min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
19. *wraps arms around belly and starts to cry*
39. *shakes head and buries face into friends shoulder*
Sick Jungkook and caretaker Jimin. Maybe scat if you’re not uncomfortable with it?
Thanks so much for requesting! I hope you enjoy it!
19. *wraps arms around belly and starts to cry*
39. *shakes head and buries face into friend's shoulder
Sickie" Jungkook
Caretaker : Jimin
Tw: Scat
Jimin looks into Jungkooks eyes. He can see the fear and pain. Jungkook was in a squatting position. Jungkook was up against a wall. Jungkook's stomach was aching terribly and he looked like he was about to cry. Jimin stood over him blocking the view of the other people around. Jimin wanted to make sure he was the only person he could see. He knew Jungkook felt embarrassed and nervous so he only wanted Jk to focus on him so they could get through this without jk panicking too much.
Sharp pains tauntJungkooks belly. " and you really don't think you'll make it? Jimin asked trying to find some way that Jungkook could get to a bathroom or maybe even a place without so many people walking around. "Noooah" Jungkook says panicked and whining a bit.
Jimin doesn't take his response personal he knows the boy is in lots of pain and isn't thinking straight. The pain in Jungkook's stomach seized up and he felt his stomach bubble. Jungkook wraps his arms around his belly and began to cry. Hot tears ran from his face. Falling onto his lips and lands on his shirt. JUngkook was running out of time he had to get to the bathroom or else he'd make another mess. Jimin stooped down and hugged the boy despite Jungkooks messy state.
Jimin told him" every thing is gonna be alright we'll find somewhere don't worry. and if we don't I'm still right here with you. " Jungkook holds on tighter to the boy. Wanting to hug as long as possible. "Are you gonna be alright if we stand and start looking for somewhere you can go? " Jimin asks. Jungkook Shakes his head and buries his face into Jimin's shoulder not wanting to let go of him. Jungkook felt safe in Jimin's arms.
It was short but I quite liked this once surprisingly even though I'm not that great with scat. I hope you enjoy it! thanks for requesting!
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
Yoongi having migraine, his stomach is so upset he is so dizzy so he ends up throwing up during a run BTS episode.
Sickie: YOongies
TW: Mentions of emeto , nausea, and vomiting
I am excited this be my bias ( apart from me being ot7)
No one expected it. In fact, it felt like it happened out of no where. All the heard was a sickening SPLAT! .....
It was one of those days. one of those annoying days. Everything felt ten times louder than it actually was. He knew they couldn't just reschedule and he didn't want to push the schedule back they had just gotten caught up. He just decided to roll with it. This has happened way too many times before so he didn't feel the need to tell anyone. He thought it is best to hide it so no one would force him to go home.
He just needs to get through this day and instead of recording some beats he just goes straight to bed after. He felt like it was a full-proof plan. What he didn't accept is how much chaos would be happening in this episode. Normally head enjoys how wild the members would get during an exciting episode but his head really couldn't take it today.
They were playing capture the flag type of game with a twist. instead of two teams, it was all against one and they had to grab and keep captive the one with the flag. the person who steals the flag would put it in their separate goal. so it was really everyone for themselves, vs whoever had the flag. They were allowed to hold the person with the flag captive and tackle them to an extent.
Yoongi was nervous. To put it straight forward. He'd hope today's run would consist of a calmer or a siting type game but he should have known the moment they were told to change it to something that is easier to be active in. His body was in agony. He didn't know if he'd still be able to go through with his plan. Yoongi knew that having a migraine made his body ache easier and the simplest this set off his stomach. He would get a wave of nausea that just came with the beating feeling he'd feel in his temples. This was the worse time to have a migraine. He knew he had no chance of winning in this condition. He'd really hope to survive this episode without suspicion from others. he hoped that if he pretended to try hard and fail the members would automatically be a little easier on him.
