#Janicho88's 100 Followers Celebration
440mxs-wife · 4 years
Looking a Lot Like Christmas
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: None, really except FLUFFY. I mean, almost tooth-achingly fluffy. Enjoy, y’all! :)
Word Count: 5200+
Early one morning, you were out of the bunker on a supply run, since the fridge and pantry were looking woefully empty. You needed everything, from staples like salt and beer, to some specialty items, like Sam's hair care products. The list in your pocket ran for two pages, and you began to wonder if you'd need two carts.
When you got out of your 1968 Chevy Nova in the supermarket parking lot, you were hit with a chilly gust of wind. You looked up to see an overcast sky, but there was also a familiar scent in the air. It reminded you of when you were younger and your mother had to take you to school in the morning. "Snow," you breathed. "It's going to snow soon," you grinned.
These were the times  that made you think of snow days off from school. Building a snowman in the front yard and snowball fights with your friends. Sledding down a hill at breakneck speed with nothing but a flimsy sheet of plastic between the ground and your butt. Mugs of steaming hot cocoa with marshmallows after time spent  outdoors.
And of course, it reminded you of the holidays. Thanksgiving dinner with your family, decorating the house for Christmas, making cookies and all sorts  of other holiday treats. Life was so much simpler back then, you thought with a deep sigh. Since you started hunting, the holidays and even birthdays have seemed to sort of fly by without a second thought.
This year, though, you had a chance to make things different, and that was because of Jack. This would be his first Christmas in the bunker, or really anywhere. You were determined to share something with him from your memories about the season, no matter how small it was.
As you walked up and down the aisles, you couldn't help but hum along with the Christmas carols playing on the overhead speakers. You smiled as you put your items in the cart and checked them off of your list. Fortunately, you were able to get everything on your list and only needed one cart, overflowing though it was.
Back out at your car, you noticed that the wind had picked up and the sky had become a little darker since you'd been in the store. You hurried to put the bags of groceries in the trunk, then headed for home before the flurries started flying.
You decided to take a quick detour down the main avenue through town, where you saw wreaths fastened to the lampposts. Shop owners had attached strings of lights around doorways to their shops. In the town square, large red bows were tied to each of the six pillars of the bandstand gazebo. The town's decorations made the smile on your face grow at how much it was starting to look like Christmas.
Thirty minutes later, you pulled your car into its space in the bunker garage. You grabbed a few bags then called out for reinforcements as you came down the spiral staircase. Sam, Dean, Jack and Cas all came out to help.
From the bags already in the kitchen, you started to separate the freezer, pantry and refrigerator items. You started humming "Jingle Bell Rock" as you worked. Dean reentered the room with the last of the bags, while Sam had started to help put pantry items away.
"You're in a good mood," Dean observed with a smile.
"And why not? It looks like it could snow any minute, it's the first week in December and they've decorated in town. I love this time of year," you explained. You started humming "Deck the Halls" as you continued to put away the supplies.
A couple of days later, Sam found a case involving a vampire nest near Lexington, Kentucky. It looked like a simple enough job, so it was decided that only the two Winchesters would go.
You stood in the doorway of Dean's room and watched as he packed his duffel bag. "We'll only be gone for a couple of days, three at the most," Dean promised.
"I know, Dean. Just be careful, on the road and with the hunt," you replied. "Weather can be unpredictable this time of year," you warned.
He zipped up his bag and walked to where you were standing with your eyes focused on the tops of your shoes. He stopped in front of you, dropped his bag and hooked his finger under your chin. Dean tilted your face up so that you met each other's gaze.
"You'll be fine, sweetheart, because you know how to take care of yourself. Besides, Jack will be staying with you and Cas is only a prayer away. We'll be home before you know it," he remarked as he wrapped his arms around you. When you pulled back from each other, Dean pressed his lips to your forehead in a warm, soft kiss. Then he picked up his bag and you both headed for the War Room to meet Sam before leaving for the hunt.
Soon it was time for the boys to head out for the long road trip to the hunt. They each said their goodbyes, gave you a hug and then trudged up the staircase to the garage. Once they reached the top, they turned to look down at you and Jack. Sam smiled and waved and Dean did the same, only he added a wink especially for you. The bunker door screeched open then slammed shut, and with that, you were alone with Jack.
Jack went back to his room to finish watching a movie he had started off of Netflix. You thought about curling up in your favorite chair in the library with your book and your blanket. For some reason, though, you didn't really feel like reading.
Along with all of the other supplies on your list, you had thrown some extra items into your cart. Growing up, you used to help your mom make the holiday treats to pass along to friends and family members. Your parents and sister have been gone many years, having been victims of a vengeful spirit attack. With them gone, the holidays got to be too difficult to think about celebrating, so you just didn't anymore.
You were determined to make this year different than the past ones for the boys as well as yourself. You wanted to give Jack the full holiday experience. With Sam and Dean gone, it was the perfect opportunity to start on his Christmas education. You figured that by introducing things little by little, by the time anyone noticed, it would be a full-blown celebration.
From one of the bunker's storage rooms, you dragged out two of the three red plastic totes you found to the library. On a rainy afternoon while Sam and Dean were out on a supply run, you went exploring. Room 12 is where you found all of the holiday and birthday decorations.
There was greenery that could be wrapped around the railing to the spiral staircase. There were miles of red velvet ribbon that you thought would look festive if wrapped around the pillars in the library. Stockings to be hung on every bedroom door, and you found some twinkling lights that were for more than just the tree.
As you were digging through the totes to see what other treasures lay within, Jack approached you. "Hey, Jack! How was your movie?" you asked brightly.
"It was good. Had a surprise ending, which I never saw coming," Jack grinned. Seeing the red totes, he wondered, "What's going on in here?"
"Well, I found this stuff one day while roaming the halls and other rooms. I think this place needs a little sprucing up, if you ask me," you said as you pulled out a stretch of greenery. Before you started to fluff out the branches, you opened the music app on your phone. After finding the perfect song on your playlist, you pressed 'play'. As the opening notes of "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" rang out, your enthusiasm kicked in and you started to sing.
Jack took out a couple of strings of clear lights from the totes. "What should I do with this?" he asked.
"Well, where do you think they'll look best, Jack?" you countered. "It doesn't have to be perfect, but once it's in place, you'll think it is," you replied with a wink.
Jack's face lit up with a wide smile. "I think we should wrap the red ribbon around the pillar, then the clear lights should go around on top of the ribbon," he declared.
"Sounds perfect, Jack. I'll leave you in charge of doing that. I think there's a long enough ladder around here somewhere," you mentioned.
Over the next couple of hours, you and Jack worked to transform the bunker into a more festive holiday environment. At one point, you both stepped back to admire your handiwork. "Jack, I think we've done a wonderful job with decorating. Thank you so much for all your help," you said.
He turned to you and with his child-like innocence, smiled and said, "You're welcome. What else are we going to do?" he asked.
"We're done for right now. I don't know how Sam and Dean are going to react to seeing this when they get home. Best not to overwhelm them," you replied. At his puzzled reaction, you explained that Christmas hasn't always been merry for the boys. You shared that you were hoping this year could be different, that happy memories would be made. He gave you a smile and a side hug, then helped you put away the red totes.
