#Jamie's friends vs their absolute outrage at the way richmond perceives their best friend
asteria-argo · 5 months
I'm suffering and distracting myself with writing, enjoy a snippet on the beautiful and the damned of it all!
“What book?” Skye asks, brow furrowed in curiosity. Jamie sighs, shaking his head out like it might get rid of the fuzzy edges of anger that have settled between his ears. “It was this thing he did when he first came to coach us all yeah?” He explains, tired all of a sudden. He hadn’t felt much of anything, the first time he read the book, to focused on just fucking finishing it to think much about why Ted had actually given it too him. It wasn’t until his third time reading it that it clicked, and Jamie had gotten this sudden rush of shame-anger-horror that still settled heavy in his throat every time he picked the book up again. “Gave everyone books that reminded him of them, or that he wanted us to learn a lesson from or something. He gave me The Beautiful and The Damned, guess I was supposed to be a stand in for Anthony fucking Patch.” “Excuse me?” Skye asked, blinking at Jamie in shock with a deceptively light voice considering the wave of absolute outrage that had overtaken her face. She looked downright murderous, in a way Jamie had only witnessed once before, when McKay had tried to pull one of her students up for being dressed inappropriately because their school dress was ‘too short’ and ‘distracting the boys’. “you're telling me that he’s the one who gave you that stupid fucking book?”
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