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Welcome 😀 and it's International Dance Day A #global #celebration of dance, ,#created by the #Dance Committee of the International Theatre Institute, the main partner for the performing arts of #UNESCO. The event takes place every year on 29th April, the anniversary of the birth of #JeanGeorgesNoverre, the creator of modern #ballet. #Wikipedia Date: #Monday, April 29, 2019 https://youtu.be/EtQ0aIQbZh4 Please note... Dance is a art I love. I call them #bionic/ #dancers, #breathtaking, and 'pouring #love' like #dufs all over the place. #Worldofdance is a #fineart of #beautiful personal #confidence #happyinternationaldanceday. 🎆🎉🎆🎇🎆🎉🎇🎆🎉 I will " 'unvaile right here #silenthearts #worksofart' " SOON so please like my @bugeydu2 /page to see stunning #creative #design-art... Thank you 👋 Tags- #instaballet #instaopera #operalife #instagramart #danceart #allisonhawkinsofficial #talent #ca #ny #music #tarynmanning#eltonjohnconcert (at Salt Lake City, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw15fJNBO9t/?igshid=1me23xncajcb
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29 de abril-El Día Internacional de la Danza, fue establecido por el Comité de Danza del Instituto Internacional del Teatro de la Unesco en 1982, fue instituida a partir de la propuesta de homenajear al innovador del ballet clásico, Jean Georges Noverre, nacido el 29 de abril de 1727.
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In 1982 the Dance Committee of the ITI founded International Dance Day to be celebrated every year on the 29th April, anniversary of Jean-Georges Noverre (1727-1810), the creator of modern ballet. Every year a message from an outstanding choreographer or dancer is circulated throughout the world. #dance #worlddanceday #internationaldanceday #ITI #dancecommittee #jeangeorgesnoverre #choreography #choreographer #modernballet #ballet #bharatnatyam #kathak #breakdance #tapdance #garba #dandiya #folkdance #kabuki #salsadancing #salsa #waltz #jazz #lyrical #hiphop #contemporary #highlanddancing #dumal #lezim #bhangra #ghumar # chakri #jhulanleela #kumi (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw05OtvF6s2/?igshid=1qehohh00ppch
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#Repost @bucopanama with @repostapp ・・・ El #DíaInternacionalDeLaDanza se celebra cada año el #29deAbril. Es un día en el que se puede disfrutar de todos los género de la danza juntos. Numerosas actividades son realizadas en este día en torno a la danza. 💖💖💖💖💖 El Comité de #Danza del Instituto Internacional del #Teatro de la #Unesco (ITI/UNESCO) estableció el 29 de abril como el Día Internacional de la Danza para atraer a más público y llamar la atención sobre este #arte. La fecha coincide con el nacimiento de uno de los #coreógrafos más importantes, #JeanGeorgesNoverre, nacido el 29 de abril de 1727, considerado como el #creador del #ballet moderno.☇☇☇☇☇☇ HOY en Panamá #Multiplaza @multiplazapa estará presentando al #BalletNacionaldePanamá a las 5 pm en la Plaza del Sol ¡ES GRATIS! ¡¡¡¡¡No te lo puedes perder!!!! BuCa Danza✌✌✌ BuCo Danza👍👍👍 💙💚💛💜 (en David, Chiriqui)
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Today is International Dance Day! #funfact: This event is celebrated every year on April 29th, which is the anniversary of the birth of Jean-Georges Noverre (1727–1810), the creator of modern ballet. What kind of dance style do you like best?
