mean-vampyre · 1 year
I dreamt that there was a jarchie kiss in a secret special episode i found in a pirate site. In the prime timeline archie and jughead reunite years later and when jughead jokes about becoming archie's wife, archie realizes that it has always been jughead the one he wanted and jughead convinces archie to go back to riverdale with him and they kiss (but it was so bad it almost looked like they shot it separately in front of a green screen and then someone had to vfx them together), and this is where it gets meta because I dreamt I was actually drafting my post "yoo guys the jarchie is real??" and adding my silly little tags comments about everything that happens. Anyway, they go back to archie's house in riverdale to live together and betty and veronica show up to welcome archie back but jughead goes crazy because he realizes he will never have what archie had with his ex-gfs during high school. So he pulls a gun and archie thinks he will shoot them and is trying to talk him down but then realizes he is just trying to shoot himself (real dramatic moment), and fights the gun off his hand and unloads the bullets but then realizes that the shells are empty and he is like "jug there is no gunpowder in this" and uncrazy jughead is like "of course there is no gunpowder arch, we only need the bullets to create a situation not to kill anybody" because they are trapped in the narrative as long as there is a narrative. And riverdale characters start pouring into the room setting up for the next scene, and I was there too helping set up for the slumber party in which betty will discover that riverdale's dentist is killing people and posting the crimes to tiktok and we need to stop him before everyone in town becomes a toothless corpse. I'm not crazy btw
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doctorcurdlejr · 2 months
Worst mom in riverdale?
Toni Topaz - Baby Anthony wanted to do all that stuff
Mary Andrews - Not her fault she was having gay sex in the city while her ex husband instilled The Cycles in their son. In fact she wanted Archie with her in Chicago (if memory serves)
Gladys Jones - Called Archie and Jughead gay to their faces while wearing leather (Bound 1996 reference)
Hermione Lodge - Became a Real Housewife of New York, bringing joy to thousands if not millions
Alice Cooper - She was literally born on the wrong side of the tracks and then saved an entire plane of people by taking over the controls after the pilot fell ill... So you literally can't hold the manslaughter, aiding, abetting, libel, undercover cult indoctrination, or bad parenting against her she looked HOT while she did it all. Like, CHRIST, can't a woman be IMPERFECT?
Polly Cooper - She had at least ten lobotomies, was the victim of like every crime imaginable, and still managed to build a huge support system for her children. That her kids were attacking classmates with a rock is evidence that she was preparing them to be self sufficient citizens of Riverdale, frankly.
Penelope Blossom - Unlike other criminal entrepreneurs, such as cloth mother (Hermione Lodge) and wire mother (Gladys Jones), her child was forced to repeatedly put her down like a rapid dog. Then she became a lesbian nun, which is kind of a step down for somebody who used to wear what bordered on full drag to run a brothel. In my opinion.
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celebtf · 4 months
Archie Andrews and FP Jones swap and become each other
My son's best friend
The night was cold and windy, the storm had moved over-seas and settled down in the small down Riverdale. The tree's gaught the wind and went back and fort, hitting the windows. The rain smacked on the roof very loud.
FP Jones sat alone in his couch this stormy night and watched some TV, some half shitty show that he really didn't pay attention to, he was just very bored since his son Jughead had left for the night to hang out with his best friend Archie. Jughead didn't really tell FP what they used to do, but Ofcourse FP was curious.
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Tonight would just be one of those nights were FP stayed up, waiting on his son coming home, eat a late dinner and then go to sleep so he could rest for work tomorrow.
* Knock Knock * somebody knocked on the door to the trailer three times * Knock Knock Knock * again, Fine said FP to himself and turned the TV off and went over to the door.
On the other side of the door was a smal cup with a note. FP picked the note up first not wanting to touch the cup, you never know it could be something conected to a crime, then FP don't want to be a suspect or getting in jail for something.
" I gave you this cup because I heard what you said, take a piece of someone's belonging and drop it in the cup "
FP was not buying it, why would anybody wanting to help him? Was this some kind of joke? He put the note in his pocket and went back to his TV-show, he probably missed the good parts now.
" Hey dad, we are home, Archie followed me home from Pop's. I know, I'm late "
FP looked over at his Son and his best friend, he couldn't punished him for being late, he remember how he was back in the days.
" It's alright son, I'm happy you're home" FP smiled at his son and his best friend and started thinking back when he was younger and about his friends, how he wished he could go back in time and re-do everything again.
" Archie grabb the helmet and jacket, I will drive you home on my bike, it's late and it seems like it's about to start raining"
Archie grabbed the helmet, said goodbye to Jughead and sat behind FP on his bike, grabbing around FP's waist to hold on.
FP got home and it was dark in the house, he took a quick look it to Jugheads room, he was sleeping. FP walked back out to the living room/ Kitchen and put the two helmets down, that's when FP remembered the cup he had placed on the Kitchencounter. He looked and and decided to give it a try, what did he have to lose, probably nothing since it wouldn't work.
FP took the second helmet, he picked up a ginger color hair and drop the hair in to the cup, a small orange smoke came out, FP just did it, he drank the mix and first everything was normal, then he felt his beard fade away, and his stomach started to form a strong six pack, and his pecs and biceps started to muscle up. FP could feel his skin change, like the time went back, his dark circles disappered and he lost the cap and his hair grew out longer and ginger.
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" Damn Jughead will love this new body of mine"
Hiii I'm back, I had my work and then my Appendix broke so I had to get rushed to the ER and have surgery. And I have been working on something for the bigger fans that and can... 🤫
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chloe-skywalker · 3 months
Bulldog's Or Sister - Sweet Pea
Sweet Pea x Jones Fem!reader
FP x Daughter Fem!Reader
Jughead x Sister Fem!Reader
Fangs x Toni x Fem!Reader (Friends)
Warnings: mention of near death bullying
Word count: 966
Summary: Reggie beat’s up Y/n and Sweet pEa isn’t ok with it. Neither is Fangs and Toni or FP. BUt Jughead her brother thinks there must of been some type of misunderstanding. Which makes things wrose between him and the Serpents. Y/n’s been one of them way longer than him.
