#James Newson Beech
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natteryaktoad · 7 months ago
Newson Beech, Day 86, Part 9
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Rainbow: Is it a bit overwhelming, all these people? Shall we go up to your room?
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Rainbow: I can't lose you, Ryleigh.
Ryleigh: Waaaaaaaa!
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Rainbow: You're okay. Mummy's coming.
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Nico's ten neat points showed up in a big way as soon as he grew up!
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Virginia, where are you taking that baby?
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Nicholas Hamilton Newson Beech, aka Nico. Popularity, Culinary LTW, Straight.
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Nicholas: How's my favourite little sister? I know you're my only little sister, but that doesn't stop you being my favourite!
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natteryaktoad · 7 months ago
Newson Beech, Day 86, Part 8
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We are definitely changing that outfit as soon as the guests leave!
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natteryaktoad · 7 months ago
Newson Beech, Day 86, Part 7
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McAuley: Hi Bach! You're so cute! You're so cute! Yes you are!
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Nicholas: Can I dance on your feet whilst I'm still small enough?
Gryffin: Sure.
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The pool is popular, despite it being the last day of autumn.
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It's cake time!
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Happy Birthday, Nico!
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natteryaktoad · 7 months ago
Newson Beech, Day 86, Part 6
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Rainbow: How is she?
Carla (social worker): Right as rain! She had a bit of a nappy incident, so Dad put her in a new outfit he'd bought her-
Rainbow: It's too small.
Carla: A little, maybe, but it still fits for now. Can I come in? - there's something I need to talk to you about.
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Carla: There was Court yesterday, for Ryleigh. The judge ordered more and longer visits for Dad - with a view to assessing him to have Ryleigh live with him, perhaps in a parent and child foster placement at first.
Rainbow: What-?
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Carla: I know you'd been hoping to adopt Ryleigh-
Rainbow: We applied to be adopters, not foster parents. We thought... this was supposed to be a foster-to-adopt placement.
Carla: It was; at the time Ryleigh came to you, the thought was that Ryleigh's best option was to be adopted. But now - Dad's been turning his life around. He's attended every training course and therapy session he's been offered, he's got a steady job, he's never missed a visit and always has stellar reports from the support workers. He really loves Ryleigh-
Rainbow: So do we! He didn't stop her birth mum abusing her! And how do we know for sure he didn't abuse her too?
Carla: I promise we won't give Ryleigh back to him if there's any concerns at all that he's abused her in the past or is likely to in the future. Like I said, if he does have Ryleigh live with him, it will likely be in a parent and child foster placement to start with, so he can keep being supported and monitored.
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Carla: The new visit schedule will start on Monday. I'll email you a copy as soon as I get back to the office. I'll see myself out.
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Nicholas: Is that my cake?
Garrett: Wha-? Oh, yeah. Pizza for your party, buddy?
Nicholas: Yes please! With tonnes of cheese!
Garrett: Coming up!
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Rainbow: They can't take her, Garrett. They can't give her back to him. She's our daughter!
Garrett: I know, but-
Rainbow: If you're going to say we knew this was a possibility then don't! I know it's not a done deal until we actually adopt her, but the way things were going... with her birth mum in jail... I thought we'd be able to adopt her for sure. I can't imagine our lives without her...
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natteryaktoad · 7 months ago
Newson Beech, Day 86, Part 5
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Rainbow: I hate leaving her there with him...
Garrett: I know. It's fully supervised though, so you know she'll be okay.
Rainbow: I know. I still don't like it.
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Garrett: Phew! It's hot in here!
Rainbow: Nope, that's just me.
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Date time for Rainbow and Garrett!
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natteryaktoad · 7 months ago
Newson Beech, Day 86, Part 4
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Garrett: Morning... did Ryleigh wake in the night?
Rainbow: Nope. I mean, she woke at like nine and didn't go down again til almost midnight, but after that she's slept through. I think she's awake now, though, but pretty chilled.
Garrett: How about hiring a sitter for the boys this morning and having a breakfast date whilst Ryleigh's at contact?
Rainbow: I don't know...
Garrett: Come on, it's been ages since we had some time just the two of us. The boys will be fine with a sitter, and we can make sure we don't go far in case we need to pick Ryleigh up early or something.
Rainbow: Okay...
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Garrett: You want me to get Ryleigh up and ready for Contact?
Rainbow: No, I will. You book the sitter and invite people to Nico's party. I hate that she still has to see him. We don't even know if he hurt her too, and he definitely didn't stop her hurting her. I can't wait until she's adopted and we don't have to do these visits anymore.
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James woke up wanting to do his homework, so homework he did!
