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maomaojinshi · 11 months ago
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sayusims · 2 days ago
Jinshi and Maomao relationship detail
At first, when watching The Apothecary Diaries, I didn't really want Jinshi and Maomao to be together. I mean, I wanted them to be, but since Jinshi was obviously so much more in love than Maomao, I did not think that it would seriously work out. However, I’ve changed my mind. As I haven’t actually read the light novels yet, some of the information I’m going to use is based on what others have said, and I can’t really confirm 100% if it is true, but since these are discussed somewhat in the community, I feel like they are.
My top reason for thinking they are good together is the fact that they pay extra attention to and look at each other more than others. In Jinshi’s case, he is known for being immensely pretty, but because this is the only thing people look at when it comes to him, it causes him to have an inferiority complex about all of the other skills that he does possess. It also does not help that he is surrounded by anomalies of people who have super strength or are insanely smart, so he feels hopelessly average in comparison. Because of this, when he met Maomao, he thought that she would be the same—someone captivated by his beauty who does not see the real him—but it was the complete opposite. His beauty does not hold worth to her. While she obviously finds him attractive and is probably still attracted to his physical body, his worth to her comes almost solely from his personality. The times in the anime that we see best that she is VERY slowly falling in love are times when she mentions him behaving differently or behaving more like himself instead of the persona he puts on daily. She does find Jinshi annoying a lot, but she likes it when he is more youthful and less eunuch-like.
When it comes to Maomao, I remember that in an episode of the anime, Maomao mentioned how she knows she is hard to read. While Jinshi cannot read her, he still tries. Jinshi never backs down or gets put off when he doesn’t understand her apparent logic; he mostly just trusts her and her judgment. He is incredibly patient with her and honestly does not try to rush things (it is KILLING ME). He is extremely worried about her well-being and making the choice that she wants, not what he wants. It is like when he dismissed her from her job in the first part of season 1. He dismissed her even though he had the power to obviously just not do it but also to just kind of make her work even if she thought it was miserable in the rear palace, because I fear that��s what at least half of the men back then would have done. But even though at this time he had a rabid crush on her and knew he was going to be miserable like he was with his toys when he was younger, he did it since he thought that was what she wanted. Another thing Jinshi notices a lot is her injuries. After, I assume, the third time of someone noticing someone else constantly getting hurt but still either waiting to get help or just not getting it at all, most people would give up. Most people would not jump off a wall and carry them bridal style to the infirmary the sixth time, but Jinshi still did, and he did it with urgency. Every time she gets hurt now, he is always panicking and doing the most he can to help, even if it's most times him just screaming. He never gets tired of her and always wants to be around her at almost every moment.
I want to get the manga volumes and the light novel so badly, but I literally have a 50-bullet-point to-read list that just keeps growing because I’ve been stuck on Crime and Punishment for the last two months. But if anyone has some show ideas (they don't have to be anime) that I can yap about and make my brain work overtime, that would be very helpful.
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elevenharbor · 1 year ago
So about episode 19 of The Apothecary Diaries…
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episode 19 has me screaming like a banshee…And that’s because…
Jinshi carrying an unconscious and bleeding Maomao out of the ceremonial building after an assassination attempt on his life, not as Jinshi the eunuch, but Jinshi the prince/the most important person *of noble birth* for everyone to see (including an equally shaken Lakan) is such a pivotal and understated power move. Jinshi gives zero fucks who bears witness that he's carrying his personal servant in his arms (bridal style might I add, when he could've ordered anyone to do it for him) nor does he care about the subsequent gossip that will ensue. It's also the first time that we actually see Jinshi as having a much more significant role than just a palace eunuch, and this is how he enters the scene...breaking societal norms. Good for you, my man.
I know the anime can only cover so much material from the original source, and I have my quips about this, but the reason why this anime is still 100000/10 in my eyes is because this part wasn't included in the manga and only glossed over in the LN. But the anime made a point to include this dramatic and poignant scene…down to the trailing blood as Jinshi calmly makes his exit (straight to his quarters). Though his demeanor is subdued, beneath the surface he is downright pissed.
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the scene (anime)
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pages from the manga: ch. 32 ends with Maomao passing out on Jinshi, and starts Ch. 33 with Maomao waking up in Jinshi’s room.
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i can't get enough.
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balsamsorrel · 4 months ago
Always With You
The first time he carried her in his arms, her body was limp against his. Her eyes were closed, face swollen, blood streaked down her nose and her feet that hung in air dripping blood along the way he walked with her. Angst, fear, worry,anger grabbed his heart. In his arms, the petite figure of Maomao, who lay unconscious, her breathing a little weaker had no idea the storm inside Jinshi's heart.
"Ouch! That hurt"
The angry pout in his face was evident. While Maomao help her forehead which now ached a bit from the headbutt of Jinshi. Once again he was carrying her in his arms, bridal style. But she was well awake this time. Not only was she awake she was in this gorgeous pink skirt and a beautiful top. They fit her perfectly accentuating her figure . The top only covered her chest so her waist and stomach was bare. It was a full moon night and the shine of moonlight lit up her pale skin. She was looking dropdead gorgeous and Jinshi of course was pretty much moved her. The moment when her step slipped and Jinshi grabbed her by the waist, the contact with her bare skin sent tingles through his body. But panic grabbed his hurt. "What if she fell?" "What if I weren't here?" Not to mention the stitch of her wound had opened up again. All in all our nymph like Jinshi was pretty worried to get drunk in the beauty of his dear Maomao in the moonlit night. But surely he was affected in a fair amount.