A couple of days later, Sam and Dean came home from the vampire hunt. When they saw the holiday decorating, they knew it had to have been your doing. Probably with a little help from Jack. Despite their personal feelings about the holiday, they couldn't bring themselves to ask you to take it down. Not when they knew how much it meant for you to have a bit of normalcy in this crazy hunting life.
You came out of the kitchen, drying your hands on a towel. Your eyes lit up when you saw Dean in the War Room, going through his bag. He started to take out the weapons that would need cleaned or otherwise maintained. "Welcome home," you said softly.
"Hey, sweetheart," he replied, holding his arms out for a hug. You dropped the towel on the table and couldn't help but rush to his side. You weren't certain, but it almost felt as if his 'welcome home' hug was a little tighter than usual. You brushed the thought aside as he loosened his embrace and you slightly pulled back from each other.
"I just put the lasagna in the oven a little bit ago, so you and Sam have about 90 minutes to get cleaned up and do whatever else," you remarked.
"Ooh, your lasagna is definitely my favorite," he grinned. "Looks like you and Jack were busy while Sammy and I were gone," he stated, pointing to the decorations.
You shifted nervously from foot to foot. "Yeah, about that....," you started, but Dean laid his index finger on your lips.
"It's fine, darlin'. You and Jack did a great job. We'll need a tree at some point, I guess. Where did you find all this stuff anyway?" he asked.
"One of the storage rooms, number 12. I was snooping around one rainy day and found these red plastic totes. Didn't find any mistletoe yet, though," you pouted.
Dean chuckled. "Oh, we're definitely going to have to fix that. Can't have Christmas without mistletoe and the opportunity to kiss a pretty girl," he remarked, his eyes locked on yours. He noticed the colorful tinge to your cheeks and silently congratulated himself that his words had the desired effect on you.
"A-a-anyway, why don't you set out your dirty clothes in a basket and I'll get them started while you shower?" you suggested.
"I can do that," Dean replied. "Good to be home," he remarked then leaned in to plant a lingering kiss just above your right eye. You stepped out of his arms and excused yourself to go back to the kitchen to make a salad to go with dinner. Dean went the other direction to his bedroom to get ready for his shower. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, he hummed to himself.
You went to the fridge and grabbed the romaine lettuce and other vegetables for the dinner salad. You took out your cutting board and selected a knife from the block, then placed the romaine on the board. You raised your knife to make the first cut, but your hand started to shake so you put the knife down.
Get a grip, you told yourself. Dean's just glad to be home, same as he always is, you admonished. But when he hugged you, it felt a little different this time. And looking right at you when he made that crack about mistletoe and kissing a pretty girl? You shook your head as you took out the salad bowl. He couldn't have meant me. He doesn't think of me that way, you thought. Or....Your thoughts were interrupted by Sam entering the kitchen.
"Hey, Sam! Good to see you back," you grinned as he brought you in for a side hug.
"Good to be back, too. Place looks nice, with all the decorations and stuff. You put a lot of work into it," he finished. Sam grabbed a beer from the fridge and offered you one. You shook your head, so he put one back and took a seat at the table.
"Well, Jack helped quite a bit also," you replied. A quick check in the oven told you that there was still over an hour left before the lasagna would be ready. Sam asked if he could help with anything, but you declined his offer. "Chopping veggies keeps me busy, and as weird as it sounds, it's a little relaxing. Besides, you and Dean did the hard stuff, taking out those vamps," you added.
"It wasn't too hard, actually went according to plan for once," Sam chuckled. "You know, I asked Dean if we could take another day and relax before heading home, but he didn't want to. Said he was really looking forward to being home," he said, casting a sidelong glance at you.
You tried to keep focus on chopping the tomato without also taking off your finger. "Oh?" you replied. "Hmm. Usually he's all about that 'relaxing' thing, blowing off steam with some chick," you remarked, trying to keep the jealousy out of your tone.
"Yeah, but I haven't seen him with anyone for a good six months or more, come to think of it. It would've been since after you got hurt on that werewolf hunt. If I'm remembering correctly that is," Sam mentioned as he kept an interested eye on your reaction.
"Really? I hadn't noticed, Sam," you said evenly. "On second thought, could you please slice up that baguette and spread the garlic butter on it?" you asked, trying to change the subject.
Sam must have sensed what you were trying to do, but he let it drop and did as you asked. What you didn't know is that he’d had a conversation about you with Dean on the way home from the hunt. Sam had a feeling that things were going to get pretty interesting around the bunker in the weeks leading up to Christmas.
A couple of days later, you were passing through the library when you noticed a vase of roses on the table. You looked around to ask one of the guys where they came from, but none of them were in sight. A card was sticking up out of the arrangement, so you took it out of the envelope. It read: Sweets to the Sweet - a bouquet of Candy Cane Roses for the sweetest girl I know. From Your Secret Santa.
You smiled at the words on the card, and wondered who may have sent them. You studied the handwriting on the card to see if you could figure it out, but to no avail. You placed the card in the back pocket of your jeans. You continued on with your day with a smile permanently etched on your face.
After you got the flowers, you decided to move on to phase two of your Christmas plan. You wandered down the hall to Jack's room and knocked on his door.
He had been watching some cartoons, but gave you a bright smile. "I was just about to bake some cookies, Jack. Would you like to help?" you asked. He nodded and turned off the TV. On your way to the kitchen, you ran into Sam and Dean.
"What are you two up to?" Sam asked.
"We're going to do some baking, sugar cookies and some gingerbread men," you declared. "You two wanna help?" you grinned.
Sam and Dean nodded enthusiastically. "Woo hoo, count me in darlin'!" Dean stated. Sam echoed his sentiment as you all made your way into the kitchen.
"Don't worry, boys. I'll teach you all--well, most of my secrets, just like my mom taught me," you promised with a smile.
You got to work mixing the batter for the two types of cookies. You called out the ingredients and they were brought back to you from the pantry or refrigerator. Sam used the cookie cutter to make the person-shaped cookies after you rolled out the gingerbread dough.
For the sugar cookies, you went with round shapes to make things easier. Dean and Jack used the colored sugars and various types of sprinkles to decorate the cookies before baking.
Three hours later, all of the baking was finished and dirty dishes washed. You asked someone to pour the glasses of milk, because it was time to sample some of the fruits of your labor.
You got out a large plate and put some of each cookie type on it. Jack broke off a piece of a sugar cookie with some blue sprinkles on it and popped it into his mouth. "This is wonderful!" he exclaimed, digging into the rest of his cookie.
"Thank you boys, so much for the help. This would've taken me all day by myself. I couldn't have done it all without you guys," you remarked.
"Where did you learn to do all of this?" Sam asked.
You took a deep breath before answering the three caring sets of eyes before you. "My mom. This used to be our time together, making cookies, candies and other treats for ourselves and to share with others. I haven't really felt like doing this kind of baking since I started hunting though," you explained.
Dean reached over and covered your hand with his, then looked straight into your eyes. "I, for one, am honored that you shared this memory with us. Thank you," he replied.
After you all had some dinner, you changed into comfy clothes. You put on your red plaid pajama pants and an AC/DC hoodie that you had "borrowed" from Dean at one point. It was his favorite and you knew it, so you felt a little guilty for stealing it, but it was so soft and comfy. It also smelled like Dean, which comforted you whenever he was gone away on a hunt.
