#Japan passport
davetada · 6 months
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Photo booth
Shimokitazawa, Tokyo, Japan
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mapsontheweb · 6 months
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The Japanese passport ranks 15th while the South Korean passport ranks 27th in the world as of February 2024 according to VisaGuide Passport Index.
by visaguideworld
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sergle · 1 year
culture clash punched me in the face when i read that you don't have a passport. like WHA
like why would I have a passport when plane tickets from the states into Any Other Country cost upwards of 1k, i don't go on "holiday", bc i don't have that kind of time, and my family doesn't even have the money to replace the 2003 PT Cruiser we've been driving into the ground
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koko2unite · 2 months
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aromanticgarbage · 2 months
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Thinking about that silly i hate foreigners 2012 filthy frank video and the fact that Joji literally pulled out his government approved passport for a stupid two minutes long comedy skit.
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tarrarre · 4 months
Okay time to go get my new passport photo done :-) I'm gonna report my passport as lost (even though it is not) because I despise the photo on it and want it renewed with a photo of how I look now. When the current photo was taken, I was on the brink of crying because minutes earlier my mother had screamed at me to put on makeup, and I still had my shoulder length hair there. Goodbye stupid picture
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grailfish · 8 months
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pokes u on thr fumcken NOSE
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picorimori · 6 months
anyway im gonna tell my mom about cancelling an event I wanted to go to 8 months ago because in the last 8 months I realized I cannot do this I Cannot Do This I CANNOT DO THIS
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felipesmithart · 2 months
Hey everybody! Monday Cringe Musume upload! DJ 5DucK and I discuss the LBH or “Losers Back Home”, Charisma Man, Passport Bros, and other foreigner phenomenon in Japan!  Video now LIVE on YouTube! Check it out, and don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe if you haven’t! Arigato〜
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rhysnolastname · 2 months
oh no it’s the 24th year of hobonichi in 2024 and they are doing a very extensive line up ahhhhhhh my wallet my wallet my heart
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rutadales · 1 year
srry to the himbro truthers but he's clearly in Japan rn 🙄🙄🙄
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maryse127 · 6 months
Applied for a summer school in Kyoto!
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mapsontheweb · 2 years
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World’s Best Passport: Japan's passport allows the most visa-free access to other destinations
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toothlesshat · 10 months
it’s been a whilllle i ought to give a life update . ^-^ i turn 18 in t minus 15 days and i’ll be getting a tattoo square on my chest of an ourobouros from fullmetal alchemist and it’s gonna hurt but it’s gonna look so cool i will send a picture when it’s done of course . nursing school is really fun and we started our clinical rotations and i can’t really say a lot about them because HIPAA but the patients really love having someone to talk to and they thank me for being there ^-^ errrrrrrrrrrr i’ll be going to college soon . im already accepted into my top pick and i went for an open house and it was cool . but it also gets really cold because it’s in the mountains so i need a special heated coat or some shit . i hope you’re doing good emmie
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Sorry I just fell off the face of the earth for a while there 😅 but I’m really happy you sent this in!!! I still remember your bday so I’m gonna send a message on the day of >:) I can’t wait to see that tattoo too!! I know you’ve been waiting a long time for it 😭 if you need it, I can recommend the numbing cream I used when I got my tattoo >:) I’m also just so proud of you with nursing school and college, you’re doing amazing and I’m really excited for you!!!
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ihophashbrowns · 2 years
Are you planning to study in korea? I wouldn't abandon the idea if i were you, it's so much fun there. Keep working towards it and hoping, the opportunity will arise! ✨️
YEAHHHH it's been the plan for a while lol. honestly the main goal is just to be as far away from home as possible LOL that's why even the colleges I'm considering here in the states are HOURS away from the city i currently live in and i was just like. I'm learning korean anyway i might as wellllll get a more vivid experience
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ikkimikki · 2 years
Today has been lovely and I simply must take a moment to appreciate things.
This morning I was grumpy about having to head out into the snow and ice to go to work for a few in-person meetings including my year end review. As I was motivating myself to head out, I got a text from my boss recommending we just stay home and do it online instead. Whew!
My review went well and I got higher marks than I expected. My probationary period is over and I'm now management on a top-notch team of professionals.
My partner made me a delicious lunch while I was in my review. He's a professional chef and I have often thought he shows me he cares with the daily brunch he serves me.
Tonight, as I made his dinner, I realized he may show his love even more by eating the meals I make. I definitely get the better end of that arrangement. 😅
He came home right as I was wrapping up the meal. As I finished he let me know he was going to make a quick call to his mom. Their convo lasted a bit longer than usual and he even chatted with his father.
As usual, we chatted a bit as he ate. During the conversation he asked me if I would like to go to Japan with him in the spring when he goes home to visit his family.
I have wanted to see Japan since I was a little girl. I've traveled pretty extensively but didn't want to go until I could understand the language. It's why I started studying Japanese a few years ago. Then COVID changed everything. Now it's going to happen in April. WOOHOO! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
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