Riverdale Masterlist
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“This is going to far.” Sweet Pea shakes his head trying to control his anger.
“Agreed.” Fangs stated crossing his arms.
“They hurt Y/n. I don’t know about you but I want revenge.” Toni all but growled in defense of her friend.
“I’m right here Toni.” Y/n smiled gratefully at her best friend before turning her attention back to everyone. “And I want revenge to.” Y/n stated from her seated position, still hurting all over from the beating.
“We’ll get it princess. We will. We all will.” FP promised his daughter as he walked over to her, he leaned down and kissed the top of her head.
Seconds later the door to the Wyrm burst open and in walked the beanie wearing teen that everyone had been trying to get ahold of.
“What happened?” Jughead said once she was fully in the bar. As he looked around he noticed pretty much everyone was there.
“Where have you been?” FP turned to his son, fuming in rage.
“I was with Betty, we had to look into something. I came as soon as I could.” Jughead shrugged his shoulders, not getting the urgency.
“We called and texted you hundreds of times.” Toni spoke up glaring at Jughead. How could he just ignore everyone trying to get a hold of him.
“Not to mention hours ago.” Fangs joined Toni in glaring at the beanie wearing boy.
“Sorry. I was busy.” Jughead furrowed his eyebrows in confusion on why everyone seemed so passed at him.
“To busy to come to the aid of your bleeding sister?!” Sweet Pea yells enraged, he took a step forward. How could he not care about his own sister then again Sweet Pea felt he shouldn’t be surprised. Jughead always seemed to only care about his Northsider friends, more than he cared about anyone else.
“We had to take her to the hospital.” Fangs added, he to stepped forward off the wall. Fangs stared at Jughead, pissed off. “You didn’t even get here till she was already discharged.”
“Do you even care?” Toni narrowed her eyes as she put the question out there.
“Of course I care.” Jughead scoffed looking over to his sister seeing her all bruised and bandaged, cut’s littered her face and neck. He could only imagine what was under her clothes. “What happened anyway? Who hurt you?”
Jughead’s lack of concern on his face and in his tone were shocking to everyone.
“Reggie and the rest of the bulldog’s. That’s who.” Y/n spat at her brother. How could he be so nonchalant about this?!
“Are you okay?” he asked although there wasn't any concern in his voice. That’s obvious.
Do I look okay?!” Y/n yelled not believing her brother just could stand there in front of her looking at her all injured and not seem to care at all. “I’m hurt, bruised, bleeding and broken. I’m in pain and one of the people I wanted here for me was my brother and he couldn’t even bother!”
“Why’d they attack you?” Jughead asks, pointing at his sister.
“Why?” Sweet Pea copied Jughead’s words while clenching his fists.
“Yes, why? I’m sure it was a misunderstanding.” Jughead himself narrowed his eyes at the taller serpent.
“They targeted me, Jughead.” Y/n spoke up, getting more upset with her brother by the minute.
“Did they think you were someone else?” Jughead was trying to find a solution as to why the Bulldogs would do this.
It shocked and amazed all the serpents and not in a good way that Jughead instead of seeing his sister and caring or wanting revenge he would try to defend the one’s recognizable for almost killing his own sister.
“Stop trying to make excuses for them!” Sweet Pea yelled, slamming his hand down on the nearest table. Which happened to be the table Toni and Y/n were sitting at.
Y/n reached for Sweet Pea’s hand, hoping to calm him down. To reassure him she was there. Before Y/n turned her gaze back to her brother.
“They followed me, they conquered me and they attacked me. They knew it was me, I was the intended target for their attack… And you don’t even care.” Y/n had tears welling up in her eye’s at recalling what had happened to her and that it seemed her brother could care less about her.
“What happened to my son that loved and protected his sister? Cause that’s not what I’m seeing.” FP shook his head, eyes filled with disappointment.
“Dad-” Jughead start’s with wide eyes at his father’s words.
“They hurt her and you're defending them, trying to find an out.” FP stated raising his voice, anger and pain obvious in his words as he spoke. “Get out Jughead.”
Jughead loaded at his dad like he was crazy. He wants him to leave! “What?”
“Get out of my home. Get out of my serpent den. Till you can care about your family again, get out.” FP had made his decision. He didn’t recognize his son right now.
Jughead looked around seeing how no one is opposing his fathers statements of kicking him out.
“Not that you care but they did this to send a message.” Toni tells Jughead before he turned to leave.
“They left a letter with me when they left me to wither in pain and almost die. It was a threat, and doing this to me was only the beginning.” Y/n told her brother with anger and sadness in her eye’s. Letting out an unamused laugh shaking her head. “Hope you enjoy your Northside friends Jughead. Since you apparently care more about them than your family.”
A tear ran down her check as she looked at her brother like a stranger.
taglist: @padawancat97 @gruffle1
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fadeintoyou1993 · 8 months
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Hello, Betty. This is the Black Hood speaking. Tonight was all about you. [What I want is] the same as you: to set Riverdale on the righteous path again. To cleanse it of sinners. Isn't that what you want? [Not by killing people.] Only the ones who deserve it. People like… your sister. I know all about the sin she carries in her womb. I also know she's at a farm, two hours North. If you try to warn her, I'll know. If you tell the police we've spoken or your mystery-loving boyfriend I'll carve her like a Jack O'Lantern. Don't you deny me, Betty. […] Your mother's at work. I know, I'm looking at them through a nice, big picture window. She's a thorn in both of our sides, your mother. We can't have her looming over us. Check your email. Publish what I've sent. And then I'll know that you're loyal. You do this for me, and then you get to ask me a question. And I have to answer it. You have until tomorrow night. […] How does it feel, Betty? Knocking your mother of her high horse? What's your question? And it can't be my name. [The face under the hood… Would I recognize it?] Yes. Do you feel closer to me now? I do. I feel as if we're friends. But I'm selfish, Betty. I don't like sharing you with other people. So I need you to cut them out of your life, or I will, my way. Let's start with that daughter of a philanderer, and an embezzler, complicit in her father's crimes… Oh, Betty, you don't really believe that [Veronica is innocent]. […] [What will make you stop?] You. As long as you continue showing me your devotion. Jughead. The son of a Serpent. He's not worthy of your love. Cut him out of your life… Or I will. […] There's one piece of unfinished business. The fact that you've been telling Archie about our chats. Betty, I've been watching you… You broke the rules, Betty, and now your sister will pay. [Please don't hurt her.] Then give me another name. Right now. If you want to save your sister, give me another name. The name of someone guilty. Come on, Betty. One little name. I'll kill your sister. And your mother and your father, and everyone you hold dear. [Nick St. Clair. He's staying at the Five Seasons.] I told you we were the same.