He was dead wrong. Of course, he won rock paper scissors and had to start off with the flag. All he had to do was run all the way to the other side of the field and make it to his goal and score. The problem was he knew he wouldn't make it that far. he knew that he'd get tired long before then. The members would also catch up to him. The thought of having to fool everyone around him without causing suspicion made him nervous, and that made his stomach swirl. He pushed down the feeling and began to run. His brain was angry at him for how much his body jiggled when it moved. His head ached.
Yoongi ran as fast as he could. He was breathing hard. and he almost stumbled several times. He at least had to put on a show before he gave up. It didn't feel like giving up with how fast he forced himself to run. eventually, Junkook became the athletic child he caught up to him. He felt his stomach do a summersault and he gave up faster than he thought. He thought he had a little more time before Jungkook caught up to him. He was wrong once more.
He felt sick and almost let go of the red flag he held onto. he used his other non-dominant hand to clutch onto his stomach. Jungkook had caught him. The pain from the force of movement from the other member was too much for his head. and the jerk from impact jerked his stomach with it. Junkook had taken the flag and began to run to the other side of the field where his goal was. Jungkook was focused on winning. he made it no problem. nonother members even caught up to him..... wait for what? he thought someone would be racing behind... but no. He looked over to the side he saw Yoongi hung lying on the floor. He dropped the flag and ran all the way back.
On the way there he heard his hyung make weird sounds. what was wrong? he hoped he didn't hurt him somehow he was playing quite ruffly he thought to himself. Yoongi hyung was on his side. Yoongi didn't want to move. He was so dizzy. His head was pounding. He was helping that the members were all shouting
Hobi: HYUNG!
Namjoon: GET Up hYunG! Hyung?
JImin, TAe, : HYUNG?!, HYUNGGGG?!!
Jin: HEY! Yoongi you alright?!
everyone was shouting it made his head bounce off the non-existent walls. The yelling made his head pound harder. a member of the crew even walked over. Yoongi felt sick rise up our throat. He sat up from laying on the ground. This made every quiet. They were all surprised to see that he hunched over and threw up. The force recked his head and jumped out of his chest. This felt like a nightmare. He hurled again. everyone was just standing around him in with surprise written all over their faces.
He heaved and heaved. He got a little on his shirt. He was getting too weak and tired to lean over and regurgitate but his stomach keep the sick coming. They all finally stopped just standing and staring and started helping. grabbing water, paper towels, and anything that would help. The producer got the cameraman to stop filming. Jin helps yoongi get into a position an easier and more comfortable picture. Hobi had to step away he was very worried for his hyung but knew that if he stayed and watched any longer his stomach would force him to join him. Yoongi's vision was fussy and he could barely keep straight without wobbling a bit.
Jin kept a firm grasp on him. Jimin rubbed his shoulders and back and namjoon interrogated him. Taehyung ran off to keep hobi distracted. stay far away from yoongi hyung. even though it made taehyung a little sad he couldn't help yoongi he figured plenty of people were helping at the moment and that that should be enough.
Jin forced yoongi to sip on the water every time his stomach allowed him to breathe. every sip was a pain he knew it just come back up. Because of his migraine, It was harder to keep things down. Jin knew this but didn't know yoongi had a migraine.
namjoon asked him what he had eaten, how long had he been feeling like this how much had he eaten last. had he had any water in the last 24 hours? Yoongi barely answered any of his questions. he could barely talk he was so focused on keeping his mouth shut in hopes of keeping the water down. Yoongi whispered M-Migraine. and suddenly all of namjoon's questions were answered. everyone around him changed gears and went to silent mode as they figured out what to do now......
This felt like a weird way to end it but I enjoyed writing it thank you for requesting. I hope you enjoyed it.
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
Hey there I don't know if the requests are still open but, I would like to request a fic with jihope, Hoseok being the sick one and Jimin the caretaker.
As roommates probably Hoseok getting terrible sick in the night, waking up from the worst stomach ache he had ever have, and waking up Jimin so he can rub his stomach, but when it seems his stomach had calm and their returning to sleep, he throw up, and Jimin has to be with him till next morning in front of the toilet, finally in the morning his stomach settles finally and both guys can return to bed.
