely since sometimes Mina is too eager to tear it off her.
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jeongpride · 9 months
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matching icons jeongmi
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knightyoomyoui · 1 year
JeongMi (Jeongyeon x Mina) - "Wallflower"
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I'm back! I just want to say that starting from this, most of my one-shot works would have only a 2k–3k word limit, or should I say... It's going to be shorter, unlike before, when I could exceed 5,000 plus BUT I could still make it longer if i get so invested on coming up ideas to add on the story. I apologize for that. I'm just really busy these days because I'm starting to look for ways to earn my own income, which I can use to help myself and my family's needs, while also focusing on my studies because I'm officially going to be a sophomore this coming Monday.  I'm not going to have much time to write new plots, but of course, if I have the energy and free time to do so, then I will definitely do it! Wish me luck, guys!
Since I mentioned that I'm looking for a way to earn money, I will be using this hobby of mine, which is writing stories, so feel free to support me further by donating to my Ko-Fi account! Thank you so much, and have fun reading!
DROP YOUR DONATIONS HERE! ---> https://ko-fi.com/knightyoomyoui
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"Ohhh is that so?"
"Aww thank you."
"I appreciate your kind words."
Behind those words, the department head manager of TDOONG Creative Team, Yoo Jeongyeon, is trying her utmost best to handle her irritation with all the attention she has been getting ever since she stepped foot in this crowded room full of people who just want to have fun like her.
However, what Jeongyeon has been encountering so far makes it seem to drain her enjoyment to look forward to this particular event she attended.
She completely understood that it's pretty normal for people to approach and interact with her; all she has to do is respond and entertain them back. Sure, she may be an extrovert, but everything has its own limits, and that could apply to what Jeongyeon is referring to.
Especially when most of the reason why she's feeling this way is because she only gathers interest from people not to get to know her as who she is as a person, but rather only focusing on her exceptional beauty that would easily pass on the standard of being a fashion model if only she didn't take this route of putting herself in where she is right now, as one of the leaders of a top-ranking company.
Jeongyeon took a sip of her orange juice and roamed her eyes around. She had a glance at another man who seemed less attractive than the previous ones she faced with, who were also pretty, to be honest.
Quickly directing her eyes away and pretending that she wasn't aware of this man's incoming presence, she finds a place in the room where she can settle herself away from the crowd so that she can avoid hearing another unamusing, weak flirt and random stuff to listen to.
Jeongyeon saw a vacant seat near the corner and walked through it, but not until she observed something that halted her steps.
There was a table with only one occupant; only the empty chairs and her food were the only things that were with that person.
She recognized instantly that the woman sitting alone at the table was the most creative and smartest member of her team, named Myoui Mina.
Jeongyeon changed her mind, feeling pity for this lady, and she could see through her face that she's also holding her patience to make herself worth having her time around here.
She walked through Mina's spot and snatched an empty chair, startling her co-worker.
"Mind if I seat?"
"S-sunbaenim?" Mina looked at her in disbelief. She glanced away before silently accepting her excuse.
Jeongyeon grinned and nodded. She sat on the chair beside Mina, looking at the direction where Mina is watching through.
"So... what's the best talent of the division doing here all by herself?" She initiated a conversation first.
"I-I'm not really used at this thing, s-sunbae." Mina shyly answered.
"Then why did you attend?" Jeongyeon asked. She saw the guilt expression of Mina and quickly repeats to dodge any offensive remarks.
"Don't get me wrong, please. I was just curious why did you come if being in a party isn't the one you are used to be in?"
"Well... I learned that all of us in the team would be attending the party. I was suppose to decline it before I discovered that so... I had no choice but to change since I-I don't want to embarass myself for being absent and our team for being incomplete." Mina reasoned.
Jeongyeon ahh-ed in realization and snickered afterwards. "You really think of that, Mina? C'mon, it's not a big deal, okay? This is not even mandatory; it was just our way to celebrate the company's improvement in the ranks," she assured her. "There's this one called 'excuse letter', right? Why didn't you just create one and send it to me? I would've granted it."