Dean had also changed into his pajamas and decided to watch the movie with you. He saw your choice of evening wear and chuckled at seeing you wearing his hoodie. "So that's where it went, you sneak," he teased. "I've been looking for that," he mentioned.
"Sorry, I can give it back if you want. It's just so warm and comfy though," you replied. Like you are, Dean, you thought.
"Nah, looks good on you, sweetheart," he remarked.
You started the DVD player and put in the disc for White Christmas. It was one of your mom's favorite movies that you had grown to love as well. You and Dean each snuggled into a corner of the couch with your blanket and hot cocoa and started the movie.
As it played, you found it more and more difficult to keep your eyes open. At about the halfway point, your eyes drifted closed and stayed that way while the movie continued to run. You were so deep asleep that you didn't feel it when Dean eased himself to slide behind you on the couch. Your back was leaned up against his chest and he draped his arm protectively around you.
Dean's fingers absently combed through your hair as you slept. Your pink lips were slightly parted and for a moment, Dean wondered what it would be like to kiss them. Instead, he placed a soft kiss to the top of your head and gently stood up. Dean scooped you up into his arms, which caused you to stir a little. "Hold on, sweetheart. I've got you," Dean soothed.
You had awakened just enough to realize that Dean was carrying you to your room. Still half asleep, you smiled and snuggled further into his chest. "Mmm, Dean you smell good," you mumbled. "I really love your sweatshirt, 'cuz it smells like you and I like it," you continued.
Dean chuckled lightly at what you were saying. "S'okay, baby, I got more hoodies where this one came from, so you can keep this one," he promised. The door to your room was slightly ajar, so he nudged it open further with his foot. Dean put your feet on the floor but kept one arm around you to keep you steady. He pulled the covers back, then helped you climb into bed and get comfy.
He tucked the blankets up around you so you were covered and would stay warm. Dean sat on the edge of your bed. He leaned over and brushed the back of his hand against your cheek. "You know, you deserve to have a good man in your life, sweetheart," he murmured.
You half-opened your eyes again and gave Dean a sleepy smile. "But I already have the best, an' thas you, Dean. S'all I need," you mumbled as you reached for his hand over the blanket.
Dean closed his fingers around yours and brought your hand up to his lips and kissed it. "Goodnight, darlin'" he whispered. He gently tucked your arm back under the blanket after he let go of your hand. He took one last look to make sure you were asleep again. Then he turned and went down the hall to his own room.
Once in his own bed, Dean thought about the events of the day, from making cookies to hanging out with you and watching a movie. When he carried you to your room and you burrowed into his chest, it felt like you belonged there. He chuckled at the memory of your half-asleep confession to stealing his hoodie because you liked how it smelled like him.
Dean meant what he said about how you deserved a good man in your life. He wasn't referring to himself, but it warmed his heart to know you thought of him that way. Maybe there was a chance for us after all, he thought to himself. Tomorrow, he would see the results of phase two of his plan, which was already in motion.
The next morning, you shuffled into the kitchen to make breakfast for you and the boys. You decided to make scrambled eggs with diced ham, cheese and some assorted vegetables. Of course, no Winchester breakfast was complete without mounds of bacon.
Sam, Dean and Jack filtered in one by one as they woke up to the smell of frying bacon. Sam made coffee, Dean made toast and Jack got out the serving bowl for the eggs. Cas popped in as well, but just for coffee, he'd said.
After breakfast, you showered and got dressed for the day in your dark blue jeans, red crew-neck sweater and black Converse shoes. As you entered the library, the bunker door flew open and in walked one of your best friends, Charlie Bradbury. "Jingle Bells, bitches!" she called out.
"CHARLIE!!" you shouted as you raced up the stairs and wrapped her in a fierce hug. "It's so awesome to see you! Hold up, what are you doing here? Is everything okay? Are you here for a hunt or something?" you gushed out.
"Whoa, whoa, chickie, slow down. I didn't have anywhere to go for the holidays, so I made a road trip out here," she answered.
"Wait a minute. You said you were going to your girlfriend's house for Christmas, Charlie. What is going on?" you demanded.
At that moment, Dean entered the library and Charlie gave him a pleading look. "I invited Charlie and her girlfriend to spend the holidays with us," Dean answered. Then he turned to you and started running his hands up and down your arms. "I know how much the holidays mean to you, so I invited some friends to visit," he finished.
"Really?? Wait a minute, you said 'some friends'? How many more are we talking about?" you asked warily.
"YOO HOO!" a voice called from the top of the stairs. It was Sheriff Donna Hanscum, followed by Sheriff Jody Mills and her daughters, Claire, Alex and Patience and Sam's girlfriend, Eileen Leahy. Charlie's girlfriend, Dorothy, closed the bunker door behind her. Tears sprang to your eyes at seeing all of your friends here to celebrate the holidays with you.
"Sweetheart? What's wrong?" Dean asked, a worried look on his face.
You nodded slowly as a tear streaked down your face. "Can I please talk to you alone for a minute?" you whispered.
Dean nodded and told everyone that the two of you would be right back. You took him into your room and closed the door. "Are you okay? Why the tears, darlin'?" he asked.
You took a deep breath to compose yourself before answering. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cry. It's just....you have no idea what you've done for me, how much it means to me that they're all here. My whole family is here, Dean. You, Sam, Jack, Cas and those ladies out there? That's my family, and that's what the holidays mean to me. All of us together," you finished.
Dean took you into his arms and held you, his hand rubbing circles on your back. You relaxed your hold so you could lean back and look into his eyes. "You said last night that I deserved to have a good man in my life. I know I was half asleep, but I meant what I said, Dean. I have you, and that's all I need. What I'm trying to say is, I-I love you," you declared.
Now it was Dean's turn to be shocked. He reached up and cradled your face in both of his hands. He brushed the tears away as he caressed your cheeks with his thumbs. "Dean, please say something," you whispered.
Dean grinned and gently guided your face closer until your lips met in a slow, lingering kiss. When he recaptured your lips a second time, he was a bit more insistent. You could feel the passion and hunger from him, and he knew only you could satisfy it. "I love you too, sweetheart. I'll bet you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," Dean remarked.
"Only probably about as long as I've been wanting you to do that," you responded. "You didn't even have to use mistletoe, either," you teased.
"I don't need mistletoe to want to kiss you," he replied huskily, tracing along your jawline with his index finger.
Sam knocked gently on your door. "Is everything okay in there? You kinda left everybody hanging out here, and they're all getting nervous. You guys coming out?" he asked.
Dean opened the door, his hand holding yours with fingers interlaced. "Everything's great, Sammy. Perfect even," he said as he caught your eye and winked.
"Yep, perfect," you agreed as you walked back into the library. Behind you, Sam looked up to the ceiling and mouthed the word, "finally" at seeing you and his brother together.
Later that afternoon, the boys all went out to get a Christmas tree to decorate in the main living area. While they were gone, you helped find available rooms for everyone then you left them all to unpack. The plan was for everyone to return to the library for refreshments after settling in.