**** Сегодня Международный день танца! #funfact: Это событие отмечается каждый год 29 апреля, в годовщину рождения Жана-Жоржа Новерра (1727–1810), создателя современного балета. А какой стиль танца вам нравится больше всего? Ballerina, 2013 Oil on linen, 88.4 x 52.9 cm collection @bayramovartfndn © Durdy Bayramov Estate #durdybayramov #bayramovmuseum #bayramovartfndn #turkmenistan #internationaldanceday #centralasia #ballet #jeangeorgesnoverre #dance #balletdancer
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International Dance Day - It is a global celebration of Dance In 1982 the Dance Committee of ITI founded International Dance Day to be celebrated every year on the 29th April, The birthday of Jean-Georges Noverre #international #dance #day #InternationalDanceDay #globalcelebration #JeanGeorgesNoverre #DanceCommittee #ITI #DanceDay #mana #radio #manaradio #telugufm #fmradio
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#TarihteBugunSeria #DünyaDansGünü #UluslararasiDansGunuSeria #internationalDanceDaySeria Slovak "Tancuj, Tancuj" adlı Geleneksel Müzik Festivali, (Dans) Glozan, Sırbistan'da düzenleniyor. Resmî adı #internationalDanceDay Kutlayanlar Tüm Birleşmiş Milletler Üyesi Ülkeler Tarih #29nisanSeria #29seria #NisanSeria #DunyaDansGunuSeria veya #UluslararasıDansGünü #internationalDaysSeria #UluslararasıGunlerSeria #DaySeria #GunSeria Uluslararası Tiyatro Enstitüsü (ITI) ve #UNESCOseria ortağı STK Uluslararası Dans Komitesi tarafından #1982seria yılında tanıtılmıştır ve her yıl 29 Nisan'da kutlanmaktadır. Tarih, modern balenin yaratıcısı #JeanGeorgesNoverre (1727-1810)'nin doğum günü anısına ITI Uluslararası Dans Komitesi tarafından belirlenmiştir. Her yıl, olağanüstü bir koreograf veya dansçı dünyada dolaşan bir mesaj vermeleri için davet edilir. Bu kişiler World Dance Alliance ve ITI Uluslararası Dans Komitesi iş birliği ile Uluslararası Dans Günü kurucu kurumu tarafından seçilir. "Uluslararası Dans Günü Mesajı" nın hedefi tüm siyasi, kültürel ve etnik engelleri aşarak ortak dil olan Dans aracılığıyla insanları bir araya getirmek, bu sanatın evrenselliği içinde eğlenmek ve kutlamaktır #april29nisan2015 #CarsambaNisanSeria #Carsamba2015seria #Nisan2015seria #Nisan29seria #ÇarşambaSeria
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Welcome 😀 and it's International Dance Day A #global #celebration of dance, ,#created by the #Dance Committee of the International Theatre Institute, the main partner for the performing arts of #UNESCO. The event takes place every year on 29th April, the anniversary of the birth of #JeanGeorgesNoverre, the creator of modern #ballet. #Wikipedia Date: #Monday, April 29, 2019 https://youtu.be/EtQ0aIQbZh4 Please note... Dance is a art I love. I call them #bionic/ #dancers, #breathtaking, and 'pouring #love' like #dufs all over the place. #Worldofdance is a #fineart of #beautiful personal #confidence #happyinternationaldanceday. 🎆🎉🎆🎇🎆🎉🎇🎆🎉 I will " 'unvaile right here #silenthearts #worksofart' " SOON so please like my @bugeydu2 /page to see stunning #creative #design-art... Thank you 👋 Tags- #instaballet #instaopera #operalife #instagramart #danceart #allisonhawkinsofficial #talent #ca #ny #music #tarynmanning#eltonjohn (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw14jCohgfC/?igshid=pcr1o2bfmxd7
Welcome visitors, please like and follow - @bugeyedu2 . #NewArt #SilentHearts: 'Here is lots of #love and work' going into every peace, in making, #exotic #tenacious colorful, #fineart so they're very-nice and #beautiful. . The #love for art is very, personal in applying my abilities for supper #creatvity of #design, delivering stunning #crafted #bionic_artwork. . "Coming soon a DATE for "DAYVIEW of the new *SilentHearts" *Follow-up with '@bugeyedu2/and don't miss to *witness a stunning creative *NEW #artwork *style #UNVAILING. .