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cidsin · 2 years ago
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Art by me @cidsin Calendar Project
On to the next round of retaker! Still many to come x.x and the group is still growing and growing...
Day - Character 011 - Necromuk 012 - Vanilla 013 - Regina 014 - Janus 015 - Kimya 016 - Serah 017 - Ari 018 - Little John 019 - Jaquer 020 - Ume
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acervomariposa · 2 years ago
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"vc atravessaria agui
vc atrevessaria essa ponte agui com esse. Jaquere raivoso. gordinho. um bufo. faminto. louco pra te papar. vc teria. coragem de atravessar essa ponte de madera podre mofada fodida um lixo cheia de cupim vc teria corage ."
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aparnaenterpriseslimited · 9 months ago
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Satish has a vast successful career with 30+years of experience. He started his career with joining Murugappa Group as only non-engineer. Later he joined famous brand Jaquer and expanded its presence in South Asian market, African market and European market. In 2012, he joined Aparna Enterprises limited with high-end solutions of sanitaryware. He propelled the growth of the company with his extraordinary expertise in real estate and home décor sector.
In this vast world, each and every person of any age group has their own tastes, needs and preferences. Same old thing cannot be helpful for every individual all the time. After all, luxury is the ultimate, it will make dream for more. At this advanced age we need certain features to survive and get attuned with this technologically sound environment. For every individual, if luxury is there, the beauty of perfection is there. Now-a-days the structure of family is transforming, so there needs. The personalization is depending on the family and how they want their living spaces to be.
Right proportion of convenience and personalization play the major role in creating exquisite design within limited budget
Personalization is the key of the marketers to attract potential customers. By the virtue of data and technology the personalized marketing has crept into real estate market. After all, in today’s context without personalization nothing can move forward.
Interlinking of Personalized Spaces & Budget
1.Trendy designs should be more functional rather than just being a showpiece. It should have an operational value, deliver elegance, and enhance the beauty of a space wherever it is fixed. Today, we get a wide market to scan and choose materials and we can refer designs online from different designers and can manage our budget-friendly elegance.
2.Personalized spaces are more effective & efficient and sometimes costly or cost-effective.  Not everybody can afford luxury brands like Armani, Mercedes, and BMW.
3.Some people who are very much particular about the money they are paying for making their home luxurious and some are very much particular about their budget. So, making a perfect space for the dwellers is very important within the prospective budgets. Designers are playing key role here to convert your living space aesthetically elegant which reflects vibrant at the same time relaxing mode.
Role of Designers & Architect in combining Style & Functionality
1.In today’s context, budget is very important for any individual, and again it varies from person to person depending on their pay-scales and incomes. It is very important to balance functionality and chic & luxurious style in limited space in urban structure.
2.Budget sometimes can rise and go down according to the needs of the individuals. If you need best of the best brands in your homes, lavish and aesthetic design, definitely you need to increase your budget.
3.Starting from fabric, floors, shades and materials everything is designed according to the preferences, where any individual can mix and match products according to their needs. Actually, prior getting into the construction and renovation for your homes, each family needs to discuss their needs and preferences to finalize the respective budget with their designers and architects.
4.Here the designers and architects play crucial role, to guide the individuals in budgeting and cost-controlling while building their dream castle. Convenience plays the major role in creating minimalistic design within limited budget.
Trendy Living Spaces Styles to Fit the New Generations
1.Trendy designs should be more functional rather than just being a showpiece.  Firstly, it should have an operational value. Besides, it should deliver elegance and enhance the beauty of a space wherever it is fixed. Today, we get a wide market to scan and choose materials and sometimes, we can refer designs online from different designers and can manage our budget friendly elegance. Not everybody can afford luxury brands like Armani, Mercedes, BMW, and they are very much particular about the money they are paying for making their home luxurious. Experts are there who can guide the homebuyers with perfect matched product according to their budget. Designers are playing key role in converting living space aesthetically elegant which reflects vibrant at the same time delivers relaxing mode.
2.In today’s modern era, people wants their home to look perfect which reflects graceful and chic interior which can charge up their day long exposure to exhaustion at their working place. For a home, living room is the heart of the house. People always want their living room to be designed uniquely. Now-a-days, Classical themed designs are hitting the top spots in the trending list. Apart from that, contemporary abstract aesthetic designs are also high on demand. Sometimes, fusion of the two is also working well with the interiors. Classical designs are little time taking and costly designs which needs expert craftsmen, while contemporary designs are affordable, time saving and easily adoptable.
3.Three important aspects of designs are Floors, Doors and windows, and Fixtures. Choosing right material for the floor is very crucial as it reflects the whole space, proper position and designs of doors and windows is also important as it drives the amount of light coming inside the space, fixtures like bathroom essentials or lightings put an exquisite attractiveness to the space. In modern and contemporary style black and white dominate the color palette, with some faded shades of blue, red, among other prime colors.  Then comes the wall shades and curtains which makes the whole design look complete. Each design has its unique characteristics, flavor, finish, and experience, and interior styles.