Mina didn't respond in return. She knew that Jeongyeon was completely making sense, so she has nothing more to say about that.
"Where are your colleagues?"
"I'm looking at them."
Jeongyeon joined where Mina is looking at and there they are, dancing enthusiastically into the music being played by the DJ.
She clicked her tongue and relaxed her posture on the chair. Out of curiosity, Jeongyeon questioned Mina again who continued eating her carbonara on the plate.
"Aren't you getting bored of being alone?"
Mina shook her head. She spoke after swallowing the food. "No, Sunbaenim. I actually do prefer to be left alone. I'm more comfortable just living and moving on my own, you know? I just love being free and not forcing myself."
"But do you have any chance... have a desire to feel like you belong with others?"
Mina fell silent again; she only stared at Jeongyeon, and her lips formed into a frown. "Yeah, but I find it hard to do so, knowing how I struggle with being socially confident."
Jeongyeon then remembers how she always sees Mina quiet and pure working around the office, and at first she thought it was just part of her professionalism, but now it has been clarified that Mina is just acting as herself all this time.
To be honest, Jeongyeon would agree that it fits Mina's personality. Pure, kind, elegant, and tender. That's what she gets when it comes to knowing Mina as her co-worker and an acquaintance.
But from what she can see of Mina's way of talking, she actually does find the woman very nice to communicate with. That prompted Jeongyeon to attempt going further with this newfound connection that they have together.
"It may not be a full sympathy that I could give to you because we are still different, but... I do kind of feel what you've been experiencing so far, and wow, it feels strange at all." Jeongyeon shrugged. "I also wanted to be left alone, get separated from this crowd. I just noticed that their way of approaching me wasn't that very sincere at all. It was like they were just using the opportunity to step close to me and admire my beauty instead."
She looks at Mina, who is watching her talk while listening. "How can you stand being alone? How could anybody be fine with seeing somebody getting left behind or being noticed only for advantage?"
Mina and Jeongyeon both sighed at their similar concerns. Mina finds it surprising that for once, there was somebody who was able to bravely express all of her struggles and share the same as what she has been going through, especially coming from someone she didn't expect to be.
At first, Mina thought that she and Jeongyeon were apart from each other. Thanks to this moment, she discovered that people do actually still have something in common, despite how visible it may be for others to describe their qualities that might differ from the rest.
This night, she learned that Jeongyeon and she were the same.
"You don't deserve to be treated that way, Sunbaenim. They don't appreciate you for being a great leader and an employee of this company we're working at. All of your hard work must've felt like it still meant something when most of the people around you could only remember you for being beautiful.
I mean, being pretty wasn't that bad, and you are beautiful, Sunbaenim. I could say it is a gift, but... Couldn't people just praise more on other things that are worth acknowledging?
If only I could just talk to you sooner and thank you for doing a great job every day, I wouldn't hesitate to do it, Sunbaenim. I would do it myself."
Jeongyeon was stunned at Mina's remark. She clearly wasn't expecting Mina to go on a rant because of the unfair treatment that Jeongyeon is receiving, and for once, there was never a person who would spat it out loud in front of her face that she deserves better for many reasons other than Mina herself.
They are simply unbelievable, aren't they?
Mina slowly lost her courage to stare more at Jeongyeon, who became silent after that long speech she just released. "U-uhm... did I say too much? I'm so sorry."
"Wow Mina that was.... that was very thoughtful of you." Jeongyeon sheepishly smiled, blushing. "T-thank you, really. And I could say the same for you, Mina. You deserve better too and... you're also beautiful."
"Everybody does." Mina corrected. Both of them nodded in approval. Just then, Mina's eyes largened when she lately discovered something. "W-wait... w-what did you say at the end?"
"Uhh that you are also pretty, Mina? Why?"
"Uhm... did I really went that far on my-agh..." Mina shook her head rapidly and looked away at Jeongyeon again in embarassment. "I'm really sorry, sunbaenim. I should watch m-"
"No, stop. Mina, don't worry. Why are you so scared about? I liked it." Jeongyeon chuckled and massaged Mina's shoulder. "That was probably the most sincere compliment I ever got than everybody who tries to make a move on me."
