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mamawasatesttube · 1 year ago
I don't know that much about superboy so forgive me if this is a silly question but what's the deal with Magdalene Visaggio?
not a silly question, dw!! if you haven't read many kon comics it probably doesn't look particularly noteworthy but OOF. OOF.
the tl;dr of it: despite being paid to write him once, she also hasn't read kon comics and it really, really, really shows. i'm talking geoff johns levels of flagrant disregard for the existing character - maybe even worse than geoff? which i say only because i know geoff did read sb94 even if he didn't act like it. but that's off topic; this isn't a geoff hatepost. this is a magdalene hate post.
under a cut for length, lets goooo!
so we start out with her canonizing supermartian. already off on the wrong foot - that's a ship out of yja the tv show which is a completely separate continuity from main comics and a completely different kon than main continuity kon. despite supposedly knowing that, she still shoves them into a relationship in main continuity, despite them never having actually interacted on page in main continuity.
she then goes on to characterize kon as angry and entitled and uncaring, and also in high school again. not only does she directly contradict all of his preboot existing characterization (which is important because kon-el never got reset during flashpoint - he was in another universe and thus dodged that bullet. current kon-el is canonically the same kon-el as pre-flashpoint/postcrisis kon-el.), but also she directly contradicts both young justice (2019) and superboy: man of tomorrow, which are in current continuity, leading one to really wonder if she has read a single comic kon appeared in at all. it's also worth noting that the asshole with anger issues characterization is, once again, much truer to the young justice animated tv show than any comic kon.
also worth noting is that the infamous red hair dye streak? well, uh...
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on her twitter, she once said something about kon-el not being a good name because it's "still a name someone else gave him", called him "the jason todd of the superfamily", and insisted that the meaning of a trans narrative is "burning down your life and reevaluating your place within it":
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kon-el is a name gifted to him to signify his acceptance into his family (superboy (1994) #59) and he was so overjoyed to receive it that he cried. overall, the superfam are very supportive and loving, and introducing strife just to make him run off and live with jinny hex instead of them just because she thinks one can't transition and retain previous relationships is... not it, lol.
her pitch also contained some outrageously egregious christianity bullshit, like villains named "saint", "shepherd", and "savior", as well as direct comparisons between clark and jesus christ. this is... sorry i really just have to say this is Fucking Cringe. i guess the more polite way to put it would be "incredible gauche" (considering the jewish origins of the superfam) but i just can't call it anything else. This Fucking Sucks Dude. i won't even get into the weirdness about genetic bullshit she leans into by introducing kon's "brother" who's also part luthor, part superman, but "luthor-dominant" (lol?) (do you know how genes work even a little bit).
she has quoted the one panel from reign of the supermen where kon says "don't ever call me superboy" a few times, claiming it's the first thing he ever said and no one listened. to me this essentially reads as her going "i've read one of his appearances and i would like to throw out the like 200 issues of character development he had since then in favor of making him my own self-insert to explore MY transition and religious trauma".
basically she doesn't seem to know how to write a story that's not about herself. as a trans person with a positive relationship with my given name (because as a first-gen kid of two diasporic immigrants, it provides an important tie to my family's cultures, to me) and with trans friends who involved their parents in picking new names and so on and so forth, i honestly find it very reductive and white to insist there's only one trans narrative and only one good way for trans characters to be named. i also find her putting her own christian religious trauma into a superfam story off-putting and . well. fucking cringe. i understand and respect that that is her story, but it sure ain't universal and i won't be able to respect her as a writer until it becomes clear she gets that.
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sol-consort · 1 year ago
Man FUCK that bitch ass fucking assassin motherfucker I hope he rots. Sorry he pissed me off to no end.
Also yeah FemShep’s VA is considered the better VA of the Shepards which makes sense MaleShep is voiced by Mark Meer who hadn’t done much voice work before, his biggest role being Cyric in Baldur’s Gate II, and FemShep was voiced by Jennifer Hale who had been at it for almost 20 years at the time. It wasn’t just Jennifer Hale either, Anderson being Keith David and Joker being Seth Green who had both been doing it over 20 years. I liked MaleShep’s voice though and never had a problem with it because it’s very main heroy and recognizable like I’d instantly know that it was Shepard if I heard it.
I knew that the series wouldn’t be exactly up with the times because it was 2007-2012 but Jesus I had no idea that FemShep gets harassed so much.
I didn’t get a reconcile scene on the Citadel since I didn’t romance anyone in ME1 I went into the series with Tali on my mind as my definitive romance.
I don’t think Thane praying for you instead himself is unique to his romance? Or at least I remember something similar happening maybe it was his son.
