#Jason Klos
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b-galleria · 1 year ago
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Beat Keller & Jukka Kääriäinen: Kokeellista musiikkia B-galleriassa
21.09.2023 klo 19.00
B-galleriassa kuullaan kokeellista musiikkia kun kitaristit Beat Keller ja Jukka Kääriäinen esiintyvät duokokoonpanona.
Beat Keller on sveitsiläinen avantgarde-jazziin, kokeelliseen musiikkiin ja improvisaatioon keskittynyt muusikko. Hän on saanut useita palkintoja ja apurahoja Sveitsin taide-neuvostolta, Thurgau'n kantonilta, Zürichin kantonilta ja Winterthurin kaupungilta. Hän on tehnyt yhteistyötä tunnettujen taiteilijoiden, kuten Saadet Türközin, Joke Lanzin, Axel Dörnerin, Christian Wallumrödin, Werner Puntigamin, Jason Kahnin ja Cara Staceyn, kanssa. Hän esiintyy säännöllisesti ympäri Eurooppaa, Yhdysvaltoja, Aasiaa ja Etelä-Afrikkaa.
Jukka Kääriäinen on improvisoituun, kokeelliseen ja nykymusiikkiin erikoistunut muusikko ja äänitaiteilija. Hän on uransa aikana ollut tekemisissä monien musiikkigenrejen parissa maailmanmusiikista klassiseen musiikkiin. Viime vuodet hän on kuitenkin omistanut aikansa äänitaiteelle ja kokeelliselle musiikille. Jukka on nykymusiikkiyhtyeen Sähkökitarakvartetti aktiivinen jäsen ja on tehnyt yhteistyötä useiden eri konstellaatioiden kanssa sekä soolosoittajana.
vapaaehtoinen pääsymaksu
B-galleria ei valitettavasti ole esteetön tila. Pääsisäänkäynnissä Aninkaistenkadulta B-galleriaan on pieni portaikko, jossa on viisi porrasaskelta. Tilan ulko-oven aukon leveys on 71,5 cm, portaiden leveys 105 cm ja portaikon korkeus 86 cm. WC-tilamme ei myöskään ole esteetön pienen kokonsa vuoksi.
Evening of experimental music is held in B-gallery as guitarists Beat Keller and Jukka Kääriäinen arrive in town to perform as a duo.
21st of September
at 7pm
Beat Keller - guitar
Jukka Kääriäinen - guitar
Beat Keller is a Swiss musician making avant-garde jazz, experimental and improvised music. He received several awards and scholarships from Swiss Arts Council, Canton of Thurgau, Canton of Zurich and the City of Winterthur. He collaborated with the likes of Saadet Türköz, Joke Lanz, Axel Dörner, Christian Wallumrød, Werner Puntigam, Jason Kahn, Cara Stacey and many more. He regularly performs across Europe, USA, Asia and South Africa.
Jukka Kääriäinen is a musician and sound artist specialized in improvisational, experimental, and contemporary music. Throughout his career, he has been involved in various music genres, ranging from world music to classical music. However, in recent years, he has dedicated his time to sound art and experimental music. Jukka is an active member of the contemporary music ensemble “Sähkökitarakvartetti” (Electric Guitar Quartet) and has collaborated with various constellations as both a solo performer and a group participant.
voluntary entrance fee
Unfortunately the gallery space is not wheelchair accessible. The main entrance has a small staircase with five steps (door width 71,5 cm, staircase width 105 cm & staircase height 86 cm) and the toilet is small.
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khurniaaa · 6 years ago
Post by accident
proudly present : Arina Zanja, ST (Suka Tumblr)
Halo, khurnia hendak bercerita. Cerita tentang seseorang yang baru saja lulus dengan IPK luar biasa. Siapa dia? Siapa lagi kalau bukan Arina atau Zazan atau Suhay Salim versi TL 15.
Aku mau cerita apanya ya? Hm males sebenernya. Oh ya, mau bilang aja deh, selamat ya zan, akhirnya perjuanganmu sudah sampai di titik akhir. Perjuangan yang baru telah menunggu. Semangat terusss, kuyakin kau mampu!!
Satu kata buat Zazan?
Pol. Parah. Baik di dunia nyata maupun maya, kocaknya tak tertandingi. Dan aku merasa nyambung sih ngomong sama doi. Ngomongin apapun, dari masa lalu, masa depan, masa kini, masa gitu semua pernah jadi bahasan kita. Deeptalk juga seringkali kita lakukan. Bahasannya pun tak segan segan seputar skandal artis, orang hits, elite politik, agama, politik, sosial, ekonomi, budaya, pokoknya semua nya, yang berat2. Udah kayak debat presiden aja huft. Bener2 gaada sekat kayanya kalau udah ngobrol sama manusia yang satu ini.