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It's probably a bit cold for swimming, but Nico doesn't care.
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Rainbow: Right, that's you ready, baby girl. I know this isn't fun, but Carla will bring you right home to Mummy and Daddy afterwards, and it's only a few hours.
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natteryaktoad · 7 months ago
Newson Beech, Day 86, Part 3
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Rainbow: Hey now, you were okay a minute ago, weren't you? Let me just have something to eat-
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Ryleigh: Waaaaaaaaaa!
Rainbow: Okay, okay, I'm coming!
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Rainbow: Oh, you're very wet, aren't you, sweetheart? Let's get you all clean and dry.
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Rainbow: There now, that's better, isn't it? Now, can Mummy eat her burger? Then we'll get you your last bottle and tuck you back into bed.
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No more green baby bottles!
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Rainbow: I'm going to wash the dog, but I'll take the monitor with me, and Daddy's right here, anyway. I love you so much, Ryleigh.
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Rainbow: Cut it out, Bach! It's too late and too dark for you to be messing around like this!
Garrett and the boys went to bed early after their outing, but Rainbow stayed up late, looking after Ryleigh and washing Bach, the dog.
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natteryaktoad · 7 months ago
Newson Beech, Day 86, Part 2
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Rainbow: Mummy's going to put your in your crib and set it rocking, and then I'll be right over here reading, okay, baby?
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That is one ginormous orange!
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Rainbow spent her evening reading whilst Ryleigh slept.
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Rainbow: What have we woken up for, then? Can you see Mummy, Ryleigh? I'm here...
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Rainbow: How was basketball and dinner?
Garrett: The boys loved it. Nico's told me some people he wants to invite to his birthday - I'll call in the morning. How's our little princess?
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Rainbow: I'm worried about her vision. She doesn't really look at anyone unless they're super close - look, she's not looking at you now, is she? Do you think we should mention it to the paediatrician at her next check up?
Garrett: It can't hurt. What do you think - she's really short sighted?
Rainbow: Maybe, or maybe her eyes are damaged. That can happen when a baby's shaken. I don't know if it's the same if their cot's shaken rather than the baby themselves... if she's permantently damanged Ryleigh's eyes, one year in prison is nowhere near enough. And to think she won't even serve all of that - she could be out in a few months!
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natteryaktoad · 7 months ago
Newson Beech, Day 86, Part 1
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No one was tired after a neighbourhood reset, so Garrett took the boys out to shoot hoops.
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Nicholas: Wanna play catch?
James: Okay.
Garrett: Don't go far - they're just about to show us to our table.
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James: How come you get to sit next to Daddy?
Nicholas: Because it's my birthday tomorrow. Anyway, you get to sit opposite him, which is almost as good.
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Garrett: So which friends to you want to invite to your party tomorrow, Nico?
Nicholas: Um... Gryff, and Percy, and McAuley. Maybe some other people if I think of them.
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Nicholas: Higher, Dad!
Garrett: You'll be too big for this soon.
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Now James can have pictures of him and his brother on his wall, just like Nico does!
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natteryaktoad · 1 year ago
Newson Beech, Day 85, Part 5
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Ryleigh is not a happy baby!
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Rainbow: It's okay, Ryleigh. You're okay.
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Rainbow: Look, Ryleigh - doggy!
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Garrett: Shall I get her?
Rainbow: Yeah, but your burger'll get cold.
Garrett: It's okay. I can stick it in the microwave after you're done eating and have your hands free.
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Garrett: Aha! I may have identified the problem!
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Garrett: Hold still, baby, we'll have you all clean in a minute.
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James: Is that her? It's Ryleigh?
Garrett: It sure is. Stick your homework somewhere safe and come say hi.
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Nico: Hi Ryleigh. I'm your big brother Nico!
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James: Where did I go? Boo!
Ryleigh: Waaaaa!
James: I'm sorry!
Rainbow: It's okay. It's been a big day - perhaps she's just overwhelmed. Let's show you your cot, Ryleigh - perhaps you could do with a nap?
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Rainbow: There now, that's it. You go to sleep. Mummy will be right here in this chair, my love.
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natteryaktoad · 1 year ago
Newson Beech, Day 85, Part 4
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Garrett: Ready?
Rainbow: I think so. I'll just go get dressed.
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Here's the social worker!
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And here's Ryleigh!
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Social Worker: Here she is. I've got a bin bag of her stuff in the car - I'll just go grab it. She's got contact with Mum at 10am tomorrow - I'll come and pick you both up for this one so you can see how to get to the contact centre.
Rainbow: She's still having contact with her mum even though she was arrested for abusing her?
