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jill valentine death island redesign. not to be The Complainer ™️ by any means, but jill's design in death island makes her look like how she did in 1998 and i wish that wasn't the case. it takes place in 2015, post re5!
so i took matters into my own hands. and dw claire is next muahahah
#resident evil#rebhfun#resident evil fanart#re fanart#jill valentine#jill valentine fanart#resident evil death island#jill valentine my favorite dyke#i fucking love jill valentine#JILL GREY AND BLONDE HAIR SHOULD BE REAL. TO ME.
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Fantasy AU Part 2.
‘The beacon will only respond to holy magic.’ Enrico slipped the pale gold stone into a leather pouch and closed it securely. ‘I would wish you luck, but you don’t need it. You’re one of my best knights, and I have faith that you will succeed.’
‘Thank you.’ Chris took the pouch and clasped his lord captain’s arm in farewell.
A squire approached quietly from the main room to let them know that everything was prepared.
Enrico glanced at him, then clapped Chris on the shoulder supportively. ‘Looks like the demon’s ready to go. Let’s get the oath sworn so you can start your quest.’
The demon waiting by the altar looked very different from the one Chris had seen in the cell. The bruising along his cheekbone was still there, but it was obvious that Albert had been given a chance to clean up and he was dressed in fresh practical travel clothing. Chris had vaguely noticed that he was attractive even when he was a mess, but now he was undeniably, and distractingly, beautiful. His shoulder-length hair was a very pale blond with all the dirt washed out of it, smoothed back from his face in a simple yet regal style, and Chris’ fingers itched to run through the silky looking strands. A faint smirk pulled his thin lips up as he caught Chris staring, the glimpse of sharp fangs serving as a reminder of what he was.
Chris ordered himself to focus, his quest was the only thing that mattered and the demon was merely a means to an end. He held his hand out for the ritual cut, noticing as Albert followed suit that there was an irregular pattern of thin red scars across the backs of his fingers.
Albert curled his hand into a fist to drip blood into the chalice set below. ‘I, Albert, will escort Chris Redfield safe and unharmed to the border of Arklay and activate the portal. This is the whole of my oath.’ His eyes flashed red in rage as he spoke.
The dagger stung as it cut Chris’ palm and he tipped his hand to let his blood run into the chalice too. ‘I, Chris Redfield, on behalf of the Order of Stars, will allow Albert to go in peace after he has fulfilled his oath.’
The old cleric grimaced at the mingling of human and demon blood, but he acknowledged the oath and it was done.
Jill healed Chris’ hand for him, hugging him fiercely as they headed for the courtyard. ‘I wish I was going with you.’
‘Me too.’ He sighed, he hated to leave his partner behind but the smaller the group the less notice they would attract once they were out of allied territory.
Their horses were already saddled up and laden with supplies. Chris gave his horse a firm pat before mounting, wheeling around to see Albert climbing onto his own steed. It was a good thing that the Order had kept the animal they’d found him with, the horse was ordinary as far as anyone could tell, but it had been specially bred and trained to accept a demon as a rider.
The sun was rising as they left, and it wasn’t long before Chris realised that they’d all managed to miss a very obvious problem. He glanced at his companion’s orange eyes shining in the sunlight and guided his horse off the road.
Albert followed, annoyance on his face as they stopped. ‘Did you forget something?’ For a presumably experienced rider, he seemed very uncomfortable on his horse, his shoulders too stiff and his grip on the reins too tight.
Chris had a bigger worry though. ‘There’ll be townsfolk on the road soon. We need to disguise you.’ He gestured at Albert’s unnatural eyes to indicate his demonic features.
‘Is that all?’ Albert made a sharp, impatient gesture towards himself. His eyes shifted to grey, his sheathed claws to normal nails and when he smiled smugly at Chris’ surprise there were no fangs visible.
‘Ok, that works.’ Chris was more than a bit unnerved at the glamour, the Order wasn’t aware that demons possessed that kind of magic, but it solved the current issue. He paused as a thought occurred to him. ‘Why didn’t you use that before, to evade the Order’s notice?’
Albert scowled, but he grudgingly answered. ‘I was too weak to spare the power to keep it up.’
Chris left it at that, nudging his horse back to the road to continue on their way. As he turned he caught Albert’s pained wince as he squeezed his legs around his own horse to follow after. Even though he hadn’t complained, and Chris should only care if it would negatively affect their quest, he found himself concerned about Albert’s apparently unhealed injuries. ‘Albert, are you okay to keep riding?’
‘Fine.’ The grey eyes could burn just as much as the red and to stubbornly prove the point, Albert sped up to pull in front of Chris.
He sighed and dropped the topic, the realisation that he would be spending months with a moody demon as his constant companion a very unwelcome prospect.
Chris wasn’t really expecting any help preparing their campsite, so he was surprised when Albert assisted him without any urging. ‘Isn’t it a little beneath a demon lord to know how to set up camp?’ He commented sarcastically even as he watched Albert expertly arrange the base for a fire.
Albert gave him an arch look and snapped his fingers, the pile in front of him bursting into flames.
‘Oh.’ That was faster than starting one manually, Chris had to admit.
‘You think we’re all arrogant pricks who like to parade around in fancy armour and scream at imps?’ He sounded amused, his head slightly tilted and his eyes shining in the firelight.
‘I’m guessing you’re talking about someone specific.’ The glimpse of humour and the demon’s seeming willingness to engage in conversation intrigued Chris. Most of his experiences with demons had involved him putting a sword or a bolt of holy light through their bodies, not having a casual discussion.
‘Oh, yes.’ Albert actually laughed quietly, and Chris was struck by how pleasant the sound was.
‘I know the type.’ He sympathised, grinning at the banter.
