#Jan Saverys
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thunderstruck9 · 8 months ago
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Jan Saverys (Belgian, 1924-2017), Composition, 27 August 1953. Pencil and black chalk on paper, 49.3 x 44.4 cm.
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oldsardens · 3 months ago
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Jan Saverys - Composition abstraite
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goetiae · 1 year ago
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Landscape with Orpheus and Eurydice by Nicolas Poussin (1648)
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Orpheus in the Underworld by Roelant Savery (1610/1615)
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Orpheus playing to Pluto and Proserpine by Jan Brueghel the Elder (1594)
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worldsandemanations · 6 months ago
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Jan Saverys (Belgian, 1924-2017), Composition, 27 August 1953. Pencil and black chalk on paper
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ruivieira1950 · 2 months ago
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Jan Saverys - Composition abstraite.
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gamlamastare · 6 years ago
B. Tvifvelaktiga original, d. v. s. från Prag komna taflor, som drottningen här kvarlämnade, men som nu äro försvunna och om äktheten af hvilkas konstnärsnamn man därför icke med bestämd- het kan yttra sig. a) Italienare. Correggio (jfr n. i). 1 59. Själfporträtt. 160. Ya\ fänrik. Paolo ]^ero)iese (jfr n. 5). 161. Själfporträtt. Pordeno7u\ ven. skol., f. 1483, d. 1539. 162. Själfporträtt. 163. V^enus och Amor. Lionardo da ]'inci, flor. skol., f. 1452, d. 1 519. 164. Dam med en liten hvit hund. 165. Kvinnoporträtt. Raffaello, f. 1483, d. 1520. 166. Fiolspelare. 167. Dam, som häller i sitt här. 168. Mansporträtt. 169. Kvinnoporträtt. Andrea del Sarto (jfr n. 24). 160. Maria med barnet. 171. Judit och Holofernes. Perirw del \ aga. rom. skol., f. 1499, d. 1547. 172. Orfeus, beklädd med en hud. 173. Neptun. 174. Aktenskapsbryterskan. 175. Gumma med en liten gosse och en flicka. G ill Ii o Roviano, (jfr n. 18). 176. Pan och Syrinx. — 115 — Giusippc Cisari. kallad Cavaliere d'Arpiiio, rom. skol., d. 1640. 177. Ett bad. 178. Venus, klippande .sina naglar. Giovanni Bcllini. ven. skol., d. 1546. 179. Venus och Amor. Giorgionc. egentl. Giorgio BaibarcUi. ven. skol., f. senast 1477, d. 1510. 180. Porträtt. Tisiano Vecellio (jtV n. 40). 181. Maria med barnet. 1182. Loth och hans döttrar. Fa I nia \'cccIiio. f. 1 480, d. 1528. 183. Calistos felsteg. 184. Paris' dom. 183. Den hel. Michacl. Gaudoizio Ferrari, milan, skol., f. omkr. 1 47 1, d. 1546. 186. Dam, som häller i sitt hår. Leandro Bassano, ven. skol., f. 1558, d. 1623. 187. Själfporträtt. 188. Porträtt af Jacopo Bassano. 189. Magdalena. Francesco Sa/viati, flor. skol., f 1510, d. 1563. 190. Själfporträtt. Tintorctto, egentl. Jacopo Rolnisti, ven. .skol., f. 1419, d. 1594. 191. Porträtt af Michelangiolo. 192. Allegori (»Wie die Natur in den Wolken getragen wirdt, Vndter Ir das fruchtbare Krdtreich»). 193. Jupiter och Semele. 194. Musicerande unga kvinnor. 