#Jade Eagleson
thereviewsarein · 1 year
New Music Spotlight with Foo Fighters, Sam Roberts Band and More!
New Music from Foo Fighters, Sam Roberts Band, Ralph, Jade Eagleson, and Jane’s Party The New Music Spotlight’s here – and in this edition we’ve got new rock, pop, and country music lined up for y’all. It’s big big acts and favourites together in a list of five tracks that we firmly believe deserve a listen. So they are here, and you are here, and all there’s left for you to do is hit play and…
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bellarkeselection · 2 years
🎶✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
1. Country On
2. Thinking Bout You (Favorite song)
3. Getting Into
4. She Don't Know
5. Drunk and I don't Wanna Go Home
6. She Had Me At Heads Carolina
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
Jade Eagleson - Still Gonna Be You
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karahalloway · 11 months
Sleepless in New York: Chapter 12 - Hungover on You
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Series: TRR
Pairing: Drake Walker x F!OC (Harper Gale)
Synopsis: What if Drake met Harper on the first night of Prince Christian’s New York bachelor party? A stand-alone AU written from Drake's POV.
Masterlist: Sleepless in New York
Chapter Summary: The time has come to fly back home... but who won the bet?
Word Count: 6,800
Rating/Warnings: E (swearing, aggravation, references to graphic images, references to sex, references to bodily functions, toilet humour, motive for murder, way too much caffeine)
Chapter theme song:
A/N1: Thank you so much for bearing with me! This chapter was supposed to be done quickly but then it suddenly exploded into the almost 7,000-word monster that you see before you (I blame Leo 😆). Hopefully, the contents make up for the longer-than-planned wait! There will be one more chapter.
A/N2: As an FYI, everything that is mentioned is true/correct/accurate. Yes, everything! You'll know what I mean when you get to it! 🙃
Chapter 12 - Hungover on You
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"Mmm... You're right... These pancakes are heavenly...!" enthuses Max 'round an overstuffed gob.
"I have to admit, I may have been skeptical at first, given the somewhat... dated nature of the décor," admits Chris, skewering the last bite of his own stack, "but I am very glad that I did not allow first impressions to sway me, and to instead let the delights of the fare speak for itself."
I throw him a sidelong glance. "I told you to trust me, didn't I?"
"That you did, mate," Chris chuckles good-naturedly. "That you did."
"Drake always finds the best food," sighs Max as he closes his eyes in blissful appreciation.
I shrug nonchalantly. If you know where to look...
Having hit up Times Square and snapping the obligatory pic or two — it's the end of the trip... fuck it — I'd heeded Chris' final request for this trip by tracking down somewhere we could fuel up before our fast-approaching flight home.
And given the questionable-looking nature of our chosen venue, Chris' initial trepidation had been more than understandable.
Because from the outside — but for the tell-tale smell of bacon wafting out onto the street — this joint looks more like an illicit drug den than a bona fide restaurant. The single-paned window that faces the street has a massive crack in it, the doorway stinks of stale urine, and I wouldn't be surprised if a dead body or two had ended up in the dumpster 'round the back.
The inside's not much better, either. It's a cheap, no-frills galley-kitchen kind of set-up manned by a single, overweight chef who pumps out eggs, bacon, pancakes and hash browns in massive portions while you sit on the other side of the greasy, Lino-covered counter on creaky, '60's bar stools, sipping fully-leaded coffee from chipped mugs.
In short, the complete antithesis of the polished and slightly over-glammed feel of the retro, 1950s diner we ate at yesterday.
And that's why I picked it. Because after having been up the whole night, we need something to sub-in for our lack of sleep, and nothing tastes better than comfort food when you're craving a calorie hit. Plus, Chris had wanted a 'classic' Stateside breakfast experience, and it doesn't get much more Americana than this...
"What is all that sticky goop that it's swimming in?"
...except for the fact that I have Tariq sitting on the other side of me, complaining loudly about every-damn-thing that offends his toffee-nosed sensibilities.
Because as per usual, I can't seem to take two steps in this fuckin’ city without the Almighty crapping on me.
Our butts had just hit the stools when Chris' phone began lighting up with a million-and-one messages from Max asking where we were, what the plan was, and was there any food anywhere.
So, Chris (being Chris) had extended the breakfast invite to not only Max, but to the rest of our band of noble misfits, meaning that our laid-back outing has now morphed into a real-life rendition of The Breakfast Club.
I suppress a groan as I take another swig of my scalding coffee, careful not to move my mouth too much, given that — on top of everything — my jaw has set into exactly the kind of contused stiffness that I'd hoped to avoid.
My own damn fault for not icing the damn thing down when I had the chance...
The only person missing is Leo.
Not that I really care. I've had enough of that guy and his BS for one trip. And the main reason I haven't decked him yet for the shit he pulled last night is because I haven't actually seen him since Gale and I got booted from the club.
And I don't want to ruin Chris' last hour in the Big Apple by knocking his brother's teeth out.
The same can't be said for Tariq, though...
"It's maple syrup, Besnard..." I grunt at him, trying to maintain my focus on the viscous caffeine in my hand, and not the half-a-dozen ways in which I could smash the asshole's face into the countertop.
Because after the steady stream of crap that's hit the fan in the past 36 hours, the only thing keeping me on this side of sane right now is the free-refill mugs of coffee that I've been pouring into myself since we sat down.
