#January posting meme 2024
kuwdora · 8 months
Okay, a late entry for the January posting meme... January 21 - what's one of your favorite fandom related memories? lyntergalactic
I have so many favorite memories, it’s very hard to pick one….. but it is Festivids Eve so I’m gonna talk about my excitement about this vid exchange. Cause it’s my favorite moment right now because I feel like I’m staying up late with milk and cookies waiting for Santa to arrive. I have so many great memories and VID RECS in this long post.
Festivids started in 2009 as a vid exchange for rare fandoms. Which was great because I think a lot of vidders really needed this so we could celebrate and get exposed to a whole bunch of new small and rare fandoms, unheard of media and literary sources that hadn't been really been vidded before.
Each year there’s a guest-the-vidder post, and @bingeling has been great about organizing live watches on discord. Sometimes I miss a few vids here and there during the initial weekend of go-live because it’s SO MANY VIDS, but then I always catch people’s recs or vid posts in the following weeks.
It’s just a joy to keep finding new things that I never realized I wanted and needed in my life because there’s so many interesting media and books out there to make vids for and people’s imaginations and technical skills continue to blow my mind.
Way back in 2009 when I signed up for the very first exchange I got assigned to Sol-se and matched up on the source/fandom that I had introduced her to: Little Mosque on the Prairie. We literally spent weeks months and years talking about Little Mosque on the Prairie, being a fandom of two. AO3 was in its early days yet so there wasn’t even any fic, okay. So when I got matched up, made the vid, the guest the vidder post happened and everyone guessed it was me. Everyone likes to claim that they made all the vids so I said that I indeed did make it, of course I did. Yet I was still able to cast doubt in Sol-se’s mind about whether or not I had made it because?? Who knew, maybe there was someone else who happened to get into the show and make an awesome vid for it. It was very fun hypothesizing with her in DMs about who could have made the vid if it wasn’t in fact me. It all comes back to love.
The first vid I made for Festivids in 2009: All For Swinging You Around.
Little Mosque on the Prairie. Ensemble. LOVE. Y’all I had bought Little Mosque DVDs through the CBC website back in the day and was still learning how to rip things. Aspect ratios. Scan lines. It was a TIME I do not miss. Though I do still have the DVDs and probably could rip them better now.
My other favorite memories from festivids is (aside from all of the vids) are the vids made for ME over the years!
2009 When You’re Strange by colls, a Sanctuary vid featuring music by Echo and the Bunnyman. A++ song choice and Amanda Tapping’s face will always inspire me. Sanctuary did so much with so little and this is such a great vid for a fantastic lil’ genre Canadian show.
2012 Meant to Fly by e-transitions. This is a Modern Family vid focusing on Manny, Gloria and Jay who were my favorite of the extended family on that show. Manny in particular is my favorite! This is Nicki Minaj’s Starships and it’s super sweet and endearing look at family coming together and reaching new heights together. And shenanigans. All of my favorites things.
2013 Fame by chaila (also on tumblr here). This is a vid for the show Transparent and focuses on Maura. Do you know what it’s like to get a gift from someene whose fanworks you have loved and admired for years?? I was so blown away by the cover chaila found for this vid. Mree’s vocals are so evocative and still has this powerful determination in the vocals. It’s really, incredibly moving. I was so lucky to receive a gift like this.
2015 Simple Machine by sol-se. This is for a 2014 webseries called Caper which I can’t even remember how I found. I think I was on an Amy Berg kick and was trying to watch everything she’s written for. The vid focuses on Penny who is an inventor who created a super suit and of course a white dude came along and tried to take credit for all of her inventions and hero’ing, so that’s what this vid follows. The show was incredibly dorky and sweet. Superhero fanfic, low-budget staffed with people who were able to call in a lot of favors for cameos along the way. The show also has Beth Riesfgraf and Harry Shrum, too! Along with a few others.
And of course Solvi delighted in being able to make me a vid for ANOTHER SHOW where we were a fandom of two. :D the vid is great and I have a strong affinity for Guster’s music because I listened to so many of sdwolfpup’s vids with that music when I first started vidding.
2019 I GOT SIX VIDS in 2019. I pretty much cried when go-live happened because??? How??? I guess I just had really appealing requests that year. So let me tell you about them.
