#Jeff would be protective (overprotective) in her
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darkesttimelinesblog · 9 months ago
We were robbed of a father daughter Jeff and Annie dynamic.
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butdaddyilovehim-hs · 1 year ago
Spells of Fate
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Summary: Y/N keeps having mysterious dizzy spells and Harry can't help but be increasingly worried
Based on this ask :)
Warnings: fluff, protective H
Word Count: 1.2k
The first time it happens, it catches Y/N off guard.
“H… babe can you slow down? I just need a minute.” Y/N breathes heavily, steading herself on a nearby bench as Harry quickly jogs back to her. 
“Love, you alright? You’re looking pretty pale.” He presses a cool palm against her forehead and notes how clammy she is, despite only having been jogging for a few minutes. 
“I don’t… I’m just feeling really dizzy. I think I need to sit down.”
“Ok, ok, I’ve got you. Have some water; Let’s rest for a bit and then we can start walking home. Good thing we didn’t make it far hey?” He jokes, attempting to pull a smile from his girlfriend. 
“I’m so sorry bubs, I know you wanted to run today. I’ll be ok, go on without me and I’ll meet you at home.” Y/N smiles weakly at him, urging him to keep going. Harry looks at her like she’s grown three heads.
“Not a chance, are you crazy? I’d never leave you, especially when you’re not feeling well. Can I take you to the hospital? Do I need to do something?” 
Y/N almost giggles at the sight of her boyfriend so anxious. He’s running his fingers through his hair, his hands twitching nervously as though he’s itching to do something. 
Come on, up. Do you need me to carry you or are you alright to walk?”
Y/N rolls her eyes at his overprotective nature.
“You really would carry me if I asked wouldn’t you.”
The second time, Y/N can feel it coming on.
This time she’s able to hide it better. Or so she thinks. 
It’s been a few days since the first incident and Harry’s about to go on stage. She’s laughing and chatting to Sarah when the wave of lightheadedness rushes through her again. Y/N grips onto the couch as subtly as she can, excusing herself quickly to grab some water. She thinks she’s managed to go unnoticed but it’s only a few moments later that Harry is by her side. 
“Y/N, my love. What’s the matter?”
“Harry you have a show to get to.”
“Not important darling, need to make sure you’re ok. You dizzy again?”
Y/N just nods, letting herself sink into Harry’s embrace. 
“I want you to stay back here tonight and look after yourself ok. Don’t come out for the show, I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
“Harry of course I’m coming out for the show. Now you need to go, and I’ll be right behind you. Just need some more water and I’ll be good.”
“Y/N.” Harry looks at her sternly. He’s worried. She knows he is, but Y/N is determined to not let whatever is going on with her ruin his show. 
“Harry. Love. I’m ok. Go on.” She presses a soft kiss to his lips, pushing him gently out the door of the bathroom. He grumbles as he goes, muttering something about how stubborn she is because he “just wants to take care of her.”
The third time is the worst one. 
She’s in the friends and family section, dancing around with Anne, screaming the lyrics to Daylight with Gemma. Y/N doesn’t feel completely better but she’s ignoring it to have fun. Harry is on edge tonight and she can feel it by the way he keeps glancing over to her in concern. 
“I’m fine!” She mouths, offering him a thumbs up. He scans her face for any sign of distress before nodding and blowing a kiss, moving to the other side of the stage. The concert is loud, and Y/N can feel herself getting warmer. 
Harry is doing his speech before Matilda and suddenly there are little dark spots in her vision. She can faintly hear Anne calling her name before everything fades to black and she falls to the ground.
Harry watches her faint from his view on the stage and his heart sinks. He’s about to stop the show and rush into the crowd to check on Y/N, but out of the corner of his eye he sees Jeff organising a stretcher to move her backstage. 
“Stay on stage H. We’ll take care of her I promise. Finish the show.” Harry hears through his earpiece. 
So he does, not wanting to disappoint the fans who’ve travelled so far to watch him play. It’s the longest 25 minutes of his life, finishing Kiwi with a half hearted whale before absolutely legging it backstage.
“Where is she? Where’s my girlfriend? I need to know where she is.” He’s tense and on edge as he searches the rooms backstage, finding Y/N and his mum in a room adjacent to his dressing room. Anne sends a comforting smile to her son before leaving to give the couple some privacy. 
Y/N slowly regains consciousness, her head throbbing and her body aching. She blinks, trying to make sense of her surroundings. It takes a moment for the blurred shapes and colors to sharpen into focus.
"Y/N, you're awake," a comforting voice says, and she turns her head to see Harry sitting beside her, his worried eyes locked onto her.
"What happened?" Y/N croaks, her voice barely above a whisper.
"You fainted during the show," Harry replies, his voice laced with concern. "They brought you back here.”
Y/N tries to sit up but immediately regrets it as dizziness washes over her. Harry gently pushes her back down.
"Easy there, love," he says softly. "We called a doctor. They're on their way.”
Y/N nods weakly, her heart pounding in her chest. She can't believe she let this happen again, especially during one of Harry's concerts.
"I'm so sorry," she murmurs, her eyes filling with tears.
Harry leans closer, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "Hey, don't be sorry. This isn't your fault. We'll figure out what's going on.”
As they wait for the doctor, Harry keeps a protective arm around Y/N, soothing her with gentle words and reassuring touches. When the doctor arrives and begins to examine her, Harry never leaves her side.
“Well Miss Y/L/N, the mysterious cause of the fainting spells has been solved. You’re pregnant. Only about 8 weeks along but that would be the cause of the dizziness. Congratulations you two.”
Harry is silent and Y/N takes this as a bad sign. She’s consumed by her own shock but Harry’s reaction has her frightened. 
“Harry,” she starts weakly, “I know this isn’t what we planned and I totally understand if-”
Harry holds her face in her hands cutting her off.
"Darling, we're going to have a baby," he whispers, his voice filled with wonder.
“You… you’re ok with this?”
“Of course I’m ok with this. I mean I didn’t expect it to be this soon but I can’t wait to have a family with you my love. Fuck. I’m going to be a dad.” His voice is filled with excitement and slight nervousness and Y/N’s eyes fill with happy tears. 
Harry can't help but press a loving kiss to Y/N's forehead, his voice filled with affection as he murmurs, "You're going to be an amazing mum.”
Y/N looks up at him with teary eyes, her heart overflowing with love. "And you're going to be the best dad.”
Tags: @lukesaprince @harryspirate @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @lilyrmason12 @styleslover-19944 @stylesfever @kathb59 @indierockgirrll @bxbyysstuff @gills-lounge @lomlhstyles @opheliaofficial07 @stylesmoonlight12 @babyiamperfectforyou @velvetballaspark @macy-tpwk @mema10 @jerseygirlinca @daphnesutton @rafaaoli
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lewstherintelescope · 2 years ago
Context: originally a response to this tweet about Miguel threatening to send Gwen home being why she kept everything from Miles... hence each paragraph being exactly 276 characters lol. But I felt it was relevant to common discussions here too, so I figured I'd crosspost it.
TL;DR it's not just that she's scared of what will happen to her if she steps out of line, it's that she's overprotective and worried about what effect being told he's inherently an outsider would have on him, paralleling the situation with Rio & Jeff at the start of the movie.
Here's the original message by Twitter user tikklil that I'm responding to, for those who would like to see it alongside this post instead of needing to visit another site (though I bet anyone Discoursing™️ has seen or said similar things enough times to get the gist by now):
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Internet for sure gives her too hard a time, but don't fully agree here (note: this is NOT building to a Gwen hate post). Ofc part of her wants to tell Miles everything because she hates not being open with him, hard to deny that. And ofc fearing home plays a role, we see it.
But if that were the only reason, why does she try to shuffle him back home before Jess can bring him in to explain? Miguel has finally agreed to let him know, so if that were all that was keeping her silent she should've been happy it wasn't necessary anymore. Yet she's not.
The most obvious response—as I see it—is that she's just worried about what Miguel will do. However, the shock we consistently see from everyone in reaction to his display suggests that nobody expected he would snap like this. So I don't feel that that explanation works here.
The only answer I can see is that she didn't want him to learn the truth. Now, it would be easy to spin this in an anti-Gwen way like "she didn't want her lies to be exposed", but we see full well how important he is to her over and over, so I don't for a moment believe that.
So if she cares about him so badly, why does she still work to keep it secret even when Jess & Miguel want to let him in on it? Because it's not just fear of being sent back, she truly believes that this knowledge will bring him nothing but pain and she can't bear to do that.
Which explains something else better too: naturally if she told him about canon, the society would realize pretty quickly when he starts working to stop it. But she could have told him about the spider anomaly thing and there's not really any way they'd find out & punish her.
But that's also the truth that would hurt most. Being told he was never meant to be this, that him getting bit led to his Peter's death, that the collider only went off because he got sidetracked with him. That's the secret that leads to him losing faith in them on the train.
It's not (just) fear for herself, but rather that she wanted to spare him, to shield him from being told he couldn't ever belong, exactly like his parents' protectiveness earlier on. Unfortunately, in the end this only left him more hurt and alone than telling him would have.
There's a reason "I'm not a kid" is such a running theme with Miles: everyone keeps thinking they know what's good for him, instead of accepting that they need to believe in his ability to face things himself. They truly only want to keep him safe, but he's not a kid anymore.
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sarawritesx · 1 year ago
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"Mmhm."he murmured, Kato was aware it was an invite only event, but when he had his mind set onto something, Kato would find a way. But knowing Athena, she wasn't going to let it slide so easily, and he was right - moments later she pointed out again how it was a private event and he could have caused a lot of trouble. "I know, Athena. I went into it well aware of possible consequences. And I'm sorry for putting you in that position."Kato pointed out, only thanks to her was he able to stay. Honestly she could have told him to get the hell out as well, but she didn't. And he appreciated that a lot.
And as expected, she brought up Maggie as well, the fact he was protective of her, some would say overprotective. Maybe even controlling. Although he didn't see himself as such, if he was going to be controlling of her, she wouldn't be anywhere near Gabe. Or any other man. He wanted her to live her life, but he was also worried for her, due to what Kato and Jeff did for a living. "You think so?"he asked, brows furrowed; he usually looked towards Gabe, giving him a look, and didn't really stop to notice if she was beaming or not. "I know I need to loosen up. Maggie is... she's not like me, or Jeff. And she's quite younger from us, so I guess there was always that protectiveness over her."he tried to elaborate. "I won't pop into your private events anymore, alright? You have my word."Kato said in the end.
Preparing the bath for them, Kato undressed himself to his boxer briefs and glanced toward the door when he saw her step inside. Walking towards her, he put his hands on her shoulders, giving her a small smirk. "I don't want you to be upset with me. Tell me how I can make it up to you."he hummed. @thechiyonosakenyc
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Athena did not even register the rather cute joke he had cut about her being the sexiest sack of potatoes ever. Which was a farce in and all of itself. Whoever even heard about a sack of potatoes being sexy? And making a sexy sack of potatoes statement had her either feeling like she was being complimented, or being insulted and Athena did not know how to react to that at all. But that did not matter, as she did directly go straight to the point, as he fessed up and told her that it was mostly the reason why he had to gatecrash. “Kato, you know that it’s an invite only event, and those guests in there were from a private security company whom know Gabe well.” She replied brusquely.
She had to laugh and cocked her head to one side as Kato started to complain about how he felt with Athena’s boss going out with Kato’s younger sister, Margaret. He walked up to her and cupped her face as he spoke, but Athena did not miss a beat. “Yes.” She smirked. “Again, it’s a private event, invite-only. Your ass might have been kicked not by Rhys, but also by the guests in the event itself, if I didn’t tell them I know you.” Athena shook her head in amusement and returned the kiss. “Look, you being protective over your sister’s admirable. But isn’t Margaret old enough to decide on who she wanted to see? From the looks of it, she’s beaming with him.” She pointed out.
Athena watched as Kato’s back headed to the bathroom as she reached for the zipper on her side and pulled it down, before heading to the bedroom to undress and grab a towel for herself.