Which means that my mood's dancing on a hair trigger, and I'm one stupid comment away from committing violence.
The chef'd probably thank me, though...
Tariq flashes me a disgusted look. "Maple syrup...? You mean tree sap? That is the most disgusting thing I have ever heard of!"
"A lot of things come from trees, dipshit..." I mutter, forcing myself to keep staring at the wall ahead.
Tariq scoffs. "Why would—?"
"Cinnamon is obtained from the inner bark of various South and South East Asian tree species," Chris reminds him.
"And cloves are the dried aromatic flower buds of the clove tree," adds Max, chewing loudly on a ketchup-coveted tater-tot.
Tariq glares down the counter disdainfully. "What are you lot? Walking encyclopaedias...?"
"We just know where our food comes from, Besnard," I grind out around the rim of my mug. "As would you if you ever bothered to step outside."
"Where it comes from is irrelevant," comes the derisive clap-back. "The only thing that matters is the price tag."
"Even when it's been through the digestive tract of a wild animal?" interjects Max with a perfectly straight face.
Tariq nearly spews his over-steeped tea across the room. "What!"
"Certain brands of coffee demand a premium price because of their somewhat... exotic processing process," affirms Chris. "For instance, Kopi Luwak is the most exclusive coffee in the world primarily because it comes from beans that have been consumed and then excreted by the Indonesian palm civet."
Tariq's eyes bulge. "Excreted... As in—?"
"Pooped out," confirms Max gleefully. "Through tiny little butt holes."
Tariq looks like he's about to puke.
"That is correct," continues Chris. "The bile in the civet's digestive system causes the fermentation of—"
Tariq bolts from his chair.
"Lemme guess..." I drawl, turning to face the other two. "The fuck stick's just realised that he's willingly subjected himself to this fancy ass coffee."
"Ass being the operative word..." sniggers Max as he mops up the escaped yolk from his sunny-side-up eggs with a piece of over-buttered toast.
"Yes," laughs Chris, reaching for his own mug of coffee. "He accompanied his father on a business trip to Indonesia last year where he was given the 'Holy Grail' of coffees as a gift..."
"...not realising what it actually was," I snort. "Typical."
The door of the dive creaks open.
"Speaking of typical..." I muttered under my breath as I glance over my shoulder and catch sight of the familiar figure who's just stepped through the entranceway.
"Hey, hey, hey, party people!" greets Leo as he saunters up to us like he doesn't have a care in the world...
...Oh, wait. He never does.
"Glad you could make it!" smiles Chris as he gets up from his stool to clasp his brother's hand in his own. "I was starting to think maybe you lost your phone again."
"I did, as a matter of fact," confirms Leo with a lop-sided grin, fist-pumping Max as he flops down into Tariq's now-vacant seat.
Chris frowns. "But then how—?"
"DiCaprio took pity on me and gave me a new one he had lying around his flat... Which, I have to say, is pretty sweet."
Max is gaping in starry-eyed admiration. "You got to go to famous Leo's apartment? Jealous!"
"No party like the after-party! And that man knows how to party. Oh! Bacon!" the elder Rys exclaims, suddenly laying eyes on Tariq's abandoned plate.
Chris still looks confused. "But if you lost your phone—"
"The magic of the eSIM, baby!" declares Leo with a full mouth as he brandishes a brand-new iPhone into the air. "Been using it for years! Why d'you think my number never changes?"
Chris opens, then closes his mouth. "Fair point."
"Glad to see you haven't lost your touch, Walker," continues Leo with a shit-eating grin as he elbows me in the ribs. "This place is the perfect spot to get daytime murdered in!"
"Careful what you wish for, Rys..." I mutter under my breath.
"Good bacon, though!" he quips, filching another rasher.
"We can order you a helping if you're hungry..." offers Chris.
"Nah, I'm good," replies Leo, dunking the bacon into some syrup. "Grabbed a bagel on the way from this awesome little Jewish place. Do you know that they even—?"
"Oh, dear God...!" gasps Tariq, bursting back into the dining area with a horrified look on his face. "That restroom is disgusting!"
I clench my eyes shut. Sweet Jesus give me strength...
"I admit it smelled a bit funky," concedes Max, "but nothing worse than when Bertrand—"
"There is excrement floating in the toilet bowl!" Tariq all but shrieks.
"Lemme guess..." I murmur to Chris under my breath. "He didn't know how that shit got made either."
Chris' eyes bulge as his coffee goes down the wrong way.
"That is generally what happens when you take a dump," Max tells him prosaically.
"It wasn't mine!!"
"Hate to break it to you, old sport," intones Leo, laying a hand on Besnard's shoulder, "but not every pisser flushes itself. So, you're going to have t—"
"No!" interjects Tariq, shoving Leo's arm away. "I refuse to go back in there! In fact, I've had it with this entire establishment, this entire city, and this entire bloody trip! Everybody is rude, nobody respects me, and I have suffered enough denigration to last me a lifetime! I am leaving!"
Throwing his nose into the air, he turns on the heel of his treadless Ferragamo loafers to stomp out of the diner.
"Christ!" huffs Leo as he jerks a derisive thumb in Tariq's direction. "Who pissed in his Earl Grey?"
"Oh, he's just miffed because he knows he lost the bet last night," supplies Max 'round a mouthful of toast.
Leo perks up. "What bet?"
"Oh, for fuck's sake..." I groan.
