#Jacob Seed x Ana Pearce
jacobseedvaas35 · 5 years
A Love Like No Other
Jacob Seed X OC Ana Pearce
Warning: Violence, Smut, Mention of abuse
Word Count: 1108
Chapter Three
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Jacob's been going mad. He already had nightmares to deal with when it came to not getting any sleep but now he had something else bothering him. He didn't want to tell anyone because he felt embarrassed but he knew that his brothers wouldn't judge him. Instead they'd help and guide him, so that was what he did. Jacob drove down to Joseph's compound to have a talk with him.
"What's bothering you Jacob? You seem down" John asked. The three brothers sitting inside the church waiting for the Pearce siblings to arrive.
"It's nothings" Jacob tried to shut down his little brother but John was a stubborn man.
"I don't believe you" John continued. "Somethings wrong and you aren't telling us. Not getting enough sleep again?".
"Yeah" Jacob responded.
"Nightmares again Jacob?" Joseph asked and took a seat next to his big brother.
"Oh so something else is bothering you? We are all ears brother" Joseph said. John joined his brothers and waited for Jacob to open up to them.
Jacob sighed and looked up at Joseph. "It's Ana".
"Ana? You mean that girl that came to the church with her brother, Sunday morning?" Joseph asked.
"Yeah. I've been thinking about her a lot" Jacob confessed.
"Oh. Someone's in love" John teased.
"John" Joseph was quick to shut his brother up. "Keep going Jacob".
"She denied being abused by her parents but her brother said differently that day" Jacob explained to his brothers.
"Maybe she's scared" Joseph suggested. "We've been through it too Jacob. We know what it's like to be afraid to tell the truth".
"I'd like to help her" Jacob informed them.
"Is there something else you'd like to tell us Jacob? Could John actually be right?" Joseph asked.
"What do you mean?" Jacob was confused.
"You like her. You've never made other people's problems yours Jacob" John smirked. "So admit it. You like her".
"I barely know the girl John. How can I like someone I don't even know?" Jacob asked.
"Well she is quite beautiful. I must admit" John said.
"Yes. You're right John. She is beautiful" Joseph agreed.
"That doesn't mean anything" Jacob barked.
"Answer me this" John said.
"When you think about her, do you... you know, jerk off?" W asked.
Jacob looked at his brothers and signed, admitting to them that he has. "Can you blame me? It's been years since I've gotten any action".
"Don't be embarrassed to admit it Jacob. We've all been down that way" Joseph reassured his brother. "Your little secret is safe with us. Right John?".
The doors to the church opened wide and in walked the four Pearce siblings and Faith. Joseph stood up and welcomed them all with hugs, introducing himself and his brothers to Hannah and Haley. Jacob and Ana came eye to eye and then smiled at each other.
"Hi Jacob" Ana greeted him.
"Hi" Jacob responded back and walked away from the group, taking a seat on the bench at the front of the church.
Ana's smile immediately disappeared and became upset. She turned to John and asked if everything was ok. He suggested to her that it was best if she spoke to him, herself. Ana made her way next to Jacob and took a seat next to Jacob.
"Is everything ok?" She asked him.
"Yeah I'm ok. Didn't get a proper sleep last night so I'm a little tired today" Jacob replied back, not looking at Ana.
"Nice try, Jacob but I think there is something else wrong with you?" Ana continued to pressure him for a proper answer.
"Really Ana, I'm just tired" Jacob insisted.
"So we can't go to the Mountain's today?" Ana asked, hoping that would light Jacob up a bit.
"You wanna go today?"
"If you're up for it?" Ana smiled.
"I don't see why not" Jacob smiled back.
"Awesome. I got a picnic basket ready while my parents were out" Ana said, standing up and grabbing Jacob's hand. "Come on let's go".
Jacob stood up with Ana's help. They said their goodbyes to everyone and left the church together. Ana still holding Jacob's hand tightly. She grabbed the picnic basket from the back of her parent's van and carried it to Jacob's truck.
"Yes Jacob"
"I'm gonna need my hand to drive" Jacob lifted their hands up, for him to show Ana.
"Oh sorry" she said and immediately let go of his hand.
Jacob opened the passenger door for Ana and helped her in, before making his way to the drivers side. "Whitetail Mountains, here we come".
As they drove through Whitetail Mountains, Ana's eyes lit up when she saw the mountains in the distance. This place was beautiful. She looked at Jacob and gave him the biggest smile, before turning her head and looking out the window again.
"Oh Jacob, this place is beautiful" Ana said.
"It sure is. I'm lucky to call this region my home"
"You live in Whitetail Mountains? Oh my god, you are so lucky"
Jacob smirked. "I’ll give you a tour of this region one day”.
“You’re the best” Ana said.
Jacob and Ana spent their whole day in Whitetail Mountains. Had a picnic on top of a mountain and got to know each other a lot more. Spending all those hours with Ana made Jacob realise that his brothers were right. He did like her but the strange thing was, they’d only known each other for five days. Plus, why would a young and beautiful girl like someone like Jacob. That’s what he kept telling himself.
After Ana and Jacob returned back to the church, the Pearce siblings immediately left to go home. Jacob sat down with his brothers and sister and confessed the truth to them.
“You have to be open with her Jacob” Joseph suggested.
“I can’t Joseph. Confessing something like this might push her away” Jacob worried.
“So what are you going to do?” John asked.
“I’m going to try and keep away from her. It’s not doing me any good. I’ve got nightmares that make me have crap night sleeps, last thing I need is a woman to add to it” Jacob stood up and walked to the church doors. “If they come down again, don’t call me”.
“And if she asks us about you? What do we say?” John asked.
“I’m busy with work” Jacob replied and walked out off the church.
“Poor Ana. Blake was telling me how much Ana appreciates his friendship and closeness” Faith informed her brothers.
“Oh dear. This is going to break her heart” Joseph said and looked at the church doors.
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jacobseedvaas35 · 5 years
A Love Like No Other
Jacob Seed X OC Ana Pearce
Warnings: Violence, Smut, Mention of abuse
Warnings for this chapter: Violence & Mention of abuse
Word Count: 1707
Chapter Four
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One week went by, Jacob had hid himself away from Ana, closing his phone and not leaving his Veterans Centre. He knew she would text or call him. She didn't know where he lived, so he also knew that she wouldn't be paying him visits.
Ana day in her room, feeling down and trying to think about what she has done to upset Jacob. She's been trying to get in contact with him for two weeks now and was not successful once. She sighed as she looked down at her phone, only to put it away. Maybe it was time to give up or maybe it was time to pay his brother a visit. She convinced Blake to take her to Joseph's church, a little hope that maybe Jacob would be there too.
As they arrived to the church, Ana saw Joseph sending a few of his people away. Joseph saw the two siblings arrive and knew that Ana had come for answers.
"My children. Welcome" Joseph greeted them as they jumped out off the car.
"Hello Father. Sorry to just pop in like this" Ana said as she approached him.
"That's fine my child. Come on in" Joseph escorted them into his church. "How can I help?".
"Is Jacob ok? I've been trying to get in contact with him for weeks now" Ana asked.
Joseph knew this was going to happen one day. Ana arriving to his compound, questioning him about Jacob's sudden disappearance. Joseph was not someone that liked lying and he had no intentions on doing so with Ana. He grabbed her hand and looked right into her eyes.
"How can I say this without breaking your heart. Jacob informed us that he wanted to keep his distance from you" Joseph explained.
"What? Why? Did I do or say something wrong?" Ana asked.
