#Jasper wyd
crimeronan · 1 year
okay picture this. you're in high school minding your own business, trying to get a sports team off the ground despite no one taking you seriously. in your quest to achieve jockdom you meet this SUPER weird fuckin' kid who's your age but new to school, who has the wide-eyed terror and antiquated sensibilities and strange speech patterns of an uber-homeschooled dude who has never met anybody that doesn't, like, go to his church. you cheerfully introduce yourself and he tells you his name is caleb...... jasper..... blood....williams. wyd.
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treakle · 2 years
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in other, more simpy news. this gives major modern jasper vibes js
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cayennecrush · 5 years
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Bellamy Blake, delinquent Dad, worried about his son
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avengerchuck · 2 years
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Wyd when your best buddy jasper t jowls who you love more than anything in the world gets a haircut and he’s super proud of it and thinks it’s so cute and then he sends you this picture
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sun-bf · 3 years
if your name is elliot, aiden, alex, oliver, xavier, jasper, or finn..........wyd rn 😏
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bigsteeb · 5 years
cactus steven! wyd?
to make things less complicated i’ll be referring to the cactus creature as cactus steven, this is also part corrupted steven theory so enjoy ;)
ok so as we know we’re going to see the cactus steven in the up coming episode titled “prickly pair” & with that it’s got me & i’m sure a lot of you wondering it’s significance to suf & it’s plot, here’s my take on it. as we know steven has the ability to give life to plant life & well… non sentient organic life in general & it’s something he’s incredibly proud of.
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every time we’ve seen steven bring life to organic beings he’s incredibly happy about it. from finding out he has the ability to do so after the watermelon stevens to bringing pumpkin, rip you sweet creature, to life for peridot & lapis to cheer them up. both these times he’s been visibly happy about it, christ the boy happily brought life back to the hill after spinel’s injector damaged it in the movie & healed parts of the forest him & jasper fought in in “little homeworld” he’s so damn proud of his ability.
now with the new knowledge of pinks destructive powers & how they’re suddenly manifesting in steven, paired with his anger & frustration, it's only a matter of time till the boy snaps, now this is where cactus steven comes in. imagine doing the one thing you’ve been doing for years with no difficulty & it being the one thing that brings you joy… for it to then turn on you. cactus steven is going to be the final straw that breaks steven, this creation of his is going to cause something in steven to snap. now this is where the corrupted steven theory sneaks in. 
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don’t you find it interesting that out of all of those on the antagonist screen cactus steven is more in front of the creature in the background whilst white, the 2 lapis, cockroa- i mean bluebird & jasper are more to the sides of it? i sure do. i mean cactus steven is the second closest to the front of the screen it has to be an important part of future right?? what if cactus steven is the thing that causes steven to start corrupting? exploding in anger at his creation & causing a shit ton more damage than what he did at the reef. his anger sending a sheering pain through his body that causes him to clench at his belly, later checking to see that dark magenta splotches are forming around his gem & a pain in his head that causes 2 spikes to emerge from it by the end of the episode. i mean the episode is called “prickly pair” after all ;).
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tl;dr this little fucker is going to cause so much anger in steven that it will cause him to fully snap & what follows after I'm sure isn't going to be pretty, not for anyone.
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Share a Lair 12 || Share Some Feeling
Max wanted to wait. He had been pretty clear about that much, though Charlotte wasn’t entirely sure that she understood his reasoning - she definitely knew that she had to respect his wishes. He wasn’t that smooth when it came to the ladies. He used to just throw himself right into hitting on them, but as he got older (and realized how corny he could be), that wasn’t an easy thing to allow himself to do. 
Plus, with his career, it was hard to focus on serious relationships, likewise, he wasn’t the type to try to have casual encounters very much. He was a romantic. He was the monogamous type. He aspired to have a family as big and as close as the one that he came from, and he realized that Charlotte might not want those things. In fact, he was almost certain that she did not… But, he also wanted to be with her for as long as he could. There was just something special about her. He knew it from the moment that he met her, even though he didn’t think that they would ever actually hit it off the way that they had. They seemed too different, to him, despite their similarities.
Before they ever started seeing each other, she had made some comments that gave him cause to worry a little bit, and for Max, worrying a little bit almost always snowballed. For instance, they’d been discussing grades in school and she mentioned Henry being a C-D student. Max was nonchalant about it. He, too, had been a C-D student, sometimes F, if he was particularly not giving one. Well, the judgement in her face was enough to make him feel like he had to explain himself, “I just didn’t really care about the grades, because I knew that I was smart enough to make anything work out for me and it’s not like I would’ve needed a certain GPA to be a supervillain… or a superhero. I’ve got superpowers and a high IQ. No public education or piece of paper was gonna make me any more valid when I became an adult.”
Her face didn’t really change, but she did wonder, “So, you’d be fine with your kids not pushing themselves to be the best wherever they were?”
“I wouldn’t push them to be anything that they didn’t feel like they were,” he said. “Kids need support in their identities, not societal coercion.”
“Okay,” she said, dismissively and ended the subject, but he couldn’t help but shake that he had just confessed to being fine with being mediocre to somebody who was very much focused on being and having the best.