sebenernya, diem lho, ini rahasia, ada beberapa hal yang kukagumi dari zazan. Kok beberapa hal sih, 1 aja deng. Aku kagum dengan sikap zazan dalam mengemban amanah. Terutama amanah ketika menjadi asisten. Sepele memang, tapi bagiku sangar. Dia sangat2 bertanggung jawab. Ngajari adik adik dengan sepenuh jiwa. Dan kadang2 ga cuma seputar tubes, curhatan juga ia tanggapi dengan seksama. Kagum. Aku gabisa seperti itu. Pantes klo liat zazan tu, kayak berkah gitu ilmunya. Terikat dgn sempurna. Ya soalnya ilmunya disebar2in, tambah pinter doi. Tdk sepertiku :( Ajari aku jadi begitu dong Zan:")))
Dan dia baik pol orangnya. Ini ga Peres. Ga karena disogok Azmeela juga. Dia satu dari beberapa orang yang bagiku tulus ketika membantu sesama, salah satunya membantu aq. Bagiku loh ya. Penilaian ini relatif. Jazakillah khairan zan atas kebaikanmu selama ini. Udah nebengi berkali2, udh ngerelain motornya ku pake secara brutal, udah sabar ngajarin ini itu terutama dalam hal skin care dan menyelami isi hati orang. Aku banyak belajar darimu wee! Sedih, klo km dh lulus, role model ku di GKB tercinta ini ilang dong:(
Zan! Jangan sedih kalau dibully orang, ingat, dibelahan bumi lain, tepatnya di belahan bumi yang ada akunya, ada aku juga yang seringnya merasakan hal serupa. dibully orang! Its okay, gapapa, kata ipeh, semua yang ada di dunia ini punya peran masing2. Mungkin salah satu peran kita untuk jadi bahan bullyan. Jadi, gapapa. Nikmati ae. Toh kita juga seneng kan kalau dibully?
Dibelakang mah, sedih aslinya.
Zan, jangan polos2 jadi orang yak (heleh, kaya km ga polos aja khur). Terutama dalam hal percintaan wkwkwkw. (Heleh, kaya km lebih tau aja khur) hehe. Pokoknya gt lah. Tetep berkarya ya Zan. Ditunggu terus snapgram dan postingan tumblr mu yang menggelitik namun tetap menarik. Walaupun kita sealiran, tapi tingkatanmu sudah jauh melampaui aku. Q ngefans. Kalau mau merambah ke dunia youtube, boleh, kutunggu. Collabs juga sabi yux ehe ehe ehe.
See u when i see u! Semoga impianmu untuk kerja di Semarang terwujud! Semoga impian kita jadi ipar juga kesampaian! Aamiin.
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Nih bonus kucing buat km:) biar km selalu inget Jason, kucing GKB yang lemah lembut seperti aku:)
*foto nyusul (kalau inget) eh udh ditambahin ya! Mon maap hanya punya itu
mau ngasih foto lain, tapi ternyata aku tida punya hehe
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youssefelzein · 3 years ago
City Zero from Bryan Coleman on Vimeo.
Slowly drifting from below, city lights rhythmically pulse through atmospheric changes and universal natural forces. Subtle and silky movements at extreme distances camouflage the pace and emotion of a city. Looking down, thousands of people are unknowingly working together to create a painting that encompasses the globe. What began as a study of city lights from above turned in to a closer inspection on the creation of light structures from within. My short film starts microscopically on an abstract formation of light from a pulse; a beginning. Strands of light move frenetically in organized and organic patterns replicating humans natural tendency towards city structure.
Credits: Direction and Design: Bryan Coleman Sound Design: Jason Klos - behance.net/jayklos Music: Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross - The Place You Are Right Now
Special thanks: To my amazing wife, Shelby Coleman, for her patience and support in the creation of this personal project. Toros Kose for the invaluable feedback and guidance.
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mercerauctions · 3 years ago
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Coming to auction: KAWS - YOUNGARTS TOGETHER - UNIQUE PRINT Print size is 10 x 8 inches. 1/1 .YoungArts Kaws Print. @youngarts Together, a short film unites the work of notable guest artists and YoungArts alumni in an enchanting animated short that underscores powerful messages of solidarity and interdependence. The films moving story about hope, individuality and community is brought to life by CALLENs Brandon Mugar and Reuben Hower, and independent agency Psyop and its animation duo Igor + Valentine. This celebratory film unites the work of 18 YoungArts award winners and distinguished guest artists, including Leticia Bajuyo, Zoe Buckman, Demetri Burke (2017 Winner in Visual Arts), Robert Chambers, Julia Chiang, Paula Crown, Isabela Dos Santos (2011 Winner in Film & U.S. Presidential Scholar in the Arts), Glenn Espinosa (2016 Winner in Visual Arts), Shepard Fairey, Dara Girel-Mats (2019 Winner in Visual Arts), Sheree Hovsepian, KAWS, Yashua Klos, Jason Kraus, Catherine Labarca (2016 Winner in Visual Arts), Destiny Moore (2020 Winner in Visual Arts), Jose Parle and Jean Shin (1990 Winner in Visual Arts & U.S. Presidential Scholar in the Arts).Music by Nora Kroll-Rosenbaum. @kaws @obeygiant #streetart #artauction #youngarts (at Domain NORTHSIDE) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXCL-NnrBji/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jasontyler85 · 4 years ago
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Working on the cassette templates for “Beyond Cryptics Vault” which will feature some new artwork or even something simple that we whip up using Jason Tyler’s college degrees from Cal State University, Fullerton. It will feature the lyrics 🖊 to 3 brand new originals, featuring the current lineup, “Mátalos A Todos” “Deal With The Devil” and “Shame” as well as credits for the tribute songs and production notes for the album. The release date TBD (most likely Fall 2021) will be limited to 100 copies on cassette (high quality digital download included) and an additional 50 digital download purchases. These originals are the best material we’ve ever come up and showcases the band at its strongest, during a tumultuous 2020 and a devastating worldwide plague COVID-19. We give our respects to some of the most influential extreme bands of our lifetime: SLAYER, METALLICA, PANTERA, DEVILDRIVER, KILLSWITCH ENGAGE and MICHAEL JACKSON. These classics, with a LAZARUS CASKET Long Beach CA twist, came out very naturally in the studio. Most vocals are captured in just one take, giving the entire album a raw and emotional feel. This recording turned into a much needed therapy session, as the band has not rehearsed since February 2020 just prior to the plague lockdown ordered by the CDC, the United States 🇺🇸 of America and the mayor of Long Beach, Robert Garcia. We invite you to grab your preorder and come on the journey with us. Follow us on social media for the announcement! FB: @lazaruscasket1 INSTAGRAM: @lazaruscasket TWITTER: @lazaruscasket1 #lazaruscasket #beyondcrypticsvault #beyondcrypticstudios #longbeach #coldcockwhiskey #razorradio #sxmliquidmetal #sxmoctane #kcalfm #klos #knac #pirateradio #hellboundpodcast #poppittscorner #metallica #slayer #pantera #devildriver #killswitchengage #michaeljackson (at Long Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPZH3doJgLu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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catatanmzjo · 4 years ago
Pekan Keempat “ The Last Chapter”
Pekan keempat diwarnai oleh kuis2 dan tugas yang ditiada henti menghampiri. Oke, kita mulai dari hari pertama.