#Silenthearts A little #pain #a little #pleasure a #little heaping up a #treasure as warmness from the #sun our #hearts-beats as one. #content #socialmedia #backlink #smofineart . . #SILENTHEARTSpagerank #guestonpageseo #silentheartsranking #webdesign #whitehatseo #digitalmarketingtips #bugeyedu2business #bugeyedart onlinemarketing #Silenthearts #linkbuildingseo #linkbuldingBugeyedArtworksWWW #guestpostorders #trafficbugeyedartworks #bhfyp #artnews Thank you very much for visiting BUG EYED Artworks #Instagram page, also see website, www.ArtPal.com/bugeyedArt . . . share this/#pikdo #metgalalook #entertainment -#kimkardashianwest - #surrogate #instadigg #mysocialmate #fashion tip #thylaneoutfit #thylaneblondeau (at Salt Lake County, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxSJvzThxL_/?igshid=kqsyxo3ju7ol @bugeyed213 via BugEyedArt, Welcome all to see #Fineart items... #follow A #Real #Modernartist: #Welcomevisitors, please #like https://www.facebook.com/BUYARTworks/ #bugeyedart http://tl.gd/n_1sqssjq via @bugeyedu2 - #Instagramartist #artworks for artlovers, oline #socialart #instagram #smm #sales #handwerker #googlechrome #dofollow #chromeextionsion #analytics #searchconsole #marketingtips/#bugeyedartforsale #bugeyedu2 #silenthearts is #keywordresearch #startup (#traffic #shared #w/ @bugeyeu2 by #Kim #KardashianWest )(@ kimkardashian) on #Instagram #Kardashians' wealth – "#webtraffic #kimojis #LuMee #phonecase #googleanalytics #websitetraffic #rankings #internetmarketing via #silenthearts #search #researchers #pastsearchers to @bugeyedu2 #instagrampost @Kimkardasianwest #traffic #shoppers #share w/ *https://www.facebook.com/BUYARTworks/ #domainnameforsale #googlerankings #domainnamesforsale #fiverrgigpromotion #expireddomains #expireddomainresearch #theoldendomain #domainname #domain #olddomain #fiverrgigs #googlerank #fiverrseller apply all #backlinks #seo #digitalmarketing #searchengineoptimization (#bugeyedartforsale #bugeyedu2 #silenthearts #dayview #keywordsresearch #startup) (#traffic #shared #w/ @bugeyeu2 #Kim #KardashianWest ) via (@ kimkardashian) #Instagram #Kardashians #wealth #webtraffic #kimojis #LuMee #phonecase #googleanalytics #websitetraffic #rankings #internetmarketing #direct #follow #onlineartseverices https://www.facebook.com/BUYARTworks/ #silenthearts #linkbuilding #profits #kim #share #direct traffic #parisfrance #offpagetopage@bugeyedu2 #buyartwork #artpalbugeyeart #silenthearts #content #bugeyedu2internetmarketing #Newyork #Lasangels to #sweeden #preorder #customer accepted #bugeyedu2 #TheSilenthearts #valueable #art #domainnameforsales #linkbuilding #google #socialmediamarketing #googleranking #allsearchengiensto@bugeyedu2 #marketing2months w/@bugeyedu2 https://www.facebook.com/BUYARTworks/ #offpageseo #keywords #marketingdigital #website #sem #content ( #socialmediainstagram via: #instagram@bugeyedu2 #photooftheday #cute #photography #happy #fashion #art #beautiful #life #spacex #falcon #picoftheday #dog #bhfyp #gay #fun #style #music #followme @bugeyedu2/and don't miss to *witness a stunning creative *NEW #artwork *style #UNVAILING. Silenthearts - bugeyedu2 - #instagram via #potentialcustomer #content https://www.instagram.com/p/BtQ-PY4n-cV/?igshid=ppr25x9cw8ki ) #backlinkwww.ArtPal.com/bugeyedArt #smo #pagerank #onpageseo #ranking #webdesign #whitehatseobugeyedu2 #digitalmarketingtips #business #onlinemarketing #linkbuildingseo #guestpost #traffic #bhfyp
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#Repost @bucopanama with @repostapp ・・・ El #DíaInternacionalDeLaDanza se celebra cada año el #29deAbril. Es un día en el que se puede disfrutar de todos los género de la danza juntos. Numerosas actividades son realizadas en este día en torno a la danza. 💖💖💖💖💖 El Comité de #Danza del Instituto Internacional del #Teatro de la #Unesco (ITI/UNESCO) estableció el 29 de abril como el Día Internacional de la Danza para atraer a más público y llamar la atención sobre este #arte. La fecha coincide con el nacimiento de uno de los #coreógrafos más importantes, #JeanGeorgesNoverre, nacido el 29 de abril de 1727, considerado como el #creador del #ballet moderno.☇☇☇☇☇☇ HOY en Panamá #Multiplaza @multiplazapa estará presentando al #BalletNacionaldePanamá a las 5 pm en la Plaza del Sol ¡ES GRATIS! ¡¡¡¡¡No te lo puedes perder!!!! BuCa Danza✌✌✌ BuCo Danza👍👍👍 💙💚💛💜 (en David, Chiriqui)
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