I'd completely forgotten 'bout the stupid bet...
"He does know that the hotel is in the other... direction..." coughs Chris, having finally managed to clear the wayward coffee from his lungs. "Doesn't he?"
"I wouldn't bet on it," I mutter, watching Tariq nearly get run over by an early morning cab as he tries to cross the street. "If we're lucky, he'll end up in Brooklyn again."
Chris starts hacking all over again as he tries and fails to stifle a laugh. "You're a...horrible person..."
"But I'm not wrong," I tell him, pointedly lifting my mug to my mouth again.
"Screw the sour-arsed sod!" cries Leo. "I want to know about this bet! And why I wasn't included on it!"
"You weren't there," I tell him tersely. "Plus, you'd've been ineligible anyway."
"Why would I—?" The proverbial lightbulb clicks to life in Leo's head. "Ooh! It was a race to fourth base, wasn't it?"
"Congrats, Sherlock," I grunt. "You've graduated to deductive reasoning..."
"Not just a pretty face, Walker," winks Leo in reply.
I roll my eyes as I return my attention to my coffee.
"But who's the winner...?" Leo continues contemplatively, eyeing the rest of us.
Max opens his mouth...
"No! Don't tell me!" decrees Leo, shoving a hand into the Beaumont's face. "I wasn't included in the bet, so I demand some vicarious recompense! I'm going to guess!"
"How—?" starts Chris.
"By using my incomparable situational awareness, sprinkled with just a smidge of mind-reading!"
"Sounds mystical..." admits Chris.
"Oh, it is! Prepare to be amazed!"
"I'm ready!" shouts Max like an overeager five-year old.
My head hits the Lino between my arms with a pained groan. Somebody just shoot me...
"Alrighty, then," declares Leo, rubbing his hands together with an ungodly dose of perverse satisfaction. "So, we know for a fact that Toss-Pot Besnard never made it out the gate, and—"
"How are you so certain?" asks Chris with a frown.
"For a start, it's Tariq," I mutter at him from the greasy countertop. "Plus, if by some miracle he had managed to pull, he'd've been bragging about it as soon as he walked in."
"True..." Chris concedes with a laugh.
"But, more importantly," adds Max, "Lucy and Jamie — the two girls he'd been after — ended up taking me home last night."
My head snaps up so fast, I nearly give myself whiplash. "They fucking what?"
"You heard me!" grins Max like the Grinch who stole Christmas.
"Hayley and Harper's friends..." reiterates Chris carefully. "You slept with both of them?"
"Yup!" comes the cocky affirmation.
"Well, fuck me running..." I scoff with a shake of my head.
Though I can't seem to stop an involuntary smirk from pulling at my mouth. Because that shit? That's impressive.
"Yes, gold star to Baby Beaumont," agrees Leo with a grin, slapping Max on the back. "But did he seal the deal before my little brother? That's the million-dollar question..."
"What about Drake?" interjects Chris. "He and Harper—"
"Oh, Walker didn't score!" laughs Leo.
Chris' eyes widen as he turns back to me. "You didn't? But you were the first to leave."
"Not by choice..." I admit sourly.
"Captain America here got his arse handed to him by a couple of beefcakes..." Leo explains.
"Fuck you, Rys!" I snap. "It was five against one and I still held my ground!"
"It was you who got caught up in that fight?" gasps Max. "That looked brutal..."
"It would certainly explain the bruises on your face," muses Chris, eyeing me critically. "And the ripped shirt."
I make a vague noise by way of reply. But I don't bother to correct him. The details aren't important. They lead to the same result.
Not that that's anybody's business...
"...and promptly got tossed out the club with Swifty in tow," continues Leo cheerfully. "Which I'm guessing is the reason why she wasn't willing to put out, because—"
I shoot off the stool, shattering the mug in my hand in the process. "Mention her one more time, Rys, and I swear to God—"
"Wait, wait, wait, wait!" interjects Max with a frantic wave of his hands. "If he left with Harper, how do you know that he didn't—?"
Leo jabs an uncompromising finger into my face. "Does this look like the expression of a man who spent the night warmly cocooned by the soft embrace of a woman's supple and welcoming thighs?"
I slap his hand away with a growl.
"Hmm..." muses Max, narrowing his eyes at me. "Now that you mention it... He does seem surprisingly grouchy this morning. Even more so than he was last night..."
"Beaumont..." I warn.
"Whereas my little brother is positively glowing!" continues Leo, fanning his hands around Chris by way of illustration. "Tell me you don't see the difference!"
"Fuck you, both," I grunt, slinging myself down into the barstool again.
A fresh mug of coffee appears before me, as if by magic.
I grab for it tersely. Where's the whiskey when you need it...?
"I rest my case," declares Leo smugly. "Which means, it's down to Lord Three-Way Beaumont and Prince Pull-Hard Charming. But who took their ladies to Heaven first...?"
"It doesn't matter," I grunt abrasively. "Max isn't in the running."
"I am afraid he is correct," Chris agrees after a second's reflection, glancing at Max. "No one backed you, so—"
"Rubbish!" objects Leo loudly. "The sheer act of the ménage à trois should guarantee him a spot in the champions' league, if not the entirety of the pot outright!"
"Except he's not the one who gets the money," I point out. "It's the person who ponied him."
"Christ, if it's that much of an issue, I'll punt him!" declares Leo. "What were the stakes?"