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narabea06 · 3 years ago
Lulu and EJ duo hcs bc I love them /p-
In my version/rewrite of Lulu, she's around EJ's age and survived what happened with her eyes being taken, tho EJ is still older.
Both of them are quiet yet stern mom friends. Lulu is the nicer of the two tho
They were both each other first real friends. In my version of EJ, he was sorta a demon raised in isolation, and Lulu was kinda bullied for a big majority of her life and then ended up walking aimlessly through the woods for years and killing anyone she came across. So they were not good with social skills at first to say the least.
Lulu has scary dog privileges
EJ is extremely overprotective over Lulu, especially when it comes to meeting new people Lulu befriended, after she told him what she went through growing up.
EJ can be very impulsive and has major anger issues, so Liu and Lulu tend to be his impulse control and are some of the only people besides the kids that can calm him down
Despite not having eyes, EJ can still see somehow, so he tends to be Lulu's eyes.
Lulu was the one to introduce EJ to Liu. At first, Jack was not at all thrilled to meet the guy, but slowly warmed up to him and the two started dating. Lulu was confused- ("I wanted you to like him, not LIKE like him-")
Their aesthetics having have similar color schemes (EJ's is black and dark blue, and Lulu's is white, red, and faded blue), but their aesthetics are polar opposites. EJ has a more dark academia/grunge aesthetic, while Lulu has a more dollcore/vintage aesthetic
EJ is 6'7", while Lulu is 4'11".
They tend to unconsciously cling to each other. They do not like separating and tend to stick together as a unit. Jack feels like something will happen to Lulu when he's not looking, and Lulu is scared that Jack will either get too worried or will do something stupid bc nobody was there to stop him
They both co-parent BEN, Sally, and Lazari.
They met through Ann's mansion. They started to initially bond over taking care of the kids, and both realized they needed to work together to take care of them. Slowly tho, their friendship started to shift away from just being friends because of the kids and shifted more towards being friends bc they genuinely had begun to care for each other
Lulu is the brains, EJ is the brawn (EJ is also kinda a dumba**, but he's the kind of silent gentle giant type of dumba**. Like the b*tch runs into a tree on accident and doesn't react and instead goes over to Lulu or Liu and shows them he's bleeding while saying absolutely nothing.)
At first when EJ started to protect Lulu, he kept underestimating her bc she was small and blind, and he kept getting hurt something would happen. Unbeknownst to him tho, Lulu can hold up her own in a battle, and relies a lot more on her hearing rather than her sight.
Instead of Jeff, Lulu and EJ used to be Smile Dog's owner.
Lulu tends to call EJ either Jackie or Jax, due to Jack actually being short for Jacqueline (Genderfluid EJ hc bc I said so✨). EJ calls her Lucy, since him, Jeff, and Liu are some of the only people who know her full name.
EJ is desperately trying to learn how to cook from Lulu. The way she's teaching him is having him basically be the sous chef of the kitchen, and tries to show what to do and gives him prep tasks, while she does the main stuff.
They are constantly paranoid and scared about something happening to each other.
They live together with these kids
Lulu tends to be the one to wash the blood from EJ's mask and clothes.
EJ always is the one to wrap up Lulu's wounds, unless its an emergency situation, bc he doesn't trust anyone else to do it
Laz, Sal, and BEN will sometimes use Jack as a jungle gym, and Lulu finds it to be the cutest thing
In exchange for being taught cooking, EJ teaches Lulu medical stuff
Both of them also view Nina as their unofficial child and are both protective of her, tho Lulu is more of the person to tell Nina to stop talking bad about herself and throws positivity at her constantly to help make her, while EJ is the person to try and kill any person who talks bad about her and constantly threatens her new friends
When EJ kills someone, he always also grabs their eyes to bring back to Lulu.
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helloo🤍 I wanted to ask if you can write something with mob!Tom where he’s at the club because of a business meeting making some deals and the reader also comes to the club even though Tom told her not to come because it’s dangerous and something happens to the reader and Tom is really overprotective. Angst with fluff at the end🥺
Totally understand it if it’s to much and you don’t want to write it!! It was just an idea 🥰
Absolutely, I’m excited to do more mob!tom, he’s my best friend tbh. Hope you like this one hun xx
Pairing: Mob! Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: angst, little bit of fighting, harassment
Summary: Tom is worried about having you around during his business meeting
Tom had warned (y/n) on his way out that she should steer clear of the club for the night. Unfortunately for Tom, her best friend really wanted to go clubbing, and the other clubs in town made them pay for drinks so they weren't even considered. Plus no other club had Harrison, who (y/n)'s best friend wanted to hit on. (y/n) had tried to steer her elsewhere, warning her that Harrison was going to be working and she wasn't going to drink much, but she hadn't tried very hard.
Truthfully she just knew getting Tom a little riled up always lead to a fun night for her, and he'd looked too good on his way out for her not to mess with him a little. She was very disappointed when they entered the club and Tom was nowhere to be found, essentially leaving her little game pointless.
"Let's grab some drinks," her friend dragged her towards the bar and ordered a shot for them both, "Cheers."
"Cheers," (y/n) clinked her glass against hers before downing it.
A hand came down on her shoulder as she set the cup back down, "What are you doing here?" Tom hissed in her ear.
"Sasha wanted to go clubbing," she turned to him, a sly smile playing at her lips.
He flashed Sasha a tight lipped smile, "We'll be right back."
(y/n) rolled her eyes, letting Tom pull towards the back door, "You two couldn't go to any other club in the city?"
"Drinks are free here," she shrugged, "What's the big deal? We aren't gonna bug you guys."
"The big deal is that I told you not to come," he snapped. "The people we're meeting with are dangerous, I don't want them to even know who you are, let alone be in the same room as you."
"I think you're just a little paranoid Tommy," she frowned, setting a hand on his cheek, "If they don't know my relationship with you then I'm just another girl in the club, I'm sure they'll leave me alone."
His face was locked in an angry scowl, "You're not just another girl in the club, you stand out like a sore thumb, I already know they're going to notice you."
She glanced down at herself with a frown, "I do not, I look perfectly normal."
"You do not," he scoffed, "You're like the sun, everyone notices you."
"That is so cute it almost makes me want to listen," she nuzzled her nose against his, "I'm going to enjoy my girls night though, you're welcome to join me when you're done."
He shook his head, "No, when I finish we're going home and then you're never leaving the house again."
She laughed, "Okay, whatever you say Tommy," she kissed his cheek, "Enjoy your meeting."
He rolled his eyes, "Please be careful."
"I will, but you have to be careful too."
He nodded and kissed the top of her head, "I will."
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
The night continued as planned, (y/n) danced with Sasha until she found a boy to dance with instead. Then (y/n) took a seat at the bar, sipping at a drink and making small talk with the bartender while she waited for her friend to get bored.
"Hey," Sasha grabbed her arm with a smile, "Would you be okay if I took him home with me?" she peaked back at the boy she'd be dancing with.
(y/n) laughed and nodded, "Of course, have fun, and be careful."
She nodded, pulling her friend into a quick side hug, "Tom won't be much longer right?"
"No, he should be wrapping up soon, go enjoy your new boy toy," she waved her off, watching as she weaved her way through the door.
"Tom's having his meeting down in the basement," the bartender butted in as Sasha left, "You could head down if you want."
She shook her head, "Tommy doesn't want me anywhere near whatever they've got going on."
"Well Roger and his men don't exactly have the best reputation," he hummed.
"Neither does Tom."
He chuckled, "Yeah, you've got me there, but Tom's a good guy, he tries to do the right thing where he can. Roger's the opposite, totally dick, he doesn't care who he has to hurt to get what he wants."
She frowned, a sudden worry settled in her stomach, "You said their in the basement?"
He raised a brow, "I thought he didn't want you down there?"
Usually she didn't worry too much about Tom's work, she tried to push aside any thoughts about how dangerous it was. "Yeah we'll it's good for him to not get what he wants every once in awhile," she hoped off the bar stool and weaved her way through the crowd towards the basement door, where a bouncer named Jeff was assigned as security.
"I'm gonna step down and see Tom," she smiled, reaching for the door.
He grabbed her wrist, "He said specifically not to let you in."
Her jaw nearly hit the floor, "He was kidding obviously, let me in."
"He wasn't kidding."
"That asshole," she swore under her breath, "Okay, well, can you send someone down and just ask how long he's gonna be?"
"They won't be much longer," he assured.
"Hey man, if the pretty girl wants in why don't you let her in," an arm snaked around her waist, a tall, lean man, smiled down at her, "She can sit with me."
"I'm only gonna tell you once to keep your hands on her," Jeff warned.
"It's fine," she assured, removing herself from his grasp, "I was just saying hi."
"This your girl or something?" the tall man snickered at the bouncer.
"No, the boss's," he corrected, "Look you keep bugging her I'll escort you out. And I'll be doing you a favor, because if Tom finds out he'll probably shoot you."
He laughed, "You're Tom's girl? No way!" he seemed unphased by the bouncer's warning as he set a hand on her shoulder, "You really managed to tie him down? That's incredible," his eyes wandered her figure, "I think I get the appeal."
"Great," she pushed his hand off, "Look you can just go back to your meeting now."
"Oh don't worry talking to you is much more interesting."
She rolled her eyes, "Okay, well I'm going home not talking to you," she glanced towards Jeff with pursed lips, "Can you just tell Tom to call me when he gets done?"
He nodded, "Of course, have a goodnight."
"Yeah, you too," she brushed past the men to head to Tom's car, deciding she'd just wait there with the driver.
Suddenly she stopped though, freezing as a hand brushed over her backside. A small pinch that made her turn back to them instantly. The tall man winked at her while Jeff seemed oblivious. She tensed, unsure if she had really felt anything, but of course the wink told her she must have. She didn't know if she should say something or not, an odd feeling of embarrassment bubbled in her stomach. Rather than voicing anything she decided just to leave, and pushed her way through the club as quickly as possible.
Once she entered the car she rolled up the partition, telling the driver she had a headache. She sat in silence as she replayed the small event in her mind, trying to figure out why it had happened. Without warning tears began forming in the corner of her eyes, she wasn't even entirely sure why she was so upset.
When Tom called her she didn't answer, just hugged herself tight and tried to stop crying before he reached the car. She was unsuccessful though, tears were still streaming down her face when he arrived.
"Angel what's wrong?" he frowned, instantly filled to the brim with concern.
She wiped her eyes and took a deep breath, "Nothing, it's not really a big deal. I just want to go home."
"Obviously it's a big deal if you're crying about it," he closes the door behind him and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "Did you and Sasha have a fight?"
She shook her head, "No, no, she's out with a guy. It's really not a big deal I'm just being dramatic," she insited.
"Alright, why don't you just tell me what it is then? I'm sure you'll feel better if we talk about it."
"I just went over to ask Jeff if I could come down and see you and one of the guys from your meeting just started talking to me. I don't know, Jeff like told him to leave me alone and that we're together and he was just being annoying and he just like, well, I don't know. Maybe it was something else but I thought he like, pinched my ass while I was walking away. I thought maybe it was nothing but then he winked at me so I'm pretty sure he did."
The anger was evident on Tom's face, bubbling just under the surface, "And did Jeff kick him out?"
"No, he didn't notice so maybe nothing happened but I think it did. I don't know Tommy, it's a stupid thing to cry over. It happens to people all the time, I just need to get over it."
He shook his head, "It's not stupid, you have every right to cry and be upset. And it's not okay just because it happens all the time," his cheeks dusted pink as he pulled her into him, letting him cry into his shoulder, "I'm sorry, that shouldn't have happened, and I should have been with you tonight."
"You don't need to look over me all the time Tommy," she sniffle, wrapping her arms around his middle.
"I want to. And I kept going on and on about you being safe tonight, and I should have stayed with you so I could make sure you were safe. But it's not your job to comfort me right now okay?" he kissed the top of her head, "I'm so sorry that happened to you angel, I promise I'm going to do something about it. In fact if you weren't so upset I'd be out there looking for him right now," he hummed, "I'd probably shoot him, but just in the leg or something because I know you don't like it when I get violent."