Little Lion Leo by turquoisetumult. This is for the AMC version of Humans which is a parallel present/scifi show based on the Swedish version of the show Äkta människor. I had actually vidded Leo for the Swedish version but I really really adored Colin Morgan’s portrayal of Leo Elster. Mumford and Sons is such a mainstay in vidding circles and for good reason: the musicality is so gripping and the vocals area always so intense and lovely. That means it’s perfect for Leo and his angst and pain. THE BLOOD! The feelings. Trying to survive with his synth family in a world that wants to end them.
I just rewatched the vid and I immediately want to rewatch the show now, omg. Gemma Chan was extraordinary in the show and the show had a fantastic approach to discussing the the ethics and actual legal standing of artificial humans that I hadn’t other shows touch upon that well.
Raising Hell by bingeling which is a vid for the movie Ready or Not which was one of my favorite movies from 2019. Samara Weaving and that wedding dress getting progressively more fucked up throughout the film as she fucks up the that shitty family?? Kill the bad rich people, those fuckers.Beautiful. Cathartic. This is on top of the well-known fact that I fucking love Kesha’s music (I’ve vidded Kesha 9 times since 2010). Bingeling’s editing here is punchy as hell and this SONG!!!!!!! It makes me crack the fuck up, especially with the lyrics at 1:49. It’s perfect. My heart. My heart. Kesha! Everyone is trying to murder her and she murders them instead. Badass woman with a wedding dress, bandolier and sneakers.
Pity Party by winterevanesce. This is also for Ready or Not. Phenomenal song choice. I have no idea who the artist is and never heard of her before but that doesn’t matter. This song was made for this vid. The editing on this vid is orgasmic. I literally am slack-jawed each time I watch this vid. I cannot emphasize that enough. I love it when people know exactly what I want and need in my vidding soul.
The Middle by turquoisetumult. This is a Fleabag vid! Featuring Fleabag and Fleabag/Priest. It’s a poignant cover of the song, too! It’s so sweet and makes me ache so much for Fleabag because heyooo, shit is hard, esp when you tend to fuck things up along the way. I love how this vid makes want her to do better and have better things in her life. That hope! So good.
When We Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? By starlady. Star Trek Discovery, Mirror Philippa and Michael. This is to Billie Eilish’s song “Bury a Friend” which I had never heard before but it is dark. It is sexy. The tone of the song and the synth-y beats and clicks drive me up the wall with the editing in the vid. Philippa’s sinister competence. That confidence. Starlady and I go way, way back and of course she could make me something that hits ALL OF MY FUCKING BUTTONS. I have long been vocal about how much I love Star Trek and women. And villain women and anti-heroes. Hhhhhnngh. Dark sexy vid of my Empress.
You Should See Me in a Crown, by AurumCalendula. Star Trek Discovery, Mirror Philippa. TO BILLIE EILISH. Because Billie Eilish's music screams Philippa! lmao. Everybody knows exactly what my fucking type is and I AM HERE FOR IT FOREVER. This vid features more of the Mirrorverse episodes and Philippa and HHHHNNGHHHHH. I am so loved by being seen because y’all know me so well. Aurum’s editing always has me glued to the screen. I am also here for Philippa’s face, oh my god. NOTE: Click on the dropbox link in the end notes to stream it. Aurum’s got all their videos private while dealing with some copyright strikes on their account (ugh YouTube).
Those are just the vids made for me. There are many more vids that I have recced for festivids over the years and so much more to come!
The 2023 Festivids Collection currently has 137 fanvids and 111 fandoms right now. A bounty!! Barbie vid! Bottoms1 Cycling RPF?! Vids for books! Hong Kong action films! Janelle Monae and musicals. And more omg.
Festivids. Featuring lots of great fannish memories and great vids. Highly recommend. It's also been a great way for people getting into vidding to make their first vid, too! I love this exchange.
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8iunie · 9 months
via Bojan’s Instagram story, 08.01.2024 [X]
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cielphantomhive321 · 9 months
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Happy new year 😂🌚!!!!
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irasciblethoughts · 2 years
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elecalice · 8 months
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Awww~ Doctrine Dark! Who would've guessed you can be a romantic!
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Happy [EXPLOSIVE] Valentines Day
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nutellaticc · 7 months
i just don't get it why ppl with good kismat(luck/destiny) don't except it instead of cribbing or calling it's justt pure hardwork.
bhaii teri jee me 31jan s2 thi,preboard me tu fail horha aur result h 95%tile.bullshit.
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davidarc · 8 months
TCL's Spell the Month in Books #8!
TCL's Spell the Month in Books #8! Find out which 5/5* books spell January for 2024! (Sorry, I am late with this again!) Thanks again to Jana @ Reviews from the Stacks https://ow.ly/zoJB50P1ZIq for this fun #booklist #meme!