Before they slept, Chris set up holy wards around their camp. This close to the Order’s castle there was no real danger from brigands or animals, but putting up protective wards was basic training that he did almost without thinking.
Albert’s voice startled him out of his meditative spell trance. ‘I’m not going to run off and kill anyone.’
The statement made him realise that he was keeping Albert trapped inside, not just repelling potential invaders, and on second thought maybe that was a good idea. ‘No offense, Albert, but I don’t think I can take your word on that.’
For some reason that made him laugh. ‘No, you probably shouldn’t.’
Chris tried not to think about how good it made him feel to hear the low chuckle.
Sometime during the night, Chris woke up. He lay still for a moment, mentally checking his wards to make sure they hadn’t been tripped. The usual noises of nighttime surrounded him, the rustle of leaves and calls of animals… and closer a soft whimpering. Frowning, Chris propped himself up on his arm to peer across the camp at the sleeping demon.
Albert was on his back, his breathing ragged with little hurt cries while he tossed his head from side to side, one of his hands bunching up his blankets as he fought the grip of his nightmare. In the meagre light Chris could see the glimmer of tears on his cheeks, his almost silent suffering more heartbreaking than if he’d been screaming and thrashing.
At that moment it didn’t matter that he was a demon, Chris wished there was something he could do to help, unable to bear seeing anyone in so much pain. But he guessed that even a gesture made in support or kindness would be rebuffed with suspicion and hostility. Demons barely trusted each other, only working together because a greater demon ordered them to, and Chris couldn’t afford to trust his travelling companion beyond the scope of their quest. The argument wasn’t convincing enough to make falling asleep any easier when he could still hear Albert’s quiet sobbing.
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From Housewife to Whore
An erotic cuckolding tale by Alex Skylar
Eric kept looking at the numbers on the computer screen, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make them work. There were too many bills, and not enough money coming in.
Eric’s wife Jillian was sitting next to him, but she had no idea how to help. She had lost her job last week when her company had to trim some excess, and that left them in a tough position financially. There weren't a lot of jobs out there in her field, and it would take some time to find another opening that would pay well enough to make up what they needed.
They had been together since they graduated high school, almost ten years ago at this point, and this was by far the worst things had ever been. The money was the biggest obstacle, but it had also started to bleed over into the rest of their marriage. The added stress meant more fights, and their sex life was almost non-existent.
Eric looked at Jillian. She was a beautiful woman, smart and driven. Her persona was very conservative and vanilla though, and she often held herself back out of fear, especially during tough times like these. He always tried to take that stress out of her life and handle it himself, but this time he just couldn't make it work.
Jill lifted her eyes and looked at him, clearly seeing the stress on his face as well.
“There is another way we could bring in some more money,” she said hesitantly, “but I don't think you’d like it.”
Eric looked at her curiously, and she blushed when she noticed his eyes on her.
“We don't have to do this,” she continued, “but I was talking to Eve and she said I should try doing the amateur night at the strip club across town.”
Eric stared blankly at her, flabbergasted. He would never have expected her, of all people to suggest something like that. She would never have suggested something like that on her own, but it made sense to know that Eve was involved.
Eve was Jill’s free-spirited friend who was always up for an adventure. Her wild lifestyle was a stark contrast to Jill’s more conservative demeanor. Sometimes Eric would get frustrated, especially when Eve would get Jill into one form of trouble or another, and sometimes he wondered how the two of them had never gotten arrested. For some reason, Jillian could never let loose around him like that, but maybe this would be the moment that she did.
Physically, Jillian would do well as a stripper. Her blonde hair and beautiful face made her desirable by most men’s standards, and her body was fit and toned. Her breasts were full and perky, slightly bigger than one would expect for a body like hers. She had also studied dance, so she would know exactly how to move her body.
The real reason that Eric was surprised was because Jillian had always been very modest. She hated going to the beach because she felt too exposed in a bikini. Now she was talking about getting up on stage in front of a bunch of men and removing all her clothes. She would be exposing the most private parts of her body to them.
“Of course Eve would suggest that,” he said with a chuckle. “I’m sure she's probably tried it a few times herself.”
“She has, actually,” Jill replied, laughing along with him. “She said she made a lot of money. They paid her five hundred dollars just for dancing on the stage, and she made another five hundred giving lap dances afterward. That's a grand just in one night!”
That would be enough money to take a lot of the pressure off them, but Eric was still hesitant about it. He didn't hate the idea, but he was worried if she would be able to go through with it. There was also something else about it that gave him a weird knot in his stomach, but he couldn't quite figure out what that was.
“Do you think you could actually do something like that, though?” he asked her.
“I don't know,” she said, blushing. “It would be out of my comfort zone, but it also sounds exciting. I would definitely need a few drinks first, but I think I could do it.”
Eric mulled the idea over in his head. There was still that certain something that was eating at him, but they needed the money. If she was willing, then he couldn't really argue with her.
“Let’s do it then. When’s the next one?” he asked.
“Tonight,” she answered, pursing her lips guiltily.
“Wow,” was all Eric could muster in response.
“I know, but that means less time for me to get nervous and back out. Right?”
Jillian looked at him anxiously, but when he nodded, she smiled and leaned in to give him a kiss.
They pulled up the website for the place that Eve had recommended and found out that the amateur performers started at eight that night. That gave Jillian a few hours to get ready, so she hurried into the bathroom to shower and shave. She wanted to look her best when she got up on stage, so she took a little extra time getting ready.
When Eric came into the bedroom an hour later, he found his wife going through her underwear drawer. She had already chosen a pair of black and red lace panties, and she was looking for the right top. He came up behind her and pulled out a black corset that she had pushed aside.
