#Jeongin stray kids
When You Need Me Most | Part 4
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Jeongin x Reader (implied female but can be read as gn!)
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3
It seemed that Jeongin hadn’t realized it only took the bare minimum to kickstart your fall.
And it seemed he took after the most dramatic hyung; thinking grand over the top displays of romance were the key to your fragile heart.
It started with the billboard.
You were on your way to the doctors, your tired eyes staring at the street ahead as you sipped on an iced coffee. You heard honking and looked at what the commotion was about. You realized someone a dozen cars up in the morning traffic was leaning out their window to take a picture of a billboard.
A billboard with your face on it.
Or a painting of your face. A pretty damn accurate one at that.
Damn you Hwang Hyunjin. Can’t you say no to your [precious little baby once in a while?
You felt a flash of embarrassment as you read the words adorning the billboard. 
I love you,  my nabi - YJ
You moved up in the sea of traffic at the pace of a snail as more and more people were taking pictures.
“Ahhh.” You said honking, feeling frustrated at the weird warmth rising in your chest.
Next it was a flash mob. 
You were innocently walking towards the JYP building to bring the boys coffee when you heard familiar music echoing through the streets. 
There were people crowded around the building which made sense since it was a hub of activity for many’s favorite idols. But there were way more people than usual.
Confused, you pulled out your earbuds and pushed through the crowd to find a group of masked people that looked oddly familiar in front of the building.
Once you came into sight the music immediately started- some gushy american pop song about love you loved blaring from three separate stereo systems.
Your eyes widened when you realized why these dancers seemed so familiar- ITZY, TWICE, NEXZ, Day6 - the kids obviously. 
Your heart sank when you spotted Jeongin in the center, dancing with an infectious smile by the look of his eyes above the mask, his energy radiating as he led the group through your favorite song. As they finished, the crowd erupted into applause, and you felt your face flush with embarrassment.
“What do you think?” he asked, breathless and grinning from ear to ear as he rushed over.
“Think? Jeongin, you can’t just do things like that!” you protested, shaking your head, desperate to maintain your composure. “What the hell are you thinking?!” You grit through your teeth as you hide your face from people who were taking pictures. You were upset; but grateful at the TWICE girls for blocking the cameras that were pointing towards you and I.N. - they had quickly noticed that you were uncomfortable and being girls girls helped out. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you glared at Jeongin.
It's pounding because you're angry Y/N. Not because you’re totally swooning over this. Not because the crowd thinks we’re cute together and keeps chanting for me to accept…not because this is the most romantic thing I’ve experienced. It's because I’m angry.  You tried to convince yourself.
“But I wanted you to know how much you mean to me!” he argued, eyes sparkling with  excitement. “Now basically the entire company knows. And they support.” He said stubbornly.
“You’re insufferable, Yang Jeongin.” You said. He grabbed the coffee carriers from your hands and let out a soft giggle, the moment he turned away a smile resting on your face for a split second.
Days turned into weeks, and Jeongin’s antics only escalated. There was the movie theater rental. Then the 1000 roses. 
The fucking blimp.
“Why do you keep doing this?” you demanded one evening, arms crossed and lips pressed tightly together. “This is ridiculous!”
Your cheeks were burning with embarrassment. Jeongin had invited you out to dinner and you were surprised by a serenade from the waiting staff. The attention from everyone made you feel like a bug under a microscope.
“Because I love you!” he shot back, a mix of frustration and affection in his voice. “Why can’t you see that?”
You huffed, trying to hold your ground. “Love isn’t supposed to be all...this! It’s supposed to be normal! I mean, you could just text me like a normal person! Or like take me on a normal date where I don’t have an entire restaurant singing me Frank Sinatra.”
“I want everyone to know how I feel! Especially you. Which is why I do it in public.” he responded, seemingly oblivious to your embarrassment.
“Your public image is at stake! What do you think people will say?” 
His eyes dimmed momentarily but then brightened again with determination. “I don’t care what they say if it means making you smile! Which believe it or not Y/N I know you like these romantic gestures.”
“What’s next, Jeongin? A plane with a message?” you snapped. 
“Would you like that?” he teased, his playful nature unyielding.
“My point is when is it going to stop?”
“When you become my girlfriend. So the ball is in your court Nabi-”
“Jeongin!” you groaned, frustrated. “This needs to stop! You’re making it impossible for me to breathe!”
He looked at you, genuine hurt in his eyes. “But Y/N-ah.” He whined. “I just wanted to make you feel loved.”
“No more Jeongin or the deal is off. You’re going to ruin your public image if you-”
You watched Jeongin shake his head at something behind you and when you turned you saw someone with a shocked and regretful face watching as a small heard of tiny dogs rushed at you. All with flowers in their mouths, and wagging tails as they dropped them at your feet and jumping up on their hind legs like circus performers.
You heard Jeongin groan in embarrassment. 
You felt a mix of warmth and irritation flood you like a tidal wave. Such powerful emotions you felt tears fall from your eyes. “It’s too much! I love you, but I can’t handle this! You’re insane Yang Jeongin.” You couldn’t help but smile as the tears continued to fall, squatting down to pet the dogs as they happily yipped and lapped up your tears.
He blinked, confusion clouding his expression. “What did you say?”
You laughed and started wiping at your tears, not knowing what you were feeling. 
“What?” You laughed out, not able to control the smile on your face, as you watched the dogs make their way back to who you assumed to be their trainer.
“You…said you loved me.”
You looked up at Jeongin, his face a mixture of shock and hope and excitement.
You quickly replayed the words you had said and your eyes widened in surprise. “I didn’t mean- I meant-”
Before you could finish, he stepped closer, cupping your face in his hands, his sincerity palpable. “You love me?” His eyes were wide and curious.
You felt your heart flutter, torn between annoyance and the undeniable warmth swelling within you. You had never been one to slip up your words badly, rather you said what was constantly on your mind. 
But you were stubborn. Even though you knew you were so undoubtedly in love with him. 
“Jeongin, you can’t just-”
His lips brushed against yours, soft and tentative, igniting a spark that made you forget your stubborn resolve. When he pulled away, his eyes searched yours, hopeful yet vulnerable. “This is the happiest moment in my entire life.”
You sighed, a rueful laugh bubbling up in your chest. “Me saying I love you is the happiest moment in your life?” You asked in disbelief.
“Hm.” He said with a sharp nod, eyes twinkling.
“What about your debut?”
“No. Nothing compared to this.” His energy was infectious, and before you could say anything else, Jeongin started bouncing up and down like a little kid who had just received the best gift in the world. His excitement was so intense that it became less of a bounce and more of a shake, his whole body trembling with joy. 
You couldn’t help the smile that tugged at your lips as you watched him. “Jeongin, stop. You look ridiculous,” you said, though the fondness in your voice was undeniable.
He grinned wider, shaking even harder. “I don’t care. You love me, Y/N. You said it. That’s all I care about!” 
You rolled your eyes, trying to suppress the warmth that flooded your chest. “You’re seriously acting like a child right now.”
"Then I guess I’m a child in love," he shot back with a wink, still practically vibrating with excitement. "You don’t understand, Y/N. You saying that… it means everything to me." His voice wavered, growing softer. 
Suddenly, the bravado slipped away, and his eyes started to gloss over with tears. “I’m so happy, Nabi,” he whispered, his lips trembling as he pouted, struggling to hold back his emotions. His usually bright, mischievous demeanor melted into something raw, something unguarded, and the sight of it made your chest tighten.
You swallowed hard, caught between wanting to comfort him and feeling overwhelmed by the weight of it all. “Jeongin, I…” 
He took a shaky breath, blinking rapidly as if trying to fight off the tears, but they brimmed at the corners of his eyes. “I know I’m ridiculous,” he laughed softly, the sound shaky. “I know the billboard, the roses, the flash mobs… all of it was too much. But I didn’t know how else to show you. I wanted you to see how much I-”
“Stop,” you cut him off gently, your heart aching as you reached out to grab his hand, squeezing it tight. “It’s not that I don’t see it, Jeongin. I see it. But…” you gestured vaguely in the air, your voice trembling. “You’re risking everything- your career, your image- all for me. I don’t want you to jeopardize all of that because of some grand gestures.”
His face fell, and for a moment, you feared you’d broken something fragile between you. He pulled his hand away from yours, running it through his hair in frustration. “I don’t care about my image, Y/N. I care about you. How many times do I have to tell you? You’re not listening!”
“I am listening. But you’re not being reasonable. You should care!” you blurted, your frustration finally spilling out. “You’ve worked your whole life to get here, to be where you are. And I’m just-”
“Don’t you dare say you’re just anyone,” Jeongin interrupted, his voice sharper now, filled with emotion. “You’re not just someone, Y/N. You’re my someone.” 
You stared at him, your pulse racing, feeling the weight of his words between you. His eyes were wide, shining with sincerity. 
