#Jack Kelly the deli owner
iloverace · 7 months
I found another one
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thewritersofdeceased · 6 months
[ci] “𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐀 𝐑𝐎𝐖. 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐞?” A voice questioned aloud upon climbing up and onto the box just above the theater. This had caught the attention of news reporter Katherine Plumber. Well, Pulitzer. Sadly, the female had been the daughter of a man with very little care, Mr. Pulitzer, the man who practically held control of the newsies. She didn’t work for him, no. She wasn’t going to. Though her eyes were wide as she looked at the boy who had climbed up.
[ci]Jack Kelly was famous. Everyone knew his name. If you asked Governor Roosevelt, or even Snyder, they’d both tell you the story of how they met the famous Jack Kelly. Katherine stared at him, her eyes wide at first. “Go away. I am not in the habit of speaking to strangers.” She quickly explained, trying to avoid eye contact with the troublemaker.
[ci]Jack only raised a brow at the girl's words. “Well, then you’ll make a lousy reporter.” He commented in response to the red-haired girl. Katherine had to keep herself calm, shaking her head and letting out a sigh. Though the boy spoke once more. “The names’ Jack Kelly.” He introduced himself, having this… stupid smug expression that Katherine tried her hardest to ignore.
[ci]Though a reply escaped her seconds after. “Is that what it says on your rap sheet?” She questioned as she wrote down anything she could. This led Jack to nod his head, as if processing what she’d said. “A smart girl..” He started, smiling ever so slightly now. “I admire smart girls.”
[ci]Though, now admiring her, he leaned his head back before facing her fully again. “Beautiful, smart, independent-“ He began, gaining Katherine to face him fully with narrowed eyes and what looked like an annoyed expression.
[ci]”Do you mind!?” She spoke loud, almost like she forgot about the show going on below the two. Though in her spot, she tensed up upon hearing someone downstairs call out to her. “Pipe down up there!” It was a man’s voice. Before the owner of the theater spoke up, more so motioning to Jack. “You got in for free! At least pay attention!”
[ci]Miss Medda was a gorgeous woman. Majority of the newsies would agree. Alongside an amazing actress. An amazing host too. Katherine would admire the lady, enjoying the shows she would see. Watching Jack’s movements as he leaned over the railing and down to Miss Medda, only the soft spoken words of an apology was all Katherine could truly hear from where she sat.
[ci]As the two had grown quiet, all her attention had been on the show below now. But not Jack’s. No. The boy focused all his attention on Katherine as soft singing escaped his lips.
[ci]Though as the show began to come to an end, as did the soft singing of Jack. When he had officially left, making Katherine confused on what he’d been doing, only then did she realize.
[ci]He drew her.
[ci]The next time Katherine recalled meeting the famous Jack Kelly was in the afternoon, down at Jacob’s Deli. She remembered the conversation like the back of her hand. The conversation was about who was going to visit Brooklyn. She recalls the exact question she had asked too upon entering the place.
[ci] “𝐖𝐇𝐘 𝐈𝐒 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐒𝐎 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐋𝐘𝐍?” She asked aloud as she looked around the area. The newsies had ceased their conversation, looking towards the woman who had walked in. She could see Jack’s smile from where he was, only making her look in his direction as the boy spoke. “What’re you doin’ here?” He’d only question.
[ci]Katherine had focused all her attention on him, raising a brow slightly before speaking aloud. “Asking a question. Have you got an answer?” She asked, smiling ever so slightly at Jack, who only rolled his eyes with what looked to be yet another one of his many expressions.
[ci]”Brooklyn is the sixth largest city in the entire world.” Jack began to explain, his arms crossing over his chest as he looked at Katherine with his eyes beaming. “You got the motherlode.” How he spoke strongly of Brooklyn. He looked over to Katherine with a narrowed glance, slightly leaning against the table behind him.