Another example - Oyster casually mentioning how Max used to “really give it to those nerds” when they were in school. Max shook his head vigorously, but Oyster thought he was being bashful and proceeded to tell stories that Charlotte looked extremely put off to hear about, even though she said that she would expect stuff like that from somebody who was trying to be a bad boy. “I guess I just would have expected that someone trying to be the big bad would target big bads. I mean.. People that you consider nerds or dorks or whatever, they already have to be measured as socially inferior, but you felt the need to make them feel even worse and humiliate them. It’s definitely villainous. Thank God we didn’t go to school together. I was the nerdiest nerd in our class.” She seemed offended.
“I never would’ve done anything like that to you,” he said.
“Oh, good to know you consider me one of the good ones.” He didn’t want to say anything else for fear of making it worse. After that, she would casually make comments and jokes about his past as a “nerd terrorist.” SO… Max wasn’t positive that they would last, no matter how much he wanted them to.
His first girlfriend had broken up with him extremely suddenly, to him, and they hadn’t been exactly a fitting match either. He loved her, they were great together a lot of the time, and they had a good time… but, she eventually realized that he just wasn’t the one for him. It was the most painful heartache he had ever had at the time. It wasn’t something he wanted to necessarily repeat, therefore he was generally guarded with his emotions and careful with his choices. Charlotte made that hard for him.
The more time he spent around her, the more he wanted to dive in, with zero abandon. By the time they kissed, he knew that he was doomed. He was relieved that she didn’t want to be with him, at the time. It was bittersweet, because he knew he was hers. That he’d be hers even if she hadn’t eventually come around. When she did start to come around… he tried to reprogram himself.Just because they were different in a lot of ways didn’t mean that they wouldn’t last or that she would grow tired of him or decide that he wasn’t worth a long term commitment. She made that hard too. She was so aloof about certain things that he’d think she would be reserved about - like her comfort with the guys. She’d mentioned sleeping in the bed with them, mentioned walking around indecent, and well… while that was normal enough - sometimes you just had that with those you worked with, like a locker room comfort. But… he didn’t have any female friends that he felt that comfortable with, so he didn’t really understand it. He also didn’t want to judge her or come across as insecure. So, he was really just trying to bide his time to get over it, with regards to that portion of her lifestyle.
But, one of his biggest secret concerns was her interest in his superpowers. It sometimes came across as a little bit fetishizing. Now… He definitely wanted her to want him and he didn’t necessarily have a problem with her being drawn to his powers. They were an amazing part of him. But, he also didn’t want that to be the sole reason that she was so attracted to him. He wanted it to just be part of the package that she got with him, and he wanted to be sure about that.
So, while he was still mulling over the idea of them and their future together, as well as continually getting to know her as his partner, he chose to wait to take it further physically.
Charlotte, on the other hand was feeling a little bit rejected about it. She was a confident woman. She didn’t make decisions lightly, but when she made decisions, she always knew that she had made the best one for who she was at the time of the decision. She had decided to be with Max. She knew what she wanted, and he was one of those desires. He was a very well thought out goal and she was secure in herself for making the choice. But, whenever he would hold back or stop her from handling up on some pants party business, she couldn’t help but wonder what his issue was with being with her. They were very open, but she always felt like he was kind of secretive about this thing. “I just don’t feel like we’ve reached that point, yet,” he told her and when she asked what would make him feel like they have, he only said, “More time and consideration.” So.. she read that as him not wanting her like that. It was oddly infuriating, but she knew that she had no right to be mad, and she didn’t want to be mad. But… why didn’t he want her though? He spent so long wanting to be with her and now, she was all in and he was… restrained.
She had decided to stop going out, stop meeting men, stop kicking it with the men that she knew a little better than casually, whenever she realized that she was interested in Max. While she wasn’t necessarily a trollop, she could definitely identify as a minx, sometimes.
She and her ex broke up a little bit before Henry applied to Share-a-Lair. They had been together for almost 5 years, the first couple long distance, the next couple on and off, and in that last year that they were together, he became a little restless. He didn’t understand why she wouldn’t come on tour with him (he was an international music superstar). He didn’t understand why she didn’t seem to want to be with him more, because high school was over, she was almost done with college, and she didn’t have any prospects for work or anything. He just wanted her to spend more time with him and for them to experience more of his fortunate life and extravagant lifestyle with him than just summers and sometimes breaks…
So, Charlotte made the mature decision to set him free and remain friends. They… talked a lot less, but she would see him living what seemed like his best life without her. It was bittersweet. Every now and then , he’d text something amazing and tell her, “Wish you were here. This would be perfect with you.” He was absolute wonderful, but she knew that a lot of his time had already been spent on her and now that he was a fully grown man; she couldn’t ask him to standby and wait. She might never be ready and the world was his oyster. She bowed out, threw herself into Henry/work, and began to see other men, casually on her weekends and such.
However, from the first time that Max said that she was cute, she didn’t realize it at the time, but she stopped going out as much. If a guy that she’d spent time with hit her up with the WYD, she’d either decline from seeing them, or not even remember to reply. Max was into her system before she really acknowledged it.
One time, Max commented, “You know that Jack Swagger is coming through here for a tour - do you wanna try to get tickets?” Charlotte tilted her head in confusion. They hadn’t discussed this, so she was unsure if this was his way of fishing for information. He noticed her hesitation and said, “Jasper makes comments calling him “ya boy,” so I presumed that you were a fan, but now I’m guessing that he’s being ironic when he does that?” Now, she sighed and laughed a little.