“I don’t care what anyone says about us. About me. I don’t care what I have to give up, because you-” he stepped closer, his hands cupping your face so gently, his thumbs brushing away a tear that you didn’t even realize had fallen, “-are worth more than any career, any public image, or any of this.”
You felt your breath catch in your throat as his words settled into your heart, breaking through the walls you had tried to keep up. It was terrifying, knowing he was willing to sacrifice so much, just for you. 
“Jeongin…” you whispered, shaking your head. “I love you. So much I’m scared sometimes.”
His eyes softened, and he gave you a bittersweet smile. “I love you too.” He said it so casually, like it was the easiest thing in the world for him, but it hit you like a tidal wave.
“What if-” you stammered, your heart racing. “What if-”
If this ends badly. You wanted to say. But you had no room because he leaned down without hesitation and kissed you. 
It was soft, hesitant, and full of every unsaid word that had been hanging between you for so long. 
Well, unsaid on your end. 
The world seemed to slow around you, the chaos fading as his lips moved gently against yours, and for the first time in a while, you felt like everything made sense.
When he pulled back, his forehead rested against yours, his breath coming out shaky. “You keep trying to say you didn’t mean to say it,” he whispered, his voice barely audible. “But I’m glad you did. Even if its not true…”
You opened your eyes slowly, looking up at him, completely disarmed. “It is true. It’s the truest thing I’ve ever said.” Your voice was barely audible, and Jeongin let out a relieved laugh.
“Thank God,” he said, placing his forehead on yours with a soft smile. “I’ll stop the blimps, the billboards, the flash mobs.” His hands slid from your face, falling to rest gently on your waist, his grip warm and steady. “I’ll stop all of it, if that’s what you want.” His nose brushed against your cheek, eliciting a soft giggle from you as he gave you feather light kisses. 
You stared at him, your heart aching, unsure of how to respond. He was offering you everything, offering to quiet the chaos he had created, just for you. And yet, there was a part of you that realized something.
It wasn’t the grand gestures that overwhelmed you- it was the fact that they were for you.
“I didn’t need all of that,” you said softly, your voice barely above a whisper. “I didn’t need the blimp or the roses or the billboard to know how you feel. I’ve known for a while…I was just too afraid to admit it.”
Jeongin’s brows furrowed in confusion.
You sighed, shaking your head. “It scared me. Loving you- being loved by you- it scared me. I was afraid that we’d lose everything we had if we…if we crossed that line. That we would end up like…” You frowned. “You're special to me, Innie. I didn’t want love to ruin anything.”
He let out a small, incredulous laugh, his eyes filled with so much warmth it nearly broke you. His eyes crinkled into those cute mischievous ones you loved oh so much. “Y/N, love isn’t what ruins things. It’s not love that causes the problems. It’s fear. Fear of messing up, fear of losing control. Fear that we’ll get hurt. And it’s not even really the fear. Its letting that fear control you.”
You swallowed hard, his words hitting too close to home. “But what if we do mess up? What if we ruin everything?”
He smiled gently, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “We probably will. But that’s life, isn’t it? We’re going to mess up, we’re going to make mistakes. But that doesn’t mean we should stop loving each other. Or that we’re going to. You just have to push past those fears; those mistakes made, arguments had. You push past them and then your love grows stronger.”
Tears stung at the back of your eyes as you met his gaze, feeling the sincerity in his every word. He was right- love wasn’t the problem. It was the fear of it, the fear of losing something so good that kept you from truly letting go.
“You’re strangely profound tonight, Jeongin.” You giggled, more tears threatening to go. You cupped his cheek and caressed it, as he leaned into your touch looking you in the eyes. “Where’d my Innie go?”
“He grew up so he could take better care of you.” He responded softly. “I love you,” he said again, his voice full of quiet conviction. “And I don’t need a thousand roses or a flashing billboard to prove it. I just need you to trust me. Trust that we’ll figure it out together. Trust me that I’m not going to hurt you like everyone else. Trust me that I’m going to be there for you when you need me most.”
You bit your lip, nodding as a tear finally slipped down your cheek. “I do. I trust you.”
Jeongin smiled, his thumb brushing away your tears. “Good. Because I’m all in, Nabi. No more over-the-top gestures. Just…you and me.”
You let out a shaky laugh, leaning into him as he pulled you into his arms. “Just you and me,” you whispered, finally feeling the weight you thought would never leave lift from your chest.
Two Years Later
The stadium was alive with the kind of energy only a sold-out show could create. The crowd roared with excitement, thousands of fans screaming as Stray Kids performed their final song of the night. You watched from backstage, your heart racing with pride as Jeongin worked the stage like the pro he was, every movement precise and electric.
He caught your eye for a brief second from across the stage and flashed that familiar grin, the one that still made your stomach flip even after all these years. You smiled back, knowing that even after everything, he was still the same Jeongin- your Jeongin. The one who would text you random memes at 2 a.m., who would bring you snacks even when you didn’t ask, who had once rented out an entire billboard just to make sure you knew how much he loved you.
It had been quiet since then. After that night two years ago, the grand gestures stopped. No more blimps, no more flash mobs, no more roses delivered in bulk to your door. It was just the two of you now, living a quieter kind of love- a love that didn’t need to shout to be heard.
But something in the way he looked at you tonight was different. His eyes sparkled with that familiar mischief, and you felt a twinge of curiosity in your gut. 
As the final notes of the song faded out, Jeongin took a step forward, raising his hand to signal for the crowd to quiet down. His bandmates exchanged glances, a few of them smiling knowingly, and you furrowed your brows. 
Something was definitely up.
“Thank you for tonight!” Jeongin shouted into the mic, in English his voice echoing through the stadium. His accent made you smile and you wanted to pinch his cheeks like the cute little baby bread he was- even if the way he looked now made him seem like “daddy toast” as Stay had put it oh so perfectly. The crowd cheered wildly in response, and you chuckled to yourself, always amazed at how much love and support he had.
But then, his voice softened. "Before we go...I, um...I have something I want to say. Or, well, maybe something I need to do." He glanced backstage, locking eyes with you again, and your stomach flipped for an entirely different reason this time.
Your eyes widened as he waved you over, the spotlight suddenly shifting in your direction. The crowd let out a collective gasp as they realized who he was looking at, murmurs of recognition rippling through the audience.
“Y/N-ah,” he called, his smile growing impossibly wider and his dimple showing. “Can you come out here for a second?”
Your heart pounded in your chest, and your feet felt glued to the floor. The staff nudged you forward, and you hesitated for a moment before stepping onto the stage. As you approached, Jeongin held out his hand, his eyes glowing with something beyond excitement- something deeper, more vulnerable.
Once you reached him, he took your hand in his, his grip steady and warm despite the fact that the stadium was roaring with thousands of fans. You could feel the eyes of every person in the room on you, but all you could focus on was him- Jeongin, standing there with that look in his eyes that made you feel like you were the only person in the world.
“I know I promised no more grand gestures,” he began, his voice soft but steady. “And I’ve been good, haven’t I?”
You chuckled nervously, nodding. “Yeah, you have.”
Jeongin grinned, but then his expression shifted, becoming more serious. “But the thing is…I lied.” 
The crowd erupted in laughter, but you stood there, frozen in place, not sure what to expect.
He took a deep breath, his gaze never leaving yours. “A few nights ago, I was drunk- like, really drunk- and I was crying. Like full-on sobbing to the guys. And you walked in and saw me crying and the guys recording me…?” He looked at you with an expectant gaze.
And it clicked.
You felt tears starting to form.
Jeongin spoke again, turning to Stay for just a moment. “For context I was crying because I was so drunk that I saw a picture of Y/N and I and was sad because I thought the person I loved most had a boyfriend.” He chuckled. “Even thought I was literally looking at a picture of us- and I am Y/N’s boyfriend.”
The crowd bursted out laughing again, knowing that was on point for their precious maknae.
Jeongin bit his lip, his eyes glistening with emotion. “But then my hyungs started recording again because I started crying again. Harder this time.” He swallowed. “Because I realized that I’m not your husband.”
Your breath hitched, and your heart felt like it was about to leap out of your chest. The crowd gasped, murmurs sweeping through the stadium again, but all you could focus on was Jeongin- his trembling lips, the way his hands shook just slightly as he held yours.
“I kept telling myself that I didn’t need to do something crazy to prove how much I love you. But then I realized…I want to. I want to do one last grand gesture.” 
With that, he slowly dropped to one knee.
Your hands flew to your mouth, your eyes filling with tears as you realized what was happening. Deep down you knew he was going to propose once he brought up that story, but for some reason you didn’t believe it. But now there was no denying it.
The entire stadium fell silent, the weight of the moment settling in like a wave crashing down.
Jeongin looked up at you, his smile trembling as he pulled a small velvet box from his pocket. “Baby…I know I’ve been over the top before. I know I’ve done a lot of wild, stupid things. But this isn’t one of them. This-” he opened the box to reveal a stunning ring, the lights catching the diamonds in a way that made it sparkle like a star, “ - is the one thing I’m doing because I’ve never been more certain about anything in my life.”