“This one,” he said. “It’s my favorite, and the guys will love it.”
Jillian looked at him with a devilish smile. It was almost as if she enjoyed having him pick out what she would wear on stage in front of all those other men.
That was when Eric finally realized what the knot in his stomach was. He didn't want to admit it to himself, but he loved the idea of his wife stripping naked in front of a room full of strangers. He loved the idea of them looking at her, lusting after her. He loved the idea of her giving a lap dance to a total stranger, turning him on before walking away with his money. There was just something about the idea of his wife letting out her inner slut that turned him on. He still wasn't convinced she would go through with it, so perhaps that was what was holding him back. There would be nothing worse than getting excited about the idea and having her back out at the last minute.
Eric watched as Jill slipped the corset around her body and zipped it up in the front. She stopped and threw him a seductive look, and he felt his cock stir. His wife looked stunning.
Jillian added a pleated schoolgirl skirt, then found a long coat to cover herself up on the way there. Once she was ready, they headed out the door. It took about twenty minutes to get to the club, a squat building with a nondescript sign bearing the name “The Club” in grey letters. Eric had driven through this area dozens of times and had never even noticed it was there.
They parked out front, and Eric looked at Jillian one more time. This was her last chance to back out without anybody else knowing, but there was something in her eyes that told him she wouldn't. She was nervous, but he could also tell she was excited as well.
“Are you sure about this?” Eric asked openly.
“Yeah,” she replied hesitantly. “I think so.”
“You don't have to go in if you don't want to. I won't make fun of you.”
“I know, but I think I want to,” she admitted, averting her eyes.
“Good,” he said, “because I want you to do it, too.”
Jillian looked up at him, realizing what he had just said. He wasn't letting her do it. He wanted her to do it. He was as excited as she was. That made her smile grow even wider. With a final nod, they got out of the car and went in.
The inside was one large room, with a small hallway off to the side leading to a private area for lap dances. There were small cubicles along one side of the hall, each with its own loveseat for the guys to sit on. Small dividers separated each one and gave the customer a little privacy.
In the middle of the main room was a large round stage with a low countertop stretching around it. There were chairs all along it, many of them filled with customers trying to get a closer view of the girls on the stage. There was a petite brunette dancing at that moment, and she had already stripped down to just a small G-string. She was attractive, with soft curves and large breasts that bounced and swayed with every movement.
There was a small table near the door where the bouncer was collecting the cover charge. Next to his cash box was a sheet of paper where the women had to sign up for amateur night. Jillian asked how it worked, and the bouncer explained that new girls get one song, and if the crowd response is good, they can come back for more songs. After signing a waiver, she would also have the option to give private dances, but it wasn't a requirement.
As Eric paid his cover charge, the music shifted to a new song and the DJ announced the next girl.
“Gentlemen, please welcome Sapphire to the stage!”
Eric laughed at the lack of subtlety on her choice of name, and when he turned around, his jaw dropped to the ground. Sapphire was clearly a stage name, but Eric knew her real name. The woman who had just sauntered onto the stage in just a bra and panties was Jillian’s friend, Eve.
Eve was beautiful. Although Eric had never seen her in less than a bikini, she always seemed to show a lot of skin when they went to the beach. He would never admit it to Jillian, but he had fantasized about her from time to time. She was a sexy brunette with the same tan and toned body as his wife. He had always found it odd that his wife had become friends with someone that was the polar opposite of her, but the two of them were often inseparable. It seemed that Eric would finally get the opportunity to see her naked.
Jill was completely unfazed when she saw Eve and clearly knew that she would be there dancing as well. Perhaps Jill had even suggested going tonight because she knew her friend would give her that extra push to get up on the stage. Eve could be very persuasive, especially when it came to bad behavior.
Jillian grabbed Eric’s hand and dragged him toward the bar to get a drink while Sapphire jumped on the pole in the center of the room and spun around it. He followed Jill, but continued to watch the stage in hopes of getting a good view of her friend’s naked body.
As the bartender poured their drinks, Eric watched Eve reach behind her back and unhook her bra, slowly letting it fall from her body. Just as he had imagined, her breasts were big and firm, and just as perky as his wife’s. When she made eye contact with him and winked, he felt his cock stir again.
Eric followed Jillian to one of the tables tucked in the back, far away from the stage. She untied her coat and let it drift open slightly, testing the waters. A few guys turned to try to get a glimpse of her body hiding beneath the coat, and that seemed to fuel her confidence. She smiled at Eric and bit her lip sexily.
While he had been entertained by his wife’s first steps toward being a slut, Eve had somehow stripped naked, finished her song, and exited the stage before Eric could catch a glimpse of what she had between her legs. He was kicking himself inside, but hopefully she would return to the stage again at some point to give him a second chance to see all her goods.
Eve emerged from the backstage room a short while later wearing a tiny little dress. The bottom half was a mini skirt that was so tight, he could see that she wasn't wearing panties under it. The top half was a loop of fabric that loosely covered her front and wrapped around her neck. Her boobs, clearly free of any restraint, swayed under the fabric with every step.
Eve gave Jillian a hug first, then stepped back and looked her up and down.
“What is with this coat?” she barked. “Take that off right now!”
Jillian blushed and tried to hide her face behind her hand, but there was no escape. Eve wasn't going to give up. She reluctantly stood up and slowly peeled the coat away from her body to show off her corset and skirt. A lot more guys were watching now as she exposed her sexy corset and schoolgirl skirt. It wouldn't be long before those same men were watching her naked.
Once she was satisfied with Jill’s look, Eve turned to Eric. He had always felt nervous around her, mostly because she was smoking hot and he didn't want Jillian to get jealous. Eve seemed to pick up in his shy interest though, and she often enjoyed making him even more nervous.
