#Jack would HATE Jacqueline Naught
firesongbard · 3 years
Name the Dead
Garrus turned his visor over in his fingers. Each name had been etched into the side with the memory of the person who died. He’d never been religious—never really bought into the pomp and circumstance of appeasing the spirits and calling them for aid. You made your own luck. And if something, somewhere, decided to help him out every once in a while—
Well, he wouldn’t complain. He just knew better than to rely on something he couldn’t see.
But he couldn’t deny that standing here, in the belly of the Normandy, facing the memorial wall, holding the last testament to his team…
…he felt something.
“You know, when we had Jack on board? She asked if she’d end up on the wall if she died.”
Shepard had snuck up beside him while he was lost in his thoughts. She stood at parade rest, eyes fixed on the names on the wall ahead. Garrus settled the visor back over his left eye, gratefully accepting the invitation to leave his own mind.
“Not like her to get fatalistic without resorting to property damage first.”
“She wants to go up as ‘Bad-Ass Bitch’.” She tucked her chin down, muffling the quiet laugh in her throat. “I told her it probably wouldn’t fly with Alliance Brass. Liara could probably track down her name… but she picked Jack. Pretty sure if the point of this wall is to honor the dead, it’d be a big insult not to use the name she chose.”
So far, they’d been lucky. So far, the names on the wall all memorialized the people who served on the SR-1. They both knew the list would get longer before they were done.
“If you use that logic to put me up as Archangel, I will personally drive the spirit of Vengeance to your ship and haunt you for the rest of eternity.”
“That can’t be how Turian spirits work.”
“Try me.” He met her eyes with the playful challenge, and saw her lip slowly turn up, forcing tiny creases by her eye.
“You know… I think I believe you’re just stubborn enough to do that.”
“Never underestimate the power of a stubborn turian.”
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