Your breath hitched, your vision blurring as tears streamed down your cheeks. 
“Will you marry me, Nabi?” His voice cracked slightly, the vulnerability in his words breaking your heart in the best way possible. “Because I can’t imagine a life where I’m not the one by your side. I don’t need blimps or billboards. I just need you.”
The silence in the stadium was deafening, every single person holding their breath as they waited for your answer.
You swallowed hard, your voice shaking as you whispered, “Yes. Yes, Innie.”
The crowd exploded in cheers, the noise so loud it felt like the stadium itself might burst apart. But all you could hear was the sound of your heartbeat rising in your ears, pounding in your chest as Jeongin stood up, pulling you into his arms.
He kissed you then, in front of thousands of screaming fans, in the middle of the most important moment of both your lives. It was soft, gentle, and filled with so much love that it made your knees weak.
When you finally pulled away, breathless and laughing through your tears, Jeongin looked down at you with the same adoring smile he’d always had. “I guess I broke my promise about no more grand gestures, huh?”
You chuckled, wiping at your tears. “I think I’ll let this one slide.”
Jeongin grinned, his eyes sparkling as he slid the ring onto your finger. “Good. Because this is the only one that really mattered.”
You looked at the ring then up at Jeongin who was crying now too. Suddenly, it all became too much. The adrenaline, the disbelief, the overwhelming joy- it hit you like a tidal wave. You turned away from Jeongin, your chest rising and falling with uneven breaths, and squatted down, covering your face with your hands. The tears came pouring out uncontrollably, your entire body trembling as you tried to process everything that had just happened.
The cheers from the crowd were deafening, but you could still hear the boys- your boys; you family -in the background, reacting to what had just unfolded. 
Lee Know tried to maintain his composure, but even he couldn’t stop the flood of emotions that broke through. He was crying, full fledged crying and clinging to Changbin which was a strange and unfamiliar sight to you. Changbin’s grin was impossibly wide, despite the tears rolling down his face. He leaned into Lee Know, giving him a hard smack on the back as if to say, “Can you believe this? Our maknae - our little baby did it.” 
Chan,  had crumbled into a full sob as well, his shoulders shaking as he wiped furiously at his eyes, looking at Jeongin with a mixture of pride and disbelief. He was holding onto Han, who was also crying but trying to comfort his hyung at the same time, patting his back as tears streamed down his own cheeks.
Felix, Hyunjin and Seungmin were all huddled up crying as well, trying to pull someone up onto the stage. You couldn’t help but let out an excited squeal as your favorite Aussie - sorry Channie, sorry Lix - came running to you from the crowd.
She didn’t care as she pushed Jeongin out of the way to fall onto the ground and hug her best friend. 
“Oh my GOD!! Y/N, my love!!” Hannah cried as she clung to you, pulling back to look at your face.
All of them - every single one of them - were crying, their hearts bursting with happiness for the youngest member of their group, the boy they’d watched grow from a shy teenager into a man who was standing on stage, proposing to the love of his life.
And Stay…Stay was losing their minds.
It was as if they didn’t know whether to cheer, cry, or scream. Some fans had tears streaming down their faces, waving their lightsticks in support. A collective wave of emotion washed through the crowd as the realization hit- Jeongin, their precious maknae, was in love. Truly, deeply in love. And it wasn’t just some fleeting romance; it was real, profound, the kind of love you could only dream about. 
Some fans covered their faces in disbelief, others jumped up and down in pure joy, and more than a few had collapsed into sobs, overwhelmed by the moment. Their phones were held high in the air, capturing every second of this life-altering event. They knew this wasn’t just a regular concert anymore- it was history in the making. Probably the most elaborate proposal one had seen. A story that would be told for years to come.
Jeongin stood there, watching you cling to Hannah with a soft, tender smile, and then, without saying a word, he crouched down beside you. He didn’t pull you up immediately, just rested a gentle hand on your back, giving you the space you needed to breathe, to process. After a moment, you peeked up at him through your fingers, a half-sob, half-laugh escaping your lips as you took in his watery smile.
“I’m really sorry for this,” Jeongin murmured, his voice still shaky with emotion, “but I couldn’t wait any longer.”
You shook your head, laughing through your tears as you wiped at your face. “I should’ve known you’d find a way to break your promise.”
He chuckled softly, his hand still rubbing comforting circles on your back. “Just this one time. I couldn’t help it, Nabi.”
Finally, you stood up, still feeling weak in the knees, Hannah letting you use her as a crutch, and Jeongin pulled you into his arms. He held you so tight it was as if he was afraid you might slip away, his chin resting on top of your head as you both soaked in the moment. He pet your hair as the rest of the boys crowded around, not caring about the stage or the cameras.  One by one, they pulled you and Jeongin into the tightest, warmest group hug you’d ever been a part of - Hannah stubbornly pushing past her brother to join - each of them sniffling and wiping their eyes as they squeezed you both.
Lee Know, still crying, ruffled Jeongin’s hair with a grin, “I can’t believe you actually did it.”
“I can’t believe I’m crying,” Han muttered through his tears, which made everyone laugh.
“I can you’re a crybaby.” Seungmin said through his now quieted tears, which only made everyone laugh even harder.
Chan gave you a squeeze, patting your head, his voice thick with emotion. “I’m so proud of you, Jeongin.”
You glanced up at Jeongin through the sea of arms wrapped around you, his face still glowing with pure happiness. As the boys and your best friend slowly pulled away, Jeongin took a deep breath, turning to face the crowd one last time. He was still holding your hand, his fingers laced tightly with yours as he raised your joined hands in the air.
“I just have one last thing to say,” he began, his voice resonating through the stadium as the audience quieted down. He looked at you with so much love, his eyes soft and bright. “A message for Stays.”
He looked at you and you nodded, having a sixth sense to what he would say.
Jeongin stood there, his voice steady but full of emotion, addressing not just you but every single person in the crowd. His hand, still holding yours, gave a reassuring squeeze, but his eyes drifted over the sea of fans- his Stays. His heart was laid bare, his words filled with a kind of truth that could only come from experiencing love in its rawest form.
“The problem is never that you loved someone or someone loved you…” he continued, his voice resonating across the stadium. “It’s how you choose to handle that love. How you react when it gets hard, when it feels overwhelming, when you’re scared of it. But love itself? Love doesn’t hurt you. People do. Choices do. But love…love heals.”
He took a deep breath, his gaze now sweeping the audience as if speaking to each of them personally. “I know some of you might feel like love is scary. That it’s a risk, that it can break you, or ruin things, or mess with everything you’ve worked for. But love doesn’t destroy. It builds you up. It pushes you to be the best version of yourself. It’s what makes life worth it.”
The crowd, which had been buzzing with excitement, grew silent, every word sinking into the hearts of those watching. Tears filled the eyes of fans as Jeongin’s vulnerability hit them all at once. The sincerity in his voice made it impossible not to feel the weight of his message.
“I know sometimes it feels easier to give up on love, to protect yourself from the possibility of getting hurt. But the truth is…love will always be there, waiting for you to embrace it. When you shut it out, you’re shutting out the best parts of yourself.” His voice softened, but the emotion behind it was more powerful than ever. “When you need someone the most, when you feel like you can’t do it alone, love will always be there. That’s what love is for.”
A gentle breeze seemed to sweep through the arena, carrying his words like a warm hug. He glanced at you, a soft smile tugging at his lips as he turned back to the crowd.
“So, don’t be afraid of it. Don’t run from it. Don’t think it’ll ruin things, because love will only ruin you if you don’t give it a chance. Trust me, I’ve had to teach that to people firsthand.” He turned to you and kissed your forehead. 
“And I thought that I had to prove that fact with grand gestures, but in the end, all that matters is being there. When someone needs you most.”
He whispered to you.
“When you need me most, I’ll be there. That’s love.”
With that, he leaned down, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to your lips, sealing the promise that he had made- not just to you, but to everyone who believed in love.
You smiled through your tears, reaching up to touch his cheek gently as you two kissed.
When you had needed him most he had shown up. 
You had always needed him. And he had always been there.
And you knew he’d always would be.