You made some hot cocoa and as you waited for the teakettle to whistle, you put some cookies on a platter for snacks. Charlie and Dorothy gathered enough mugs for everyone. You brought out the cocoa, and Eileen followed behind you with the tray of cookies.
Then you showed everyone where the Christmas decorations were kept. This way, all would be ready for when the boys returned with the tree. Donna and Jody untangled and tested the lights, while Claire, Alex and Patience placed some scented candles throughout the bunker.
Eileen was the first. "So....you and Dean, huh?" she asked with a knowing smirk.
You could feel the heat instantly rising in your cheeks as the smile grew across your face. "Yeah. Me and Dean," you answered. Every single woman in the room hooted and hollered her approval.
"I say it's about damn time, and I think a few someones owe me $10," Jody quipped as a new round of laughter erupted.
The boys brought back a beautiful 8-foot tall blue spruce tree to be placed in the library. Lights were added first, then ornaments from the red totes found in Room 12. You also contributed ornaments from your own supply, ones that had been given to you by your grandmother. When the tree was considered to be fully decorated, all of the lights were turned off except for the tree.
You stood in awe of the gorgeous tree before you. The brightly colored lights, the variety in the ornaments and the fellowship of those present warmed your heart. Dean wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and rested his chin on your shoulder. "Huh. Would you look at that?" Dean said.
"What?" you wondered. You followed his eyes upward to find that someone mistletoe had been directly above where you and Dean were standing. "Now, where did that come from?" you asked.
"Hmm, where indeed?" Dean replied with a not-so-innocent look on his face. "You know, I suppose we have a duty of some sort to follow tradition," he remarked.
You turned around in Dean's arms to face him. "I suppose. Wouldn't want 'seven years of bad Christmases' or something by breaking tradition," you responded. You both inched forward until your lips met in a kiss that quickly progressed from sweet and innocent to steamy and passionate by the end.
Both of you breathing heavily after the kiss broke, you rested your foreheads together, grinning at each other. "Merry Christmas, sweetheart," Dean whispered.
"Merry Christmas, my love," you responded softly.
Tags: @janicho88 @yourelivingwrong @akshi8278 @magssteenkamp @swiftlymoniquesblog @lyarr24 @miss-nerd95 @distefano123 @hobby27 @deanwanddamons @jessica-noel94 @wayward-mikaelson @jawritter @gabrielslittleangel @jensengirl83
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janicho88 · 4 years
Janicho88′s 100 Followers Supernatural Christmas Celebration!
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Hi, first I wanted to say THANK YOU to all of my wonderful followers! 💗💗  You guys are amazing, thank you for giving my writing a shot.  I’m honestly surprised to have reached 100.  I have more stories I’m working on for you and a couple of series planned. 
I’ve never hosted a challenge before and I was trying to keep this light and fun. I thought we could do something Christmas themed, and give the boys some happiness.  Yes, I know it’s only August, but I wanted to give you some time. There is a list of some Christmas shows, movies and songs that can be incorporated into a fic any way you want. Do you want to rewrite the show, Trickster takes them to Whoville, are they watching the movie by the fire, or just add some lines of the song, it is up to you!  Let’s have fun with it and give Sam and Dean the Holiday’s they never got.  Got a Christmas movie or song and it’s not on the list just send an ask.  
-There isn’t a world count, it can be as long or as short as you want. If it’s over 300 words please use a Keep Reading.
-Fics can be fluff, smutt, crack, let’s try and limit the angst please.  We want to give the boys some cheer. 
-Please tag me when you post.  If I don’t respond, send a DM, we all know Tumblr eats asks on occasion. 
-Do you want to go AU/ ABO/ keep it canon, up to you.
-I’m a Dean/Jensen girl, but if you want to write Sam/Jared go for it!
-Please no Destial/Wincest for this. 
-1 person to a prompt. Send me an ask and I will add you to the list.
-The deadline is December 25th. 
3-Any of The Santa Clause Movies
4-The Grinch
5-Home Alone
6-Elf @jawritter​
7-I’ll Be Home for Christmas
8-Deck the Halls
9-Four Christmases
Hallmark Movies
10-Switching Christmas
11-A Princess for Christmas
12-A Bride for Christmas
13-Mrs. Miracle
14-A Veteran’s Christmas
15-Finding Santa
16-Christmas with Holly
17-A Royal Christmas
18-Jingle Bells
21-The One with Merry Little Christmas-@WhatareyousearchingforDean
22-Baby it’s Cold Outside-  @winchest09​
23-All I Want for Christmas Is You- @deanwanddamons​
24-Looking a lot like Christmas- @440mxs-wife  
25-Deck the Halls
26-Holly Jolly Christmas
27-It’s the Most Wonderful time of the Year- @supernatural-love14
28-I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
29-12 Days of Christmas
30-Christmas Cookies
31-Santa Claus is Coming to Town
32-Winter Wonderland-  Jensengirl83
33-Silent Night
34-I’ll Be Home For Christmas- Waywardbeanie
35-You’re A Mean One Mr. Grinch- Talesmaniac89
Let’s keep it jolly and give the boys a Christmas they deserve!
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The One With The Merry Little Christmas
Summary: The chill at this year’s Lawrence City Fire Department’s Christmas party has nothing to do with the snow falling outside and everything to do with the Dean and Y/n. 
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 3.5K+
Warnings: Language, implied smut, angst (with a happy ending, no pun intended)
Author’s Note: Ah, can you smell Christmas in the air already? Cause I can! Anyway, this fic was written for @smol-and-grumpy​ ‘s SuperFriends Title Challenge, The One With The Friends With Benefits, and @janicho88​ 100 Followers Supernatural Christmas Celebration with, of course, Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas. These both kind of morphed into the same idea so I decided to combine them. I hope you guys enjoy xoxo and a very Merry Christmas -Alex
Check out Alexandra’s Library for more by yours truly!
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Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on
Our troubles will be out of sight
Across the small town, snow covered the streets of Lawrence, Kansas, the massive, fluffy flakes continuing to fall as the street lights came on that evening. The town was quiet, the blanket of snow muffling the ambient sound in the winter evening. Just south of downtown sat the city’s one modest fire station. The golden brick building was glittering with red and white twinkle lights, the glow lighting up the street for a few feet in either direction. Music could be heard bumping on the sidewalk from inside the building, its inhabitants sure to be enjoying their company Christmas party. 
Inside, the common room was filled to the brim with the entirety of the company and their loved ones. The kids were chasing each other around the bases of the fire poles. A few of the older ones knew enough to jump full force on the metal to pull open the chute at the top, entertaining the younger ones each time the plastic split open, their giggles chiming in with the festive holiday music the Captain had found in his playlists earlier that day. 
Food and drink littered the expanse of the countertops. Anything one could have been craving was set out for the group to enjoy. Dean was pouring himself a soda since this was his year to be on shift during the party and he had to behave. The fireman had grumbled about it when he stopped by his best friend’s apartment to drop off the ingredients for her taco dip. The taco dip she had only agreed to make for him if he purchased the product. After all, the woman had already made a few dozen sugar cookies for the festivities as her own contribution this year. She politely reminded him then that he could get as pissed as he wanted next year. Not that her words much appeased the Winchester. 
