#Jaerys Ayala
timetravelingshark · 6 years
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So I ran a few of my OCs through that FaceApp thing to see what they’d look like genderbent. Some of them look great, while others look…. different, to say the least.
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mama-germany · 6 years
Full Name: Evette Brigitte D’Aramitz Gender and Sexuality: Girl, lesbian Ethnicity/Species: Human, white Birthplace and Birthdate: December 15, 2205 EST, Tuomi colony, Tau Ceti-fGuilty Pleasures: Trashy dancing Phobias: Entrapment, getting lost in a desert What They Would Be Famous For: Pioneering in the field of extraterrestrial biology What They Would Get Arrested For: That one time she didn’t return an escaped bird and instead nursed it back to health for a while when she should have returned it to the research facility immediately OC You Ship Them With: Shae Morrisey, Jaerys Ayala (platonically)OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Olan I guess? Only because they’re strangers to each other. To people who know her, she’s quite beloved. Favorite Movie/Book Genre: (lol as if they have access to that much film and literature)Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: (see above)Talents and/or Powers: Great swimmer. Great dancer. A good shot, but hates that. Why Someone Might Love Them: She’s kind. She’s passionate. She’s a hard worker. She’s very little-sisterly. More than anyone else, she’s excited and awed and humbled by all the cool things out there in the universe. Why Someone Might Hate Them: The constant self doubt might get annoying after a while How They Change: It only just begins, but she gets more comfortable with leadership and with letting other people put their trust in her Why You Love Them: Because she’s a sweetheart and geeks out over things and she’s a great symbol for optimism and wonder.
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timetravelingshark · 6 years
Both the Ayala boys
Full Name: Levi (insert like four middle names here) Ayala
Gender and Sexuality: Straight Male
Ethnicity/Species: Human
Birthplace and Birthdate: Ayala Manor, Kamira, Andromeda Galaxy, and his birthday on Earth would be December 6th.
Guilty Pleasures: Watching trashy romance flicks. He likes laughing at them.
Phobias: losing his loved ones, La’Kiir forces finding him, small spaces.
What They Would Be Famous For: As a survivor, especially a noble survivor, of the Kamiran genocide.
What They Would Get Arrested For: Disorderly conduct, like being drunk in public or something.
OC You Ship Them With: Elia Todov
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Considering what she did, Erisi Wataai.
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Mystery.
Talents and/or Powers: He’s a good fighter and a good singer. He’s also really good with kids.
Why Someone Might Love Them: He tries his hardest to be a good father figure to Hana and Preston, he’s a loving partner to Elia, and 
Why Someone Might Hate Them: He can get rather gloomy and he runs away from his problems. 
How They Change: He learns to not be afraid of having a family, and to not run away. He gains confidence and happiness that he’d thought he’d lost forever. 
Why You Love Them: He’s a sad dad trying his hardest to be a good father and also he’s a real gentle soul. Full Name: Jaerys (insert like six middle names here) Ayala
Gender and Sexuality: (mostly) Straight Male
Ethnicity/Species: Human
Birthplace and Birthdate: Ayala Manor, Kamira, Andromeda Galaxy. His Earth Birthday would be June 4th.
Guilty Pleasures: He sings and dances along to shitty pop music. Erisi walked in on him doing it once.
Phobias: Levi being injured, spiders, wet socks
What They Would Be Famous For: Being the youngest Military Colonel in recent Kamiran history.
What They Would Get Arrested For: Do you honestly think this kid’s gonna be out doing something that would get him arrested? In all seriousness, though, it’d probably be refusing an order from a commanding officer. Jaerys genuinely cares about the soldiers under his command, and he’d refuse to participate in a plan that would get his men needlessly killed.
OC You Ship Them With: Dela Dal Cuinn and Evette D’Aramitz (but platonically)
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Erisi indirectly murdered him, so yeah, Erisi Wataai.
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Fantasy!
Talents and/or Powers: He’s something of a military prodigy, and he’s a skilled fighter. He’s also very good at drawing.
Why Someone Might Love Them: He’s charming and kind, and really dorky, despite his attempts to hide that detail. He’s a good big brother to Levi and a good friend. He’s also really pretty
Why Someone Might Hate Them: He’s very optimistic, so people who lean the other way might find him grating.
How They Change: He’s shaken after the disappearance of Calem, the crown prince and his childhood best friend, and begins to wonder what exactly the war he’s fighting is about. He never finds out.
Why You Love Them: He’s a genuine sweetheart and a goofball. I can’t help but adore these types of characters.
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timetravelingshark · 6 years
Sentence prompt: "where are your pants?"
Jaerys stood frozen in his room mid-dance. He really should have locked the door, because he knew the Thaans were staying the night, but he didn’t and now Erisi had walked in on him jamming out to music while getting dressed.
He straightened and gestured to the the bed, where the pair he’d picked out sat, a silent witness to this awkward affair. He smiled sheepishly. “…My bed?” 
The blonde’s cheeks were ever so slightly pink, her lips pressed together in a valiant attempt to suppress her giggles. The music played cheerfully around them. “…Aren’t you going to put them on? Or do you need to finish your awesome guitar solo?” 
Jaerys stuck out his tongue, snatching his pants off of the bed. “In fact, yes I do. I was interrupted by a certain blonde who forgot how to knock.”
Erisi nodded and let out a short laugh. “Ah, yes. Sorry. I won’t interrupt the Rock God ever again.” She retreated from the room, grabbing the door handle as she went.
He tossed a grin over his shoulder at the closing door as he buttoned his fly. “Damn right!”
(This is set when Jaerys and Erisi are like, 14 and 15 respectively. Also might be a modern AU, whatever you want.)
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mama-germany · 7 years
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Say hello to the newest OC, Dela Dal Cuinn
Love interest of Jaerys Ayala ( @timetravelingshark's sweet golden boy) and likely another body added to the pile from the Kamiran genocide
aint she pretty
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mama-germany · 7 years
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OC couples 
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timetravelingshark · 7 years
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Hey, Evette! Come check this out!
Jaerys Ayala and Evette D’Aramitz, platonic soulmates and resident plant dorks.
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