@abovenyx @wolfs-archive @oddracha
@iyeeeverydee @parisanmorovati @seungmincenteric
@panbish-1209 @fxiry-vtt @sseawavee
@shuporanporang @amarecerasus @softkisshyunjin
@whoa-jo @meanergreener @rikibun
@ayyonoona @shinywombatcrusade @y4yayael
@skzstan12345 @mariteez @allys-reads
@jazziwritesthings @skzstannie @yongbokkiesworld
@kkkeopi @neverendingstay @moony-9
@minsungsthirdwheel @everlastingspring143 @joyofbebbanburg
@leezanetheofficial @tr-mha-fan @bubbly-moon
@night-storm7 @missmajdastark @0325tiny @mademoisellebruce
@stressymessyana @axel-skz-main @desi2go
@adirajackson @hyunjinsbelovedamericano @yaniiiiism
(i tagged those who had commented, just so they could know the final part was up since its been a minute since this fic was updated :3)
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hyunjinsvoir · 2 days
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ i thought i w⍺s dre⍺min' ᡣ 𓈒⋅ ⩊ ⋅𓈒ྀིა
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎when you s⍺id you love me ♡𓈒 ཾ 𓈒
𝓓on't 𝓡epost 𝓦ithout 𝓒redits ೀ ׅ ۫ . ㅇ
37 notes · View notes
lotusbee07 · 2 days
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26 notes · View notes
baby-yongbok · 1 month
Best Friend!Yang Jeongin x Afab!Reader
✦ Genre: Friends to Lovers - non-idol - [18+ Only]
✦ Content Description: 6.6k + 11 screenshots
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✦ Summary: Your best friend finds out about your OnlyFans account which leads to you discovering how you really feel about him.
✦ CW: Unintentional exhibitionism(?), Unprotected sex [wrap it up party people] ✦ A/N: This is my FIRST Jeongin fic and I am hella excited! (and nervous) I really hope that you enjoy it! This is a hybrid of fake texts and story so make sure to open it all the way to see it all! AHH I'm so nervous.+ reader is depicted as chubby/plus size and is a POC ♡ ✧ Masterlist ✧
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Sleep abandoned you after you and Jeongin spoke, your thoughts were everywhere and nowhere and your body was working against you. Why does the fact that your best friend thinks that you’re hot turn you on? Why are you imagining him touching himself to the sounds of you moaning while you fuck yourself?
 Is he big? 
How would he feel? 
Wait - how did he not recognize your voice? 
You never show your face, only the shoulders down, but you’ve uploaded voice notes. You’ve done tons of horny rambles that he had to have listened to. Okay, wait wait wait, does he only get off to you? He said that you’re the only girl that he follows on the site… Okay, stop, brain shut the fuck up. 
The next day you tried to operate how you normally would. You went to the gym, you got your morning coffee, you thought about Jeongin moaning at the sight of you, you screamed in your car and you went back home. Honestly, this is working out great. 
You did everything that you could to distract yourself from the unending thoughts. You did laundry, watched TV, skipped rope on your balcony, you even started color organizing your closet. That’s when your phones started ringing with that tone that you know all too well.
 You stared at it for what felt like a second, you tried to calm yourself down and cursed yourself out in your head for making this such a big deal. He said that he doesn’t care. He won’t mention it, he’ll just get off to your videos and that’s that. Jeongin is your best friend who finds you hot and touches himself to your videos, that’s so normal. You’re so normal about this. 
By the time you finally hyped yourself up to answer his call the phone stopped ringing and you let out a huff of heavy air that you weren’t even aware you were holding. You’ll call him back…later.
Not even three minutes later there’s knocking at your front door and you rush to open it. You’re expecting a package today so this must be it. You swing the door open and your heart jumps out of your chest and runs down the hall. “Are you okay?” 
Jeongin waves in front of your face to grab your attention as you stare at him, unmoving. “I called, you didn’t answer.” You clear your throat but end up choking a bit from how dry it is. You opt for nodding your head while you desperately swallow your spit to try and save you from further embarrassment. 
“Right, yeah yeah come in, what’s up?” You hastily stumble to the side as you open your door wider. He stalks in like he always does, comfortable and confident. “You have my green jacket, Felix hyung wanted to borrow it tonight.”
”I gave that back, didn’t I?” You smooth down your skirt, suddenly feeling super self conscious. He’s seen you in this exact outfit more times than you can count but it’s different this time, right? No, it’s not supposed to be different. We’re acting normal. We’re so normal about this.
”Noona?” His fingers wrap around your wrist and you jump out of your thoughts, literally. “Is everything alright? You keep spacing out.” 
Has his hand always been this damn big? That’s all that you can think to yourself as you stare down at where he’s holding you. “I’m fine, Jeongin,”
”You usually call me Innie.” He retorts with furrowed brows until it all clicks for him. “Is this about last night?” 
You pull away from him like he’s on fire and start power walking to your bedroom before he can say another word. “I’ll go look for that jacket.”
You slam your room door closed behind you and sink to the floor against it immediately after. This is crazy, you’re acting crazy and horny and - and - fuck, has his hand always been that big? 
Has he always called you noona that smoothly? Has he always been like… that?  Wait, no, pull it together. Find the jacket and send him away so you can spiral in peace. 
After about ten minutes of searching through the mess you made and battling your inner demons you find the jacket that Jeongin came for. When you leave your bedroom you expect to see him sitting on your couch but you find him in your kitchen instead. He’s washing your dishes while he hums some song that you’re sure that you could identify if you concentrated but you can’t think straight. Your brain isn’t working at all because your best friend is standing there, at your sink, washing your dishes… In only a white tank top and gray sweatpants. 
Your eyes find the discarded sports sweater he arrived in thrown sloppily over one of your counter stools before they quickly return to Jeongin’s toned back. This shirt should be illegal. He shouldn’t be allowed to look this good. 
You stand there, jacket in hand and thighs pressed together while you try to muster up the courage to say something, anything. Just as you’re about to speak he turns around with a cup full of water but it’s only full for a second before he jumps with a scream and pours it all over himself.
”Ya, noona!” He huffs, bracing himself against the counter. “What the hell? You scared the life outta me.” He drops the now empty cup into the sink and braces himself with both hands against the marble. 
“Why are you just standing there?” You don’t even hear his question. You can’t hear anything except for the fast beating of your heart and incoherent screaming from your last brain cell as you take in the sight before you. 
The front of his shirt is soaked and you can see right through the fabric sticking to each and every dip and contour of his unbelievable body. Has he always been… so hot? “Noona, seriously, what is going on with you? Do we need to talk about something?” 
He steps towards you and you take a clumsy step back. “I uh, found the jacket.” You sit the jacket on the stool where his sweater is then look back at him. You look him in the eyes this time to avoid possibly fainting but you quickly discover that his gaze is just as intoxicating. 
“Forget the jacket, I’m trying to figure out if -“ He takes another step towards you and you take two back. 
“Okay, so I’ll see you later, right? Awesome, later Innie.” You rush back to your bedroom just as he takes another step to try to stop you. You slam the door shut and repeat the same routine as earlier. When did he get so hot?
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What the fuck? Did he just ask you if you like it?…Why is the answer yes? Why does that make every thought that you’ve been thinking for the past 12 hours way worse? You gotta pull it together, you can’t let a simple question cause you to spiral. He probably didn’t even mean it like that…right?
You spend the next three hours trying to forget that text. You take a shower and cook yourself a dinner that you barely even touch because it’s not what you want. It’s not him, do you want him? 
You drag yourself to your bedroom after you stuff your leftovers in the fridge and plop down on your bed. You scream into your mattress once or twice before you decide that you can’t take it anymore, you need to do something. Anything. 
Before you can even really think about it you’re in your closet that should honestly count as a second bedroom but you're fine with it being your mini studio. This is where you’ve filmed every video, where you capture every picture and record every ramble. This is where you are when you make the content that Jeongin loves. Maybe he’ll love this too.
You make yourself a bit comfortable in front of the large mirror on the wall and turn on your voice recorder. “Hey there…Do you have a second? I just wanna get something outta my head.” 
You settle into the fluffiness of your bean bag chair and spread your legs in front of the mirror. Your pajama shorts ride up a bit and the thin gusset exposes just enough of your cunt for you to take in. “I’ve been thinking about you all day, yeah you. I can’t get you off of my mind and it’s driving me crazy.” 
You sigh into your phone, glancing down at the recorder to make sure that it’s still running. Your free hand runs over the scarf tying your hair back and trails down the side of your neck. Your fingers brush over your sweet spots slowly and carefully kinda how you think he would do it.
”I want you.” It’s more of a whisper than you intended but you keep going. “I want you so badly that it’s driving me mad. I bet you know that though, don’t you?”
You nearly say Jeongin’s name at the end of that sentence and you nearly moan it into the air when your fingers brush over your nipples. “Tell me that you thought about me too.” 
Your hands start moving faster, grazing your covered and exposed skin with a hungry haste that you’re sure that Jeongin would recreate. He’d explore you with a lust driven by curiosity and desire. He’d rip you apart and take his sweet time putting you back together. He’d be rough and gentle, slow and fast, shallow and deep. He’d be everything.
You didn’t even realize that you were still talking into the recorder when your eyes snap open. You have no clue what you’ve said and you have no clue when you started rubbing at your clit but you don’t care. Moans are tumbling from your chapped lips as drool threatens to spill over the corners.