4.Modern home design uses neutral colors to elevate the sense of functionality. Contemporary home décor is characterized by jute and textured wood, modern curved lightings, curved edged sofa and shining surfaces. Bohemian style is a fusion which includes antique aesthetic décor like metallic items, hand-woven fabrics of bright colors.
Home Interior Boosting Mood, Health & Well-being
1.Thought process of each individual is different and it is quietly based on their moods. When it comes to a home, it should reflect a feeling of love and care besides having elegance.  The colors and textures that surround the residents deliver the appropriate vibration which satisfies and uplift the mood and ambience.
2.On the other hand, cluttered spaces and closed spaces without having a little space for air and light to pass can deliver a negative vibe and depress the mood of the resident. In modern and contemporary style, black and white dominate the color palette, with some faded shades of blue, red, among other prime colors.
3.Minimalist Designs uses neutral colors with simple and necessary furniture and fixtures with no extravagant decorations. It boosts the sense of modern functionality and elevate mood of the dweller.
Final Note
To make your dream home budget friendly, uniform thinking should be there in each individuals of the family. They should talk to an expert in the field and take the preferences and comfort upfront and create personalized fusions. But before opting for a fusion we should check whether the elements have co-relation between them, otherwise the whole look will not look complete. Different set of fusion should be adopted for commercial and residential, as purpose of both the building is quite different.  This modern era is consistently witnessing a sea change in every sector owing to science and technology. The modernized way of approach is enhancing the hygiene factors and transforming our lifestyle more smart and advanced. For example, AI generated faucets work using AI sensors, remote control curtains, automatic showers do not need a physical touch to work properly. In the upcoming years, more innovation will come and merge with existing technologies like AR, VR, AI, and create a revolution in the field of real estate and interior design.
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joshuamyra · 1 year ago
Check out this listing I just found on Poshmark: Boho High Waist Jaquered Mini Geometric Aztec Pattern Pencil Skirt Womens Sz Sm.
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hangerhaven · 2 years ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ZARA Jacquered tribal Design Dress size 8.
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dolkus · 7 years ago
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His name is Jaquer from Doll Clans. Did you saw some cool doll like him? He is so cool right?😍 I realy like his eyes. Head: 8 to 9 inches Eye: 14 mm Cart: https://goo.gl/usnpCQ #bjd #balljointeddoll #dolk #dolkus #dolkstation #bjdstagram #bjdphoto #bjdsale #doll #instagood #art #bjdphotogrphy #Jaquer
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topochinesvino · 6 years ago
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Hey wine geeks - question for you? Have you ever had a wine from the varietal Jacquère? I was trying out a new wine bar in SF this weekend - the cozy and excellent Fat Angel - and came across a bracingly acidic French wine made from this grape. A delicious wine ...and makes me want to try more wines from the Savoy region. ———————————————— #vin #vinblanc #whitewine #whitewinelover #jaquere #savoywines #savoiewine #winebar #fatangelsf #sfwine #sfwinebar #winestagram #instawine #winesofinstagram (at Fat Angel food & libation) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw2kDs2AF_K/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rci893npxwnc
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writing-frenzy · 5 years ago
My Hero Academia AU: Aizawa’s Dark Adventure Fantasy Isekai
So... I kinda found out about Villain!Mic and rediscovered my love for ErasureMic, and my twisted brain decided you know what, let’s have fun with this. 
And thus, we get Aizawa’s Dark Adventure Fantasy Isekai, or ADAFI as it could be called.
Here is some set up; Aizawa grew up in a non-quirk world, became an Ethics/Maths teacher after he quit being a cop, and teaches self-defense for free every Sunday for those at YMCA or youth centers for those who really need but can’t afford it. His life was fine, even at times rather pleasant.
But Aizawa Shouta, no matter what world, will always be a hero. Maybe it was a class saved from a mad shooter, maybe it was stopping a bomb, could have even been a sacrifice he willingly did to ensure the survival of many others; either way, the teacher dies saving so many young lives, always a hero to the very end.
Aizawa just never expected to open his eyes once more, in an entirely different world at that.
A world of magic and wonders around where ever one would look.
A world where death was everywhere and terrors always took. 
(A world so strangely advanced in some ways (Eco power) and yet lacking in others)
A world Aizawa woke up to in a young body (much too young) and an ability that he couldn’t quiet understand.
To the de-aged man’s luck, he actually get’s picked up by some nice people, who teach him about the world of crazy magic he has found himself in, along with the sign language the group uses to communicate. After a while, the faux youth tries to teach the found family he has his language, (Maybe a longing to hear a piece of home once more) ending up very confused at how shocked everyone seems to be to speak, and just how grateful and pleased everyone of them take to his language like a duck to water. As long as he doesn’t get kicked out for making so many old people cry, he can live with all the touchy feely stuff.