They have to call the manager to tell them they can't go today to work, and they spend the rest of the day cuddling, and Jimin massaging Hobi hyung stomach for him.
You Made it just in time friend!
Thank you for your request! I have yet to make a fic like this and with these two cuties so thank you very much for the opportunity.
This one might be a little short.
Sickie: Hoseok
Caretaker: Jimin
TW: Mentions of emeto and V****
Hobi's pov
The sun was setting and it wouldn't be long before it had completely left the sky. Hoseok looked out the window watching the sunset for a moment and then proceed to close the blinds in his room. He was preparing his room for bed. he would sort a few of his things and things, take off the face mask he was currently wearing and go wash his face and brushed his teeth. once He was finally done. He changed into something more comfortable and hopped into bed. He told himself that he would go to bed on time tonight so he can rise early in the morning. Just so he'd have plenty of time to hit the studio and work on a few new dance routines.
He'd had a long tiring day so it was easy to fall asleep pretty fast.
Jimin's pov
Jimin had just finished taking a shower, he got dressed and quietly climbed into his bed. He looked at Hobi. He was turned to his side and sleeping peacefully. Not wanting to wake his roommate. He played on His phone and eventually fell asleep as well.
It was the dead of night, He turned over to look at his phone. It was late in the night. He looked over at His roommate. Hobi was still on his side His back facing away from Jimin. He heard Jhope moan softly like he was in pain. or maybe he was just snoring. Though Jimin does not recall ever hearing Hobi snore. He recalled hobi saying something about heading over to the studio tomorrow morning. His roommate was sleeping peacefully still in bed. He turned himself back over and fell asleep.
He was almost asleep when he heard loud groaning and a shuffle from Hobi's bed. He turned over. Hobi was awake? He thought to himself. Jimin looked at hobi." are you ok...? Jimin asked hobi squinting his eyes having trouble seeing him in the dark. Once his eyes finally adjusted he could see that hobi's arms were curled over his middle. "M-my stomach," Hobi forced out. " It hurts"
"Would you like me to rub it?" Jimin figured it was just indigestion or just a small stomach ache. "y-yeah, " it seemed hobi was having trouble even talking.
End of Jimin PoV
Jimin climbed into Hobi's bed. He spooned the other and slid his hand under hobi's shirt. He rubbed hobi's stomach until he heard him snoring softly. Jimin fell asleep after knowing the hobi was at peace. at least that's what he thought. Jimin works up to loud noise. Someone was in distress. "Hobi?" Jimin felt the bed was empty. Jimin searched the room with his eyes. He heard a groan, a gag, and then a splat. "Jimin cringed. He got up out of hobi's bed and turned on the light in their room so he could see what was going on.
Hobi was crouched down outside of their bathroom floor. He was throwing up. Jimin ran to comfort him. He rubbed the older hyungs back. Jimin saw what had happened. Hobi felt sick in the night and ran out of bed to go to the bathroom. He, unfortunately, didn't make it there. He was just outside of the door. luckily he threw up on the inside of the bathroom on the tile floor. which meant it would be easy for Jimin to clean.
Jimin guided hobi to the bathroom. Hobi immediately reached for the toilet and threw up in it. He was vomiting profusely and his stomach seemed very angry. Jimin took this time to clean up the mess on the floor. Afterward, Jimin grabbed hobi some water from the kitchen, He sat the glass of water down on the sink and sat down beside Hoseok. Hoseok was still having a hard time with his stomach. He'd set himself off every time he smelled the vomit in the toilet. Jimin tried to keep the toilet flushed but hobi's body didn't him any breaks to allow Jimin to do so. Once Jhope could catch a break Jimin flushed the toilet and brought the water off the sink for hobi to sip on.
Hobi got a few sips in before he headed straight back to the toilet. He eventually threw up the water he drank. That made Jimin a little worried. He didn't want his hyung dehydrated. Heave after heave after heave they sat there on the cold floor. Hobi gasping for air every so often. barely having time to breathe. Jimn stayed by his side and reminded him to break down and not be so forceful with himself. Hobi just wants this over. Hobi's stomach ached painfully. His throat was so scratching and couldn't imagine himself speaking a word the next day with how painful his throat felt.