RIVERDALE (2017-2023) Chapter Eighteen: When A Stranger Calls
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roadkillremi · 1 year
DuckTape 1
FP Jones X F!Reader
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A/N : This was slightly rushed sorry.. but there's more to come!
Summary: After 5 or so years of dating FP you left due to his downfall. You told Jughead to call if he needed anything. And he called asking for your help with FP... (Reader is the age 25+) ((I might have messed with the plot line, I don't regret it))
Warnings : Mentions drinking, Mentions FPs "side hustles", Language, Angst.
One might had called it a cliche love story. FP fell in love with his neighbor at the trailer park. He'd watch her hang dry her clothes on Sunday mornings. He'd tell Jellybean to go over to get her attention. 5 year old Jellybean walked over pulling on your shirt going.
"My daddy thinks you're pretty.."
You'd blush and look down at the girl. You held her hand walking back to the trailer. FP answered the door with a smile.
"Sorry! Her mom lets her roam around the front yard at her house. And uh I guess she got out...".
"You sent me out here-" Jellybean whispered. FP just looked down and then back at you.
That was the beginning of the tragic love story of you and FP. He didn't make enough money to help out with jughead. You tried to help and eventually just moved in. Jughead became fond of your company. He liked your view on things and your stories. For once it seemed like the Jones had a legit family. But FP started having drinking problems and got in and out of jail. You told him you couldn't stay until he cleaned up his act. That was 8 months ago..
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"My dad said he'll give your dad a second chance. But only if FP wants it." Archie looked at Jughead intensely. Jughead shook his head, "he won't listen to me...".
"What about Y/N?" Archie asked softly. Jughead stopped in his tracks and looked at Archie.
"Maybe.". Jughead moved to the side of the hallway. He dialed your number and tapped his foot waiting. Archie watched over his shoulder. Jughead brought the phone to his ear, "Y/N?".
"Hey, Jughead! What's up?". Jughead took a deep breath, "I need your help talking to dad.". It went silent, "About what?".
"Getting a job... Getting his life together. He's been a mess..since you left.". Jughead glanced up at Archie.
"Don't pull a god damn parent trap on me, Jughead." You softly warned. There was a soft laugh, "No. But I know he'll listen to you..".
"Okay. Only this time.".
"thank you..".
Which leads you here, waiting in your parked car in front of FPs trailer. Jughead went in to talk to him, he told you to give him five minutes. You sighed getting out of the car and walking to the door.
"Why not?! Maybe Y/N will come back.. and mom will let jellybean visit.."
It went silent. You knocked on the door putting your hands into your pockets. There was scrambling before FP opened and Jughead watched from the side.
"Y/N..." FP looked at you intensely. He studied you up and down, he moved to the side to let you in.
"Jughead you can go..." You say softly. Jughead nods and leaves slamming the door behind him.
"FP... This place is.. a wreck.." you looked around the living room. The trash and beer bottles flooded the ground. Dishes piled up on the counter, FP looked at you.
"Nice to see you too." He muttered. You sighed, "Jughead sent me. He uh.. wants me to convince you to get the job with Fred.".
"No." FP stared into your eyes and then went to get beer.
"FP. This isn't negotiable. Your son needs you! He can't couch surf!"
FP laughed taking a sip of his beer, "why do you care? You left.". You put your hand on your hip, "Because before... Before that night of fighting... I loved you. And we were happy."
"And broke-" FP fussed.
"All you care about is money!" You argued. You shook your head, "Just get the job. And sober up and.. we can talk about.. us." You stormed out the trailer towards your car. Jughead leaned against your car, "Did it work?".
"Give it an hour." You tried to smile.
You drove back to your apartment which was still south of Riverdale. You sighed as you entered the bare apartment. You dragged yourself to the shower hoping it would clear your mind. The hot water rolled down your body. You wanted to give him another chance. You sighed, grabbing your towel to dry yourself off. You walked into your bedroom and checked your phone. You received a message from Jughead. 'Hey. Dad got the job and we're going out to Pops. You're invited.'
You sighed contemplating your choices, you really did miss FP. You missed the two of you cuddled up on the couch. He'd stroke your hair gently and laugh loudly at the jokes in the movie.
'I'll see you there.'
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You sat in the parking lot of Pops. Your heartbeat intensed as you looked at the Diner. You found the courage to go inside and look to find the Andrews and Jones. Jughead waved you over, you smiled waking over.
"Hey. I hope I'm not intruding.." you smile glancing at them.
"Of course not, Y/N!" Fred smiled. Jughead scooted over for you giving you a seat. You sat down in front of FP you looked at him before looking over.
"Wow Archie! You look so grown.. I haven't seen you since you were 13.. 14?". Archie smiled, "Thanks.".
"You're embarrassing him." Jughead joked. Fred cleared his throat, "how have you been, Y/N?".
"Uh.. good. I got an apartment. South of Riverdale..." You nodded, "I got a job at a mechanic shop.".
"wow that's great!" Fred smiled.
"Yeah. Real great" FP said looking at you. You glanced at him, "Well you already knew that.. didn't you, FP.". The two of you stared at each other for a moment.
"But jughead called me. He said he wanted me to give FP a talking to. Since he's stubborn as a bull." You smiled. Fred laughed, "You're telling me!".
"so uh, Jugs? Do you still write?" You looked over at him. FP leaned forward, "Yeah! You always were reading a book or typing away!".
"Like that time he took my laptop! He wrote tons of stories on it. And he felt so bad when I found out.".
"Yeah I remember that...". FP studies you.
"He writes for the school paper with Betty." Archie smiled slightly. FP leaned forward, "Betty?" he started tapping on the table.