Mata kuliah aksk selama 2,5 jam memang tidak ada kuis kami belajar tentang perencanaan dan materialitas audit, Sedangkan kuis diadakan pukul16.00 s.d 16.30 . 21 soal berupa essay dan pilihan ganda. aku pun salah tiga. semoga tidak apa2..
tabk tidak ada kuis , kami pun belajar tentang langkah-langkah import2 data file2 yang perlu cara khusus dalam membukanya contohnya; file csv, jason, xbrl, dsb.
Akm pekan ini belajat tentang lanjutan ekuitas berupa jurnal2 terkait dividen. Kuis pun dilaksanakan selama satu jam dengan banyak soal terdiri atas dua bab, rata-rata kelas mendapat 60 termasuk aku. Semoga baik2 saja..
SIAP kali ini belajar tentang modul komitmen dalam SPAN dan SAKTI. Kuis pun diadakan di setengah jam terakhir kuliah dengan soal yang cukup banyak meliputi tiga bab. Hasilnya belum diketahui , semoga baik-baik saja..
akl kali ini membahas tentang pembuata jurnal konsolidasi yang didalamny ada pembuatan worksheet, tetapi materinya belum sampai habis dibahas karena di awal pertemuan kami membahas tugas pertemuan sebelumnya dengan materi investasi pada entitas asosiasi. Sementara AKL belum ada kuis. Klo dulu sih bapaknya cuma memberikan kuis sekali dalam 1 semester. Semoga baik-baik saja..
Pekan ini kami latihan soal tentang ekuitas , soal2nya ada di buku biswan mahrus. Setidaknya ada tiga soal yang harus kami kerjakan, lalu dosen akan menunjuk sesuai absensi orang yang akan menjelaskan jawaban dari soal tersebut. Tidak ada kuis, tetapi kuisnya pekan depan.
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aboutanimation · 4 years ago
Young Arts 'Together' from Igor + Valentine on Vimeo.
We had the privilege to work with YoungArts, Psyop, and CALLEN on “Together, a short film,” a commissioned celebratory film uniting the work of 18 YoungArts award winners and notable guest artists and underscoring messages of solidarity and interdependence.
Each unique frame of the film is made available for purchase to support YoungArts and the next generation of artists at youngartstogether.org
Featuring original artwork by participating artists:
Leticia Bajuyo Zoë Buckman Demetri Burke* Robert Chambers Julia Chiang Paula Crown Isabela Dos Santos* Glenn Espinosa* Shepard Fairey Dara Girel-Mats* Sheree Hovsepian KAWS Yashua Klos Jason Kraus Catherine Labarca* Destiny Moore* José Parlá Jean Shin*
Original score by Nora Kroll-Rosenbaum*
(*YoungArts Alumni Artists)
To learn more about YoungArts’ Together campaign, visit youngarts.org/together
TOGETHER, A SHORT FILM Directed by Igor + Valentine @ Psyop
Design: Matt Smithson
Animation: David Stanfield Matt Smithson Dante Zaballa Zeke Cincunegui Sachio Cook Eze Matteo Knifeson Yu
Executive Producer: Neysa Horsburgh
CALLEN CCO: Craig Allen Managing Director: David Hughes Creatives: Brandon Mugar, Ruben Hower
MICROSITE Design: Andrey Smirny Executive Producer: Matthew Seymour
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tsgdallastexas · 7 years ago
Dwell with Dignity’s Thrift Studio
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Photo courtesy of Stewart Cohen for Thrift Studio
Dwell with Dignity’s fabulous fundraiser and highly anticipated event, Thrift Studio, came to a close with the Wrap Party last week. First launched in Dallas in 2011, the pop-up shop brought the interior design community and public together for a month of shopping for a wonderful cause. All proceeds from the sales of donated furniture, housewares, accessories and high-end designer finds will directly aid Dwell with Dignity’s mission to change lives through design by bringing good design to those who can afford it the least. Dedicated volunteers design and install complete home interiors in order to help families escape homelessness and thrive in a safe, beautiful environment. As Thrift Studio provides one-third of Dwell’s operating revenue, many thanks to all who shopped for the cause!