"Not at all my child. You've known each other for a short time and anyone would think that they are crazy if.. you know, they end up falling for the other person" Joseph responded.
"Wait? Jacob likes me?" Ana became curious.
"Well I'd say love. He has feelings for you and wants to help you with your abusive parents" Joseph informed her.
“I...I don’t know what to say. It’s way too soon” Ana said, standing up and walking up and down. “I didn’t know he felt like that about me”.
“He couldn’t admit this to you. He knew it would scare you away” Joseph admitted to her. “How about you think about it first? Before you turn Jacob down. Maybe somewhere inside you, that very similar feeling is floating around”.
“I will” Ana agreed to Joseph’s suggestion.
Later that day, Ana was relaxing on her bed, thinking about Jacob and everything that Joseph and told her. She still couldn’t believe that, in a short timeframe, Jacob had grown feelings for her that much. Maybe she did feel the same as well. He did make her smile a lot and she did always feel safe around him. No, she was absolutely sure that she felt the same way.
“ANA!” Tim called out from the kitchen.
Ana rolled her eyes and walked out off her bedroom. “What?”.
Tim raised his eyebrows at her, in disappointment. “Is that how you speak with your father? “What?” How disrespectful”
“Sorry” Ana responded back but it wasn’t good enough for her father.
“Now you listen her little Miss. You’ve become quite a little smart ass since we’ve moved to Hope County and I’m not impressed. What’s worse, people have been telling me that you’ve been hanging out with a guy, twice your age” Tim said. “Are you sleeping with this man?”.
“What? Of course I’m not. We’ve just been hanging out as friends” Ana explained to her father.
At that moment her father raised his arm into the air and slapped her across the face. “You disgusting little slut” he barked and slapped her again. This time making Ana fall onto the ground. She begged her father to stop but he didn’t. He found the opportunity to take his belt off, wrapping it around his hand and using it on her.
Ana screamed the house down. The pain was sharp and burnt her skin. The amount of force he used on that belt to hit her, was sure to leave marks all over her body for weeks or even months. All Ana could do was scream and cry, hoping that he’d stop but he wasn’t going to.
He put the belt on the kitchen counter, grabbed Ana by the shoulder and stood her up. She thought it was finally over but he laid two punches into her face. The first punch landing on her eye and the other on her cheek. Another punch to her face and her mouth and nose started bleeding. She cried more when she saw the blood on her hand.
Suddenly the door opened and Tim froze. Ana looked at the door and saw her brother and sisters standing there, furious the hell with what they had just witnessed. Tim immediately became frightened. He had never seen Blake that angry and red before.
Blake slowly walked into the house, slamming the door shut behind him. He looked down at his little sister who was not only still hysterically crying but bleeding. “Hannah, Haley. Take Ana to the room and get her cleaned up. Don’t leave the bedroom until I say it’s ok to do so”.
All three girls immediately followed their brothers order and helped Ana to her bedroom.
“Ana. Sweetie calm down” Haley tried to comfort her little sister but Ana was in so much pain.
“It..hurts...so much” Ana said in between each cry.
“I know it does but we have to get you cleaned up” Hannah said. She took out a tissue and gently dabbed it onto her bleeding mouth.
“It hurts” Ana cried again. Her whole body was shaking.
Haley gently took Ana’s shirt off and couldn’t believe her eyes. The scars from the belt, had left her back all red and some parts, bleeding. Haley couldn’t help herself but cry. Tim had gotten into her so badly and she hoped that Blake was doing twice as worse to their father.
“I..I want Jacob” Ana cried. “Take...me.. to Jacob”.
Hannah and Haley looked at each other and agreed. It was a good idea. They wanted to take Ana away from this house. Possibly go to Joseph’s church, where they could call Jacob to come to Ana’s aid.
Haley stood up and walked out to the kitchen. Blake was leaning against the fridge, out of breath and still with a lot of anger in his system. She looked down at her father and saw how badly Blake had gotten into him.
“I thought I told you to stay in the room” Blake softly said.
“I think we should take Ana to Joseph’s church. She wants Jacob” Haley explained to her brother.
“I think that’s a damn good idea. Take her” Blake looked at his sister and nodded.
Ana had slightly settled down with her crying, as the three sisters drove to Joseph’s compound. Haley pulled the car over and jumped out of the car. “I’ll get help” she said to Hannah and ran into Joseph’s church.
Not too long later, John, Joseph, Faith and Haley came rushing out off the church and to the car. As soon as they saw the state of Ana, Faith couldn’t hold herself and started to cry.
“Oh dear god. What has he done to her?” John asked. He helped Ana out of the car and carried her into Joseph’s house. He laid her down on the couch and backed away, letting Faith take over.
“I’ll get her cleaned. Give her some painkillers and get her some rest” Faith said.
“I want Jacob. Please” Ana whispered. “Call him please”.
“I will do that right now my child” Joseph said, grabbing his phone and walking into the kitchen.
The phone rang for a short moment, when finally Jacob answered. “Jacob, you need to come down to my house immediately”.
“Not today Joseph. I’m busy” Jacob responded back.
“You have too” Joseph demanded.
“Why?” Jacob asked.
“Because....” Joseph paused for a short moment, looking at Ana. “Because Ana was badly beaten up by her father. Her sisters just bought her over to my place”.
“It’s horrible Jacob. The poor girl is bleeding from her mouth, nose and cheek. Her eye is already swollen and her back is full of scars from the belt he used on her” Joseph explained.
“I’m on my way” Jacob said and hung the phone up.
Joseph walked back into the living room and informed everyone that Jacob was on his way. Faith Rook Ana upstairs to help clean her. While John organised for a doctor. Hannah and Haley explained the whole story to Joseph, telling them that Blake had punished their father for his bad doing.
An hour later, Blake and Jacob arrived to Joseph’s house. Jacob was furious but impatient. He wanted to see Ana. Hold her and comfort her during this terrible ordeal.
“Where is she?” Jacob asked as he walked through the door.
“Upstairs. Faith is getting her cleaned up” Joseph told him.
Shortly after, Ana made her way downstairs after hearing Jacob’s voice. She froze on the third last step when she saw him. Jacob turned his head and couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The girl he loved was in very bad shape. He didn’t know whether he should drive down to her house and beat her father up as well or to look after her, until she was better.
Ana started crying and ran down the stair and into Jacob’s arms. He hugged her tightly, allowing her to cry in his chest. Her body was still shaking. He pressed his lips against the top of her head and then cupped her cheeks.
“I’ve missed you” Ana whispered to him. Wanting to smile but just couldn’t.
“I’m so sorry Ana” Jacob said and pulled her back for another hug.
“Don’t leave me like that again” she giggled slightly.
“I’ll never leave you again” Jacob responded back.
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jacobseedvaas35 · 5 years
A Love Like No Other
Jacob Seed X OC Ana Pearce
Warnings: Violence, Smut, Mention of abuse
Word Count: 1708
Chapter Two
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Going back home was a bloody nightmare. Tim and Kelly went off their heads when Ana walked through the front door, not knowing that Blake was right behind her. They yelled in her face and Kelly had grabbed Ana's arm so tightly that she was sure there was a bruise already. The moment Blake walked in and yelled back at his parents, Tim and Kelly backed off, letting Ana get past.
"From this day forward, Hannah, Haley and Ana are allowed to leave this house whenever they want" Blake put his foot down to his parents. "They are old enough to look after themselves and do whatever. It's time you two, grew the fuck up".
"I've had enough of your tone Mr. We are your parents, you do not raise your voice or order us on what to do" Tim raised his voice.