"Eight hundred ducats," Max tells him.
"Done," Leo declares, pulling his wallet out to drop a handful of Ben Franklins on the counter.
Chris meets my eye. "Your call, Drake. It's your money on the line."
I flick my eyes between Max and Chris, before letting out a low breath. "Fuck it. Let's make it interesting."
Pulling my own wallet out, I slap the requisite cash down as well.
Because worst case? I'm out of pocket $500. But best case? I net four times that. And I'm my book, that's a play worth making. Especially when my money's on Chris.
"That's my man!" whoops Leo, punching me enthusiastically in the arm.
"Careful, Rys," I warn him as Chris and Max add their contributions to the purse as well. "It's your dough I'm about to walk away with..."
"Eh..." shrugs Leo unconcernedly. "Money's relative."
"Spoken like a born-and-bred fat cat," I reply dryly.
"And now for the big reveal!" shouts Leo, clapping his hands together. "The stakes are set. The buttocks are clenched. Who takes the crown of Don Juan?"
Chris and Max exchange wry looks.
"What time did you get back to the hotel?" Max asks.
"Just after midnight, I believe..."
"Twelve thirty-five," I tell him.
Max's feet start dancing beneath him. "Oh, this is going to be close! We got back to the girls' flat around half-past as well."
"Sod all that!" cries Leo. "Get to the climax, gents! We want to know who got slob on their knob first!"
"Well, after we got back to the suite, we shared a drink before we..." Chris clears his throat. "...retired to the bedroom. So, perhaps 1am?"
"Yeah-yah!" enthuses Leo with a snap of his fingers. "Bring it home like a pro, bro!"
"Not sure why you're rooting for him," I scoff.
"I am permitted to share in my little brother's sex-tastic accomplishments!" he counters. "Especially when I'm the one who taught him everything he knows!"
"Except now, it's about to leave you out of pocket," I smirk, reaching for the pile of cash.
"Hold on!" interjects Max, scrolling furiously through his phone. "I think I have Christian beat!"
I frown. "How in the—?"
"Watch it and weep!" the Beaumont exclaims triumphantly, thrusting his phone out.
Leaning in towards the device — from the speakers of which spew the unmistakably pornographic sounds of sex — Leo, Chris, and I are greeted with a bird's eye view of Max balling Lucy from behind while she went down on Jamie's spread-eagled form on the bed.
Leo's jaw drops. "You filmed it?"
"Would've been rude not to," smirks Max.
"You dirty bugger!" laughs Leo, grabbing the Beaumont to noogie him.
I pull my eyes away from the X-rated spectacle. "Okay, but how does this—?"
"Look at the...time stamp," prompts Max from beneath Leo's arm.
Glancing back at the screen, I focus in on the tiny numbers at the top.
My shoulders slump. "Goddamn it."
"Looks like we have our winner," Chris concedes with a wry chuckle.
"You're not even going to contest it?" I demand, throwing an accusatory hand out at Max.
"I am not sure there is anything to contest," replies Chris. "The numbers speak for themselves. And since Maxwell is the only one out of the two of us who had the foresight to record the exact timing of the event, I think it is only fair that he takes the pot."
"Yeah, baby!" whoops Leo, jumping off his stool with outstretched arms to thrust out an in-your-face victory dance à la Ace Ventura. "Can you feel it? Can... you... feel it?! Damn, it feels good!"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever..." I grunt with a roll of my eyes.
But, Leo's asinine antics aside, I have to hand it to Max. Not only did the guy manage to go above and beyond, but he somehow managed to beat the clock as well.
So, I can't begrudge second place too much.
"I believe this is rightfully yours, big brother," declares Chris, graciously handing the pile of bills over.
"Why, thank you, little brother!" grins Leo as he accepts the winnings with a mock bow...
...before studiously dumping the cash into Max's lap.
The Beaumont's eyes widen in disbelief. "I— But you— I didn't—"
"Hey, I wasn't the one with my pants down on the front lines last night," he says. "So, if anyone deserves the spoils of war, it's you."
Max is still gawping like a stupefied goldfish. "But—"
"Spend it well, kemosabe," the elder Rys incants somberly, laying a hand on Max's shoulder.
"Th-thank you," stammers Max, suddenly overcome with unexpected emotion.
"Ehh... Don't mention it!" shrugs Leo with a grin. "I'm just here for the memories. Though... speaking of, if you want your lasting memories of this trip to be anything other than dear Father sending a squadron of Guards after you to haul you back across the Pond, I suggest you get your tushes to the airport."
"Oh, shit..." I cuss, glancing down at my watch. "We gotta move." Necking the last of my coffee, I signal for the cheque.
"Are you flying back with us?" asks Chris as he pushes himself off his stool.
"Nah," demurs Leo, reaching across his brother to grab the final piece of bacon off Tariq's plate. "As much as I'd love to steal your thunder by gate-crashing yet another fancy ball that I don't have an invitation to, you know Regina still hasn't revoked that shoot-on-sight order she put out on my head last year."
Chris laughs. "I'm sure it's not all that bad..."
"You'd be surprised!" insists Leo with only a touch of sardonicism. "Plus, I promised Katie that I'll bring her back a box of cronuts. So, I got a few errands to run before I jet out."
"Well, in that case," replies Chris, reaching out to envelop his brother in a hug, "thank you for coming, and we'll hopefully see each other soon!"