195. Tundalas' syn. Cornclio J^icari. 196. Porträtt af Lionardo da Vinci. 197. Rafifaello. Okända mästare. 198. Porträtt af Alessandro Vittoria. 199. » Guglielmo della Porta. 200. • » Gianbattista della Potta. — u6 — 201. Poträtt af Giovanni Contarini. 202. » » Luca Cambiaso. Paris Bordonc, ven. skol., f. 1500, d. 1571. 203. Dam med en liten brun hund. Domenico Campagnola, ven. skol., f. omkr. 1484. 204. Lucretia. Jacopo Bassano, ven. skol., f. 15 10, d. 1592. 205. Kristi utförande. 206. Abraham drager ur landet. Paolo Lomazzo, milan, skol., f. 1538, d. 1600. 207. »En, som blåser ut ett ljus». Caravaggio, egentl. Michclangiolo Ameriglii, rom. skol., f. 1569, d. 1609. 208. Josef och Potifars hustru. Ghiseppe Arciniboldo (jfr. n. 79). 209-210. Porträtt, sammansatta af frukter, fåglar och fiskar. Ceresi^). 211. Bad med nakna kvinnor. Caiiipo Crcmoni 212. Eiskmarknad. b) Tyskar. Hans von Achen, f. 1552, d. 1615. 213- Danaé. 214. Lucretia. 215- Lucretia och Tarquinius. 216. Pluto och Proserpina. 217. Venus, naken. 218. Diana. 219. Diana med sina jungfrur. 220. Judit och Holofernes. 22 1 . Pan och Syrinx. 222. Kleopatra. 223. Dädalus med örnen. ^). 224. Herkules, triumferande öfver Lasten 225. Dam, speglande sig. 1) Tydligen förvrängdt namn 2) Förmodligen menas; Ganynedes. — 117 — JosepJi Hemz, f. 1564, d. 1609, 226. Proserpinas bortröfvande. 227. Jupiter, dödande Faéton med blixten. 228. Pan och satyrer." Jeretnias Gunt/ier, verks. omkr. 161 2. 229. Porträtt, helfig., af kejsar Rudolf II. 230. Venus och Amor. 231. Trätafla, med å ena sidan en örn, å den andra ett porträtt. Mattliäus Go7idolach, d. 1653. 232. Venus, sofvande. 233. En »Mathematica» . 234. Kvinnoporträtt. Ulrich Steyeni. 235. Perspektiv med ett bollspel. Ferdinand von Eisoi. 236. En manlig och en kvinnlig narr. Michael Sc/ine?dcr. 237. Stilleben, fiskar. 238. » foglar. 239- » fiskar och snäckor. 240. » frukter vid ljussken. 241- » frukoststycke Di et lic k Ra jfeustei)u •>: 242. Sabinskornas bortröfvande. Johan RottenJianimer, f. 1564, d. 1623. 243. Maria med barnet och Josef. 244. Gudarnas gästabud. 245. »Wie man Porseum (!) Zu einem Gott machte». 246. Sabinskornas bortröfvande. 247. Amazoner. Adam Elsheimer, f. 1578, d. omkr. 1620. 248. Den unge Tobias. ChristopJi Schzvarz, f. 1550, d. omkr. 1597. 249. Sabinskornas bortröfvande. 250. »Eine heidnisch Jurament». I) Vid denna tafla kallas artisten Frans Schneider, men kan dock ej gärna vara identisk med flamländaren Fr^ns Snijders. — ii8 — 251. »Die Division (!) vom Propheten Ezechiel». Okänd mästare. 252. Kejsar Maximilian pä lijortjakt i Tyrolen. Hans Baldimg Grien, f. mellan 1476 och 1480, d. 1545. 253. Adam och Eva. Ruprecht Heller (jfr n. 93). 254. Paris' dom. 255. Landskap med den helige Franciscus. Lucas Cranach d. ä. (jfr n. 88). 256. Venus. 257. Tre barn, lekande med en kula '). 258. Adam och Eva =). 259. Porträtt af Knipperdolling. 260. Herodias. 261. Den hel. Antonii frestelse. 262. Herkules, spinnande '). Okänd mästare. 263. Kejsar Maximilian och kurfursten af Sachsen på hjortjakt i vattnet. Carl Helmer(er) 3). 264. »Eine Landtschafft mit einem Romanischen Gebew». Israel Metra 3). 265. Triptyg med Paris' dom, Batseba samt Josef och Potifars hustru. H i sabel Peom 3). 