You can’t hit on EDI as MaleShep I’m pretty sure don’t remember that being an option however you can still hit on Joker as MaleShep I remember seeing that option and going “why would I say that?” Also I’m surprised you never mentioned the Joker segment of Mass Effect 2 where you sneak around the ship as Joker that section surprised the shit out of me.
Oh yeah a fun little fact, remember the show Once Upon a Time I’ve mentioned a couple times when talking about fairy tales? The actor who plays Kaiden was in that show and played the show’s version of Jiminy Cricket from Pinocchio. I don’t remember what happened to Cricket in the show though. He may have just stopped being relevant so they never brought him up again since the show just fucking loved doing that.
Is the hot assassin guy supposed to be unlikeable? I liked him so far, like ngl, plus he's pretty cool. Evil living weapons of destructions, my beloveds.
And yeah, i really like femshep, but it is pretty cool of them to give maleshep VA a chance for such a big character. Sure, it could've been better, but he probably did the best he could with the skills he had at the time, and it did appeal to some people!
And man I'm just lucky I actually enjoy these things ingames, like I am down to being a whore and flirting with everyone so it doesn't bother me when the npcs forcefully flirt with you bc you picked a woman. What bothers me is that the fact it's only bc you picked a woman, and just because I wanted it doesn't mean other people do and it might make them very uncomfortable. There are several mods to remove the sexual harassments femshep gets, I wish there was one to remove it for EDI tho.
We should all have a choice, is what I'm saying. It feels like femshep was made to appeal to straight guys who might play her as an outsider observer. Same with some lesbian characters, too, ngl- not all of them, but the game has its moments where it makes me realise oh this was put here for a straight dude to gawk at. Meanwhile, maleshep feels the proper self insert badass at times. Really hate that.
That's why I like picking NB options whenever they're present, you're free from expectations and the devs aren't sure what to make of you so they don't try to appeal to a certian demographic and just write your character as a character.
You did Tali romance? Hell yeah she is an amazing character and her relationship with Shepard feels phenomenal. Like a scientist princess and her knight in shining armour, amazing. Plus she is all adorable when she talks about engines and how we get to help her so many times.
Apparently her and Garrus end up together if you don't romance her, but I haven't seen it yet. She always felt close to Shepard, especially in the second game where she is the first friendly face you see.
I haven't met her yet in ME3, still doing side errands. I am very very broke and everything is very very expensive and I miss sugar daddy illusive man pls take me back, the alliance became more stingy than I remember or inflation is hitting hard.
Fuck I hat like 999999 something credits in the first game, why couldn't it tranfer over??
And Thane!! My heart! He even prays for you when he's not romanced??? That's it, he is legit the most precious character and no one else comapres. I would die for Thane, I would kill everyone on the Normady for Thane.
But I know Thane would forgive me If I picked Grunt over him bc my son which just makes Thane the most amazing man ever, DRELL ARE SUPERIOR I TELL YOU.
Also so far Drell worship Hanar (kinda) and Hanar worship protheons (kinda) and Javik likes humans(he is all current protheon population)
So by association! Drell and Humans are conncted, and no, I will not give up my tank of copium. Go buy your own. Idk what overdosing is, I have insomnia I forgot.
And aww we can't hit on EDI :( i would've treated her better than Joker.
Yeah I had the same reaction to the flirting with Joker line but just went for it because what's the worst that can happen? He says no and we laught it off.
Imagine if the worst was him retiring from being your pilot and you get soma rando driving the Normady around who now runs at half the speed and takes twice as much gas plus occasionally breaks down and you have to pay 100k credits for repairs.
Oh also then there is this one thing I am sure is exclusive to femshep.
You can sleep with Javik. The protheon. Yes.
But it's not a full romance :"(
He has four eyes I wonder if he has four-
I heard about once upon a time, the show. But never watched it.
I did however watch a random person talk about it in a video essay because I prefer that over watching shows.
This one.
It was fun, I'm not big on fairytales but I enjoyed hearing about it.
The Joker sneak section in ME2 didn't resonate with me much for some reason. It was nice but I didn't feel the pressure at all and with EDI constantly talking it got annoying and I just wanted it to be over.
His jokes were nice but the moment of trusting EDI didn't hit the same way it should've. It didn't feel endearing or earnest.
The sudden flip in their relationship afterwards was too jarring.
I prefer ME3 EDI and Joker dynamic over ME2. However I hate how EDI is becoming a "born sexy yesterday" character by the game when her core as a character is so profound and genuine. She wants to know her purpose, what it means to be alive and all the other characters mention about her is her body which is bleh.
Even some of her dialogues with Joker is just overplayed sex jokes. It's all of her amazing writing vanishes the moment it's not just her and Shepard in a conversation.
Kaidan's voice actor is great! He even stood out to me in the first game. You notice how much more convicnising and immersive his delivery was over the other characters, almost outshined ME1 femshep even.