"Cause you're really a softie," she mumbled into his shoulder.
"Just for you," he kissed her head again, "I'm a dick to everyone else."
"A little bit," she agreed, "Can we go home now?"
"Of course, and next time I promise I will be right there with you and I will make sure nothing like this ever happens to you again."
"Thank you Tommy," she wiped her eyes and pressed a kiss to her shoulder, "For tonight though, I just wanna go curl up in bed."
He nodded, "Then that's what we'll do."
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modgirlyreposts-revamped · 2 years ago
I’m here again because I’m curious about your headcanon backstory for Maurice. From what I’ve seen of your content regarding Maurice’s past and his relationship with his father, I’m assuming that his father was verbally and emotionally abusive towards him growing up. I’m interested in hearing more about your backstory for him.
I am so glad you asked about his backstory I’ve wanted to talk about it sm-
I have a video kinda explaining his past, but it’s incredibly outdated to my current AU just from the style alone, and I’m planning on remaking it but here’s the original video if ur interested
But you’ve pretty much hit the nail on the head with your guess. His father was an emotionally and mentally abusive dick towards him because he would reflect all of his failures onto Maurice, so he could feel like he had a reason to take it out on him. His mom wasn’t that better, but compared to his father was way better. Unlike his father she never put her hands on him, but she was never really there for him for most of his childhood, more focused on trying to salvage her and his father’s failing relationship.
When Maurice was around Millie’s age he was very similar to her, his outbursts being a little more often and explosive than Millie’s though. He met his wife in high school, and she was his support for the rest of his teen life, which resulted in him marrying her in college.
Maurice was heavily bullied in his high school years because of his issues, and the fact that he was slowly finding out that he was bi definitely didn’t help. He has gotten into several fights because of his bullies, resulting in him being labeled as the scary loner who people would warn any new kids about. His wife was the only one who didn’t listen to these warnings, and actually gave him a chance, Maurice catching feelings for her. When she moved again, that was what convinced Maurice to run away as shortly before his mother left, resulting in the abuse from his father somehow getting worse as he blamed Maurice for her leaving. He lived with another kid he befriended after running away, and started attending the local high school his wife went to. His life improved drastically as instead of being bullied for his looks and issues, the other kids took interest in his scene kid style, and could actually understand what he went through. His wife’s parents didn’t approve of him initially, but after seeing how much he cared for her they gradually warmed up to him.
They had Audrey shortly after graduating and moving into their house. Maurice started teaching to support them, and is very attached to Audrey out of a desire to not be anything like his father.
When his wife died Audrey was still very young, so Maurice was a single dad for most of her life. His wife’s death destroyed him, as he felt like she was all he had, but he tried to stay strong for Audrey, who in a way gave him purpose in his life and a reason to keep going, which is why he’s still so protective of her in present day, I also like to imagine that he went full on overprotective dad when Audrey first started seeing Jeff, so Jeff is still lowkey scared of him lmao-
In my main AU Maurice works as the head mechanic for Sammy’s gang alongside Henry and Scott.
He’s also unintentionally the father of just about everyone in the gang with daddy issues, and has no idea how jfdbkjfxvbjddvj-
In my other CTW AUs, I’m sure you can guess what happened to him, but if there was any doubt that he’s bisexual, then the animatronic bear living in his workshop would say otherwise-
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fishnets-fingers · 4 years ago
a/n - another one again. please tell me what you think. happy reading.!
Word Count - 1044.
Warnings - none.
Tumblr media
Y/N's POV:
I gently sit on the bed, careful not to aggravate my sore body after thirty minutes of walking up and down the hallway of the hospital wing. After getting settled in my bed I do an inventory of my body: My body is sore but it's okay compared to the previous days and everything seems to be alright, except my arm that smarts due to Harry's vise like grip while walking. Oh, my poor over protective husband.
"Penny for your thoughts," Harry whispers near my ear causing a slight tickle.
"Just think how irrationally overprotective you are," I say with a smirk.
"Why?" He questions me with a look of the kindergartner that doesn't comprehend that one plus one is two.
"Well there are many incidents that support my statement. One for now is how you held onto my arm while I was walking."
"One can be cautious," he says with a hint of doubt.
"I know, It's one of the things I love about you." I say and lean in and kiss his cheek.
His phone vibrates and he takes it out of his pocket and it's Jeff, "I've gotta take this, baby. We’re still working out my schedule for my break. He wants me to keep writing and popping up in some shows to make an appearance but I just wanna focus on you two. I'll be a minute." He kisses my hair and steps out of the room.
 It’s almost an hour and Harry hasn’t come back. My Mom left when the visitation hours ended, I pleaded with her to go get some shut eye as I know how she can't sleep in any moving vehicles - she’s been in one for twelve hours. It's kinda funny though, Harry says I can sleep through a storm and my Mom can't even sleep while riding shotgun in the car. Something I've inherited from my father, I think.
I pick up Teddy from his place in the bassinet and he gently coos at me. He is a quiet baby and he cries only when he needs something. He looks a bit bigger, I know it's been only a few days but I can notice the subtle differences. His gaze is somewhat assertive as if he is taking a note of his surroundings.
"You know something baby boy, Dr. Lowe has told me that if our lab results look promising today she might send us home. Spending two or three days in this hospital has made Mummy quite restless. I'm glad we don't have to spend a week in this place. You know Teddy our home is beautiful, when you grow up you will have lots of places to run and play like the meadow, living room, and the shoreline. " I continue to rant and Teddy focuses his eyes sharply on my face as if he is intently listening to every word I utter.
Harry enters and smiles a very happy smile looking at the two of us. I look at him and wonder whether this is the same man who had doubts being a father a few months ago. The past few days he has been very helpful with Teddy and helping me at the same time.
" You know Y/N, I thought when Ted was born my love would split equally into two but now it feels like my heart has grown to accommodate the two of you.
"Thank you," he adds.
"What for?" I ask, quite confused by his gratefulness.
" For making me what I am from the doubter I was - being scared that I’ll be a shitty father when you told me the news- and for bringing him into this world and you for being in my life."
"You know, Harry, I never doubted you for a second.You were a wonderful partner at the beginning of my pregnancy and you still-" I'm interrupted by Dr. Lowe and the interns bustling into my room.
Harry quietly moves to the end of the room giving room for Dr. Lowe. I then mouth the words I love you, when Dr. Lowe turns and teaches the fellow interns who furiously scribbles down whatever she says.
After a complete and thorough examination of Ted and me, Dr. Lowe declares us to go home.
Two hours later after Ted is fed, I'm in the car that is headed home and Teddy is strapped securely into his car seat and checked thrice by his father. Harry is on the drivers side of the car seat rubbing circles into the back of my hand. I'm excited and thrilled that I'm going home.
Before leaving we posed for a picture for the media with Harry holding Ted in his arm and another wrapped around my waist. I'm wearing a red floral printed white maternity dress with a red belt and red sneakers. I asked Harry to just hold Teddy in the picture as I didn't want to be in it but he refused and insisted he might as well not pose without me. I must say the flashes quite blinded me for a few minutes.
As we get close to the house I can sense Harry's nervousness and excitement. Odd, why would he be nervous.
"We're home," Harry announces as soon as the car stops and unbuckles Ted's car seat and leads me home while carrying him.
He opens the door and I gasp. Someone has fixed twinkling lights in the foyer and the living room and in the pink streaks of dusk it looks like thousands and thousands of stars in our living room. A huge bouquet of red roses sit on the living room table with a card. I quickly open the card that says,
Thank you for giving me a son, my love, and for loving me.
Happy homecoming. I love you.
H. xox.
I leap over and kiss him passionately. He places Teddy carefully on the floor in his car seat and then throws his arms around my hips and deepens the kiss. " I love you, too, so much, husband."
"Happy to be home?" He asks.
"Ecstatic," I answer immediately.
"Good, now let's get you two settled in." He says and lifts Ted's car seat and kisses my forehead.
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bigspoonstyles · 4 years ago
lesson learned
pairing: Harry x OC (unnamed)  challenge: @meetmeinfleetwood‘s to lovers fic challenge -> exes to lovers
warnings: the beginnings of maybe smut? 
In his near thirty years of life, Harry has admittedly fallen victim to many a fleeting lifestyle phase, and he’s decided the club scene is one he’s tired of. The music is loud, the drinks are weak, and even for a post pandemic world there are far too many people for his liking.
He’s sitting in what once was his usual booth in the corner of The Nice Guy and the ice in his tequila is melting quickly, the crystal tumbler too warm in his hands. Harry’s eyes fall to the far side of the makeshift dance floor once again and he willingly accepts that he could never tire of her.
He’s caught her eye only once but is more than happy to just watch, their last run-in awkward and stale and over a year ago. She’s been quiet the past year, having gone off the grid for most of quarantine citing in one of the few interviews she’d given, her choice to ‘live in the moment’.
And god, he’s missed her.
She, like Harry, would prefer to live without constant public scrutiny, but while they’ve both gone through great lengths to protect their privacy and relationships, he knows being sequestered has been hard on her. He recalls the last time she’d locked away with Harry in his LA home, accessible to only each other and the select few who were allowed through their phones’ Do Not Disturb feature, and his lips tip into a small smile. Their dishes littered his sink for days, her toothbrush leaned against his on his bathroom counter. There was a wet spot that adorned his right shoulder nearly every night after she’d fallen asleep mid-movie, freshly showered. But he knows the sore difference between waking up each morning wrapped around her with his face buried in her hair, and a yearlong forced isolation, very much alone.
He watches as she closes her eyes, arms above her head and face to the ceiling, laughing, dancing around the elite group with which she’d arrived. Judging by the way she moves carelessly through the crowds of people, he knows she’s feeling confident. She feels beautiful. She’s not worried that she’s laughing too loudly or taking up too much space, and he suddenly finds himself grateful for the few people who’ve kept her trust and privacy despite her climb to fame; even if they were the same friends he found quite insufferable to be around.
He downs the last of his drink before Jeff joins the table, phone in hand, answering his final email of the evening. “Ready to head out, man?” he calls out over the music. “Glenne’s home and I’m not inclined to keep her waiting too long.”
Harry grins knowing if he were in Jeff’s shoes, new bride waiting up into the early morning hours, he’d have already called the evening. But there’s no one waiting. So he shakes his head no and returns his gaze to the center floor; to his dismay, she’s gone.
Jeff follows his eye line and hides a smile. “She’s by the bar,” he points to the L shaped marbled counter top to their left.
Harry spots her right away, back to him, pulling her wavy locks into a mock ponytail and away from the back of her neck. Her friends lean in for hugs goodbye and she’s left alone waiting for the bartender to return with a drink – a fruit infused vodka soda no doubt. “I think I’m saying fo’ a bit,” he answers without breaking gaze. “Can call a car.”
Jeff returns attention to his phone, forwarding Harry the number of a newly contracted car service. “Ted’s on call tonight. Just call when you’re ready. They’re all vetted and they’ve signed the privacy agreements.”
Harry throws a quick final glance to the table and booth and makes his way to the bar with his empty glass.
He arrives just as the bartender slides her drink across the counter, adorned with a skewer of colorful fruit and a fuchsia blossom garnish. She accepts with a smile and her eyes close in appreciation as she sips from the side of the glass. Harry bites the inside of his cheek to stop from remarking when the bartender lingers longer than he deems acceptable. With a palm to the warm, exposed skin of her lower back, he gets his point across and the man disappears to the back with an armful of nearly empty liquor bottles.
She turns slowly and tilts her head as she faces him, clearly unsurprised by the hand lingering at her side or the man attached to it. “Hey,” she offers quietly with a half-smile. “Wondered how long it’d take you.”
Her cheeks are tinged pink and expression glassy, and he pulls out a chair gesturing for her to sit. She has rarely over-indulged in alcohol publicly for obvious reasons, but he’s always found it endearing when she’s had just one too many. He liked her happy and carefree. And honest.
“Left alone, eh?” his head bobs toward the front entrance.