Mina shuddered at Jeongyeon's touch and the other meaning she could think of from what she said. Her face starts to go red in flush but she tries to hold it in to avoid acting weirder near Jeongyeon.
"Hey, since both of us are here and nobody is trying to interrupt us more, why don't we just talk more about anything?" Jeongyeon offered.
And so did they. They talked after an hour, and Jeongyeon was relieved that Mina was starting to become brave and comfortable by her side. It was absolutely surprising that Mina is actually a great person to spend time talking with, noting that not only is she so gentle with her way of speaking but also that melodic soft voice that she has, which makes her more enticing to listen to.
When the DJ alerted everyone that it was time to dance, people started to gather around and find their partner. Jeongyeon refuses any invitation because of what she's going to do next.
"Mina, would you like to try to join me for a dance?"
Mina was astounded. She looked at Jeongyeon's free hand, pointing at her, just waiting for her response. "But I'm not a good dancer, Sunbae. People might look at me."
"Just disregard them, Mina. We're here to have fun, not to mind them of whatever they think. Who cares, they even look stupid, and I'm not even a good dancer too?" Jeongyeon recommended. "It's going to be alright, Mina."
Mina loosened her hesitation as her hand slowly grabs to Jeongyeon's hand and let herself get pulled carefully by Jeongyeon as they head into the dance floor.
At the circle, people had their eyes set on Jeongyeon and Mina dancing. Jeongyeon felt Mina being tensed and she easily calms the woman by pretending that nobody exists around them and it's just them in their own world having fun.
She turned Mina's head to make her eyes look directly at her as they synchronized their move, now it's just them focusing only at each other.
It did helped and it resulted as they were expecting it to be. After the dance, Jeongyeon and Mina heads back to their table and rested for a while before Jeongyeon spoke again.
"Hey, Mina. Would you like to go out with me somewhere?"
"We're leaving now?"
"It's okay if you want to stay here. I just want to get out here and be in a more relaxing place to spend the night away. I just asked you if you want to come with me because I thought you would needed it too."
Mina smiled at Jeongyeon's generosity. "Okay, I'll join you."
"Great, let's go. I'll take you to my favorite place to go to."
The employees were sad that Jeongyeon left and started to wonder why is she with Mina.
Both of them head to Han River where they bought streetfoods and sat together at a bench to eat and watch the river while talking along in a fine cold night air.
They went into some topics whether about work, personal life or anything else. A bit flexible than the previous they had earlier which was effectively impressed and intrigued each of them in their own stories.
That is, until Jeongyeon inserted this question that got her curious out of nowhere.
"So, Mina... do you find someone likeable in our workplace?"
Mina flinched, not expecting Jeongyeon that would ask such a daring and intense question like that.
She went extremely shy, directing her gaze away from Jeongyeon as her face went pale and cheeks puffed to contain herself.
"I-i don't." Mina stuttered.
"Oh really? I thought you'll have one." Jeongyeon chuckled. "Or... you just don't want to say it to me." she joked.
She forwarded her face beside Mina who is lowering her head and glancing only at the ground.
Mina heard that and her body trembles more in fear and panic. She quickly shook her head and muttered "No, I really don't have one." repeatedly.
"Hmm... okay." Jeongyeon nodded, pursing her lips. "We're the same then."
As they continue to walk through the shore of the river Jeongyeon finds Mina being strangely quiet.
She deduces that it must be due to what they talked about, so Jeongyeon wanted to clear up the suffocating tension between them.
"Mina, you good?"
"Y-yeah, why?" She responded, turning her head at Jeong.
"Nothing. I just feel like I ruined your mood because of what I asked earlier." Jeongyeon shook her head. "You've been quiet for minutes now. You don't even look at me when I did that."
Mina was taken aback that Jeongyeon caught that something's wrong with her. She underestimated Jeongyeon's observative skills, which she clearly got from being the team's leader, and how lame she was for that.
Jeongyeon gripped Mina's wrist and drew her attention, alerting the latter as her eyes sprung up when her eyes met Jeongyeon's deep and serious stares.