The first responder turned to his buddy and coworker, who was filling another bowl with his famous chili, and held up the red plastic cup with a mock look of disgust, “What is the point of Coke if it doesn’t come with any Jack?” 
“A suga’ rush?” The Cajun drawled in his signature accent. Dean snorted, bringing the cup to his lips when the object was snatched from his hand before the two could meet. 
“Hey--” he spun on his heel, coming to face to face with his best friend. Her eyes were narrowed as she looked over the rim of the cup at him. “Come on, you don’t want that, there’s no rum.”
“Sure,” the woman wet her lower lip before taking a sip of the soda that Dean had poured for himself. 
“Satisfied?” He quirked an eyebrow at her, holding out his hand for his drink back. 
“For now,” she admonished. “But I’m watching you, Winchester.” 
“That’s hurtful, Y/n/n.” Dean placed his hand over his heart, giving his friend the puppy dog look that he had learned from his little brother. A peak of a smile tugged on the corners of her lips as she looked at him before it faltered once again. Finally, she relented and gave the drink back to its rightful owner. 
“I’d say more like rightfully cautious,” the other firefighter chimed in on their conversation, earning an elated grin from the woman standing across from him. Y/n clapped her hands together like a child, her tongue peeking between her teeth as she bounced on her toes. Placing his arm over Dean’s shoulder, Benny added, “Right, Dean-o?”
“You two are incorrigible,” Dean lamented, shrugging his friend’s arm away from him. The pair laughed at Dean’s irritation as Y/n scooted her way in between Dean and the drink table. 
Dean internally cringed as Benny chose then to walk away, leaving the two friends alone for the first time that evening. The thing was, the air between the two friends was actually colder than the snow that blanketed the town outside the fire station. He knew that Y/n was putting on a show for everyone in the station since she couldn’t get out of going to the party last minute, which he also knows she would have preferred. The woman was as much a part of their work-family as she was her own family. That was what happened when best friends were joined at the hip for over fifteen years. There was no way she was getting out of going without raising suspicion, and Y/n was too private of a person to deal with answering questions that her absence would have surely raised. 
As much as people like to think they know the real woman, she only has ever fully opened up to two people in her life, her mother and Dean. No one else has ever stuck around long enough to try and break down that wall that she had put up around herself. If Dean wasn’t just as stubborn as her he might have stopped trying a long time ago, but he was determined to get to know the real woman no matter how hard she seemed to try to stop him. 
In the grand scheme of things, he supposes that’s is why it was so easy for them to fall into their friends with benefits relationship. One post-breakup, alcohol-fueled night in bed together two years ago had begun the whole thing. It didn’t take them long after they woke the next morning to realize the cliche arrangement could be just what both of them needed. Even still, Dean could count on his hands how many times in total they had spent in the other’s bed. 
The most recent of which just happened to be last night. Dean had stopped by with dinner for his friend and the ingredients for the dip he had conned her into making. A few glasses of wine later, as it usually did go, and the two of them enjoyed their time together. But it wasn’t the sex that was the problem, it was the conversation after. 
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the yuletide gay
From now on
Our troubles will be miles away
Dean ran a hand through his sweaty hair as Y/n climbed from the bed in search of her strewn articles of clothing. She picked up the various garments, throwing them in her hamper as she passed by it and into her ensuite bathroom. 
“Why are you so quiet?” Dean’s voice carried across the room and over the sound of the shower starting. He pulled himself out of the bed and slipped on his boxer briefs as he followed after her. 
The woman bit her tongue as she tested the temperature of the water. It was only a matter of time before Dean caught on to her charade. Some days she hates how well he knows her. It’s not that she wants to keep secrets from her best friend but it can be downright creepy when he basically reads her mind. “I’ve been thinking.”
“About?” he questioned, stepping into the bathroom as she climbed into the shower. 
“How to tell you something,”
“Alright, you’re kind of scaring me, Y/n/n,”
Allowing the hot water to cascade down her face and body, Y/n took a deep breath before choosing to answer him, “It’s Sean.”
“As in douchebag Sean?”
“Dean, do you have to call him that?” she sighed, having already expected this reaction from him. 
“Yes, because he is one. You know what, douchebag is the nicest thing I could be calling him right now,” Dean countered, leaning against the bathroom vanity, his arms crossing over his freckled chest at the mention of that prick’s name. 
“He wants to get coffee,” her voice was low, knowing her admission was about to rile up the man on the other side of the curtain. She wasn’t even sure he had heard at first, that was until he whipped the curtain open.
“Jesus!” Instinctively, her hands flew to protect her modesty as her heart tried to escape from her chest. “Dean, what the hell?”
“I could say the same thing to you! Do you not remember what that jackhole put you through over the last year, because I do. He doesn’t deserve a second of your time.” 
“You think I don’t know that? It’s just coffee, he didn’t ask me to move in with him?” Y/n spit back, her stance relaxing along with her heart. 
“But you and I both know that all it takes is one look at those blue eyes and you’ll be putty in his hands. You can’t go.” The way the last three words came out of his mouth, the definitive tone behind, it them was enough to get her blood boiling underneath her skin. 
“Oh, I can’t? Is that an order, Lieutenant?” The title rolled off her tongue, her eyes hardening as she stared at Dean. “Last time I checked you don’t get to tell me what to do.”
“You know that’s not what this is. Y/n/n, I only want what’s best for you. I don’t want to see him screw up your life again. I was there to pick up the pieces last time and I don’t want to do it again.”
“Well I can guarantee you won’t ever have to do it again,” her voice was low, her words steady even though her eyes were filled with unshed tears. 
“You know that’s --”
“Get out!” she commanded suddenly, stopping him before he could say anything else. Her eyes scrunched closed, willing herself to not look at her closest friend, the one person she was supposed to be able to count on as he let her down. 
“I said get out!” 
Here we are as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us, once more
That was the last time the two of them said anything to each other until she walked into the fire station a little over two hours ago. He had to give it to her, she was putting on a good show, even messing around with him like usual. But he could see the truth in her eyes when she looked at him. Y/n was pissed, but most of all, she was hurt. 
Dean turned around, leaning against the counter to face her. The woman didn’t acknowledge his presence, instead choose to continue with preparing herself a drink, one with a bit more whiskey than needed, but he wasn’t going to comment on that. “I’m glad you are here,” he tried instead. 
“Well, I haven’t seen Sam and Jessica and the kids in a while, I wasn’t going to miss out on that because you are an ass,” she noted, still choosing to not look at him. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” 
“No, you never do, do you?” She swallowed thickly, turning on Dean, the flicker of a flame telling the experienced first responder it was best not to stoke the fire. The two of them stared at each other for what felt like minutes to them, when in reality, it was merely a few seconds, the bubble they were in being popped by Dean’s niece running and crashing herself into his legs. 
“Uncle Dean!” She cheered, reaching up with her short arms as he bent down to pick her up. He situated the little girl on his hip as she squealed in delight. “Can I have another cookie?” Her tone dropped, the small child looking up at her only uncle from underneath her insanely long lashes. 
“How many is that now?” He asked her, the glint of a smirk on his face. 
“Uh… two,” she held up two fingers, her argument completely unconvincing. 
“Uhhuh, I bet,” Dean grumbled, but he knew in his heart he couldn’t say no to that face. “Okay, one more cookie, but you can’t tell on me to you Daddy. He thinks sugar is for suckers.” 