"Listen here old man" Blake walked up to his father's face. "Lay a single finger on one of my sisters and I'll break that finger. You understand? If you wanted respect from your children, then you should have never abused them".
Hannah and Haley followed their siblings into Blake's bedroom, curious to know where they had gone.
"So? What does Hope County have for us?" Hannah asked as she sat down next to her brother.
"Other than forests, mountains and lakes. We've got a small town called Falls End. It has a bar and some clothing stores" Ana started explaining. "Oh and a lot of farms".
"And not to mention, a church for a religious cult" Blake smirked.
"Now we're talking" Hannah said. "Keep going".
"Yeah we met the leader. His people call him The Father but he said his name was Joseph Seed" Blake continued to explain. "He has two brothers Jacob and John and a sister, Faith Seed".
"Are they good looking?" Haley asked.
"Yes. The brothers were hot and Faith..."
"She was beautiful" Blake interrupted Ana, as he remembered Faith and her beautiful features.
"Wow. Someone's in love" Hannah joked.
"Joseph said he'd like to meet you two as well. Maybe our awesome brother here, can take all of us next week Sunday to another sermon" Ana informed her sisters.
Blake looked up at Ana and smiled, "my dear sister. Joseph said we can visit him anytime we wanted". He looked at his other two sisters and informed them that he was going to take them to Joseph's church tomorrow and get them to meet the Seed family for themselves.
That evening, with the help of her brother, Ana was able to leave the house to go and explore the forests that Holland Valley had. She walked through the forest, looking up at the trees and listening to the birds chirping away. The sun shone through the trees, helping her walk without having to worry about falling. As she continued to walk, she started hearing the sound of the lake's water flowing, as if it was a river instead.
"This is beautiful" she said to herself and started to turn in circles.
"You shouldn't be out here, all alone" a voice from behind her came. Ana jumped with fear and turned around to see the familiar man from the church, stand behind her and leaning against a tree.
"Hope County forest's might be beautiful to explore but the wildlife can be extremely dangerous" the man kept saying. "If you want to explore, you have to bring a weapon with you".
Ana looked down and saw the man holding what looked like, a red rifle in his hand. "Umm" was all she could say, still startled by this giant man.
"You're that girl from the church. Right?" He asked and started approaching Ana slowly.
"Yes" Ana replied back and swallowed hard.
"No need to be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you" he said and stopped right in front of Ana.
He was really tall compared to her. She had to look up a fair bit to get a better look at him. He was even more handsome up close and she was able to make out the colour of his eyes. Light Blue. They were perfect. Ana was finally able to smile at him after realising that he wasn't dangerous or scary.
"So which one are you? John or Jacob" Ana crossed her arms and examined his features. "Wait! Don't answer that. Let me guess... Jacob".
"Correct" Jacob smiled. "I'm Jacob. Oldest brother of the Seed's".
"Nice to meet you Jacob. I'm..."
"Ana. I remember from the church. I might be old but I've got a brain like an elephant" Jacob chuckled a little and started walking past Ana.
"Old? Pfft" Ana giggled.
Jacob stopped in his spot and turned to look at Ana. "47 isn't really young".
"47? Jesus Christ. You look like you're in the 30s" Ana sounded shock. "You're really handsome for a 47 year old Mr Seed".
"Jacob!" He reminded her of his name.
"Sorry. Jacob" Ana smiled.
"So you live in Holland Valley?" Jacob asked, wanting to question her about her family.
"Yep. I wanted to live in Whitetail Mountains but my parents chose this place instead" Ana explained.
"Is that so?" Jacob got close to her again.
"Yeah. On the pamphlet it said Whitetail Mountains had more forests and even mountains" Ana said.
"You like Mountains?" He continued to ask her questions.
Ana nodded with a big smile on her face.
"Interesting. Would you like to go to Whitetail Mountains one day?" Jacob asked.
"Oh I would for sure" Ana was quick to reply. "Could you take me?". She was embarrassed to ask but felt a lot better getting it out off her system.
"You want me to take you to Whitetail Mountain?" Jacob was surprised. No one in this County would have asked him for something like this or for that matter, anything at all.
"Please. I really want to see the mountains" Ana begged. "Plus, it would be a great way to get to know each other. Being new and all to this County, I'd like to make friends. I barely had any in New York".
"I'll give you my number. You let me know when you wanna go and I'll pick you up" Jacob accepted.
Ana jumped with joy, then took her phone out and put Jacob's number in. "Thank you so much Jacob".
"You're welcome but I think I should take you home" Jacob suggested. "It's getting dark and like I said, wildlife in this County, is incredibly dangerous".
"Sounds good" Ana accepted and the both of them walked out off the forest and to Jacob's truck.
Jacob had all his windows to his truck opened wide. Ana had rested her arms on the car door and enjoyed the breeze hit her face. It felt amazing and smelt like fresh air. Her long black hair flew around crazily but she didn't care. Jacob couldn't help but glance at her at times. 'She's beautiful' he thought to himself and smiled as he glanced over at her one last time.
"Jacob?" Ana called out to him, then sat back in the passenger seat. "Could you drop me off around here. I don't want my parents to see me in a car with a guy. They'll kill me and I don't think Blake can save me".
Jacob pulled his truck over and looked at Ana. "Your parents sound like bad people. Do they hurt you Ana?".
"Umm. No of course not. They are just trying to be good parents" Ana lied.
"That's not what your brother said at the church. Abusive parents are the worst" Jacob looked out the window. "My brothers copped it from our abusive parents. They've got the marks to prove it but it made them stronger".
"They don't abuse me Jacob but thank you for your concern" Ana said and placed her hand on Jacob's scarred arm. "I'll call you when I want to go to the Mountains. Thank you again Jacob". With that being said, Ana jumped out of the truck and walked the remaining distance, home.
She walked in and was greeted by her brother. The two of them spent the evening speaking about what they did when the four siblings split up. Hannah and Haley had gone to Falls End to shop around while Blake had gone to the bar for a few drinks. Ana explained to her brother about Jacob's generous offer to take her to Whitetail Mountain's to see the mountains and forest it had to offer. Blake thought it would be a good way for his sister to make some friends, since she barely had any friends back in New York. Again, that came down their parents but he was going to make sure his sister made friends here in Hope County.
"I think these Seed's are going to be great people to hang with" Blake said and sat back on the couch. "What do you think?"
"I agree. Jacob looks like a very intimidating person but I like him" Ana said. "He'd be nice to be friends with".
"When are you going to meet up with him again?" Blake asked.
"Maybe Tuesday. He gave me his number and told me to give him a call whenever I wanted to go" Ana replied back. "I'm going to get some sleep. Goodnight".
"Night" Blake responded back and decided to go to bed himself. "What a fucking awesome day".
Laying in bed, Ana couldn't stop thinking about Jacob Seed. In the morning, seeing him for the first time was awkward and uncomfortable. He continually stared at her the whole time but after seeing up closer and talking to him, Ana could help but feel a tingly while thinking about him. He seemed like a really nice guy and he was extremely handsome but the only problem she had with him, was the age. He was almost 50 years old, so hanging out with a much older man, may seem a little disturbing for others.
Ana bit on her lip and smiled, wiping out that memory and thinking about the good things about Jacob. She couldn't wait to hang out and get to know him a lot more. He seemed like a guy full of mysteries and stories.
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jacobseedvaas35 · 5 years
A Love Like No Other
Jacob Seed X OC Ana Pearce
Warnings: Violence, Smut, Mention of abuse
Word Count: 1304
Tags: @dolphinitley
Chapter Five
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Joseph had given one of his empty cabins that were located in his compound, to Ana. Her pains were too much, so Faith had given her some bliss to help with the pains. Jacob then took Ana to her new cabin and laid down with her.