[ci]”For someone who works for The New York sun, you spend an awful time around The World.” Jack pointed out, acting like he was shocked. “Are you following me?” He then questioned.
[ci]Katherine, however, only rolled her eyes at this point out. Holding her things close to her chest, she spoke out. “The only thing I’m following is a story.” She explained, shaking her head and rubbing her eyes. Motioning towards the other boys who sat either on the tables or in the chairs, she continued. “A couple of ragamuffins want to take up the kingmakers of New York.” She sighed out, looking between all the boys.
[ci]”Think you have a chance?” She then asked, raising a brow after pointing her attention at Jack. “Shouldn’t you be at a ballet?” Jack questioned, earning a round of laughs from the newsies surrounding the two. Katherine only narrowed her eyes at him, annoyance plastering in her eyes. “Question too difficult? I’ll rephrase; will the richest and most powerful men in New York give the time of day to a gang of kids who haven’t got a nickel to their names?” She questioned, earning the attention of Crutchie, one of Jack’s closest buddies. “You don’t gotta’ be insultin’.”
[ci]The boy with the crutch spoke, slightly narrowing his eyes before going to grab one of the nickels. “I got a nickel.” He spoke, eventually giving a small smile before looking at Katherine again. “So I guess you’re a couple of David’s looking to take on Goliath.”
[ci]Now another voice spoke. “We didn’t say that.” David, the older brother of young Les, and the newest Newsie to join the more well known boys. Katherine faced him, only giving what looked like a small smile. “Oh, you didn’t have to. I did.” She replied.
[ci]”I seen a lot of papers in my time and I ain’t ever noted no girl reporter writing hard news.” Jack commented, as if trying to get under Katherine’s skin. Which slowly worked as Katherine spoke. “Wake up to the new century. The game’s changing.” She started before watching as Jack took a couple steps or so towards her. “How about an exclusive interview?” She then asked, looking around at all the boys.
[ci]Each starred with different expressions. “Ain’t your beat entertaining?” Jack asked, looking down ever so slightly at Katherine. They were slightly apart, Jack being only a little bit taller than the red haired girl. “This is entertaining… so far.” Katherine spoke, taking a slight step back as to put a little bit of distance between the two. “When’s the last news story you write?” Jack then asked, his expression holding annoyance before Katherine spoke.
[ci]”When was the last strike you organized?”
[ci]Only minutes after standing in the deli talking to all the newsies, Katherine now stood outside with Jack. David and Les, the brothers, had been the last ones out of the deli and out of Manhattan’s streets. It took Katherine a couple seconds before she eventually spoke, looking at Jack from where she stood. "𝐒𝐎, 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓'𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘?"She asked, tilting her head slightly. “Are you selling newspapers to work your way through art school?”
[ci]Art school? This made Jack lift his head slightly from where he stood and leaned against. “Art school? Are you kiddin’ me?” He questioned, his eyes sparkling slightly in the dark night upon seeing Katherine holding up the drawing of her he had done only the night before.
[ci]”But you’re an artist. You’ve got real talent! You should be inside the paper illustrating, not outside hawking it.” Katherine explained, as if she was admiring the boy's art skills. Which truly, she was. Holding the paper drawing of her close, she eventually let out a sigh when hearing Jack’s answer. “Maybe that ain’t what I want.”
[ci]Katherine’s brows furrowed close as she listened to his answer. “Then.. tell me what you want.” Though Jack’s answer to her was only a flirt, one of his many smirks on his face. “Can’t you see it in my eyes?” He questioned, having leaned forward slightly to stand over Katherine.
[ci]Though Katherine only moved away, beginning to write in the little notebook she’d been carrying out. “Have you always been their leader?” She then asked, writing down what information she could remember from moments before. Jack would only shake his head as he replied. “I’m the blowhard, Davey’s the brains.” He’d explain, motioning towards the direction Davey had walked off to. “Modesty is not a quality I’d pin on you.” Katherine then spoke.