266. Huru drottningen af Saba förleder Salomo till afguderi. d) Nederländare. Roger van der Weyden, f omkr. 1400, d. 1464. 267. Kristi födelse. Lucas van Leyden, f. omkring 1494, d. 1533. 268. Huru jungfrurna införa David i Jerusalem. 269. Salomos dom. 270. Konungarnas tillbedjan. 1) Ett ex., men väl ej detsamma, i Köbenhavns museum. 2) Två eller tre ex. funnos af denna tafla, däraf, som ofvan nämnts, ett troligen befinner sig i Linköpings museum. 3) Troligen förvrängda namn. — 119 — Jan Gossacvt, kallad Mabiisc, f. omkr. 1470, d. 1541. 27 1 . Danaé '). Jan van Hem ess en (jfr n. 105). 272. Lucretia och Tarquinius. -73- Isaak välsignar Jakob. — Kin furncnics stuck». 274. Susanna. 275. Karl med en korg med matvaror. 276. En man och en kvinna med öppen mun. 277. »Ein furnemes stiick mit drey Eiguren». 278. En i en skog sittande hare. — »Gar schön gemalt Marteit va7i Hecmskerck, f. 1498, d. 1574. 279. Syndafloden. 280. Yttersta domen. 281. Qvirinalska kullen. Cornelis Cornelisz. %'an Haarlein (jfr n. 152). 282. Nakna människor, som slä ihjäl hvarandra. 283. Amors biläger. Frans Floris (jfr n. 30). 284. Adam och I^va. 285. » » » lekande med Kain och Abel. 286. Amors biläger. 287. Galateas triumftåg. 288. En »Musica». Lambeit Lonibaid, f 1505, d. 1606. 289. Maria med barnet och den hel. Elisabet. 290.j S:t Petrus på hafvet. Hubert (r) Goltzius, f. 1526, d. 1583. 291. Kristi törnekröning. Antonis Aloor, f. 1 512, d. omkr. 1576. 292. Naken Mars. Mårten va7i Cleef (d. y. }) 293- En narr med en bulle i handen. 294. Belsasars gästabud. 295- Utsikt af Colosseum. Georg van Cleef. 296. Ett nattligt upptåg. Ett ex. i Miinchens pinakothek, men väl ej samma. — 120 — 297- Kristus uppenbarar sig för Petrus, på skeppet. Willem de Vos. 298. Venus speglande sig, medan Amor ser på. 299. Naken kvinna, hvilande på en bädd. Roland dc Vos. 300. Naken kvinna i badet. Jakob de Backer. f. 1562, d. 1637. 301. Den hel. familjen. 302. Kvinnoporträtt. 303. »Fides mit den temporibus». Crispijn van den Broeck, f 1524, d. om kr. 1588. 304. Nattvarden. Peeter van^ der Borcht, f omkr. 1540, d. 1608. 305. Syndafloden. 306. Noaks ark Gillis Sadeler, f. omkr. 1575, d. 1629. 307. >Der Pragerischer Saal.» Frans Badens, i. 1571, d. 1620. 308. Interiör med en dam. Jerooin Bosch, f omkr. 1450, d. 15 18. 309. Den hel. Antonii frestelse. 310. Den hel. Kristoffer går öfver hafvet. 311. Yttersta domen. 312. Den hel. Martin bland tiggarna. 313. Vanitas (Krucifi.x och matvaror). Peeter Brueghel d. ä., d. 1569. 314. Tre sofvande män i Schlarafifenland =). 315. Fåraherde. 316. Marknad. 317. Den hel. Jöran. Peeter Brueghel d. y. (jfr. n. 117). 318. Bonddans. 319. Elefant, som beskådas af mycket folk. Hans Bal (jfr n. 102). 1) Jag erinrar mig svagt eu tafla med samma motiv, på hvilken frih. Eiiiaiuicl Ceder- ström vid ett gemensamt besök pä Skokloster för iiägra är sedan gjorde mig uppmärksam. 2) Det enda nu kända ex. af denna tafla tillhör en hr von Kauffmann i Berlin. — 121 — 320. Bonddans. 321. Landskap med fyra blinda, som leda hvarandra ' Peeter Schoubrocck, d. före 1609. 322. Landskap med en eldsvåda. David Vinckbooiis, f. 1578, d. 1629. 323. Landskap med en väderkvarn. Michacl Coxic, f. 1499, d. 1592., 324. Venus och Adonis. » Vinceitz van Atitorff* '. 325. Kristi födelse. Frans de Åloor. 