There’s nothing but pure carnal desire lingering around you and it’s all for your best friend. All for a man that you’ve never looked twice at until today, or have you? You always knew that Jeongin was attractive. You always felt a tingle when he’d hold you or play around with you but you’ve learned to push it down. It was manageable until last night. That’s when the dam broke.
”In- I - I need you.” You almost said it, almost let it slip. “Touch me please, please.”
Your fingers are slipping inside before you can even process it. You’re stroking up against your g-spot at a pace that should be painful but you feel nothing but bliss because you’re thinking of nothing but him. Him him him. 
The slick sounds of your cunt are loud enough to be caught on the recorder but you wouldn’t be surprised if they’re completely overshadowed by your moans. “Make me cum, please please please, m’ gonna cum.” 
Your vision is going white before you can even take a deep breath, it gets caught in your throat as you cry out. You’re panting, mumbling curses left and right and then right as you’re ending the recording it finally slips. “Innie”
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After sitting and staring at your reflection for maybe thirty minutes you finally pulled yourself up off of your bean bag chair and freshened up. You plopped down onto your bed face first and screamed, this seems to be becoming a routine. 
Once you get a grip you sit up against your pillows and stare at the new audio. How could you make this while thinking about Jeongin? Are you a terrible friend? Can you blame him for being hot? Can you say that it’s all his fault and just live life hating him for ever finding your account? No, I mean, yeah you could but that would be stupid.
You load the audio into your Only Fans account and put together the new post. You usually wouldn’t think twice about uploading a ramble, you’d usually listen to it in your headphones to check the quality and then throw it online for your subscribers to enjoy but this one feels different. This one feels wrong to post. After a bit of debating you take a deep breath and go for it. It can’t be that bad right?
It’s been about an hour since you posted the audio and it’s gotten back to back likes and comments. You’ve even gotten some chat requests with tips that you plan to reply to later but the one that just came in caught your attention. 
You don’t know what it is about it, maybe it’s the username or the energy behind their message but you’re almost a thousand percent positive that it’s Jeongin on the other side of this chat. 
You sound so pretty in your new audio. You’re really fueling my imagination tonight. I.2.n.8 Sent a tip 
You stare at the message for so long that you forget to blink. This is so obviously him. The user name is a dead giveaway. Jeongin is messaging you about your new ramble… you shouldn’t reply.
You replied. You replied and you flirted so fucking hard that you’re sure that he’s blushing in his bed just like you are right now. You’ve talked to plenty of guys like this. You flirt and make them feel special and then boom more tips but you don’t even care about the money right now, not when you’re having so much fun texting - sexting - the only man that’s been on your mind. Your best friend. 
When you see Jeongin the next day at a small get together you expect it to be awkward. You expected for him to give you knowing looks from across the crowded restaurant table but he didn’t. He acted completely normal like he hasn’t been sexting his best friend for the past eight hours. 
You tried your best to mimic his demeanor. You spoke to him as normally as you possibly could and as the night went on it got easier to ignore the elephant in the room. You stole some food off of his plate and even sang karaoke with him at the bar that you went to afterwards. You almost forgot about the messages, until you got home. 
Care to help me with a situation, sweetie? I’ll make it worth it, I promise. I.2.N.8 Sent a tip
Holy Fuck, that’s a big tip… like, money… that kind of tip. You sat on the edge of your bed with a messy cocktail of cheap liquor running through your veins and giving you confidence to do things that will surely have you screaming into your mattress later, and not in the way that you really want. 
You strip down and head to your closet, clicking a few pictures in poses that you’ve never tried before and some that are your tried and true classics. You hold your breath as you organize the album and attach a price to it. If he really wants to see it he can pay, you’ll be needing the money to fund your therapy sessions after this anyway cause this teasing is driving you insane.
Right when you send the set to the ‘mystery’ guy a text from Jeongin drops down into view and you’re instantly covered in goosebumps.
Ayen 🥐❣️: I had fun with you today, missed you. Ayen 🥐❣️: I work late tomorrow but I’m free the day after, wanna come over?
This is suspicious… right? You should decline. Yeah definitely decline, you don’t wanna risk anything happening that could ruin your friendship. 
You’re screaming into your mattress again.
 You accepted the invitation as you were thinking about declining it. 
You never stood a chance. 
You don’t sleep, instead you plan a cute but chill outfit to wear when you go over to his place. It’s not a date but you still wanna be cute, this isn’t weird. This is normal. 
What’s not normal is the way that you’ve been glued to your phone since this chat with Jeongin popped up. You’re not neglecting your other messages but you do spend extra time on his chat. You give him exclusive content that barely costs a thing and you’re fucking enjoying it. You’re addicted. So much so that when you get to Jeongin’s house the next day for your hang out it’s all that you can think about.
You’ve been here for about an hour and a half. You thought that it was just gonna be you and Jeongin. You thought that it was gonna be a nice best friend date. It’s not. 
“You seriously never saw that video before?” Jisung asks Felix with a mouth half full of whatever he ordered a bit ago. You’re sitting next to Jeongin on the couch with his roommate Seungmin next to him and his other roommate Felix on the floor with Jisung. ”Never.”
They fall into some conversation that everyone seems to be paying attention to but you. You’re too busy staring at your blacked out phone screen as you try to cope with the fact that you’re sitting next to the man that you’re secretly sexting. 
He hasn’t made anything weird just like he promised, everything is fine. You just need to calm - what the fuck?
Your phone chimes and your screen lights up to show a browser notification. An OnlyFans notification. You look over to the man next to you to catch him stuffing his phone in his pocket while he laughs at something that Felix said. Did he seriously just text you?
He did. You open your browser and the message is right there. Staring at you while you stare at him.
Bet you’re lookin’ so pretty today, sweetie.  I.2.n.8 Sent a tip Mind showing me what you’re wearing today? 
You gulp down the spit pooling in your mouth and choke a bit but you hide the cough well, you think. Why would he text you now? Why here? Maybe this is a good chance to see if it’s really him. Yeah, this is your chance. 
You type the cutest reply you can think of while your heart does the cha cha slide in your chest and hit send. You hold your breath as you wait for the ding but you’re choking once again when you actually hear it. 
Jeongin reaches into his pocket and smiles down at his phone. He doesn’t unlock it. He doesn’t check the message. But you know what he does? He fucking smiles at you. 
“You okay, noona? You’re spacing out again.” Seungmin is replying before you can even open your mouth. 
“Maybe if you actually spoke to her instead of texting that OnlyFans girl she wouldn’t have to daydream.” The other two instigate Seungmin’s teasing and Jeongin only rolls his eyes with a smile. 
“You’d be obsessed with her too if you’ve seen what I’ve seen” He settles back into the cushions a bit, extending his arm to the back of the couch behind you. He feels so much closer to you like this, or maybe it’s just because he’s talking about you to all of your friends. “She’s worth obsessing over.”
“Share her account then.” You jump a bit at the suggestion, it was quick but it was enough to gain Felix and Jisung’s attention. Jeongin is the opposite of you. He isn’t phased by the suggestion one bit, he just smiles down at his lap and shakes his head. “Nope, she’s a treasure that I plan to keep to myself.”
Seungmin scoffs and the other two start with the teasing again but Felix’s gaze keeps floating back to you. You try your best to relax, no one knows that you’re the OnlyFans girl so they aren’t actually talking about you. But this on top of Jeongin texting you while sitting right next to you is starting to be too much.
“Yeah yeah, tease all you want, I’m getting a drink.” Jeongin asks if anyone else wants anything from the kitchen and collects requests from almost everyone except for you. You just sit there quietly staring at your lap, quietly dying inside until the burning in your chest gets your feet moving. 
“I’ll be back.” You mumble but only Felix replies, he’s the only one that heard you and his eyes follow you as you take the same path that Jeongin did a second ago.
Your friend is looking into the open fridge when you get to the kitchen. He’s grabbing a bottle of water when he notices you come around the corner.
“Hey, did you want -“ 
“Not here.” You whisper through clenched teeth, it’s quick and quiet enough for you to get the point across and then escape. “Do not message me here, are you insane?” Jeongin closes the fridge, water bottle in hand and a grin on his lips.
”What?” You look back to make sure that you’re still alone before stepping closer to him. ”Do not text me here.”
”Why would I be texting you when you’ve been right next to me?” He sips from the bottle in his hands before sitting it down. “I think that you’re confused about -“
”You’re I.2.n.8, I know you are. You’re the one who’s been tipping me and texting me on OF for days.” Jeongin looks down at the tile in an attempt to hide the smug grin on his face. “You promised not to make it weird.”
”I kept my promise.” He shrugs, looking back up at you with a different gaze, a darker one. “I haven’t made anything weird. I haven’t brought it up. It’s you who thinks that I’m texting you.”
He steps closer, leaving little room between you two. You can feel your face getting hot, the temperature is rising with each second that your eyes are on his. Your thighs press together and you take it as a desperate plea from your body but you don’t know what for. “ Do you want it to be me texting you?” 