"Whose Betty?" He asked, "your girlfriend?". Jughead went silent, you gently rubbed his back.
"Don't pry, FP.". Jughead cleared his throat, "Y/N do you still play the drums?". You looked down, "It's been a good while but yeah.".
"You know we have a drum set at our house.. why don't you guys come over for a jam session?" Archie asked. You looked up at FP, "Sure.. why not?". FP grinned, you looked down at the table.
"Y/N do you want anything?" Fred offered. You shook your head, "Oh, No.. I shouldn't-".
"Get her a banana milkshake and she'll be your best friend." FP teased.
"Banana milkshake?" Jughead asked looking at you. You sighed, "It's my favorite milkshake. When I was little on Fridays my mom would let me get a milkshake. But only if I got a decent grade in my test. And so banana is my favorite and i never tried any other flavor.".
"what a touching... Odd story" Jughead grinned.
"Hey, uh Pops?!" FP called. Pops looked up from the counter, "Can you get us a banana milkshake?". Pops nodded, you glared at FP.
"What was that?!" You fussed as you walked towards your car. FP followed you, "A peace offering.". You turned around, "A milkshake is a peace offering for putting a snake in my apartment?!". FP sighed, "I was drunk...".
"As always.." you muttered. He sighed, "I.. I'm driving to Archie's for that jam session. Do you need a ride?". You shook your head, "No.. I can drive myself..".
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You all jammed out in Archie's garage. After FP put the guitar down, "You're way better than your dad, Archie.". FP then looked at you, "You were great as always, Y/N."
"Very sweet of you." You say looking at the drum sticks. Archie stood up, "No, you're really good! Do you think I can record you uh playing for some of my songs?". You shrugged, "Sure!". FP walked over to the cooler, "Does your dad keep beer in here?". You tensed up and looked up at Jughead.
"Uh, it's getting late dad.. don't you think?"
FP glanced at you, "Yeah probably.". You started to relax again, "Mr.Jones? What happened between you and my dad?". You glanced over at FP, Jughead whispered to Archie. You closed your eyes bracing yourself.
"Uh.. Me and your dad started Andrews construction. But he wouldn't say we were partners."
"here we go." You mumbled. FP glared at you, "We were broke and i needed some jobs. And those jobs got me in hot water.".
"FP." You warned. He kept complaining about his past, you put your face in your hands. You tried to tune him out but failed.
"FP! Stop!" You yelled. He looked over at you, "You have no one to blame but yourself.". FP took a sip of his flask as a response. You stood up, "Archie it's been great but I think we over stayed our welcome.". FP nods, "Agreed.".
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You and Jughead carried him into the trailer. You both laid him down on the couch.
"I got it from here, Jugs." You smile. He nods before leaving, FP sat up lazily.
"Y/N..." You sat down on the edge of the couch. He drank himself to waste in the drive back to his trailer. You sighed and started to help him take off his shoes.
"I'm gonna fix it.... Us.. me.." he mumbled. You glanced at him, "Are you staying?... Please stay.". You sigh, "I don't know.".
"I'll sleep on the couch..". You looked at him, "Jellybean called me the other day..". He looked up at you, "what'd she say?".
"She uh... She misses our game nights.." you softly said. Tears built up in your eyes, "She.. said she wants us to get back together. So her mom will let her spend the night.". FP sat up a bit, "She says she misses our playlists in the car. And she still listens to Pink Floyd." You wiped your tears away. FP just stared at you, you sniffled softly.
"Remember how... You'd cheat in Monopoly?" You smiled. FP nodded, "Yeah..".
"It made Jughead so mad..." You laughed softly. FP smiled, "I.. I miss you..". You looked at him, "You're drunk.".
"I.." he sighed and leaned to the side on the couch.
"I really miss you... You made our family complete.." he dozed off. You stiffened, "our family.". You stood up, "Night FP.".
You left the trailer, Jughead stood by the trailer waiting. You glanced at him, "Good try. Not happening.". You walked towards your car, "Y/N.. I'm not saying what he did was right. But.. he said he's gonna try.".
"I told you no parent trap shit, Jughead.". You said unlocking your car door. Jughead stood there, "So you're leaving?! What about me?".
"Jughead.. I'm not your mom..." You softly say. He tensed up, "But you're the closest thing to a mom I have!". You glanced over, "Jughead.. FP.. he's a mess.".
"You think I don't know that!"
"I'll talk to him tomorrow when he's somehow sober." You sighed.
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lostgirlfandom · 2 years
Mother Dearest
Part Two
Pairing: FP Jones x Female!Reader
Warnings: None, afab reader
Words: 958
Summery: Mama Jones meets Betty
Previous | Next
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The next couple of days were spent in bliss. While you hated living in a trailer, it was home. Your family was home. You made sure Jug and JB were going to school, especially after getting Jellybean enrolled in school in Riverdale. You had officially moved back home.
You even got your old job back while FP was working with Fred at Andrews Construction. You got back into the habit of helping Jug with his writing.
One day, when you picked up JB from school you went ahead and headed to the high school to pick up Jughead. You stood in front of the school, leaning against the truck with JB sitting in the passenger seat playing with her Nintendo DS.
As you stood there, you kept getting glances from other students as school was let out. You had your hands in your pockets of your jeans as you crossed your legs with Timberlands on your feet. A flannel was over an old band t-shirt, which you were sure was your husbands from when you first started going out. You also had a jean jacket over that to keep you warm.
You then saw Jughead step out of the school with a pretty blonde girl, a raven haired girl, and a red headed boy. You were pretty sure that was Betty and Archie. Betty you vaguely remember from a couple times she played with the boys when they were younger. You and her mother, Alice, did not get along. Alice was ex-serpent which didn’t settle well with you as you had been a serpent since around the same time as FP. You didn’t trust her after she refused to acknowledge the fact that she came from the Southside.
While you were proud of the fact that you were a Serpent.
“Mrs. Jones!” Archie yelled loudly as he rushed to hug you. You laughed as you hugged him back. You always saw him as a second son and he always saw you as a second mother. You were always supportive of anything the kids did.
“Archie! You’ve gotten taller since I last saw you.” You told him as you let him go and patted his shoulder.
“That’s what happens when you get older.” He sassed with a grin on his lips.