"If I crossed the line, Mina, I'm sorry. I just want us to know more about ourselves." Jeongyeon slightly bowed. "I just want to be your friend."
Mina felt sorry for Jeongyeon because she made her apologize for something she didn't do wrong. She is confused about what she should do to disregard Jeongyeon's apology.
"No, Sunbae, you don't have to." Mina patted Jeongyeon's shoulder and shook her hand in refusal. "The blame's on me. I didn't mean to overthink you with my weird antics. I guess you would encounter more of it when you're with me."
"I don't mind it." Jeongyeon shrugged. "You don't need to force yourself to change just to keep up with me. Just... be yourself, Mina. I'm one of the many people around this world who understands and values that every person has a different characteristics, and I definitely respect those who are just full of kindness in their manners."
"I want to be your friend because I don't want you to be alone most of the time. A literal friend to say, and for you to approach anytime you want. You can't just get seperated forever, Mina."
Mina softly smiled and her hands locked within theirselves, fingers fiddling as she absrobs all of Jeongyeon's comforting and assuring words.
"Thank you, sunbae-"
"Call me Jeongyeon... only if you would accept me."
Mina went agape as she looks at Jeongyeon pouting and crossing her arm. She looks so cute, as what she said inside her thoughts.
"O-okay. I want to be your friend too, Jeongyeon."
"There you go!" Jeongyeon clapped. "From now on, don't be shy whenever you're with me. Because I will always be here to join and help you with anything as much as I can."
Jeongyeon started to walk as she took the bites and slurps of her ice cream. Five steps away, she noticed that Mina remained standing on her spot, concerned about something.
"Mina? What's wrong?"
She went closer at Mina who is biting her lips, contemplating. "Jeongyeon... would you still really gonna consider yourself to get along with me if..."
She paused, slowly looking at Jeongyeon who is anticipatingly waiting for her next words to come out.
"Just tell me, Mina. I'm all ears to listen."
Mina heaved her chest to breathe out before continuing to speak. "I lied to you."
"What?" Jeongyeon blurted. "Uhh wh-"
"I do like someone in our office. I lied to you." Mina's voice slightly lowers as she prepares herself from what she's about to do next.
"I've been having a crush on her for months. Weeks after I started working at our department, I remember when I accidentally broke my heels and dropped all the documents I'm carrying in my hands.
Our team members looked at me. Maybe they were concerned, maybe some were laughing at my clumsiness. But there's only one out of them who I can really tell immediately that she cared for me."
Jeongyeon went curious at the pronoun 'she', discovering that Mina might be a bisexual or a lesbian which was unexpected.
"I couldn't answer truthfully because... I was just scared wondering what would occure if it got find out that if I say I like someone and the person I'm referring to is...
... is you, Jeongyeon."
Jeongyeon stared at Mina. Suddenly, her memory processed as it threw her back to that time Mina was mentioning. She was right, she was the one who helped Mina and aided her ankle which thankfully didn't got sprained but rather had bruises.
She is completely clueless that it would be the start of Mina admiring her secretly everyday whenever they get to work. She probably had her dark orbs transformed into pinkish hearts in her eyes as she watches her with a soft smile applying compress to Mina's hurt foot.
She probably taking slick glances at Jeongyeon on whatever she might be doing that Mina finds attracting to see or she is being missed throughly by Mina whenever she becomes absent in work.
She started chuckling at her last what if that Mina might be secretly getting jealous of seeing her acting a bit suspicious with other team members or other employees in the company. In addition, now it makes sense why Mina inserted that compliment she got back in the party and that "other reason" she's talking about. Mina attended the party because of Jeongyeon.
Mina furrowed her eyebrows, confused on what Jeongyeon found it funny to her confession. "Wait, seriously? I-it was me, Mina?"
"Y-yeah. Until now." Mina looked away.
Jeongyeon grinned. "Wow. For months, I didn't even know that I have a secret admirer being around me all this time. Impressive."
"So... you think that if you tell me the truth, I might reject you in an instant, run away at you and leave you here freezing in Han River as I delete all of the time we shared tonight in my memory. Is that so?"