Chaired by Michelle Nussbaumer and Jennifer Klos, this year’s event featured vignettes designed by Burkle Creative, Chad Dorsey Design, Cody Ables, Erin Sander, Jean Liu Design, Studio Thomas James, Joel Baldazo and TSG Dallas member Kristin Mullen. 
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Photos courtesy of TSG Dallas
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The elegant vignette designed by TSG Dallas member Kristen Mullen. 
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Fun catching up with Jason McDaniel of Missing Q Press and the fabulous former TSG Dallas Editor, Brittany Gaskill! 
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Loved the vibrant, playful letterpress invitations by TSG Dallas member Missing Q Press! TSG and Missing Q joined forces to proudly serve as Invitation Sponsor for the Preview Party. Photo courtesy of Missing Q
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Scout Guides and these beautiful Missing Q Press bookmarks filled 400 goodie bags! Photo courtesy of Missing Q
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tabitha-moore · 4 years ago
Young Arts 'Together' from Igor + Valentine on Vimeo.
We had the privilege to work with YoungArts, Psyop, and CALLEN on “Together, a short film,” a commissioned celebratory film uniting the work of 18 YoungArts award winners and notable guest artists and underscoring messages of solidarity and interdependence.
Each unique frame of the film is made available for purchase to support YoungArts and the next generation of artists at youngartstogether.org
Featuring original artwork by participating artists:
Leticia Bajuyo Zoë Buckman Demetri Burke* Robert Chambers Julia Chiang Paula Crown Isabela Dos Santos* Glenn Espinosa* Shepard Fairey Dara Girel-Mats* Sheree Hovsepian KAWS Yashua Klos Jason Kraus Catherine Labarca* Destiny Moore* José Parlá Jean Shin*
Original score by Nora Kroll-Rosenbaum*
(*YoungArts Alumni Artists)
To learn more about YoungArts’ Together campaign, visit youngarts.org/together
TOGETHER, A SHORT FILM Directed by Igor + Valentine @ Psyop
Design: Matt Smithson
Animation: David Stanfield Matt Smithson Dante Zaballa Zeke Cincunegui Sachio Cook Eze Matteo Knifeson Yu
Executive Producer: Neysa Horsburgh
CALLEN CCO: Craig Allen Managing Director: David Hughes Creatives: Brandon Mugar, Ruben Hower
MICROSITE Design: Andrey Smirny Executive Producer: Matthew Seymour
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kentonramsey · 4 years ago
New York City’s Reinvigorated Pride Weekend Started With a Bike Ride & Drag Show
On Friday night, for the first time in my life, Pride was really Pride. In recent years, I haven’t felt much “pride” toward the month of June—I’d go to the parade in Manhattan and spend the entire day partying, not truly thinking about what it is we should have been fighting for. But this year was different: Black Lives Matter and Bushwig joined together to kick off the weekend on Friday by bringing back the truest feeling of what created this movement—the Pride of Marsha P. Johnson, Sylvia Rivera, and Stonewall.
Bike riders started at Maria Hernandez Park in Bushwick, Brooklyn, led by amazing Black drag queens. I watched bikers and non-bikers go ahead of the crowd to block upcoming streets, clearing a path for the rest of us. I watched people pass out water and masks and hand sanitizer. I watched my community and our allies take care of each other.
The bike ride ended at McCarren Park in Williamsburg, where hundreds of people joined to sit on the dirt and grass and learn. We listened to stories from Black sex workers, Indigenous people, and amazing performers. Then, we danced our asses off—all while looking simply fabulous. Like many other people said on Friday night, this year was more than just a party for me. During a time when more people are seeing the injustices toward Black and Brown people and the LGBTQIA+ movement, this year was significant. It was Black Pride for me. It was my first Pride as it should’ve been, and continued to be, from the beginning. Here are some of the people I met there.
What I’m wearing: I biked over in Keds and a pastel pink and cyan starburst skirt I scooped from a Proenza Schouler sample sale, paired with a bootleg Vogue shirt with a iridescent ruffle poof. Wigs were suggested, so I brought out my pink bob which I sewed pink and white flowers into for a floral-themed night at House of Yes. I dress in a joyful way for special occasions because I think we all should celebrate the beautiful parts of our lives as often as possible. The community here is something to celebrate, even if we’re out because we’re outraged by injustice.
What Pride means to me this year: Pride is finding creative ways to be tender with myself and take care of my mental health so I can show up for my friends and my community. 2020, honestly, has been a tough year for growth and I hope to survive it.
—Rashida Prattis, she/her, Bed-Stuy
What I’m wearing: Just a lovely black marble neoprene number with a mask to match. As a community, we’re beautiful and strong like stone when we look out for one another. So let’s get our voices heard but keep our masks up.
What Pride means to me this year: Pride has gone back to its roots. Pride was and is a riot. We have the rights we have because of Trans women of color, Marsha and Sylvia. 50 years later, we’re still fighting that same fight. Pride became a party with corporations, and this year they cancelled that aspect, but they didn’t cancel Pride. The riot continues.
