#Jeff Nichols
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pleasuretrade · 2 months ago
i just think that the photos tom hardy took of austin butler during filming for the bikeriders
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freshmoviequotes · 7 months ago
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The Bikeriders (2023)
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afterhours-1985 · 8 months ago
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Tom Hardy as Johnny The Bikeriders (2023) dir. Jeff Nichols
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violaobanion · 6 months ago
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nerdy-novelist017 · 9 months ago
Rooftop Conversations (Benny Cross x Shy!Reader Pt 4)
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On my drive home yesterday, I heard Zach Bryan's Oklahoma Smokeshow for the first time and I realized it's so Benny x Bunny coded :) I'm curious to know what song reminds you of Benny x Bunny! As always, I so so so appreciate all your comments!
Benny x Bunny Masterlist here!
Word Count- 3.1k+ (longest one yet!)
Summary- Another night spent with Benny was sure to be an adventure filled with firsts for both of you.
Benny told you he knew a place to eat that had real food. You were about to tell him that Ricardo’s did have good food, but he all but pulled you into the back of his bike in an effortless move that silenced your voice with a soft gasp. The adrenaline surged through you as fresh as the first time he had given you a ride and you wondered if you would always feel this feeling riding on the back of his bike. 
He drove you to the other end of town again and you couldn’t hide the surprise on your face as he pulled up to a bar, parking next to a lineup of other motorcycles. 
“A bar?” You asked as he helped you off the bike.
“Not exactly what Pete would have picked,” Benny replied coolly as he dismounted. “But the best food ‘round.”
“Well, I’m mad at him so who cares what he’d pick.” You grinned as you followed him to the door. 
Inside, the bar was alive with music, voices and bustling bodies. Benny’s hand found the small of your back and gently guided you toward the far tables. Ignoring the rush of butterflies at the contact, you tried to focus on the familiar faces from the picnic who cheered when you entered with Benny but you blushed, looking down at your feet. A couple people clapped Benny on the back as he passed and you felt sort of like a prize and he was the winner. He found an empty table at the back, and you took a seat, facing the room. 
“I’ll get you a drink,” he announced before he disappeared into the crowd, moving towards the bar. You glanced about the bar, taking in the rustic setting and colorful characters. Then suddenly, the leader of the Vandals himself was in front of you, sliding into the unoccupied chair. 
“You’re Benny’s girl, right?” Johnny asked and before you could correct him – or rather ask exactly what he meant by that – he continued, “It’s nice to see you here again. The boys all really liked your cookies. Sure was sweet of you to bring that.”
You nodded, muttering a soft thanks.
“My wife was wonderin’ if you could give her your recipe – for the cookies, I mean. Maybe you could tell her at another meeting,” he said, tapping his fingers over the tabletop. He’s trying to be friendly, you realized. Trying to include you in the club somehow. Warmth filled your chest at the idea of a club filled with bikers could possibly like you enough to want you around. You wondered if they just aimed to make you the center of every inappropriate joke that would inevitably be thrown out. Regardless, you still felt flattered at the notion.
Charmed, you replied, “I–It's nothing too difficult. I’m sure she could recreate it.”
He hummed. “Well, maybe some of the guys would like to see you ‘round, too. It’s good for ‘em to be ‘round such a civilized lady as yourself. Might even be able to whip ‘em into shape.”
“I don’t know about that,” you grinned sheepishly, rubbing your shoulder. For being the leader of a motorcycle club, he wasn’t as scary as you originally thought. Intimidating, definitely, but not terrifying. 
“You whipped our boy Benny into shape! And hell, if you can do that in just the few hours you spent with him, think of all the good you could do for the Vandals. You’d be like a god amongst men here.” The lines around his eyes creased as he bantered.
Heat climbed up your neck at the implication and you broke his eye contact. “I’m sure Benny acts like that with every girl he’s trying to sleep with.”
“I’ve never seen him act the way he does when you’re around. It’s like you’ve hypnotized him.” A mirthful grin overtook his ruggedly handsome face. “You’re not a siren, are ya? Leading him off to his watery demise?”
You giggled, shaking your head. 
“Good, can’t have that – it’s bad for business.” He stood, using his foot to slide the chair back in. “Plus, ya know, I kind of like that kid. He’s rough around the edges and damn near feral at times, but he’s a good kid. Has a good heart. I think he’d take care of ya. That’s all he wants, I think. Someone to love ‘em and someone he can show he’s capable of lovin’ too. ”
Bemused, you fell quiet and before you could reply, Benny reappeared, two bottles in hand and he nodded at his friend, “Johnny.”