"Guess you could say that."
"Well, Mina..." She stepped closer at Mina, now they're inches away from each other. "What if I tell you that I'm not doing any of that."
Jeongyeon forces Mina to look up at her, cupping her chin, causing the introverted lady to blush intensely at her touch. "I appreciate your feelings for me, and so far, the only thing I could say for you is that... you do actually look pretty too, Mina."
"I'm sorry if I can't give you the answer you want to hear yet. I don't want to rush things, so... hey. What if we give it a try?"
Mina was astounded. She didn't expect that Jeongyeon would consider this feeling; she had to willingly check it out and openly make her explore more of it. That only means that Jeongyeon does not care for her... but she has also developed trust in her, and that's very heartwarming, to say the least.
"Yes, I'm giving you the chance, Mina. Show me everything you have, because I'm interested in you too." Jeongyeon smirked. "You wouldn't know; one day, either soon or longer than that, I could finally admit to you that we should take it higher because I'm falling in love with you too."
"I-I will, Jeong. If that's what it takes then I accept it." Mina nodded and smiled. "I just couldn't believe it that this is finally happening. I never thought you would allow me to feel this way."
"You deserve it, Mina. You are highly gorgeous, pure, and elegant if I may describe. And to have this such kind of woman to be in love with me, I would really prefer it to know each others wants and likes. That way, we could know how we should make ourselves happy."
Jeongyeon pulled Mina and wrap her all over in a warm hug. Mina went teary eyes as she comfortably laid her head on Jeongyeon's broad shoulder, glad that the woman who stole her heart would accept her with open arms and freely let her admire more.
With relief, it was a blessing in disguise that she chose to attend the party despite having it against her desire.
Jeongyeon stopped by in front of a flower shop just meters away from her workplace.
She entered and was greeted by the owner, asking her what does she prefer to buy and to whom she is giving it to.
"For my girlfriend, ahjumma."
"Aww look at you, want to make her fall for you more aren't you?" The old lady teases her, making Jeongyeon tightly smile.
"You got me there, ahjumma." She replied.
The old lady introduced Jeongyeon to some of the flowers displayed around the space that would suit as her gift for Jeongyeon to pick.
She wasn't getting invested to most of the flowers- but don't get it as a harsh idea that she didn't like it, those were still pretty but not  the one that suits her- until ahjumma presented to her one of the last remaining flowers she could offer for the handsome looking lady of a customer she has.
"Wallflower?" Jeongyeon reads its name written on the paper pasted on the surface of its container.
"Yes, it came from Southern Europe and as you can see, it has a yellow color but there are other that can have a red, orange, or purple color. It has a sweet smell and this kind of flowers mostly grow in the gardens." The lady describes the background of the plant to Jeongyeon as she checks it by herself. "This is actually a rare flower to consider for a bouquet to give on someone you like but... well, it's beautiful to look at."
"I agree, ahjumma. These looks wonderful."
"But wait, there's also meaning behind that flowers too." The old lady stops her. "The wonders that makes this flower special is that it represents faith, lasting beauty, everlasting love and a bond of affection if you want your relationship with that girl to be strong.
There's actually also this term for wallflower being used to describe people who are shy and possesses introverted personality, as it mostly bring simi-"
"Wait, ahjumma! I'm taking this." Jeongyeon interrupted the old lady, without any intention of disrespect.
"Aigoo... you have yours like that, don't you?" The old lady guessed. Jeongyeon just grinned and blushed.
The old lady brought some wallflowers with her and assembled it into a bouquet on her counter. Jeongyeon excitedly watched her doing it as the image of Mina is what appeared in her mind the more she inspects the bouquet.
"What's her name, if I may ask?"
"Mina. She's Japanese."
"Oh lucky of you, you even got yourself a foreigner." The old lady congratulated her which made them laugh at it.
Before Jeongyeon leaves the shop, she gave an extra payment for the old lady and thanked her so much for the service. The owner gave her one last advice to take as she departs.