326. Flora i trädgården. Frans Poinims (d. ä..^ f. 1545, d. 1581). 327. Paris' dom. Gillis Cöignet (jfr n. 113). 328. Badande kvinnor. 329. » s Mårten de Vos (jfr n. iii). 330. Salomos dom. 331. Isaak och Jakob. 332. Susanna. OtJio van Ve en (jfr n. 104). 333. Sabinskornas bortröfvande. Abraham Janssens d. ä., f. 1575, d. 1632. 334. Dygden bekämpande Lasten. 335. »Contemplatio». Hendrik von Baleit d. ä., {. 1575, d. 1632. 336. Paris' dom. 337. Badande kvinnor. Frans Franc k en d. ä., f. 1542, d. 1616. 338. Pluto och Proserpina. 339. Öfverfall på landsvägen. Auibrosms Francken (d. ä.?, f. 1544, d. 1618). 340. Marknadsscen. David Teniers d. ä., f. 1582, d. 1649. 341. Den hel. Cecilia. i) Ägdes senare af gr. Magnus De la Gardie. Hendrik de Clerck (jfr n:r 114). 342. »Hoelzeit der Götter». Herri iiict de Bles, d. omkr. 1550. 343. Loth och hans döttrar. 344. S:t Petrus går på vattnet. 345. Den hel. Hieronymus. 346. Eldsvåda. 347. Sofvande hjort i en skog. Joachim Patinier, d. 1524. 348. Bonde och bondkvinna. Jacob Grimmer, f. omkr. 1526, d. 1 590. 349. Skeppsbrott. 350. Landskap. Gillis van Coninxloo (d. y.:, f. 1544, d. eft. 1604). 351. Landskap. Mårten van Valckadwnh, f. 1542, d. 1620. 3,52. Landskap med Jakob och Esau. Lucas van ValckcnborcJi (jfr n. 119). 353. Den hel. Egidius i öknen. Pamvel Bril, f. 1556, d. 1626. 354. Flykten till Egypten Gilles Mostart (jfr n. 107). 355. Landskap med månsken. 366. Eldsvåda, nattstycke. 367. »Ein perspektivischer Tempel bei Nacht». Roelant Savery, f. 1576, d. 1639. 368. Orfeus bland de vilda djuren. 369. Jägare med en hund; där bredvid ett stort vildsvinshufvud. 370. Fruktstycke. 371. Venus och Amor, hvilande. 371. Hafsfiskar. 372. Hvit korp. 373'376- Fyra landskap. Jan Briieghel d. ä., f. 1568, d. 1625. 377. Landskap. i) Kristina hade i Rom en sädan tafla af Bril, men den synes ha inköpts först där. — 123 — Hendrik Vrooiit, f. före 15 So, d. 1640. 378. Fartyg i storm AhraJiam Bloemart, f. 1564, d. 1658. 379. Köksinteriör. 380. » IV. Taflor, tagna i Miinchen, hvilka drottningen vid sin afresa från Sverige kvarlämnade. Lucas Cranacli d. ii., (jfr n. 88). 381. Penning-underhandling. Nu i Nationahiiuseuin. Jörg Breii d. ii., f. före 1480, d. 1536. 382. Lucretias historia. Nu i Sclilcisslichii, Bayern. 383. Susanna =). » » nuiscet i Augslmrg. Ludzvig Rcfingcr, verks, på 1530-talet. 384. Horatius Cocles. » » Natioualinuseum. 385. Manlius Torquatos » » » Abraham Scliöpfer, verksam på 1530-talet. 386. Mucius Scaivola. Nu i Natioiialiiinscuiu . Hans Schöpfer d. ä., verks, i 531- 1564. 387. Paris' dom. Nu i Nationalmuseum. V. Taflor, som drottningen fått af residenten Pieter Spiering, men före sin afresa återsände till hans dödsbo i Haag. Gerrit Don, f. 161 3, d. 1675. 388. Spetsknypplerskan. 1864 uppbrunnen i Rotterdam. 389. Gumma, som skalar äpplen. Tillhör nu hr O. I luldschinsky, Berlin. 390. Gubbe med en penna i handen. Nu på Lutonhousc, England. 391. Violinspelaren. Nu i Bridgewater Gallery, London. 392. Liten gosse, en piga och en som spinner. 393- Piga. som hackar kål. i) Troligen den tafla som nu tillhör statsgeologen hr Axel Lindström, Stockholm, a) Trol. af någon annan, med Breu besläktad artist. — 124 — 394- Gumma med en bok och en spinnrock. 395. Gubbe med ett timglas. 396. Munk med bok och crucifix.