“No. I am a fan. It’s just that Jack and I used to hang out, so I didn’t know if you knew that and were being facetious, or worse… weird about it.”
“Why would I be weird about… WAIT - You and Jack Swagger used to hang out? When?”
“Like… before he got famous, and for a while afterwards. We really only stopped in the last maybe year and a half.”
“I once hung out with Cheyenne briefly. I mean… that’s an exaggeration. I scammed to get close to her and got busted,” he laughed. “So, are you still on good terms with him? Because, truth be told, his ticket prices are outrageous.”
She laughed too now and said, “As it stands, I don’t have to pay for tickets to his shows, but I don’t know if I’d bring another man. That might get us into an uncomfortable area.” Max was confused. Damn, did Jack Swagger have a crush on her too? She expounded, “I was supposed to take a gap year after high school and go on his European tour with him, but after planning to for a while, I backed out and told him that I just couldn’t. I think that was the beginning of the end, to be honest. But… he did let me design all his wardrobe for it, so in a way it was like he took a piece of me with him, and now, I get to charge people CRAZY prices to slash and alter jeans every now and then whenever I need some side cash.” She laughed and said, “I actually paid for my car by designing a dress for Cheyenne, so small world.”
Max was frozen in the same weird smile that he’d had for a while. It was like he was in shock, but then realized something, and then he looked like he was hit in the gut. “So… You used to hang out with Jack Swagger,” he said. It was emotionless, but he looked bothered.
“I’m sure you’ve hung out with plenty of women before you met me.”
“I wouldn’t say plenty, and I certainly wasn’t ‘take a gap year to travel the world with them’ hanging out. When I hung out with someone, it was mostly just that.” He sat down. “How long were you together?” He shook his head, “Nevermind. It’s your past. It’s none of my business. Then again - you still get free tickets, but it would be uncomfortable if you brought your boyfriend…”
“I wouldn’t bring you there on a free ticket. I’d pay for it!” She said.
“Yeah, but…Does he still love you?”
“We’re still friends.” She didn’t say no. “We’ll most likely always be friends, unlike the guys that I saw in between then and now. So… please, don’t make this an issue.”
He smiled. She could tell he was still bothered, “I won’t.” And he didn’t. But, it was still on his mind and made him even less secure about them physically. Jack Swagger… That dude had to have been able to land any woman in the world and if he was still hung up on her, like… what made him that way? Could he even satisfy her?
So, Charlotte simply moved at his pace - which was almost not moving at all. He was definitely affectionate. He loved snuggling with her and he could kiss her for hours without regret, if she’d let him. But, when she decided to press forward and see how far he would allow her to move forward. He usually didn’t stop her, but she could tell when she was making him uncomfortable and she would stop herself. Affirmative consent mattered and his last communication was that he wanted to wait. After a while, she gave up. Her shoulders slumped and her sigh was harder than she meant. “Are you okay?” He wondered.
She nodded her head, but said, “I think I ought to go home tonight.”
“Tonight? We have plans tomorrow.”
“I’ll be back tomorrow. I just think I should sleep in my own bed tonight.”
His eyes dropped and looked off to the side. They were silent a moment, then she started to get up. “Charlotte… I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” she said. She meant that. He had no reason to be sorry, just like she had no right to be upset.
“I didn’t tell you that we had to stop. I just… wasn’t sure what to do next. I don’t know what my limits are. I didn’t mean to clam up like that.”
“You don’t have to explain anything, Max. I’m not entitled to your body or your physical attraction.” She looked like she was far from okay. She looked super hurt and now, he was upset with himself.
“You think that I’m not attracted to you?” He wondered.
She shrugged her shoulders, “You see something in me, but I really don’t feel like getting into this. I’m gonna go home, handle this and go to sleep.” She looked like she might cry, but she wasn’t going to. Hell no. Not in front of him, and not about something so… she wanted to consider it superficial, but she couldn’t. Not with how she felt.
“You’re the most attractive person that I have ever seen. That’s not what my problem is…”
“Then what is it, Dude? Why don’t you want me?” She silently cussed at herself. She didn’t mean to ask that or to use that tone.
“I do want you. So, so bad. I just… Don’t really know if I can be what you want, and I guess that I wanted to stay super in your mind for a little bit longer. But, if it’s making you feel like this…”
“The last thing anybody wants is to feel like you feel obligated.” They were both silent again. She sighed and sat back down. “I don’t want you to feel pressured by me. I just don’t understand why you’re so reluctant to share yourself with me, but you don’t owe me that.”
“Did you hear what I said?” He asked. “I’m trying to tell you that I’ve never done this before. But, I shouldn’t let that stop me. I shouldn’t make you feel bad because I’m scared to fail you…” He threw his head back. “I didn’t mean to make you feel rejected. I’ve wanted you since I first met you, and I still want you. Of course I do. How could I not? But, you’re like… super hot and I’ve realized that you’ve probably got expectations and desires that I’m not gonna be able to just meet. I hate things that I don’t know that I’m good at. This Is too important.”
She stared at him, “Wait. So… you’ve never hung out with anybody and now you think that you’re gonna let me down?” He didn’t want to agree to that, specifically. Luckily, she moved on, with a smile, “You… do know that I could just tell you what I like, and you could tell me what you’re interested in trying, right? I mean.. You know that everybody, including me, generally had to figure out from experience what works for us.”
