jazzy-art-time · 22 days
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Facetime asking how their resort trip is going so far!
[ based on this video]
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jazzy-art-time · 1 month
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👶 As a child! "A very shy girl normally, but easily snaps with overly harsh aggression when being bullied or pressured. Father known to be late picking her up, keep a eye on her during class to make sure she stays out of trouble. She keeps getting into fights with older kids." - Teacher's Note My client pleads 'shes just a puppy'!!! Just a lil thing!!!! She is two apples tall your honor!!!!!!!
Thank you to anon for the prompt!! Owe you my life for puppy puppy puppy!!!!!!
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jazzy-art-time · 3 months
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Team Seafoam Image for my page!
Simple and silly!! Made it Jarble themed because... yeag
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jazzy-art-time · 4 months
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Jarble shitpost with one of my favorite twitter interactions I came across.
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jazzy-art-time · 2 months
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Goddess fighting every bone in her body to not go Mama Mode on her niece and give her a proper diet
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jazzy-art-time · 6 months
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Jolene, JarbleAU Ref as of April 2024
ALSO forgot to upload this here!! Yay for me!! For forgetting!! But YES I did end up changing Jody's design and overall species to fit in with the "Jarble design Philosophy" that I have forced upon myself But it's okay. Canon Jody would be extremely pleased to hear that in another universe.... she gets to be a puppy. //also her being a arcanine in Jarble is a reference to a Canon Lore thing and I find it funny teehee a personal inside joke with myself heehoo
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jazzy-art-time · 3 months
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various sketch dump
i often doodle a bunch of extra shit on my canvas so i figured I would shittily line some ????? Idk!
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jazzy-art-time · 8 months
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ALLIE4STAMP IS TYPING...... "I would say there isn't much to say about me really. I'm not that interesting.." FROSTBITE95 IS TYPING..... "Awww. I'm sure there is lots about you that's interesting! You should be nicer to yourself! <3"
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jazzy-art-time · 3 months
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A silly trace over a FNF thing, for shits n giggles
> Traced from this video/song <
I liked the expressions/poses in the video so I did silly sketch over with Goddess/Etoile (Plus 3 fools in the background) cuz I thought it was fitting
just something stupid n silly !!
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jazzy-art-time · 9 months
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some AU doodles of the two Primary Idiots
and then my jodybababababodyyyy <3 <3
when da AU is primarily focused around the brothers but then I add Jolene fucking Bennet as a treat 4 me in specific
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jazzy-art-time · 8 months
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Heather was amazed at Jolene's curt and honest answer. She wished she could be more like her. So bold and honest, no shame could be seen in her eyes. But what the feline failed to realize, is that Jolene didn't have the slightest idea of what a "situationship" was and merely gave a half assed answer.
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jazzy-art-time · 8 months
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seeing this text shitpost while writing out some Jarble stuff. Coincidence? I think NOT.
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jazzy-art-time · 3 months
I like how your art fight is just Jody Alaxia and Eden and that blue guy
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Aubrey is technically a Honorary Pinkie
what is blue if not.... a different color than pink !
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jazzy-art-time · 8 months
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Jarble Posting I did in a rush while on my break at work
That I will draw better later but for now enjoy the .5 second edits I did on my phone while trying to eat a croissant
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