Tonight, she seemed to enjoy it even more.
Eve bypassed Eric’s outstretched hand and gave him a big hug. She pulled her body tightly against him, letting him feel her breasts pressing against his chest. He could feel his cheeks burning as she let go and threw him another wink.
Eve ordered a round of shots for the three of them, and then another. Once Jillian had some liquid courage in her, her friend grabbed her by the hand and pulled her toward the backroom. It was clear that Eve was eager to get her on the stage before her nerves got the best of her.
Eric sat alone and nursed his beer, feeling a good buzz already. A few of the girls would stop and try to chat him up for a lap dance, but he politely declined each time so that he wouldn't miss it when Jillian came out. His heart raced as he waited. Soon the music died down, and the DJ announced a new girl.
“Gentlemen, please welcome Starlight to the stage!”
The sound system started blasting a cheesy eighties rock song about hot girls, and that was when Eric saw his wife strut out on stage in almost nothing. The skirt was gone, leaving just the corset and her panties. She had a smile on her face that radiated confidence though, and all the guys cheered as she came out.
Jillian took a swing around the pole, handling herself well. Eric wondered for a moment if she had been practicing for this with Eve, before realizing that they had been planning this together for a while now. He could see the stage fright on her face, but a few wolf whistles from the crowd seemed to help her confidence.
She danced around the edge of the stage, making a quick loop first as she got her bearings. As she passed along the side closest to Eric's table, he got a great view of her. That's when it really sank in: Jillian was up on the stage of a strip club in just her panties and the corset that he had picked out for her. Every one of those men staring at her were now fantasizing about what it would be like to fuck his wife. This was really happening, and he loved it.
Jillian stopped at one spot where there were a few particularly loud guys. She dropped to her knees on the stage in front of them and began grinding downward as if she was riding an invisible man underneath her. Her head rolled back and her eyes closed lustfully as one of her hands travelled down the length of her body and slipped between her legs. Then she leaned forward and gave them a closeup view of her cleavage spilling out the top of the corset.
The guys loved the show, but she didn't have time to linger, so she moved on and kept repeating it for different men. Everywhere she stopped, the men would stack bills on the edge of the stage. Jill used her body to knock them down, always giving them a show while she did so.
The first song wound down and it was time for her second song. Most girls waited until the second song to take off the rest of their clothes, so this would be the moment of truth.
Jillian headed to the pole at the center of the stage and did one quick loop, then stopped and faced a few guys who had given her a good payout the first time. She watched them intently as her fingers pinched the zipper and slowly pulled it downward. When it hit the bottom, the corset fell away from her body and revealed her bare top half to everyone. Her breasts swayed slightly above her tight, flat stomach. There was another loud cheer from the audience, who seemed very pleased with what she had shown them.
Jillian moved to the end of the stage and started to make her way around again. At her first stop, she turned her back to a group of rowdy guys. She slipped her fingers under the waistband of her panties and slid them down, bending over as they moved down her legs. Eric got a clear view of her exposed pussy while she was bent over, and he knew that every other guy on his side of the stage had gotten the same glimpse of his wife’s tight pink slit.
Jillian stood up again and turned toward the guys, then squatted down and ran her hands along her inner thighs. Her pussy spread wide open for the strangers, and she smiled and blushed as they got extra loud in response.
Once again, she made her way around the stage and stopped to dance for a few other groups. With every stop, she became more brazen. By the time she got to the last group of guys, she was down on her knees with her ass pointed toward them and her legs spread wide, grinding sexily with the beat. Her shyness was gone now, and she wanted the audience to see every inch of her body.
The song finally came to an end, and Jillian hurried to gather her dollar bills. She left the stage with wads of cash in her hands and her lingerie tucked under her arm.
A few minutes later, Jillian and Eve emerged from the back room. Jill had put her corset back on, but had left her skirt off. She strolled confidently through the room in her panties.
“I just made two hundred bucks, and they said they want me to dance a few more times later!” she said giddily as she shimmied up close to her husband. “Eve wants me to go mingle and see if I can get some guys to buy lap dances. Are you okay with that?”
Her hand brushed across Eric’s crotch and she felt his erection straining against his jeans. After that, she didn't even wait for his answer.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” she said with a giggle. “I’ll be back.”
Jillian gave him a quick peck on the cheek, threw back one more shot, then turned to follow Eve. They headed straight for one of the busiest tables, a huge group of a dozen guys who looked like they were out for a bachelor party.
Eric watched from afar as Eve, the more extroverted one, introduced Jillian to the group. They both flirted openly with all the guys, and at one point Jillian ended up sitting in the future groom’s lap. Her ass had to be pressed up against his cock as she smiled and laughed at everything he said. His hand slithered up and he wrapped his arm around her waist, and she made no attempt to stop him.
It didn't take long before Jillian and Eve stood up, followed by two men. The groom had chosen Jill, which seemed somewhat ironic considering that she was the only married one between the two girls. Eve had different guy in tow. Both men were in their early twenties and clearly drunk. The four of them headed to the bouncer waiting outside the hallway, where they paid for their first dance before disappearing down the hallway.
For Eric, the next ten minutes were excruciating. His wife was in a secluded room with another man, where she would remove all her clothes before grinding her naked body against him. He felt jealous, but only because he couldn't watch the action. It really made no sense in his head that he would be turned on by his wife flirting so wantonly with other men, but somehow she seemed to enjoy it in the same way. In fact, she seemed to be teasing him with it.
As another girl danced on the stage, Eric paid close attention to the song blasting out of the speakers. Each lap dance was the length of a complete song, but customers would sometimes stay for a few songs at a time, paying for each one. The more songs a guy wanted, the more money Jillian would get.