Ana was gripping onto his army jacket, tightly. It seemed like, if she had let it go then Jacob would leave her. But Jacob wasn't planning on leaving. Not anymore. He was going to stay with her as long as she wanted. Joseph had suggested that Jacob stayed with her. Just in case Ana had nightmares or something happened.
She was sleeping peacefully. Her head resting on his chest. The bliss had knocked her out, the moment she closed her eyes, so it was guaranteed that she was going to have a good nights sleep.
The doctor had visited earlier to check on Ana. He stitched some of her open wounds and examined her cheek. He was very certain that Ana had a fractured cheekbone but in order to confirm her suspicions, he needed her to go to the clinic for scans but Ana refused to do so. At least not today. Jacob promised the doctor that he'd bring her in tomorrow for the scans.
"Why did you disappear on me like that?" Ana whispered. Opening her eyes, one barely even opening.
Jacob opened his eyes and looked down at her, smiling. "We will talk about it later. Go back to sleep" Jacob said. He shuffled around in the bed, pulling Ana closer to him. He started stroking her hair, hoping it would put her back to sleep.
"Joseph told me that you liked me. Why didn't you just tell me?" Ana wasn't going to give up. "My feelings for you is mutual Jacob. I just didn't know I felt that way until you disappeared from me".
"I didn't want to scare you away. It's way too soon to be feeling like this for you" Jacob said. "Plus the age difference and all".
"Age is just a number Jacob. It shouldn't interfere with "love". How old you are doesn't matter to me. What matters is that comes from the heart" Ana looked up at him. "And from what I can tell, you've got a great heart."
"Why did your father do this to you?" Jacob asked, curious for the answer.
"People were telling him about me hanging around with you" Ana told him the story. "He called me a disgusting little slut".
"He what?" Jacob shot up.
"Fucking bastard. I'll kill him".
"Jacob please. It's over now. I just want to recover and be with you. I don't need my parents. I never needed them anyways". Ana held his hand and smiled. "Can we please lie back down. My pains are kicking in again".
"You need me to get Faith to give you more bliss?".
"I'll see how I go".
With that being said, Jacob laid back down on the bed and waited for Ana to lie down too. Again, she rested her head and hand on his chest.
"I'm taking you to the clinic tomorrow. You have to get that cheek checked out" Jacob informed her.
"Do I have too?"
"Yes Ana. No arguing. Get some sleep now"
"Ok" Ana agreed, then closed her eyes.
The next morning, Jacob drove Ana to the clinic, much to her disappointment. Jacob reassured her that everything was going to be ok and it was just to make sure she had no fractures.
Jacob stayed seating in the doctors office as he took scans of Ana's cheek. Not too long later, they returned back to the office. The doctor holding the results in his hand.
"Well I can confirm that she does not in fact have any fractures"
"That's good" Jacob looked at Ana.
"Is there anything else I can help you with?" The doctor asked.
"No. That's all" Jacob stood up.
"Actually. Yes there is" Ana said. "But that's something we can talk about another day. Thank you doctor".
"How's your pain?" Jacob asked Ana.
The two of them had just left the clinic and were heading back home.
"It's not too bad at the moment"
"Get some rest when we get home. Take some painkillers too" Jacob gave her instructions.
"Jacob. Can we stop somewhere and talk?"
"About what?" Jacob became curious.
"About us"
"Ana. We've been through this. Let things settle down and then we can focus on the two of us" Jacob said.
"Why are you quickly closing the subject? Every time I mention it, you're quick to shut the topic down" Ana became a little upset.
Jacob slammed on the break of the car and turned around to Ana. "Don't you find this weird. We've known each other, close to three weeks and I'm already in love with you?"
"No I don't. I told you last night that I felt the same way. Were you even listening to me when I said it? You didn't even acknowledge it".
"I did hear you but I feel like I've forced you into saying that" Jacob admitted.
"No you didn't" Ana raised her hand up and shook her head. "Fine. You don't want to talk about this. You don't want to acknowledge my love for you. Then I give up. Now take me home"
"Now Jacob!" She yelled and turned her head away from him. She tried her hardest to not show Jacob that she was about to cry. It was something she wanted to do when she got home.
Jacob pulled up into Joseph's compound and put the car in park. Without saying anything to him, Ana jumped out off the car and slammed the door shut. She didn't even bother waiting for Jacob and stormed away.
"Hey Ana" Hannah and John greeted her.
"Not now" Ana said with anger, to her sister and ran into her cabin. Again, slamming the door shut.
Jacob approached the two of them and greeted them with a small smile. "Hey guys".
"Hey. Is everything ok?" Hannah asked.
"She's just a little angry with me but don't worry about it. I'll fix things up" Jacob said with confidence.
"What did the doctor say? Any fractures?" John asked.
"Nah. Nothing to worry about" Jacob answered his brothers question. "I better go and talk things out with her". Jacob waved at Hannah and John and made his way to Ana's cabin.
He walked inside and to the bedroom, where Ana was lying down with her back turned to him. He let out a sigh and climbed onto the bed, putting his arm around her waist and pulling her into him.
At that moment, Ana started to cry. She finally turned around, to face Jacob, and cried into his chest. Jacob cuddled her tightly against his body and started to stroke her hair.
"I love you, Jacob. Why don't you want to believe it?"
"I do believe it. I love you too but I don't want things to become weird between us. Especially since our time together has been very short"
"I don't care and neither should you" Ana looked up at him. "I love you. I love you and I'm going to say it again. I LOVE YOU".
Jacob let out a big smile and kissed her on the forehead. "I love you too".
Ana smiled as well and snuggled herself into Jacob's warm body. It didn't take her too long to fall asleep, after making mends with Jacob again. She really did love him and it was a big relief that she finally got it off her chest and told Jacob how she felt. Now he believed her as well. There could be a chance that their relationship goes further. Maybe now they could see each other as boyfriend and girlfriend.
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jacobseedvaas35 · 5 years
A Love Like No Other
Jacob Seed X OC Ana Pearce
Warnings: Violence, Smut, Mention of Abuse
Word count: 1664
Chapter One
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Moving to Hope County was one of the best decisions that her parents ever made. It had everything; forests to explore, mountains to climb, places to visit and very nice people. Ana Pearce, absolutely loved Hope County already and it had only been two days since her and her family moved to the County.
Upon arriving to Hope County, The Pearce Family was invited to Hope County Jail, where they met the County Sheriff. The family was given an option to choose from three different regions. Going through the pamphlet, Ana immediately fell in love with one region known as, Whitetail Mountains. It was perfect for her. It had so much more forests, mountains and a hotel. Unfortunately, her parents had chosen to live in Holland Valley instead. Not that she complained, it had forests to explore as well but not much like Whitetail Mountains.
It was a Sunday morning, everyone was still asleep after being exhausted from all the unpacking they had to do. Except for Ana, she was always an early bird. She was super keen to go out and explore today. The only problem was, she had controlling parents, who could get abusive if one of their children did something wrong or disobeyed their rules. Ana and her two sisters have experienced what it could be like if they disobeyed their parents but their older brother, Blake, always disobeyed them. Back in New York, he'd always sneak out of the house and meet up with his friends, drinking and partying till midnight.
