#Jennifer Westacott
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avandelay20 · 1 year ago
“Australia’s population-led growth model was a demonstrable failure in the 15 years prior to the pandemic,” Mr Minack told his high-paying subscribers in a note published on Tuesday.
“Remarkably, the country now seems to be doubling down on the same strategy.”
With the population growing at an annual rate of about 2 per cent, Mr Minack said Australia needed to devote about 6.6 per cent of GDP to investment to keep the amount of capital per person steady. But investment was currently less than half that.
Mr Minack said underinvestment was not a recent phenomenon. Over the past 15 years, governments have not invested enough in building the schools, roads, hospitals and housing required to compensate for population growth.
While his research takes a longer-term view, the current debate among politicians and economists has zeroed in on the post-pandemic migration rebound, which some blame for worsening the housing affordability crisis.
Immigration expert Abul Rizvi estimates Australia’s annual migration intake probably hit a record 500,000 people in September as international students and working holidaymakers returned en masse.
The population surge has become an uncomfortable topic for the Albanese government, as the Coalition seeks to capitalise on community concerns about the size of the immigration intake and accuses Labor of pursuing a “big Australia by stealth”.
Opposition finance spokeswoman Jane Hume said on Wednesday that migration was “out of control” and causing productivity to decline.
“There is a fundamental problem because, of course, those huge numbers of migrants put immense demand on our already congested suburbs, on our already overworked infrastructure,” she told Sky.
“And unless there is infrastructure that has been co-ordinated to keep up with that level of inflation, it actually becomes a drag on productivity.”
Former Business Council of Australia boss Jennifer Westacott warned on Tuesday that sustainable and realistic immigration settings were required to ensure community confidence in the migration program.
Leading economist Chris Richardson last week suggested cutting back on international student numbers due to the failure to build enough housing, while former treasurer Peter Costello said Australia’s “extremely high” immigration levels represented an “enormous adjustment” for the property sector and the Reserve Bank’s inflation challenge.
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thefirstfemale · 2 years ago
Western Sydney University has celebrated the installation of its new Chancellor, Australian business leader, Professor Jennifer Westacott AO.
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years ago
Employers move against labor law over wage increase offer
A feature of the bill, according to officials who spoke on condition of anonymity due to legal agreements, is that it creates separate “streams” for different types of employers, but one source said this is already causing confusion. One of the government’s stated goals is to improve wages in sectors such as childcare and elderly care where many workers are women, salaries are low compared to other sectors and many employers receive federal assistance. Australian Business Council president Jennifer Westacott has reiterated her objections to workplace laws.attributed to him:Oscar Coleman These employers will be placed in a stream with stricter obligations compared to industries that do not rely heavily on direct or indirect federal funding. Burke left room to amend the bill after feedback from industry, unions, and a potential investigation from the Senate once it was submitted to Parliament. “It always leads to different adjustments to what is being put forward,” he said of the consultations. loading “So there’s an ongoing review going on in this process and then after it’s presented, it goes through the normal Senate investigative process as well.” In addition to industry-wide bargaining changes, the bill aims to ban pay secrecy clauses so that companies cannot stop employees from talking about their pay, make gender equality a goal of the Fair Work Act, and create new “expert committees” at the Fair Work Fair Commission to address the pay gap between the sexes, and giving the commission more power to request wage increases for workers in sectors dominated by female workers. ACTU Secretary Sally McManus put the idea of ​​multi-employer bargaining on the agenda on August 24 with a warning of “extreme anger” among workers who have seen their incomes fall in real terms for years, prompting a debate over reform in the government. top jobs. While business groups initially took different approaches, with ACCI and Ai Group being more forceful in their objections than BCA, the groups united with a joint statement on Saturday to express “deep reservations” about the negotiation changes between multiple employers. The three groups will say, “Any broader system of bargaining between multiple employers must be voluntary and cannot lead to another layer of inappropriate terms and conditions at the industry level.” Ai Group president Ennis Willox says the changes in its current form will cost jobs by making conditions more difficult for employers.attributed to him:Jeremy Piper The global economy is on a perilous path. It is critical that we avoid any changes that could lead to increased industrial action, supply chain bottlenecks and unsustainable wage pressures.” ACCI President Andrew McKellar cited recent cuts in global growth as a reason for caution. He said, “The undermining of real workplace conventions and increasing the scope for serious industrial work is a recipe for disaster as international conditions deteriorate.” loading The changes in its current form will cost jobs by making conditions more difficult for employers, said Ines Willox, president of Ai Group. “We urge the government to take a breath and avoid rushing to introduce such extreme changes to our workplace relations system,” he said. An ACTU spokesperson responded to industry groups and said the union movement would work with the government to increase wages after a decade of low wage growth. “It’s disappointing that employer groups don’t want to be a part of the wage growth reform process, but it probably shouldn’t come as a surprise. They have stopped raising wages for more than a decade and would like to keep it that way. Go beyond the hype of federal politics with news, opinions and expert analysis from Jacqueline Malley. Subscribers can sign up for the weekly Inside Politics newsletter here. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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leanpick · 3 years ago
Business calls for calm over Omicron
Business calls for calm over Omicron
Business Council of Australia chief executive Jennifer Westacott does not want to see panic or an over-reaction to the latest variant of the coronavirus.