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onlineantiques · 3 years ago
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Stunning 1950’s Still Life Oil Painting Attributed to James Noble (1919-1989) James Noble was born in Middlesex in 1919. He went to work in the family’s painting and decorating business but soon found that he had an aptitude for drawing and was encouraged to attend evening classes. Noble studied at both the Grosvenor School of Modern Art and the Regent Street Polytechnic. He had as his master the well-known Scottish landscape painter and engraver Iain MacNab (1890-1970) who himself had been a pupil of the fashionable Glasgow School of Art and Heatherleys, the oldest independent art school in London (founded in 1845, which focused on figurative painting) and eventually became its Principle. Noble soon found himself drawn to the flower paintings of the great 17th Century Dutch romantic artists such as Ambrosius Bosschaert the Elder, Roelandt Savery and Jan Brueghel the Elder. It is in this genre that Noble found his own forté. There was a break in his career when he served as an assault engineer in the infantry during World War II; however he managed to continue his drawing throughout. He favoured a somewhat simplistic approach to his compositions (and often stylised) but always with a clear sense of balance and colour. Since his first solo London exhibition at the Bond Street Gallery in 1957 his work has been sort after by collectors far a-field and as he was a prolific artist his work appears regularly in the art market and is always keenly contested. The artist died in 1989 in Norwich. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb-VjVFIcH1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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irini-photo · 6 years ago
(un)portable art
(un)portable art • is a body of work that examines the literal value of artwork oppose to a screen based image of it, that has been taken by a third party. In gallery spaces, numerous of valuable artworks are being shown to the public every day. The public; art enthusiasts, visitors, tourists, are all third parties who interact with art in museums and galleries. A very common form of interaction is taking a snap of the artwork. Some will continue with observing the artwork, others will observe it later on their digital device, and some will only value the artwork once they go away having a memory of ‘seeing’ the artwork with evidential snaps on their devices.
Artworks are unportable; while literally under exhibition spaces it is forbidden to be (re)moved from the museum/ gallery grounds. On the other hand, they can become portable, in a sense where the visitor would snap photos of pieces of art and later on have a look back at them, them being in a different location.
Tulips are being used as a reference to the Dutch tulip mania era of the 17th century, symbolising the obsession with documenting pieces of art and how high we value those digital images over the original artwork.
Creating (un)portable art:
This body of work is inspired by the Dutch Golden Age paintings. While creating (un)portable art I have looked at baroque vanitas and flower paintings from various 17th century painters like; Jan Dawidsz de Heem, Ambrosius Bosschaert, Roelandt Savery, as well as contemporary artists like David Lachapelle and Bas Meeuws. 
While editing and working on the studio based images I have created, I was taking photos (on my iphone camera) of my screen workspace to share what I was currently doing, with my friends. Later on, looking back to those images, I was so fascinated from all the pixels and colour waves that were appearing to my images. First thought that came to my mind was, why do we have the urge to take photos of painting and photos and literally everything we see displayed around us, especially in galleries; why do we only appreciate art after we take a photo of it?