—Arya Klos, she/her/hers, Bed-Stuy
What I’m wearing: My outfit is a second-hand find from a local thrift store in Brooklyn. It’s light and flouncy and really snugs my cleavage. Perfect for pounding the pavement!
What Pride means to me this year: This year, Pride, for me, is about self-reflection and how I can use my privilege and voice to elevate Queer and Trans people of color. Pride is a protest! This year, we’ve shed the consumeristic and sanitized Frosted Flakes Capital One version of Pride. We’re taking it to the streets and fighting against systemic racism, police brutality, and institutionalized white supremacy! Enough is enough!
—Jason Hill, he/him/his, Bed-Stuy
What I’m wearing: I got my outfit from Rainbow on Fulton St. and my “Chromatica” boots from Demonia. Then I threw on some cut-off shorts, fishnets, and called it a day.
What Pride means to me this year: Pride is a way of life! We should all be proud regardless of our sexual orientation. This Pride is somewhat different this year with COVID-19 and the continual #blacklivesmatter—so I call this year’s pride “BLACK PRIDE.”
—Dezi 5, he/him, Bed-Stuy
What I’m wearing: It’s an easy, breezy summer tube dress with a mes- front neon-green ‘do.
What Pride means to me this year: This year pride means “fuck rainbow capitalism”
—Alan, he/him, Crown Heights
What I’m wearing: My outfit is a combination of thrifted pieces and independent designers including I Do Declare and Bagtazo! Pastels are my very favorite and pretty much my exclusive palette. I love playing with different shades to create dynamic looks.
What Pride means to me this year: Pride means acknowledging your legacy and wearing your identity with honor. I take so much pride in my place in Queer community and this year I feel so at home in these changing times. Pride means loving yourself and celebrating that love as a form of solidarity and activism for your fellow people! Pride. is. Strength.
—C’était Bontemps, he/they, Crown Heights
9 PHOTOS click for more
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Friday night’s event raised nearly $10,000 for GLITS (Gays and Lesbians Living in a Transgender Society)—go here to learn more and donate.
The post New York City’s Reinvigorated Pride Weekend Started With a Bike Ride & Drag Show appeared first on Man Repeller.
New York City’s Reinvigorated Pride Weekend Started With a Bike Ride & Drag Show published first on https://normaltimepiecesshop.tumblr.com/ New York City’s Reinvigorated Pride Weekend Started With a Bike Ride & Drag Show published first on https://mariakistler.tumblr.com/
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thefieldtrip-blog1 · 7 years ago
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Our first visitors were Thomas & Lausch. We took 'em on the world's most lacklustre pedal boat ride through the canals, then to Cafe de Klos for the ribs and uncomfortable service. Meanwhile, Kate, Jason and Mandy were back home after Greece. 💔
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coyote-teeth444 · 8 years ago
Cruelty-free Brand List
Brands marked with a * are 100% vegan. Brands marked with a | have a parent company that is not cruelty-free. If you know of any cruelty-free/vegan brands that are not on this list please message me so I can add them! You can also find this complete list on my page!
100% Pure
1121 Apothecary*
21 Drops*
A Girl’s Gotta Spa*
ABBA Pure Performance Hair Care|
Acure Organics
Adorn Cosmetics*
AG Hair Cosmetics
Ageless Derma
Ahimsa Naturals*
AILA Cosmetics*
Ainhoa Cosmetics
Alaska Glacial Mud Co.
Alba Botanica
Alima Pure
Ambre Blends
Anastasia Beverly Hills
Andalou Naturals
Annmarie Gianni Skin Care
Antonym Cosmetics
Apoterra Skincare
Arctic Fox*
Aster + Bay
Astonish Cleaning Products*
Au Naturale*
Aubrey Organics
Aura Cacia
Avalon Organics
Bach Flower
Baiser Beauty
Balanced Guru
Balm Balm
Bare Escentuals/Bare Minerals| (They have makeup brushes that are not cruelty-free.)