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oddventuregawdsovg-blog · 4 years ago
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Politics with Michelle Grattan: what should the budget do for women? Jennifer Westacott (BCA) and Michele O'Neil (ACTU)
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leftdreamertidalwave · 4 years ago
【澳洲網編譯報導】聯邦財務部長弗萊登伯格(Josh Frydenberg)近日表示,2021年預算案的重點仍將放在疫情后經濟復甦上。
對此弗萊登伯格表示:“無論對澳洲經濟、勞動力市場還是政府預算而言,��止留職補貼是正確的決定。即將到來的預算案,將繼續優先考慮就業,讓更多的澳人重返工作崗位。儘管目前的情況令人鼓舞,但我們仍有許多工作要做。聯邦政府通過減稅、商業投資激勵以及在技能和基礎設施方面創紀錄的支出,來繼續提供經濟支持。”日本藤素 日本藤素藥局 日本藤素實體店 日本藤素哪裡買 正品日本藤素 汗馬糖 必利吉保羅V8 德國必邦 壯陽藥 春藥
對此,弗萊登伯格表示,這些變化不僅會給數十萬家庭帶來巨大幫助,還會增加重返勞動力市場的人數。他說:“我們將確保約25萬個家庭因為這項計劃而生活得更好。”弗萊登伯格還說:“這是一項有針對性的、成比例的投資,並每年為澳洲經濟帶來高達15億元的增長。這會讓我們的經濟更強大,並提高女性勞動力的參與度。”聯邦外交和婦女事務部長佩恩(Marise Payne)也稱,這將增加女性就業人數。她說:“我們目前的性別收入比例是61.8%,而且性別收入差距正在縮小。”澳洲商業委員會(Business Council of Australia)首席執行官韋斯科特(Jennifer Westacott)稱讚該計劃是朝著正確方向邁出的一步。她說,澳洲去年有9萬人因為高昂的育兒成本而沒有辦法去工作,這項補貼將對其中許多人產生巨大的影響。
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sachkiawaaj · 4 years ago
Major move could impact Aussie menCoca-Cola Amatil Group managing director Alison Watkins, Business Council president Tim Reed, Business Council chief executive Jennifer Westacott and KPMG national chairman Alison Kitchen. Picture: Gary Ramage
Major move could impact Aussie menCoca-Cola Amatil Group managing director Alison Watkins, Business Council president Tim Reed, Business Council chief executive Jennifer Westacott and KPMG national chairman Alison Kitchen. Picture: Gary Ramage
Big business executives are calling on the government to support working parents by giving men the opportunity to take more time off work and share more responsibility at home to assist women in the workforce. At Parliament House in Canberra yesterday, the Business Council of Australia (BCA) called for “concerted action” to make changes to Australia’s paid parental leave scheme, including…
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pranapower · 5 years ago
This user does not have a valid Spin Rewriter subscription.