Hoseok's breath be cane less erratic. He felt less nauseated than before. and he didn't throw up as much. The sun peaked through the tall window and he finally felt like his stomach had calmed down. He was so painfully tired. They had been in that spot in the bathroom all night. His head ached a bit from forcefully vomiting for such a long time.
He finally felt like he could leave the bathroom. "Jimin!" he mustered he was quieter than he hoped to say but Jimin heard it anyway because of the echo in the bathroom. "huh? , Are you ready to go to bed?" Jimin read his mind. Jimin was glad his hyungs stomach finally calmed down his hand was getting cramped from rubbing the older's back. and he almost fell asleep several times that night only to be woken by intense vomiting.
Hobi shook his head thankful that he didn't have to speak again. They both hobbled over to hobi hyung's bed. the crashed there. Hobi drifted off to sleep peacefully with Jimin's warm hand rubbing against his stomach.
before Jimin could catch any zzz's he felt his phone buzz in his pajama pocket. He forgot that he had put it there just before he got into hobi's bed earlier. He pulled the phone out of his pocket. hobi snuggled closer to Jimin. Jimin spoke softly trying not to disturb Hobi. Jimn informed the manager of what happened and that they wouldn't make it to the events that take place today.
Jimin sat his phone down after the call on hobi's nightstand and went back to rubbing hobi's stomach. he was gentle knowing how much he'd been through all night. it felt good to hobi. Jimin would gently rub into the extra sore part of his stomach and hobi would relax in his hand.
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
Hi can I request a fic, with V being the sickie, and Jimin tje caretaker, probably they have arranged a sleep over in one of their rooms and to watch movies as the soulmates they are, but when the day comes, Taehyung is sick, his stomach has bother him all day, he is nauseous, and gassy, and his stomach too bloated for his own liking.
He cancelled the sleep over and Jimin is left hurt and sad, he doesn't understand why Taehyung seems to be angry with him.
He decides to go and talk with him, and he founds his soulmate in his bed, years rolling silently from his eyes, he is resting on his side curled.
Jimin sits with him and pats his head gentle coaxing him into telling him why he is sad and crying and if something happens.
Tae tells him that he feels sick, his tummy hurts so much, and he is gassy, and so sad for feeling sick.
Jimin then understanding everything relax and goes inside the bed to cuddle his poor bear friend, he makes Tae rest on his back and rubs his bloated tummy, after that v throw ups a little and after getting out a little more of gas his tummy feels better, he falls asleep from the strong stomach pain, Jimin dry his tears and rubs his back and tummy while he sleeps.
Next morning he founds Jimin and Hobi on his bed cuddling him as the sad burrito he is, and Seokjin is already preparing light food so he can digest, Namjoon had already tell manager Tae was sick last night, and Yoongi had went to bought some medicine for his stomach.
Tae suddenly felts so happy and warm even though his stomach hurts still touch to move from bed, or to eat. He spend next three days recovering.
Sickie: Taehyung
Caretaker: Jimin , ot7
TW: mentions of sickness, nausea, and probably V****
Please enjoy and thank you so much for requesting. I get really excited when you folks request!
They had been talking on the phone for hours. Taehyung hadn't been back at the dorm yet so they called while taehyung was heading back. They wanted to plan it out perfectly. They had a list of movies they wanted to catch up on. It would be a fun night and they would finally get to hang out just ad Jimin wanted them to. It had been so long since they've done something fun and exciting like this. being in a boy band that does shows internationally is amazing but with that busy life, you tend to find small events like this exciting.
SO tomorrow night right? Taehyung says over the phone. "Yup! Tomorrow night!" Jimin repeated They were as excited as children going to a birthday party. Ok, then I'll see you then. Jimin sounded so excited.
