thehammondlegacy · 5 years
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It’s twins!! Yesterday, HRH Princess Elizabeth delivered twins at the Willow Creek Private Hospital. Her Royal Highness and Mr. Jackson Reed are very happy to welcome Morgan Reed-Hammond and Philippa Reed-Hammond into the royal family. Philippa was the first of the twins to be born making her the eldest child of the couple.
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sepasi · 3 years
Kemarin sore saat saya shift sore salah satu pasien saya meninggal. Datangnya hari selasa dengan keluhan sesak, ternyata hasil foto dadanya pneumonia dan decom, atau sakit jantung.
Sejak tadi pagi ternyata kondisinya memburuk, tambah sesak dan oksigennya turun. Sudah diganti dengan jacksonrees ternyata oksigennya tidak naik. Akhirnya setelah lapor dokter ada advis pro-intubasi.
Kami hubungi keluarganya untuk meminta persetujuan atau penolakan sejak pagi baru ada jawaban siang kurang lebih jam 13 -jawaban per Wa- katanya setuju. Alat-alat sudah siap tinggal menunggu penata anaestesi.
Tiba-tiba, jam 13.30 berubah pikiran menjadi menolak, keluarga belum ada yang ke rumah sakit untuk menerima penjelasan langsung dari dokter jaga. Ternyata pasien di dalam ruangan sudah dalam kondisi arest dan apnea.
Tidak lama keluarga datang dan diberikan edukasi bahwa pasien sudah meninggal. Keluarga tidak terima dan marah-marah pada dokter jaga kami yang memberikan informasi dan membanting HPnya dan memaki-maki dokter kami.
Akhirnya kami edukasi ulang dengan 2 perawat lain untuk berjaga-jaga. Dan akhirnya keluarga menerima. Jenazah kami rawat dan kami turunkan ke kamar jenazah.
Diakhir pengurusan berkas dan administrasi keluarga yang marah-marah tadi meminta maaf. Karena merasa berduka jadi memohon dimaafkan.
Saya pribadi tahu kondisi keluarga sedang berduka dan ada pada tahap denial, tapi apa ini juga boleh digunakan sebagai pengecualian untuk menghina profesi kami?
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thehammondlegacy · 5 years
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A few days ago, HRH Princess Isabella was christened. Here is the portrait with the members of the royal family that attended the christening. HRH Princess Elizabeth, her husband Mr. Jackson Reed, Lord Harry Hammond and Lady Cleo Armstrong are the godparents of the little Princess. 
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thehammondlegacy · 5 years
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HRH Princess Elizabeth and her husband Mr. Jackson Reed are expecting their first child! Her Royal Highness is on the second trimester of her pregnancy. Congratulations to the happy couple on this fantastic news!!
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thehammondlegacy · 5 years
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The last members of the royal family to arrive are HRH Princess Elizabeth and her husband Mr. Jackson Reed. Her Royal Highness is on the third trimester of her pregnancy. Her son or daughter will be the first grandchild of HRH Prince Philip. 
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thehammondlegacy · 5 years
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HRH Prince Philip and his wife Lady Marry Hammond have arrived at WC Abbey accompanied by HRH Princess Elizabeth and his husband Mr. Jackson Reed and Lord Harry Hammond. 
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thehammondlegacy · 5 years
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HRH Princess Elizabeth has married Mr. Jackson Reed. Congratulations to the happy couple!
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thehammondlegacy · 5 years
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The first royal wedding of the year has arrived to Willow Creek. Today, HRH Princess Elizabeth is marrying Mr. Jackson Reed. The bride’s mother, Lady Mary Hammond arrives at Willow Creek Curch next to her son Lord Harry Hammond and HRH Princess Amelia. Crown Prince Henry and HRH Princess Sofia also attend their cousin’s wedding as well as HRH Princess Alecsia and Princess Royal Ophelia next to their husbands Lord Mattew Wellington and Lord James Smith. 
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