#Jason is obvs a gryffindor
kate-read-that · 4 years
Percy Jackson: Hogwarts Houses
Percy: Grryfindor, obvs. Spends most of his time near the lake, "studying" or trying weird charms that he heard of from older students. His little group of friends from different houses is always up to something, exchanging uniforms and passwords often for their little pranks.
He was a chaser in the quidditch team since second year, one of the fastest players seen. Specially good at charms, but with a deep love for Care of Magical Creatures. He sends his mom letters every week to assure her he hasn't blown anything up yet.
Annabeth: Ravenclaw, pure logic and method. Her favourite spot is the library, specially when there's barely no people. Percy often jokes she should have been a Grryfindor, because she's one of the most daring persons he's met. She was chosen prefect and started dating him that year. Her facourite subject is Arithmancy, and she's particularly good at Transfigurations.
She became Ravenclaw's younger chaser when she got chosen in second year. She's part of Percy's group, although no one can ever link her in the rare occasions she participates in their jokes. She never goes home in Christmas, but when she and Percy started dating she went home with him every year.
Grover: Hufflepuf, loyal and caring, although in his weird way. He and Percy became friends the first day in the train, and kept it up through the years. He found the kitchen one month after arriving to the school, and half the secret passages in the following year, all by accident.
He doesn't like flying, prefers to keep his feet on the ground, but he's the best gobstone player in his house and also the best Hypogriff tamer of the school, even though his true passion is Herbology. He almost always gets caught, but his quick tongue and swift brain are sure to get him out of trouble most of the times.
Jason: Gryffindor, like his sister. He asked to be in that house for that reason, and ever since them he and Percy have been like brothers. He still can't win him a fight, but he does try as often as possible. He's the one that coordinates the jokes when Annabeth doesn't participate, and the group often jokes that he should have been a Ravenclaw like her. He loves sneaking to the Astronomy tower at midnight with his sister and his friends.
He plays Guardian in Gryffindors team and starting dating Piper because of it: she caught a snitch right under his face and broke his nose by accident. He's particularly good at charms but his favourite class is DADA, and he and his sister always go to Percy's house in Christmas (with them and Annabeth, Percy's mom is both ecstatic with glee and 100% busy).
Piper: Slytherin, she let the had choose and had a hard time about it after. Many people didn't like her house so she became lonely until she and Annabeth had to si together in 3rd year for Transfigurations, later making friends with the rest of the group. Her favourite subject has always been potions, which changed the idea she was not just a pretty exotic airhead, as many people thought.
She was chosen Seeker in third year, changing her reputation inside her house as well, and was chosen captain of the team in 6th year. She and Jason started dating in 5th year, thanks to a rogue mistletoe from Peeves, and Christmas at Percy's House had gotten so busy by then all of them started staying at one of Piper's father's empty houses (Percy's mom and stepfather included).
Hazel: Slytherin, loyal but cunning at the same time. She loved Potions and Transfigurations since her first year, and always studied in her house room, loving the colours the water produced in the walls. She and Piper didn't become friends until third year because she was too shy to approach the pretty American indian girl, but she became friends with percy in first year, when her friend Frank met Percy through Grover. She and Frank started dating in second year and are often called "The married couple".
She is Beater for the Qwidditch team, and has been called "Bone Breaker" several times for her unmatched hits. She discovered she had a half brother when she was 10, and is very protective of Nico.
Frank: Hufflepuf, kind and patient with everyone. He loves the greenhouse and spends a lot of time there with Grover, although he prefers Muggle Studies, being a pureblood as he is. At first, people laughed at him for being fat, but with his friends and her later girlfriend, he didnt care much.
In third year he got chosen Guardian of the team, and he started building so much muscle the captain offered to change him to Beater, but Frank didn't want to hurt anyone on purpose, so he stayed the bulkiest guardian anyone has seen. He got chosen prefect, as everyone expected, and became the hotest boy in Hufflepuf, which no one expected (group of alumni did a survey all through school as a joke and ended up being taken sirius. Percy and Jason were tied for Gryffindor, which drives them both mad).
Nico: Slytherin by choice, for the sole purpose of being close to his sister. He tried to isolate himself from the rest but his sister's groups would have none of it. Through them he ended befriending by accident certain Hufflepuf boy called Will and dating him only two months later.
His favourite subject is DADA but only because he loves weird creatures he wouldn't hear from anywhere else, and his favourite spot is the beginnings of the forbidden forest, where no one goes unless they know hom well enough. He doesn't particularly care about qwidditch but he goes to every match to support his friends, and sometimes has been forced to act as commentarist, a source of infinite laughs to everyone that hears him.
Will: Hufflepuf by choice, he didnt particularly care that the hat called him Brave or Intelligent or Powerful, he just wanted to be able to help people. He, Grover and Frank became friends in Will's first year because all went a lot to the greenhouse. Will loves experimenting and trying potions in secret, ot being his favourite subject, but he only tries healing stuff, which is very practical since all his friends are idiots that can't go to the nursery most of time if they don't want troubles.
He's a chaser in the qwidditch team because sport is healthy, but mostly interesr himself in gobstones or magic chess. Him and Nico are known for playing for hours one single match, because both are devilish smart and competitive when agaisnt each other. He and Nico goe to Will's House in Christmas most of the time, but spend at least a few days with the others in Piper's house.
Leo: Ravenclaw, the most chaotic one you'll meet. At first he and Annabeth didn't get along because of how different their minds worked, but she ended up recognising his genius and he had to admit her method usually worked nicely. He loves Transfigurations and experiments a lot on his free time, often causing explosions but, thankfully, almost never causing harm.