You smiled and smacked him on the back of the head, making it jerk forward and him to scrunch his face up in a grimace. You always hit hard.
You then looked over at Jughead and saw him with his arm around Betty’s waist. You raised an eyebrow and Jug rushed to introduce the two girls. “Mom, I don’t know if you remember Betty, but this is Betty Cooper. My girlfriend.” He said kinda slowly as if he didn’t want you to know. “And this is Veronica Lodge.” He introduced the Hispanic girl on the other side of him.
“Hi, Mrs. Jones.” Betty said with a smile on her face. You smiled back and shook her hand that she held out.
“Hi, Betty. Yeah, I remember you. You sometimes played with the boys when you guys were younger. You guys can just call me Y/N. I don’t mind.” You turned to Archie. “I think I’ve told you multiple times.” He shrugged with a innocent smile. You laughed.
“Jughead, you didn’t tell me your mom was a badass.” Veronica said as she reached out her hand to shake.
You smirked and narrowed your eyes at her playfully. “Well that’s because she’s my mom. Although she has been my role model since I was maybe 5.” Jug said with a tone of sarcasm at the begin. “Not that I don’t love seeing you Mom. What are you doing here?”
You grinned. “You want a ride home, Jug?” You asked.
He made an ‘oh’ face as he threw his arm around Betty’s shoulders. “I was gonna walk Betty home.”
You smiled. “I can drive you both. Come on.” You then turned to the other two as Betty and Jug headed to the truck.
I think Betty was trying to be quiet but I heard her as she whispered to Jughead. “She is so much easier to talk to than your dad.” He chuckled.
“You two good?” You asked the other two high schoolers. Wanting to make sure they got home safe.
Veronica answered first. “Yeah, I’m at the Pembroke and it isn’t that far. Bye guys.” She then made her way in the direction of the Pembroke. You then turned to Archie.
“You good, kid?” You asked him.
“Yeah, dad should -” He was cut off as someone spoke up from behind you.
“Y/N?” You both turned around and saw Fred standing there.
“Hey, Fred!” You smiled. You missed your best friend. You had been friends with Fred and FP since you were all kids.
“Hey, dad.” Archie said as he walked over his dad. Fred patted his shoulder as he glanced at Archie before looking back at you. You smiled as you shoved your hands in your pockets of your jacket.
“Y/N. You’re back.” Fred smiled big at you.
“Yeah, hopefully for good.” You told him. He went to say something else but JB decided it would be a good time to honk the truck horn loudly.
Archie and Fred jumped at the loud sound while you set your face in a grimace of agitation.
“MA!!!! HURRY UP!”
You turned around with raised eyebrows. “Forsythia Penelope Jones!” You said sternly.
She shrunk down back into her seat as Jug laughed at her.
You sighed as you turned back to Fred and Archie who were chuckling.
“Well, I guess I’ll see you guys later.” You turned to the truck and went to the driver’s side with a wave over your shoulder.
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riverdale-retread · 3 months
What's your take on Hiram and Archie?
Oh god I love getting anons so much so I'm now worried I will disappoint you with this answer but here goes.
My take is that Hiram is a macho man who is physically incapable of producing a son, and this aggravates him, constantly, in a Henry VIII way. This leads him to really despise and want to destroy other men's sons. He has a son-fetish. He goes for Archie, he sets up Jughead to be killed, he adopts Reggie then abandons him. Hiram is deeply invested in Archie because he's the kind of son he can't have - an all American football playing white boy made of apple pie wholesomeness - but he wants this son, yes, but he also hates that he wants that. So there's always an insane push and pull impulse going on there from Hiram's side - wanting to have, to consume, to destroy.
(Aside: Jughead is the kind of son he's afraid he'll have, if he had one, esp. bc he's so similar to Veronica. Reggie is the son whose fraught, guilty relationship with his father Hiram can empathize with.)
Archie is a very binary thinker which is funny because everyone around him is not at all black and white, but this binary thinking makes him very absolutist. To him, his dad Fred is 100% all good, and therefore deserves a 100% good son. But Archie is often confronted with the fact that he's not 100% good, therefore he concludes he cannot burden his father with a less than perfectly good son. So he goes immediately to the worst person he can think of, which is Hiram, whom both people he listens to the most (Veronica and Jughead) talk about as being The Greatest Evil Ever. You see, if Archie can't be Good, he will subsume himself to Evil, and if he is in fact Good, he must destroy Evil because ambiguous coexistence with Evil is unacceptable. Depending on whether Archie thinks himself Good/Bad at any particular moment is what drives his relationship with Hiram, who stands for Evil and Archie's relationship with that concept.
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Requests are OPEN🎉
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Dear All,
Requests are now OPEN! Please feel free to send in your requests. I have listed the characters that I write for below the ‘keep reading’ line. A few things to remember:
I do NOT write ships like Buddie etc. I only write Reader-Inserts.
I only write for characters mentioned in the list as well as any that have been added under the Additional Characters sections on my Masterlist.
I have not yet written SMUT fics, but I am not opposed to doing so.
I do not currently have an uploading schedule, but I will try to get any requests done ASAP.
That’s all there is to say, so feel free to request!
Emily xoxo
Complete Character Masterlist
Eddie Diaz
Evan Buckley
Carlos Reyes
Judd Ryder
TK Strand
Bucky Barnes
Loki Laufeyson
Peter Parker
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
Tony Stark
Vinnie O'Neil
Javier Esposito
Kevin Ryan
Richard Castle
Kelly Severide
Matt Casey
Antonio Dawson
Jay Halstead
Edmund Pevensie
Peter Pevensie
Prince Caspian
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Spencer Reid
Joey Tribbiani
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Troy Bolton
Martin Riggs
JJ Maybank
John B. Routledge
Rafe Cameron
Topper Thornton
Archie Andrews
FP Jones
Jughead Jones
Reggie Mantle
Sweet Pea
Frankie Rizzoli
Carl Gallagher
Kevin Ball
Lip Gallagher
Mycroft Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Chibs Telford
Happy Lowman
Jax Teller
Juice Ortiz
Opie Winston
Tig Trager
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Derek Hale
Stiles Stilinski
Elijah Mikaelson
Klaus Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Damon Salvatore
Jeremy Gilbert
Matt Donovan
Stefan Salvatore
Tyler Lockwood
Carlisle Cullen
Edward Cullen
Emmett Cullen
Jacob Black
Jasper Hale
Paul Lahote
Seth Clearwater
Colby Brock
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fanfics4all · 9 months
Deep Sleep
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Request: Yes / No  List was made by @alpaca-clouds
Requests are open only if its CHRISTMAS/HOLIDAY/ WINTER related <3 Have a nice day/night
FP Jones x Daughter!Reader 
Word count: 533
Warnings: Nothing!