[ci]Jack let out a dramatic sigh as he looked back at Katherine. “You got’ a name?” He grumbled out the question, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms over his chest. Katherine’s eyes had widened slightly before she answered with a slight stutter. “Katherine…Plumber.” She introduced herself quickly as she took a breath in.
[ci]Though these antics only led a small chuckle of some sort to escape the famous escapee. “What’s the matta’? Ain’t too sure?” He asked, raising a brow to Katherine who let out a nervous chuckle of some sort. “It’s my byline… the name I publish under.” She spoke softly before shaking her head and focusing again. “Tell me more about tonight.”
[ci]Jack’s flirts got the best of him again. “I’d rather tell you what I’m hoping for tonight..” He attempted to flirt, earning a look from Katherine as she spoke sternly. “Mr. Kelly.” This only led a groan of annoyance to escape Jack as he leaned his head back and looked at Katherine. “Today, we stop our newsies from carrying out, papes, but the wagons still deliver to the rest of the city.” Jack started to explain, shaking his head. “Tomorrow, we stop the wagons.”
[ci]”Are you scared?” Katherine then asked. She knew she’d be scared. Organizing a strike against her father? She’d get in so much trouble. Jack only let out a laugh at her question. “Do I look scared? But ask me again in the morning.” He’d only reply, waving his hand up to the sky.
[ci]Katherine just wrote whatever information she gained, nodding her head as she began to walk off. “Good answer. Good night, Mr. Kelly.” She spoke as she turned to leave. Jack frowned at this, trying to reach out to her. “Come on, where you runnin? It ain’t even supper yet!” He called out.
[ci]”I’ll see you in the morning. And off the record. Good luck.” Katherine only spoke as she stopped walking and turned to face Jack now. But the boy had a final statement. “Hey Plumber. Write it good. We both got a lot ridin’ on you.” Jack spoke before having finally walked off.
[ci]The next time Katherine recalled finding Jack… it was at Medda’s theater. Having to convince Jack that the strike was working. Telling him that the newsies got front page on the papers she wrote, telling him they might have a second chance! It was a whole big thing, but would Jack even listen after going MIA for a bit? Running from the fight after the bulls showed up? Walking with Les and arriving at Miss Medda’s theater, Jack had noticed her before speaking up. “Word is you wrote a good story.” He commented, letting out a sigh as he began to take off the painter's apron he wore.
[ci]”𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋.."Katherine spoke softly, looking up at Jack ever so slightly. Les’s voice went through the air as the youngest boy pointed at the backdrop Jack had been painting. “Hey, Jack! Where’s that supposed to be?” He then asked, looking up to the seventeen year old with amazement in his eyes. He felt a hand placed on his shoulder, Davey having kneeled down slightly to answer the question. “It’s Santa Fe.” He then told his younger brother, looking between Jack and Katherine, neither saying a word.
[ci]Until Katherine did, a sigh escaping her lips. “I’ve got to tell you, Jack, this “Go west, young man” routine is getting tiring. Even Horace Greeley moved back to New York.” She explained, shaking her head before hearing Les speak up. “Yes, he did. And then he died.” For a kid, Les seemed to know a couple things about history. Probably from his folks or from the schools. Jack raised a brow slightly as he looked over to Katherine once more, his arms crossing slightly.
[ci]”Ain’t reporters supposed to be non-partisan?” He then asked Katherine, earning a slight frown to plaster on the reporter's face. It took her a couple seconds to answer, but when she did, she spoke in a low tone of voice. “Ask a reporter. Pulitzer’s had me blacklisted from every news desk in town.” She explained, avoiding eye contact before Les spoke again. “Can we table the palaver and get to business! Will Medda let us use the theater!?” He questioned aloud, his arms crossing.