The first full song came to an end, and Eric watched the doorway for the girls. Eve emerged moments later with her guy, waving goodbye and thanking him. She made her way across the room to the table where Eric was waiting, but Jillian was still nowhere to be seen.
“Hey, big boy,” Eve said suggestively as she approached him. “Are you having fun?”
Eric didn't know how to tell her that he was actually loving this whole thing. Admitting that might seem kind of weird, and he wanted to try to keep that between him and Jillian.
“I’m doing alright,” he said. “Where’s Jill?”
“I think her customer wanted to go for another song. He seems to really like her, so she might be in there for a while.”
Eric felt his stomach tighten and his cheeks burn, but he forced a smile for Eve. Her breasts swayed freely below her dress and he found it hard to maintain eye contact. Eve picked up on that and moved closer to him.
“You can look if you want to,” she said, placing her hand on his arm and stroking it softly. “You’ll have to buy a dance if you want to see them without the dress on, though.”
Eve looked at him with a sly grin that said she was only half joking. If Jillian wasn't here with him, he might have even been tempted to say yes.
“I think Jillian might be a little upset with me if I took you up on that offer,” he said.
“Why don't we ask her?” Eve said, and tilted her head toward the hallway.
Jillian had just emerged with the groom. His face was flushed and he looked like he had thoroughly enjoyed her show. She gave him a quick hug, and his arms slipped around her waist and held her a little longer than he should have. After that, she waved goodbye and came back to their table.
“I think your husband wants me to give him a lap dance,” Eve announced loudly as Jill got closer to them, “but he's worried you’ll be mad. Can I?”
“Well, I just got thoroughly fondled by that guy, so I guess he should be allowed to have some fun, too.”
Her words were like a punch to the gut, both arousing and frustrating. The customers weren't supposed to touch the girls, but he had also heard that some dancers were more relaxed with that rule. If Jillian didn't stop the guy and the bouncer couldn’t see them, then the customer could do pretty much whatever they wanted.
Eric drifted into his own mental space as he pictured Jillian grinding on the stranger, pressing her naked body against him as his hands cupped her breasts. A total stranger had just groped his wife, and he loved it.
Eve snapped him out of his daze by grabbing his hand and pulling him toward the back hallway. Jillian giggled and waved to her husband as he trailed off, then headed toward a table full of several well-dressed gentlemen in their forties. Eric wanted to see who her next customer would be, but Eve poked him in the ribcage and made him pull out a twenty to pay the bouncer. He passed the bill to the hulking doorman, then followed her into the dark hallway.
Eve pulled him past several empty rooms and took him all the way to the last room at the end. It was far from the bouncer, which allowed her to be a little more risqué. This was probably where Jillian had taken her first customer so that he could touch her while she danced for him.
Each room had a love seat with a divider wall on each side. At the end of the hallway, there was one extra room on the opposite side, and Eve chose the last seat right across from it. The extra room was empty right now, but another girl would probably be coming in soon to use it.
Eve pushed Eric down on the couch and took a seat next to him, draping her long, smooth legs across his lap. He was very familiar with her body, and he could see her toned and sculpted figure under the fabric of her skimpy dress.
“You aren't supposed to touch me while I do this,” Eve whispered in his ear, “but I’ll I've you a free pass. Just make sure Jake doesn't see it if he comes down this way.”
Before Eric could respond, the previous song finished and it was time for Eve to start her dance. She pulled her legs back and jumped up to straddle his lap so that she was looking right into her eyes. Eric maintained eye contact with her out of habit, but she quickly corrected him.
“I know you want to be a good husband, but this is a strip club,” she said as she lifted herself up slightly and moved closer to him. “You’re supposed to look at my body, not my eyes. I know you want to look at my tits, so do it.”
Eve’s breasts were right at eye level, and as soon as she directed him to do so, he looked down at them. The plunging neckline of her dress left her cleavage exposed, and he could see the soft curve of each globe through the thin fabric of her dress. She wasted no time in showing him what he wanted to see, as she lowered her head and slipped the halter portion of her dress off her neck. She whipped her hair back and ran her fingers through it, and as her arms went up over her head, she arched her back and her full breasts pressed outward inches from Eric’s face. Her nipples stiffened instantly in the cold air, and Eric fought back the temptation to wrap his tongue around one of them.
Eve gyrated her hips against him with the music, grinding her mound into his lap. Her breasts swayed even more without the dress, and Eric was mesmerized by them. Once she had completely turned him on, she slid off the couch and stood in front of him. Her hips swayed with the music as she slipped the rest of her dress off her body. For the first time, Eric got a view of the cleanly-shaven triangle where her thighs came together. Eve lifted one of her legs and placed her foot on the couch next to him, parting her thighs so he could see her beautiful pussy. She ran her fingers across her tight, pink slit and parted the labia for him.
Eve then turned and dropped into his lap, laying her body back against him and pressing her hips down against his throbbing cock. Her hands grabbed his and pulled them up to her breasts, where she pressed his palms against her bare globes. Eric squeezed them eagerly, experiencing his wife’s best friend in a way that he never thought he would. He had no idea when he woke up this morning that this was where he would end up tonight.
The sound of footsteps echoed down the hall, and Eve quickly pushed his hands off her body in case it was the bouncer. Seconds later, Jillian came around the corner with another customer behind her. She glanced at Eric and Eve, then led him to the couch opposite theirs.
The customer was an older gentleman with a few specks of grey in his jet-black hair. He was wearing a dress suit, but he had undone the top buttons and removed his tie. Jillian guided him to the couch and sat down in his lap, her arms slipping around his neck as she looked at him seductively.