“Promise.” The little girl held up her pinky to her uncle, one of the first things he ever taught the kid because he knew he was a sucker from day one and he was not trying to get into trouble with his little brother over it. Even if it never worked to his advantage.
Dean held up his pinky and wrapped it around hers. He shrugged to Y/n before taking his niece over to the sweets table. In reality, Dean knew the conversation needed to be over, it wasn’t the time or place, but if there was one thing he hated more than anything it was fighting with Y/n. It felt like a piece of him was missing when he couldn’t talk to her or see her, and if he was being honest with himself that kind of scared him. When he became so codependent on her he couldn’t be sure. It just felt like she had always been there, and always should be, right by his side. 
Clara tried to steal a second cookie as Dean helped her pick out the first, but he knew he would be in it if he let her get away with that one, so he made sure it got put back. When he turned around to set the five-year-old down, he noticed Y/n was gone. He scanned the whole room and couldn’t find her anywhere in the mix of people. 
As suspected, the little girl rushed right to her Daddy, who scowled at his brother. Dean offered a shrug and a smirk as he made his way over to Sam. “Don’t you start with me too.”
“Oh, it’s not me you have to answer to, it’s Jess because she’s the one that has to put her down tonight.” 
“Eh, she’ll forgive me, I’m her favorite brother-in-law,” Dean waved off his brother. 
“You’re her only brother-in-law.” 
“Whatever. Did you see where Y/n went?” 
Sam crossed his arms, his brows rising on his forehead, “Looked like she was headed outside.” Dean pursed his lips, two small dimples forming at the corners. “Did you two fight?” 
“Is it that obvious?” 
“No, but you are all brooding and pensive right now,” Sam moved his hand in a flourish in front of Dean as he spoke. 
“Yeah, what’s going on with you two?” The taller brother pushed for Dean to talk, and he pondered his pros and cons of answering. 
“Sean wants to have coffee with her?” Dean said, nonchalant. 
“And the guy is a dick, she deserves better.” 
“Better? Like you?” Sam tried to hide the amusement from his features as Dean whipped his head from where he was staring at the door to his little brother. 
“What?” Dean’s voice rose an octave at his brother’s question. 
“Oh come on, I know you guys have been sleeping together for a while now.” 
“Sam, it’s not what you think,” Dean sighed before running his tongue over his bottom lip. “It’s only happened a handful of times.” 
“And?” Sam shook his head, trying to convey his meaning to his brother. “Listen, you guys have known each other for longer than I’ve known Jessica. You spend all your free time together. You are basically a couple which I would say without the sex but we all know you are doing that too, so basically a couple. Why can’t you just man up and tell her how you feel?” 
“Cause I don’t know how I feel? It’s never felt like a relationship with her. It’s just always been easy.” 
“That’s how it should be, Dean. The two of you are perfect for each other. I think you owe it yourselves to at least try.” Sam urged.
“And what if it all blows up?”
“What if it all works out?” Sam countered. “Every relationship is either going to end in forever or end in a breakup, but that doesn’t mean that you just don’t try. Take the leap, Dean.”
“I hate you, you know that,” Dean grimaced, knowing that his brother was right. While he had never thought of Y/n like that before they slept together the first time, he couldn’t ignore the chemistry they had together. She was his other half, he already admits to that, and he would be lying if he said it wasn’t amazing sex. Sam was right, how would admitting anything be different than how they already lived their lives together?
“Yeah, well, I’ll say I told you so at your wedding,” Sam clapped his older brother’s shoulder before running off after his toddler. Dean glared after his brother, he hated when he was right, mostly because Sam loved to say ‘I told you so’. 
Through the years
We all will be together
If the fates allow
Hang a shining star
Upon the highest bough
The firefighter stalked off towards his locker to grab his jacket before following out the doors that lead to the side of the firehouse. If Y/n went out, that’s where she would be, sulking in the shadows. Cold air swirled in to replace the heat from inside as he opened the door, the rush of it sending a chill through his body. He zipped up the coat as he went down the few stairs, finding her sitting there on the stoop. 
“Dean, I don’t want to talk about it,” She sighed when she looked up to see it was him that had followed her. 
“Then just listen?” He quirked one brow at her, waiting for her invitation before taking a seat next to her. “I know that you are hurting and I wanted to start by saying I’m sorry. It was never my intent to hurt you.”
“I know that.”
“I just… I can’t stand seeing you so down. Sean hurt you badly and I didn’t want you to allow him to do it again. You deserve so much more than that.” Dean pulled his arms in closer to his body as the chill of the night set into his bones and the snow continued to fall around them. 
“It was just coffee Dean, not a marriage proposal.”
“Yeah, and I hate that even more,” Y/n looked up then, confusion written all over her features. “Y/n you know that you are the most important thing in my life, next to my brother. Hell, most times you outrank him. When we fight, or you go out of town, it’s like there is a piece of myself missing, I have this hole in my chest that only you can fill. I guess I never really understood what that meant in the grand scheme of things.” 
“You know I love you right?” He cut her off.
“Of course I do. I love you too,” The word rolled off the tip of her tongue like honey. Like it was the most simple thing in the world. Because she did love him, and she had for as long as she’d known the eldest Winchester. 
“But Y/n/n, I think I’m in love with you,” Dean held her gaze, his amber green eyes searching hers for the words she had yet to utter. The girl across from him could feel her chest filling with emotion, the confession by her favorite firefighter igniting something long dormant inside her. 
“You do?” Tears were threatening to overflow her eyelids, the feeling inside her needing to escape somewhere. She wasn’t in control anymore, her voice cracking with her words. 
“I do,” he nodded, affirming his words to himself as well as her. “And it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. I just thought that maybe we could give us a chance.” 
“Us?” Dean nodded, at a loss for what she was thinking for the first time in a long time. “I like the sound of that, us.” Y/n repeated the words with a snort,  a coy smile upturning one side of her mouth. Dean’s breath hung in the air as he waited for her to continue. 
“Is that a yes?” 
“Yes, Winchester.” The woman shook her head as he sighed, his body visibly relaxing next to her. Dean took his hand out of his jacket pocket, cupping her cold cheek in its warmth. A bright smile lit up her face as he ran his thumb over her reddened nose and down over her bottom lip. “Just kiss me already.”
“Is that an order?” He threw her words back at her, earning a fist to the chest. Her nose scrunched up as she playfully scowled at him. Dean felt her fingers wrap around the lapels of his jacket before she was pulling him to her, their lips meeting in the middle. Both of them were hesitant, this being their first kiss that wasn’t alcohol-fueled or rushed. Dean opened his mouth to her just as the alarm inside the firehouse sounded sending the two of them apart as if they had been electrocuted. 
“I’ve gotta go,” Dean silently cursed the universe’s timing. 
“Go save lives,” she patted down his jacket against his chest as her fingers unraveled themselves from the material. Dean pecked her chilled nose before getting up and running to the door, pausing as he pulled it open to turn back to her. 
“Wait for me?”