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newsletters, editors-pick-list, Wagga must be among the' leading 10 local cities' to get concern facilities and economic development assistance from the federal government, according to regional leaders. Organisation Council of Australia chief executive Jennifer Westacott informed the National Press Club on Tuesday that the federal government must concentrate on 'locations' and not just 'jobs' to decrease local inequality. If the federal government take's the council's guidance, the priority cities would see assistance for growing their populations and establishing brand-new jobs and educational services to competing capital cities. Ms Westacott did not name which cities need to remain in the top 10, stating it should be for others to decide. Wagga company chamber president Danielle Wait said the city might fulfill Ms Westacott's criteria. "I think Wagga is preferably positioned to be one of the top 10," she stated. Ms Westacott stated the leading 10 must be selected on the basis of having an airport or major transportation paths, two effective markets, strategic value, proximity to major power grids, a university and a TAFE, and readily available housing and health services. "What I am calling for is a method that would permit us to take the pressure off some of our cities by ensuring that people have jobs and enterprise and financial activity in our regions," she said. "You can't just ask individuals to go a live in an area and then not do the work to create the financial activity that will keep them there, keep them working and keep them well paid. "To me it's a win-win: create vital mass in local communities, get individuals moving up there, their kids stay there and go to school." "Things like having the University and TAFE colleges and having a relatively diverse economy that will end up being more varied as we see the impacts of the Bomen Special Activation job concerned fruition," Ms Wait stated. "I don't think this was pointed out (in the speech) but having all three arms of the military here works also." Ms Westacott informed the press club that the federal government should select top priority regional cities that "have a hunger for more people to take pressure and blockage off the significant cities". "Not every place can be selected, and we can not make choices based upon electoral politics. Let's just get on with it," she said. Ms Wait stated Wagga might offer way of life and other benefits to those seeking to move out of capital cities. "In addition to the lifestyle advantages, we can be promoting the career opportunities and it's something I believe we do not talk adequate about: Wagga's a fantastic location to live but also to work," she stated. FOUND OUT MORE: Wagga council mayor Greg Conkey stated the city matched a great deal of the criteria advanced by the Organisation Council, in addition to the criteria for development from business advisor and demographer Bernard Salt. "I think the only boxes we don't tick are having a CSIRO research study institute and a mining market," he said. "Wagga has actually been allocated as an unique activation precinct and we were only the 2nd one announced in the state. "We're also a regional activation precinct for our medical precinct, so as far as the state federal government is worried we are being promoted as a large centre." Committee 4 Wagga chief executive Alan Johnston said Wagga was not rather as big as some of the cities mentioned in Ms Westacott's speech "but that's not to say we won't make it". "It's excellent to see this sort of frame of mind is at the front of thinking for the Business Council of Australia since they have significant airtime with the federal government," he stated.
https://nnimgt-a.akamaihd.net/transform/v1/crop/frm/rex.martinich/8ed60905-25e4-48f6-b84c-995932c46133.jpg/r667_912_4284_2956_w1200_h678_fmax.jpg November 26 2019- 5:00 PM Wagga might be' leading 10' local city for development under Business Council of Australia strategy R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP/// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-fixed-size= "big" data-src
="// nnimgt-a. akamaihd.net/transform/v1/crop/frm/rex.martinich/8ed60905-25e4-48f6-b84c-995932c46133.jpg/r667_790_4284_3098_w1200_h678_fmax.jpg" alt =" Organisation Council of Australia chief executive Jennifer Westacott, who has contacted the federal government to establish a' top 10' of regional cities for top priority growth assistance. Picture: James Brickwood." title="Service Council of
Australia chief executive Jennifer Westacott, who has gotten in touch with the federal government to develop a' top 10 'of regional cities for concern development support. Picture: James Brickwood." width =" 3617" height =" 2308" itemprop="image" > Wagga should be among the 'leading 10 local cities' to get concern facilities and financial development support from the federal government, according to regional leaders.Business Council of Australia chief executive Jennifer Westacott informed the National Press Club on Tuesday that the federal government need to focus on' locations' and not simply' projects 'to minimize local inequality.If the federal government take's the council's guidance, the concern cities would see support for growing their populations and developing brand-new jobs and academic services to rival capital cities.Ms Westacott did not name which cities must remain in the top 10, stating it ought to be for others to decide.Wagga service chamber president Danielle Wait said the city could meet Ms Westacott's requirements.