Reviews From the Stacks Last year I discovered Jana and her blog Reviews from the Stacks. Jana created this fun, monthly book meme. Now, it is true that Jana runs a link party for this which is supposed to take place on the first Saturday of every month. However, that day is reserved for #6Degrees of Separation. Plus, I had to get a new #CCSpin post up before Sunday, oo, I’m late once again –…
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January 9, 2024 - It looks like Taylor Swift may have caused Supernatural to trend.
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It is the year of our Lord Godstiel 2024 and yet Supernatural is trending alongside Taylor Swift and Misha Collins.
Whilst the trend may just be the universe recalibrating itself, it looks like it may have started with Taylor Swift. Apparently there've been some discussions about what would happen if Taylor Swift came out as straight [x] [x], though don't quote me on that, as I'm not up-to-date on the Taylor Swift news. She was however trending earlier today with Misha Collins as a secondary tag [x].
This may have then brought back the memories of Misha Collins' coming out as straight back in 2022 [x] [x]. The posts gained some traction, and alsongside some general spn posting and the news of Our Flag Means Death cancellation announced through the destiel meme [x] [x], this appears to have impacted the trend. In addition, some people have been commenting on Jensen's apparent hopes for a Supernatural reboot which definitely helped boost the tag [x] (no announcements here, just discussions, but maybe one day).
However, this is mostly a theory and sadly, I do not have a ✨straight✨ answer today.
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scoobydoodean · 9 months
#birthday party for dean 2024
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Okay I am officially hosting a celebration for Dean's birthday this year! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 If you would like to participate with me in a Dean Birthday Bash, please join me in Dean's birthday posting on Dean's birthday (January 24th!!!)
Post on January 24th with the tag: #birthday party for dean 2024
Write or create or tell us anything related to Dean's birthday or birthday party!
For example:
Show or tell us what you think Dean's ideal birthday present would be or what you would give him!
Draw art or write a ficlet relating to Dean's birthday!
Share a headcanon with us about Dean's birthday!
Make a meme about Dean's birthday!
Tell us how you think Team Free Will would or should celebrate!
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s0lar-ch3ri · 9 months
what if i wanted to make another insane promo post?
yeah, ik, its promo time again. BUT this time around i do wanna add in the post both my cousin and niece
one thing i did get wrong, heartz is my niece, starz is my cousin! this will basically be going over what each of these 2 do (...and im also adding in a bonus competitor/promoed person, well actually 2 because I GOT A CHANNEL YIPPEE)
each channel will be seperated up so yeah lets go!
first channel:
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Starzzz.andgalaxy (my actual cousin, lol) is a great yter who absolutely deserves to be celebrating more then just 170 subs! since shes actually here with me, i can let her say a lil something on the matter:
"hello! I would love to reach 200 subscribers at least, I think my hard work should not be for nothing!" <- her typing
shes very very fun (and also with this i hope all the god damn hate comments shut lol) and does very cool things such as:
Roblox videos
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(comment is from me lol, we'll get there soon) For right now these are just rating videos of her avatar, but I find them very fun (plus since I play roblox if needed I can help with filming lol)! Not much to say on it cause it's not a common kind of post, so onto the next form, which is:
2. Art
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As you can see, she does very cool art, this one in particular is a tutorial on how to draw bodies. Is it the best? No, but the fact she's trying makes it great! (this is also where I've seen a couple hate comments come up, so yeah, I'm trying to be mature enough to not commit violence for her upon them) She does admit this video isn't her best work, but she does A LOT of very very cool drawings! Go check them out and her channel of course! There is one thing she also posts about which I love most of all...
3. Paper Dragons!!
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(the first image is her first dragon, second is her most recent i think) I don't get how these things are "paper furries", but I do know THEY ARE SICK AS FUCK. I got to see one in person and they're very cool, all with different stories! I honestly wanna ask for one but right now, I'm gonna stick with watching them.
Channel link can be found here:
(this section was finished on january first of 2024, so at the point of this being posted she wont be over here, but i had her here so yeah :D i love my cousin)
Second channel:
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Heartzzz.❤️ is my niece, and she does similar content, but still does good content! A couple of videos of Starz and Heartz are them promoting each other, so yeah. While she is on vacation and can't be here to give her reasons to subscribe to you, I certainly can!
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One thing I forgot to mention my cousin doing (well, actually my cousin's section is just kinda old because it's from when she last came over, but she's back to help me again, yay!) is making memes like this. Sometimes they do involve a paper dragon, but I think they're pretty funny and/or relatable (also dragons very cool)!
