#Jensen Love
theantiherohunter · 2 months
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Honestly, Antony is giving off an excited child meeting their hero vibe in those pictures, and Jensen being unbothered by it and it's honestly hilarious
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impala-dreamer · 4 months
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(Source: 3saPhotography on Instagram)
You know.🥵🩸🩸😂
babe... I know.
I Know.
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harliejquinn · 2 months
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haley2light-blog · 5 months
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hotsquirrely · 5 months
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daynamiddleton · 1 year
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celestedemonbel4onok · 9 months
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(tags inspired by a post i can’t reblog because tumblr is shit) 
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goldenispunk · 6 months
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lily-s-world · 4 months
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It was Jensen!!
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twinkchester · 15 days
"iT wAs UnReQUitEd LoVe"
Literally dean:
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theantiherohunter · 2 months
As someone who knows Jensen, trust and believe when I say, the man is a loser. He’s a complete freak who does annoying little voices and backstabs anyone he can. In business esp.
Anon, I’m a bit skeptical about the claim of knowing him personally. From everything I’ve heard, and what friends have told me, Jensen comes across as a remarkably kind, genuine, and talented individual. His current slate of projects—including Tracker Season 2, The Boys prequel, Season 5 of The Boys, and his own show Countdown—demonstrates his relentless dedication and exceptional skills. These opportunities are a testament to his hard work and perseverance, and they’re well-deserved.
The fallout between Jensen and Jared over the Supernatural prequel indeed created a lot of buzz. Jensen didn’t inform Jared about the prequel, leading to Jared’s SM reaction and subsequent drama. It’s unfortunate when personal disagreements become public spectacles, but it’s crucial to understand such situations are often misunderstood from the outside. While the fallout was undeniably dramatic, it’s also important to remember that every public figure has their own complexities and struggles that don’t always align with our perceptions.
Jensen’s actions, like those of any human being, don’t necessarily define his entire character. Public figures are multifaceted and can have both good and bad days. Their decisions in moments of conflict or stress don’t always reflect their true selves. Despite any negative feedback or misunderstandings, Jensen continues to be a magnetic, beautiful (and I use that term not just for his looks but for his presence and impact), and talented actor.
I fully support Jensen and his career achievements, and I believe he has earned every bit of success he’s experiencing. I will never let any form of negativity overshadow my respect and admiration for him. It's essential to acknowledge that while opinions about public figures can vary, it’s the positive contributions and ongoing growth that should be celebrated. Every fan may have a different perspective, but the talent and dedication Jensen brings to his work are undeniable and commendable.
In the end, while everyone is entitled to their views, I choose to focus on the positive and continue to root for Jensen’s success. His career achievements are a result of his hard work and passion, and I stand by him wholeheartedly in celebrating those accomplishments.
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impala-dreamer · 4 months
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Well look who finally showed up
( look who finally got back to watching )
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harliejquinn · 1 year
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Jensen/Felicia <3
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haley2light-blog · 7 months
Darks art by DeanWinchesterwho
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daynamiddleton · 10 months
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