" I believe Wagga is preferably positioned to be among the leading 10," she said.Ms Westacott said the top 10 should be chosen on the basis of having an airport or significant transportation routes, 2 effective markets, strategic significance, distance to significant power grids, a university and a TAFE, and available real estate and health services.
" What I am calling for is an approach that would allow us to take the pressure off a few of our cities by making sure that people have jobs and business and economic activity in our regions," she stated.
" You can't just ask people to go a reside in a region and then not do the work to produce the financial activity that will keep them there, keep them working and keep them well paid.
" To me it's a win-win: produce emergency in regional neighborhoods, get individuals moving up there, their kids remain there and go to school."
" Things like having the University and TAFE colleges and having a reasonably diverse economy that will end up being more diverse as we see the effects of the Bomen Unique Activation project come to fulfillment," Ms Wait stated.
" I do not think this was discussed (in the speech) but having all three arms of the military here is beneficial."
Ms Westacott told the press club that the government ought to select top priority regional cities that "have a cravings for more people to take pressure and blockage off the major cities".
" Not every location can be selected, and we can not make decisions based upon electoral politics. Let's simply get on with it," she said.Ms Wait said Wagga could offer lifestyle and other benefits to those looking to vacate capital cities.
" In addition to the way of life benefits, we can be promoting the career opportunities and it's something I think we don't talk sufficient about: Wagga's an excellent location to live however also to work," she said.READ MORE:
Wagga council mayor Greg Conkey said the city matched a lot of the requirements put forward by the Business Council, along with the requirements for growth from organisation advisor and demographer Bernard Salt." I think the only boxes we don't tick are having a CSIRO
research study institute and a mining industry, "he said." Wagga has been allocated as a special activation precinct and we
were only the second one revealed in the state." We're likewise a regional activation precinct for our medical precinct, so as far as the state federal government is concerned we are being promoted as a large centre." Committee 4 Wagga president Alan Johnston stated Wagga was not quite as huge as some of the cities
discussed in Ms Westacott's speech" but that's not to say we won't make it"." It's excellent to see this sort of frame of mind is at the front of thinking for business Council of Australia because they have significant airtime with the government," he stated.
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years ago
Labor rolls out IR law with pledge to move wages
“At this point, I don’t think the consultation process is nearing completion.” The government has confirmed four elements of the Workplace Bill to work to deliver on key Labor Party promises in the federal election campaign. The first is to ban pay secrecy clauses so companies can’t stop employees from talking about their salaries if they want to, something Burke has promised over the past year as a way to stop behavior he believes can discriminate against women. The second was to make gender equality an objective of the Fair Work Act, and to give industrial governance a principle that could influence its decisions about wages and terms. The third is the creation of new “expert committees” at the Fair Work Commission to address the gender pay gap in the care sector, which is dominated by women and which the government believes is undervalued and underpaid. Another committee will advise the committee on equity in wages. Fourth, it would give the Fair Work Committee greater power to demand wage increases for workers in sectors dominated by female workers through the “principle of equal pay” that would take into account gender when evaluating the value of work. loading Treasury Secretary Jim Chalmers has acknowledged the increasing pressure on household budgets from price hikes when inflation gnaws at real wages, making action on payment a key government goal despite industry opposition over additional costs to employers. Ines Willox, CEO of Ai Group, expressed concern about the speed with which the government moved after the plans were reported in Australian Financial Audit On Tuesday, he spread the word across industry groups about negotiating plans between multiple employers. “We were meeting with the government late into Friday about repairing relationships in the workplace,” he said. We were expecting more consultations. There is little support for ACTU’s proposals with regard to bargaining multiple employers from the industry, only a deep alarm. loading “Any adoption of radical union proposals to give them the right to coordinate industrial action across a sector or industry risks imposing significant negative consequences on society and the economy as recently defined by the Productivity Committee.” The union declined to comment on the looming workplace law, saying questions should be directed to the government. Australian Business Council president Jennifer Westacott said she and others were working “in good faith” with the government but had not yet seen a written proposal. “With global economic storm clouds gathering, it is critical that we act with extreme caution to avoid changes that could increase unemployment, increase disruptive strikes and undermine our economic security.” Go beyond the hype of federal politics with news, opinions and expert analysis from Jacqueline Malley. Subscribers can sign up for the weekly Inside Politics newsletter here. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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leanpick · 3 years ago
Coronavirus crisis: WA must stick to national plan to reopen borders, BCA boss says
Coronavirus crisis: WA must stick to national plan to reopen borders, BCA boss says
Business Council Australia chief executive Jennifer Westacott is urging the WA Government to outline its plan to reconnect with the rest of the nation.