For the parents, Tim and Kelly, they didn't know the difference between abuse and teaching their children a lesson. For Tim, taking his belt off and hitting his daughters with it, meant that he was being a good parent and teaching them a lesson. To others it was straight out abuse and he had gotten into trouble many times but never learnt his lesson. Kelly was the same, she'd use anything that was hard to teach her children a lesson but never had gotten caught doing it.
That's where the brother comes in. Tim and Kelly feared their son Blake. Many times he had fought back and left his parents with bruises or cuts. Since then, Blake had sworn to protect his sisters from copping anymore abuse from their parents. Now the girls lived freely. They were able to do whatever they wanted, no matter how angry their parents got and that's why Ana decided that she was going to go out and explore Hope County.
She tippy toed into her brother’s room, to let him know that she was going out. "Blake? Wake up?".
"What?" Blake said, opening his left eye only.
"I'm going out to explore a little bit. I want to see what this place has to offer" Ana explained to her brother.
Blake's other eye flung open wide and he immediately sat up. "Go back to your room. I'll get changed and come with you".
Ana was happy to have her brother come along with her. At least now her fear of her parents were completely gone. "Ok" she said and quietly made her way back to the bedroom.
"Mom and dads going to get angry" Ana said as she walked beside her brother.
"Fuck mom and dad. What are they going to do when I'm around?" Blake said, trying to reassure his little sister. "They won't hurt you Ana".
Ana smiled at her brother and continued to follow him. They came across as sign that pointed in the direction of a busy but small town. Blake looked at the sign, "Falls End" he read out loud and the two of them continued to approach the town.
"Looks really busy" Ana said as she looked in every direction and saw crowds of people walking around. "Must be a popular place, Falls End".
"Anywhere that has a bar, is always popular. Let's keep looking around and see what else we can find here" Blake said and started walking again. "Hey, I've got an idea".
"What's that?" Ana asked.
"You remember that church we came across, while driving past?" Blake asked.
"You mean that church on that little island type of thingy?" Ana looked at her brother and noticed a cheeky smile on his face. "That's so far away. We can‘t walk all the way there".
Blake took out a set of keys from his pocket and dangled it in front of Ana's face. "We'll just have to borrow mom and dad's van. Come on".
After sneakily borrowing their parents van, Blake and Ana finally arrived at the church. It seemed to be another popular location in Hope County. There was a line of people, waiting for the church doors to open. Ana and Blake joined the line, both curious to see what the big fuss about this church was. Not long after, the doors finally opened and the line started moving slowly. Walking in, Ana and Blake saw four people standing on the stage, waiting for everyone to take a seat. The two siblings decided to be the only two to stay standing, while everyone sat down.
"Blake, I've got a bad feeling about his" Ana whispered to her brother. "I don't think this is a normal church. Look at these people. Most of them are wearing the same clothes and those guys are holding guns".
Blake looked around and realised that his sister was right. Something seemed odd about these people. He was getting some bad vibes from the men that were holding guns and noticed that they continually looking at Blake and Ana.
"We should go" Ana whispered again.
"I don't think so. Those guys are constantly watching at us. Just stay cool" Blake ordered his sister and looked back at the man standing on the stage.
"Welcome my children. It's so great to see everyone here today" the man with the bun started speaking.
As he continued to talk, Ana looked around the church, examining every single person. As she looked to the left of the stage, she made eye contact with a man that stood with his arms crossed around his chest. He was wearing a camouflage jacket, which Ana made out as an army jacket. He had ginger hair and facial hair and what looked to be scars, painted all over his arms. The man continued to stare at her, making Ana feel incredibly uncomfortable. Yes, he was good looking but the way he looked at her was intense. It seemed like he could sense her fear and that he was feeding off it.
The sermon went on for a good hour but when it finally ended, Blake and Ana couldn't wait to leave before anyone else noticed them.
"We should go" Blake said to Ana.
The two of them were just approaching their van when they were suddenly stopped by the men with guns. Blake and Ana came to an immediate stop and looked at each other.
"Who are you two and what are you both doing here?" One of them men started questioning them.
"Listen, pal. We didn't come here with any bad intentions. When we saw a church, we thought we'd check it out" Blake started explaining.
"The Father would like to see you two in the church" the other man informed them.
"We didn't do anything wrong" Ana said, scared that something bad was going to happen.
"Ana" Blake pushed her behind him and continued to reason with the guys. "Look we are new here and were just checking things out in Hope County".
"Tell it to the Father" the guy said and pointed the gun at Blake. The men escorted Ana and Blake back inside the church. The same four people were once again standing on the stage, talking amongst themselves until they saw them walk into the church.
"Father! We've bought the couple that you've asked to see" the man that led them said.
"Thank you my child. You are dismissed" the topless guy said and approached Blake and Ana. "I've never seen you two before. You must be new to the County?".
"Ahh. Yeah. We moved two days ago" Blake replied back.
"Welcome to Hope County my children. I'm Joseph Seed and these are my brothers, Jacob and John. My sister Faith" Joseph introduced his family.
"Nice to meet you all. I'm Blake and this is my youngest sister, Ana" Blake introduced himself too. "I hope we didn't do anything wrong. We drove by the church when we moved and thought we'd check it out. We don't have any bad intentions whatsoever".
"I'm sorry if we've frightened you. When I saw new faces, I was a little surprised and wanted to meet you two. Is it just the two of you?" Joseph asked, his brothers and sister now joining them in the middle of the church.
"No, there's our other two sisters; Haley and Hannah and our parents. We pretty much snuck out to explore a little. Our parents can be.... controlling at times" Blake explained. "Well more towards my sisters".
"Yeah, if you're not around" Ana added.
"They sound like... interesting people" Joseph smiled.
"You ask anyone from New York, they'd tell you that they are nothing but abusive parents" Blake said and looked at Ana, who gave him a nod of approval.
"Blake, I think we should go. Everyone would be awake" Ana said, tugging on his arm. She was keen to get out of there once she noticed that the same man from before, was staring at her again. Up closer he looked ten times hotter but Ana still felt a little uncomfortable around him. "Plus I'm getting hungry too".
"Go my children but I'd like to see you two again and your sisters. My church doors are always opened" Joseph said, putting his hands on each other their shoulders.
"Thank you. Hope to see you all again" Blake turned around to Ana and smiled. "Come on fussy pants. Let's go".
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jacobseedvaas35 · 5 years
A Love Like No Other
Jacob Seed X OC Ana Pearce
Warnings: Mention of Abuse, Violence and Smut
Warnings in this chapter: Smut
Word Count: 2156
Tags: @dolphinitley
Chapter Seven
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Ana has been missing for two hours now. No one had seen her when she ran off in the morning. She had left her phone in the cabin, so they couldn't call or track her with that. They looked everywhere. Called people and asked if they've seen her but it was a "no" from everyone.
It was night time now, Jacob sat on the couch in Joseph's living room, with everyone around him. He rested his elbows on his knees, whiling tapping his foot on the floor. He tried to think of places that she would have gone but nothing was coming to mind. He worried about her. Was she ok? Did something happen to her? Where was she?
Then, something came to mind. He had an idea on where she could have been. Jacob stood up and left the building without saying a single thing to anyone. He jumped into his car and drove down to Whitetail Mountains.
The drive took forever but he finally reached the destination, on where he thought Ana could be. He made his way up the mountain and sure enough, there she was. Sitting near the edge of the mountain and staring out into the view of Hope County. He let out a sigh of relief and made his way to Ana. He took a seat next to her and the two of them came eye to eye.
Not saying a word, Ana wrapped her arms around Jacob's neck and started to cry.
"You had me worried Ana. You've been missing for hours" Jacob said as he tightly held her against him.