"You can bet on it, matey," confirms Leo, giving Chris a heartfelt thump on the back before pulling away. "At the Coronation, if nothing else."
Chris' eyes widen. "Father signed off on your attendance?"
"Not yet," the elder Rys admits. "But I'm slowing wearing the old man down."
"Well, I — for one — certainly hope you succeed!" laughs Chris.
"I have faith in myself," winks Leo. Leaning past Chris, he reaches out to bump knuckles with Max. "Beaumont. Say hi to Bert for me."
"Will do," nods Max. "And thank you. Again. You really didn't—"
"Like I said," Leo deflects with an arrant smirk. "Don't even mention it."
Max nods gratefully.
Finally, Leo turns to me. "Walker."
I meet his eye impassively as I draw myself up to my full height to face him. "Rys."
"You got his six, right?" he asks, inclining his head almost imperceptibly back towards his brother, who — true to his earlier promise — is in the process of intercepting the bill before it can make it to me.
"Come hell or high water," I affirm.
"Good," he nods, his expression uncharacteristically tight. "'Cause there's going to be both. And he'll need someone to help pull him through."
"This ain't my first rodeo, Leo," I remind him, watching Chris trying to figure out which greenback was which with Max's help as he sought to pay for our breakfast.
"I know," acknowledges Leo, his face tightening as the memories of the fallout from the assassination attempt flash through his memory. "But I still appreciate it. He is my only brother, after all."
I meet his eye. "Then you know why I'm doing it."
Leo holds my gaze for a long moment before extending his hand. "You're a good friend, Drake."
"Someone's gotta be," I tell him with a wry smile, reciprocating the gesture.
Leo might grate me up the wrong way with his bad jokes and juvenile attitude, but we are — and always have been — on the same page when it comes to Chris.
"They're rarer than you think," Leo murmurs softly. Dropping my hand, he turns back to Chris and Max, who have finally managed to settle the bill, plus tip. "Ciao, amigos! It's been a blast!"
"Have a good flight!" Chris tells him with a wave.
"I always do!" Leo assures him. "Stay safe, little brother. Give the ladies a fair chance, don't do anything I wouldn't—"
I scoff. "Is there even such a thing?"
"—and remember," Leo continues unabashedly, "if you're ever in doubt, there's always the balcony!"
Chris stifles a laugh. "I'm sure it won't come to that..."
"Never underestimate the beauty of a Plan B!" Leo hollers over his shoulder as he pulls the rickety door open, and steps out onto the street.
Max stares after him with a perplexed look. "When he said 'balcony'... Did he mean you jumping off it, or you throwing the lady off?"
"I wouldn't read into it too much," I advise as I grab my leather jacket to pull it on. Turning to Chris I ask, "You good?"
"Yes, I think I managed to sort the bill..." he replies, pulling his own jacket on as well. "Fifty percent gratuity is acceptable here, right?"
I nearly dislocate my shoulder putting my arm into a non-existent sleeve. "Erm... Yeah. Sure. More than acceptable."
Christmas definitely came early for this waitress!
But at least the hefty tip would help smooth over any wayward resentment left in the wake of Tariq's ass-like behaviour.
Chris' face visibly relaxes. "Oh, good! I wasn't sure of the correct etiquette."
"Trust me," I drawl, opening the creaky door. "You ain't never gonna fall flat in that department."
"If you say so," concedes Chris with a smile as he and Max follow me out onto the street.
"I know so," I assure him, leading the way back to Broadway.
At just gone 7am on a weekday, the city is already a hive of activity with cyclists, taxis, and pedestrians vying for position on the thoroughfares against the buses, garbage trucks, and private vehicles, as everyone tries to get where they're going just that much faster.
My gaze tracks west almost on auto-pilot. Wonder what Gale's doing... Is she still asleep, or—?
I yank myself forcefully back from the precipice of that dead-end drift.
The only thing that matters right now is getting Chris and Max (...Tariq can go fuck himself) back to the hotel and then getting 'cross town to Teterboro in time for scheduled departure.
Leo hadn't been joking when he'd said that Constantine would not hesitate to unleash a squadron of King's Guard on our tails if we didn't arrive back in Cordonia by the agreed time.
That had been the agreement.
Because the first event of the season kicks off tomorrow with the Masquerade Ball, and Chris has a full week's worth of engagements penciled into the twelve hours beforehand.
Which means that there can be zero deviations, zero slippages. We have to be on that plane...
...even though that's the last thing any of us want to do right now.
Because glancing back at Chris and Max as we make our way up back to the hotel, it's clear that New York has been a much-needed escape for both of them. Not just from the daily grind of court, but also from the strictures of expectation. As here, you weren't your name, or your title, or your birthright.
You were just another guy on the street, trying to make your American dream come true.
And despite — or rather, because of — their stations, that's a privilege that neither Chris nor Max have ever had the luxury of experiencing before. Because even though they may have all the money in the world, one thing they could not buy with it is freedom — true freedom. As money garnered expectations and expectations choked you out like chains around your neck.
And that was life's unfair trade-off...
...unless you were Leo, who somehow managed to screw the pooch into laying him a golden egg by finding a woman who was apparently not only worth abdicating for, but who also turned out to be loaded in her own right, thanks to a very generous inheritance provision in her grandmother's will.
