#JSHSGS i don't know what anon had in mind exactly but this is what my silly brain produced
wei-yiing · 4 years
Prompt: Wangxian university AU where they’re trying to revise but Wei Ying is being impossible?
Alternatively, whatever you feel like talking about right now :)
Hope your revision goes well!!!
(This is so self indulgent and i am realising my writing is very formulaic and derivative but Oh Well here u go anon!!!! and thank you so much ;-;)
"Lan Zhan, I'm bored. And hungry."
Wei Wuxian drags his hand over his face, pulling some rogue hairs from his bangs in front of his bloodshot eyes. His back aches from having been hunched over his desk for so long, and the whining of his empty stomach certainly isn't doing him any favours.
Next to him, Lan Wangji looks up from the thick textbook he had been pouring over, the pages curling up at the edges. "You can't eat in the library."
"I can if no one is looking."
"I'm looking."
"Oh, Lan Zhan." Wei Wuxian would rather put up with Lan Wangji's motherly strictness than try to study alone. His dorm room looks like a tornado has been through it, and they have a twenty-four hour library in the university, so why wouldn't he make use of it? Now that it's exam season, it's consistently occupied with frazzled, sleep deprived students, trying their best to endure the week on coffee and pure willpower.
Wei Wuxian is lucky insofar as he doesn't need to drive himself to the point of insanity attempting to understand the baffling content thrown at him; most of it, he understands after hearing it once or twice. The issue here is that he's barely attended any lectures all semester, and now, he has to teach himself three months of content in three days.
Well, at least Lan Wangji is helping him out in that regard. Lan Wangji, of course, hasn't missed a single class.
"Lan Zhan, I think I should go for a walk. Stretch the ole' leg muscles. Get some fresh air."
"You told me not to let you stop until you finish this topic."
He scoffs. "I didn't know what I was talking about. Me from a few hours ago isn't considerate of me right now."
"You made me promise." His face is expressionless, but there's a hint of exasperation behind those eyes.
"I'm giving you permission to break it. Let's walk to the cafeteria and get a coffee. Or, come with me to the stress chamber? We can lie down on the beanbags and dissociate together."
"Wei Ying..."
"Or..." Wei Wuxian puts a hand on top of Lan Wangji's, resting atop the crease of the forgotten textbook. Lan Wangji's ears are turning red already. "We can do something else altogether?"
"Wei Ying-" His voice catches in his throat. They're in a public library, after all. "Don't be so shameless."
Wei Wuxian tightens his hold on Lan Wangji's hand. "You deserve a break, don't you? Hey, you haven't given me any attention in so long. I'm going to shrivel up and disappear at this rate. I'll make a scene right here and now."
His voice drops to a flustered whisper. "Our exam is in three days."
Wei Wuxian whispers with him. "That's three whole days."
"You need to study."
"No, what I need, Lan Zhan, is you, right now."
"..." Lan Wangji stares at him, flushed and with a furrow in his brow, before pulling his hand away and turning back to put his nose in his book. It doesn't look like he's reading a word of it.
"Lan Zhan."
"Lan Wangji."
"..." His slender fingers grip the textbook harder.
Wei Wuxian sighs. Surely whatever is in that book can wait. "Lan-gege. Look at me."
That does the trick. Lan Wangji closes his eyes, then looks straight at Wei Wuxian, who just grins at him. "Forget the formulae. This library is so dull."
"... Formulae?"
"Huh? Yeah..." Wei Wuxian points to the open page spread. "The formalae from the list in the unit overview."
"..." There's a twitch at the edge of Lan Wangji's lips. "Wei Ying, the exam is open book."
"It's- it's what?" His whisper breaks into an exclamation that's just a modicum too loud by library standards. The students around them are too stressed to care, though. "It's open book?"
He nearly bursts into laughter. "Then what are we even worrying about? Lan Zhan, you should have said so from the start!"
"Wei Ying, you still have to-"
Wei Wuxian is slamming Lan Wangji's textbook shut before he can even finish his sentence. He grabs Lan Wangji's hand again, with a newfound ardour. "Now you really have no excuse. Come on, now. You know you can't deny me anything."
"..." Having seemingly given up, Lan Wangji makes no effort to take the textbook back, instead smiling softly to himself as he's pulled along out of the library. "Truly shameless."
They don't do any more revision that night.
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