"Her words hurt me Jacob"
"I know. She crossed the line but I can tell you this, she was the most terrified when you went missing"
Ana sat back down, right next to Jacob and looked out at the view again. "I hate being insecure about myself but it's not my fault. It's that bastards fault, for making me like this".
Ana looked up at Jacob and wrapped his arms around his arm, leaning her head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry. I just had to be alone for a while".
"10 hours is a long time. You had me worried sick" Jacob sounded a little grumpy but seeing her in one piece was good enough for him. She did need her space after her sister's harsh comments. "Why did you come here for?".
"Because this was the place that made me fall in love with you more" Ana replied.
"You loved me that long ago?"
"Yes. Can I ask you something Jacob?"
"Are we...like...official now?"
Jacob smirked and looked at Ana. "I'd die to be your boyfriend, fiancé, husband or whatever. Just as long as you want to be my girlfriend, fiancé or wife".
"Of course I do"
"Then it's official, we are a couple now"
"I love you Jacob"
“I love you too Ana. Let's go home now"
Ana and Jacob walked to the front door of Joseph's home, holding hands. Before Jacob could raise his arm to knock on the door, Haley opened it and hugged her little sister.
"You had us worried sick Ana. Don't you ever do that again" Haley said as her hug tightened.
"I'm sorry. I just wanted to be alone and didn't realise the time until it got dark" Ana said.
Everyone ran outside to greet Ana. The concern on all their faces had disappeared and was replaced with happiness and joy. Hannah slowly walked out off the house, not knowing if her sister was still angry at her.
After all the hugging, Ana looked at Hannah and smiled at her. She took it a good thing and approached her sister, hugging her tightly and continually apologising to Ana.
"It's ok Hannah. I'm over it. I know you didn't mean to say anything" Ana said to her.
"So, we are okay?"
"Of course" Ana hugged her again.
"Let's all get some rest and speak in the morning" Joseph suggested and everyone went in their seperate ways.
A month later, Ana and her siblings had all officially moved into Joseph's compound. Each getting their own little cabins to sleep in. Most of the day, they'd spend it at Joseph's house or with the Seed siblings at their own regions. Except for Ana.
Jacob didn't want to take her to his workplace. He believed that, if she saw what it contained and how messy it was, she'd guarantee leave him. Jacob didn't want that, their relationship was just beginning and he didn't want it ending too soon. But their relationship wasn't the only one to bloom in the last month.
Blake and Faith had become very close. People around them noticed how close and flirty they were with each other. At times, Faith would sick on Blake's lap and make out but mostly when Joseph wasn't around.
Hannah and John announced that they were together, two weeks after the event of Ana missing, and that the two of them were already thinking about getting married. One week ago, John had gotten on one knee and proposed to her and Hannah was not going to say no to him. Now the four ladies had a wedding to plan.
Haley and Joseph thought they were keeping their relationship a secret but everyone knew that something was going on between them. They were close and a few times, John and Jacob had walked in on them when they were kissing, so the secret was out. Haley and Joseph were an item. There was also a time when Ana and Hannah had heard the two of them making love, when they thought no one else was home. Ana and Hannah joked amongst themselves, joking about how loud Haley was in the bedroom.
The truth was, everyone was sleeping and having sex with their partners. Everyone except Ana and Jacob. Blake, Hannah and Haley had already experienced that pleasure long before moving to Hope County. Neither of them were a virgin in the first place.
Ana was never that curious about that sexual experience. Was she keen for it now that she was with Jacob? Yep she sure was but didn't know how to go about it. The thought about it was still making her very nervous and scared. She knew Jacob was sexually frustrated but he was also a very patient guy. Never forcing her into something she didn't want to do.
Jacob believed that Ana was the type of girl, who wanted to get married before having sex and he was okay with that.
It was midnight, Jacob woke up from a very pleasurable dream. He looked down at his crouch once he released how hard he had gotten, from the dream, Jacob gently got out off bed and walked into the bathroom.
"I have to be quiet while doing this" Jacob said and pulled his member out, pumping himself fast.
Ana opened her eyes when she felt the bed empty. Looking to her side, she noticed that Jacob wasn't lying down next to her. She sat up in bed and saw the bathroom light open. Ana didn't make anything of it, the man probably just had to use the toilet or something, so she laid back down.
A few minutes went past and Jacob was still working on himself, trying to reach his end. He had his eyes closed as his mind went into deep and dirty thoughts.
"Jacob" a voice from behind him came.
He stopped pumping himself and turned his head to the door way. "Ana".
She looked down and got a glimpse of his member, only to realise what he was up too. "You need help with that" she pointed down.
"I've got it. Go back to sleep"
"You've been in this bathroom for twenty minutes now. Are you sure you've got it?" Ana asked with a smile on her face.
"I'll eventually get there. Don't worry" Jacob winked at her.
"Hmm" Ana said and walked into the bathroom. Jacob, still with his member in his hand, watched as Ana walked up to him. She slowly took the straps of her night gown and let them fall down her shoulder. "Maybe this can help you".
She grabbed Jacob's arm and walked him over to the bathroom counter. He had a fair idea on what she was trying to do, so he put his hands on her bottom and made her sit on the counter. He grabbed his member back in his hand and slowly started stroking it again.
Ana looked down at it and bit down on her lip. "A big dick for a big man. Fuck I'm a lucky girl" she teased and dropped the top bit of her night gown, revealing her breasts to Jacob. She grabbed his other hand and put it on one of her breasts, moaning each time Jacob squeezed it. "Is it working?"
"It sure is but I'm holding myself. I'm not ready to finish off just yet. I want to enjoy these two babies a much as I can" Jacob said, pumping himself slightly faster.
"Trust me baby. You are going to see these two, a lot" Ana gave him a flirty smile.
"Can I?"
"You can do whatever you want Jacob. They are yours to enjoy" Ana informed him and watched as he put his face closer to her breasts.
Still pumping himself, Jacob started to kiss and suck on her breasts and occasionally, kissing her shoulders and neck, making her moan.
This feeling of pleasure was completely new to Ana and she was having the time of her life but she wanted more. She needed that burn in her core, satisfied.
"Hmm" was all he gave her as he continued to kiss her neck and shoulder.
"I need more"
"More what?"
"You know, more" Ana said. "I'm ready"
Jacob paused and looked up at her. "Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure. Please I need relief right now"
"Hold on. I'll get a condom"
"No. Don't worry about it" Ana was quick to stop him. "Just do it. I want to experience everything". She pushed the rest of her night gown down, dropping it on the bathroom floor. She then grabbed the waist line of her panties and slid them off.
This was what Jacob was waiting for. His member started to twitch in his hand and it became even more harder.
Ana grabbed his arm and pulled him closer to her. Opening her legs wide on the bathroom counter, revealing her soaking wet cunt to Jacob.
She's heard other people's stories about where they lost their virginity. Behind buildings, Alleyways, inside cars and just normal bedrooms but Ana didn't think she'd lose her virginity on a bathroom counter. She didn't care though, right now she just wanted to experience this "pleasure" that a lot of people told her about.
Jacob lined himself at her entrance, watching her as he slowly entered her. Ana's grip on Jacob's arm became tighter. Her nails digging into his skin and her head rolling back. A moan escaped from both their mouths once he was fully inside her.
Ana's moved her arms up to Jacob's neck, wrapping them around. Jacob's hands rested just above her backside and started to thrust. He started with slow thrusts, as Ana still tried to get use to his size but once she was set, his thrusts became rapid.
Her moans were getting louder and Jacob was loving the sound. He didn't imagine their first time having sex with each other, to be like this but he was definitely loving every minute of it.