[ci]Davey had to take a breath in as he faced his attention to Jack. “It’s what I’ve been tyring to tell you; we want to hold a rally - citywide meeting where every newsie gets a say and a vote. And we do it after working hours so no one loses a days pay. Smart?” He explained the plan to Jack, using his hands as a way to sort of “form it” into action. Jack only raised his brows, staring at Davey with a look. “Smart enough to get you entitled to a padde room.” He replied, rolling his eyes and shaking his head right after.
[ci]This shocked Katherine slightly. “The guy who paints places he’s never seen is calling us crazy?” She then asked. :3
[ci]Now, the next time Katherine saw Jack, it truly shattered her. She had been growing fond of the boy. But her father… Pulitzer wasn’t fond of Jack in general. Sitting quietly in the office as the mayor, Mr. Seitz, Mr. Bunsen, and her father sat and spoke amongst theirselves, Katherine held her notebook tightly on her lap. That nervous fear of betrayal. She didn’t betray anyone. As she spaced out, a woman’s voice rang out in the air.
[ci]”Mr. Pulitzer - the boy, Jack Kelly, is here.” The woman was a female named Hannah. The mention of Jack’s name made Katherine’s eyes widen as her father spoke. “Here?” He repeated, earning a nod from Hannah. “Just outside. He asked to see you.” She explained right after, her hands intertwined in front of her as she made eye contact with the older man.
[ci]Pulitzer planned for a moment before smirking. “Ask and ye shall receive. Mr. Snyder, if you please.” He spoke to Snyder before facing Katherine. “Sit.” He spoke as he directed Snyder off to the shadows, and spinning Katherine so she was out of sight. Before he had gone to sit at his table himself.
[ci]Couple seconds later, Jack had been escorted by Hannah into the room. “Mr. Jack Kelly.” Hannah spoke before letting go of Jack’s arm and taking a couple steps back towards the door, but not leaving the room. Jack looked around the room, his eyes narrowed slightly, but not enough. “Afternoon, boys.” Jack greeted as he looked around at all the upperclassmen of New York.
[ci]”And which Kelly is this? The charismatic union organizer, or the petty thief and escaped convict?” Pulitzer asked as he placed his hands on the table, intertwining them. “Which one gives us more in common?” Replied Jack, his brow raising as he stood with his arms crossed over his chest. As the two talked and talked, the conversation soon began to slowly make its way about Katherine.
[ci]Oh, poor Katheirne. Pulitzer spoke, fixing his glasses as he stared towards one of the many papers he had gotten from one of the Delancy brothers, or the family of them at least. “Such as that young woman who made you yesterdays’ news? Talented girl. And beautiful as well, don’t you think?”
[ci]Jack raised a brow slightly, as if giving a disgusted look about Pulitzer complimenting such a younger woman. “I’ll tell her you said that..” He spoke, as he began to turn away. Though, Pulitzer stopped him.
[ci]”No need. She can hear for herself. Can’t you, darling?” He spoke, motioning towards the chair. Katherine had stood up, avoiding Jack’s gaze. He had taken a step back in surprise, staring at Katherine with almost a look of betrayer on his face.
[ci]”I trust you know my daughter, Katherine.” Pulitzer spoke, smirking as he explained everything. After a while, Jack was now down in the celler.
[ci]One of two of the final times Katherine spoke face to face with Jack was on the rooftops. Jack’s “penthouse” as he called it. In her hands was a couple drawings, staring down at them. She stared at the papers, before noticing Jack finally.
[ci]”𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐄𝐂𝐇 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐆𝐀𝐕𝐄." She commented, her attention being focused on the drawings. But Jack’s voice went through her ears. “How did you get up here?” He questioned, climbing the ladder and finally standing level to level with her. She only responded with a short sentence. “Specs showed me.” She’d explain before feeling the papers in her hand get taken out of her hands. “He say you could go through my stuff?” He asked harshly, holding the papers close to him.
[ci]Katherine had tensed up slightly when noticing Jack’s anger, her eyes widening slightly before she spoke. “I saw them rolled up, sticking out of there. I didn’t know what they were. These drawings…? These are drawings of the refuge, aren’t they?” She asked, looking at the papers she now took back and back up at Jack. Who was still annoyed.