2. Edits (and Undertale related things)
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I'm putting these 2 in the same category just because of the example image above. While my cousin has recently started doing edits, Heartz is the only 1 of the 2 to make anything Undertale related. While the Undertale stuff comes once every blue moon it seems, that doesn't make it any less enjoyable.
I actually found in her description a run down on what she does post, so here:
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Link to her channel can be found right here:
(okay ik this section was really short, again, she posts similar things to my cousin, and i didnt wanna repeat, so yeah, if you want more reason, here's what the cousin herself says: "[Heartz] is really nice, she's a good artist, and she's creative"; time i finished this section was 1/15/2024 lol)
third channel:
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Boli and gang (or as their original user is + the profile picture says, Boli the bear) is the channel belonging to 2 kids I babysit! They're pretty new to making content, but they have a promising start already! Currently, their content consists of...
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One of them has really been getting into animation, posting things like ball loops and such on their account. They're very interesting to watch personally!
2. Cool places
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I'm not sure if this is going to be a common theme, but there is around 3-4 videos of places like this one. I have to admit, this has to be the prettiest of them all.
3. Art (+FNAF/Five Nights at Freddy's Content)
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This is another one grouped together, but because this is the first drawing related one I've seen. They're very big FNAF fans, of course leading to things like this. Is it the best? No, but they tried very hard of course, and maybe you could leave some tips for them to improve with!
(they also post memes and funny videos, but I'd rather not do repetition; FINISHED THIS ALSO ON THE 15TH LETS GOOOOOOO)
Link to their channel can be found here:
Oh, one final reason, their profile picture is super cool! Can you guess who made it? This actually provides me with the perfect transition into...
fourth/final channel:
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yeah, i have a youtube now, and there's like nothing on it minus a couple videos. all of them are made back in like 2021-2022? cant really remember, but i posted them for younger me's sake. i have like a couple more to get through, but afterwards im probs gonna do a bigger variety of content! art videos, jrwi edits, animations, rambles, essays, you name it! (might even stream again on twitch if that seems what the people like lol)
you may want actual reasons to subscribe, but i currently dont have any. i can only make promises of better future content, but right now i can admit theyre shit. i dont post often, its only oc related rn, all very vague, nothing that interests most people on my blog (cause i know a lot of you are here for jrwi content, huh?). this channel, the choice to subscribe is fully up to you, im not gonna sell myself to it, im simply just saying its real.
Link to the channel is found here:
if you at all took the time to read through my part, i appreciate it, but please do actually check out the other 3. after all, you can always find me here, but you cant find the others anywhere else!
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aphmaumystreetmemes · 2 months
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Day 792 of posting Aphmau MyStreet memes till it returns in late 2025 | what 2017 on the Aphmau channel must have felt like [Originally Posted: January 23, 2024]
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kuwdora · 9 months
January Posting Meme
January 2 - What was the first vid you made? What drew you to vid it, do you still follow the fandom, etc. -@colls
Happy birthday colls!
Vid nostalgia time, thank you for this prompt.
My very first vid - Ameno - 2007. Stargate Atlantis.
I made my first vid in 2007 with iMovie. Stargate Atlantis, an ensemble vid about the Ancients. It’s titled “Ameno” by eRa and has chanty vocals that made me think of the Ancients/Lanteans in the Pegasus Galaxy. We were about… what 3 seasons into SGA at that time? Stargate SG-1 was my first internet fandom and SGA fandom in its heyday was certainly an Experience so I was in deep. I voraciously read all the fic back then, participated in the communities, wrote some crossover SGA/SG1 fic here and there. So once I started playing around with iMovie and got an external hard drive it seemed pretty natural for me to try and make a Stargate Atlantis vid.
Several years prior I remember my friend thelinz had sent me a bunch of SG-1 fanvids on CD-ROM that I became obsessed with. I knew I wanted to make Stargate vids. Of course I just had to go and use a song without discernible lyrics and try to tell a story about the Ancients/Lanteans. A people who were almost always featured subtextually and mostly as their tech being a macguffin of sorts for the protagonists to deal with. In my head a Narrative made a lot more sense while I was making it but I was still left rather unsatisfied by the end. But I am very proud of it—especially as a first vid. It’s very interesting to see how my eye for kinetic movement works with the musicality of the song as my first vid. And how I refined that over the years.