The thrusts got faster and deeper, hitting Ana in the right spot. The burning sensation in her core, was getting bigger and she knew that she was only a few minutes away from reaching her end. She wanted to experience the whole orgasm thing. Her sisters told her that it was one of the best feelings during sex.
It didn't take long, after a few more hits in the right spot, Ana's walls tightened around Jacob and she experienced her first ever orgasm.
Her moans and watching her ride out her end, was enough for Jacob too. He let out a growl against her neck and spilled his seeds inside Ana. He got one last, loud moan from her as she felt his warm fluid inside her.
"Did that help?" She joked, breathing heavily.
"It helped" Jacob replied in the same state as her. "Ready for bed?"
"Hell yes" Ana chuckled.
Jacob put her hands on her bottom and carried her back to the bedroom. Naked and sweaty, the both didn't care and just laid in bed. Ana's head and hand resting on Jacob's chest, while his hand rested on one of her butt cheeks.
"Goodnight" Ana said
"Goodnight" Jacob responded back and the two of them were out in a flash.
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jacobseedvaas35 · 5 years
A Love Like No Other
Hey guys and girls
Just letting you all know that, every night at 9pm (Australian Time), I’ll be posting a new chapter of my story.
I’ve already got Chapter 1 to 6 up.
It’s a love story between Jacob Seed and my OC Ana Pearce. They go through a bit at the beginning of the story but the rest of the story will take you on a journey into their love for each other.
The story also takes you into other relationships, between Jacob’s siblings and Ana’s siblings.
You can expect these pair ups:
- John Seed X Hannah Pearce
- Joseph Seed X Haley Pearce
- Faith Seed X Blake Pearce
It contains: Violence, Mention of abuse but mostly it will involve quite a bit of Smut 😊.
If you would like to be tagged in the story, please let me know 😊
Chapter Six is up. Next chapter contains the first Smut of the story 😊
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6 notes · View notes
jacobseedvaas35 · 5 years
A Love Like No Other
Jacob Seed X OC Ana Pearce
Warnings: Violence, Mention of Abuse and Smut
Word Count: 1249
Chapter Eight
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The next morning, Jacob woke up, had his shower and got dressed. He walked out off the bathroom and looked at down at his sleeping beauty, peacefully snoozing away. Jacob walked up to Ana and kissed her bare back, then her on the cheek.
Ana smiled and opened her eyes. She turned around and sat up, not caring that her bare chest was visible to her lover. "You heading to work?".
"Yeah. Shouldn't be a long day, so I'll be back home earlier" Jacob replied back.
"I'll miss you"
"I'll miss you too" Jacob said and kissed her on the corner of the lip, then kissed her on the lips.
"Was last night good for you? You know, being my first time and all" Ana asked, blushing as she remembered the pleasurable events last night.
"It was perfect" Jacob whispered. "I hope I didn't hurt you? Couldn't help myself with the whole roughness. It's been years for me".
"You didn't hurt me" Ana placed her hand on his scarred cheek. "I'm so damn glad that I lost my virginity to you".
"I'm honoured that I was the man you chose to be your first"
"And last. There won't be another man in my life. It's just going to be you and you only, in my life"
"I love you Ana"
"I love you too Jacob. You better get going to work and I better jump into the shower"
"I'll see you tonight"
Ana had her shower, got changed and left her cabin to meet up with her sisters and Faith, for breakfast. She walked into the dining room, where the girls were all sitting and eating. She greeted them in a happy way and took a seat next to Hannah.
"Ana? You're glowing girl. What happened?" Hannah asked.
"Oh nothing" Ana replied back and started putting food on her plate.
"Hannah is right. Look at you" Faith joined in the conversation. "Tell us".
Ana became embarrassed and smiled. "Something special happened last night".
"Like what?" Hannah asked.
"Jacob and me.. you know.."
"Know what? Spit it out Ana" Haley became impatient.
Ana sighed and looked up at the three girls. "We had sex for the first time, last night".
"WHAT?" The three girls screamed with joy.
"Oh my god Haley, our little sister isn't a virgin anymore" Hannah said. "Why am I so happy about this? I'm so fucking weird".
"You really are" Ana laughed.
"So tell us. What was it like? What's Jacob like?" Hannah started asking so much questions. "Oh my god, I need to shut up now".
"It was actually an amazing experience" Ana said an put a slice of cucumber in her mouth. "Jacob was a little rough but made the experience a lot more enjoyable".
"I wish Joseph was rough" Haley added without realising what she had just said.
"Umm ok" Hannah chuckled then turned back to Ana. "How do you feel?
"I feel...amazing" Ana replied back.
"We can tell. Hannah is definitely right. Your experience last night, has you glowing today" Faith smiled. "I'm happy for you and Jacob. This is definitely a big step in your relationship".
"It really is. You girls don't understand. Jacob makes me extremely happy. I couldn't imagine myself with another man but Jacob".
“That's adorable Ana. We are all behind you and Jacob" Haley said.
After spending a whole afternoon with her sisters and Faith, Ana decided to enjoy the beautiful sunny weather on the pier next to Joseph's church. She soaked her feet in the cool lake water and listened to the birds chirping in the distance. She took in a deep breath of the fresh air and closed her eyes.
She opened her eyes and turned her head. Immediately a huge smile broke out on her face and she was up on her feet.
"You're home early" Ana said and ran straight into Jacob's arms. Her arms wrapping around his neck. "Welcome home".
"What were you doing?" Jacob asked.
"Just relaxing. Had a good day with Faith and my sisters. We went shopping"
"You buy anything?"
"Two new dresses and some shoes"
"Hmm. Can I see them?"
"Nope. You have to wait for John and Hannah's wedding" Ana joked.
"That's two months away" Jacob sighed. He held her hand and the two of them walked back to the small pier. "Ana?"
"Yes Jacob"
"Last night. It didn't ruin anything between us?"
"No of course not. Last night was actually very special for me and I'm sure it was special for you too"
"It really was. I'll be honest with you. Back when I was younger, I've been with a few woman" Jacob admitted. "But none of them are like you Ana. You are so much more special then any woman I've met in my life. I would give my life for you. I'd do anything to make sure that, the rest of my life is spent with you".
Ana looked at Jacob with a lot of love. She wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. "I want the same Jacob".
"Good because I'm not letting you go that easily" Jacob chuckled. "You're mine and mine only. Last night, I claimed you".
"Claimed me?" Ana said, raising her eyebrows and smirking a flirt smirk.
"I planted my seeds in you baby" he leaned down and whispered in her ear. "Where they belong".
"So naughty" Ana laughed. "Come on, let's go get something to eat".
"Yes. I'm starving" Jacob said. Ana walked from the front but was immediately stopped by Jacob, who then threw her over his shoulder and carried her to Joseph's house.
"Jacob" Ana said, laughing her head off.
"What? I don't want my lady to walk"
"how romantic" Ana teased.
"Oh honey, I'll show you romantic if you want?" Jacob flirted, slapping her butt.
"Umm Jacob. Where are you going? Joseph's house is over there" Ana pointed out after realising that Jacob was going in a different direction.
"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean I was starving for food" Jacob joked. "I'm starving for you Ana".
"my god, you are so bad Jacob"
"Welcome to my world honey. This is who you chose to be with".
Her nails dug deep in Jacob's back skin. He growled against her neck as he reached his end. Ana letting out a moan and kissing Jacob's cheek. He stayed on top of her until he got his breath back. Ana stroke his hair, comforting him as he got his energy back.