“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” 
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now
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Forevers: @22sarah08​ @akshi8278​ @anathewierdo​ @atc74​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ @callmekda​ @dawnie1988​ @deanwanddamons​ @ellewritesfix05​ @emoryhemsworth​ @flamencodiva​​ @foxyjwls007​ @hobby27​ @janicho88​ @jensengirl83​ @katehuntington​ @lyarr24​ @malfoysqueen14​ @miss-nerd95​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @msmarvelouswinchester​ @polina-93​​ @sleepylunarwolf​ @stiles-stilinski-24-dylan​ @smol-and-grumpy​ @suckmyapplejacks​ @superfanficnatural​ @supraveng​ @talesmaniac89​ @tranquility-or-chaos​​ @waywardbeanie​ @winchest09​
154 notes · View notes
janicho88 · 4 years
Hey (late)congrats on 100 followers! Literally only just saw this post today! I was wondering if I could join your 100 followers challenge and do the prompt 27 - it the most wonderful time of the year song? If it is still available many thanks
Thank you!! You can absolutely have It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!  Thank you for joining, I look forward to reading your story! 💗
0 notes
janicho88 · 3 years
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I posted 318 times in 2021
52 posts created (16%)
266 posts reblogged (84%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 5.1 posts.
I added 135 tags in 2021
#dean winchester - 25 posts
#supernatural - 25 posts
#dean x reader - 24 posts
#dean x female!reader - 23 posts
#falling for you - 14 posts
#spnchristmasbingo - 7 posts
#personal - 6 posts
#fire fur & mistletoe - 5 posts
#firefighter!dean - 3 posts
#christmas - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 46 characters
#janicho88's 100 follower christmas celebration
My Top Posts in 2021
Falling For You -Part 14
August Part 2
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Pairing- Past Dean x Female!Reader. 
Word count- 8,974
Warnings-  Language, angst, mentions of cheating, Major character injury, hospitals, medical talk, assault    
A/N- I had an idea for a one-shot, and giving a backstory to Dean and the Reader meeting took on a life of its own. This story is AU  Thank you to @waywardbeanie and @whatareyousearchingfordean for helping me keep these 2 characters in line, letting me bounce ideas off of you, and sending you random messages when something pops in my head.   Bingo square filled for @spnmixedbingo​ Relationship Break up 
Summary- After being burned before you had sworn off finding love for now. Coming home from work one night there is a strange man pounding on your door.  Neither of you knew what this meeting would lead to. 
Chapter Summary-  This one is the smallest of the three parts, put it packs a punch.  Your happy little bubble popped.  It’s something you both regret, but can it be fixed?  Before getting the chance something else is going to shake up your world.
 Series Masterlist
You try calling Dean, but he doesn’t answer your first call, then it goes straight to voicemail.  Leaning back against the wall tears are falling down your face, you don’t realize what you do next.  Sitting there with your head resting on your bent knees, you don’t fight the sobs coming out of you.  A loud pounding on your door is slow to draw your attention, you have no idea how long you’ve been sitting on the floor.  Forgetting Dean has a key, you hope it’s him and rush to open it, finding Meg on the other side.
“What’s happened?”  She questions pushing you back into your apartment.
“What are you doing here?” You manage to get out.
“You called me.  I couldn’t understand a thing you said through all the tears.  Back to what the hell is going on?  Do you need me to call Dean?”  That started the heartbroken tears all over again.  “Okay, so this has something to do with Dean.”  When she still can’t understand you, she texts her husband sending him on a mission. 
See the full post
98 notes • Posted 2021-03-26 19:01:08 GMT
Falling For You -Part 12
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Pairing- Dean x Female!Reader. 
Word count- 12,999
Warnings-  Language.  Mentions of smut. Little angst mostly fluff, 
A/N- I had an idea for a one shot, and giving a backstory to Dean and the Reader meeting took on a life of its own. This story is AU  Thank you to @waywardbeanie​ and @whatareyousearchingfordean​ for helping me keep these 2 characters in line, letting me bounce ideas off of you, and send you random messages when something pops in my head. 
Summary- After being burned before you had sworn off finding love for now. Coming home from work one night there is a strange man pounding on your door.  Neither of you knew what this meeting would lead to. 
Chapter Summary-  4th of July, Wedding activities, baseball and a new neighbor.  July isn’t going to just drift by for you. 
 Series Masterlist
Friday was just a half day of work, then the office was closed on Monday for the Fourth of July weekend.  Many people took vacations this week so things were a little slower.   Dean had a whole day of work today, but was then off till Tuesday also.   You two had decided to go spend the weekends at your parents lake cottage with them.  Dean’s family was going to come out for most of the weekend also.  
Leaving work you headed to the grocery store to get some food to take with you.  You made sure to grab the coffee Dean likes, not sure what your dad had out there. Some bread, cereal, milk, veggies, and deli meat.  Next was the baking ingredients you needed to finish up what you were making tonight. Your parents would be there for the weekend, your grandparents, and your dad’s sisters would be coming and going, they might stay one night.  Dean’s family was coming out Saturday afternoon, and you weren’t sure how long they were staying.  Meg, Cas, Charlie and Dorthey were coming out for Saturday.  Others would bring some food out also. 
Getting home you kept the non refrigerated items near the door so you wouldn’t forget them, put what you needed to away and changed your clothes to get to work in the kitchen. 
Dean had spent a good chunk of the week at your place already so he was staying at his own house tonight to take care of a few things, and throw some clothes around for the weekend. 
You got to work on two pies first, knowing Dean wouldn’t be around to try and eat them tonight while they cooled.  One pie wouldn’t get you very far into the weekend.  Jello shots were next to get them into the fridge to start harding.  You were doing three layers and had to cool them in between.  Strawberry was the first, then a layer of cream followed by blueberry. 
See the full post
103 notes • Posted 2021-03-10 00:05:45 GMT
Falling For You -Part 13
August Part 1
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Pairing- Dean x Female!Reader. 
Word count- 11,151
Warnings-  Language, fluff. Smut 18 + unprotected sex, angst, mentions of cheating, heartbreak, I regret nothing.   
A/N- I had an idea for a one-shot, and giving a backstory to Dean and the Reader meeting took on a life of its own. This story is AU  Thank you to @waywardbeanie and @whatareyousearchingfordean for helping me keep these 2 characters in line, letting me bounce ideas off of you, and sending you random messages when something pops in my head.   Bingo square filled for Mixed Bingo Mechanic AU @spnmixedbingo​
Summary- After being burned before you had sworn off finding love for now. Coming home from work one night there is a strange man pounding on your door.  Neither of you knew what this meeting would lead to. 
Chapter Summary-  Your summer’s been going well, but this month is going to take you and Dean on a rollercoaster of emotions.  But nothing can come between your two, right? 
  Series Masterlist
Sunday morning was spent enjoying the quiet lake.  Since it wasn’t a holiday weekend, there weren’t many people around.  Your dad tried to help Dean with his skiing skills.  It went slightly better than a few weeks ago,  but it was still a good thing the water didn’t hurt him too bad when he fell.  Your dad took the two of you tubing together for the first time.  Whenever one of you got close to the other you tried to push or kick them over the edge of the wake.  You were the first to to fall, but Dean wasn’t far behind. 
