#Jay does not end up proposing on the riverboat lol
silly little drabbles for dark sorcerer cole :)
nothing fully complete, just me trying out different stuff. this is all in various settings and times, no chronological order
There was a kid standing near Chen. It was bad enough that they were stuck in this twisted game for a madman, but now they had to rescue a prisoner too? Or at least, Kai thought he was a prisoner. The teenager looked pretty miserable standing next to Chen and Clouse.
Lloyd looked over at him. "Chen's kid?" he mouthed.
Huh, that was actually possible, now that Kai thought of it. What other reasons could there be for some random kid to be standing next to Chen? Prisoners would likely be held underground, not in the middle of an elaborate hall.
Chen was still going on with his speech, talking about how the Elemental Masters would be going up against each other for the Jadeblades. None of it sounded good.
"And now, Clouse's student here will provide the entertainment for dinner." he shoved the kid forward, almost making him land face flat.
Clouse's student stood stiffly, like he had a broomstick taped to his spine. 'Is he even breathing?' Kai wondered.
He moved suddenly, holding his hands out in front of him. It vaguely reminded Kai of the exercises that Master Wu had them do before. The kid spun, and then there was a huge dragon floating above him, made up of mist and smoke and glowing purple. It followed his motions and flew over the Elemental Masters' heads before exploding into dust.
Next to Kai, Sensei Garmadon was pale. "He's a sorcerer," he said softly. "this is not good news at all."
Lilly held Cole's hand as they walked through the forest. It was a nice day for hiking, the leaves had just started turning red and the air was cool.
"Momma, look!" Cole pointed at a fallen tree. "It fell,"
"Yes, Cole. Sometimes trees fall down," Lilly smiled.
"Lots of bugs," Cole said.
"Yes, there would be a lot--" Lilly felt a prickle at the back of her neck. "Cole, baby, I need you to go back to the house."
"Momma? What's wrong?"
"Cole, start running. Now,"
Her son looked at her fearfully and started down the path, but was blocked by a trio of large men. One of them grabbed him and put a knife to his throat. No, no, no. This couldn't be happening. She had tried so hard to stay off the grid--
"Hello, Lilly Hence-Brookstone." one of them smiled. "Now, don't try to fight. You won't be able to use your powers here," he held up a pair of vengestone handcuffs.
"Whatever it is you want, leave my son out of it," she growled.
"Unfortunately, it is your son that we need. I don't this any more than you do, but Chen's orders, amirite?
"Chen," she murmured. "what does that snake want with my son?"
"I wouldn't know that," her son's captor shrugged. "but he payed us a lot to get this kid, so..."
"Mom?" Cole said softly. "I'm scared,"
"Stay still, sweetie. It's okay," Lilly told him. "Whatever it is, I'm sure he can use me instead." she said to Chen's men.
"We were paid to get the child." the man on the right said gruffly. "Not you."
"He's three. Chen has no use for him."
"Enough stalling. You will either leave peacefully, or watch your son die." the first goon snapped.
He was bluffing. They needed Cole, or they wouldn't get paid. But she couldn't use her powers, and her weapons were still at home...
There was only one option left.
"There is a third option," Lilly said. She straightened up, balled her hands into fists, and charged.
The head henchman growled at that. The other two charged back at her. The first one dug the knife into Cole's throat -- not deep enough to kill, but still a nasty wound. Cole started crying. There was too much happening at once, her kid was hurt and crying, two large men were coming at her with weapons, the leader was holding a bloody knife--
The last thing Lilly heard before everything went dark was Cole screaming.
The ninja were nice, Cole supposed. He didn't really have anyone else to compare them to, but considering the fact that they let him live with them even after multiple murder attempts they must be good people. Master Wu, however, did not seem to know what to make of him. He somehow both avoided Cole and tried to get to know him at the same time. Some days Master Wu would congratulate him on his training and smile and others he would simply avoid him. It was frustrating.
"Working on the obstacle course, Cole?" someone speaking pulled Cole out of his thoughts.
He turned around to see Master Wu holding his staff and smiling.
"Yes." Cole said.
"You should take a break. You've been out here all day," Wu frowned.
"I'm fine."
Wu shook his head. "You're just like your mother," he said. "always pushing yourself to the limit, never giving yourself time to rest."
Cole's heart skipped a beat. He had never known his parents -- had spent his whole life on the island until last month. Chen told him they were dead, but of course it was another lie. "You knew my mom?" he hated how his voice cracked on the last word.
"She was my last student before the ninja."
"What is she like?"
Wu hmmed. "She was caring. Very stubborn, never backed down from a fight. I suppose she was like you in that regard,"
Was? "You talk about her in the past tense. Is she not around anymore?" Cole asked.
"I do not know, unfortunately. I lost contact with many members of the Elemental Alliance. Your mother was one of them,"
Great. Cole had thought he might be able to meet his parents, but maybe he just wasn't meant to have a family. "Oh." he said.
"I am sorry if I have been distant, Cole. Perhaps I can make it up to you. Would you like to hear about her?"
"Yeah. I'd like that,"
"Nyaaaa, I need help," Jay groaned as he face-planted onto Nya's bedroom floor.
"What is it, Jay?" Nya asked softly. She sounded worried.
"I wanna ask the guys be be my Yang. Yangs? Whichever is the plural," Jay sighed.
"That's great, Jay! Why do you sound so upset, then?"
"Because I don't know how!" Jay exclaimed. "Do I just walk up to them and ask, or do I need to make it fancy, or am I supposed to take them out on a date first..."
"I think you should just go with what your gut says," Nya said.
"My gut is telling me to throw up,"
Nya frowned. "You could take them somewhere," she suggested. "I think there's that new riverboat tour. It seems nice, and private."
"... maybe," Jay mumbled.
"See? Now you have a plan. Aren't I the best," Nya joked.
Jay smiled at that. "Thanks, Nya. I don't have to ask permission to marry your brother, do I?"
"You didn't have to before, but now that you've said it, fine. Duel today at sunset. If you win you have my permission,"
"Don't I have your permission either way?" Jay raised an eyebrow.
"Maybe, but this is more fun. Now get up, Sparky. I'll help you plan the proposal."
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