You glanced between the two as you felt the gravity of their friendship sparking. It was clear that Benny had not heard Johnny’s previous words because if he had, you were sure he wouldn’t appreciate the wingman stunt. And though you didn’t know Benny hardly at all, it was clear in the way he nodded at Johnny that this was an important relationship in his life, possibly one of the only friendships he had. Something heartening stirred in you as you pictured Benny going to him for advice, for brotherly connection. 
“Benny,” Johnny returned innocuously and he shot you a secretive smile before disappearing into the crowd again. 
“He wasn’t teasin’ you, was he?” Benny asked lightheartedly as his gaze found you again.
“No,” you replied with a small smile, mind still sifting through the information Johnny had left you.
“Good, I’m the only one that can do that,” he stated and your eyes widened slightly at his confidence. “I didn’t figure you were the type to order a beer,” he explained as he slid the coke bottle in your direction. You wrapped your fingers around the cold glass, internally beaming at the thought of him second-guessing himself when it came to ordering you a drink. 
“Not usually,” you answered as he sat down in the seat next to you, a fresh beer bottle in his hands. “You must think I’m pretty boring.”
“I think you’re anything but.” He smiled, his eyes seeming to be alight with a playful seductiveness. A dare, you realized. That’s what his mischievous look was; a dare, to be bold, to be adventurous. It stirred something in your gut chest that you didn’t know was dormant until now. 
“Well, in that case . . .” You quirked your brow as you slid your coke bottle across the table stopping in front of him and grabbed his beer bottle which he had already opened and took a swig from. You brought it up to your lips, the smell making your stomach flip before you sipped a generous serving. The alcohol burned as it went down and you winced, nearly coughing. 
Benny laughed. You were certainly something to keep him on his toes. He opened your soda bottle and moved it forward to cheers with you. The bottles clinked together and you smiled, making his heart flutter. Without breaking eye-contact, he lifted your coke bottle to his mouth and drank from it and nearly lost it when you mirrored him with the beer bottle. You sip was considerably shorter than his and you screwed up your face at the taste afterwards but he was still impressed by your sudden intrepidity. Just as he thought he was starting to figure you out, you’d surprise him with a new and exciting action. And Benny lived for the thrill of it. It was his turn to surprise you.
“What do you want out of life?” he asked abruptly as he set the bottle down.
Your brows rose at the severity of his question. “That’s . . . a deep question.”
“You don’t have an answer?” 
“I have an answer, it’s just . . . that’s not something I expect on the first date. First date questions are more like ‘What’s your favorite color? What kind of music do you like? If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?’ Stuff like that.” You explained, voice lowering as you played with the wrapping on the beer bottle. A nervous distraction, he realized as he watched your delicate fingers.
“This is our first date?” he quipped, living for the way your eyes shot back up to his, a blush coating your nose and cheeks. “I thought it was when I gave you a ride home last night.”
“No, that was just a ride home.” You stood your ground, but gaze still fluttering back to the bottle.
“Oh,” he pretended to look down as if he were in deep thought. “Then what’s your favorite color?”
He watched as you tilted your head and fought to hold back a smile. “Yellow, like the sunrise in the early mornings. What’s yours?”
He made a mental note of that. “Red, like that red lipstick you're wearing right now.”
At that, your smile grew and he felt a swell of confidence so he continued, “What kind of music do you like?”
You giggled at the realization that he was playing into your game. “I listen to a lot of The Ronettes . . . and Elvis. Let me guess, you like The Rolling Stones?” 
“Are you judgin' me by my cover, Bunny?” He grinned. “I also like Johnny Cash.”
“That makes sense. You seem like a character Johnny Cash would sing about," You said flippantly and brought the beer bottle back up to your lips for another sip and Benny was so enamored by the way your head tipped back, delicate neck exposed that he didn’t even realize you had teased him. 
“If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?” he continued after a moment to compose himself as he drank from the coke bottle, wishing it was something stronger.
You seemed to ponder that for a second. “I’m not sure. I’ve always wanted to go to California.”
“Why is that?”
“I’ve never been to the beach and when I was a little girl, my mom had this magazine that dedicated an entire issue to the beaches of California. It looked so fun,” you described, your eyes lighting up.
Benny imagined the sight of you in a swimsuit – one of those new bikinis he’d seen Aubrey Hepburn wear on tv – and he nearly groaned. 
“What about you?” you asked innocently, drawing him back to reality. 
“The beach in California,” he replied instantly.