“Yeah, but you’ve figured it out and I’ve barely explored it. And I’m older than you. It’s a little bit…”
“Unexpected, sure,” she said cutting off whatever self deprecating  description he might be thinking. “Max, I don’t think that anybody would ever expect somebody as good looking and well made as you to have waited. But, also, that makes me feel so much better than thinking that it’s just me you’re holding back with. It’s cool. Thank you for telling me. I understand now and I don’t feel so disappointed. There are other things that can be done while I wait, but that uncertainty was what was really messing with me.”
“Will you stay tonight?” He asked, gently.
“I think I’m ready for… more…”
She studied him a moment, to ascertain if he was just saying that or not. He seemed genuine. Maybe. She would simply try to see how far he would let her go without discomfort and this time, she wouldn’t have to wrestle any feelings of doubt if he hesitated. She would always stop, but now she would know exactly why she had to.
A/N: In this particular story/chapter, there’s a few things in Max’s personality/lifestyle that some of you may be wondering why I decided on them. What I’m talking about is his sexual history, or lack thereof. The reason that I decided to go this way with Max’s sexuality/experience is actually derived from a few small things that I picked up from watching The Thundermans.
Max’s pickup lines were not the ones of someone who knows how to play the field. I know for a fact that even with his looks, if some dude said some of that mess to me out in the real world, I’m clowning him, and I want to dare to hope that y’all would at least not dignify his methods with interest in him. So, I’m voting on he can’t really get casual encounters with women in his “league,” generally.
But, I am betting that he wouldn’t be very interested in casual encounters either. We saw him have a few hard crushes before his canon girlfriend, and usually the case was that he somehow got a date with these girls, but was bending over backwards to impress them (serving me desperation teas, but also showing me that in his youth, he was willing to work hard for a girl he liked, even when he wasn’t going to be with her for a while), and that kind of “give it my all” mentality is usually for the folk who want a relationship to have some endurance.
Even villain Max, when he had the first crush we see him having - he envisions a woman at his side in his dominion, as his partner, ruling with him. He doesn’t seem to want to use his power to acquire a lot of girls, and his shyness around a few of the girls he’s liked makes me think that he would be awkward with a woman that he doesn’t fully know and trust with himself.
His nightmare about Allison kissing another dude in a play then deciding to marry him indicates to me that he mentally has a strong connection between physical exchange and commitment. That his brain would jump from a kiss to getting married tells us more about how he thinks about relationships than his fear in that episode.
Allison kissed him first. I know, he was young and that was his first girlfriend, but I think it also shows that within his personality, while kissing was something he obviously enjoyed, because he was engaged as soon as it happened, it wasn’t something he went after.
In short, in my opinion, Max Thunderman is a physically conservative man who reserves sexual intimacy for meaningful relationships and that he also seeks out genuine partnership for those purposes. Even though he wanted to be in a band to get girls, I think he wanted the attention of girls, but ultimately that he just wants to be able to have and to hold one really special woman and to hold on to her for a long time.
If it’s a reach, it’s a reach, but that was my reasoning for his style in this chapter.
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neshabeingchildish · 5 years
Share Some Feeling
I am not sure who’s reading this still. I know I’m stepping into long story territory with this one and I hope to be able to cut it off soon, as I’ve estimated that this is around where readers just fall off completely from a story and I don’t want to drag too much longer than the demand. But, if you’re still reading, I hope you’re enjoying it and I thank you for letting me go on this long with this.
Share-a-Lair 12
Max wanted to wait. He had been pretty clear about that much, though Charlotte wasn’t entirely sure that she understood his reasoning - she definitely knew that she had to respect his wishes. He wasn’t that smooth when it came to the ladies. He used to just throw himself right into hitting on them, but as he got older (and realized how corny he could be), that wasn’t an easy thing to allow himself to do. Plus, with his career, it was hard to focus on serious relationships, likewise, he wasn’t the type to try to have casual encounters very much. He was a romantic. He was the monogamous type. He aspired to have a family as big and as close as the one that he came from, and he realized that Charlotte might not want those things. In fact, he was almost certain that she did not… But, he also wanted to be with her for as long as he could. There was just something special about her. He knew it from the moment that he met her, even though he didn’t think that they would ever actually hit it off the way that they had. They seemed too different, to him, despite their similarities. 
Before they ever started seeing each other, she had made some comments that gave him cause to worry a little bit, and for Max, worrying a little bit almost always snowballed. For instance, they’d been discussing grades in school and she mentioned Henry being a C-D student. Max was nonchalant about it. He, too, had been a C-D student, sometimes F, if he was particularly not giving one. Well, the judgement in her face was enough to make him feel like he had to explain himself, “I just didn’t really care about the grades, because I knew that I was smart enough to make anything work out for me and it’s not like I would’ve needed a certain GPA to be a supervillain… or a superhero. I’ve got superpowers and a high IQ. No public education or piece of paper was gonna make me any more valid when I became an adult.” 
Her face didn’t really change, but she did wonder, “So, you’d be fine with your kids not pushing themselves to be the best wherever they were?”
“I wouldn’t push them to be anything that they didn’t feel like they were,” he said. “Kids need support in their identities, not societal coercion.”