"You hungry for food now?" Ana whispered.
"I can definitely do with some lunch after that" Jacob replied back.
Ana sat up and put her dress back on, before trying to climb out off bed. Unfortunately for her, Jacob wasn't making it easy for her.
“How do you expect me to get you lunch ready, if you don't let me out off bed?" Ana asked.
Jacob started to tickle her, making her laugh too much that tears started forming in her eyes.
“Put your clothes on" Ana said through her heavy breathing.
"Why? Don't like what you are seeing?"
"Complete opposite. Seeing you naked like this, turns me on" Ana replied.
"I'm honoured" Jacob responded.
"And I'm hungry, so get dressed for goodness sake" Ana said and finally managed to get off the bed. "Steak sandwich?".
"Sure" Jacob replied back.
In a quick flash, Ana ran out off the bedroom and into Joseph's house, to get her man some food.
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jacobseedvaas35 · 5 years
A Love Like No Other
Jacob Seed X OC Ana Pearce
Warnings: Violence, Smut, Mention of abuse
Word Count: 1388
Tags: @dolphinitley
Chapter Six
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Two weeks later, all of Ana's scars and bruises on her face, had finally disappeared. The belt marks on her back though, not so much. Some of the very bad marks remained on her skin and she didn't like it. She was embarrassed to wear tops or dresses that made the scars visible. No matter how many times Jacob complimented her and tried to make her feel good about it, Ana just wouldn't buy it. She started hiding herself in her cabin when people came to visit Joseph but she did make the effort of attending Joseph's sermon, at his church. She would wear jackets, jumpers or anything that hid the scars on her back.
Hannah and John had organised to throw a party in Holland Valley, near the lake side. Beers, food and music, it had everything. The dress code was to wear swimsuits, bikinis or whatever, because swimming in the Lake was a big must.
Ana thought the party was just between the two families, not knowing her sister and John had invited others to the party. Ana wore her bikinis but also wore a long shirt over it, so that he scars won't show.
"This is going to be an amazing time" Hannah said with excitement. "We will swim, dance, eat and drink, till midnight".
"Oh I don't know about midnight but yes, it will be a lot of fun" Joseph chuckled.
An hour later, slowly the guest started to arrive. Much to Ana's disappointment. She looked for Jacob and found him, starting a camp fire. "I thought this was just for our family? No one told me that other people were going to come".
"I thought you knew" Jacob said, standing up.
"No, I had no idea. Take me home Jacob".
"Ana, don't start. It's going to be a lot of fun and it will do you a lot of good".
"I don't want to be around other people. I feel insecure".
"Why? You're beautiful" Jacob approached her and put his arms around her waist. "There is nothing to be insecure about. Plus if anyone gives you a bad eye, they'll have me to deal with".
Ana sighed and gave him a small nod. Jacob pressed his lips on the top of her head, held her hand and walked her back to the small crowd, at the party.
She hated her father so much more now. He left these scars on her body, which now made her feel insecure and as if people were judging her. It was a terrible feeling but she had to fight all of it away. Ana knew she needed to get herself involved in big crowds. She had a protective brother and boyfriend. There was nothing she had to worry about.
As the afternoon reached, the party was already lit. People were swimming in the lake. Eating and drinking. Some were even dancing. Ana stayed by Jacob's side the whole time but found herself panicking again. People were forcing her to take her shirt off and get into the water and it was driving her crazy but she tried not to show it.
"Jacob I want to go home now" Ana whispered into his ear.
"Why? Aren't you having fun?" Jacob asked.
"No" Ana became impatient. "I'm ready to explode to the next person who tells me to take my shirt off".
Jacob looked at her and realised how annoyed she looked.
"All I want is to go home. You can stay and have your fun, don't let me poop on your parade but I want out of here. Right. Now" Ana said through her teeth.
"Fine. I'll get one of my men to take you home" Jacob stood up and escorted Ana out of the woods and to the car.
"Scott" Jacob called out to one of his men.
"Yes sir?"
"Take Ana home. If there is nobody there, keeping an eye on things, you stay with her. Understood?"
"Yes Jacob" Scott said.
"I'll see you tonight" Jacob turned to Ana.
Ana didn't say anything to him and followed Scott to the car.
Jacob returned back to the party, a little down after sending Ana home by herself but he had definitely understood how she was feeling, being around this big crowd and no one warned her about it.
"Where did Ana go?" Blake approached him.
"Home. She wasn't feeling really comfortable around the crowd. People were pushing her limits a little" Jacob informed Blake.
"I thought Hannah told her that all these people were going to come?"
"I thought she did too but apparently Ana didn't know. I feel bad" Jacob said.
"Hey, it's fine. Stay a bit more then you can go home whenever you want" Blake smiled and put his hand on Jacob's shoulder, before walking away.
The sun was now replaced by the moon and the stars were shining bright as well. The party had finally broken up and everyone was making their way home. Jacob was still feeling down and upset that, Ana wasn't there to have fun with him. As they pulled up into Joseph's compound, Ana was sitting on the small pier next to the church.
She stood up and walked over, greeting them with a smile. "How was the party?".
"Amazing. You should have stayed" Hannah said.
"Glad you all had fun" Ana responded back and walked over to Jacob, hugging him around the waist.
He hugged her back tightly, kissing her on the top of her head, then grabbed her hand and walked to their cabin.
The next morning, everyone was a little hung over but they all still managed to get out off bed and have a nice family breakfast, at Joseph's house.
"Yesterday was great and all but damn, I regret drinking so much" Blake said.
"Tell me about it" John responded to his comment.
"What did you do yesterday, Ana?" Haley asked her little sister.
"Watched movies and read some books. Had my little own party right here" Ana said with a smile on her face.
"You really need to stop hiding yourself, Ana" Hannah joined into the conversation.
"Sorry?" Ana asked.
"You just have to get over everything and get out there more often. The scars on your back are nothing to be dramatic about" Hannah said, not realising that her words were hurtful.
"Hannah" Blake called out, signalling to her to stop talking.
"What? I'm just saying. Stop being a drama queen and childish" Hannah said, pushing the limits.
Ana slammed her hands on the table and stood up with anger. "I'm sorry for being such a fucking drama queen Hannah".
"Ana. She didn't mean to say that" Blake tried to calm his little sister down.
"Bullshit, she didn't mean to say that" Ana turned to him. "What the hell do you expect me to do? Be of them?"
"Ana, I'm sorry..."
"I'm going to live the rest of my life with these scars and remembering the day that I got them. I can assure you Hannah, i didn't get them from falling or hitting my back on something. I got them from an abusive father. Now that's not something to be fucking proud of" Ana said in a lot of anger.
"Ana, she's apologised" Jacob finally stepped in.
"Get away from me" she pushed him away from her and ran out off Joseph's house.
"Well done Hannah. You just couldn't shut your big fucking mouth, could you?" Blake said and ran after Ana.
Haley and Joseph looked at each other, both in a lot of disappointment towards Hannah as well. Haley threw her fork onto the plate and walked out off the house as well.
"I'm usually a very calm person but I can't believe you said that to her Hannah" Faith said. "I'm disappointed in you".
"You were there the day your sister got those scars. Hungover or not, how could you even say something like that to the poor girl?" John asked. "She feels insecure about herself already, you didn't have any right to add onto it".
Hannah looked down at her lap, embarrassed and angry with herself too.
"I better go next to Ana" Jacob informed the remaining people.
"Jacob!" Blake came running into the house, panicking.
"What's wrong?" Joseph asked and stood up.
"It's Ana. We can't find her"
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