Eric felt his breathing deepen. He wanted to watch his wife dance for the stranger, and it seemed the opportunity was about to present itself. Eve seemed to read his mind.
“Do you want to buy another song with me so you can watch them?” she whispered sexily in his ear.
“Yes,” he said breathlessly, and Eve giggled against him.
“I had a feeling you’d like this, you naughty boy,” she said.
The song ended and Jillian stood up in front of her client. As she prepared to dance for him, Eve laid back against Eric and leaned her head on his shoulder so she wouldn't block his view. His growing erection pressed against her bare ass, and she wiggled her hips slightly to tease him as they watched.
Jillian was facing the businessman, swaying gently with the music. Within the first few seconds of the song, she unzipped her corset and tossed it aside. With just her panties on, she dropped down onto the couch and straddled him. Her hips moved side to side over him, pressing down against his lap. She pulled closer to him and pressed her breasts into his face with no modesty or hesitation.
Eric couldn't see Jillian’s face. He could only see her ass, clad in those sexy black lace panties, as she rubbed herself seductively against the stranger’s body. After teasing him for a few seconds, she stood up and turned her back toward her client. Her eyes met Eric’s and she smiled knowingly as she bent over and slipped her panties off, giving the other man a perfect close-up of her tight little ass and the bare lips of her pussy. As she came back up, she sat down in his lap and stretched out her naked body against him. She watched her husband attentively, but continued to press her naked ass against the anonymous businessman.
Eve was watching excitedly too, and she decided to use the opportunity to tease her closest friend. She took Eric’s hands just like she had before and placed them on her breasts. He kneaded them gently, enjoying the feeling of another woman’s breasts in her hand.
Jillian glared at Eve, then responded by taking her client’s hands and placing them on her breasts as well. The stranger groped her, pawing clumsily at her beautiful chest. Eric’s mind raged with a sudden flash of jealousy, but his cock pressed even harder against Eve’s ass. He let go of her breasts and grabbed her hips, pressing up against her. Eve moaned quietly and wiggled her butt harder, while shooting Jillian a smug look.
Jillian spun around again and returned her attention to the customer, pressing her entire naked body against him as her lips drifted inches from his, just out of reach. Eric found himself wondering how far she would take it, and if she would really kiss a total stranger. Eve looked back over her shoulder at him and ran her hand down his leg.
“Doesn't she look so beautiful?” she purred softly as she teased him. “I bet he wants to fuck her.”
Before Eric could respond, the song ended and Eve jumped up. She slipped her dress back on, then grabbed Eric by the hand and dragged him away. Jillian was still in the stranger’s lap, probably gearing up for a second song, but Eve refused to let him stay.
“Come on, let’s give them some privacy,” she said, then pulled him back to the table.
Eve ordered a few more drinks and they sat and watched the girl on stage while they waited for Jillian to return. Three songs ticked by before she finally emerged with a giddy smile on her face. She hurried over to Eric and snuggled up close to him like she wanted something.
“How did I do?” she asked him, not even mentioning Eve’s teasing lap dance. “Did I look sexy?”
“Stunning,” Eric told her honestly. “I’m sure he agreed if he kept you back there for that long.”
Jillian laughed and blushed. There was something hovering behind her eyes, a question she was holding back.
“What's wrong?” he asked her, trying to get her to spit it out.
“That guy just paid me two hundred dollars!” she blurted out. “That's fifty bucks per song! Between my dances and being on stage, I’ve already made five hundred dollars!”
“That's great!” he replied. “So what's that look then?”
Jillian looked at him sheepishly, then finally answered.
“Well, if I stay here all night, I would probably make another five hundred dollars. That guy I was just dancing for offered me three grand if I go home with him. Three thousand dollars!”
Eric felt a sudden lump in his throat as he realized what she was asking.
“But you have to sleep with him, right?” he asked, his heart starting to race.
“Yeah,” she said, becoming quiet again.
“I don't know about that. I’m a little nervous about letting you go home alone with a complete stranger.”
“Well,” Jillian replied, “I wouldn't have to go alone. He said you can come with us and watch if you want.”
Eric looked at her with a stone-faced expression. He didn't know if she was serious or if this was some elaborate joke she had fabricated with Eve, but as she watched his reaction, it became clear that she was dead serious.
“I don't know what to say,” he said finally. “I mean, that's a lot of money. It's been really hot watching you dance for these guys, but that's a lot different.”
Jillian looked at him timidly, then moved closer to him. She ran her hand softly across his cheek, then leaned in close and whispered in his ear.
“You don't want to see another man fuck me? You don't want to watch me suck his cock, pleasure him, and make him cum just for me? Then you can fuck the shit out of me afterward and reclaim your wife. Please? It’ll be a lot of fun.”
The lump was still in his throat. Jillian had just painted an incredibly erotic picture for him, and it made his hormones surge. He could deny it all he wanted, but the truth was that he wanted to see his wife fuck another man. He would even be willing to let her do it if she didn't get paid, but he wasn't about to tell her that.
“Okay,” he said finally, taking a deep breath.
Jillian smiled at him and kissed him softly on the cheek.
“Good, baby,” she said. “I'm going to do one more dance on stage and then we can leave.”
With those words, Jillian turned and made her way backstage. Eric’s mind was so consumed with what was about to happen, he could barely even focus when she came out onstage again and started peeling her clothes off again. He had been aroused by the idea of stripping for a roomful of men when they first got to the club, but now that paled in comparison to what his shy, timid wife was about to do. He watched her naked body twisting and moving on stage, and all he could think about was her wrapping herself around a total stranger as he plunged his hard cock into her married pussy.