The air feels too thick with him so close, you can’t breathe. It’s too much. You turn away, desperate to retreat back to your safe space on the couch but he grabs your wrist before you can escape. 
His other hand finds your waist and guides your back against the marble counter next to the fridge. “Don’t run away from me again, noona.” There’s barely an inch between you two and the air feels dry at this point. Your tongue feels too heavy to control in your mouth so you dip it out to skate across your bottom lip. Jeongin watches the movement carefully, too carefully.
”Tell me, do you want it to be me, hm?” He shifts, caging you between his arms as he leans against the counter. You catch the flex of his muscles from the corner of your eye and it makes you feel dizzy, what is going on? “Do you want it to be me who tells you how badly I wanna ruin such a pretty thing like you?” 
You bite back a groan and sink into the surface behind you. He steps forward, now impossibly close as he moves to whisper in your ear. “Is that what you want, sweetie?”
Oh fuck, it is him. It’s really him.
”Jeongin, we can’t” You’re whispering to him so he whispers back. “Can’t what? What are you thinking about? I’ve only asked you a question.”
”You can’t be this close to me.” Your words feel forced and your limbs feel heavy as you try to find a way to settle against him. “This isn’t right.”
”Yeah? So you touching yourself in your closet and moaning my name is fine? But this isn’t right?” Your eyes widen the second those words leave his mouth, how did he know that you film in your closet? He’s been there a couple of times of course, he’s sat in your bean bag chair and he’s helped you pick out outfits but he never knew that you do Only Fans. So if he knows that you’ve been filming in your closet that means he recognized it from one of your videos… which means that he also had to have recognized you. 
“You knew that it was me the whole time didn’t you?” Your eyes flick from his to his lips and back up. “You knew that it was my account.” His lips spread into a wide mouth smile as he mimics your previous pattern with his dark pupils. 
“Maybe I did.” He moves his hand to your arm, running his fingers over the exposed flesh of your wrist. Every touch feels like fire as the pads of his fingers glide up your forearm. “Maybe I hoped it was you.”
His fingers press into your flesh every so slightly, it’s enough to make you shift into a firmer press of your thighs. “Maybe I only subscribed to the account because it looked like you.”
His fingers take their time going over the curve of your shoulder. They tease the strap of your top for a second, before dancing up the curve of your neck. “Guess I got lucky, huh?”
That was what tipped the bucket. That is what had you crashing your lips to his and wiping that smug smile off of his face in an instant. He moans into your mouth before you can moan into his, his hand cups your neck, pulling you closer as his other hand grabs at your waist.
It’s heated and sloppy. He feels just as desperate as you do with every clumsy swipe of his tongue over yours. You’re panting into his mouth, only pulling away for half a second to breathe before you’re tasting him again. 
Your hands grab at his flexing arms, scratching and kneading the flesh before you move to make fists into the fabric of his shirt. He feels unreal, he’s more than what you dreamed of. He feels so strong and soft and he tastes like lust itself.
You press your body further into his, taking in the matching thump of his heart to yours as your lips move in an impossible rhythm. It’s clear that you both feel the same hunger, the same longing, the same need for each other. Maybe this was driving him insane too.
“Jump.” His command is muffled and wet against your lips but you understand him and swiftly obey. His hands move to the back of your thighs to help you up onto the counter and he briskly fills in the space between your parted legs with his slim waist. 
You wrap your arms around his neck as his hands wander up your clothed thighs, his fingers dig into the plush flesh with a deep groan. “Fuck, do you know how long I’ve thought of this?” He trails kisses over your cheek and over the shell of your ear. 
“I watched every video.” He moves down the curve of your neck, nipping and kissing the flesh to milk moans from your parted lips. “I listened to every audio. I saved every picture.” 
He sucks bruises into your clavicle, licking over the rising cherry marks and planting sloppy kisses. “But none of that is as good as this.” You’re panting and moaning into his ear. Words don’t make sense. They jumble and disappear behind your eyes with each rough grab and desperate lick. 
“Do you feel as good as you look, sweetie?” Your eyes flutter open when he pulls back from your neck. Both of your lids are low and your eyes have a lustful haze fogging them. “Can I please feel you?”  His hands explore you while you fight with your tongue to form words. They skim over your curves and make you feel like you’re electric. You’ve wanted this, you wanted this so badly. 
“We shouldn’t.” Your mouth forms the wrong words and you curse yourself for it. Jeongin just nods at you, hands still exploring your body until they reach your breast. He cups them, squeezing a bit and running his thumbs over your hardened nipples. 
“We shouldn’t” He repeats after you, massaging your breast more intensely and pressing the prominent bulge in his sweatpants firm against your cunt. Your breath hitches and your eyes flutter shut.
“We can’t” It comes out as a moan as he leans in and sucks on the flesh on the other side of your neck. Your fingers rake through his hair and he groans at the slight tug you give. “You’re my best friend.” 
“Don’t worry about making things weird.” He whispers between kisses to the shell of your ear. “Just worry about what you want.”
He pulls away again, fox eyes staring into yours. “You’re not gonna lose me, don’t worry.” Your eyes search his for a second and you can feel your resolve breaking. 
 “Touch me.” Your voice is barely above a whisper but he heard you, he’s just going to act like he didn’t. “Say it again.”
“Touch me, Innie, please. I wan’ it.” His hand is slipping down the front of your shorts in an instant. Everything is back to being clumsy and rough, fast and desperate. He moans when the pads of his fingers run over your slick folds.
“No panties, sweetie?” His eyes roll back and he bites at his bottom lip to try to control himself. 
“I’m sorry, I can’t do this.” He hooks his fingers into the side of your shorts and starts trying to work them down your thighs. “I need you, it’s driving me mad.” 
You lift up for him and when you come back down his lips are on yours. “You’re driving me insane.” He whispers against your spit slick lips, his forehead is pressed to yours as his fingers roam your slippery cunt. He covers you in your own slick, dipping in and out of your folds and teasing your waiting hole.
“Please, no teasing, I can’t take it.” He rubs your clit, once then twice before slipping back down. “Innie, please I’ll be so good. I’ll be so good for you please just fuck me.” 
He pushes a finger into you slowly, taking in the soaked warmth that he caused. This is all because of him and his cock twitches at the thought. You moan and arch your back, your nails dig into his forearms as he moves. His rhythm is steady and unfamiliar, it makes your body sing in a way that no one else ever has.
“You’re so tight, noona. So wet.” His eyes are glued to where his finger is disappearing inside of you. He adds another, pushing in slowly before taking his previous pace. “Oh fuck, this is how it looks when you fuck yourself. When you take those toys and stuff your cunt. Shit, it’s so hot.”
You’re grinding into his hand, meeting his fingers when they fill you to the knuckle. Your tongue is poked between your teeth in an attempt to keep yourself quiet but you’ve already failed. Each thrust is met with a whining whimper that Jeongin eats up like candy. 
“Innie, Innie, c-can you curl them please? Curl your fingers inside of - holy shit, yes yes yes.” He watches your eyes roll back as your orgasm builds and builds. 
“Did you think of me?” His voice is thick with lust as he watches you. “When you made your last audio, did you think about me?” You’re shaking your head before you can even filter the question. You admit it shamelessly as you chase your high that’s dangling in front of you.
“Yes, I did I did, I thought of you.” Your orgasm rushes up your legs and blurs your vision with one more stroke of his fingers but he’s pulling out before you can ride it out. You whimper at the loss but a gasp quickly follows when you’re filled with something thicker.
“I know.” He moans, bracing himself against the cabinet behind your head as he pushes into you. “You said my name in the audio, you know that?”
He bottoms out with a groan, your cunt is spasming around him as your previous orgasm rips through you but you can already feel another one building as the first one subsides. His other hand settles at the nape of your neck and he pulls you in for a searing kiss. 
You can’t breathe being this full of him. With his tongue exploring your mouth and his cock stretching your walls. It feels like you're suffocating in the most delicious way. “Shit, your pussy takes - takes me so well.”  You can feel his control dissolving. It’s evident in the way he pants against you and how his dark eyes droop lower and lower with each unsteady pull of his hips.
“I wanna take my time with you.” He whispers against your lips. “I wanna but I can’t.” He’s whining, moaning and cursing into the air as he drags against your walls. You can’t even really hear him if you’re being honest. Between the sloppy sounds of your cunt being fucked, the rapid beating of your heart and ringing in your ears you’re completely clocked out. Utterly brain-dead. 
“Please, let me hear you. Please, I wanna know what you sound like when I fuck you.” Your voice shakes with a moan of his name as he switches his pace. His thrusts become faster and deeper, his breathing ragged, he’s doing his best to fuck you how he’s seen you fuck yourself. He’s doing his best to ruin you the same way that he imagined every time that he’d jerk his cock to your content.