“Okay,” she said, dismissively and ended the subject, but he couldn’t help but shake that he had just confessed to being fine with being mediocre to somebody who was very much focused on being and having the best.
Another example - Oyster casually mentioning how Max used to “really give it to those nerds” when they were in school. Max shook his head vigorously, but Oyster thought he was being bashful and proceeded to tell stories that Charlotte looked extremely put off to hear about, even though she said that she would expect stuff like that from somebody who was trying to be a bad boy. “I guess I just would have expected that someone trying to be the big bad would target big bads. I mean.. People that you consider nerds or dorks or whatever, they already have to be measured as socially inferior, but you felt the need to make them feel even worse and humiliate them. It’s definitely villainous. Thank God we didn’t go to school together. I was the nerdiest nerd in our class.” She seemed offended. 
“I never would’ve done anything like that to you,” he said.
“Oh, good to know you consider me one of the good ones.” He didn’t want to say anything else for fear of making it worse. After that, she would casually make comments and jokes about his past as a “nerd terrorist.” SO… Max wasn’t positive that they would last, no matter how much he wanted them to.
His first girlfriend had broken up with him extremely suddenly, to him, and they hadn’t been exactly a fitting match either. He loved her, they were great together a lot of the time, and they had a good time… but, she eventually realized that he just wasn’t the one for him. It was the most painful heartache he had ever had at the time. It wasn’t something he wanted to necessarily repeat, therefore he was generally guarded with his emotions and careful with his choices. Charlotte made that hard for him. 
The more time he spent around her, the more he wanted to dive in, with zero abandon. By the time they kissed, he knew that he was doomed. He was relieved that she didn’t want to be with him, at the time. It was bittersweet, because he knew he was hers. That he’d be hers even if she hadn’t eventually come around. When she did start to come around… he tried to reprogram himself.Just because they were different in a lot of ways didn’t mean that they wouldn’t last or that she would grow tired of him or decide that he wasn’t worth a long term commitment. She made that hard too. She was so aloof about certain things that he’d think she would be reserved about - like her comfort with the guys. She’d mentioned sleeping in the bed with them, mentioned walking around indecent, and well… while that was normal enough - sometimes you just had that with those you worked with, like a locker room comfort. But… he didn’t have any female friends that he felt that comfortable with, so he didn’t really understand it. He also didn’t want to judge her or come across as insecure. So, he was really just trying to bide his time to get over it, with regards to that portion of her lifestyle.
But, one of his biggest secret concerns was her interest in his superpowers. It sometimes came across as a little bit fetishizing. Now… He definitely wanted her to want him and he didn’t necessarily have a problem with her being drawn to his powers. They were an amazing part of him. But, he also didn’t want that to be the sole reason that she was so attracted to him. He wanted it to just be part of the package that she got with him, and he wanted to be sure about that.
So, while he was still mulling over the idea of them and their future together, as well as continually getting to know her as his partner, he chose to wait to take it further physically.
Charlotte, on the other hand was feeling a little bit rejected about it. She was a confident woman. She didn’t make decisions lightly, but when she made decisions, she always knew that she had made the best one for who she was at the time of the decision. She had decided to be with Max. She knew what she wanted, and he was one of those desires. He was a very well thought out goal and she was secure in herself for making the choice. But, whenever he would hold back or stop her from handling up on some pants party business, she couldn’t help but wonder what his issue was with being with her. They were very open, but she always felt like he was kind of secretive about this thing. “I just don’t feel like we’ve reached that point, yet,” he told her and when she asked what would make him feel like they have, he only said, “More time and consideration.” So.. she read that as him not wanting her like that. It was oddly infuriating, but she knew that she had no right to be mad, and she didn’t want to be mad. But… why didn’t he want her though? He spent so long wanting to be with her and now, she was all in and he was… restrained.
She had decided to stop going out, stop meeting men, stop kicking it with the men that she knew a little better than casually, whenever she realized that she was interested in Max. While she wasn’t necessarily a trollop, she could definitely identify as a minx, sometimes.
She and her ex broke up a little bit before Henry applied to Share-a-Lair. They had been together for almost 5 years, the first couple long distance, the next couple on and off, and in that last year that they were together, he became a little restless. He didn’t understand why she wouldn’t come on tour with him (he was an international music superstar). He didn’t understand why she didn’t seem to want to be with him more, because high school was over, she was almost done with college, and she didn’t have any prospects for work or anything. He just wanted her to spend more time with him and for them to experience more of his fortunate life and extravagant lifestyle with him than just summers and sometimes breaks…
So, Charlotte made the mature decision to set him free and remain friends. They… talked a lot less, but she would see him living what seemed like his best life without her. It was bittersweet. Every now and then , he’d text something amazing and tell her, “Wish you were here. This would be perfect with you.” He was absolute wonderful, but she knew that a lot of his time had already been spent on her and now that he was a fully grown man; she couldn’t ask him to standby and wait. She might never be ready and the world was his oyster. She bowed out, threw herself into Henry/work, and began to see other men, casually on her weekends and such. 
However, from the first time that Max said that she was cute, she didn’t realize it at the time, but she stopped going out as much. If a guy that she’d spent time with hit her up with the WYD, she’d either decline from seeing them, or not even remember to reply. Max was into her system before she really acknowledged it.
