science3b-blog · 8 years
Dear 18 years old me, 
 Hello, 18 years old me. I hope despite of your busy days still you will have time to read this letter from mine. I sadly miss you. In fact, I really want to ask you if you want to have coffee some of this days. Don't worry its my treat. Anyways I can't wait for that moment thats why I wrote first a letter to you because I really want to talk to you and say this words. A two words that you should receive from me. A two words that I need to say for all you've done to me. THANK YOU. Thank you for being who you are and thank you because, because of you I am who am I today. Thank you  for all the sacrifices that you've done for me. I remember the days that you don't want to sleep just to finish allthe school works. I remember all your crying moments because you want to give me a successful life but it seems that its hard to achieve.Thank you because you have a lots of dream for me. Thank you because you fought for my future. Thank you! Thank you for everything. You don't know how lucky and greatful I am to have you.Thank you for teaching me to call to God everytime I have challenges in life. Like what you did, I cry to God, talk to Him and after that everything turns to good. Thank you for teaching me that all my achievements, success in life I should give it all to God. And thank you for your life verse. The verse that you always recite on yourself every time you lost hope, every time you have an examinations, demonstrations. Don't worry that's my lifeverse too. I thank you because I have learned how to trust God. Thank you because you teach me to become that. Did you know that you are my inspiration ? Every time I have difficulty in life I always remind myself that if an 18 years old you did all her best to become who you are today, you should prove on her that she's not wrong for giving you that.Now is the time that I pay you back for everything you've done for me. I promise that all your sacrifices and all the things that you've done for me will not be wasted. I assure you that I will continue what you've started in my life. Have a. Nice day ahead. God Bless you. P.S. don't forget out coffee. Don't worry I will bring you to a finest coffee shop. 
 Sincerely yours, 28 years old self
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