[ci]”Little different from where you were raised?” He asked, narrowing his eyes at Katherine and rolling them right after. Katherine frowned before speaking up and explaining her own side of the story, what she heard. “Snyder told my father you were arrested for stealing food and clothing. This is why, isn’t it? You stole to feed those boys..” She explained, taking note of Jack’s embarrassment now.
[ci]She took a slight step towards him, before backing up almost right after. “I don’t understand.” She spoke, gently hitting her legs upon lowering her hands from where they were in front of her. “If you were willing to go to jail for these boys, how could you turn your back on them now?” She asked.
[ci]This set off a fire in Jack before he spoke. “I don’t think you’re one to talk about turning on folks.” He spoke coldy, looking Katherine dead in the eyes as he spoke. “I never turned on you or anyone else.” Katherine spoke defensively. “No. You just double crossed us to your father! YOUR FATHER!” Jack snapped.
[ci]”My father has eyes on every corner of the city! He doesn’t need me spying for him. And I never lied. I didn’t tell you everything.” Katherine continued with the defensive tone, her eyes filled with offense as she stared at Jack. “If you weren’t a girl, you’d be trying to talk with a fist in your mouth.” Jack threatened, running a hand through his hair upon taking his newsboy hat off of his head and holding it now.
[ci]Katherine breathed in through her nose, letting it exhale through her mouth. “I told you I worked for the Sun, and I did. I told you my professional name was Plumber, and it is. You never asked me my real one.” She explained, before hearing Jack raise his voice.
[ci]”𝐈 𝐃𝐈𝐃𝐍'𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊 𝐈 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐈𝐅 𝐈 𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐀 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐁𝐁𝐄𝐑!" Jack’s voice had raised, earning Katherine to stare at him before letting out a threat herself. “If I were a boy, you’d be looking at me through one swollen eye!” She shouted and threatened, feeling Jack place his chin on Katherine’s balled up and held up fist. “Oh yeah!? Don’t let that stop ya! Gimme your best shot!”
[ci]But Katherine didn’t hurt him. She grabbed his face, both hands on the side of his face, before quickly kissing him on the lips, as if just to shut him up. When she had let go, Jack had tried getting another kiss, only resulting in a stutter from the two of them. “I need to know you didn’t just cave in for the money.”
[ci]After everything about the newspaper idea that Katherine had, as she began to climb down the fire escape, Jack stopped her. “Wait. Stop. What’s this about for you?” He asked, looking to where Katherine was with what looked like a nervous expression plastered on his face. “I don’t mean the Children's Crusade. What’s this about?” He asked as he motioned between the two of them with his hand. “Am I kiddin’ myself or is there something..?” He questioned, looking at Katherine as she began to climb back onto the penthouse.
[ci]”Of course there is…” Katherine spoke, looking into Jack’s eyes as a small frown began to plaster on her own face. Jack shook his head. “Well, don’t say it like this happens everyday!” He exclaimed, taking a breath in as Katherine tried her best to comfort the newsie. “Oh, Jack…” She whispered, watching as Jack took a step back and tried to keep himself relaxed.
[ci]”I’m not an idiot. I know girls like you don’t wind up with guys like me.” Jack started to speak, fixing his hat and placing it back on his head. “And I don’t want you promisin’ nothin’ you gotta take back later. But standin’ here tonight… Lookin’ at you… I’m scared tomorrow’s gonna come and change everything.” Jack admitted, admiring Katheirne from where she stood now. “If there was a way I could grab a hold of something to make time stop. Just so’s I could keep lookin’ at you..”
[ci]Katherine smiled at the boy, asif she were admiring him like he admired her. “You snuck up on me, Jack Kelly. I never even saw it coming.”
[ci]”For sure?”
[ci]”For sure.”
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