One time, Max commented, “You know that Jack Swagger is coming through here for a tour - do you wanna try to get tickets?” Charlotte tilted her head in confusion. They hadn’t discussed this, so she was unsure if this was his way of fishing for information. He noticed her hesitation and said, “Jasper makes comments calling him “ya boy,” so I presumed that you were a fan, but now I’m guessing that he’s being ironic when he does that?” Now, she sighed and laughed a little.
“No. I am a fan. It’s just that Jack and I used to hang out, so I didn’t know if you knew that and were being facetious, or worse… weird about it.”
“Why would I be weird about… WAIT - You and Jack Swagger used to hang out? When?”
“Like… before he got famous, and for a while afterwards. We really only stopped in the last maybe year and a half.”
“I once hung out with Cheyenne briefly. I mean… that’s an exaggeration. I scammed to get close to her and got busted,” he laughed. “So, are you still on good terms with him? Because, truth be told, his ticket prices are outrageous.”
She laughed too now and said, “As it stands, I don’t have to pay for tickets to his shows, but I don’t know if I’d bring another man. That might get us into an uncomfortable area.” Max was confused. Damn, did Jack Swagger have a crush on her too? She expounded, “I was supposed to take a gap year after high school and go on his European tour with him, but after planning to for a while, I backed out and told him that I just couldn’t. I think that was the beginning of the end, to be honest. But… he did let me design all his wardrobe for it, so in a way it was like he took a piece of me with him, and now, I get to charge people CRAZY prices to slash and alter jeans every now and then whenever I need some side cash.” She laughed and said, “I actually paid for my car by designing a dress for Cheyenne, so small world.”
Max was frozen in the same weird smile that he’d had for a while. It was like he was in shock, but then realized something, and then he looked like he was hit in the gut. “So… You used to hang out with Jack Swagger,” he said. It was emotionless, but he looked bothered.
“I’m sure you’ve hung out with plenty of women before you met me.”
“I wouldn’t say plenty, and I certainly wasn’t ‘take a gap year to travel the world with them’ hanging out. When I hung out with someone, it was mostly just that.” He sat down. “How long were you together?” He shook his head, “Nevermind. It’s your past. It’s none of my business. Then again - you still get free tickets, but it would be uncomfortable if you brought your boyfriend…”
“I wouldn’t bring you there on a free ticket. I’d pay for it!” She said.
“Yeah, but...Does he still love you?” 
“We’re still friends.” She didn’t say no. “We’ll most likely always be friends, unlike the guys that I saw in between then and now. So… please, don’t make this an issue.”
He smiled. She could tell he was still bothered, “I won’t.” And he didn’t. But, it was still on his mind and made him even less secure about them physically. Jack Swagger… That dude had to have been able to land any woman in the world and if he was still hung up on her, like… what made him that way? Could he even satisfy her? 
So, Charlotte simply moved at his pace - which was almost not moving at all. He was definitely affectionate. He loved snuggling with her and he could kiss her for hours without regret, if she’d let him. But, when she decided to press forward and see how far he would allow her to move forward. He usually didn’t stop her, but she could tell when she was making him uncomfortable and she would stop herself. Affirmative consent mattered and his last communication was that he wanted to wait. After a while, she gave up. Her shoulders slumped and her sigh was harder than she meant.��“Are you okay?” He wondered.
She nodded her head, but said, “I think I ought to go home tonight.”
“Tonight? We have plans tomorrow.”
“I’ll be back tomorrow. I just think I should sleep in my own bed tonight.”
His eyes dropped and looked off to the side. They were silent a moment, then she started to get up. “Charlotte... I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” she said. She meant that. He had no reason to be sorry, just like she had no right to be upset.
“I didn’t tell you that we had to stop. I just... wasn’t sure what to do next. I don’t know what my limits are. I didn’t mean to clam up like that.”
“You don’t have to explain anything, Max. I’m not entitled to your body or your physical attraction.” She looked like she was far from okay. She looked super hurt and now, he was upset with himself. 
“You think that I’m not attracted to you?” He wondered. 
She shrugged her shoulders, “You see something in me, but I really don’t feel like getting into this. I’m gonna go home, handle this and go to sleep.” She looked like she might cry, but she wasn’t going to. Hell no. Not in front of him, and not about something so... she wanted to consider it superficial, but she couldn’t. Not with how she felt.
“You’re the most attractive person that I have ever seen. That’s not what my problem is...”
“Then what is it, Dude? Why don’t you want me?” She silently cussed at herself. She didn’t mean to ask that or to use that tone. 
“I do want you. So, so bad. I just... Don’t really know if I can be what you want, and I guess that I wanted to stay super in your mind for a little bit longer. But, if it’s making you feel like this...”
“The last thing anybody wants is to feel like you feel obligated.” They were both silent again. She sighed and sat back down. “I don’t want you to feel pressured by me. I just don’t understand why you’re so reluctant to share yourself with me, but you don’t owe me that.” 
“Did you hear what I said?” He asked. “I’m trying to tell you that I’ve never done this before. But, I shouldn’t let that stop me. I shouldn’t make you feel bad because I’m scared to fail you…” He threw his head back. “I didn’t mean to make you feel rejected. I’ve wanted you since I first met you, and I still want you. Of course I do. How could I not? But, you’re like… super hot and I’ve realized that you’ve probably got expectations and desires that I’m not gonna be able to just meet. I hate things that I don’t know that I’m good at. This Is too important.”
