#Jaune the Mabari
howlingday · 8 months
I come here with an AU idea that's been on my mind for a while. The Dragon Age AU with Jaune as The Hero of Ferelden and Cinder as Morrigan, Sun as Alistair,Pyrrha as Leliana. If you don't know Dragon Age you should look it up, you'd like like it. If you do know it then picture this:
The scene is set in a ruin present in the midst of the Kocari Wilds, Jaune, Sun and two other recruits are present to retrieve documents from said ruin when they hear footsteps approaching
Cinder: Well, Well what have we here? Are you scavengers perhaps? Vultures here to claim that which belonged to those who came before? If so then turn back whatever you're looking for is here no longer.
Sun: "Here no longer"? You stole it didn't you? You- you sneaky... Witch thief.
Cinder: Well then? Which are you? Scavenger or intruder?
Jaune: Neither. The Silver Huntsmen once owned and protected this tower.
Cinder: But it's not a tower anymore, is it? The Grimm have already claimed this desiccated corpse. However, I will admit that I have watched you and your party for some time. "Where will they go?" "Whatever will they do?" and my personal thoughts "Why are they here?" And now here you are, touching the ashes of a place long gone. Why is that?
Sun: You don't need to answer her. She looks marked, which means there could be others nearby.
Cinder: Ooh! You fear there will be barbarians who will swoop down upon you?
Sun: Yes, because swooping would be bad.
Russel: She's a Witch of the Black, she is! She'll turn us into Grimm!
Cinder: Witch of the Black? Well, don't you have an imagination on you? But only because they are stories you've been told before. Like good, little sheep with no minds of your own. And what of you, Ser Knight? Tell me yours and I will tell you mine, as all civilized people do.
Jaune: My name is Jaune Arc. Nice to meet you.
Cinder: Well, now there is a civil greeting, even here in the wilds of the Black Woods! You may call me Cinder.
This was a fun idea. I'm thinking of ideas for who's who in this scenario, since Dragon Age Origins was my first and thus far only interaction with the franchise, and it was a good one.
Jaune - Hero of Ferelden
Sun - Alistair
Cinder - Morrigan
Pyrrha - Leliana
Adam - Sten
Mercury - Zevran
Penny - Shale
Zwei or Juniper - Mabari
That just leaves Ohgren, Wynne, and Loghain.
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I had the sudden urge to draw my warden today, but I only ever draw her as the queen or in her armor, i’ve never drawn her before the blight, So heres Myra the day of the castle attack, with special quest Jaune, her mabari. 
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servesorlais · 7 years
There’s been lots of Hereos of Ferelden popping up, lots of Fereldans, lots of dog headcanons ... so I want to establish that Michel, who generally likes animals more than people, is terrified of mabari. He’s heard what they do to chevaliers. Probably has seen some horrific scars on veterans of the Occupation. Keep your mabari 100 feet away from him
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