And because that money came with zero strings attached, the lucky bastard got to have it all: living it up large, while also getting to flip the rules and regulations that he's always hated the bird.
But, unfortunately for the rest of us mere mortals who weren't born with the luck of the devil, the best we can hope for are those rare moments in between when the constraints of your usual life fall away, and you're rewarded with a much-needed breath of levity.
And maybe that's why I'd fallen so hard and fast for Gale. Because irrespective of the magnetic pull she had on me, she wasn't just some hot girl I'd happened to hit it off with. As while undeniable, the deep seated attraction went beyond the mere physical... or even the personal.
Because beyond the fact that she was gorgeous, funny, and knocked me for six at every turn, she was more than just simple perfection. She was the sweet promise of possibility. Tantalising me with a taste of what could've been in a world free of obligation. Where I was just me — not an undercover Guard, not a duty-bound friend to a prince, not a jaded outsider confined to the sidelines, always looking in.
But as entrancing as the experience had been, I know it couldn't last.
Because such moments are — by their nature — transient. And like a pre-dawn mist on the water, they dissolve with the first light of the sun.
Just like our time in the States.
Which means that it's time to return to reality. Whether we want to or not.
Because duty always calls.
Arriving back at the hotel, I see that the pre-arranged limo is already idling next to the curb.
Detouring by the driver's side window, I have a quick word with the chauffeur to let him know that we'll be back down in a sec with our bags.
Turning to lope into the hotel, I catch up with Chris and Max just as the lift arrives in the lobby. The doors ping open and we pile in to make our way up to our floor, each of us lost in our respective thoughts.
The elevator arrives on our booked-out floor and we disperse into our rooms to throw our shit together. While packing, I send a text to Schweitzer to let him know that we're bugging out, so his team can start the clean-up and check out.
Zipping my duffle up, I do one last sweep of the space before grabbing the keycard and exiting the room for the final time.
Stepping back out into the corridor as the door clicks shut behind me, I find Chris already waiting for a lift.
"You were quick," I say, coming to a stop next to him.
"Wasn't much to pack," he admits.
"Hayley still there?"
"Yes, she's sleeping," he confirms with a ghost of a smile. "I couldn't bring myself to wake her."
I nod wordlessly. Good-byes suck. They're either gut-wrenching, or awkward, or both. Best to just—
"Will...you be back?" "I wouldn't hold my breath." "Maybe I want to."
The ding of the elevator knocks me back into the present.
Shaking my head, I step into the car after Chris. But for some reason, I can't seem to duck the sudden sense of emptiness that's dropped into my guts. Like I'd forgotten something... Even though I know I haven't.
I rub my eyes. I'm just beat...
I'm about to hit the button for the lobby when Max careens in out of nowhere to throw himself through the wedge between the doors, Gucci backpack dangling haphazardly from his arm.
"Oh, thank God!" he pants, falling gracelessly into the small space. "Thought you'd left already!"
"We wouldn't dream of leaving without you, dear friend," Chris assures him with a laugh.
"Speak for yourself," I grunt abrasively as the doors finally close. "You fall behind, you get left behind."
Max's eyes widen. "You wouldn't!"
I meet his gaze impassively. "Try me."
"But Tariq—"
"—can find his own damn way home," I cut in flatly. "If he ain't buckled up by last and final call, that plane's not waiting for him."
Max flicks his horrified gaze from me to Chris.
Chris shrugs. "Drake is correct. It is unfortunately too short notice to modify the flight plan and—"
Throwing his head down, Max begins typing away furiously on his phone.
"You're wasting you're time, Beaumont," I tell him with a low exhale. "Regardless of where the fuck-wit is, he'll still need to come back to the hotel to get his passport, if nothing else. He ain't gonna make it."
"But we can't just abandon him!"
"He's a grown-ass man," I grunt dispassionately in response as we hit the ground floor again. "If he can't be bothered to look at his overpriced Rolex, then that's his problem. Not mine."
"Chances are he is waiting for us at the terminal already," advises Chris optimistically.
"Drop it, Beaumont," I grunt, grabbing my duffel to march out of the elevator car without a backwards glance.
I have no clue why Max is being so hard up about waiting for the dipshit who wasn't even supposed to be on this trip in the first place. Especially since that same dipshit also happens to be in possession of a gold credit card.
So, I really can’t give a flying fuck if Besnard misses the flight. He can pay for his own charter home.
I'm not about to jeopardise Chris' commitments for the benefit of a self-absorbed prick.
Exiting the lobby, I beat a straight line to the back of the waiting limo. The chauffeur spots my approach and scrambles to open the door, but I've already beaten him to it.
Popping the trunk, I toss my duffle in before making my way to the front to grab the shotgun seat while Chris and Max offload their own bags.
A slam of doors, a click of seatbelts and we're pulling out onto 57th St., only ten minutes behind schedule.
I try to settle down for the half-hour drive, but I find my knee jackhammering impatiently. I know we have plenty of time to spare before takeoff, but I hate running late. Even if it's only by a minute.
Because you never what kind of shit's gonna hit the fan — roadworks, lane closure, freeway pileup — and you can't mitigate if you ain't got any time in the bank.
I can only hope and pray that we don't run into any last-minute surprises on the 15 or so miles to the airport.
Chris strikes up some kind of conversation with the chauffeur, but I'm in no mood for small talk. Folding my arms, I try to tune out whatever it is they're saying by watching the skyscrapers flick past as we head west, then north to pick up the George Washington Bridge to Jersey.