Cleaning up that afternoon didn’t take too long, it had only been the four of you out there.  Dean drove you back to your apartment then headed to the store to pick up a few things he needed before going home.  He gave you a kiss goodbye in the car.  He was going to walk you to the door, but you told him he didn’t need to get out.  He was a little sore from his multiple falls. 
Cassie was hanging around the elevators when you walked in trying not to obviously watch out the window.  She glanced between you and the front door before speaking.  “Did you see Dean out there?  I thought I heard his car.”
See the full post
111 notes • Posted 2021-03-19 18:16:59 GMT
Falling For You -Part 15
August Part 3
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Pairing- Dean x Female!Reader. 
Word count- 15,332
Warnings-  Language, angst, mentions of cheating, Major character injury, hospitals, medical talk, amnesia,  assault    
A/N- I had an idea for a one-shot, and giving a backstory to Dean and the Reader meeting took on a life of its own. This story is AU  Thank you to @waywardbeanie and @whatareyousearchingfordean for helping me keep these 2 characters in line, letting me bounce ideas off of you, and sending you random messages when something pops in my head.  This story is unbeta’d all mistakes are mine
Summary- After being burned before you had sworn off finding love for now. Coming home from work one night there is a strange man pounding on your door.  Neither of you knew what this meeting would lead to. 
Chapter Summary-  Thankfully Dean’s awake, but now you face the next hurdle.  How can you be there to support the one you love the most, when you mean absolutely nothing to them?
 Series Masterlist
Sam looks over at you seeing the shock on your face, he tries to reign in his own.  They had said memory loss could very well be one of the side effects that Dean woke up with.  If he was asking for Lisa, chances are he was thinking the two of them were still together.  You know you have to be careful with patients suffering from amnesia and not say anything to shock them too much.
“Where’s Lisa?”  Dean asks again. 
You and Sam look at each other not sure what to tell him.
“What’s going on?  Is she okay, what happened?”
It takes you a minute to realize you feel something on your hand, looking down Dean is still holding your hand.  You go to pull it away, but Dean holds on tighter.  It’s the one thing grounding him from going into a panic attack.
“Dude, I’m going to need you to calm down.”
Too late Dean’s agitation had the heart rate monitor screaming, “I need to.”  You look at Sam nodding to the door, both of you knowing you have to get out before anyone comes.
“Yeah go,”  Sam tells you as you pull your hand free from Dean.
As soon as you are clear of the room, there is medical personnel rushing in.  You see the Winchesters rush out into the hall again, you hurry their way. 
“What’s going on?”  Mary questions with the panic clear on her face,
“He woke up.”
“Oh, thank God,”  Mary breathed out.  “How is he?”
“Alert, asking for and about Lisa when he came to.  Looks like they could be right about having some memory loss.”   Jess comes over wrapping you in a big hug.  You had cleared one hurdle just to come up against another one. 
A short time later a doctor came out to speak with the family.  “His vitals are strong, we will take him in the morning for a test to check the swelling around the brain.  He does seem to have retrograde amnesia, we knew this was possible, but couldn’t be positive until he woke up. In the best case scenario, as the swelling goes down the amnesia will resolve itself without any treatment and his memories should return. Could be a few days, could be weeks.  Worst case if it’s not getting better we will need to check for any lasting damage.  Should that be the case psychotherapy or hypnosis might be needed to try and bring those memories back.  To warn you, there is always a small chance they won’t come back.  I’ve asked, he doesn’t remember what happened.  In his mind, it’s still last spring.  You can share things with him about this past year, you just want to do so slowly as not to shock him too much.”
The doctor left and you went back to the waiting room sinking down in a chair, you hadn’t even met Dean last spring.  He wasn’t going to have any idea who you were.  Tears were rolling down your face as Jess came back in sitting beside you.  Mary had gone down to see Dean.
When the last nurse left the room to go grab some ice chips for him, Dean looked over at Sam.  “Who is that woman that was in here, and why did she run out of here so fast?”
See the full post
133 notes • Posted 2021-04-02 19:16:48 GMT
Creepy Crawlers
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Pairing-Dean x Female!Reader
Word count-1,784 
Summary- Dean and Sam are on their way back from a hunt.  He’s on the phone with the reader, who’s back at the bunker, when he suddenly hears some strange things and loses contact with them.  The boys race home to save her, from a creature they were least expecting.
Warnings- Some language, worried Dean, spiders, that’s really it. 
A/N- Based on an incident I had last night. Fic is un beta’d
Walking down the bunker corridor to the room you shared with Dean, Miracle right on your heels, phone pressed to your ear.  Your boyfriend and his brother were on their way home from a hunt one state over, Dean was currently telling you all about the vamps he took down.  You heard Sam scoff a few times so you knew the older Winchester must have been exaggerating a few points here and there. 
It was nearing midnight so you decided to change for bed and wait for Dean there.  According to him they were a little more than an hour out.  You didn’t find what you were looking for, so you headed to your old room where some of your clothes were stored.  Finding the sleep pants you wanted and a sweatshirt you forgot about you headed back to Dean’s room to change.  Putting the phone on speaker you set it on the bed and started to get yourself ready. 
He was still talking as you sat back against the headboard, Miracle came and curled up laying across your legs.  
“Sam and I were talking before I called you, think we are going to take a break for a bit.  Things have slowed down with Jack running things up in Heaven we deserve one.”
“Especially while we are still able to take one.” Sam mutters in the background. 
“What’s that mean?”  You ask, as a funny feeling and movement catches your eye.  It takes you about 20 seconds for you to realize what is going on.  Screaming, you throw your arms up in surprise and the forgotten phone goes flying. 
“Get up, get up, Miracle MOVE!! You keep trying to get the pup off you so you can get up.  
Finally able to stand up, you hop off the bed and quickly discard your pajama pants and shake them off, tossing them to the floor.  Looking around you can’t see the intruder any more, doesn’t mean you can let your guard down though.  
You look over at the bed and don’t see anything moving, pulling off the comforter you shake it off and throw it out to the hallway.  Miracle is standing in the corner watching you.  Not seeing anything you race down the hall to the closet coming back with your first weapon.  Phone and Dean long forgotten about you get to work trying to track your uninvited guest down. 
Meanwhile Dean was still on the phone trying to figure out what was going on.
“Y/N! Y/N!  Dammit, answer me!”
“What’s going on?” his brother questioned.
Dean had taken you off speakerphone when you asked that question.  He didn’t want Sam telling you, especially over the phone just how close this case came to doing him in.  “She screamed then I heard the phone drop.  She was yelling, I think at Miracle, then a rustling noise, now this.”  Dean put the phone back on speaker and they hear a “bbrrrmmm bbbrrmm” noise and what they think might be Miracle whining. 
Dean tries yelling for you once more, but does not get an answer.  It isn’t long now before the “bbrrmmm” noise stops and there are several thuds.  After the final one the guys can’t hear anything else.  Dean looks at his phone and it still says it’s connected to you. Gas pedal is pushed as far down as it can go, Sam’s doing his best to brace himself as Dean takes a curve.  
They make it back to the bunker in half an hour.  Dean pulled into the garage, that door giving off less noise to announce their arrival to whatever was in the bunker. Grabbing his trusting colt he picked up an angel blade, while Sam took the demon knife.  Making their way to the entrance checking behind each corner before moving on.  
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