He played as Seeker for his team for five years, being an hilarious commentarist the previous ones. He discovered the Room of Requirement in his first year and spent almost all his free time in it, looking for treasures. It got to the point that his friends had to hang out there in order to see him, and ended up finding several cool things for each one of them that Leo had to fix first. He didnt met his future wife, Calipso, until he finished school because she studied at Beauxbeatons. Leo's friends still don't understand how are they happily married.
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arrthurpendragon · 6 years
Parr 1: there was an au without Voldemort, who would Leila end up with? Part 2: Does Ophelia have a paring yet?
1. Either Cedric or Fred.  She would not end up with Draco, believe it or not.  Draco would have no reason to obsess over her and Leila would have been a Gryffindor.  Crazy, huh? lol.
2. *Sigh* No.  I don’t wanna create another OC for her and I don’t want Luke or Percy (obv.) I was kinda sorta toying with Jason Grace because I thought it might be interesting dynamic, but then I remembered how close they’d be related. lol.  So, idk. haha.
Thanks for asking, friend! :)
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ohallows · 7 years
concept: mcgonagall and alfred friendship
hp and the batfamily, my two obsessions okay but this would be baller as hell!! see now the question is is this in a hogwarts au where all the boys live in the states but alfred convinces hogwarts to take them +bruce when hes younger bc its so much better than any american (racist) wizarding school anyway --- they’re wizards and alfred and mcgonagall are old friends? yes.
 and obv all the boys + girls are troublemakers (except cass and duke - at least that’s what everyone thinks because she’s quiet and has a KILLER poker face and duke is great at looking innocent but every single thing the batboys +steph and harper have gotten into is because cass or duke told them to do it or initated it, they just dont get CAUGHT)
okay okay so like. they both went to hogwarts together and thats where minnie mcgee met her wife and alfred helped convince them to get together. they’re both incredibly talented at charms and transfiguration and they were ALWAYS each other’s seconds in duels like they were besties. and they stay in touch after they graduate even though alfred is from england and minnie is from scotland. 
when alfred moves to the waynes they firecall each other at least once a week and mcgonagall complains about quidditch and says she wants to be a teacher and alfred encourages her to do it and when she does become a teacher they still talk all the time and she (fondly) complains about her students and he (fondly) talks about the boys and shes so happy because alfred found a family too?? and her and her wife come to visit sometimes. 
alfred going and having tea with mcgonagall and apologizing because damian tried freeing all the owls in the owlery again and jason started a house elf rebellion and her just giving a long-suffering sigh because, of course, she knew bruce wayne and frankly? she Is Not Surprised that he adopted like 12 kids and now they’re all at hogwarts wreaking havoc everywhere
one time jason threw some food at tim during the halloween feast because the slytherin and gryffindor (jason is gryffindor and tim is slytherin #fightme) tables are across the hall from each other and there was an actual food fight in the great hall. 
alfred was called because bruce was busy. he came and mcgonagall was just standing there with food all over and looking so Utterly disappointed and alfred just bursts out laughing and then she starts and they clean it together and also all of the boys +steph get howlers (cass and duke don’t get anything they were busy doing something Definitely Not Illegal near the slytherin dorms its fine no one caught them)
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plantednotes · 7 years
Percy Jackson
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: he’s brave n so charismatic wowworst quality: he’s dumb sometimes bc he doesn’t think things throughship them with: annabeth ofcbrotp them with: jason obvneeds to stay away from: his fuckin stepdad i don’t like dis paul dude okmisc. thoughts: i usED TO BE SO OBSESSED WITH HIM OMG
send me a character!!
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nightglider124 · 8 years
Character Meme: Robin (Richard Grayson)
Hmm… gonna base this on animated series more so than comic bc I have more knowledge on him in the series.
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality: .He’s a cinnamon bun. Like, he’s fucking adorable even when he’s serious. This goes for both comic and series, I personally think. Like, he always cares.
worst quality: His namesake can bite him in the ass. Whilst caring, he can be a bit of stubborn little shit and can forget other peoples feelings every now and then.
ship them with: Starfire/Koriand’r (obvs)… Wally (in all contexts)… Erm… that’s kinda it. I have a couple notps for him but there’s no others that I really properly ship kinda thing.
brotp them with: OMG SO MANY. Wally, obviously… Raven bc the broness is sweet… Kinda Babs? Like again, a little like Raven… I don’t really ship it romantically but teasing broship is a yes. Erm… Red X and/or Jason, however you see the link of those characters but both separately… Tim- Actually, kinda any of the batbros… just kinda like all of em’.
needs to stay away from: Nah fam.
misc. thoughts: The writers need to make him a little more likeable again in comics, I personally feel. Like, he can be a bit of a douche in certain things and it’s like c’mon now… he wouldn’t do that now would he.
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nightglider124 · 8 years
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality: Her caring and kind nature. She’s just so fucking adorable and ughhhh. I love her.
worst quality: She can be naive and let people use her and walk all over her a little. More so in animated series but yeah.
ship them with: Robin/Dick Grayson/Nightwing (obvs), Red X, Beast Boy (a little), Roy Harper (I feel I was the only one who enjoyed the RHatO romance between them) - Yeah, I freely ship her with quite a few but none quite like the first.
brotp them with: Lol, everyone though? Mostly Raven… Then the boys; Cyborg and Beast Boy… I honestly really love brotp fics with Babs, rather than them trying to claw each other’s eyes out… Again, loved her with Jason and Roy too tbh.
needs to stay away from: Nah, man, everyone mean needs to stay away from my girl.
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