And apart from a brief wait at the toll plaza on the other side of the Hudson, the journey passes quickly and uneventfully.
Arriving at the airport concourse, we exit the limo and make our way into the main terminal building. Luckily, at this time in the morning, there are not too many flights, so we pass through customs without any hang-ups...
...except for the fact that Max remains glued to his phone, obsessively-compulsively checking for texts from Tariq every two seconds, even as we board the jet.
"Have you tried calling him?" Chris asks as he stows his bag in preparation for the flight.
"At least ten times," confirms Max, glancing anxiously out the window in the over-keen hope that Tariq will magically appear.
"Maybe his phone ran out of battery..." offers Chris hopefully.
"More likely he got mugged," I grunt, falling into one of the leather seats.
Max throws me a disbelieving look. "That's a horrible—! Oh. You're actually serious..."
"Guy like him... Prime target," I reply dispassionately.
Max's face drains of colour. "We have to call the police!"
"And say what?" I snap abrasively. "That the bell-end got himself lost somewhere in Manhattan? They'll laugh us off the call."
"If Tariq really is in trouble, he can hit up the Cordonian consulate," I declare uncompromisingly. "But it was his bright idea to throw a hissy fit and stomp off in the wrong direction when—"
"You ungrateful ingrates!"
My eyes snap past Max. "For fuck's sake..."
Tariq is stood in the doorway of the jet, looking like he'd literally battled his way through the nine levels of hell to get here. His over-gelled hair looks like it's been zapped with a Taser, his clothes are somehow drenched and filthy, and he's wearing only one shoe.
"Would it have killed you to wait?!" he shrieks, throwing his Louis Vuitton man-bag onto the closest seat.
"Yes..." I reply.
Tariq shoots me a murderous expression. But before he can open his mouth again, Max has crushed him into an over-eager bear hug.
"You made it!" he enthuses. He pulls back suddenly. "But why were you not picking up your phone? And also, why do you smell like a wet dog?"
"Because I was robbed!"
"Told ya," I smirk across the aisle at Chris.
"It's not funny!" shouts Tariq, jabbing an irate finger at me. "If you only knew of the horrors that I have been subjected to, you would think more than twice about making light of my plight!"
"Pretty sure I wouldn't..." I mutter with a roll of my eyes.
"What was that?" demands Tariq imperiously.
"Nothing," I grunt as a steward appears next to my seat.
"Can I interest you in a pre-flight refreshment?" she asks.
"Yeah, sure," I shrug.
She hands me something pink and bubbly in a champagne glass. "Enjoy!"
"I doubt it," I mutter, grabbing the flute to throw it back in one swig.
I grimace as the sour mix of grapefruit and Prosecco hits the back of my throat. But alcohol's alcohol, and at this point, I would've downed windscreen wash if it'd've helped drown out Tariq's high-pitched info dump of his trials and tribulations.
Kinda wish we had left the bastard behind...
But I couldn't seem to win on this trip, so I'm just going to have to suck up the next twelve-or-so hours locked up in an airtight fuselage with the bouchebag and pray that there's enough whiskey on board to keep me from choking him out.
Pulling my phone from my pocket to help distract myself, I shoot off one final text to Schweitzer to let him know that we've made it to the airport and we're about to take off.
I'm about to do the same for Bast when the over-taxed device finally gives up the ghost and the battery dies halfway through the text.
Reaching into my duffel with a sigh, I extract the phone's charging cable and plug it into the seat's USB port so it can get some life back while we're airborne.
As Tariq continues to piss and moan about nearly getting run over, having his phone stolen right out of his hand as he tried to call a cab — followed shortly thereafter by his watch — and then tripping and falling into an open excavation hole as he tried to chase after the pickpockets, the cabin crew shut the aircraft door and complete their final cross-checks in preparation for departure.
A quick intro from the captain, and the jet starts rolling. After a short taxi, we're out on the runway, where we idle for a couple of minutes waiting for the go from the tower.
As soon as we get it, the pilot revs the turbines and the jet lurches forward. We hurtle down the runway, wheels bouncing and jet engines whining before jumping into the air to start our climb to 41,000 feet.
Glancing out the window, I watch the ground fall away as we ascend over Jersey, my ears popping from the rapid altitude change.
The plane banks sharply to the right and I catch sight of the Manhattan skyscape...
...but there must've been something in the mimosa because I’ve crashed out before the plane fully levels off.
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The story concludes in Epilogue: Into The Night.