The song ended and Jillian made her way offstage with an armful of money. She came out a short time later with her corset and skirt on, then slipped her long coat over it. She turned to Eve first and gave her a quick hug and kiss, then took Eric’s hand and led him across the room to the table full of businessmen. He glanced back at Eve, who gave him a wink and blew a kiss in his direction.
The two of them made their way across the room to the table where the older gentleman with flecks of gray in his hair was waiting for her with his friends. He stood up when he saw Jillian approaching and shook hands with his friends at the table, then excused himself from their company. He began walking toward his date for the rest of the evening with a beaming grin on his face.
As the stranger approached, Eric could assess him a little better in the slightly brighter light of the main room. He had guessed that the guy was in his early forties, but he might have even been a little older than that. His body looked thin and toned though, and he had a strong chiseled jaw that would make most women go crazy.
He slipped an arm around Jillian, and she made no attempt to stop him. In fact, she let her body slide up against his “like they were longtime lovers and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Honey, this is James,” she said. “James, this is my husband Eric.”
James offered his hand, and Eric shook it firmly.
“Nice to meet you, sir,” he said. “Your wife is absolutely beautiful. I’m sure we are all going to have a lot of fun tonight.”
There was something about James that didn't sit well with Eric. Maybe it was his smug confidence at knowing that he could buy a night with another man’s wife. Maybe it was because he thought he could fuck her better. Either way, Jillian seemed to drink in his energy. Her smile was radiant when she was looking at him.
They made their way outside and went to James’s car, a sleek black Porsche that was probably worth more than what Eric made in an entire year. As soon as she saw his car, Jillian turned to her husband.
“I’m going to ride with him. Why don't you follow us in our car?”
Eric felt his blood boil with jealousy, but her suggestion made sense. James was a customer, and she wanted to give him the best experience for his money. She gave Eric a quick peck on the cheek, then slipped into the passenger seat of the sports car.
It took about fifteen minutes to get to James’s luxurious house, hidden in a small town nearby. Eric pulled his car into the driveway behind them and got out to join them. As Jillian climbed out of the car, her face was flushed.
“This is going to be a lot of fun,” she said, clearly still a little drunk. “His cock is huge!”
“How do you know that?” Eric asked naively, furrowing his brow.
“Because I was feeling it with my hand the entire drive,” she said.
Jillian had a very proud look on her face. She took her husband by the hand and he realized she was passing him something. He looked down and saw her panties. With a playful giggle, she turned and hurried to her potential lover’s side.
The inside of the house was just as luxurious as the outside, filled with ornate golden mirrors that looked like they belonged in a French king’s palace. The rooms were huge, and the furniture looked expensive. Three thousand dollars was probably chump change to this guy.
“Welcome to my home,” James said confidently. “Why don't you two have a seat in the living room and I’ll grab us a few glasses of wine. Let me take your coat, too.”
He helped Jillian out of her jacket, then disappeared into the other room. They made their way into the living room, where Eric sat down on one of the two couches. Jillian took a seat on the other and gave her husband a mischievous grin. She was sitting by herself to make herself available to James when he returned. Eric was left sitting by himself, just like he would be for the rest of the evening.
A few minutes later, their host returned with three glasses and handed one to each of them. He then took a seat next to Jillian and she slid up close to him. Eric felt his cock stir again as the stranger slipped his arm around Eric’s wife and placed his hand on the curve of her hip.
They made small talk for a few minutes, but Jillian was eager to get down to business. She leaned forward and placed her glass on the coffee table, then turned toward James. Her hand went to his cheek, and she leaned in and pressed her lips against his. This was really happening. Jillian was kissing another man.
James reached over with his other hand and put it on her bare thigh, letting it slide up under her skirt as they made out. Jillian pulled closer to him, getting even more into the kiss as his hands explored her body.
Jillian pulled back after a few minutes and looked at James as she slowly unzipped her corset for him. Once she had freed her breasts, she moved back into his arms and resumed their kiss. His lips began to wander, and he moved down her neck as she reclined on his couch. Her eyes fluttered closed, but when James reached her nipple and pulled it into his mouth, she gasped sharply and looked directly at her husband with her eyes wide open. Her body squirmed under her lover’s tongue, but her eyes stayed glued to her husband as she bit her lip excitedly.
James’s hand moved further up under her skirt, and when she closed her eyes again and sighed deeply, Eric knew that he had found her pussy. He could only imagine how wet she must be right now, especially since she seemed to be loving this entire experience.
James explored her body, sucking her nipple harder as his fingers probed her sex. Jillian began moaning softly and ran her fingers through his hair as his fingers slipped in and out of her pussy, moving faster with every stroke. Her cries grew more urgent, and soon she was clutching at him as her body began to shake uncontrollably.
Her climax subsided and she pulled him into a hungry kiss. James’s hands reached out to explore her body, but Jillian pushed him away and stood up. It was her turn. She crossed the room to Eric’s couch and stopped in front of him, then looked at him condescendingly.
“Undress me,” she commanded him.
Eric didn't object. He sat forward and slipped his fingers into the waistband of her dress and slowly slipped it over her hips and down her legs. Jillian stepped away from him naked and returned to her waiting lover, then dropped to her knees in front of him.
Jillian’s fingers carefully unbuckled his belt and worked it loose, then unzipped his dress slacks. James had already started unbuttoning his shirt, and as she slid his pants down, he peeled his shirt off and tossed it aside. He was left in a pair of snug boxer briefs that showed off the outline of his sizable member.
Jillian started to massage the sizeable bulge through his underwear. Her eyes were on James, contemplating what she was about to do. She hesitated, trying to hold back, to move slowly and seductively, but she couldn't fight her urges. It was no longer about the money. She wanted to fuck him, and she wanted her husband to watch it happen. She wanted to be a slut.