"Don't hurt her and love her unconditionally, okay? That girl you have is fragile and pure, don't waste the blessing in your life."
Jeongyeon arrives in the workplace, attracting most of the employees strolling around her with the bouquet she has on her arms.
After leaving the elevator, she went to the Content Creative Team Department section where she got greeted by her members and proceeded by bunch of playful teases at her.
She went to the door that has the namecard plastered with Mina's name on it. Peeking at the window, she saw Mina being focus on managing the papers and working something on her computer at the same time.
Jeongyeon smiled as she admired Mina's adorable expression she makes when she thinks deeply, pressing the ballpen on her chubby cheeks.
She knocked on the door, alerting the woman inside. Jeongyeon turned the knob and opened the door as Mina said "Come in!"
Her eyes largened as she looked at Jeongyeon standing in her office with a cup of Starbucks coffee, a doughnut box and a bouquet of flowers in her arm.
"Good morning, my lovely Minari." Jeongyeon greeted her sweetly.
Mina chuckled and showed her precious gummy smile. "What's all of this? You really went into effort, huh?"
"Of course, it's our special day, so I have to." Jeongyeon hugged Mina and kissed her on the lips. "Happy 2nd month anniversary to us, and also... happy birthday to you, Mina."
"Happy birthday too, and thank you for these, Jeong." Mina kissed Jeongyeon again on the cheeks. She took the bouquet of flowers as Jeongyeon placed the doughnuts and the coffee on her desk.
"What is this flower, Jeong?"
"It's a wallflower, a rare one from overseas," Jeongyeon said. "The old lady told me what it means, and it simply just holds a promise that I want us to be strong together until the end while I devote my love only for you. The name was also a term to call for introverts, and it reminded me of you... with how I met you that started all of this and led us here in this moment, so I decided that this would be perfect."
Mina beamed a bright grin and blushed at Jeongyeon's touching comment. "This is beautiful, Jeong. Thank you so much."
"That's not it. I'm not done yet either. What do you say? Do we go out for dinner after work and celebrate?
Mina nodded in response. She and Jeongyeon embraced and went for another kiss before the lovers returned to being professionals with full motivation to begin complying with their respective tasks to work on today.
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twicetagramjpg · 2 years
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cryingforhyo · 1 month
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title: summer slipped us underneath its tongue fandom: twice pairing: jeongyeon/mina, jeongyeon/jihyo, jihyo/mina, jeongyeon/jihyo/mina summary: jeongyeon and mina are roommates on the beach. jihyo is the tourist crashing on their couch. that's all you need to know (for now). author's note: written for "for the record: disc two - melodrama by lorde" (now playing: the louvre)
“But when I saw you guys, I just thought—Oh, great, I haven’t been picked up by a couple before.” Oh. Jeongyeon goes, “Oh—” just as Mina chimes in with her just as confused, “We’re not—” They halt when they realize they’re talking in unison; Mina stops first, hesitating, while Jeongyeon gestures at her to continue, before: “We’re not a couple—” Mina begins saying, just as Jeongyeon blurts out: “We’re not picking you up.”
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lovelysmulti · 4 months
JEONGMI hits so different 😭 it was like they were a couple once(watch their sixteen & old videos), but it was too suspicious so the staff just focused more on 2yeon and michaeng. Don't get me wrong, 2yeon and michaeng are underrated too.
But with Jeongmi, there's that spark 😫
Notice how playfully Mina becomes when she's around Jeongyeon? And how much attention she pays towards Jeongyeon, noticing her small gestures and sometimes copying what Jeongyeon does🥹
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betweenujb · 5 months
drabble 2
Having the barrel of an old revolver isn’t something that should turn a person on, yet here Mina sat. The sweat on her brow and the way her heart was pounding out of her chest would say that she was scared out of her mind, but the wetness pooling between her naked thighs claimed otherwise.
“… three, two, one.”
Mina faintly registered the voice connected to holder of the revolver moments before the dull thud of the hammer and a click of an empty chamber followed. She let out a stifled breath and swallowed, a smile tugging at her bruised lips.
“You know how this game goes, Mina.”