Social Worker: Whilst she's out on bail, yes. And Dad is being assessed for contact too. Sorry, it's all been a bit rushed. We can meet whilst Ryleigh's at contact tomorrow and I'll catch you up properly.
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Garrett: Hi Ryleigh.
Rainbow: Let's get something nice and warm on her. Can you hold her whilst I find where I put that outfit?
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Garrett: There now, that's better, isn't it?
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Ryleigh: Waaaaaa!
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Rainbow: What's up, sweetheart? Hungry, maybe?
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Rainbow: Oh yes, you needed that, didn't you!
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natteryaktoad · 1 year ago
Newson Beech, Day 85, Part 3
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Nico: Good morning, Beary McBear Face. I know I'm sort of too big for you now, but I won't let Ryleigh slobber all over you. Maybe me and James could buy her her own bear with our pocket money, though.
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James guesses Ryleigh can share the play tower when she's bigger, but he's glad to have it (mostly) to himself right now since Nico thinks he's too old.
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Nico: Bach, are you excited about getting a new baby sister?
Bach: Woof?
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natteryaktoad · 1 year ago
Newson Beech, Day 85, Part 2
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Garrett: Clear the way! Clear the way! I'm coming in!
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Nico: Careful, James - he'll splash all the water out of the pool!
Garrett: Cheeky brat! I'm coming in!
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Nico: Catch me if you can!
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Bela: You said you were ringing me at eight!
Nico: Sorry, I was swimming.
Bela: At this time of year? Wasn't it freezing?
Nico: I mean, it was cold. But not as cold as ice cream. Did Mum tell you we're adopting a new little sister tomorrow and she's called Ryleigh?
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Garrett: Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?
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Garrett: How are you feeling?
Rainbow: Nervous. Excited. Wishing we had a little more time to prepare. So happy that this time tomorrow, our little girl will be in our arms where she belongs.
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natteryaktoad · 1 year ago
Newson Beech, Day 85, Part 1
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Rainbow: Tomorrow?! ... Oh, I see... yes, that makes sense... okay, we'll see you then.
Nico: Who was that, Mum?
Rainbow: Let's wait for Daddy and James and then we'll tell you both. I'll go find them.
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James: Is this a serious family meeting? Why? We made sure we didn't drip into the house when we used the pool earlier!
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Rainbow: Don't worry, you're not in trouble or anything.
Garrett: We were going to talk to you about this a little while before it happened, but now... how would you feel about having a baby sister?
James: A sister? Mummy, do you have a baby in your tummy?
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Rainbow: No. You know how you didn't grow in my tummy?
James: Yeah, I growed in your heart and in someone else's tummy.
Rainbow: Well, it's the same with your baby sister. We're adopting her, just like we adopted you. She won't be adopted straight away, but she'll live with us whilst we work all that out. That's called fostering.
Nico: When's she coming?
Garrett: Tomorrow. Like I said, we wanted to tell you more in advance, but we only just found out she's coming tomorrow.
Rainbow: Her foster parents have to go away urgently, and it didn't make sense to move her to different foster parents when she was coming here in a few weeks anyway, so she's coming tomorrow.
James: What's her name?
Garrett: Ryleigh. She's not a tiny baby - she's nine months old - but she's younger than you were when we adopted you, James.
Nico: Is she crawling yet? Do we need to baby-proof our rooms?
Rainbow: No, she's not crawling yet, so your stuff is safe for a little while longer. Even when she can move around by herself, she won't go far without us, and if you close your doors she won't be able to get in until she's a lot older.
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James: When's her birthday? Will we have a party? Or an adoption party like you said we did when I was adopted?
Garrett: Well, she's not quite adopted yet, remember, but I'm sure we can have a party when she is.
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natteryaktoad · 2 years ago
Newson Beech, Day 84, Part 3
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Nico: Good morning, Bach! Aren't you a good doggy? Do you want some breakfast?
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Garrett: Hey, Nico, is that you? Can you feed Bach?
Nico: Already on it!
Garrett: Thanks, son... hey, how would you feel about maybe having another little brother or sister someday?
Nico: So long as I don't have to share my room then I'm good!
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James: Daddy, do you b'lieve in ghosts?
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Garrett had the day off work (he now only works three days a week, and two of those are Rainbow's days off, so they'll be well set up if they end up with a baby or toddler) and spent it pottering around the house, cleaning and looking after Bach.
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natteryaktoad · 2 years ago
Newson Beech, Day 84, Part 2
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They tried for baby twice, but no chimes. I didn't think they would be - it took ages for Rainbow to fall pregnant with Nico and she was quite a bit younger then.
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