“Yeah,” she sighs, sagging slightly into the seat. “They’re headed downtown,” her thumb juts toward the Fairfax District, “and I’m staying down by the Marina.” She pulls the dark petals from her garnish distractedly. “Headed back to New York tomorrow. It’s just easier.”
“’t’s a good half hour ride,” Harry glances at his watch. “Leaving soon? Someone comin’ for yeh?”  
She smiles into her drink at his concern. He’s genuine, and she gazes up fondly, finding his brows knit together awaiting an answer. “I’ll call a car in a few. Don’t worry about me, H.” She straightens and smooths out the creases in her cotton dress. “I’m sure I can get myself back to the apartment just fine.”
“But can you get up the stairs?” he asks, only half-jokingly. His arms reach easily out to steady her as she loses footing, his left hand returning to the small of her back, his right gently cupped under her elbow. He clears his throat to conceal his smile when she gazes up at him sheepishly. “What time is your flight?”
“Two, I think.” Her answer lacks conviction, eyes narrow in concentration. “Either two or two-thirty.”
“Could come home with me,” he shrugs. “Only a few minutes from here, ‘nd could get yeh back with plenty of time to catch your flight.” He ushers her closer as patrons abandon their stools and head for the exit. When he gazes down at her, she’s worrying her bottom lip between her teeth. “Come on,” he urges, hands coming up quickly to her eye level, fingers outstretched to show a hands-off approach. “Can take the couch if you want.”
She laughs airily, smacking his chest with the back of her hand. “An empty offer from a man with two guest suites.” She finds it harder to keep balance in her heeled shoes and uses Harry’s left arm to steady herself. “If you could just get me into a car, I’ll be ok.”
Harry’s lips turn into a thin line, and he shakes his head in refusal. “Not shovin’ yeh in a car alone. ‘t’s up to you – my place or yours?”
She looks up at him through heavy lids and a slightly fuzzier mind than when she had embarked on this conversation. A part of her is instantly relieved by his straightened back and hardened features. He’s always been on the right side of overprotective and she knows she’s nothing but safe with him.
But there’s an innate fear that causes her chest to tighten and her eyes dart towards the door. “They can’t see, H,” she whispers, unease seeping through her tone.
He knows that the idea of walking with him through the throng of paparazzi just outside the entrance is enough to cause a breakdown and, even without seeing the panic set in her eyes, he’s already fishing his phone out of the inner pocket of his suit jacket. “’ll take care of it, pet,” he says slowly.
And she believes him.
Harry slips her through a rarely used back door, his jacket stripped from his back and used to shield her from prying eyes, just in case. He holds the back door of the black SUV open and guides her into the plush seat, relaxing only once fully shielded by the black tinted windows.
She tucks herself into his side, head lolled against his shoulder; his right arm stretches out behind her, hand gripping her would-he head rest. She accepts the water bottle he pushes on her but forgoes drinking from it, afraid the inevitable spill would give away how dizzy she truly feels.
Harry helps their driver navigate the back streets to ensure the fastest way to his place, silently checking on the girl curled into him, knees knocking with each pothole and turn.
“Look pretty tonight,” he murmurs in her direction. “Always liked this dress.” He musses the soft fabric of her skirt between his fingers. His right arm abandons the back seat to fall against her shoulders, pulling her in just close enough that he can smell her. He welcomes the scent, inhaling deeply, but it’s an unsolicited reminder that it’s been long washed from his sheets, and his life, for well over a year.
“I know,” she smiles, eyes still closed. “Took a shot.”
His chest vibrates with deep laughter, “Minx,” he accuses playfully. “Not quite playing fair, eh?”
She can feel his eyes on her, but she’s far too tired to even think about moving. “I’m sorry, H,” she whispers. “I’m sorry I didn’t call. Said we’d call.”
“Both did,” he answers gruffly. “Phone works both ways.”
She smiles dreamily. “I never said congratulations. The Grammys?” She wraps her arm around his waist and nuzzles in a bit closer. “I’m sorry I didn’t call. I’m so proud of you.”
His cheek rest atop her head, “I know.”
“If I’d called,” she asks into his chest, “would you have answered?”
His mouth falls open in shock. “Hey,” he tilts her head up to meet his gaze. “Of course I’d answer.”
He’s staring down at her in disbelief, and she feels so small, nerves getting the best of her; she’s afraid she’s started a conversation she’s not ready to have. At least - not in the backseat of a foreign SUV, plastered against him, her palms burning to feel his skin through his thin button down.
His lips are slightly parted into a pout and he looks determined to get something out of her, but she chooses instead to let her eyes fall to the two black swallows that peek out from behind his collar. “You can’t kiss me,” she says tiredly. Her head lolls back against him silently cursing herself.
She’s a coward.  
“Never said I wanted to, love.” His attention turns to the streetlights through the light-blocked window. His grip on her however, doesn’t falter.
“I wanted you to,” she sighs softly, her face burying back into his side.
But it’s just loud enough to make him feel like a proper dick.
She wakes up warm, the sun seeping through the thick open slats of the faux wood blinds, and in soft sheets that glide across her bare skin like silk. Her head doesn’t throb as she’d expected, but she imagines it’s because of the aspirin and nearly empty bottle of water she finds on the bedside table. No doubt Harry had coaxed her to take pre-emptive measures before putting her to bed. She can almost hear him softly begging, “For me?”
She takes in the room, her dress neatly hung on the back of the bedroom door, and takes stock of her current state. She’s dressed in a pair of her old boxer shorts, and a long-sleeved henley, both of which she recognizes as garb she’s long ago stolen from Harry. She smiles to herself as she picks at the small wear holes scattered around the checkered flannel fabric; she’d worn these boxers almost nightly for months.
After a full body stretch and check of the time, she begrudgingly abandons the sheets in search of her phone and hopefully a much-needed shower. She finds her phone charging on Harry’s bureau propped up against the small crystal dish that holds his most commonly worn rings. There are too many notifications on her lock screen to worry about, but the most recent one is a text from Harry.
Don’t leave. Getting coffee. Be back soon.
-          H
She rolls her eyes at his automatic signature, as if anyone he’s texting doesn’t have him programmed in their phone; she leaves the myriad of other messages unread. Her flight doesn’t board for hours, so she justifies taking advantage of Harry’s water pressure would be time well spent.
There’s a small pile of folded clothes on the bathroom sink counter, the shirt Harry’s, but the shorts hers. Clean towels are hung by the shower head.
His shower is as amazing as she remembers, the hot water beating out kinks in her neck that she swears have been there for months. His facewash and hair products are readily available for use at the corner of the tub basin and she revels in the smell. Everything he owns is luxurious, down to the lather of his shampoo. She had always been grateful that when her time was split between the east and west coasts she’d never worried about traveling with self-care products.
In truth, she’d never felt more cared for than when she was with Harry.
She hears the front door close and the faint beep of the perimeter alarm arm from the en suite, so she dries off and dresses quickly, joining him in the kitchen still squeezing her hair dry with a fluffy white towel. When she sees him dressed casually, bustling barefoot around the kitchen island with iced coffee and a to-go bag with what she assumes carries breakfast options, her breath hitches. His hair is still damp from a shower and a stubborn curl is threatening to spill into his face.
“Thank you,” she says reading the printed tag on her cup; the milk and sweetener options are right down to a t. She tosses her wet towel on the back of a tall kitchen chair, opting to hoist herself onto the bare counter space to the right of the sink, blessed coffee in hand.  
“Sleep ok?”, he asks, moving to wash his hands.
“Very,” she sighs, arching her back in search of that desired pop to relieve her lower back tension. “Miss that bed.” Her eyes widen the second the words leave her mouth, and she nearly chokes. “Sorry,” she mumbles, completely flush with embarrassment.
Harry shrugs it off with a chuckle, “It’s a good bed. Cost a small fortune.”
“Is that breakfast?” she asks, desperate for a subject change. “I’m starving. I completely skipped dinner,” she admits.
“It is,” he confirms. “Guess that explains a bit about last night then?”
“Too much pregaming and not enough carbs,” she groans. Her eyes follow his hands as he dries them on a white dish towel, paying close attention to the rings adorning his fingers. “Will I ever learn?” she feigns exasperation.
“And who’s gonna drag you home from your late nights back in New York, hmm?”
She breaks her gaze to roll her eyes, “I’ll be fine, H.” She takes to absently chewing her straw as he rests a hip against the counter to her left. “Been on my own for bit.”
He sees her face fall at the mention of her sole failed relationship since Harry. “I heard,” he discloses. “’M sorry. What happened?”
Her eyes narrow and she tries scrutinizing his motives, but she knows he’s never been insincere. “Didn’t want the same things, I guess,” she shrugs. “You know, marriage, kids. Important things.”
Harry’s jaw clenches, bitter, knowing he’d quite literally run to the altar if she’d let him. “He’s an idiot. He’ll figure it out soon enough.”
Her eyes fly up to his, mouth slightly open. “Wait no,” she denies. “Not him. Me – I didn’t want,” she pauses in search for the right words, but fails on an awkward huff. “I didn’t want those things.”
“Since when?” he challenges. “I distinctly remember agreeing to a ‘no bolo tie’ rule not that long ago.” He’s teasing, but she’s white knuckling the counter’s edge and completely ready to run. He moves to block her exit, unwilling to let her take an easy out, stance wide and demanding.
His head dips low enough to catch her eye and she looks defeated. “With him, I guess,” she whispers. “Didn’t want those things with him.”
Harry exhales loudly, but when she peers up at him his face is soft and searching. “What’s the plan in New York? Back to work?”
“No plans,” she concedes. Her legs uncross, a once silent invitation for Harry to join her, and she adjusts herself to sit straighter. Taller. “I’ve got a dinner planned next Wednesday with management. Just in time to get reamed for whatever pictures surface from last night, I’m sure.”
“No paps,” Harry shakes his head with confidence. “Called Jeff. Made sure there’s nothing comin’ down the line. ‘S all good.”
She stares at him with admiration, overwhelmed by the gesture. She slowly extends her hands, palms up, in a token of appreciation. He eagerly accepts, taking a single stride into her cautious embrace; she’d always fallen short with verbal expression, but Harry had never been one to deny her physical touch. “Thank you,” she smiles softly, her hands slowly inching up the tanned skin of his forearms, her glossy, pale nails stopping just short of his tattoos. “I think I should get going, though,” she stammers. “Still have to pack up my stuff, and my stuff is everywhere.” She nervously runs her fingers through her damp locks and clicks her tongue as she works out a knot. “I’ll take a bagel for the road though,” she winks.
“Could stay,” he offers lowly. Harry watches as her breathing goes shallow and he tenses. If she denies him now, it just might kill him. “Said you hadn’t any real plans, so, could stay…if you wanted.”
She’s acutely aware that his face is inching closer to hers, and she blinks slowly as his hands grip the counter on either side of her, taking the final step between her parted knees. “You want me to stay?” she asks quietly.
“Not really a fair question,” he counters. “Didn’t exactly want you to leave in the first place, now did I?”
She lets her gaze follow her hands to his chest with a sigh. “That’s not fair, H,” she argues gently. “It wasn’t working. It was too much.”
“Could be different now. Could be better.”
“You think?” she questions, her bottom lip tucked behind her front teeth. “How?”
“Been talking to Cass, have loads of ideas,” he beams proudly. His therapist had been his saving grace during the pandemic; he’d mostly done phone meetings with her, but they’d had a limited number of in person meets.
“You still talk to Cassie?”
“Not as much since things have gone back to normal, but I make time to call her a few times a month.” Harry had always been open about his self-help regimens, therapy included. “Like that wet towel on my chair,” he shrugs his shoulders coolly, “no big deal. Leave it there. See if I care.”
“Oh yeah? You like that?” she laughs as he nods excitedly. “If you like that, you should go look at the bed I didn’t make.” She throws her head back in laughter, wincing only slightly when it collides with the wooden cabinet door behind her.
Harry’s hand flies up to soothe the sting at her crown, callused fingers massaging away any hurt. “Could stay,” he repeats, fingers slowing. His other hand tucks the stray hair behind her ear and his fingers linger on the delicate skin above her collarbone. “Could stay with me.”
