#Jealous Zhengxi is my religion so I have to write it
zhanyes · 4 years
One Day
Zhan never knew liking someone was this...nice? That was one way to put it, but he still felt like it wasn’t enough to express the feeling of happiness he feels whenever he sees his bestfriend. Granted Jian yi has always been special for him, needing him to always be by his side, but not like this. Not not platonically.
He guessed this is what it feels like to have a crush (he wouldn’t go as far as to call it love yet). Of course he found other people attractive sometimes, but it never went beyond that. He feels as though all his thoughts are always about Jian yi, there's a need to always be closer to him and to fend off people trying to take away Jian yi’s attention from him. Knowing he feels the same way (maybe even deeper) just makes it all the more better.
He didn’t exactly know where they stand now, they never put a label to it, but they're at least aware of their feelings for each other. (Or Zhan thinks they do even though he never explicitly said it) They hold hands and kiss each other’s cheeks or forehead, look at each other far too long to be considered friendly, Jian yi being naturally clingy and Zhan being more accepting to it now, even going as far as to reach out sometimes.
Zhan was more than content with how things are going now, maybe even in the near (hopefully) future he could even ask Jian yi to be his officially.
What Zhan was not content with however was that Jian yi wasn’t with him right now. Well, he was, but not with him by his side, where he should be might he add. 
They were at He Tian's because he decided to throw another party at his condo, as basically tradition now ever since they entered their last year of middle school, and invited everyone who wanted to dance and get wasted. Needless to say there were a lot of people.
Zhan never really grew out off his introverted side, although he does know how to be with people, he just prefers spending more time alone or with a few people he's comfortable with. Jian yi on the other hand was an enigma, more so than he was before. Being one of the most famous and most beautiful in their school, it was very easy for him to gather an audience and mingle.
He had always been unfairly beautiful, but now it reached new levels people couldn't help but fall for. He had grown out his pale blonde hair so it reached a little past his shoulder blades, and grew out his lanky figure into toned thighs and slim waist (and great ass), he looked straight out a model runway. That and he dressed like one as well, his fashion sense was impeccable. Everything he wore, from skirts, dresses, shorts, pants, sweaters, etc., fit him so well no one would complain. Not like they could anyway, Zhan didn’t get his knuckles bruised and scared everyone in their school (Even their seniors who thought it would be a good idea to pick on Jian yi’s skirt) just so his bestfriend couldn’t wear what he wanted to. Whatever he wants, Zhan will make sure he gets it.
God, he is so whipped.
But back to the topic at hand, his frown was currently getting deeper and deeper as he watched his baby talk with a group of boys, ever oblivious to the fact that they weren’t listening to whatever story he was telling and their lustful stares. He clenched his jaw as one of the boys, whatever that fuckace’s name is, gave another shot of probably a strong mix of alcohol to an already drunk Jian yi. Did they really think they’ll get away with that?
He stood up abruptly, and was about to storm over there and show exactly why that's not the right thing to do when He Tian grabbed his arm.
“Don’t cause a scene dumbass, you’re still in hot waters when you beat up She li and his gang. Jiyi won’t be happy.” He whispered and let him go, stalking off to bother his redhead. Zhan stopped for a few seconds and calmed himself down.
He Tian was right, Jian yi wasn’t happy when he pick fights with other people, which is mostly for Jian Yi himself. Not because he gave a single fuck about the people Zhan beats up, but because he didn’t like seeing Zhan hurt, even if the others are usually the ones ending up in a hospital.
Hearing shit li’s name brought up, renewed a different kind of anger in his body. He hated that freak and his freakshow gang. She li, like other stupid stupid boys, didn’t understand the concept of backing off. Jian yi wasn’t taken, yes, but he was definitely not available nor interested; and he made sure to tell them every single time. It's just that Shit li chooses to ignore that and pursue Jian every chance he gets. Zhan had enough of him making Jian yi uncomfortable.
So maybe Zhan doesn’t regret breaking his nose a little bit.
He sighed and focused on Jian yi, calming instantly as he put his arm around the blonde’s waist. He leaned and kissed his temple, glaring at the boys gawking at them. “Hey, baby.” He muttered loud enough for everyone else to hear.
Jian yi grinned as he looked at the other, eagerly kissing his cheek in return. “Xixiiii!!!” He exclaimed loudly, the other boys flinching from the shrill scream, and Zhengxi just smiling at him fondly, already used to the blonde’s loud mouth.
“Where have you been? I missed you, they’re all so boriiing.” He whined, motioning to the other boys with his alcohol occupied hand, accidentally spilling its contents on the floor and on some of the boys.
Zhan looked at the shocked boys smugly, before turning his attention back to Jian yi. 
“I’m sure they were babe, how about we leave them and have our own fun, yeah?” He suggested, knowing the implications running inside the other boys’ minds. He smirked as Jian yi nodded quickly and held up his arms.
“Up you go then.” He said before putting him in a bridal carry. He cooed internally as Jian yi buried his face on his neck and mumbled a soft “sleepy.” He kissed the other’s forehead, before looking at the remaining boys, levelling them with a cold glare that made them shiver.
“If I see any of you near him again I’ll personally see to it that you won’t be able to attend another party, ever. Got it?” He asked. When he received no reply he growled out, “I said, got it?” The boys snapped out of it and nodded quickly, running away without looking back.
“Xixiiii~ so louuud.” The boy in his arms whined out, burying his face further into his neck. 
“Sorry, baby.” He apologized quietly, walking towards He tian’s bedroom. It’s the safest place in the condo, and knowing He Tian (and by extension, Guanshan) wouldn’t mind if they stayed there at all.
The four of them had gotten incredibly close since second year and all of them already considered each other as family. Even Guan Shan, although it took him a lot to soften up. 
He put the other on the bed gently and watched as he curled up and reached for him. “Xixi let’s sleep.” Jian yi muttered into a pillow. 
“Just a sec.” Zhan replied as he took off the other’s jacket and his shorts, leaving him in his tanktop and boxers. He quickly took off his own clothes as well and joined him. Jian yi instantly closed the distance between them and tucked his head under Zhan’s chin while Zhan enclosed him in his arms and tangled their legs together, leaving a final kiss on the blonde's forehead.
“Goodnight, love. Sleep well.” He whispered.
“Goonight xishii, I love you.” Jian slurred, already half asleep.
“I like you too.” Zhan muttered. He waited for the other’s breathing to steady for a moment then closed his eyes to follow him into dreamland.
This is something I wrote a few months back because I had too much Zhanyi feels and not enough content. Fellow shippers cry with me
P.s. English isn't my first language so sorry if there's any mistakes
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