She stared at him, “Wait. So… you’ve never hung out with anybody and now you think that you’re gonna let me down?” He didn’t want to agree to that, specifically. Luckily, she moved on, with a smile, “You… do know that I could just tell you what I like, and you could tell me what you’re interested in trying, right? I mean.. You know that everybody, including me, generally had to figure out from experience what works for us.”
“Yeah, but you’ve figured it out and I’ve barely explored it. And I’m older than you. It's a little bit…”
“Unexpected, sure,” she said cutting off whatever self deprecating  description he might be thinking. “Max, I don’t think that anybody would ever expect somebody as good looking and well made as you to have waited. But, also, that makes me feel so much better than thinking that it’s just me you’re holding back with. It’s cool. Thank you for telling me. I understand now and I don’t feel so disappointed. There are other things that can be done while I wait, but that uncertainty was what was really messing with me.” 
“Will you stay tonight?” He asked, gently.
“I think I’m ready for... more...”
She studied him a moment, to ascertain if he was just saying that or not. He seemed genuine. Maybe. She would simply try to see how far he would let her go without discomfort and this time, she wouldn’t have to wrestle any feelings of doubt if he hesitated. She would always stop, but now she would know exactly why she had to.
A/N: In this particular story/chapter, there’s a few things in Max’s personality/lifestyle that some of you may be wondering why I decided on them. What I’m talking about is his sexual history, or lack thereof. The reason that I decided to go this way with Max’s sexuality/experience is actually derived from a few small things that I picked up from watching The Thundermans. 
Max’s pickup lines were not the ones of someone who knows how to play the field. I know for a fact that even with his looks, if some dude said some of that mess to me out in the real world, I’m clowning him, and I want to dare to hope that y’all would at least not dignify his methods with interest in him. So, I’m voting on he can’t really get casual encounters with women in his “league,” generally.
But, I am betting that he wouldn’t be very interested in casual encounters either. We saw him have a few hard crushes before his canon girlfriend, and usually the case was that he somehow got a date with these girls, but was bending over backwards to impress them (serving me desperation teas, but also showing me that in his youth, he was willing to work hard for a girl he liked, even when he wasn’t going to be with her for a while), and that kind of “give it my all” mentality is usually for the folk who want a relationship to have some endurance.
Even villain Max, when he had the first crush we see him having - he envisions a woman at his side in his dominion, as his partner, ruling with him. He doesn’t seem to want to use his power to acquire a lot of girls, and his shyness around a few of the girls he’s liked makes me think that he would be awkward with a woman that he doesn’t fully know and trust with himself.
His nightmare about Allison kissing another dude in a play then deciding to marry him indicates to me that he mentally has a strong connection between physical exchange and commitment. That his brain would jump from a kiss to getting married tells us more about how he thinks about relationships than his fear in that episode.
Allison kissed him first. I know, he was young and that was his first girlfriend, but I think it also shows that within his personality, while kissing was something he obviously enjoyed, because he was engaged as soon as it happened, it wasn’t something he went after.
In short, in my opinion, Max Thunderman is a physically conservative man who reserves sexual intimacy for meaningful relationships and that he also seeks out genuine partnership for those purposes. Even though he wanted to be in a band to get girls, I think he wanted the attention of girls, but ultimately that he just wants to be able to have and to hold one really special woman and to hold on to her for a long time.
If it’s a reach, it’s a reach, but that was my reasoning for his style in this chapter.
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falsesalvation · 7 years
god is real and i love her
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elisparklequeen · 7 years
wya = where you at?
wyd = what you doing?