For the first time in hours, Mina looked up. The hot white light from the single bulb in the room made Jeongyeon’s shadow look angelic despite the bloodied array of weapons laid out neatly behind her.
Mina could only let out a soft chuckle in acknowledgement. Of course she knew the game. She knew exactly what she had signed up for when she got into this mess.
No amount of money or power could have prepared her for the convoluted version of herself she’d eventually become.
But, all rationality had been beaten out of her hours ago. Now she was aching to be fucked — just one last time.
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k-pokemon · 2 days
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Fortnight — a Twice/Seventeen Pokémon AU
When a dozen Pokémon (and one slightly troublesome local trainer) go missing from a small town in Hoenn, private investigator Jeongyeon Yoo asks her best friend Wonwoo to join her in her search for clues.
(please join me in a silly, self-indulgent little story that popped into my head while playing Arceus!)
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otwicepairing · 5 months
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arjyles · 8 months
jeongmi dare edit
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liminal-hunters · 15 days
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Liminal Hunters — a Twice social media AU
Jeongyeon and her friends have spent several years hunting down and documenting all things unusual, unnerving and uninhabited. Their loyal, eagle-eyed followers study and discuss every photo the group posts, some even submitting their own spooky pictures for the girls to dissect and discover.
But with so much fearlessness and so much ambition, it's only a matter of time before one of the Liminal Hunters comes across something... bad.
(this is a horror AU! it will, indeed, feature scary themes, liminal photography and AI-generated horror imagery. it also might get NSFW 🤷🏼‍♀️ it's a complete work of fiction and intended for adult readers only! more than anything, it is a self-indulgent piece of gay horror silliness that i'm mostly writing for myself. if you also happen to enjoy it, even better!)
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ujbestfriend · 1 month
“yay I won!” Mina threw her hands in the air after finishing mario kart in the first place.
Seconds later Jeongyeon also crossed the finish line, but in second place. She huffed and scratched her head roughly, frustrated to keep losing. “There must be something wrong with this controller that stopping me from winning!”
“We swap controllers every race so there is no excuse. just admit that I’m way better than you” Mina giggled.
“aniya! it just started, okay? I’m not even ready yet that’s why I’m giving all the win to you”
“haha it is our fifth game Jeong and you still not ready? I won every single game and you even barely manage to finish in second place” Mina a little bit cocky. She actually kinda felt bad now but her competitiveness prevented her from giving a little breath for Jeongyeon.
“oh okay, you asked for it. I’m going to be serious now” Jeongyeon threatened, picking her controller to set up for another game, eyes fully focused on tv.
“hai hai, show me you’ve got”
After picking characters and track, the sixth round of the game begins. Jeongyeon actually proved her word because unlike the previous game, now she is playing really competitively. Racing each other side by side, wheel to wheel, and bumping into each other. It is the first game that made Mina switch into her serious mode.
Until it’s final lap and Mina leading the whole lap. Jeongyeon clenched her teeth and Mina smirked because just a few more turns and she is going to be the winner. It turned out not as hard as she expected it to be. That made her overconfident and didn’t realize that there were banana leaves in front of her. It’s too late to react and Mina collided with it and made her spin. Jeongyeon took that opportunity to overtake and finished first.
“woohoooo I won!!!” Jeongyeon cheered, couldn't believe that she actually won. 
“ehh? you were lucky that I didn’t see the banana there. basically I gave you the win!”
“only losers that can’t accept losing. I told you I was just not ready yet Minari~” Jeongyeon said in a sing-song voice as she danced in victory.
Mina laughed and shook her head. Actually there is not the slightest bit of irritation that she lost in this round because by that she can see Jeongyeon happy like this. That’s the matter, she is happy that Jeongyeon is happy.
“haha ne ne, you are the best” Mina leaned closer to Jeongyeon and kissed her cheek.
“I think the winner deserved a kiss on her lips” Jeongyeon pointed at her pouty lips.
“you can get the kiss if you win another game”
“challenge accepted” Jeongyeon took her controller and ready for the next match.
Mina chuckled, maybe this time she will intentionally lose the game.
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