Every part of her is waiting to be kissed, her eyes closing slowly, and Harry drops his mouth to hers with the lightest of kisses. She accepts with a smile, making no moves to deepen it, but her hands reach up to clasp together at the nape of his neck, fingers playing with the baby curls he’s been growing out for months. He drops a final light peck to the corner of her mouth before slowly moving downwards, her head falling back further into his hand allowing him ample access to kiss the soft skin on the column of her throat.
She mewls and it encourages him further, and he finds the soft spot below her ear where he can feel her pulse quicken against his lips. “Shut up,” she gasps when he smiles against her, his day old stubble the dead giveaway.
When he kisses her again, she lets him into her mouth on a hum, but Harry pulls away suddenly with a quirked brow and a cheeky grin. “Did you use my toothbrush?”
She opens her mouth to counter, but just buries her face in her hands in embarrassment. “My teeth were filmy!” she whines.
He’s laughing wholeheartedly at her, utterly happy at her perceived level of comfort in his home. “What’s mine is yours, love,” he pulls at her hands to expose her and reattach his lips to her. He moves to pull her closer to the counter’s edge and bring her body flush with his before his hands travel to the exposed skin of her thighs.
“Keep going,” she pleads breathily.
Harry groans as he pushes the loose fabric of her shorts aside and finds the warmth awaiting his fingers. “Always good for me,” he breathes out, head falling to her shoulder. “Too good for me.”
“Please.” She bucks closer to him, her body aching for release.
“So you’ll stay,” he decides. He’s leaving open mouthed, wet kisses down her throat in between words, his fingers slick with her, curling easily into her core in the way he knows drives her crazy. “You’ll stay. Can take your drawer back if you like,” he bargains. “If you’re nice t’ me, might even get you your own toothbrush.”
Her hands tighten and grab at his curls as he continues his assault on her surely bruising skin. “If you didn’t have two fingers inside of me right now,” she stutters, “I’d kick you in the shins.” Her words are void of any real threat and he can feel her fighting for control, her legs tightening around his hips, breath ragged in his ear.
Harry withdraws his touch, smiling when she complains at the loss of contact. He straightens her shorts and extends a hand to help her off down from her perch. “Time to learn how to make a proper bed, pet.”
She jumps down on a huff and walks straight by him down the hall leaving Harry’s mouth agape. “I think,” she muses playfully, “we should start right at the very beginning, right? Gotta strip the sheets off and start from scratch?”
“Sounds like a plan to me,” he follows like a puppy at her heels. “Whatever you say.”
A/N: welcome to my initial venture in writing for this fandom. I haven’t written fiction in literal years, so this one was a feat. But I had fun, so thank you Sadie for the challenge! I made the deadline with literal seconds to spare. :)
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llovelyangel · 3 years ago
Imagine how cute girl dad Jeff would be 🥺🥺
He’d be so overprotective over her 🥹 Say if shes a little daredevil like her daddy and she just runs and jumps from high places. And the first time she gets hurt from falling on her knee or bumping her head on the wall, he’d be so caring and worried. Like after that incident she’s not allowed to walk anywhere and he just carries her, making both his daughter and nerf sick of how protective he is!!!
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just-a-creep-babe · 4 years ago
Toby x Shy but Sweet! S/O Hcs uwu
Commissioned by anonymous, thank you so much luv 💗💞
~Requests are closed~ 
Masterlist: x
Though you’d never guess it by how bubbly & extroverted he usually is, Tobbers is actually pretty reserved around strangers
Something about being bullied all his life doesn’t make it easy to approach new ppl
So even if someone does catch his eye, it’ll take a while for him to get the courage to introduce himself���especially if they’re also shy & don’t approach him first
Luckily, boy’s pretty curious, so once he warms up to their presence, he’ll quickly wanna get to know them better in the hopes of becoming friends uwu
Like, even despite everything he’s been through, he’s still optimistic & open to the idea of trusting, ya know?
And he’ll be super happy when he sees how sweet & caring they are as he starts chatting them up :3
He honestly thinks they’re sO gosh darn cute & adorable that he has to stop himself from gushing over them all the time 🤧💞
It doesn’t take long for him to get attached cause it isn’t often he feels safe to be himself around someone else—especially without getting teased for all of his disorders and such
Seriously, it’s like a breath of fresh air knowing he doesn’t have to hold back when he’s with them ^^
Feeling comfortable enough to be vulnerable combined with the fact that they’re just so kind & sweet & encouraging means that they very quickly become his best friend 💛💛
The two end up practically joined at the hip tbh
Anything they could possibly want/need, he’s there to offer up his help anyway he can
They‘re just such a positive force in his life, homeboy wants to return the favor, yknow?
He also ends up becoming mad protective of them
Like he doesn’t want anyone to take that good-hearted nature away from 'em 
So not only do they gain a new best friend, but they also inherit a personal bodyguard 😏👌
He almost doesn’t wanna let them out of his sight because god what if something bad happens while he’s away??
Poor bby boy’s already lost his sister, it‘d kill him to lose them too
In a way, they kinda remind him of her ngl
He definitely makes it clear that no one, and I mean no one, should dare hurt them or make them uncomfortable in any way
Looking at you, Jeff 😤😤
Honestly tho, Tobbers is pretty oblivious to things like love & romantic attraction, so he doesn’t exactly,,, realize or understand that he is, in fact, in love w/ them
He just kinda,, doesn’t really think about that stuff, so it never crosses his mind that he might actually wanna be more than just friends
Either they have to make the first move, or one of the other proxies have to intervene
“Dude. You obviously care for them. Why not just ask them out already?”
“Wait, I what—?”
Once he realizes he missed out on being with them, he’ll feel kinda bad abt it
Like he inadvertently led them on w/o making any moves, so he might’ve confused them or even made them a lil insecure 🥺👉👈
Which only ultimately makes him that much more attentive to their needs when they do start dating
Not that he wouldn’t have already been the most caring bf in the world already 🥰❤️
He’s jus,, so eager to please his s/o, no matter what it takes uwu
It always makes his heart swell w/ pride & joy when he makes them smile—just knowing that he’s the one that makes them happy is like a drug he can’t get enough of 💋🌹
Like I mentioned, he’s not really experienced,, at all when it comes to dating, so he’ll often ask the creeps for advice
And when one of them mentions love languages, he’ll try his darnedest to find out what his s/o’s preferred form of affection is
And then he’ll always be sure to give them plenty of the lovin they need, no matter what it takes 💞
He’s just madly infatuated with how sweet & kind they are; he‘d do anything to repay them for the joy n security they’ve brought to his life <33
And, let’s be honest, boy’s been through a lot
Things haven’t been easy for him, and while he usually is pretty optimistic, there are times when he gets down in the dumps
Having an s/o who’s willing to stick around with him when he’s not feeling too hot—being patient & kind & sticking around to help him feel better is actually godsend
Lowkey thinks his s/o might be an angel
Sometimes he’ll start thinking that he doesn’t deserve them, but a few reassuring cuddles and he’ll forget all about his doubt & insecurities ❤️🌹
Everything about them makes him wanna be better so he can be the bf they deserve to have <3
He knows that social situations can make them uncomfortable, so any time they gotta socialize, he’ll try to take attention away from them if they start getting nervous
But he’s,,, not the greatest at reading body language, to put it lightly, so it’s more likely that they’ll have to come up with some kind of verbal/physical cues to let him know if they’re ok or not
And then depending on the situation, he’ll either pull attention away from them or just straight up drag them away from the scene
Also, if they think he was overprotective before they started dating, whew boy, they’ve got another thing coming
He‘s gottta remind himself that they can take care of themselves, but he just worries sm
And honestly, can you really blame him after everything that’s happened? :/
Lowkey, he might stalk them just to make sure they stay out of harm’s way—oop
It’s not that he doesn’t trust them, either, he just doesn’t trust other ppl and like,, the world as a whole
He might even go to Slender to ask if he could keep an eye on them so nothing happens when he‘s not by their side
Seriously, boy would absolutely sell his soul if it meant his lil cutie of an s/o would forever stay safe & happy
If anyone upsets them & Toby finds out, they’ll have hell to pay
He’s always ready to throw hands for his angel (ง •̀_•́)ง
And if they have a bad day or are just feeling generally down/upset, he’ll do anything to make it better
Accidentally might end up going overboard tho—whoops
Like,, Toby, babe, there’s no way anyone could not only need one or two but three giant teddy bears to snuggle with
There’s hardly enough space in the room!!
He’s just trying his best tho, it’s honestly endearing :”)
Thinks his s/o is the sweetest, most precious thing in the world and would do anything to keep them safe & happy & comfortable with him
He might need help learning boundaries at first because he’s not used to the dating thing, but once those are established, he might actually be the best bf anyone could ever hope for
Loves his little angel with all his heart <3
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creepysweetpasta · 5 years ago
What would some creeps do with a small S/O? (Basically who ever you want to do, but they have a much smaller partner)
Okay! I chose EJ, Jeff, Jane, and Ben for this. I hope that's okay to you ^^
Creeps with a small S/O
Eyeless Jack
He thinks you're adorable!
He's around 6'1 so he's pretty much taller than everybody else besides Slenderman and Laughing Jack.
He feels the need to protect you.
Likes to cuddle you and give you forehead kisses.
If you wear his hoodie he will melt.
Would probably give you his t-shirts because you look adorable in it.
Jeff the Killer
Teases you about your height.
Likes to place his arm on your head to annoy you.
He thinks your smolness is cute though.
But he can be a huge ass about it sometimes.
"Anybody under 5’4 can’t talk about fighting someone. Like, what are you gonna do? Headbutt someone in the chest?"
"Say goodbye to your kneecaps, asshole."
Jane the Killer
Smol S/O?
Sign her up for that.
Spoils you, a lot.
Will constantly smother you with love and affection.
It could be overwhelming at times.
She can be a little overprotective at times.
"S/O Don't touch that knife! You'll get cut!"
...You were trying to cook dinner for you both.
She just adoressss her smol S/O.
Ben Drowned
Finally, someone shorter than him.
You being smol makes him feel superior.
Like Jeff, he also teases you about it.
Although he doesn't do it as often as Jeff.
He gets insecure about his height sometimes.
If he starts to feel insecure about himself, the best thing you can do is to hug him and tell him all the things you love about him.
It will boost his ego and he will melt.
Then he'll just tell you how much he loves you and all that cheesy stuff.
He loves his S/O, a lot.
– meli ☕
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dragonoffantasyandreality · 4 years ago
Kamen Rider Thunderbirds Chapter 3 (Bit 1)
I want to thank @janetm74 for helping me out with some parts of this chapter. (Seriously. Thank you for getting my arse out of some of the plot holes lol) Also, I thank @willow-salix once again for a little correcting :)
Anyway, one with this bit X3
It had been a busy week.  The past seven days  had been almost endless, disasters happening  all at once. Luckily most of the rescues had been small, but that didn't  mean some of the big ones hadn't  started to take their toll. Especially for Scott. 
The field commander of International Rescue was beginning to feel stressed from the countless missions.  He  had to stay in control, making sure that the people they were saving were safe, making sure that his brothers were safe. He swore he was  going to have some greys soon if it continued. 
It was all too much, he needed something to keep himself sane.
The white grand piano was sitting lonely in the corner of the lounge, beckoning for him. 
Scott could  play the piano, although not as well  as Virgil. Heck, he could even play the guitar if he felt  like it. He remembered learning music lessons from her… before she…
Before she...
The field commander promptly sat on the stool, pushing away any negative thoughts and had let them channel through his body and into his fingers. He pressed the keys, playing the good old classics that is Chopin. It had always soothed him whenever he was in this state.
“Feeling stressed, son,” Jeff asked fondly from his desk, the newspaper lowered from his face.
"Yes, dad…" he replied sadly. He could sense sympathy radiating from his father's old bluish grey eyes.
"I know, Scott… It had been a really long week," His father coaxed.
“Guess that comes from the job of saving lives constantly,” sighed Scott as he continued playing the piano.
“Indeed,” agreed the patriarch as he returned to reading the newspaper.