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krogerconews · 7 years ago
Malcolm Turnbull skirts slings and arrows at BCA bash
Today's the deadline Victorian Liberal president Kroger (who last year was in a brawl with Jennifer Westacott's BCA) has set the Charles Goode-chaired Cormack to respond to Kroger's proposal to go into arbitration to resolve the ownership of the $70m fund. Goode and his fellow directors of Cormack ... from Google Alert - "fred meyer" | "king soopers" | kroger | ralphs | fry's | qfc | dillons | -"john kroger" -"qatar" -"stephen fry" http://ift.tt/2zSVHk0 via IFTTT
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marykmcduffie · 7 years ago
Claims children are worse off with same-sex parents 'offensive', business chief says
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Jennifer Westacott has defended the right of businesses to take a stance on marriage equality. Photograph: Dean Lewins/AAP
Claiming children raised by same-sex couples are worse off is “deeply offensive and wrong”, the Business Council of Australia chief executive, Jennifer Westacott, has said.
Speaking to Radio National on Thursday Westacott defended the right of businesses to take a stance on marriage equality and her desire for her more than 30-year same-sex relationship to be treated with the same respect as others.
Asked if the postal survey debate so far had been respectful, Westacott said both sides had “some things to answer for in terms of extreme views either way”.
Liberal MP says he was targeted by 'deceptive' anti-marriage equality 'push poll'
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“When I hear people talking about the children and saying are not going to OK in same-sex relationships, I am deeply offended by that,” she said.
Westacott said she knows “quite...
Source: Claims children are worse off with same-sex parents 'offensive', business chief says
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worldnewsinpictures · 4 years ago
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Business Council Chief Executive Jennifer Westacott says Australia cant keep going on like this and needs to develop proportionate and consistent responses to COVID outbreaks. $$$$.... Do you have an opinion on this? Share it! HERE -> https://worldnewsinpictures.com/business-council-chief-executive-jennifer #Business #BusinessCouncil #BusinessCouncilChief #Jennifer #JenniferWestacott #JenniferWestacottAustralia #Share #ShareHERE #Council #Executive
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wandashifflett · 4 years ago
Australian Business Bosses Urged to Forgo Bonuses
Business Council of Australia chief Jennifer Westacott believes firms receiving JobKeeper for their staff shouldn’t be paying executives bonuses. She also feels companies should be exercising some “very careful judgment” when paying dividends while receiving the wage subsidy. But she was adamant bosses shouldn’t be paying themselves a bonus while their company gets the JobKeeper …
Read moreAustralian Business Bosses Urged to Forgo Bonuses
from Rayfield Review News https://therayfield.com/australian-business-bosses-urged-to-forgo-bonuses from The Ray Field https://therayfieldreview.tumblr.com/post/628519701274836992
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therayfieldreview · 4 years ago
Australian Business Bosses Urged to Forgo Bonuses
Business Council of Australia chief Jennifer Westacott believes firms receiving JobKeeper for their staff shouldn’t be paying executives bonuses. She also feels companies should be exercising some “very careful judgment” when paying dividends while receiving the wage subsidy. But she was adamant bosses shouldn’t be paying themselves a bonus while their company gets the JobKeeper ...
Read moreAustralian Business Bosses Urged to Forgo Bonuses
from Rayfield Review News https://therayfield.com/australian-business-bosses-urged-to-forgo-bonuses
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leanpick · 4 years ago
Business Council of Australia calls for business role in vaccine rollout
Business Council of Australia calls for business role in vaccine rollout
A peak business group believes it can assist with the COVID-19 vaccine rollout through its network of members. But the Business Council of Australia also says there needs to be clarity and consistency surrounding the health advice on vaccines. The council’s chief executive Jennifer Westacott says 1.5 million Australians work for its members, like banks, supermarkets and other big employers. “All…
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