A/N: As another little bonus, here is a pic of Chris in Times Square:
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@twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @kingliam2019 @petiteboheme @angelasscribbles @aussiegurl1234 @nestledonthaveone @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @tessa-liam @alyshak92 @secretaryunpaid @princessleac1 @walkerdrakewalker @tinkie1973 @twinkle-320 @knaussal @nikkis1983 @lunaseasblog @ficloverevie @indiana-jr @differenttyphoonwerewolf @kristinamae093 @eversoaringqueen12 @peonierose @3pawandme @alexabeta @veebug8 @fanfiction-she-wrote @queenmiarys @lancelotsimp @coco-lina-s @lolablackwrites @ivyflowers13 @persephone13 @hollygirl1269 @adri-ja-96 @harleybeaumont @katedrakeohd @uneravine @alj4890
Sleepless in New York only
Picture Credits: Breakfast - New York - Diner - Chris - Tariq
Max, Leo, and Drake were generated using the AI art app Wonder
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happinessismusic · 1 year
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agent-troi · 8 months
Rules: Shuffle your on repeat playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then tag ten people
lol thanks for the triple tag @baronessblixen @randomfoggytiger @welsharcher 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 sorry it took me so long to get to this it's been a busy weekend👩🏼‍🔬
Snow by Zach Bryan
Pick Me Up by Gabby Barrett
Steal My Girl by Jade Eagleson
The Greatest Day of My Life by Zach Bryan
Keys to the Country by Chris Janson
I'm Not for Everyone by Brothers Osborne
Up There Down Here by Jake Owen
We Got History by Mitchell Tenpenny
Fifth of May by Zach Bryan
Good Vibes by Chris Janson
not gonna tag anyone bc everyone i know has probably been tagged already but if you see this feel free to do it lol
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@valleyfthdolls Southern accent Maurice has infected my brain, and if I have to think of this then so do all of you
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luciochaves · 2 months
Jade Eagleson - Do It Anyway ft. Jake Worthington (Official Lyric Video)
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thefootnotes · 4 months
dear diary,
today i found this.
i dont know how to feel.
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thereviewsarein · 1 year
Calgary Stampede Releases 2023 Nashville North Lineup & Schedule
Summer’s coming, and with it – the Calgary Stampede. And if we’re talking Calgary, we’re talking country music. And if we’re putting all of that together, we’re going to be at Nashville North. There are 25 artists coming to the tent in July. Headliners, up-and-comers, locals, favourites, it’s the whole dang thing. Today, we’ve got it all lined up and set out for y’all. From Thursday, July 6 when…
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bellarkeselection · 2 years
Lee dutton
Reader and Lee are dancing in the middle of the feild one night and get caught by Mr Dutton " marry that woman already son " mr Dutton said
" working on it dad " Lee said
Marriage in Our Future
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I squealed like a child even though I am an adult as my childhood best friend chased after me in the middle of a field in the complete darkness. The only light was given from the moon shinning above our heads. I stopped trying to catch my breath until I screamed getting tackled to the ground by Lee himself. We rolled a few times until I was on my back and he was hovering above me. His dark brown cowboy somewhere else but we just grinned up at each other not a care in the world until we heard someone call out. "Marry that girl already, son!" Lifting my head up I looked around frantically until I heard a horse halt seeing his father John riding a horse pointing a flashlight at us smiling.
I felt my cheeks heat up a little at our current position. This wasn't the first time we would come out here and act like wild animals. When his mother Evelyn was still alive she would always have to come find us five minutes after she put us to bed during a sleepover. Only to find us out here since we snuck on his bedroom window. Lee ran a hand through his hair glancing down to me with a slight smirk on his face. "I'm workin' on it, dad...it needs to be special." John nodded turning his horse back towards the main house waving us to come on. "Well I'd like to have some more grandkids besides Tate. So could you make her a Dutton please. Now come on before the coyotes get ya." Lee pulled me to my feet and we both climbed on his horse following after his father.
John had went off to bed for the night where I leaned back in the porch swing just watching the stars. Lee comes back handing me a cup of hot chocolate with a smile sitting down beside me. Laying my head on his shoulder I threw out an idea in the air to him. "Lee if we ever had a girl I was thinking we could name her after your mom. What do you think?" Lifting my head up to meet his gaze I could see some tears forming at the mention of her name then he leans down capturing my lips with his softly. I kissed back smiling into the kiss until he broke it resting his forehead against mine. "That's a great idea. Dad will love it-" Suddenly we both jumped throwing our drinks in the air seeing Beth banging her fists on the window at us. "You know what we would all love for you two to get married already!" Lee and I slowly stared at each other before we couldn't stop cracking up in laughter where he draped an arm over my shoulder kissing my forehead watching the stars above.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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mickeywittliff · 1 year
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August 6th, 2023 | Barrie, ON
Jade Eagleson
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karahalloway · 1 year
Just stopping by to tell you that I can't wait for your next chapter!!!
Aww thanks! I can't wait either! 🤣 It's probably about halfway done? Hoping to post by the end of the month 🤞
Here's the chapter theme song in the meantime:
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laplaylistes · 2 years
Jade Eagleson - Shakin' In Them Boots (Official Music Video)
Jade Eagleson - Shakin' In Them Boots (Official Music Video) https://laplaylist.es/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/hqdefault-3446.jpg
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lt-natrace · 2 years
1 and 16 for the song asks!
IVY!!!! hi my dear
three songs that come up when you put your phone on shuffle
therefore i am - billie eilish i wanna get better - bleachers shakin' in them boots - jade eagleson
16. three favorite songs for sex
true colors - the weeknd do it for me - rosenfeld church - chase atlantic
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jenticingz · 2 years
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Budweiser Stage. Last show of their season tonight, which I am@here for. I saw many acts here this season. Keith Urban x2, Miranda, Little Big Town, TC3, Tim Hicks, John Fogerty and now Dean Brody, The Reklaws, James Barker Band and Jade Eagleson. So many memories at this place over the years. Thanks for another great season @budweiserstage ✌️ - - #budweiserstage #toronto #concertvenue #concertlife #livemusic #ontarioplace (at Budweiser Stage) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci5u1T4pgRU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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