Y/N: Your Name 
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If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
If you enjoy my work, you could also show support by buying me a coffee! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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*Fp’s POV*
She was so tired. Her head was falling forward as she started nodding off, her eyes heavy as they flutter shut. She was too damn stubborn to admit it though. It was late and we were just watching a movie together.
“You should go to bed, kiddo.” I mentioned. She shook her head, but lent on my shoulder. We watched the movie for a bit longer, until Y/N started falling asleep again and slipped off my shoulder. Her head snapped up and looked around slightly dazed. 
“Come on, Queenie.” I said as I pat my thighs. 
“Mmm…” She hummed as her head rested against my thigh. I smiled and gently combed my fingers through her hair. Her breathing quickly evened out and she was asleep in no time. 
Once the movie was over I looked down at my daughter, she was still fast asleep. I grabbed the remote and turned the T.V. off. I stretched slightly, careful not to wake her. 
“Alright, let’s get you to bed.” I said to myself. I gently placed my hands under her back and knees. I picked her up easily and she stirred slightly. 
“I got you kiddo.” I whispered. She mumbled something quietly and her eyes fluttered. 
“Relax, I’m just gettin’ you to bed.” I said with a smile. 
“Thanks Daddy.” She mumbled and I chuckled slightly. I gently laid her on her bed, pulling the covers over her and kiss her head. Her soft snores filled the room and I smiled. She needed as much sleep as she could get right now. I left the room and decided to watch a bit more T.V. while I waited for Jughead to come home. 
An hour later the front door was loudly opened and in walked my son. I turned off the T.V. and sent him a glare. He head right for the kitchen and started loudly looking for something to eat. 
“Boy you better quiet down.” I said and he looked up at me. 
“Why?” He asked confused. 
“Your sister’s asleep and she ain’t been sleeping well.” I said and he looked into the hallway. I got up and sent to go check on her. She was still in bed asleep and slightly drolling. I smiled and shook my head a bit. I walked back out to find Jug eating some left over chinese we had gotten. 
“Did I wake her?” He asked and I shook my head. 
“She’s out like a light. Make sure you’re quiet when you go to bed, I don’t want her wakin’ up tonight.” I said and he nodded. 
“She still stressing about school?” He asked and I sighed. 
“Yeah… She’s been up studying for weeks.” I answered. 
“I’ll try and distract her tomorrow, she needs to relax a bit.” He said and I smiled. 
“Good luck, she’s damn stubborn.” I said and Jughead laughed. 
“Oh, I know.” He said as he finished the food. 
“I’m gonna head to bed, night Dad.” He said. 
“Night, son.” I said and watched him quietly sneak into the room he shared with his sister. I yawned and decided it was time for me to head to bed too. 
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @lover-of-books-and-tea @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @kmc1989 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction @emo-godess-loves-you @hiya-imthatgirl @mindsetjupiter @averysinclaire @mittelerde1999 @sweetest-peas @rousewriter @camiconfessions-blog @thecaptainsgingersnap @cenyddtheunicorn @jacksxsouthsideserpents @lover2448 @mamacobie13 @adamsbubblegumbitch
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rythmicjea · 5 months
Archie's Dream 5x04
Should I be finishing up my chapter for Narwals? Yes. Am I? No. Instead, I can't get Archie's dream out of my head. Season 5 is considered to be "the worst" season. That's because the majority of people don't understand it. There are so many layers to this season. It's like a 14 hour long episode of the X-Files. If you take episodes 1-3 to really be the end of season 4 (and we all should) it's the shortest season out of all of them.
The show needed to get everyone back together in Riverdale. That's how shows like this work. The impetus is Archie's dream. On the surface it's a warning that Riverdale is in trouble. The soul of Riverdale is on the verge of collapse. And yes, that is true. Get closer though, and you start to see the shadows underneath.
The dream opens in the boys locker room of Riverdale High. Archie Andrews is giving his team a pep talk before the game. His voice is darker, deeper, it's that of a drill sergeant. He prepares them saying it's not going to be easy. That they have never faced anything like it but they cannot be afraid. He barks, "Do you know why?" And they answer "Because we're Bulldogs!"
The camera lingers on Reggie. Why Reggie? Here's the thing most people don't recognize about Mantle the Magnificent. He may not like you, but if you go to Riverdale, you're a Bulldog. And he will defend any Bulldog for any reason. That's why he's so offended and incensed that Jughead wears his Serpent's jacket. Because to him, Jughead is spitting in Riverdale's face. Jughead is one of Riverdale's sons and that should mean more.
We see the General tell them that their mission is to save their fallen brother. The next shot is of a football field as No Man's Land (the stretch of land between two trenches in war). There are football players in the background running plays. There are bombs going off and artillery fire whizzing by. I am an avid football fan. I grew up on Ohio State football. A football game is often referred to as a "battle". You'll hear phrases like "Battle on the Grid Iron". Each game is life or death for the players and the fans. But this is more than just a football game. This is actual life or death.
Reggie goes down. Shot in the chest from enemy fire. This is representative of how Reggie is on the "wrong" side in the season. He's aligned himself with Hiram. He doesn't care for the town and the school that he once loved so deeply.
Archie is then flown into the air by a bomb. He doesn't want to go further. He doesn't think he can. You would think that he would look at his target. Instead, he sees Cheryl. She's in her Vixens uniform. And while you can hear the squad cheering, Cheryl isn't speaking. She smiles at him, with tears in her eyes, nodding at him to go forward. Why is she here? They weren't particularly close. Why would she care about his mission? Because Cheryl has lost a brother. She knows that pain of not being able to help and the guilt that comes with surviving. She can't let Archie go through that.