Time skip-
Taehyung woke up to the sun in his eyes. That's weird he thought to himself. He placed a hand on his stomach. He felt on his stomach. It felt extended and it kind of hurt a little. It felt tight around. He tried to remember what he had eaten that would have done this to his stomach. He rubbed his stomach pressing down on it a little bit. He felt gas being released. It didn't make him feel any better so he turned over to his side and went back to sleep. It took him a while to get back to sleep. lots of tossing and turning. He let out a ton of gas. It still didn't bring any relief to his tight and bubbling stomach. He finally fell asleep still ugging onto his stomach. Keeping pressure kind of helped but not much. Enough to get him to sleep.
He woke up once again, Still very much bloated perhaps even more than before. He also felt nauseous. Did he have too much pressure on his stomach? He started feeling sick. He was in an upright position but laid back down on his side. His stomach felt so painful. He laid there for over an hour just holding on to his aching stomach. he kept releasing gas but found no relief. This was the worse he thought.
His phone buzzed. He picked it up off his bedside table and looked at the message. It was from Jimin. He was letting Taehyung know he was about to go pick up snacks for their sleepover which is tonight.
Taehyung felt a deep cramp in his aching bloated belly. He dropped the phone and curled in on himself. He picked up the phone again and began texting. "I can't make it to the sleepover tonight". He sent the text not bothered to look at the phone and wait for Jimins reply. Tae figured his stomach pain would only go down from here with how nauseous he started to feel. Taehyung just turned over to the side of his bed and curled up again. Placing his phone back on his bedside table. Taehying closed his eyes held his stomach and tried to sleep as he applied light pressure to it.
Jimin saw the message. He felt a teardrop roll down his face. He didn't know what he did wrong. did he say something that upset him.
did he do something to upset him? Jimin was trying to figure it out but he just could understand why he canceled. Jimin had been feeling extremely lonely lately and really needed to spend time with someone else. He was really looking forward to it. he had been a bit down lately and this out the icing on the cake.
He wiped his face and decided to go talk to him. Jimin barged into "taehyung what did I do? What did I do wrong? Tae- " Jimin looked at taehyung he was in a ball on his bed. Taehyung hadn't said a single thing since he had barged in. He hadn't even flinched. Jimin walked inside his room. He sat on taehyungs bed. Jimin put a hand on taehyungs shoulder. Jimin took a closer look at taehyungs face.
A tear rolled from Taehyungs closed eyes. Taehyungs eyes fluttered. Jimin spoke in a much calmer tone. " what's wrong tae..?" Jimin rubbed Taehyungs shoulder and back ad taehyung explained about his stomach and feeling nauseous. " My stomach hurts so bad," taehyung says before he stopped talking.
Jimin feels much better now that he knows taehyung isn't angry. he knew Taehyung felt sad too. Jimin can finally relax. He moves to lay on taehyung's bed in a comfortable position trying not to jostle the bed too much. Taehyung was extremely gassy during their nap. Jimin knew he didn't feel well and decided not to mention it. "Poor bear," Jimin says moving his hand to rub Tae's back. Tae turns over onto his back. He takes his hand off of his belly. he gently grabs Jimin's hand it was nice and warm. He placed Jimin's soft warm hand on his distended stomach. Jimin already knew what to do.
Jimin ended up pressing on Tae's stomach too hard and tae shot up and ran to the bathroom. Jimin sat up and ran behind him. Taehyung body lurched over the toilet. he heaved. he threw up a mouth full of vomit. He kept his hands on his stomach. He didn't throw up any more than that. Taehuyng took a deep breath and evaluated his stomach. It felt less bloated Jimin flushed the toilet for tae.