 “More more more, please. Deeper, I wan’ it deeper.” His hands move to your thighs at your request and he pulls your ass to the very edge of the counter. He supports your legs on either side of him while you brace yourself against the side of the fridge. 
He pushes into you until his pelvis is flush against you. Every single thick inch of him is buried inside of you. Your pussy swells around him, squeezing him so perfectly that he lets his head fall forward with a moan. The hand that isn’t against the fridge balls the fabric of his shirt against his chest and slowly pulls it up until his torso is exposed to you. 
“Oh, fuck.” Your eyes snap shut once you feel him twitch inside of you. You let your hand run over his toned core, taking in every firm dip from under his fallen shirt. “Move, please. Please, Innie.”
“‘M gonna cum if I move.” His voice is strained as he rummages for any last bit of self control but he’s lost it all. He pulls back slowly, swirling his hips to hit every spot that you could imagine and more. Your pussy clenches around him as he sinks back in and he nearly busts at the feeling.
“I can feel you in my fucking stomach.” That’s all that you had to say to break him. That’s all that you had to say to have him pushing deeper into you then pulling back with every intention of ruining you. The only sound that you can hear is skin against skin decorated by your harmonizing moans.
 His eyes are shut tight as he moves, he’s biting his tongue, trying his best not to whine and moan like he does into his hand while watching your videos. You on the other hand are loud. You’re so fucked out and dazed that you can barely remember where you are. You couldn’t answer the first question asked to you even if you tried, the only thing that you can think of right now is Jeongin. Everything is him. Him, him, him.
“Innie ‘m gonna cum, you’re gonna make me. Gonna make me cum, fuck fuck fuck.” You scratch into his abs, leaving pretty red marks for him to remember this moment. Your head falls back as you float in the feeling of being dumb with pleasure. His hips slam into you at their own accord and you just take it. You let him fuck you just how he wants, just how you need it. 
“Cum, please cum. You feel too good. sweetie. Gonna make me cum.” His thrusts become more frantic, his movements more erratic. Your body is trembling and your mind is blank. A familiar fuzziness takes over your vision as you lose control, you welcome it. You savor it and quietly beg for more. “Cum on my cock, noona.”
He’s begging and you’re complying. Your vision blurs with a hazy white, your breathing hitches, and your body trembles with pleasure. You’re more than positive that your damn near screaming his name as he fucks you through what might be the most intense orgasm of your life. “That’s it, Thank you for your cum. Thank you.” 
His fingers dig into your thighs as his thrusts become unpredictable. He can’t take much more and he knows it. As much as he wanted to savor you he just can’t help but to get lost in the way you feel. He can swear that you were made for him. “Oh fuck, oh, fuck, I’m cumming.” With one final thrust he’s pulling out and milking his cock of thick ropes of white that settle on your inner thigh and drips down to frame your glistening cunt. 
He slumps forward, forehead resting against yours as you both pant hot and heavy satisfaction into the air. The silence is loud, almost louder than your pounding heart and racing thoughts as your eyes flutter open to meet Jeongin’s.
You stare at each other, it’s soft and almost comfortable but there’s still this looming uneasiness in your chest that makes you feel like you made a big mistake. It makes you feel like you just lost something. “Here.” He speaks first, pulling back from you to reach for the water bottle that he had earlier.
“Drink this, please.” He’s gentle as he opens the bottle and raises it to your lips. He tips your head back with a bent finger and turns the bottle up for you. “Are you okay?”
You swallow hard, panting for another second before you try nodding your head but you don’t know what to tell him. “Hey.” He grabs your attention, pulling you out of your thoughts for a second and calming you with his touch. “Everything’s alright. We didn’t ruin anything.” 
He smiles softly, pressing a soft kiss to your lips that you can’t help but melt into. Maybe he’s right. Maybe you’re just nervous to confront all of this, maybe you’re just scared to admit to yourself that you want him. You want him so badly and so much more.
He pulls back and you sigh, nodding your head with a whisper. “I’m okay.” 
“Let me clean you up and we can talk?” He starts fixing himself up and you can’t help but to snort a laugh. “I feel like we did this in reverse order.”
He smiles as he moves over to the sink. “Yeah, maybe.” The two of you laugh softly as he wets a couple of paper towels. It’s quiet again. It's comfortable. Everything will be alright.
“Your bedroom is literally right down the hall, you couldn’t fuck there?” Seungmin yells to the two of you and you freeze, Holy fuckaroni, you forgot that they were here. 
“You never even brought me my drink!” Jisung follows and Jeongin rolls his eyes and comes back over to you with the paper towels. Felix yells right after Jisung and you can’t help but to break out into laughter with Jeongin as he cleans you up. 
“Are you two not confused that they just fucked? Is it just me?.” 
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Thank You For Reading! Please Reblog or Comment to let me know how you liked it! It makes my day! 💕
ALSO, please follow my back-up acct. @minniee-verse 💕
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l33bang24 · 3 months
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This man may not be my bias but DAMN 🥵🥵 Got me on the floor like 🫠🫠
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I.N. I SKZ-TALKER GO! Season 4 Ep.04 Stray Kids
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imfoive · 5 days
Skz fake texts ── bf! Jeongin Photo convos with the certified Sourpatch Kid he likes us I promise
Warning: mentions of cursing, playful banter
── all fake texts
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kainuhsblog · 5 days
(●´⌓`●) take care of yourself
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prompt it's well into the day/evening and you/skz haven't eaten as yet. pairing bf!skz x fem!reader genre bf!skz, husband!skz, whatever you want them to be!skz warnings mentions of food/eating, light mode, petnames (if you hate that sorta thing), it gets kinda suggestive in jeongin's part, changbin's photo can be interpreted however you like ... but that can be implied as suggestive as well, jeongin tells you to choke like … twice, you threaten seungmin a/n hi! i made skz content 🥰i got this prompt recommended to me by my lovely friend, so here you go! i was worried about the photo limit when i first started making these, but then i remembered that you can upload up to 30 with your desktop, so i just went wild! do hope you guys enjoy!
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︶⊹︶︶୨୧Bang Chan
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︶⊹︶︶୨୧ Lee Minho
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︶⊹︶︶୨୧ Seo Changbin
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︶⊹︶︶୨୧ Hwang Hyunjin.
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︶⊹︶︶୨୧ Han Jisung
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︶⊹︶︶୨୧ Lee Felix
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︶⊹︶︶୨୧ Kim Seungmin
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︶⊹︶︶୨୧ Yang Jeongin
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589 notes · View notes
justastraymoa · 1 month
He checks in on you
Crack fluff cute humor drinking drunk booze nakedness sex stuff swears
Nothing within reflects anyone or anything irl. Pics off pinterest.
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ihave-atummyache · 3 months
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okay this is actually fucking insane.
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milkteabinniechan · 2 months
HIII i was wondering if you could do a smut with jeongin eating reader out after they get home from a stressful day at work?? thank you<3
♡Taste - Jeongin
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How's that feel?
Jeongin lifted his head from between your legs, his mouth shining and wet. He loved this part. This perfect middle moment. Your head pressed back into the pillow. Your eyes rolled back and half-lidded. Blissed out. Floating on a high.
You let out a soft whimper followed by a good. Jeongin smiled widely and resumed the position. He let his head sink back down between your legs. He put his tongue again, brushing it lightly, teasingly, against your most sensitive areas. He moved with a precision only present in a man that knew exactly what he was doing. Something about the taste of you mixed with the erotic noises you let out made Jeongin’s mind click into a different mode. Like a switch had been flipped and the sweet, innocent eyes he usually looked at you with were gone. He was a man starving. Lapping and tasting you with a voracious intensity.
Your thighs twitched, squeezing his face periodically. The events of the day swiftly melting away like waves crashing onto the shore. Each new flurry of ecstacy washing away like sand, being pulled into salty ocean water. Working days had become working nights and the tension and stress in your shoulders was becoming apparent and overwhelming. You felt like you couldn't breathe. Like the walls of your once comforting apartment were beginning to close in on you.
Jeongin was like a beacon on a storm. Seeing the stress you carried and was determined to make you feel so good that you had absolutely no choice but to let the pressure and strain of work fade away into oblivion.
“....tastes so good.” Jeongin mumbled into your warm skin.
He moved his tongue a little faster now, eager to pull more sounds from you. His pink tongue flicked and swirled around your clit, inching it further out from between your lips. His lips wrapped around the swollen bundle of nerves as he sucked and pulled with a rhythmical pace that caused your breath to hitch and freeze in your throat.
"I wanna hear you. I know you can be louder than that. Come on..."
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catiuskaa · 3 months
your type
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SUMMARY: It doesn’t matter how pretty you are, because, Jeongin’s been working in that cafe long enough to notice as soon as you walked in: he knows your type.
WC: 1.5k
CW: silly kind of enemies2lovers, except ‘enemies’ is just Jeongin being dramatic for a bit. It’s fluffy but also a smol tiny bit suggestive too tho. (reader being really hot kinda deal) teehee. (Also, heads up for fem!reader.)