Then we see the fallen soldier. We don't know his identity until Archie gets to him. It's Jughead. A chest wound pouring out blood. His heart was broken by his first love and his best friend. Jughead only says one line and it is "I just need a little help". We come to learn in the season that Jughead has become an alcoholic. His line is one that many addicts say. It's so simple to believe that with just a little help they can overcome their affliction. A lot of times it's said to get a fix. Just a tiny one to help get through the withdrawal.
On the sidelines is everyone who loves Jughead. The Serpents, Betty, Veronica, and Pop. They're all cheering for Archie to do what needs to be done. And at the last moment we see Hiram standing with a gun pointed at Archie. In the first four seasons it was always about Archie vs Hiram. But everyone forgets that the actual thorn in Hiram's side was Jughead. It's Jughead that exposes him. It's Jughead that picks up the pieces of his parental duties for Veronica. It's Jughead who is willing to risk everything to see Hiram exposed for all of his corruption and evil deeds. And Hiram knows it. But Hiram can't do anything to Jughead without exposing himself. That's why he willingly lets Jughead take himself to the slaughter against the ghoulies. Hiram was behind riot night. And that gunshot wound in Jughead's chest? Who's to say it wasn't Hiram who pulled the trigger?
Archie's dream tells the story of season 5. There's many reasons for him to come home. He declares that Riverdale is "dying" and they need to save it. But it's not Riverdale that he has to save, it's Jughead. He hasn't spoken to Jughead in seven years. When he calls his three friends, Betty and Veronica drop what they are doing immediately to answer. Jughead is the only one who hesitates. We never see him answer. Jughead is the most reluctant to stay.
NO ONE on the show knows how to handle an addiction. Not even Jughead. He knows how to take care of his father but it was never his responsibility to save his father. And FP? FP gets sober cold turkey. He falls off the wagon at his retirement party. He is magically able to handle alcohol responsibly. That's not how addiction works.
Archie offers Jughead a place to stay and a teaching position at the school. Archie lets him go when he needs to go back to New York without any questions asked. Archie is the subliminal support system that was taken from Jughead at the end of high school. He doesn't know what to do exactly (and he has his own issues - PTSD) but he can do the passive things to help his brother.
After seven years of silence, Archie has a dream that tells him his best friend and brother is in danger and he's the only one who can help. And if that's being an invitation back to a safe place and a warm bed then he does it without hesitation. To many Archie IS Riverdale. He is the heart of the town. But, Jughead put Riverdale on the map. Jughead is the town's conscience. To Archie, Jughead is Riverdale.
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iconic-ponytail · 9 months
a shot in the dark, chapter 7
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“Betty,” he repeats, like he’s trying out how ridiculous it sounds as he stalks closer. Willing Jughead to stay frozen in place, she juts her chin out and squares her shoulders, allowing her anger to burn through any fear. Closer up, she can smell the alcohol from his breath, that sweat and sex stench of the Wyrm on his skin.
He studies her, but when he speaks, it’s directed back to Jughead. “Never thought I’d see the fuckin day, son. But I ‘spose I can’t blame you.” FP circles her, and Betty wills herself to stand firm, but not frozen. It’s a naked sensation after all these weeks not to have a gun in her hand. Jug’s knife is still in her boot—she takes a deeper breath at the thought. 
“But I’m still gonna need more details on how this came to be. I can tell she ain’t a whore, and she been well fucking kept for most of her life. Hunger looks new on you, Miss—well, I suppose I should say, Mrs. motherfuckin’ Jones. Pardon my French.”
Her eyes narrow. “I speak French,” she tosses back. “And Betty’s just fine.”
read chapter 7
read from the beginning if ur like um it's been like 18 months wtf happened
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Bughead Moments in Riverdale that Also Happened in the Comics: Season 1 (Part 2)
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Here are some additional Bughead moments in the comics that also happened on the first season of Riverdale:
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♥ Bughead are married (in a dream sequence).
Comics: Early to Bed, Archie #43, 1950.
Show: S01E07: In A Lonely Place, 2017.
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♥ Jughead puts his arm around Betty’s shoulder.
Comics: Shoe Shoe Baby, Laugh Comics #108, 1993.
Show: S01E07: In A Lonely Place, 2017.
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♥ Archie realizes Jughead’s feelings for Betty.
Comics: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not, Betty #65, 1998.
Show: S01E07: In A Lonely Place, 2017.
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♥ Betty tells Veronica how wonderful Jughead is.
Comics: The Real Me, Jughead #151, 1967.
Show: S01E07: In A Lonely Place, 2017.
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♥ Bughead hold hands while walking down the street.
Comics: Concerted Effort, Archie’s Pal Jughead #111, 1964.
Show: S01E07: In A Lonely Place, 2017.
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♥ Betty kisses Jughead.
Comics: To Sleep, Perchance to Dream, Betty’s Diary #16, 1988.
Show: S01E07: In A Lonely Place, 2017.
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♥ FP asks his son Jughead about his feelings for Betty.
Comics: Man to Man, Jughead #312, 1981.
Show:  S01E07: In A Lonely Place, 2017.
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♥ Betty pledges her undying support for Jughead.
Comics: It’s Friendship, Jughead #313, 1981.
Show:  S01E07: In A Lonely Place, 2017.
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♥ Betty holds Jughead’s arm.
Comics: Do or Diet, Archie’s Pal Jughead #102, 1963.
Show:  S01E07: In A Lonely Place, 2017.
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♥ Veronica ships Bughead.
Comics: Splitsville, Betty and Me #11, 1967.
Show:  S01E08: The Outsiders, 2017.
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♥ Lazy Jughead helps Betty prepare for an event.
Comics: Thrills and Spills, Archie’s Pal Jughead #183, 2007.
Show:  S01E08: The Outsiders, 2017.
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♥ Jughead puts a protective arm around Betty.
Comics: Rhythm and Blues, The Jughead Jones Comics #100, 1996.
Show:  S01E08: The Outsiders, 2017.
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♥ Jughead comforts a crying Betty with a hug.
Comics: Worlds Apart, Betty and Veronica #274 (2015).