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  (un)portable art © Irini Georgiades
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(un)portable art © Irini Georgiades
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(un)portable art © Irini Georgiades
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homedevises · 6 years ago
Seven Mind-Blowing Reasons Why Adam And Eve In Eden Garden Is Using This Technique For Exposure | adam and eve in eden garden
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Genesis 22 Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden . Bible story for … – adam and eve in eden garden | adam and eve in eden garden
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Adam Eve Garden Eden Stockfotos & Adam Eve Garden Eden Bilder – Alamy – adam and eve in eden garden | adam and eve in eden garden
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Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden by BRUEGHEL, Jan the Elder – adam and eve in eden garden | adam and eve in eden garden
Eden sanctuary – creation.com – adam and eve in eden garden | adam and eve in eden garden
The Garden of Eden – Genesis 2 and 3 | Walking with Yeshua … – adam and eve in eden garden | adam and eve in eden garden
God created Adam | The Church of Almighty God – adam and eve in eden garden | adam and eve in eden garden
Life | TINY LESSONS BLOG – adam and eve in eden garden | adam and eve in eden garden
Thanks to Adam and Eve for … Sinning? ~ Answering Mormons – adam and eve in eden garden | adam and eve in eden garden
Why did Adam and Eve sin? | The Rabbi With ANSWERS – adam and eve in eden garden | adam and eve in eden garden
Garden Of Eden Taken To Heaven – Garden Ftempo – adam and eve in eden garden | adam and eve in eden garden
Wenzel Peter, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden – Vatican Museums – adam and eve in eden garden | adam and eve in eden garden
Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, c.22 posters & prints by Jan … – adam and eve in eden garden | adam and eve in eden garden
Download this stock image: Original Sin, Adam and Eve in … – adam and eve in eden garden | adam and eve in eden garden
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Garden Of Eden Adam Eve Stock Illustrations, Images & Vectors … – adam and eve in eden garden | adam and eve in eden garden
Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden – Bible Reading KJV – YouTube – adam and eve in eden garden | adam and eve in eden garden
Adam And Eve In The Garden Of Eden Painting at PaintingValley.com … – adam and eve in eden garden | adam and eve in eden garden
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arthisour-blog · 8 years ago
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Balthasar van der Ast (1593 – Mar 7, 1657) was a Dutch Golden Age painter who specialized in still lifes of flowers and fruit, as well as painting a number of remarkable shell still lifes; he is considered to be a pioneer in the genre of shell painting. His still lifes often contain insects and lizards. He was born in Middelburg and died at Delft.
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His lifetime of works was once summarized by an Amsterdam doctor who said, “In flowers, shells and lizards, beautiful”.
Balthasar van der Ast was born in Middelburg in the Southern Dutch province of Zeeland, in the family of a prosperous wool merchant. His birth was not recorded, but years later, on 30 June 1618, his older brother Jacob’s legal action indicated that Balthasar was around 25 years old at the time, making his birth date 1593 or 1594. His father, Hans, was a widower, and when he died in 1609, Bathasar moved in with his older sister, Maria, and his brother-in-law, the prominent Dutch painter Ambrosius Bosschaert the Elder (1573–1621), whom Maria married in 1604. Van der Ast was trained by Bosschaert as a still life painter, and his early works clearly show Bosschaert’s influence. In turn, the three sons of Ambrosius Bosschaert, Ambrosius the Younger (1609–1645), Johannes (ca. 1612/13-1628 or later), and Abraham (1606-1683/84) were trained by van der Ast upon the death of their father. Together, this group of painters is sometimes referred to as the “Bosschaert dynasty”.
Van der Ast accompanied the Bosschaert family in their move in 1615 to Bergen op Zoom and in 1619 to Utrecht, where van der Ast entered the Utrecht Guild of St. Luke. Roelandt Savery (1576–1639) entered the St. Luke’s guild in Utrecht at about the same time. Savery, had considerable influence on van der Ast and his pupils in the years to come, especially in van der Ast’s interest in tonality.
Besides the Bosschaerts, his pupils were Anthony Claesz and Johannes Baers. It is also likely that Jan Davidsz de Heem (1606-1683/84) was van der Ast’s pupil in Utrecht. He also influenced Willem and Evert van Aelst, and Bartholomeus Assteyn.
Van der Ast remained in Utrecht until 1632, when he moved to Delft where he joined the guild of St Luke on 22 June 1633. On February 1633 he married Margrieta Jans van Buijeren. They had two children, Maria and Helena. In Delft, van der Ast and family lived in the house on Cellebroerstraat until 1640, and in the house in Oude Delft until his death in 1657, when he was buried in the Oude Kerk.
Balthasar van der Ast was originally published on HiSoUR Art Collection
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aliajwad1 · 8 years ago
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worldsandemanations · 8 months ago
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Jan Saverys (Belgian, 1924-2017), Composition, 27 August 1953. Pencil and black chalk on paper
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aliajwad1 · 8 years ago
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aliajwad1 · 8 years ago
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aliajwad1 · 8 years ago
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aliajwad1 · 8 years ago
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