As for still following the fandom? It’s in my bones, it’s always there. So many of my fandom friends and I started there. Sometimes I go back and reread old SGA flashfic entries.
I do follow a few Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis tags on tumblr which has been an interesting time observing that. Mostly on account of folks remarking on Jack and Daniel’s ages (they are too Old). Or how some people have said that Rodney McKay would have Done Numbers on tumblr if the show was airing now and that people should really watch SGA for him. Which just is, you know. Makes me want to pull out that Aslan meme “I was there” old magics etc, since Rodney McKay Was Everywhere, fanon ran with wild abandon and then some while others did slow laps in their own slash and rare-pair niches. But this is part of growing older in fandom, you were there for that history (and all the various wank, which is what it was called and not Discourse).
Anyway. I was never quite satisfied with Ameno. But I went on to make dozen more vids after it with iMovie until I got a Final Cut Edit license. And I came across a song during a summer job and realized the vibe+lyrics…that song was the Ancient Vid I was trying to make the first time around but didn’t manage. And listening to the song I realized I didn’t have the vidding skills yet to pull it together. Very overwhelmed by the idea. I spent 5 years listening and mentally putting it together in my head while casually rewatching here and there. Which is how I managed to make High Voltage - one of the vids I’m most proud of for narrative, structural and thematic reasons.
High Voltage which someone actually made a Fanlore entry about it!
High Voltage which was selected at Vividcon 2011 for In Depth Vid Review where people spent a good chunk of time discussing it in an in-person group setting. Folks who had never seen Stargate Atlantis or SG-1 or Stargate Universe even said they were very impressed and intrigued with the vid because it looked like nothing they’ve ever seen from Stargate vids before. And those who knew the shows inside and out, who knew the fic, who had meta discussions about it every week, everyone there when another surface-level, shoddily executed storyline rolled out. They saw my vid, too, they saw it and got it. It was really, really incredible experience to get that kind of feedback and realize that so many picked up what I was laying down.
Beatrice Otter wrote a lovely fancake rec for it in 2022 — 11 years after it premiered! A rec I have screencapped and saved in my happy folder to look at when I’m feeling down.
I elaborated a little more about my vidding process and reception of the vid on tumblr
So Ameno is my very first vid that I was VERY proud of but still wanted to go and “do over”/“do again” because it didn’t feel quite right. That foundation and growth lead to High Voltage. :)
I highly recommend anyone who wants to make a fix-it to an old fanwork of theirs to do go ahead and do it and see how it feels. You never know where it might lead.
January Posting Meme - claim a date! Send me any kind of prompt!
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8iunie · 9 months
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damianodavid: This mama’s boy turns 25 today. What a ride. I promise great thinks are coming little kid♥️ - 08.01.2024
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
06/03/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Samba Schutte; Nathan Foad; Anapela Polataiva; TellTaleAwards Round 2; AdoptOurCrew; June 3rd An Excellent Day: Trends; WeAreAllTaikaNow; RoboJenks; Other Fandoms; Menacing Memes; Articles about #DontStreamOnMax; NeurOFMDivergent Pride Week; FanSpotlight; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
== Rhys Darby ==
Throwback picture from The Cryptid Factor with Rhys and Buttons!
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Source: The Cryptid Factor Instagram
== Taika Waititi ==
Quick crumbs of Taika on Rita's Instagram from her latest show!
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Source: Rita Ora's Instagram
== Samba Schutte ==
Samba's rom-com Advanced Chemistry is premiering on June 26, 2024, 9:15 PM at TLC Chinese 6 Theatres Los Angelos CA! Get tickets here.
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Source: Samba's Instagram
== Anapela Polataivao ==
Our fabulous Auntie has been appointed Officer of the NZ Order of Merit (ONZM) in this years King's Birthday Honours List! This is a prestigous position awarded for contributions to the Pacific performing arts! Congrats Anapela!
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Source: The Coconet TV Instagram
== Nathan Foad ==
Nathan is feeling pretty saucy about another Billionaire planning to visit the Titanic Wreckage.
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Source: Nathan Foad's Instagram
== Round 2 of TellTale Awards ==
TellTaleTv Awards Round 2!
The awards are open from June 3 - June 9! OurFlagMeansDeath, Rhys and Ruibo both made the next round! So did Deadloch and Deadboy Detectives, please be sure to get your votes in each day!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
== Adopt Our Crew ==
Our crewmates over at @adoptourcrew want to hold WBD Accountable! Check out their statement below!