Teahyung finally found a little relief. His stomach wasn't as bloated before. Jimin ushered Tae up and put him back to bed Jimin hopped in behind him. His stomach felt much better when re-released gas. Jimin didn't complain about it he was happy that he wasn't alone. Plus tae seemed to be feeling a little better after throwing up a little bit. Jimin cried again lying next to a sleeping taehyung. He didn't even know why he dried his eyes. He rubbed Taehyung's back as he slept and Jimin soon fell asleep too. They slept all through the afternoon into the next morning (This next part made me wheeze out loud)
Jimin woke up to the warm sun inviting itself into the room through the blinds. Jimin felt cramped on the bed. what happen to all that room he once had? he thought to himself with his eyes still closed. Was taehyung on top of him? no, he wasn't he thought. His hand is still under taehyung. Well, what the heck was smoothing him. He opened his eyes. J-hope. It was Hoesok. He was the one on top of Jimin right now. j hope sighed in delight "aah", you seemed a little sad Jimine" you alright? " "I'm doing better," Jimin says deciding not to question why jhope was laying all his height on top of him. " we heard Taehyung getting sick last, night " we were gonna help but we were too late cause yall were both snoring by the time we were about to step in." J hope explains to jimin." but don't worry we handled everything else, Namjoon informed the manager last night. Jin is preparing a light breakfast and I'm sure yoongi will be back any minute from the store with meds".
Taehyung had worked up and heard the conversation. There was still a strong ache still in his stomach. He turned over to lay on his back. pushing hoseoks legs off of his body. Jimin and hobi sat up un the bed. Taehyung stayed laying down. as if yoongi had some sort of sope telepathy he walked in with meds. Jin walked in hind him caring a few plates of food. Namjoon walked by hind jin also caring a few plates. They all ate taehyungs food.
Taehyung didn't feel much like eating but tried anyway seen as the boys all collected in his room to eat. Jungkook walked in with a plate pilled with food and sat on the floor and ate with the others.
Taehyung looked around the room he felt warm seeing all the members here together. His stomach still ached badly but his heartfelt content.
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
Hi could you write about sick Jungkook with indigestion and a noticeable bloated stomach while having a photoshooting and he’s trying to hide it but the outfit is too tight so it’s causing him discomfort, with Jimin taking care and giving him belly rubs? If you’re not uncomfortable with it maybe can you add some burping and nausea?
Thank you for requesting.
I think this is my first time writing Jungkook and Jimin so this is gonna be fun!
Warning this request was given to me a long time ago and as absolutly nothing to do with bts's current situations. This fic has absoluty nothing to do with covid and does not have any of the most common symptoms of the virus.
please enjoy this fic!
Tw: emeto
Jungkook was up next he'd been waiting for his turn for the photoshoot. They had already taken a few group photos today. Now they were taking their solo pictures. Pictures they'd probably put on photocards and in their photo books for the next album. while waiting for the crew to set up cameras, lights and other setting details for the photoshop bts sat and ate lunch. He wished he didn't eat so much lunch before the photoshoot he tends to overdo it when he's really hungry. Jin had allowed him to have some of his food and even though he was already full he could never say no to free food, especially from Jin Hyung.
The concept was rock band so everything was tight spandex or leathery. He had on tight leather pants and a silky white shirt you could practically see-through. He had trouble keeping his pants buttoned with how tight his stomach felt. He was bloated and his shirt felt too tight over his stomach. It was a terrible idea to eat right before putting on tight leather clothes. His stomach was angry at how tight the fabric hugged his stomach.
Namjoon and seokjin had already had their turn soon it would be Jungkooks turn then Jimin, Yoongi, Tae, and lastly Hobi. He'd finish putting on his outfit and walked out of the dressing room to find Jimin sitting in a collapsable chair. Jimin looked Jungkook up and down as he entered the room. Jungkook kept eye contact with him as he did so. Jimin noticed there was something wrong with Jungkook. He seemed to hunch over a bit. it seemed like his clothes or something was bothering him. Maybe his stomach? Jimin stared at kook's stomach for a moment as he was walking toward him. Jungkook seemed a little bloated and possibly in pain telling by the expression on his face. or maybe he was still hungry? He ate a lot today, but Jungkook does have a big appetite. Jimin thought to himself keeping his eyes on Jungkook as he finally got close enough to talk. "what's going on there jk?" Jimin kept his eyes on the younger and waited for a response. "what do you mean? " Jungkook asks trying to avoid the question.