Show: S01E09: La Grande Illusion, 2017.
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♥ Bughead watch a movie at The Bijou.
Comics: Conform and Reform, Archie’s Pal Jughead #75, 1961.
Show: S01E10: The Lost Weekend. 2017.
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♥ Betty and the gang throw a surprise birthday party for Jughead.
Comics: A Surprised Party, Archie’s Pal Jughead #86, 1996.
Show: S01E10: The Lost Weekend, 2017.
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♥ Jughead declares that Betty and Archie are his only best friends.
Comics: The Beginning of the End, Betty and Veronica #272, 2014.
Show: S01E10: The Lost Weekend, 2017.
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♥ Jughead kisses Betty’s hand.
Comics: Noble Nibble, Archie Annual #8 (1957).
Show: S01E10: The Lost Weekend, 2017.
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♥ Bughead give Archie a hard time because of his sappy music.
Comics: Dancing Fool, Betty and Veronica Double Digest #122, 2004.
Show: S01E11: To Riverdale and Back Again, 2017.
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♥ Betty gets busy with school dance preparations (and Jughead sort of helped).
Comics: Prom Promise, Betty #7, 1993.
Show: S01E11: To Riverdale and Back Again, 2017.
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♥ Betty and Jughead attend a school dance together.
Comics: Walking Baby Back Home, Archie’s Pal Jughead Annual #4 (1956).
Show: S01E11: To Riverdale and Back Again, 2017.
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♥ Betty scolds Archie and Ronnie for doubting Jughead.
Comics: Tall Tale Test, Archie Double Digest #151, 2004.
Show: S01E11: To Riverdale and Back Again, 2017.
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♥ Jughead tells Betty and the gang that his family is planning to move to Ohio.
Comics: My Friend Jughead, Jughead #1, 1987.
Show: S01E11: To Riverdale and Back Again, 2017.
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♥ Betty finds sad Jughead at Pop's chock'lit shoppe.
Comics: Silver Bromide, Betty #98, 2001.
Show: S01E12: Anatomy of a Murder, 2017.
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♥ Jughead calls Betty on the phone.
Comics: Nice Slice, Jughead's Jokes #11, 1969.
Show: S01E12: Anatomy of a Murder, 2017.
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♥ Betty insists that Jughead belongs in Riverdale.
Comics: A Moving Experience, Archie's Pal Jughead #98, 1997.
Show: S01E13: The Sweet Hereafter, 2017.
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♥ Bughead share a hug (near a car).
Comics: Double Trouble, Archie Meets Riverdale #1, 2022.
Show: S01E13: The Sweet Hereafter, 2017.
* Not sure if this counts though because the comic, which was obviously based on the actors on the TV show, was released later than the episode.
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♥ Bughead and the gang save someone who fell down a frozen lake.
Comics: Catch 2, Laugh Comics Digest #58, 1985.
Show: S01E13: The Sweet Hereafter, 2017.
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♥ Bughead are having a laugh at the chock'lit shoppe.
Comics: Tomato Surprise, The Jughead Jones Comics Digest #97, 1995.
Show: S01E13: The Sweet Hereafter, 2017.
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♥ Jughead tells Betty he loves her.
Comics: Splitsville, Betty and Me #11, 1967.
Show: S01E13: The Sweet Hereafter, 2017.
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♥ Betty tells Jughead that she loves him.
Comics: A Lesson in Logic, The Adventures of Little Archie #48 (1968).
Show: S01E13: The Sweet Hereafter, 2017.
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♥ Bughead make out in the kitchen.
Comics: Study Buddy, Archie’s Pal Jughead Annual #3, 1955.
Show: S01E13: The Sweet Hereafter, 2017.
♫ You made me a, you made me a believer... believer! ♫
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doctorcurdlejr · 9 months
son: mom, why is my sister named-
mom: Jughead, sweetie, not right now Mommy's reading her yaoi
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leagueofdccm · 6 months
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THE MUN HERE : Della . 28 . She/her . OTHER BLOGS : @thcrealheroes
#MYDARLINGHEATHENS : MINORS PLEASE DNI !!!! Dark themes along with NSFW will be taking place in this blog ! I will not roleplay with any youngsters on here. As a mother myself i will refuse to roleplay with any minors, nor do I feel comfortable to have any minors following me knowing my themes on this blog will be dark topics, and sexual topics as well. So please, do not follow my blog, do not interact with me.
THIS BLOG IS A MULTI-MUSE BLOG and will feature muses from The Walking Dead, The Boy's, Riverdale,You series, Son's of Anarchy & more if added
Please know I am all about chemistry, but if we've talked to each other ooc and can say we're friends/ --- it's easier for me to ship with people who I can bond with ooc. But if we haven't spoke before and you see a muse you want to ship with, reach out to me, talk to me ! I don't bite :) !! I love interacting with new faces and seeing what magic we can create between our muses -- ALSO, I AM A SUCKER for crossovers. Idc what crossover. Whether it's twd & the boy's ---- or riverdale & twd.... please I'm up for seeing new things--- new au's to be created between our muses.
So choose your character ! Choose a muse or two I don't mind. let's tango !
heavily affiliated with : @nghtmarish . @w1dowed . @twiicetheheart . @innerwar . @homelander-rp-blog
heavily affiliated with : @wiredcapability . @florrentine . @grlsavior . @h-a-unted . @dollhidden
heavily affiliated with : @ofmuse . @ahpuchs
Ask for Discord if you wish to speak more ooc :
MUSE LIST : .Maggie . Rosita . Rick . Alden . Michonne . Jack ( oc twd ) . Jax . Jughead . Betty . Archie . Sweetpea . Joe . Beck . Peach . Ramsay .  
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electrificata · 1 year
i think my fav thing abt the southside serpents on riverdale is that they are so very much not the sons of anarchy. we are firmly in "when youre a jet youre a jet all the way" territory with these guys. their aesthetic is drag king casual. their initiation rituals would embarrass a frat house. theyve got cole sprouse in them. theyre the lin manuel miranda adaptation of that green day musical. if one of their members was played by a muppet you wouldnt blink. speaking of which, id like jughead way more if he was played by gonzo.
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