Bare Republic
Barefaced Beauty
Barry M
Bath, Body, Candle Moments
Bdellium Tools
Beaming White*
Beauty Bakerie
Beauty Blender*
Beauty by Earth
Beauty Without Cruelty*
Bedrock & Bloom*
Bella Mari*
Ben Nye Makeup
Besamé Cosmetics
BH Cosmetics
Bio Ionic
Bio Follicle*
Bite Beauty
Blackbird Cosmetics*
Black Dahlia Lacquer*
Black Moon Cosmetics*
Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
Blu Ink Nail Lacquer*
Blue Labelle*
Bonne Belle
Borika Body*
Botanic Organic
Box Naturals*
Bright Planet
Bronze Buffer*
Burt’s Bees|
Butter Toki*
Bye Bye Parabens*
Cailyn Cosmetics
Caitlin’s Super Natural*
Cake Beauty
California Naturel
Caroline’s Dream
Caru Skincare
Cate McNabb
Cedar + Stone*
Certain Dri*|
Charlotte Tilbury
Ciaté London
Clarria Cosmetics
Cocoon Apothecary*
Color Club*
Concrete Minerals*
Conscious Skincare
COOLA Suncare
CORE Cosmetics
Cover FX
Crazy Rumors*
Crispy Brows
Cross Creek Soaps
Crystal Body Deodorant*
Cult Cosmetics*
Dahliana Naturals*
Daisy Blue Naturals
Deborah Lippmann
Deco Miami*
DefineMe Fragrance*
DEMES/Demes Natural Products*
Derma E*
Desert Essence
Dickinson Brands
Diptyque Paris
D I R T E A*
Dose of Colors
Dr. Bronner’s
Dr. Hauschka
Earth Tu Face
Earthly Body*
Earth Friendly Products (ECOS)
Earthwise Beauty
Ecco Bella
ECO Minerals*
Eco Tan
Eco Tools*
Elate Clean Cosmetics*
Eyes Lips Face (E.L.F.)* – not all skin care & brushes are vegan
Elysian Nail Lacquer*
Elizabeth Mott
Elizabeth W San Francisco
Ella + Mila
Ellis Faas
ENJOY Professional Hair Care
EO Products
Epic Blend
Epically Epic Soap
Epice International*
Epiphany Soapworks*
Every Man Jack
Everyday Minerals*
Eye of Horus Cosmetics
Face Atelier
Fairy Girl*
FAR Botanicals*
FiOR Minerals*
First Aid Beauty
Flo + Theo*
Flower Beauty
Forager Botanicals*
Forest Creek
Franklin & Whitman*
Friendly Candle*
Fusion of Color Cosmetics
Gabriel Cosmetics
Gaia Secrets
Garden Botanika
Garden of Wisdom
Geek Chic Cosmetics*
Georgie Beauty*
Gerard Cosmetics
Glam Natural*
Glamour Dolls*
GLO Turmeric Scrub*
GLOSS Moderne*
Good4You Plant Makeup
GOSH Cosmetics
Gourmet Body Treats*
Green Beaver
Green People
Green Tidings*
Green Virgin Products
Green & Gorgeous Organics*
Gwen’s Blends
Habit Cosmetics*
Hain Celestial
Handmade Heroes*
Harvey Prince*
Herban Cowboy
Hempz Couture*
Heritage Store
Herbal Choice Mari*
High Endurance Cosmetics
Honeybee Gardens
Hot Tresses*
House of Lashes
Hugo Naturals*
Hum Nutrition
Hynt Beauty
Indie Blends*
Indie Lee
Indigo Wild
Inkling Scents
Innate Organic Body*
Intelligent Nutrients
Illuminare Cosmetics*
J.R. Watkins
Jack Black
Jane Carter Solutions*
Jane Cosmetics
Jane Iredale
Jason Naturals
Jeffree Star Cosmetics*
Jersey Shore Cosmetics
Jillian Wright Skincare
Jing Ai
Johnny Concert*
Joshik Polish*
Josie Maran Cosmetics
Juice Beauty
Kaeng Raeng*
Kaia Naturals
Kani Botanicals*
Kat Von D Beauty
Kate Ryan Skincare
Kelley Quan*
Kester Black*
Kett Cosmetics
Key West Alo*
KHUS + KHUS Modern Herbal Fusion
Kimberly Parry Organics
Kirei Cosmetics*
Kiss My Face
KL Polish*
Klo Organic Beauty*
Ko & Humble*
Koh Jen Do
Kopari Beauty
KPS Essentials
La Couleur Couture (LACC)*
La Fresh Eco Beauty*
LAIA Skincare*
Laughing Devil Designs*
Lauren B. Beauty*
Lalila Beauty
Laurel Whole Plant Organics
Lauren Brooke Cosmetiques
Leahlani Skincare
Lemon West*
Lethal Cosmetics*
Lewin & Reilly
Light Mountain Natural Hair Color*
Lily Lolo
Lime Crime*
Lina Hanson*
Lip Glosserie*
Lippy Girl
Loa Skin Care*
LOOK Nail Color*
Lord & Berry
Lotus Wei
Lovetica Beauty
Loving Tan*
Lulu Blossom
LunatiCK Cosmetic Labs*
Luxie Beauty*
Mad Hippie*
Madam Glam
Made From Earth
Maison Meunier*
Makeup Geek
Manic Panic
Maple Holistics
Marc Jacobs Beauty
Maria Nila
Marie Natie
Marie Veronique
Marnie’s Body Care
May Lindstrom Skin
Malaya Organics
Me & You*
Mei Yin Naturopathics*
Melanie Mills Hollywood
Mellow Cosmetics*
Melt Cosmetics
Meow Cosmetics
Meow Meow Tweet*
Metamour Skin Care*
Michael Lorin Reed*
Michael Todd
Milk Cosmetics
Mineral Fusion
Mineral Hygienics
Modern Minerals*
Ministry of Mineral Makeup Australia (MOMMA)*
MOTD Cosmetics*
Mount Purious Raw Skincare*
Mr. Bean Body Care*
Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day|
Mullein & Sparrow
MV Organic Skincare
My Daughter Fragrances
My Konjac Sponge*
My Pretty Zombie
MyChelle Dermaceuticals
Nabla Cosmetics
Napoleon Perdis
Natural Scentzations|
Natural Glow Sunless Tanning
Nature’s Gate*
Neal’s Yard Remedies
Necromancy Cosmetica*
Nick Chavez Beverly Hills
No Miss
Nomad Cosmetics
Nonie of Beverly Hills*
North Coast Organics*
Not A Sponge*
Nourish Organic
Now Foods/Now Products
Nurture My Body
NYX Cosmetics*
Nzuri Organics
Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics (OCC)*
OFRA Cosmetics*
Ole Henriksen
One Love Organics
O.R.G. Skincare*
OSEA Malibu*
Out of Africa
Overall Beauty Minerals*
Pangea Organics
Painkiller XO
Palate Polish*
Paul Mitchell
Paula’s Choice
Pelle Beauty*
Peony Cosmetics
Perricone MD
Personna – parent company owns other brands who are not cruelty-free
Petal Fresh
Physician’s Formula
Picture Polish
Piggy Paint*
Piggy Polish*
Pirouette Professionals*
Plant Therapy
Possets Perfume*
Priti NYC*
Promise Organic
Prospector Co.
