#Jack van poortvliet smut
lxndonorris · 2 years
free balling - Jack van Poortvliet
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Y/N x Jack van Poortvliet Theme: Smutush (not too explicit) Jack teasing you wearing joggers without underwear x word count: 1070 tagged: @tigerschampignons
It’s nearly 10 a.m. when you find yourself lying on the sofa in your living room, scrolling through Instagram and Tiktok. Your boyfriend Jack is getting ready to join a few of his squad members for a photoshoot. You can hear him giggling, chuckling to himself behind the closed door. Knowing him, this isn’t a very good sign. Jack is up to something, and you’re fully aware that you’re most likely suffering through it all. Carefully, you lift your head to watch the bedroom door, when you can hear jack again, this time, he mutters something under his breath.
“You’ve got this.” He says encouragingly. “This feels good.” Jack chuckles again, before taking a deep breath. “Are you okay, Jacky?” You say loud enough for him to hear you. “Ehh, uhh. Yeah. Uhh.” He stutters, making you even more suspicious. Then, suddenly, he opens the door slowly and peeks into the living room. “Hi.” He smiles shyly. Instantly, you notice him blushing heavily. “Hey, Babé.” You smile comfortingly and let your phone drop onto the cushions underneath. 
Jack steps outside, giving you a good, long look at his outfit. He’s wearing a nice, tight white shirt, grey joggers, and fitting sneakers. It’s a sporty photoshoot after all. You let your eyes wander all over his body, admiring his strong physique, his toned abs gently pressing against the fabric of his shirt, while his biceps bulge heavily. “So, what do you think?” He spreads his arms wide and starts to spin slowly. Licking your lips, you admire all of him even more. His butt is filling the joggers fully, and as always, tracksuits and joggers flatter his trained body very much. 
“Oh, Jacky.” You say, sitting up, and taking a closer look. “You look so damn good.” Smirking, you pick up your phone and open the camera. His face turns to you, and he notices you snapping a few pictures. Jack strikes a few poses, flexing his muscles, stroking his chin, and running a hand through his nicely-done hair. “Oof, Jacky.” You put a hand on your chest, pretending to faint. “Y/N, stop.” He giggles, again, running a hand gently through his hair. “I can’t. Too handsome.” You breathe deeply and fan yourself with your phone. jack blushes even harder, letting a hand run down his whole body. With his fingers running down his chest, abs, and even further down to his waist until they reach his crotch. 
He touches himself quickly, a self-soothing gesture he’d often do when his beauty is complimented. That’s when you realize that something about these pants seems off. It looks like he isn’t wearing anything underneath, so basically, he’s hanging free down there. Trying not to be too obvious, motion for him to come closer. He fondles his chest as he takes a few steps toward you. Carefully, you keep an eye on his crotch, where he’s bulging slightly inside his grey joggers. 
“Come here.” You breathe, motioning for him to bow down. Gently, you wrap a hand around his neck, pulling him into you, with your lips meeting lovingly. Jack kisses you once, twice, three times, one softer than the other. Now, you can smell his cologne, a faint scent, his scent. He’d always put it on on special occasions, like a photo shoot, or a date night with you. “Now, for real, how do I look?” He leans in closer and whispers into your ear, and you feel his warm breath against your skin. 
“You do look so good.” You return the favor, with your voice so husky it’s nearly a soft moan. Jack’s body shivers, as he wraps an arm around your back, gently stroking you through your shirt. “I just got one question:” You smirk, placing both of your hands on his chest, feeling every deep breath he takes. “What?” He blushes as you run your hands down his body, and underneath his shirt. You run your fingers along his palpable abs and lean in even closer. “Is this meant for me? Or are you planning on leaving like this?” You lick your lips, and gently pull at his grey joggers, causing him to giggle quietly. Jack knows what you’re getting at, and he enjoys every second of it. 