When Scott finished some pieces of Chopin, he closed the piano lid and sat there for a moment. The stress had eased up a little. But it wasn't enough.
What else does he need to lower his stress? Apple pie? No, he had already been full of that. Fishing? Not feeling it. Maybe beat the living heck out of his punching bag…?
Out of frustration, he grabbed his head and laid his elbows on the piano cover. He closed his eyes, wishing that the dreadful feeling would go away. He thought he had heard his father's silent sigh.
"Hey, Scooter? What's up?" A low yet gentle voice had called him from his side a few minutes later. The field commander opened his tired eyes and looked up to the person next to him.
"Hey, Virge…" the field commander croaked, feeling a little relieved for his brother and best friend next to him.
“You don’t look all too well,” the mechanic said worryingly, “You okay?”
“I’ll survive…” Scott lied through his teeth, but he knew that Virgil knew him well.
“Come on, Scott. You’re stressed,” his second brother had never needed to ask, he already knows how Scott feels. The eldest of the Tracy brothers sighed before giving up on the 'brave face'.
"I'm just… not feeling well, okay." he simply said.
"Well, take some time off. Take a beating out of your punching bag or something. Just don't hurt yourself." Virgil suggested.
"You start to sound like a mom." stated the field commander.
"Coming from 'Mr. Overprotective Mother hen.’" teased the mechanic with a smirk.
Scott snorted. Of course his brother would say that. It never gets old, when your little brothers would continuously tease about you being a Mother hen. It's his job as the eldest brother, no questions! He swore to protect them ever since he laid eyes on the moment they were born!
And even if they were annoying at times. This time is one of those, as the terrible two entered the lounge. Talking about...
"So~, how do they do the kick-monsters-in-the-face-till-they-explode thing?" asked Gordon as he wiggled his eyebrows
Alan laughed. "According to the reports; it was seen that they tweak something in their belts and they power up. Then, they fly-kick the living crap out the bad guys. Cool, doesn't it!?"
"Uh huh~. So their belts had something to do with their powers?" Pondered the redhead as he pretended to rub his chin.
"Brains said so." Shrugged the young astronaut.
"Urgh... Alan's talking about those bug-men, again." silently growled Scott.
"Come on Scott, give the kid some slack." Virgil coaxed, rubbing gently his hand on his older brother's shoulder.
Gordon noticed his elder brother's frowning face and he could slightly hear his growl like a disturbed beast. It looked like he was  sneering at Alan. What had his partner-in-crime do to make him so steamed off like that? He thought. When he looked back at his little brother, Alan also seemed eager to find out. With a wicked smile that had formed on his face, the cheeky aquanaut turned to Scott.
"Hey, what's up flyboy? Something's bothering you?" Gordon mockly chanted. Alan joins in, "Careful Gordon, he could lose it if you bother him," The terrible two giggled as Scott scowled at them. This was not helping the situation... at all!
“Can you fellas not-” He was about to say something when Virgil cut him off.
“Scott, just ignore them." The eldest glared at the second brother. "Please, just go out and blow some steam." He begged.
Scott looked back at his two youngest brothers as he got up from the piano stool. Thankfully, the terrible two continued with their own talking. Good. He didn't want to deal with them for now. As he passed them however, he overheard this simple line: “They are so cool that… I wish I was a Kamen Rider!” 
That’s when Scott snapped “Alan! Enough with the Kamen Riders! Even Tin-Tin is getting tired of your obsession with them!”
“I’m not obsessed!” Protested Alan as he crossed his arms and let out his iconic pout.
Meanwhile, Jeff was just staring at his boys from his desk, half-amused, half-exasperated. He let out a long sigh. He was too tired to call out his boys. 
Kids. No matter how old they are, they are still his precious kids. Even when they get old and cranky, he bet that won't stop them from tormenting each other whatever chance they get.
Speaking of his kids, there’s one in particular that he needed to check on. Jeff pressed a button on his desk. The ashtray seemingly glued to the desk lifted to reveal a microphone once again. “This is International Rescue to Thunderbird 5,” Jeff called, his baritone voice echoed his leadership, “Come in, John.”
The painting of John, that was hanging on the wall opposite of the desk along the other paintings of the bothers, was replaced by a screen where the middle child of the Tracy brothers appeared.
"Thunderbird 5 loud and clear, father!" responded John with authority.
"Hello John, how are you doing?" smiled Jeff.
"Quiet up here." his middle child replied, making the head of the Tracy family chuckle. It had been the same old answer every time.
"You don't seem to mind that." Jeff raised a brow.
"As much as I like the silence, sometimes it is killing me." admitted John.
Jeff smiled understandably. Surely it is pretty lonely up there, especially inside a high-tech ‘tincan’ in stationary orbit (as Gordon had once put it). Like the worried father that he is, Jeff had been occasionally calling John to lift away that feeling of loneliness from his middle son. He had been worried about that when he first sent John to Thunderbird 5 to keep track of the distress calls. There's a reason he was limited to monitor for a month till John switched shifts with Alan. It's vice versa with the youngest as well. But surprisingly, compared to Alan, John rarely complained.
Jeff Tracy was about to say something when his other sons suddenly appeared at his desk. "Say, John! Why won't you talk with us if it's too quiet up there?" chirped Virgil.
"It's because I can stay away from you fellas' shenanigans." deadpanned the space monitor.
"Hey, at least we're good at the "entertainment" department!" joked Gordon, making Alan went in an array of giggles as John rolled his eyes.
“By ‘entertainment’, you mean torturing your brothers for your own enjoyment.” sarcastically said John, his lips showed a hint of a smug smirk.
“Boys, I'm the one talking to John here,” called Jeff sternly, but there was a glint of amusement in his voice. The boys apologized.
"When I'm the one talking, you wait till I finish, is that clear?"
"Yes, sir," all of his boys nodded.
But the sudden beeping sounds coming from the monitor broke the atmosphere, "John? What's the situation?"
"Father, I just received an emergency call! A building in New York City has being caught in a huge inferno!" reported John.
"What happened?" Jeff asked. 
"Nobody knows for sure. From what they had reported, the fires just randomly appeared from unknown circumstances!" replied the Space Monitor.
"Alright!" nodded the patriarch, "Tell them we're on our way! Seems we need all hands up front! Thunderbirds are go!"
Virgil, Gordon and Alan nodded and off they went. Meanwhile, Scott had let out a long sigh of frustration. But that's the job. The lives were in danger and he had to go.
As he passed his father's desk, Jeff called out to him. "Once this is over, I'll give you a long, nice time off. Off you go now." And that, Scott went for his beloved Thunderbird.
"I have a really horrid feeling about this mission, Mr. Tracy." A voice strained with dread nearly startled Jeff as he saw a familiar man standing at his desk, with a tray of coffee in his hands. Where in the blazes did he come from?
"What is it, Kyrano?" the ex-astronaut asked worriedly.
The Malaysian servant shook his head ruthfully. "I don't know. There is something about it that makes my skin shiver." 
Kyrano was not wrong, Jeff somehow felt a strange feeling about the mission at hand. That fire happened so randomly and uncalled for. How? And why? Something terrible was waiting on the horizon. He dreads to find out. He could hope that nothing would go wrong.
Only Jeff Tracy could hope...
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dem-cp-hoes · 5 years ago
Idk if you do platonic stuff but,like,hcs of a proxy!reader that’s pretty young(around 14) that kind of acts like a little sister to the other proxies?
When Slender came back to the mansion one day with what they could describe to be a kid, everyone was a little taken aback.
Even more so when he told them that she would become a proxy
They could understand why a child would be here, Sally was an example enough
But Sally didn't kill because she was still a kid, much like the 14 year old staring at them right now
What kind of murderous aura or mission worthy skills Slender saw in her that he had to recruit her
Living in the mansion while being a killer/demon etc., and working as a proxy are very different things
The others kill because they are either insane or can't help it, but proxies are supposed to be more put together because essentially they are soldiers
Nonetheless, they take the girl, Y/n they later learn, in and show her the ropes
Still, none of them can get past the fact that Y/n is kid, clearly not insane judging by the way she is acting
Masky was nonchalant about it at first. He has to do his job and that's it
That's what he tells himself
But he can't help it when he sees Y/n's glossy eyes, crying obviously, when he calls her down for training
He reaches out before he can stop himself and asks her what's wrong
She misses her mom, of course she does he thinks, what kid doesn't and this time he doesn't give it too much of a thought before hugging her
It's so unlike him but he feels it's the right thing to do
Hoodie kept his distance for some time, only interacting with the her when he had to, but she soon warmed her way into his heart
The mission he came back from was rough one, kind of personal and he really didn't feel like being around other people, so he locked himself away in his room
Hoodie wasn't much a social man to begin with so no one was concerned when he wasn't down for dinner
No one but the youngest addition to their little team
With a newfound determination whe filled a plate with food and approached his room
Y/n knocked once and said "I brought you some food.... I'll leave it here....just know that you can talk to me if you want to..." and left
It wasn't much but it was something, and for Hoodie something was enough
Toby formed an attachment to the girl easily
Her presence here hit too close to home
She reminded him of Lyra in a way, she was kind and patient
The most recent incident was proof of that
They were talking in the living room, going over training, when his ticks started getting worse
He stuttered more, and when he stuttered he became angry, and when he became angry his ticks became more frequent
Y/n could see how frustrated and probably embarrassed he was so she did the only thing that came to mind
She gently grabbed his arm, made eye contact and smiled
"It's okay" she said, "Why don't you take a breath a start over?"
Toby was stunned. No one ever helped him calm down before, usually they'd tell him to shut up
He felt bad. She didn't belong in such a bad place
But he couldn't change that so he promised to himself that he'll make sure to protect her
He couldn't protect his sister before, he'll not make the same mistake with this one
They all come to an agreement to protect her as efficiently as possible
Her safety comes first, and that's the only thing they can 100% agree on
From then on she officially becomes their little sister
Poking fun at her, helping her and taking the roles of overprotective brothers come as easily as breathing to all three
Y/n is witty and it's always fun to hear the comebacks she says to Masky
Hoodie has videos
She steals their clothes all the time
She thinks they don't notice because she's sneaky
They absolutely do notice, she's not sneaky at all
No, you can't point it out, you'll upset her
They are ready to take on a mf if she so much as frowns
They spoil her like crazy
"Look Jeff, just because we do the shopping that doesn't mean we'll get all the shit you want, only the essentials. So no pop tarts for you."
"Anyway, here's the 5 different flavor marshmallows you wanted Y/n, it may have taken us searching in 3 different stores but we found them"
"What in the shit..." -Jeff
Overall, they love her very much and will do anything to make her happy
14/10 good brothers👌😌
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toddysdiaries · 6 years ago
Family Ties - Jeff Wittek x Reader
Tumblr media
Pairing: Jeff Wittek x Reader, Toddy Smith x sister!Reader
Requested?: yes, by anon:
‘Being toddy’s sister and intressed in Jeff but you are both to scared!!’
Summary: You’re Toddy’s sister and you and Jeff are in love with each other, but Toddy’s protectiveness leaves the pair of you unable to be together.
Words: 2,707
Warnings: angst, couple of swears, mention of previous domestic violence (mostly mental rather than physical), Toddy being a bit of an asshole
A/N: Requests are open! I am definitely willing to write a part two for this, let me know if you want it!
Being Toddy’s sister had always been hard. In high school, you were always expected to live up to Toddy, who was sporty and funny, but in reality, you were neither. Teachers prejudged you, thinking you’d mess around like Toddy did and underestimating your academic abilities. Girls would laugh at you, wondering how someone like you came from the same parents that created someone as gorgeous as Toddy.
Toddy had also been the cause of your singleness throughout high school. Any guy that dared to get beat you ended up being chased away by him. In the end, you learnt to be sneaky about your dates, getting your friends to cover with fake study sessions and making out under the bleachers and away from your brother's watchful eyes.
If you were being honest, you were glad when Toddy moved away. Even though he was only an hour away in Los Angeles, you finally had the space to breathe and grow. You died your hair and got the nose piercing you always want, and you spent more time at the beach, flirting with topless guys and tanning.