For more of this story, check out From Housewife to Whore by Alex Skylar, exclusively on Amazon!
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Do all 150 of the asks!
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? Eric2. Are you outgoing or shy? A little bit of both!3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? My friend Ashley, hopefully sometime this week4. Are you easy to get along with? It depends on my mood!5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? Definitely6. What kind of people are you attracted to? Funny and loyal7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? Haha yes8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? My fiance9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Not really10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Becca11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? "Okay. I'm studying for my test all day and need to shower at some point so don't expect anything too exciting"12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?1. Don't blame me by taylor swift2. Come on Eileen by dexys midnight runners3. If you're reading this by Tim McGraw4. Gun in my hand by Dorothy5. Tell that devil by Jill Andrews13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? Yes14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? Yes15. What good thing happened this summer? I went to Alabama for the first time16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Yes17. Do you think there is life on other planets? How could there not be?18. Do you still talk to your first crush? I don't even remember who that was lol but no19. Do you like bubble baths? YASS 20. Do you like your neighbors? I don't really know them21. What are you bad habits? I drink a little too much and smoke when I do22. Where would you like to travel? Ireland23. Do you have trust issues? Yes24. Favorite part of your daily routine? Doing my makeup25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? My hips26. What do you do when you wake up? Look at my phone (which is so unhealthy)27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? Darker!28. Who are you most comfortable around? My friends and family29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? Haha yes30. Do you ever want to get married? I am next year!31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? Yes32. Which cele brities would you have a threesome with? Ryan Reynolds and Tatum channing33. Spell your name with your chin. Chubb34. Do you play sports? What sports? I used to and volleyball35. Would you rather live without TV or music?Tv, I barely watch it anyway36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Yes37. What do you say during awkward silences? I change the subject38. Describe your dream girl/guy? Funny, loyal, smart and taller than me39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? Forever21, Kohls, and target40. What do you want to do after high school? I'm in college41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Depends on the situation42. If you're being extremely quiet what does it mean? I'm thinking hard about something43. Do you smile at strangers? I try to44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? Bottom of the ocean45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? Class 46. What are you paranoid about? What people think of me47. Have you ever been high? No48. Have you ever been drunk? Yes49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? No50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Grey51. Ever wished you were someone else? On occasion52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? That I can be annoying53. Favourite makeup brand? Urban decay54. Favourite store? Kohls55. Favourite blog? I have too many!56. Favourite colour? Light blue57. Favourite food? Mac n cheese!58. Last thing you ate? Waffles59. First thing you ate this morning? A kit Kat lol60. Ever won a competition? For what? I won a geography bee and a spelling bee61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? No62. Been arrested? For what? No63. Ever been in love? Yes64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? It was in the garage at his parents house and lasted about 2 seconds65. Are you hungry right now? No66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? I don't really have any Tumblr friends67. Facebook or Twitter? Facebook68. Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr69. Are you watching tv right now? No70. Names of your bestfriends? Becca, Brett, Kimberly, Liz, Ashley71. Craving something? What? Yes and an avocado72. What colour are your towels? Light blue and grey72. How many pillows do you sleep with? None73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Yes74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? Too many75. Favourite animal? Wolf for exotic and cat for domestic76. What colour is your underwear? Grey77. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla78. Favourite ice cream flavour? Black cherry79. What colour shirt are you wearing? Black80. What colour pants? Black81. Favourite tv show? Supernatural82. Favourite movie? The Notebook83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? Mean girls84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? 21 jump street85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? Regina George86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? Dory87. First person you talked to today? My mom88. Last person you talked to today? My brother89. Name a person you hate? I don't hate anyone90. Name a person you love? Eric91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? Yes92. In a fight with someone? Maybe.. kinda? I don't really know93. How many sweatpants do you have? 194. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? A lot95. Last movie you watched? Transformers96. Favourite actress? Anne Hathaway97. Favourite actor? Chris Pratt98. Do you tan a lot? No99. Have any pets? Yes100. How are you feeling? I'm okay101. Do you type fast? Yes102. Do you regret anything from your past? Definitely103. Can you spell well? Yes104. Do you miss anyone from your past? I miss the memories105. Ever been to a bonfire party? Yes106. Ever broken someone’s heart? Yes107. Have you ever been on a horse? Yes108. What should you be doing? Studying for my test109. Is something irritating you right now? Not really110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? No?111. Do you have trust issues? Yes112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? My friend113. What was your childhood nickname? Chey chey114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? Yes115. Do you play the Wii? Not anymore116. Are you listening to music right now? No117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? Yes118. Do you like Chinese food? Yes119. Favourite book? Change of heart by Jodi picoult120. Are you afraid of the dark? No121. Are you mean? I can be122. Is cheating ever okay? No123. Can you keep white shoes clean? No124. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes125. Do you believe in true love? Yes126. Are you currently bored? Eh127. What makes you happy? Animals128. Would you change your name? No129. What your zodiac sign? Aquarius130. Do you like subway? Yes131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? I try not to let it ruin the friendship but distance myself132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? Becca133. Favourite lyrics right now? Would you like with me and just forget the world134. Can you count to one million? I've never tried but probably135. Dumbest lie you ever told? Idk136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? Closed137. How tall are you? 5'9138. Curly or Straight hair? Wavy139. Brunette or Blonde? Brunette140. Summer or Winter? Summer141. Night or Day? Night142. Favourite month? September143. Are you a vegetarian? No144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? Dark145. Tea or Coffee? Coffee146. Was today a good day? It was okay147. Mars or Snickers? Snickers148. What’s your favourite quote? Courage, dear heart149. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?"We left her in the hands of the family liaison officer."
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