Before you can react, however, he lifts you by hugging you tightly. “Jack, what are you?” You laugh and try to fight back, but he’s way too strong. As quickly as he lifts you into the air, jack gently drops you onto the sofa and climbs on top of you. Both of you giggle, breathing heavily. “What do you think?” He smirks, letting his hips grind against your body. You can feel his length against your skin, just the joggers keeping you apart. “I thought so.” Biting your lower lip, you slip a hand between your bodies, gently stroking him, his thighs and waist. 
“That feels good, doesn’t it?”. He purrs softly, as you keep stroking him lovingly. “Oh yeah.” You smile, as he bends down, kissing you passionately. The longer he kisses you, the more you want him, here and now. But the two of you know, that his photo shoot is about to start in an hour. “I think, we need to postpone, this.” You say, grabbing him firmly, and Jack lets out a low, guttural grunt. “I know.” He grins deviously before his face softens. Jack places a hand on your neck and starts to pour kisses all over your face and neck. 
Giggling, you give in to him, leaning your head back, enjoying how his warm, soft lips feel on your skin, how his hands encompass your waist, and how his gentle scent slowly intoxicated your mind. “You need to go now.” You gently press your hands against his heaving chest. Reluctantly, he agrees, separating his lips from your skin. “Come back soon, handsome.” You smirk, running your thumb along his lips. “I will, promise.” Jack kisses you one last time and gets up from the sofa. He runs a hand along his shirt and joggers, making sure everything fits perfectly. 
You watch him walk into the bedroom again, grabbing a backpack and a black puffer jacket. Smirking, you notice him being very excited. “This is going to be wild.” You nod at his crotch, causing him to blush again. “And exciting.” jack grabs his length again, and winks. “See you soon.” You wave him goodbye. “Have fun!”
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lxndonorris · 2 years
jaws drop - Jack van Poortvliet
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Y/N x Jack van Poortvliet Theme: very light smut (touching, kissing) you're surprising Jack during a public training session x @tigerschampignons with a little bit of teasing him word count: 1220+
Jack would always invite you to visit a public or a private training session of the Leicester rugby team, to basically show off a little. Sadly, due to uni, so many assignments, and other stuff happening all at once, you haven't had the chance to do so. Just like today, when he left for a session, you had to decline due to several deadlines. However, you are well prepared. Even though you said you were busy, actually, you managed all that work a day early, to surprise him.
Being about 15 minutes late on purpose, you enter the training grounds, walking straight to the rugby field. A couple of other people are already watching the team getting ready, they're stretching right now, and you join a group of girls on the right side. Dressing for the occasion, you snatched one of Jacks's jerseys from his cupboard, combined with blue jeans and comfy sneakers. Luckily, it's not as cold as you thought it would be. It doesn't take long for you to spot Jack on the field, being the class clown like always.
Tilting your head slightly, you ask yourself why you haven't done this way sooner. Seeing him in his training gear, short shorts, a tight shirt, messy hair, long socks, and boots, is pure eye candy. The things you'd let him do. Biting your lower lip, you try to think about something else, any distraction is welcome. "Isn't he pretty?" A shrill voice snaps you out of your daydreaming. "Have you seen his ass?" Another voice rings through your head, causing you to turn your head slightly toward the noise, spotting those two girls gossiping. 'Whatever' you roll your eyes and turn your attention back to the players.
They're now standing in a circle, probably discussing today's training, but you can still hear these two women talk rapidly. Suddenly, the shriller one raises her voice. "JACK. JACK." She throws her arms up in the air, wildly flailing them around. Trying to avoid getting hit by those razor-sharp nails, you take a step further back. "You spot Jack standing with his back turned to you, and he turns his upper body toward you. He couldn't have overheard that thought-piercing voice. At first, he wears a coy smile, but when he spots you, Jack turns around completely and raises his arm. "HEY, YOU." He says loudly, and you lift your hand slightly, a little embarrassed to be honest.