PUR Cosmetics
Purbliss Candle Co.*
Pure Botanic Vibes*
Pure Chimp*
R.L. Linden & Co
Rainbow Honey
Rare Elements
Raven’s Creek Soap Co.*
RCMA Makeup
Real Purity
Real Techniques
Red Apple Lipstick*
Rituel de Fille
RMS Beauty
Root Science*
Rosebud Company
Rosemira Organics
Rouge Bunny Rouge
Ruby White Tips
Saje Natural Wellness
Sante Natural Cosmetics
Sappo Hill Soapworks*
Saturated Colour
Schmidt’s Deodorant*
Sienna X
Sensible Organics
Seventh Generation|
Sevin Nyne*
SkinTea Ochaya Organics by Sayuri Marie*
Shear Mineral Organics
Sibu Beauty
Simple Sugars
Silk Naturals
Simplicité Skin Care*
Sir Richards*
SIRCUIT Skin/SIRCUIT Cosmeceuticals
Skin Actives Scientific
Skin Dressing*
Soapbox Soaps
Sonia Kashuk
SOPHi by Piggy Paint*
Soultice Spa*
Spectrum Collections*
Sprout Skincare
Stinkbug Naturals
Strobe Cosmetics*
Styli-Style Cosmetics
Sunday Riley
Sugar & Oats*
SUGARLOOM Cosmetics*
Sun and Earth*
Supa Herbal Greens*
S.W. Basics
Sweet Anthem Perfumes*
Tata Harper
TAY Skincare
Terre Mere Cosmetics*
The All Natural Face*
The Argan Tree
The Body Shop|
The Fanciful Fox*
The Gnarly Whale
The Heritage Store
The Organic Skin Co.
The Soap Market*
Thera Wise*
Tiki Bar Soap
Trader Joe’s Brand
Tres Pure
Triumph & Disaster
Tropic Skin Care*
True Natural
TruSelf Organics
Trust Fund Beauty*
Tom’s of Maine|
Tomoe Kobo
Too Faced|
Ulta Collection
Uma Oils*
Uoga Uoga
URB Apothecary
Urban Decay|
Ursa Major
Vapour Organic Beauty
Verdant Botanicals*
VOLANTE Skincare
W.S. Badger
Wander Beauty
Well Scent*
Wellness Prioritized*
Wet n’ Wild
Whitening Lightning*
Whole Foods Brand
W3LL Beauty
Yaby Cosmetics
YASOU natural skin care
Yes to Carrots
YLLO Scrub*
Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics
ZAK Body Care/ZAK Detox Deodorant
Zaya Eco Skincare*
ZuZu Luxe
Zyderma HS*
20 notes · View notes
mentalalaska · 6 years ago
Alasdair Roberts (SCO), Janne Westerlund
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Tenho & Mental Alaska esittää: Alasdair Roberts (SCO), Janne Westerlund + Mental Alaska DJs Ti 2.4.2019 klo 20 / vapaa pääsy Vuonna 1997 levytysuransa aloittaneen skottimuusikko Alasdair Robertsin tuotanto muodostuu hänen omien sävellyksiensä lisäksi perinnemateriaalin uudelleentulkinnoista. Ensimmäiset levynsä hän julkaisi Appendix Out-nimen alla, mutta siirtyi sittemmin käyttämään omaa nimeään. Aktiivisesti esiintymislavoja kiertävä Roberts on todella lumoava tarinankertoja, jonka yhteistyökumppanien lista on vaikuttava: mm. Will Oldham, Jason Molina ja Josephine Foster. Suomeen hän saapuu huhtikuussa Tampereella järjestettävän Säv./San.-festivaalin kutsumana. Tenhossa illan avaa juuri uuden albuminsa "Bell" julkaissut Janne Westerlund (mm. Circle, Pharaoh Overlord, Plain Ride). Levymusiikista vastaa Mental Alaska DJs. Soittoajat: 20 - Janne Westerlund 21 - Alasdair Roberts *** Tenho Restobar, Helsinginkatu 15 Keittiö 16-22 / Baari -24 (Happy hours alk. 21) Pöytävaraukset: www.tenhorestobar.fi
0 notes
nvlv · 8 years ago
Prediction from Raw & Rendered on Vimeo.
Prediction Design, Creative, Production Short // 1:26 // 2017
This sequence captures the process of machine learning through a complex artificial neural network – the moment a prediction is made.
Once a preliminary inquiry is made, it triggers dormant nodes to initiate their process. They bond together and begin to calculate the question. Rhythmic energy pulsates and flows between each node, strengthening their bonds and pulling them more tightly together. They begin to converge on the central core, charging it with their endless computations.
As the deduction sequence continues, irrelevant contributions are rejected from the equation, while the relevant contributions are secured inside. Once the final internal calculations are formed, they activate tendrils that broadcast the accumulated information - producing, and announcing the machine’s weighted solution.