God, no.
He clenched his fists under the counter, his eyes glued to your figure.
Jeongin shrieked in his place. No way. Why him? He groaned lowly, blinking slowly, trying to process and calm down beforehand, yet he still squinted towards the small bell above the coffee shop’s door, almost as if he could’ve blamed it for the impending dread horror he was about to face.
The smell of toasted coffee beans was almost not strong enough to cover that of your perfume as said bell announced your entrance, and it was then when he knew. Jeongin had covered enough morning shifts and worked several —if not more— evening shifts to know your type.
Disgustingly pretty.
So, so pretty.
Pretty hair, pretty legs, pretty nails, pretty, pretty, pretty. He held back the need to roll his eyes, your tone of voice still able to make itself heard even if the slightly crowded coffee shop was brimming with many other conversations, there it be the small child that blabbered to herself, giggling as she played with some small cars her mother had given her, or said woman, who also played with the colourful toys from time to time, while managing something on her laptop. Jeongin liked her very much. She tipped nicely.
Still, he couldn’t help but grimmace when he noticed your frown as you approached the counter, phone in hand, glued to your ear. Now, could it be that he was maybe being a bit too dramatic? Well, why, of course. His shared shifts were with Hyunjin, after all. Who, to make matters worse, was running late. Again.
“No. And I’m hanging up.” You stated towards whoever was unlucky enough to be at the other end of the call. “No- Jisung, kindly, I don’t give a fuck. If the big man says he’s not gonna pay me, I ain’t doing nothing. I am not some goody-two-shoes he can mess with.”
Your hushed voice still had the classic tone of anger he was familiar with. But Jeongin’s gaze towards you changed, almost reluctantly so, had anyone asked him. He had to hold back his eyebrows from shotting up when even if you were scoffing, still on the phone, arguing with that Jisung man on the other side, you still smiled widely at him, a grin that, had it been somewhere else, it would’ve certainly got you his attention.
But, he had to remain focused. To think, use the head that’s above your shoulders, Jeongin, he told himself. He couldn’t get sidetracked, or else you’d catch him in your spell.
Which wasn’t going to happen, because he knew your type.
Or so he thought.
He noticed an elderly woman waiting behind you, who was obviously not ready to place an order. Ah, there it was. Now you were finally going to turn off that charming attraction of yours, by—
“Oh, please,” You muttered lowly to the woman, a kind, adorable, toothy grin as you moved away from the queue. “I’ll be fine, really.”
Jeongin’s eyes trailed to you as he prepared the brownie the woman had asked for. He couldn’t believe his eyes when you smiled at him, —ouch—, a grin weirdly apologetic, which took him by surprise as you tucked a troublesome strand of your bangs behind your ear repeatedly. Disgustingly cute —yeouch— and without causing a total connundrum over nothing.
Ok. Sure. Yeah. That was totally out of character. But, no, Jeongin didn’t mind. Not at all. Definetely not. Not if you kept smiling at him like that.
“Listen, Ji." Jeongin almost flinched. He felt so lucky for not being the one being scolded by you. "The album is awesome, dude, but I ain’t touching it without being paid. We’re friends, and I love you to death, but if you call me again to make me work without a contract, I am killing you.”
Oh. Well. Jeongin may have not blushed due to your words, but certainly blushed at the way you smiled at him —again, not helpful with his situation—, but also the way you passed a hand through your hair. Ah, fuck.
He had been caught in your spell, hadn’t he?
No. No, no, no. He cursed in his head. Sure, femenine rage was hot. You were hot. Very. But, by all means, this wasn’t something he could indulge in, because—
“Um.” You snickered. “Sorry I was on the phone. Can I… er… may I order now?”
Because… um… what was the reason again?
“O-of course.” He heard himself speak, his voice sounding strange, as if it hadn’t came out of his mouth. He smiled, a bit awkwardly, indeed, but a smile nontheless. It got better when you matched it, chuckling lowly.
“It’s fine. Really. Sorry, again. I can see you’re busy, so by all means take your time.” You grinned, a smile with matching levels of innocence and cheekiness. Damn, he was already that down bad? “Could I have an espresso machiato?”
Espresso. Espresso. Not only you pronounced it right, which made the small barista inside him started to glow and shake Jeongin’s heart, that had started to beat like crazy, but the mere sound of your voice had the young man whipped.
“You're fine." Very fine indeed. "No worries at all." He nodded politely, feeling his cheeks grow red.
He started to note the order on the machine in front of him. Easy enough thing to do. Just tap here, there and… eh… um…
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” He muttered, frowning.
“I, uh, is everything the matter?” You blinked, your expression showcasing a small yet sincere amount of worry.
So odd. So out of character. So, so, so cute, his heart screamed.
“This machine is just the worst.” He gulped apologetically. “Does whatever it wants, really.”
A line started to form behind you, and Jeongin panicked. Why him? Fuck, shit, fuck. That was it. Jeongin was so getting fired after this—
“Do you mind if I step in?”
Jeongin’s eyes almost got lost in yours as his gaze locked on you.
“I don’t think I can…”
“I’ll wait for my coffe, and I’ll fix your machine. Promise. I know how these work.”
The head above your shoulders, Jeongin.
"I think Hyun- um, my coworker knows how to fix it. He should be here in no time..."
"Oh, please. Just let the girl fix it." A customer groaned behind you.
"Actually, I'm still in the wrong. Don't push it, sir." You argued with a smile, shocking both the man and Jeongin, who now saw a sort of halo surrounding your figure.
“I, uh… good luck, I guess.” He sighed, shrugging and letting you behind the counter.
Oh, he was so getting fired. Letting a client step in behind the counter? Nevermind how good she smelled, how cute and hot she looked or how pretty her smile was. You rolled up your sleeves, and he almost thought he had seen traces of ink. Oh boy. He was going to get in so much trouble, in about two sec—
The machine dinged funnily, and you smiled.
“Fixed!” You sighed cheekily. “A reboot and a shake still works just fine.” Jeongin blinked, puzzled. “Guess I gotta speak with Chan and Hyunjin.” You giggled. “Thought I had taught them better.”
Your smile got bigger, as you chuckled again.
“Didn’t they tell you?” You smiled again, taking a hair clip from your purse, swiftly tying your hair up. “I opened the cafe with them a bunch of years ago. Chan owned the building, Hyunjin had the style, and I was the coffee enthusiast.” The way you beamed had him hooked.
The both of you seamlessly got to work together, making coffes and taking orders and serving. It wasn't rush hour, by any means, so Jeongin quickly started up your order, apologizing lightly, a blush on his face.
"I really appreciate it, though." He grinned sheepishly. "Here you go, noona."
You tried to get out your wallet, but jeongin's body worked faster than his head, only able to settle his hand over yours.
It was as if a shiver overwhelmed his whole body just because of that simple touch. A system reboot.
"It's on the house." he smiled, trying to play it off and calm the fuck down. "You saved me back there. I owe you that much."
Then the bell rang again.
"Hey, Innie, sorry I was late, I was walking my fish..." Hyunjin blabbered nonchalantly, unbothered, looking at his phone until he got behind the counter. He stared at you, then smiled widely. "Noona!"
Surprisingly to Jeongin, you didn't match his welcoming. Instead you scoffed. "No. I have to walk my fish, you see." You clicked your tongue, and Jeongin couldn't help but laugh at his mate. "Actually, I think you're fine on your own for the rest of the shift. We'll go watch your fish."
Jeongin had been too busy laughing to mentally prepare, and blushed furiously when you grabbed and linked your hand with his, giddily taking him to one of the free tables.
"I don't think I should go walk fishes still in my shift." Jeongin joked lightly, still flustered.
Your hand left his, and strangely to him, the action felt almost reluctant.
"Maybe we can chat over some coffee, then?"
Jeongin smiled.
"I'd love that."
He thought he had known your type, almost as gorgeous as annoying. Which didn't came as a surprise was how happy he was to be wrong.
kats, who has to confess she hates coffee with a passion.
catiuskaa, july 2024 ©
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lotusbee07 · 2 days
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baby-yongbok · 3 months
I.N at BST Hyde Park in London
[Not my video! Video Credit to Owner.]
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delieors · 5 months
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𝖡𝖺𝖻𝗒, 𝖺𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗅𝗌 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖼𝖺𝗇'𝗍 𝖿𝗅𝗒 𝖽𝗈𝗐𝗇 𝗁𝖾𝗅𝗅 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗆𝖾
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𝖨'𝗆 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒 𝗌𝖺𝗒 𝖨 𝗐𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝖻𝖾
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750 notes · View notes
Hii! Can I request jealous ot8 texts where they find out someone paid for your meal/drink lol ?
jealous skz when someone pays for your food
genre: texts, angst
warnings: a couple of these are angsty with no happy endings, mentions of eating and remembering to eat, toxic jealousy in some.
masterlist • part 2
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