Eventually, you settled into a long-term relationship, and it wasn’t for a few months that you saw your boyfriend for who he really was. At first glance, Jacob seemed like a sweet, charming man, but in reality, he was a controlling, manipulative man-child, who never let you do anything on your own or go anywhere without knowing where you were going. That was when you realised that Toddy was nothing but protective of you.
Your relationship culminated in a fight when you had genuinely been scared for your life. Jacob had thrown glasses, plates and anything that he could get his hands on at you. When he'd pushed you up against the wall, you'd managed to push him off of you, and you ran out the house, managing to grab your keys from the bowl next to the door and drove away and didn't stop driving until you reached your parent's house.
Since it was the first time that it had been this bad you weren't willing to call the police, you just wanted out of Huntington Beach. Your father had called Toddy, while your mother comforted you. You were shaking like a leaf, just glad that you hadn't moved in with your boyfriend - ex-boyfriend - and he'd never shown any interest in meeting your family.
"You're going to go and stay with Toddy for a while." Your father came back into the room and knelt down in front of you. "You've got some things here, take them with you. I'm going to wait a few days and then take everything from your apartment up to you. We're going to leave now." You nodded, still shaking like a leaf. Luckily you worked for an online gossip website, so you usually worked from home anyway.
You had only just managed to calm down when your dad pulled up to a house that Toddy definitely didn't own. "It's his friend's house, you're going to meet them all anyway. He's filming today, I didn't think it was right to tell him over the phone, you know he'd just work himself up over it."
That was definitely true, but you didn't want to have to watch Toddy blow up in front of you after Jacob had. "Can-can you tell him? Maybe without me there?"
Your dad held your hand. "Of course, sweetheart. Of course, Toddy is going to be upset, you're his little sister." You nodded, Toddy had always been very protective of you. "He'd never hurt you, you know that."
You followed behind your dad like a lost puppy, surprised at the house that you were seeing. You looked up as the door opened, a gorgeous bearded man opened the door. "Oh, you must be Toddy's dad and sister." He grinned at you, and you felt your inside's turn to goo and then promptly scolded yourself, you'd just gotten out of a shitty relationship, and this guy was one of Toddy's friends, there's no chance he would ever let you date him. "Come on in."
The good looking guy led you through the lavish house, that shocked you a little more the further in you got. Eventually, you came to a living room and was a little shocked at how many people there were.
"Todd, your dad and sister are here." The good looking guy threw himself down on the couch and Todd came in from the kitchen.
"Dad! Y/N!" Todd ran over to the pair of you. "What's going on, why do you need to stay with me, Y/N?"
Your dad cleared his throat. "I need to talk to you in private Todd."
"Take him to the podcast room." A younger man with messy brown hair told him.
Toddy nodded. "Okay, guys this is Y/N, make her welcome while I go talk to my dad!"
Two girls wandered straight up to you, one was short with bleached blonde hair, and the other was much taller with brown, dip-dyed hair. "I'm Carly, and this is Erin."
"It's nice to meet you guys." You weren't sure that you were going to fit in very well with these people, they all seemed to have big personalities, and you'd never stood out very well.
"Come sit with us!" Erin smiled and held her hand out to you. You tentatively took it and followed the girls over to the couches. "These guys are Zane and Matt." Erin and Carly introduced you to all the people that were in the living room, you felt a little overwhelmed, you had never really had that many friends before.
"So, what are you doing in Los Angeles?" Jeff, the attractive guy that had answered the door, asked you, a slight glint in his eyes.
You hesitated, you were sure that it would all come out at some point, Toddy would probably start yelling about it any second. "Nasty break-up." You settled for, it was kind of true anyway.
Jeff's eyes seemed to glint again at the thought of you being single. He opened his mouth to ask you something else when Todd came storming in.
"Tell me the piece of shit's name, tell me where he lives. I'm gonna beat the shit out of him Y/N, I swear to god!" Toddy leant down in front of you, his voice raised, you flinched back against the couch, slightly.
"Todd!" Your dad had come in behind Todd. "I told you not to raise your voice, you're going to scare the shit out of her."
A small hand slipped into yours, and you knew without turning that it was Carly. "Todd if you go looking for him, he will find me. You have to let it go. I just want to move on." Your voice was quiet and shaky, but it was very much audible over the silence of the room.
"He hurt you, Y/N! You can't just let him get away with it!" Todd yelled. Jeff and David, who you learnt owned the house you were in, jumped up and gripped one of Toddy's shoulders each.
"You're scaring her man." Jeff's Staten Island accent rang out.
Toddy scoffed. "I'm not gonna hurt her, him on the other hand..."
"Dude, she's just had a man yelling at her, she doesn't need another right now." David's soft voice spoke.
Toddy hesitated and looked at you, noticing how you were shaking, your hand's grasped between Carly and Erin's, your dad's hand rubbing your shoulder. "Fuck..." Todd dropped to his knees in front of you, gently resting his hands on your knees. "I'm sorry, Y/N/N, you know how much I love you, I've always tried to keep asshole guys away from you."
You chuckled. "I noticed Toddy, you're the reason I didn't have a proper boyfriend until I was 19."
"They were all assholes!" Toddy insisted.
"I wish you were there to warn me off of this one." You frowned deeply.
Toddy nodded sadly. "Would you have listened though?"
Your dad chuckled from behind, and you let out a small chuckle too. "Probably not."
Over the past month, you had gotten to know all of the 'vlog squad', as you learnt that they were known as. You were particularly close with Carly, Erin and Zane. Your interest in Jeff had also blossomed into full-on feelings, but you were well aware that Toddy would never let you date a former convict, something that Jeff was never able to forget around the 'vlog squad' who often joked about his time in jail.
You were well aware that Jeff also had feelings for you, but he had yet to speak to you about them. You hoped that he wouldn't ever bring his feelings up, because it would make things awkward when you told him that although you liked him, you could never be with him.
Toddy had become your overprotective older brother once more. If you went out clubbing or to a party with the rest of the vlog squad, Toddy was watching you the whole time, not even drinking to make sure that he could keep a proper eye on you. You were starting to feel overwhelmed with how closely Toddy watched you, but you were nowhere near ready enough to go back to Huntington Beach, in fact, you were thinking about cancelling your apartment lease and going apartment hunting in L.A.
One day you had just had enough. You had made a new friend at your yoga class, and Toddy didn't want you spending any time with her alone. "Toddy, you need to start giving me room to breathe!" You snapped. "You're acting ridiculously!"
"I'm just trying to protect you, Y/N!" Todd's arms flailed around as he tried to make his point.
"I can protect myself, Toddy!" You screamed back. By this point, you had attracted the attention of the rest of the vlog squad.
Toddy scoffed loudly, letting his flailing hands slap down on his thighs. "You clearly can't make those choices yourself if you ended up with Jacob!"
The room was suddenly loud with collective gasping, the group was in shock that Toddy had actually gone there. Your hand reacted without permission from your head, and you slapped your brother across the face, hard. Toddy's hand flew to the reddened flesh of his cheek, his lips parting in surprise.
"You hit me," Todd mumbled, fingers gently stroking his cheek in disbelief.
You scoffed. "You deserved it, you're a disgusting excuse for a brother, picking on the one thing that you know will break my heart." You collected your belongings together. "Can someone give me a ride back to Huntington Beach?"
A few people immediately said they'd drive you back, but you took up David's offer, thinking he could use the opportunity to get some footage, Jeff trailing after you.
"Y/N, I know you're mad at me, but you can't just go back home, Jacob might find you!" Todd tried to follow you out, but Zane and Scotty had grabbed a shoulder each and held him back.
You practically growled. "It's been a month Toddy, I doubt he's still looking for me, I'll have David and Jeff with me anyway."
If you had been more angry and less clear-headed, then you might have gone much farther and slept with Jeff, just to spite your brother. But that would have really annoyed Toddy, plus you'd be using Jeff and hurting the pair of you.
Much of your car ride back to Huntington Beach was spent in a reasonably comfortable silence until you broke it. "I'm not moving back, I just want to start sorting out what's left in my apartment and cancel out of my apartment lease with my landlord."
You could hear Jeff let out a sigh of relief in the back of the car.
"Are you going to look for an apartment in L.A.?" David piped up next to you, turning the radio down slightly.
"Yeah, most of my stuff is already in Toddy and Jason's house. It's just some kitchen and bathroom stuff that's left, plus the furniture, I'm going to put it in my parent's garage for the time being. But I need a new bed anyway so that can just go down the dump." You shrugged. "I might get new couches too, I'm not sure yet."
David laughed. "We're not going to get everything in my Tesla."
You scoffed. "My dad has a van we can borrow to move the furniture, we'll just load the stuff I'm taking back to L.A. in your Tesla."
Going through everything that was left in your apartment didn't take as long as you thought it would and by the time evening came you were ready to go back to L.A. with the majority of your possessions.  You had gifted your couches to a work friend and had taken your bed to the dump, as well as a lot of random things that you'd forgotten you had or had no use for.
You had spoken to your landlord and cancelled your lease while David and Jeff loaded the Tesla with what you were taking back to L.A. When you went back to your apartment you noticed that all of your boxes had been taken downstairs. You were about to lock the door and take the keys to your landlord when you were stopped by David.
"I really need to pee," David whined, making grabby hands for your keys. "I'll lock up after and drop your keys off."
You handed him the keys and yelled after him, amused as he ran into your apartment. "There's no soap in there!" You said a quick goodbye to your apartment and then went down to wait in the Tesla.
"David caught you then?" Jeff's Staten Island accent met your ears as you got into the car.
Nodding, you dropped your bag in the footwell and did up your seatbelt. "Just about."
There was a slight pause, and then Jeff spoke again. "Y/N, I need to talk to you about something."
You froze, crap, he was going to do it right now. "No, you don't Jeff. Somethings are better off left unsaid." You told him firmly.
"No, I need to tell you." Jeff insisted, leaning forward between the gap in the two front seats.
"Jeff, it'll change everything." You whispered, eyes flickering over Jeff's beautiful face. "You know this can't happen, we can't happen."
Jeff's face dropped. "But why?"
Shaking your head, you scoffed. "Because of Toddy. He's way too overprotective, I know you're his friend, but there is still no way he'd ever give his blessing on me dating you."
"He doesn't have to, Y/N!" Jeff protested, hand coming out to cup your cheek.
"He does, Jeff. Because then you'd stop being friends with him and everyone else because of it and I'd fall out with my brother." You let out a deep breath. "Neither of us wants that, Jeff."
Jeff seemed defeated and frowned deeply. "But you do like me, right? This isn't just one-sided?"
A stray tear dripped down your cheek, and you made no move to wipe it away. "Of course I like you. I like you more than I've ever liked anyone before. It sucks so much." You sniffed slightly. "And what sucks, even more, is that it's going to change our relationship now."
Shaking his head, Jeff carefully wiped your tears away. "It'll never change our relationship."
"You promise?" You whispered.
Jeff nodded adamantly. "I promise." Jeff paused slightly. "Could I kiss you, just once?"
You hesitated. In one way it might feel like closure, another way you could end up falling for him even more. You said to hell with it and leant forward, gently capturing Jeff's lips in a sweet kiss. It seemed like it was over no quicker than it started, Jeff pulling away with a final peck to your lips and leaning back into his seat.
David came back at that moment. "Sorry, I got lost." He explained sheepishly. "Are you ready to go?"
"Yeah." You agreed softly.
David frowned and turned to look at you and then Jeff. "Are you guys okay?"
"We'll be fine," Jeff commented from the backseat. And you would.
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pocketsizedsam-blog1 · 7 years ago
The Unexpected Perks of Being a Nanny~ Chapter Nineteen
Pairing: Jared x Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: Pregnancy, Fainting.
Beta: @my-squirrel-and-moose
You figured this wouldn’t end good. Jared was a little bit short tempered with his parents’ nagging.
“What is it, mom?” Jared grumbled.
“We just wanted to let you know that… we support you, no matter what you decide, how you do it… we are here for you, Y/N and this baby.”
