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what a nerd (i love him)
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Ad Astra (2019) Review: Journey to the Infinite! ✨
Delve into the thought-provoking depths of Ad Astra, a science fiction film that explores multifaceted themes of self-discovery, masculinity, father-son relationships, and mythology. With a captivating performance by Brad Pitt, this introspective journey challenges familiar struggles and unveils profound lessons. Director James Gray's masterful blend of ancient mythology and intergalactic exploration creates a unique cinematic experience. Discover the emotional foundation and contrasting elements that set Ad Astra apart from other sci-fi films, offering a compelling exploration of human existence beyond our world.
📌 For more reading, you can visit:
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Watching this amazing #joaquinphoenix @markwahlberg movie #WeOwnTheNight #Brothers #brother #brotherlylove #brotherlylove💙 #bro’s #markwhalberg #wahlburgers #whalberg #jamesgray (at Boston, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7JUvaQHfo3/?igshid=ris59c3t3yau
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From dominating the karting tracks of East Anglia to the top of the podium in Formula 3 and Formula 2, #georgerussell has now fully established himself as a Formula 1 star.
After cutting his teeth as a driver with #williams, in 2022 he signed with #mercedes , highlighting the extent of his raw talent.
Sports journalist and author of 'Max Verstappen' @jamesgraysport traces Russell's career so far in his new book, discussed in this in-depth interview:

#F1 #formula1 #motorsport #mercedes #jamesgray #georgerussell #iconbooks #racing #newbook #biography
George Russell: A biography by James Gray is out now (Icon Books).
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#AdamDriver #JeremyStrong y #AnneHathaway protagonizarán thriller policial de #JamesGray #PaperTiger √
En medio de un exceso de proyectos de terror que se dirigen al American Film Market, llega un legítimo thriller policial y dramático de primera línea en la forma de la próxima película de James Gray, Paper Tiger, que será protagonizada por el nominado al Oscar Adam Driver, el ganador del Emmy y el Tony Jeremy Strong y la ganadora del Oscar Anne Hathaway. James Gray / Imagen cortesía Getty…
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Ad Astra • Ad Astra: Rumo às Estrelas (2019)
Direção.: James Gray
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With Stinger., James Gray
Miniature works of art in metal and gem stones attracted me to the idea of doing a collection of large-format brooches of various shapes and styles. I'm especially attracted to the victorian and Art Deco aspects of using insects to convey the gems into fashion ware. The idea that these lovely little forms gently landed on a woman's shoulder or lapel is whimsical and enchanting.
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Repost from @robertpattinsonau • PEOPLE TALKING ROB: Rodrigo Teixeira interviewed James Grey on RT Features IG (head on over for full interview). This is what they had to say about Rob: TEXEIRA: I really like him ( Robert Pattinson ) on the film (TLCOZ) when I worked with him in The Lighthouse he became one of my favorite actor to work. Personally I love that kid. He’s amazing amazing actor GRAY: Hes excellent Thanks Monsiuer_HJ twitter for heads up and clip #RobertPattinson #JamesGray #TheLostCityofZ #RTFeatures #TheLighthouse https://www.instagram.com/p/CChegx-H-Pv/?igshid=yt6k5efnaolg
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The enemy up here is not a person or a thing. It’s the endless void.