And now he was caring her. She was injured yea..but this wasn't anything like the last time. Maomao looked so cheery when she joked about the ox bezoar, she was talking, she was in full consciousness. Her body wasn't limp against his.
"What if someone sees us like this Jinshi sama" She asked him
"It's too dark besides it's not the first time"The first time was a nightmare to him.
He could feel her warmth radiating into his body as he held her closer.
" Uhh Jinshi sama-" she was was cut off when he brought his face dangerously close to her their noses almost touching,
" Don't be so reckless" his voice sounded deeper than before. His face looked serious. She didn't want to admit nor believe it herself but it was evident he cared.
"Been so long like this" Jinshi smirked Maomao swinging her off her feet in bridal style "It's late..you need to sleep" She spoke with annoyance but with a hint of flushedness in her voice "So do you" his smirk just became more prominent. He looked straight into Maomao's eyes but Maomao kinda struggled to keep her straight face unlike usual. "I am of lowly birth, it doesn't suit you-" before she could finish the rest Jinshi pinned her down on the couch, caging her while still holding her and this time their foreheads touched as Jinshi whispered in a deep voice " Do not say that. How many times have I told you not to say like that" his voice sounded dangerously serious. "But Jinshi sama" Maomao even being her flinched a bit but still maintained her composure
"It's Zuigetsu" He spoke louder this time but just as deeply. He lifted up her chin,his touch ever so gentle and brushed her cheek with his thumb. His expression oftened while Maomao's face had now lost the previous composure, her eyes were widened her breath hitched.
"I have said this before and I will say this again. I will make you my wife Maomao. You will be my wife, my one and only wife. No one can ever take me away from you" He spoke in a voice that claimed his determination and seriousness.
"Why is he so stupid" Maomao sighed in her head.
"Uhh-uhh Jinsh- Zu-Zuigetsu-sama.." She stuttered. It was difficult even for her to maintain her plain composure now. Afterall it hasn't even been a day that they got married. "I can walk" She spoke, "I know" Her now husband said with a proud grin on his face. Now carrying her in his arms to the bed. After he let her down on the bed, he took her hand. "You're here Maomao you're really here" He spoke his voice low but there was relief and excitement in his tone..Maomao looked at him, it still felt unbelievable. But what was more unbelievable was his beauty, his face shone in the silver moonlight, his eyes glistened. He looked nothing less than a heavenly nymph. "You are so beautiful" she whispered. Her hand had come to rest on his cheek. Jinshi laughed. "I never imagined YOU would say that"
"Yea well I am just stating facts you know"
"Sure thing dear"
"Where did that come from" She widened her eyes
"I love you so much afterall"
Maomao hung down her head. This was going to be difficult. She could already feel her ears burning up and her heart racing.
"I love you too" She whispered
The next thing she knew she was in Jinshi's tightest embrace.
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ecargmura · 6 months ago
The Apothecary Diaries Episode 19 Review - Interconnected Cases
I sure didn’t expect some of the past cases to be part of an overarching conspiracy plot in attempt to assassinate Jinshi. The writing went pretty creative with this because I certainly didn’t think they were all interconnected. All I got from this is that Suirei, the tall girl Maomao often talks to, could be orchestrating it.
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The Kounen case back in Episode 9, the sudden warehouse arson case in Episode 14, the seaweed poisoning case in Episode 15 and the welder family puzzle mystery case back in Episode 16 are all connected. Who knew? I sure didn’t. Apparently, the people involved in these cases were all tied to ceremonial aspects. Kounen was an official in charge of the ceremonial stuff but got assassinated. The warehouse was to steal tools. The seaweed poisoning case was also to silence another official and the welder case was so that it would take them a while to get new tools. It was all an overarching conspiracy theory. Maomao was on the dot, except for who was the target as she still doesn’t know that Jinshi is the Emperor’s younger brother/son. It would make sense that there would be a huge target on his back, but Maomao wouldn’t know that. In the midst of this all, she did figure out that Suirei could be a part of this assassination.
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The whole scene of Maomao running towards the altar and then getting stopped by the guard was shocking. I did NOT expect him to throw his club at her and for her to get hit. I was eating lunch while watching that scene and I legit stopped chewing my food when I saw this. Man, this show can be ruthless. It hurt seeing Maomao having such a swollen face. She was able to pass through thanks to Lakan, unfortunately for her.
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The way Maomao saved Jinshi was awesome, but it was also hilarious because her response to seeing him was “Can I have the ox bezoar now?” She has her priorities. Anyways, the last few minutes of the episode was Jinshi carrying Maomao bridal style and it reminded me a lot of the finale of the first Tokyo Ghoul anime where Kaneki was carrying Hide bridal style and music started playing as he kept walking.
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Before the suspenseful stuff, there were comedic scenes that I liked like Jinshi getting jealous over Lihaku and Maomao getting excited over the ox bezoar. Other than that, I think the latter half of the episode was memorable as this was the first time Maomao was legit being active in trying to stop a murder in the palace. In fact, this murder didn’t even involve poison; it was a full on assassination attempt. Suirei is gonna have some explaining to do if Maomao ever confronts her. What are your thoughts on this?
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