But as Years go in this vein, as Shouta learns how to get by in this insane world where people have slaves, kill others in broad daylight, and will steal children if one strays too far. Shouta learns his ability is rather powerful, seeing as it neutralizes any ability/blessing/magic around it, except for Bloodline abilities, magics so entwined with their host/user that they can’t be separated. (It’s like a field of void around him, where magic in a way seems to actually die around him if keeps it up too long, though is weaker with his eyes closed.)  
He finds out about the difference between kings and conquers, regular men with higher powers, bloodlines, and loyalty behind them, and actual Royals of this world, beings with Magics connected to the very world’s soul, Immortals and Torch Bearers alike of the Red and Black Courts, who keep the world balanced and in place. (kinda think Fae here, but with humans with magical bullshit and instincts.) Aizawa just takes this information in because he is as caustious as ever, even as he wonders why the hell the symbols of the courts are playing card trumps. (Because I like symbolism :) )
Realizes his found family are in fact considered a cursed people by the very old gods, long dead (it was the courts :3 ) but their magic not, cursed to never speak, their language strike from their mouth’s and brains and books, and unable to learn any in this world, the loophole of nothing being spoken the only reason they can still communicate with their hands. Realizes that with this, their can be no link with one’s magic, because while physical magicians can easily craft spells and slice through curses with but a gesture, not all can do so. Because every discovery risks being lost because one can’t write it down ever, because written words were cursed from them, even symbols of their letters with hands can not be written.
(Now, Aizawa realizes, with a startling clarity, why they treasure his lessons; his language was one made in an entirely other world, crafted by man and man alone; this way, while their language may be forever lost, their traditions, dreams, thoughts, Magic and Culture will never be... And if Aizawa spends a year transcribing their Sign language into a book for translation, using a trick of drawling the hands himself just in case, helped by a few other determined and slightly teary eyed people... it’s his own business) 
Things could have gone on like this, been peaceful and all... (which is odd in a way, threats of conflicts between Black and Red Courts have been threatening for years, The Club’s Royalty unsteady as the only Black Court to steady both The Heart’s and The Diamond’s Royalty, only to suddenly quiet down, The Club’s Kuler (King + Ruler) suddenly being restored a few year’s back)
But then word tells of a Sorcerer coming out and about, trying to claim any territory that strikes their fancy, breaking love and loyalties all along the way with his flirtatious wit and cunning green eyes, words so sweet and easy until you hear that last deadly scream in the night. (People whisper and warn about Socercer’s Obsessions and crazed behavior that is not natural... To Aizawa, it honestly sounds a little bit like bad cases of mania and Obsessive compulsive disorder, but who is he to judge right in this world of magic and blood?)
Shouta wouldn’t really care all that much, right up until this Sound Socercer, one Present Voice (couldn’t figure out how to work in Mic, otherwise I would) tries to take over the only land his family has claim on (only place they can be safe).
Shouta takes offense to this; he shows why, after living here for a few decades (and yet still looking late twenties), why his clan’s lands have had no murders, genocides, or kidnapped/missing children in the last decade. (it wasn’t just him, his family were always there to help and support him all along the way) He takes this Sound Villian down hard, gives him a good warning and kicks him to the curb because for all this world has harden him, Aizawa Shout is not a killer or murderer and never will be if he doesn’t have to.
Though if he knew the Socercer would keep coming back... he may have broken his legs to ensure he wouldn’t be running around anytime soon.
(As for Yamada Hizashi, who feels the world is but a stage for his entertainment, can’t but want just an audience of one forever, if it means those dark eyes that can turn such a beautiful red will never leave his own.)
After notes:
 Yes, Aizawa is indeed the other Black Royal, the Spade Royal :) The aspect of death is part of his powers, hence magic dying around him; oddly enough, him coming into the world helped restore the sanity of the Club’s Royalty, as they no longer had to worry about dealing with their counterpart’s (Diamond) Magic, but the Heart Court’s powerful emotional one as well, restoring balance to the world once more just by existing. 
Hizashi will indeed become Aizawa’s Quyal (Queen +Royal), but that doesn’t mean they will be in a relationship at the time :) Quyal’s are second in commands to the Kuler, so they can be from bodyguad to head strategist.
Jaquer (Jack +  Conquer) is the third in Court ranks, again a very important role in many ways, especially for Torch Bearing Courts as they can be groom for succession. everyone below are either Knights, Pawns, or civilians (which is everyone outside the courts)
Aizawa is painfully oblivious to any romantic intentions towards himself; he very demi :3 Hizashi has a lot of work ahead of him to get his Kuler.