Credits Design & Production - Raw & Rendered Music & Sound - Jason Klos   Special Thanks Michael Rigley - michaelrigley.com Learn Squared - learnsquared.com Maxon | Cinema 4D - maxon.net Insydium | X-Particles - 3.x-particles.com/ Otoy | Octane Render - otoy.com
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ambivalentman · 6 years ago
FREDDY VS. JASON: Dad Rock for Horror Cinema
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As we grow older, they say our tastes change. We become more sophisticated. More discerning. I know this is true for two reasons. The first is how I came to love Bob Seger. The second is coming to love FREDDY VS. JASON.
When I was a teenager, raised on the milk of classic rock, a Bob Seger song was always like taking a swig from a carton that’s past due. He was classic rock for old dudes, making his living mining his memories for nostalgic odes to nights coping feels in the back seat of his Daddy’s Detroit built Chevy station wagon. And his “Like a Rock” commercials made me groan every fucking time they played, which was always right before my show would come back on, so I couldn’t even leave the room for a well-timed bathroom break. Seger was my pop culture model for getting old, and he didn’t seem to be aging gracefully. What teenager wants to rock out to songs about better days behind them? That’s like begging for an early death.
In a way, FREDDY VS. JASON was a Bob Seger song. It strip mined past memories of greater glory to remind us of when both slasher icons were cool, but without actually being cool. It was the moment slasher movies became the “Dad Rock” of horror cinema. And I resented it, because even as I loved both legendary characters, I didn’t want to admit around 2003 that we were both getting old. Besides, Freddy was doing Kung-fu . . . what was this, Mortal Kombat for slasher killers?
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I came around on Bob Seger the day the Los Angeles Lakers trades Shaquille O’Neal to the Miami Heat. I was driving home from work and the news came on the radio. Devastated, I actually pulled the car over and sat there for a bit, trying to process this. So, I switched the radio station over to KLOS (LA’s classic rock staple since 1967) and there was fucking Bob Seger, singing about working on his night moves. Somehow that song comforted me, and I started singing along (back then, you could hate something, yet still have heard it so many damn times the lyrics were still tattooed on your memory—doubt that’s very possible in the streaming age). It hit me so damn hard . . . I’m getting old. My best years may or may not still be ahead, but there were enough of them before me that I had to at least consider the possibility they might be behind me. Seger was my rite of passage into becoming middle aged.
It took me much longer to come around on FREDDY VS. JASON. In fact, I only came around last night, nearly 14 years after I discovered the joys of Bob Seger. My fiancée really wanted to go to a screening of FREDDY VS. JASON at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood. It was being hosted by Screamfest LA, a local organization of passionate people dedicated to spreading the gospel of horror films past, present, and future. Brian Collins—the excellent film critic at Birth.Movies.Death, whose Horror Movie A Day site is the stuff of both legend and legendary masochism—was set to host a Q&A afterwards with the movie’s writers, Damian Shannon and Mark Swift. Despite really disliking the film upon release, I figured it was a good time to revisit. It’s also never a good idea to disappoint one’s fiancée.
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The theater was packed, busting at the seams with a wide age range of people—thankfully, no kids—humming at the same frequency as this movie. Throughout the film, there were whoops and cat calls and cheers. People even ironically cheered the nu-metal song clanging over the closing credits. I found myself to be one of those people. Younger me, who had been late boarding the Bob Seger train had transformed into an older me, late boarding the FREDDY VS. JASON express. I no longer saw it as a letdown—the last gasp of dying franchises looking for renewed cultural relevance. Instead, it was a celebration of everything that made both franchises so much fun to watch and re-watch, even the really bad ones, like A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 5, or JASON TAKES MANHATTAN: the campiness, the suspense, the stupid kids, the creative kills. Sure, Freddy still does Kung-fu, but it wasn’t annoying this time; it was charming to think he could bring Jason down with some roundhouse kicks.
FREDDY VS. JASON is a bloody Looney Tunes cartoon, packed wall-to-wall with some batshit crazy stuff. Freddy starts as Jason’s puppet master, bringing him to Springwood to kill some kids because he’s still trying to regain his strength from his last failed attempt to kill every teenager on Elm Street. He needs them to start being afraid of him again. But Jason is a shark, eating everything in sight. The more surgical Freddy gets angry that all his victims are being poached, so he finds himself at war with Crystal Lake’s chief export. There’s also a group of Springwood teens involved because the movie needs slasher fodder. They are a fun group, though, led by a sassy Kelly Rowland whose main trait is an obsession with getting a nose job.
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It’s that cartoonish aspect that finally made me see the genius in this movie. Freddy and Jason were no longer able to be the sinister, truly scary monsters of my youth. They were now Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck. They were Bob Seger. And I realized just how much joy there is to be had in this. Certainly the writers had a blast. Shannon and Swift recounted their writing process with glee, even though turnover in New Line’s management forced them to fight for this movie’s existence like one of their terrorized teens fighting to wake up before Freddy could slice and dice them with his claws and a one-liner. Their passion showed in what was on screen, and it was infectious.
I may be getting older, but that’s okay. No one takes the elderly very seriously, whether they be waxing poetic about late night hookups in the Hollywood Hills, or fighting to the death over who gets to kill a group of horny teens.
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