"Did you HEAR THAT?" The girl shrieks. "He totally noticed you!" The other one shrieks in unison. Closing your eyes to block them out of your mind, you struggle to not change sides, but you've got a good view from here. Training starts, and you watch them doing some sprints, more stretching, and some exercises with the ball. Jack, of course, aware of you, makes sure to position himself always at the right spot, for you to have the best look at him. Annoyingly, those girls right next to you thought it was just for them.
"You're a jack fan too?" One of the girls asks you, spotting his name on the jersey. "Oh, me?" You say surprised they even noticed you. "Nah, it's my boyfriend's. Just borrowed it." Shrugging, you look at them, trying your best not to burst out laughing. "Okayy, then." They say at the same time, giving you an annoyed glance. "We've been here week after week, and Jack finally noticed us." Her voice is so shrill, you can barely pay attention to her words. "That's awesome." You basically give a verbal thumbs-up, before you turn your head toward the pitch again.
It seems like they finally have a little break, you spot every player walking towards the group of fans, Jack, obviously, walking towards your side first. "JACK. SIGN OUR STUFF." Those girls shout again, and with a polite smile, he nods. You barely shrug, causing him to chuckle to himself. For what feels like an eternity, they besiege him, but he is able to finally break out of it, taking a few steps towards you. Casually leaning on the railing with your arms, you give him a knowing look.
A gigantic smile spreads across his face, as a few shining drops run down the side of his face. "You're here?" Jack says softly, his voice a bit exhausted by the workout. "Yup." You say, tiptoeing to meet his face with yours as he leans in to kiss you lovingly, once, then twice. "I thought you had assignments to do?" He asks you once he separates his lips from yours. His face is still close enough that you still feel them. "Finished them already." You say quietly, putting a hand on his cheek, tracing his jawline with your thumb to his chin. He hasn't shaved for a couple of days, and a very light stubble tickles your skin. Jack embraces your hand on his skin, slightly giving in to your touch. Those two girls are awkwardly quiet, and with a side glance, you check up on them. Of course, they noticed, and for the first time in forever, they were speechless. "Thank you." Jack's smile gets even bigger, his voice a little softer, as he leans in again, kissing you more passionately than before. "I thought yo-uu had a boyfriend." One girl suddenly says, her voice shaking slightly.
The two of you turn towards them, and taking advantage you place a hand on the small of Jacks's back, stroking him gently. "I do." You smirk, placing a hand on Jack's firm chest, patting his pecs tenderly. He blushes instantly as he notices your other hand now on his butt. "Y/N." He says shyly, turning his head towards you. Both of the girls are speechless once again, their jaws dropped to the floor. "You're making me blush." He says, fully aware that he's been teasing you all morning. You narrow your eyes playfully, and he does the same. Getting closer and closer, he suddenly starts to tickle you shortly, causing you to flinch. "Jaaack." You giggle, and the two of you share a laugh. Then, he turns around, realizing training is about to start again. Before he leaves you, however, he leans into you again, but this time, to whisper something into your ear. "Thank you again." He breathes against your skin, sending shivers down your spine. "Don't mention it." You steady yourself against his strong frame, both of your hands now on his chest. "No, it means a lot." He whispers, and his voice shakes slightly once you run your hands down his body to feel his muscles tensing through his tight shirt. "I owe you." Jack exhales, breathing down your neck. you lick your lips quickly as he separates from you again, wearing a playful grin on his lips. "Wait for me, okay." He says, taking one of your hands, squeezing it as to say goodbye for now. You nod, smiling brightly. "Will do." Taking a deep breath, you still smell his faint scent all around you, while you watch him walk back to the other players. "Damn Jack." You mutter to yourself, shaking your head subtly to his body filling that gear fully. As soon as he's out of earshot, those girls approach you, having a gazillion questions, which you answer as much as you feel comfortable. Together, you enjoy the rest of the training.
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