helmtyahjerladruajhdstapsaetwhnbmdyrgphjasbhacwasfaflarvamrcadsfcttrdapcphsycfthtiwaritgfycfthtiqobiacjsdcmdtgdbfjcmpebqnnscsprbmchctylcbeajppnccocdssiwytsmgtmdweitdycfthtiwaritgfycfthtiqobiacewatsntnkacggiwhdefktvfqsseihaviabscsfatiitfbsaatlgcfrhkytjkcmdraycfthtiwaritgfycfthtiqobiacmamakbciddategsajrjaduuptgfitacmasshakwascowahycfthtiwaritgfycfthtiqobiacdsawdcbattbhhhswhcbmdtuiaffmaflekhtctpdswtcsrwbuttzscesbcmctfateycfthtiwaritgfycfthafnoiwgoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoycfthtiwaritgfycfthtiqobiac =  He-lllo, everybody! Let me tell you about Homestuck... John Egbert, Rose Lalonde Ascend, descend, rise up, abscond Jade Harley, Dave Strider They all play Sburb and end the world Harlequin Nanna, Bro Mom, Dad Youth roll Grandpa, Pesterchum Hella Jeff and Sweet Bro Heat and clockwork, wind and shade Frost and frogs, light and rain Vagabond and Mendicant Renegade, consorts and Denizens Skaia, four-thirteen Countdown to the Reckoning Derse and Prospit Carapaces Pogo Hammer, Sassacre You can't fight the Home-stuck Though it's weird and random It's the greatest fandom You can't fight the Home-stuck True, it's quite outrageous But it's all contagious Jasper's secret, Davesprite Casey, Mutie, doomed timelines Good dog, best friend Jack causes many people's ends Black Queen, nak nak Stuffing corpses, shoosh pap Robot bunnies, Midnight Crew H3y coolk1d, 1s th1s you? Lil' Cal, babies Ecto-biology Apple juice, Pupa Pan Nic Cage, Cit-y of Cans Doc Scratch, Snowman I warned you 'bout those stairs, man God Tiers, March drag Who even is this douchebag? You can't fight the Home-stuck Though it's weird and random It's the greatest fandom You can't fight the Home-stuck True, it's quite outrageous But it's all contagious Exploring with A-ra-di-a Tavros, Sollux, Nep-e-ta Ter-e-zi's nuts, Karkat's a crab Gam-zee's got issues with his dad Equius, Fe-fe-ri Kanaya the vampire fashion queen She slices Eri-dan in half And Vriska is a bad-ass Shipping charts, sick fires All the irons in the fire Buckets, squiddles, an-gels All the lusii get culled Faygo, recupercoons Horrorterrors kill you Troll Jegus, killer clowns Mobius double reach around You can't fight the Home-stuck Though it's weird and random It's the greatest fandom You can't fight the Home-stuck True, it's quite outrageous But it's all contagious Matesprits, auspistice Moirail and kismesis Betty Crocker, ICP Dead Daves are the enemy Green sun, Alpha-verse Jane, Roxy, Jake and Dirk uu, UU Princely tights Guy Fieri is the Antichrist Captchalogue, modus And Strife Specibus Heir and Knight Witch and Seer Can't outrun what's already here You can't fight the Home-stuck Though it's weird and random It's the greatest fandom You can't fight the Home-stuck True, it's quite outrageous But it's all contagious Dreambubbles, shenanigans All who die come back again Tick, tock, break heads Honk honk Scary wolf heads Cue balls, magic dogs The universe Is a frog Felt mob and fairies Lord Eng-lish killed Huss-ie Troll cops, Thresh Prince Don't screw with the Condesce Scalemates, rap wars Blowing up the Tumor Zillyhoo, shaving cream Echeladder, science beam Cascade, Morse code This fandom's about to EXPLODE You can't fight the Home-stuck Though it's weird and random It's the greatest fandom You can't fight the Home-stuck And from now on It will go on And on And on And on And on And on And on And on And on And on You can't fight the Home-stuck Though it's weird and random It's the greatest fandom You can't fight the Home-stuck True, it's quite outrageous But it's all contagious
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treakle · 2 years
pov jasper says yes ma’am in ur vicinity. wyd
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moescaria · 7 years
how optimistic are you about jasper reappearing this season on a scale of 1-10 bc at this point i'm at like .... -15
im not a very optimistic person sadly,, im afraid shes gonna come back then go back to homeworld :')blease rebecca wyd
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prongsmydeer · 7 years
please tell me you don't ship blarke
Lmao I mean I ship it more than I ship other things in the show? Like the only ship that stuck out to me as Good and Pure™ was Monty/Miller but obviously they took them both in different directions. Things were pretty good for Blarke up until S3 when they gave Bellamy a storyline that imo would’ve been more in-character for Jasper.
Idk about this season bc as I said I haven’t really watched it. I definitely think they’ve made it pretty explicit that Bellamy has romantic feelings for Clarke. I don’t know if the opposite can be said. I think they have a deeper bond with each other than almost any other characters alive, but that doesn’t necessarily mean romance.
The show brings about a lot of mixed feelings for me. Grounder culture eeks me out but I like that they tried to take a blood-must-not-have-blood approach for like ten seconds. I loved S2 Bellamy but thought S3 was character regression. I like their diverse cast but hate the way they write narratives for characters of colour. I like that there are queer characters but I’m not invested in any of the relationships they’ve built between them. (Frankly, 90% of the relationships on the show, romantic or otherwise, in general are “??? Wyd”) So yeah, I ship it in my context of wishing-the-writing-was-better.
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brilloletra-blog · 7 years
2017 you have done us so dirty, Stefan died, Enzo died, CASTIEL(!!!) died, Jasper died and so many other characters like wyd??
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brven · 8 years
the 100
my all-time ultimate fave character: bellamy blake
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: lincoln
a character I used to like but now don’t: oct*via (she used to be my fave)
a character I’m indifferent about: roan
a character who deserved better: bellamy, jasper, monty, lincoln, raven, wells and luna
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: lin*tavia, cl*a, ice*mech*nic
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: au!murphamy, braven, memori, anya/clarke
a cute, low-key ship: sea mechanic, bartender mechanic, kabby, niylah/clarke
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: briller, marper and rasper
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: jont*ri, doct*r mechanic, anything to do with oc*avia and murphy/raven
my favourite storyline/moment: uhhh….i dont know tbh i dont really have one, though i did really like season two the most even though it was confusing at times.
a storyline that never should have been written: murphy being raped, lincolns death scene being racist af and lexas death scene being fucking stupid. basically @season 3, wyd?
my first thoughts on the show: it took a little while to get into it but i get invested in characters very easily so…
my thoughts now: it has its issues but im a sucker for pain and torture so unpopular opinion im fine with it  though i understand why a lot of people arent and thats okay too.
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