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Ad Astra review, #adastra #adastramovie #bradpitt #jamesgray #tommyleejones #moviereviews #moviereview #movies #filmreviews #filmreview (at United Artist IMAX Theater) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2sxP6eHu08/?igshid=1tasek17qid3n
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A todos, boa noite! E hoje a noite é de estreia nos cinemas! Convido vocês a visitarem o Portal do Andreoli, para conferir minha novíssima crítica sobre esta excepcional sci-fi protagonizada pelo astro Brad Pitt, e que estreia nos cinemas brasileiros no dia 26 de setembro. Crítica sem spoilers, como sempre. Crítica: AD ASTRA: RUMO ÀS ESTRELAS (AD ASTRA) | 2019 https://luizandreoli.com.br/critica-ad-astra-rumo-as-estrelas-ad-astra-2019/ #AdAstra #Crítica #Review #PortaldoAndreoli #SciFi #Drama #Thriller #BradPitt #TommyLeeJones #JamesGray #Space #Future #Pop #PopCulture #Geek #Nerd #Movies #Filmes #Cinema #Culture #Cult #Art #Entertainment #OsFilmesdoKacic https://www.instagram.com/p/B1-DjyzlWNK/?igshid=1xtzneimu9xvz
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#twolovers #2008 DIR #jamesgray CAST #vinessashaw #joaquinphoenix #drama #movie DP #joaquínbacaasay (à New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0JdxpqjXH5/?igshid=i23uu1dt8c5n
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I’m now curious to see Armageddon Time as Jeremy describes the portrayal of a abusive parent #FocusFeatures #JamesGray #JeremyStrong #deadlinecontenders #DeadlineContendersFilm https://www.instagram.com/p/ClJtNwDv1ZC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#movie screening #2 today... #ArmageddonTime @armageddontimefilm . #JaylinWebb @jaylincwebb #AnneHathaway @annehathaway #AnthonyHopkins @anthonyhopkins #JeremyStrong #JamesGray #film #cinema #movies #films @focusfeatures (at Universal Studios Hollywood) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj1krlgpNam/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Prime reazioni all'atteso progetto di #JamesGray, #ArmageddonTime, un racconto di formazione, incentrato sulle memorie d’infanzia del regista con l’intento di esplorare valori come lealtà e amicizia sullo sfondo sociale di un America pronta a cambiare il proprio volto. Nel cast spiccano #AnthonyHopkins, #AnneHathaway e #JeremyStrong. "Un'opera di grande amore, autenticità emotiva e gratitudine, qualità che danno vita a ogni fotogramma reso suggestivo dal direttore della fotografia Darius Khondji, con le sue sgranate trame e i suoi colori tenui" (David Rooney, The Hollywood Reporter) "Ciò che eleva Armageddon Time a qualcosa di più di un racconto di formazione è il modo in cui la maggiore età del protagonista si riflette nella storia nazionale del Paese che chiude un capitolo su Jimmy Carter per voltare pagina e abbracciare l'egoismo reaganiano degli anni '80. Così ci ricorda che per quanto potremmo disprezzare Trump, i semi sono stati seminati decenni fa' e alcuni di loro non riuscivano a difendere ciò che era giusto. È raro che un film in costume possa sembrare così potentemente attuale" (John Bleasdale, CineVue) "In Armageddon Time Hopkins e Hathaway non possono salvare questa storia su un potenziale Trump. Un ragazzo della classe media sfrutta il suo privilegio nella New York dell'era Reagan in un film fin troppo mieloso" (Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian) #CriticsReviews #Cannes2022 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd1AB3bM3JI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Les amis je termine mon exploration du space opéra débuté en décembre avec PLANÈTE INTERDITE en vous parlant de AD ASTRA (2019) de James Gray. Un cinéaste que j’aime particulièrement. Après le polar crépusculaire, le drame poignant et le film d’aventure intimiste le cinéaste met en scène son premier film de science-fiction. Dans un futur proche une surcharge électrique cause de multiples ravages sur Terre. Les scientifiques se rendent vite compte que les causes de ces incidents proviennent d’une certaine activité orbitale de Neptune. En effet on n’y a transféré 16 ans auparavant un équipage qui avait pour mission de rechercher la vie extraterrestre. On décide donc d’ y envoyer un Major pour enquêter… . Comme très souvent chez ce cinéaste, AD ASTRA est avant tout un parcours initiatique en milieu hostile qui rend directement hommage au récit AU CŒUR DES TÉNÈBRES de Joseph Conrad et la SF réaliste. Encore une fois il traite avec un certain brio la thématique du Chaos familial si cher à son cœur. Le major incarné avec grande sobriété par Brad Pitt doit retrouver son père interprété par Tommy Lee Jones qui serait à l’origine des catastrophes. Cette mission va bouleverser sa vie et remettre en question ses priorités existentielles. Ce sont des thématiques récurrentes dans toute l’œuvre de James Gray. Même si le long-métrage reste une œuvre très épurée, le metteur en scène n’oublie pas de nous proposer des belles séquences d’action comme cette fameuse poursuite véhiculée sur la lune. Même si on a pas mal reproché au film une certaine lenteur et austérité, l’ensemble reste une belle œuvre humaniste et parfois même assez bouleversante. Malgré son échec commercial,AD ASTRA est pour moi une belle réussite et prouve encore une fois L’incroyable éclectisme du réalisateur. Une œuvre élégante qui mérite largement le détour ! Je remercie les personnes qui ont pris leurs temps pour lire mes petites chroniques et je vous dis à bientôt pour une prochaine… #adastramovie #adastra #sciencefiction #filmculte #filmcult #jamesgray #bradpitt #tommyleejones #spaceopera #movie #filmcritique #film #filmcritic #geek #geekinworld #popcultureart (à Ile-de-France, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ccid2hALcHP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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