(No one, no one know who the Spade’s Royal Kuler is. Not even the Kuler themselves :3)   
The reason why their was no Spade Court for so long? That killing the Old God’s was a bit stressful for the soul, so the Spade Kuler, who with the aspect of death had to bear the brunt of it, of the time had to retreat to an entirely different world, devoid of magic to actually restore themselves, or their soul could have possibly shattered. Aizawa dying just returned to healed, if still weary soul back to where it came from.
And that is what I got for this. :) I like this.     
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nervios0 · 5 years ago
ay lauchita no se me altere aldjaksk🖤 ehh nunca voy a sacar el anon xq paso de vez en cuando a saber q tal te va y a reírme de tus respuestas aldkalsk
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Yaa... nos vamos con esa, igual voy a saber, te voy a rastrear la ip porque io soi jaquer :c
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genista77 · 5 years ago
Coronavirus III
17 de Marzo
El despertador sonó como todas las mañanas, pero a Nina le costó un poco más levantarse. A mucha gente con eso de no poder salir de casa y no poder hacer ejercicio le costaba conciliar el sueño y empezaba a sufrir de insomnio por las noches, pero Nina pensaba que ella era un caso aparte; si se lo proponía creía que podría pasarse durmiendo durante todo el confinamiento e incluso,…
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sairamcreation · 4 years ago
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SAREE FABRIC:-POLY SILK TOP-DYED ,BLOUSE FABRIC:-POLY SILK TOP-DYED, PATTERN:-ZARI WOVEN JAQUERED DESIGN, SAREE LENGTH:-6.1 WITH BLOUSE We also like to inform that all our products are fully COVID free and sanitized🇮🇳 (at Model Town) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEn47ppDoJ1/?igshid=1kmcmdjrbvj22
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Los jaquers están buscando una excusa para cerrar Tiktok
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hangerhaven · 3 years ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ZARA Jacquered tribal Design Dress size 8.
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tupaisdigitalrd · 5 years ago
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#FakeNews #Redes #Viral #NoticiasFalsas #Covid19 #Mundial #Pandemia Las noticias falsas sobre el COVID-19 desbordan las redes sociales. La propagación de noticias falsas en las redes sociales es el otro gran reto que han tenido que afrontar las autoridades sanitarias en diversos países y los medios de comunicación frente pandemia del COVID-19. Las mismas abundan de una manera desproporcionada, por lo que la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) ha tenido que lanzar una campaña contra este flagelo y así evitar que las personas puedan perjudicar su salud. En un reportaje presentado en el programa Nuria Investigación Periodística se detallan los efectos que tienen en la población y cuáles son las informaciones falsas más difundidas sobre la enfermedad. Por ejemplo, se ha difundido que para prevenir el COVID-19 se utilice el humo de los fuegos artificiales, consumir soluciones calientes con sal o cloruro de sodio y el uso del ajo.Otras son las teorías conspirativas del origen del virus. Varios expertos hablaron sobre la facilidad con la que se propagan las informaciones y quiénes son los más propensos a compartirlas.Explican que la única manera de evitar compartir información falsa es comprobándola en medios confiables. El periodista argentino Adriano Pino dijo que las estrategias de desinformación pueden ser muy nocivas y generar daños graves a la humanidad. Pino advierte que esto implica que hay que estar cada vez más preparado para afrontar la desinformación creciente. En tanto el periodista Willie Lora explica que las personas consumen de cuatro horas a 10 horas de su tiempo en Internet,por lo que es el lugar perfecto para que se propaguen con facilidad las noticias falsas. El mismo crea un efecto bola de nieve que, mientras más se difunde, mayor pánico concita en la población. Mientras profesor de la universidad de Navarra e Investigador del tema, Ramón Salaverría, afirmó que las hay organizaciones y Jaquers que tienen responsabilidad principal sobre la difusión de noticias falsas. Sin embargo, señaló que también la gente común tiene responsabilidad en ello. . . Más en el Link de la #Bio #Fuente #Ndigital https://www.instagram.com/p/B_ipYk_Dj7V/?igshid=1gwg3o60ma888
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a-meenah-blog · 5 years ago
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A daring and distinctive red-tone has been made sensible and poised by refined and dainty gold and silver embroidered motifs and a chic stole.
Cotton Jaquered Embroidered Front
Cotton Jaquered Embroidered Back
Cotton Jaquered Embroidered Sleeves
Organza Jaquered Embroidered Dupatta
Pure Raw Silk Trousers
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musexplat · 5 years ago
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Noisk8 Livecoder y ruidista entusiasta de la cultura libre. Desde 2013 forma parte del proceso de enseñanza de platohedro "La Jaquer Escool" donde se ha capacitado en diferentes áreas de la creatividad en torno a las tecnologías electrónicas (Software y Hardware de Código Abierto). CONTACTO: [email protected]
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