“Because you’d be there.”
You blushed, a smile encompassing your beautiful face and you looked down at the glass bottle again. 
Benny leaned forward, his elbows resting on the table. “What other first date questions do you have for me, Bunny?”
The night was spent with smiles, stories and plenty of teasing (the latter of which was mostly Benny’s doing) and you hadn’t realized how late it was getting, too absorbed in the attention of the ocean blue eyes of the man sitting next to you. You both ate dinner (Benny insisting on the best meal was their burgers and you had to agree) and you had finished the beer but Benny replaced it with another coke afterwards. Hours passed and the rest of the patrons began to leisurely shuffle out, each calling out goodnight as they went. There were only a few left now, you realized as you glanced about the bar. Then, Benny asked if you wanted to see something. 
He seized your hand in his and took you through the back of the bar, down the hallway and out the back door. The cool nighttime air was a refreshing change from the cigarette filled clubhouse. He led you around back to a closed in ladder leading to the roof. He opened the cage door and motioned for you first. You shot him an expected look.
“I’m not going up first!” You tried to act serious as you crossed your arms playfully, feeling an funny buzz from the drink. 
“Why not?” he grinned, yeilding.
“Because, you just want to look up my skirt as I go.” You quirked a brow at him. “I’m not stupid, you know.” 
“No, you definitely aren’t stupid. And I would never. I’m a gentleman.” He held a hand over his heart as if he was hurt by your insinuation. 
“Yeah, sure you are,” You said, holding your ground. 
He held up his arms in an appeasing way. “Alright, I’ll go up first. Just don’t trip and fall on your way up.” 
You laughed as you began making your way up the ladder after him. You climbed up the two stories, the ladder clinking beneath each heel until you made it to the top where Benny offered a hand to help you up. A gentle breeze guided you to the far end of the rooftop where a generous view of the town lights, each twinkling like the stars above. You’d never seen this perspective of your little home town and it almost looked magical.
Benny went forward and lowered himself to sit down. He beckoned you to follow and, though you were scared, you moved to mirror his seat. He held your hand as you took a seat next to him. Your legs, significantly shorter than his, dangled off the edge, bumping lightly against the brick wall. He was close enough to feel the heat radiating from his body, close enough that your shoulders touched slightly. 
“Wow, what a view, huh?” you said, voice barely above a whisper as the scent of his cologne wrapped around you. 
Benny only nodded and you looked at him with a small smile, falling into a comfortable silence. Your gaze fluttered over his face, taking in the details in this dim lighting. His dilated pupils made his eyes darker and the shadow of his nose blended beautifully onto his lips. The gentle curl of his hair looked so soft and you didn’t even realize that your hand was reaching out. And maybe you tried to tell yourself that it was from the alcohol, but you knew you weren’t drunk. You touched him because you wanted to. Your fingers found the blonde tendrils and a gentle sigh escaped your lips because they were soft. His eyes were locked onto you and he remained unmoving, letting you take the reins. 
“Do you actually want to marry me? Or were you just sayin’ that to get a reaction out of me?” you whispered, hand dropping back to your lap, fingers still tingling from the contact.
“Yes, I want to marry you.” His voice was a low rumble disrupting the silence of the rooftop.
You studied his face carefully, unable to look away. “How could you know that so soon?”
“You make really good cookies,” he retorted playfully and you gave him your best unamused look despite the fact that he left you very amused.  
“I’m serious,” you said, fighting the smile tugging on your lips.
“I know you are,” he murmured, gaze flickering down to mouth. “I’m serious too – about marrying you and about your cookies.”
Heat filled your core. Like the undeniable pull of a magnet, you felt yourself drifting closer to him. “I bake more than just cookies, ya know.”
Benny groaned, “You’re teasin’ me, Bunny.”
“No, just letting you know what you’d be signing up with if you married me.” You smiled. 
“I know exactly what I’m gettin’ myself into with you, Bunny,” he admitted slowly as he dipped his head lower, only a few inches from your face. His thumb and forefinger touched your chin softly. “Why else do you think I ran off Pete?”
You paused, brows furrowed at his words. “Wait, what?”
He didn’t seem to hear you as he continued forward and you lurched back before he could kiss you. “You did what to Pete?”
“I ran him off,” Benny explained as if it were obvious. “Had a talk with him.”
“Oh my god,” you breathed out harshly, a feeling of being drenched in icy water washed over you. “You saw him? Where?” Then it dawned on you. “You saw him at Ricardo’s? He actually showed up?”