Jared breathed a sigh of relief as you smiled over at him.
“That-that means a lot, mom.” Jared sent a soft smile her way.
You knew Jared was sincere about his last statement. It was hard for him to be so far away from his family all the time. Hearing that his parents supported him meant the world. Jared wrapped his left arm around you and pulled you closer. Pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. You ate breakfast in peace, knowing that Jared’s parents were finally on your side! Around lunch time that day, Jared suggested that the two of you do some sightseeing around San Antonio. You headed to the parks to do some shopping… with Baby Padalecki allowing for it.  
“Jared! Jared. Oh look! It’s beautiful.” You cooed. “Can we get it?”
You picked a keychain off the rack at a small kiosk in one of San Antonio’s parks. It had the name of the town written on it with with the Spurs logo in the background, which was one of the things Jared’s hometown was best known for.
You hadn’t eat for most of the day, which was starting to worry Jared. You shrugged and chopped it up to that you just weren’t hungry. Once dinner time rolled around, after a long day of walking to San Antonio’s tourist attractions, you were exhausted.
“Y/N? Would you like to help me set the table for dinner?” Sharon asked.
“Sure.” You let out a little sigh but put a smile on your face.
You took a deep and shaky breath as you made your way over to the rectangular table in the kitchen. You set out four plates, one for each person in the house.
“Oh, we need one extra, Y/N, if you don’t mind! Megan will be here in about five minutes.”
“I don’t mind.” You shrugged, bringing another plate and a glass over to the table.
All of a sudden, you felt as if your head was too heavy for your shoulders. You squeezed your eyes shut, waiting for the feeling to pass.
“Are you okay?” Sharon questioned quietly.
She placed her hands on your upper arm and shoulder. You nodded yes as a response.
“I’m fine.”
You shook off the feeling and went to the cabinet that remained open with all of the glasses, the shine from the light bulb in the middle of the kitchen blinding you. The dizzy feeling came back. You leaned against the countertop to regain your balance as you reached for two more glasses. Then it all happened so fast. You took a few steps before losing your balance and tripping over your own feet. You hit the ground like a ton of bricks, shattering the glasses in which you were holding. Due to collapsing and striking your head on the edge of the island counter, blood spilled out of a gash on your forehead.
Jared and Gerald weren’t long rushing into the kitchen after hearing the crashing of the glasses and Sharon’s cries.
“Y/N!” Jared cried out and rush to your side, minding the shards of glass all over the canvas flooring. “Oh god, Y/N. Call 9-1-1, Dad!”
He pulled you up into his arms, which he knew was something he probably shouldn’t have done. He caressed your body and face carefully as he heard his father on the phone behind him. Jared tried his best to wake you up, but nothing seemed to work.
“Mom, what happened?” Jared squeaked.
“I don’t know, Jared honey. I seen her take the glasses and the next thing I knew she was on the ground.” Sharon said shakily.
The paramedics had arrived not a moment too soon. They loaded you up into the ambulance on a stretcher and whisked you away, your caring and worried sick boyfriend at your side. He told his parents to stay home until he knew what was going on with you. It could be anything at this moment. He could only hope that the baby and the love of his life were healthy. You woke up to blurry vision, staring at a while tile ceiling. The slightly fast beat of the heart monitor rang through your ears and the fresh, cleanliness scents burned your nose as you took that first, deep ‘I’m alive!’ breath.
“Hi, I’m Dr. Greene.” The female doctor shook Jared’s hand. “Her blood pressure is still very low.” The doctor leaned over to shine a bright light into your eye.
You quickly shut them and batted the doctors hand away.
“What happened? Where’s Jared? Is my baby okay?” You started rambling off questions when a large hand fell to your shoulder prompting you to look over, just as the doctor told you to calm down.
“Y/N, babe relax. Take deep breaths.” Jared said. Seeing his face and the caring look he seemed to constantly hold in his eyes when he looked at you or his childrencalmed you down much more than the doctor’s words.
“Jared is the baby okay, just tell me that?” You said, obviously still panicked at being in a hospital, worrying most about your unborn child.
“The baby’s okay, as far as we know. You took a mighty fall though.” Jared sighed. “You have a concussion.”
You felt the bandage which was stuck to your forehead.
“I don’t really remember what happened.” You sniffed. “It must’ve been scary…”
“It was scary. Mom, Dad and Megan are worried sick. I didn’t want them to come in and overwhelm you.” Jared held your hand tightly.
“What happened? Jared, why am I in the hospital?” You worried.
“You fainted, Y/N. Mom said you didn’t look well, but when she asked you said you were fine.”
“It’s normal to have dizzy spells in your pregnancy… more rare to faint, but it happens.” Dr. Greene added.
“Did it ever happen to Gen? Danneel?” You asked Jared.
Jared shook his head no, “but I’m sure our baby is going to be just fine.”
“Yes, we are doing some tests, but the baby is very protected in its amniotic sac. A few light smacks or bumps isn’t going to hurt the baby.” Dr. Greene explained further.
You smiled softly over at Jared, glancing down at your stomach, “there’s a baby in there.”
“There is a baby in there.” He confirmed. “Our baby.”
You felt like you wanted to start crying. This in itself was overwhelming, how rushed your relationship was, everything that has happened, the whole Gen ordeal and the drama with the twins. After all that craziness, you and Jared are just adding to the mess, having another baby. But nonetheless, you were excited! You were nervous, really nervous sure. Who could blame you? You were only going be twenty-three years old. But you felt better knowing that you were going to have an experienced partner.
“I’m going to perform an ultrasound now, if you two want to see your baby.”
“Of course!” You smiled.
You pulled up your gown as the doctor wheeled the portable ultrasound machine into your room. She placed the machine next to you and got situated.
“This might feel a little bit cold.” She warned as she put the gel on your lower abdomen.
It sent a shiver down your body. The doctor smeared the gel around your stomach, looking for the little baby.
“Oh! There we are.” She smiled softly. “Congratulations, again. From this, it looks like you are about eight weeks pregnant!”
“Wow! Eight Weeks.” You smiled, but that smile faded. “Wait… where is the baby?”
Both Dr. Greene and Jared chuckled. The doctor put her finger up to the monitor, tracing the little white spot within the darker region, “That is your baby.”
“Woah! It’s so tiny.” You squealed. “Look, the little arms and legs are moving already.”
“Yep.” The doctor confirmed. “Your baby is about the size of a raspberry, which is about less than half of an ounce, and a little more than a half inch in length. At this time, it’s normal to feel really exhausted. The reason your blood pressure and blood sugar is so low is because you’re making more blood for the baby now, that you never had before. It’s normal to want to take a nap and I advise it. Also, just so you know, it’s normal to have cramps and spot. So don’t be alarmed.”
You never knew this much about pregnancy before now. You were excited to learn more about what changes your body would be going through with each appointment.
“I have a very important question.” You stated. “When can I go home?”
“Not for a while yet. We need to keep you in for an observation period.” Dr. Greene laughed.
You frowned, not wanting to stay.
“I can have mom, Megan and dad come in if you’re up for it.” Jared suggested. “I’m sure they’re dying to see you. We’ll tell Jensen and Danneel when we head out to Austin.”
You nodded yes.
As the doctor cleaned your stomach off, she began to speak, “Now, my advice for you is take it easy and have lots of rest, okay? You probably overdid yourself today.”
You nodded yes again in agreement. You fixed your hospital gown up as Jared called his parents.
“Mom, dad and Megan are on their way.” Jared kissed your forehead.
It didn’t take the Padalecki’s long to drive to the hospital. You were smothered in hugs as soon as they arrived.
“You gave me a heart attack!” Sharon exclaimed, pulling you into a hug.
“Sorry.” You hugged her back.
“Don’t be sorry, dear. But, also, don’t be afraid to tell me if you think something is wrong, Okay?” Sharon said sternly.
“Okay.” You nodded and gave her a smile. “Next time I think something’s wrong, I’ll be sure to say something.”
Next Megan gave you a hug. After Megan, Gerald gave you a hug too.
“We called Jeff, but he has to work late. Other than that he would’ve been out to see you.” Megan shot you a smile.
“It’s okay.” You shrugged.
“I think three people seeing Y/N is exciting enough for one day.” Jared warned.
“Jare.” You sighed. “He’s gone into overprotective mode.”
“How are you feeling?” Megan asked, taking a seat at the end of your bed as Jared offered the chair he was sitting in to his mom.
He went to grab another chair for his dad as you were about to respond.
“Well, better than I was before. They’re pumping some fluids into me and we’re waiting for my blood pressure and sugars to come back up.” You shrugged.
“Well, we’re glad you’re starting to feel better.” Gerald smiled. “It was nerve wracking being at the house and not knowing what was going on.”
“But we wanted to respect your wishes, Jared, so we stayed put.” Sharon smiled over at her second son.
Jared gave his mom a small smile back, “yeah, thanks for waiting so long. I just didn’t want to overwhelm Y/N before we knew what was going on.”
“Well, I’m fine, guys, honestly.” You shrugged.
“Yeah, now you are.” Jared worried.
“Oh mon dieu. Aidez-moi.” You murmured.
“Was that french?” Megan laughed. “You know french?”
“Yeah, I mean I’ve lived in Canada all my life. It’s a bilingual country.” You giggled. “I took french immersion all through school. Quelquefois, je préfère le français à l’anglais.”
“Okay, um what? Translate for us, non french speakers.” Megan smiled.
“First I said, ‘oh my god, help me’ and the second time I said, ‘sometimes I prefer french over english.’”
“How come you don’t speak French more often? That’s the first time I heard you speak the language.” Jared remarked.
“Well you wouldn’t understand what I would be saying.” You shrugged and let out a little giggle.
“Well maybe you could teach me some. You’ve got to take it easy for a little while, so that could give you something to do.” Jared suggested.
You smiled and gave Jared a little nod. He was right. Teaching Jared french was going to be funny, you could already tell! You spent around another hour with the Padalecki’s before a nurse popped her head in the door and told them visiting hours were over. You went through another round of hugs before Jared walked his parents and sister out of the hospital, giving you a few minutes of peace and quiet.
“Thanks for coming by.” Jared smiled.
“You’re welcome, Jared! You know that we’ll always be here when you need us.” His mom smiled in response.
“So I know you guys expected Y/N and I to stay for the whole week, but I planned on taking her to Austin to see Jensen and Danneel for a few days.” Jared sighed.
“Look. it’s no problem, Jared.” His father started. “It means a lot that you found the time to come down and visit us even if it was just for a few days.”
“Yes, you’re father is right. We love you no matter how long you stay to visit us.” Sharon added.
Jared’s parents made their way out to the car while Megan hung back for a few minutes.
“I love her. Just as much as I loved Genevieve when you first brought her home.” Megan smiled, taking a seat on the bench next to her brother.
“I’m glad you love her. ‘Cause I do too.” Jared grinned.
“How does the whole Gen thing work out anyways? How often do you see the kids?”
“Y/N and I used to have the kids every two weeks. Now we have them for almost all of the month while Genevieve is filming and Thomas is in school.” Jared explained. “We almost broke up, Y/N and I did.”
“Jesus… What happened?” Megan frowned.
“Gen happened.” He grumbled. “She must’ve been stressed with work or something and blew up at Y/N. Then… that same night, Genevieve made her way over to my place, and kissed me.”
“And Y/N saw, huh? Did you kiss back?”
“No. There was that moment though, where I didn’t know what to do… I froze. Just don’t tell mom and dad, okay? It’s better if they don’t know.”
“Don’t worry. My lips are sealed.” Megan pulled her brother into a hug. “I should probably go before mom and dad leave me.”
Megan stood up and made her way out through the first set of doors and into the porch. She glanced back at Jared as he waved goodbye. Jared shot up off the bench and made his way back to your room. By the time he got back, you were already asleep, a protective arm wrapped instinctively around your stomach. Jared pressed a soft kiss against your forehead and whispered, “G’night, love.”
Tag List: @invisibledevour @steverogerswhore @nanie5 @inevergaveuplarry
@reachforthestarsgirl @beckawinchester @internationalmusicteacher
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