Source: Adopt Our Crew Instagram
== June 3: An Excellent Day ==
Where the hell do I even start? Wow crew! Today was impressive! #DontStreamOnMax was trending on twitter, so was #SaveOFMD, there was so much polite menacing and massive aggression going around, it was wonderful to see.
= Trends =
The absolute darling @ twindy5 was kind enough to send me some trends just before posting this so we could see some of the latest numbers.
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Source: twindy5 Twitter
Our crewmates over at NeverLeftPodcast caught #FireDavidZaslav as well!
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Source: NeverLeftPodcast's Twitter
= We Are All Taika Now =
So one thing you don't want to miss is that apparently certain folks on twitter think that everyone fighting for Our Flag Means Death on Twitter is a Taika bot. So rejoice! If you wanted to be Taika Waititi, now you can be!
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Source: @ pirateidiot's twitter And everyone rolled with it!
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Source: DagaNaranjade's Twitter
= Long Post Is Long - See More Below The Cut =
= RoboJenks =
Okay so there was some speculation because an account named "David Jenkins" started getting into the fun with everyone today (but not Chaos Dad's account). Many folks thought it was a bot that maybe somehow got attached to our trends, but I read back to when the account was created back in January and they've been around a bit. They've hopped on the bandwagon against WB for quite some time (for CoyoteVsAcme, etc) so it's still possible they're a bot, but hard to tell for sure. What did cause some excitement was Chaos Dad then blocked them.
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Source: @meowzawowza_ on Twitter
= Other Fandoms =
One of the other exciting things that happened today was just how many other fandoms outside of OFMD Twitter decided to jump on the bandwagon for #DontStreamOnMax. Even the SnyderVerse folks got into it!
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Source: @ BatFleckMovie's Twitter / @ seven_sugars on Twitter
= Menacing Memes =
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Sources: @xxprincess1x's Twitter / @ love4ofmd's twitter
= Articles Covering the Polite Menacing! =
Q+Magazine Article
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Source: Q+Magazine Twitter
Daily Caller Article
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Digg.com Article
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
NerdStash Article
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Source: Nerdstash.com
‘Don’t Stream On Max’ explained: Why people are boycotting the streaming platform
Is Warner Bros. Discovery Inc (WBD) worth investing in despite its overvalued state?
== NeurOFMDivergent Pride Week ==
The lovely folks over at @neurofmdivergentprideweek were kind enough to allow me to share some info for the upcoming Week!
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"What is NeurOFMDivergent Pride Week?
NeurOFMDivergent Pride Week is a week-long Our Flag Means Death fan event for creating & sharing fanworks focused on neurodivergent experiences. There are prompts for each day, but any content relating to OFMD and neurodivergence is welcome."
Wanna learn more? Please visit them here on tumblr!
Source: NeuroOFMDivergent Pride Week's Pinned Post
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Today's Cast Cards are Lily Riley, "head guard" of The Red Flag, she had the distinct honour of being knocked out with chamomile! and also one of our lovely writers-- Natalie Torres!
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter!
= Pride Month =
Gonna try to keep up some spotlights from the fans with Pride month! Tonight's spotlight is the absolutely stellar @blackbeardskneebrace with some adorable Peanuts style of our favourite pirates! Peanuts T4T Ed/Stede / Peanuts Polycule
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== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. Today we are all Taika. You're Taika-- I'm Taika, all of us are Taika! And you know what Taika does? He gets some sleep, and he eats good food and drinks plenty of water!
You know what else he does? Laugh, and cry, and joke, and enjoy life! And even further-- he is kind and he is thoughtful, and he is proud of the work he does, and so you should be too! Goodnight Taikas, I hope you sleep well and wake up refreshed tomorrow. So proud of you <3
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's gifs courtesy of the always lovely @darkinerry and @thunderwingdoomslayer
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irasciblethoughts · 9 months
Happy new years everyone
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effervescentdragon · 8 months
if you have just woken up 😴, like i did, and you are wondering 🤔 what is happening on this first of february following a year-long january of 2024, i'm on it! F1's hottest gossip is - sir lewis hamilton go ferrari?! 😯 and the dash consequently has everything - lewis fans asserting they are lewis fans and not merc fans👿, ferrari fans losing their minds😭, red bull fans feeling smug because christian was right😏, charles fans posting all the memes because the cult wars have already started🐁, the general consensus of 2025 merc seat going either to fernando (alonso) 😈 or kimi (antonelli) ❓️, carlos sainz fans being really, really upset 😤 and everybody and their mother cheering on the grave of one torger wolff 🥳
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