Jungkook tries not to rub his stomach as he approached Jimin who was looking him up and down and sitting casually in a collapsible lawn chair. Jimin asked if Jungkook was still hungry. Jimin was about to invite him to go out for a snack after the photoshoot. Jungkooks now aching stomach rolled at the thought of eating anything else. He had to gulp down the saliva that was stuck in his throat. He hoped that if he told Jimin would give him a belly rub. He was about to tell Jimin what was really wrong but he was interrupted by the director. "JUNGKOOK! we're ready for you now," come on over!
The conversation was abruptly ended. "wait! Jimin said to Jungkook who was about to leave. " meet me In the parking lot I'll drive us home after and you can tell me what's up." Jimin knew there had to be something wrong. "ok, hyung I will".
Jungkook seemed a little sad to go to Jimin. Jungkook before kook walked into the next room Jungkook adjusted his clothes still feeling uncomfortable in them. He looked down at his stomach. it ached. he tried rubbing it but it just didn't feel the same as when Jimin rubbed his tummy. He tried to hide his lightly extended belly by untucking his shirt. maybe the dress will just think he was being rebelous. he took one last deep breath before entering the room. it hurt his stomach to even breathe in deeply but he moved on into the next room anyway. Knowing the crew was awaiting on him.
He was told were to position his body. he knew army would love this position and cute pose he was making. He was trying hard though not to let one of the props touch his stomach. The camera man asked him to move a little closer to the table which would have his stomach pressing against he. Jungook put his bodya close as he could to the table without letting it make contact with his stomach. He thought he had gotten away with it but instead the camera man just walked up to him and help him just his body. His stomach was in agony. his tight pants plus the table pushing up against his stomach was far too much for him. It made his stomach swirl and his body shack when he wa in that postion.
They too a for more picture and changed his postion to now laying in the grass on his stomach and posing. Puting so much pressure on his stomach made him nauseous. Once he was told he was finish with his photoshoot and thta he could leave he imediately jumped up with his his hand and ran out of the room. he felt like if he'd stay any longer his lunch would make an unwelcomed vist on the fake grass.
He ran straight to the bathroom ignoring everyone else. including the other memebers in line to do there photoshoot. The figured he just really had to go use the bathroom so the shrugged it off. Jungkook found a clean stall and waitied. He wasn't quite sure if he'd get sick but he'd rather be safe than sorry. he waited for a while. apart from an empty burp and a painfully dry cough nothing happened. Every thing that was in his stomach be fore was still there. and it hurt. his stomach was being to ache again and he felt the strongest burst of nausea despite not going beyond that.
Before leaving the bathroom he sent a text message out to Jimin telling him he was ready and on his way to the car. once Junkook felt ready enough to get up and leave he found the other members that had not yet taken their solo photoshoots standing and waiting outside of the bathroom. Jungkook honestly didn't want to talk with anyone. he just wanted to go home and sleep the rest of the afternoon away on Jimin's bed. (naps are always better on someone else's bed )
After playing twenty questions with the members he was finally allowed to go home. He Hoped in Jimin's car and explained what was wrong while ride home. for a little bit the got caught in traffic and Jungkook felt like he'd be sick if they didn't get moving some time soon. they eventually did.once the finally made it home Jungkook dropped his things and practically ripped out of his clothes and in to comfpy clothes, He figured he could return the clothes back to the stylist tomorrow. The only thing on his mind right now is hoping on Jimin's bed and sleeping. Jimin looked a little confused when he saw Jungkook get into his bed instead of going to his own , but he let it slide since he knew JK wasn't feeling very well.
He grab JK some medicine from the cabinet , some water from the kitchen and changed and hoped onto his ne with jk. Jk was holding on tight to his stomach with both hands. Jimin made Jk take the medicine and the continued to lie down in be comfortably. Jk turned toward Jimin and grabbed his hand. He felt that he had some metal rings on his hand. jk quickly tossed them across the room. He place Jimin pleasanty warm hands on his stomach. Jimin procces to rub jk's aching stomach. feeling how upset and angry it felt. Jimin kept rubbing jk's belly until he could here jk softly snoring. Even then he kept going until he was sleep himself.
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