He remained quiet, watching as you turned from the ledge, standing and began to pace as you worked through the thoughts hitting you faster than you could process. 
“You ran him off? Oh my god, Benny. Is that code for something? Did you kill him?” You squeaked, the possibility of poor Pete being having to fight for his life played out like a complete disaster in your head. 
“No.” He shook his head as if annoyed.
“Well what does that mean, then?” Your voice raised an octave as unease gripped your heart. “Did you beat him up?”
“I told you. I had a talk with him.” He said simply as he turned, flipping his legs over the ledge and faced you. 
“You intimidated him! You with your loud bike and leather jacket and mean look, it wasn’t just a talk. He doesn’t deserve that. Pete is a good guy.”
Benny lifted his hands up in a placating way but the sarcastic look on his face caused anger to spike through you. 
“What makes you think you had the right to do that?” You demanded as you planted your hands on your hip. “Where do you get off from?”
He opened his mouth to say something but thought better and closed it. 
“You intimidated my date,” you snapped. “A date I was actually excited for by the way. He was kind and . . . had a nice smile.”
“I don’t see the problem,” he mumbled, narrowing his eyes at the ground in front of you.  
“You don’t–” your mouth dropped open in shock, blood boiling at his audacity. You threw your hands up in exasperation as you spun away and made your way back to the ladder. 
“Where are you going?” Benny called out as he trailed after you.
“I’m going home so I can call Pete and apologize.” You retorted over your shoulder. And probably check to see if he's not been put in the hospital because of the biker behind you.
Benny laughed. “I thought you said you were mad at him,”
“Well, I’m not anymore. I’m mad at you now,” You fumed as you shot him a look before you descended the ladder.
“Me?” Benny scrambled down the ladder after you but you didn’t slow your pace as you rounded the outside of the bar, heading for the sidewalk. It would be a long walk home, but you had no interest in getting a ride home from him.
He jogged to catch up, grabbing your arm to halt you. “I didn’t hurt ‘em. I swear.”
You spun around to face him. “That’s not the point. You men all think alike, don’t you? Thinkin' you can stake your claim like women are just . . . just objects, toys.”
Benny’s jaw clenched tightly. “I’m not goin’ to apologize for it if that’s what you’re thinking.”
You scoffed as you wrenched your arm free and turned away. You picked up your pace as you made your way down the sidewalk in the direction of you home.
“Can I at least give you a ride home?” He called out. 
“Nope, I think it’s a perfect night for a walk, don’t you?” you replied without looking back, leaving Benny standing in the middle of the sidewalk in a stupefied silence.
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jurassicpark1990 · 2 months ago
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#016: The Bikeriders dir. Jeff Nichols
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austinslounge · 4 months ago
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✨️Austin Butler & Jeff Nichols on the set of "The Bikeriders"
Photo 📸 Cred: Tom Hardy
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texaschainsawmascara · 8 months ago
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Tom Hardy, The Bikeriders
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wh2m · 8 months ago
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→ Mike Faist: Pinball: The Man Who Saved the Game and The Bikeriders parallels
1. feeling so tired after west side story he almost didn't do pinball vs feeling so tired after challengers he almost didn't do the bikeriders 2. playing roger sharpe in pinball who interviewed the founding fathers of the game vs playing danny lyon in the bikeriders who interviewed kathy and the vandals 3. staying with roger to learn about pinball before filming pinball vs staying with danny to learn about photography before filming the bikeriders 4. roger playing with his pencil in pinball vs danny playing with his pencil in the bikeriders 5. having to wear fake facial hair as roger in pinball vs having to wear fake facial hair as danny in the bikeriders
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crumb · 8 months ago
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nihillist-blog · 4 months ago
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The Bikeriders (2023)
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jilllovesmike · 4 months ago
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More praise for Mike. It is so important to recognize that Mike is not a cookie cutter type actor. He is smart. He wants to be challenged. I don’t think we will ever see him in any nonsense superhero film. He will do indies and if he does big budget films it will be ones with the most interesting characters.
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afterhours-1985 · 8 months ago
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Come on, Johnny, what do you need?
The Bikeriders (2023) dir. Jeff Nichols
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lady-phasma · 11 months ago
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The Bikeriders director Jeff Nichols discussing hiring Austin for the role.
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not difficult to believe
YouTube short of the interview here
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auvis · 9 months ago
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Behind the scenes of The Bikeriders…
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destinyc1020 · 10 months ago
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Miiiiikkke!!! Rofl 😅 🤣 😂
Can't wait to see them all in this movie lol 😆🤭
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