It's like the dialogue and the way he delievers it fit perfectly. If I just read it, then I get a completely different impression.
The game doesn't have bad voice actors it just has very bad delivery from some characters. It's when someone keeps a constant tone and doesn't portray any emotions or adds any personalisation into the dialogue. It feels tone deaf a lot when what the character is speaking about is something intimiate, yet it sounds the same as asking about the weather.
Still, it is nostalgic in a way, this was extremely common in older games.
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super-hero-confessions · 2 years ago
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I don't care for Peggy Carter. I think as a character, she's just okay. I'm pretty indifferent about her. But Jesus Christ. The "Peggy Carter bad because Hayley Atwell bad" discourse is so exhausting. You can dislike a character. I dislike many characters. But going after the actress and accusing her of things repeatedly on this blog is so weird to me because I have no idea what any of us is supposed to do about it.
*If* Atwell is guilty of anything (again, *if*) I'm sorry to tell you we don't have the power to do shit. "But there's evidence-" We still can't do shit. It's not our job. Police exists, judges exist, lawyers exist, etc. Something similar happens with Tumblr's security. Sometimes users and blogs get hacked here, I'm sure you're familiar with some cases. Some people lose their blogs, some others are lucky and get them back/never lose them to begin with because they're still logged in and change their passwords, but I'm sure you're already familiar with the ridiculous amount of bots and... well, sometimes users get hacked. Plenty of people constantly complain about how Tumblr's security is not safe because they have day one exploits and vulnerabilities that staff refuses to fix, which makes this site a laughing stock for hackers. Okay. If staff refuses to fix them, what the hell are we, the users, supposed to do? We can't fix their shit for them. Staff needs to do better, not us. The fuck. There is no use in screaming at me or any other user about it. All I do is reblog superhero stuff. Complain to staff, not to us. Similarly, there is no use in screaming at us about how bad Hayley Atwell is and how bad Peggy Carter is. Because we can't do jack shit. Is it really so hard to understand? We're just trying to watch superhero movies, here. And she happens to be an actress playing a character.
At the end of the day you're just being repetitive. You're not engaging in constructive debate or making anyone agree with you. Giving us 3000 potential "better love interests than Peggy Carter" or repeatedly attacking Atwell is not going to have the effect you think. It's sad. It feels like some sort of wish fulfillment for you. I get it, the MCU has attractive people, we can dream. Self-insert fics exist for a reason and are valid. It's cool. But don't try to censor people or tell them how they should think or feel about a particular character. I am friends with people whose ideas about certain characters are completely different from mine, but we have fun debating because... these characters aren't real.
People are going to like what they like and ship what they ship, just like you do. Maybe you're struggling and feel like this is the only thing giving your life meaning, because I don't understand being this invested and fixated on a particular thing (and I say this as an autistic person. Hyperfixation has been a trait of mine since childhood, but I was never this full of hate - I've hated people, but not to this extent). I get it. No, really. For so long I've been emotionally attached to the GOTG because they are my comfort characters. But I never want to become a shitty person for them. I like them precisely because they make me better. I don't mean to say this in a condescending way, but get help. If you can't accept that people have different opinions, you are going to live a very unhappy life.
No fandom is perfect, clearly. But the world is crazy - wars, pandemics, suffering. Let's maybe try to be a little kinder to ourselves and each other. I expect this advice to be ignored, but I want to put it out there regardless. I think we need to humanize each other more often, especially when we're online. That includes actors, directors, etc. Ignore Hayley Atwell if her existence makes you this angry. You'll be happier. Let's not spend our limited time on this floating rock in space being angry all the time.
And for fuck's sake... it's fiction. Don't forget.
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the-bunnys-code · 1 year ago
Originally I wasn't gonna say anything cuz it's pretty mean and I really didn't have a reason to mention it but now I've realized that saying this might actually bring some people a little peace of mind about this project. It sure as hell would make me feel better if I was a follower of it, so here we go:
"uwu softboy" Sun is NOT going to be a thing in this project.
Actually, there will be no shipping at all in this project. Yes those two things are connected and you know it. The whole "uwu softboy" thing with Sun is more often than not connected to the self-insert / Y/N / OC shipping which I would not have a problem with if I still didn't see it after blocking, oh, I don't know, over fifty fucking tags. Like, look, I know it's because the Daycare Attendant has so many names and the self-insert / Y/N / OC also has so many names, as I've sort of just proven, but even then the folks who make this kind of content are also the type to post very suggestive, like borderline softporn art, UNTAGGED. Like yeah, I follow the "block and move on" policy like it's my religion, but holy hell having to block hundreds of tags and users just to see anything other than that kind of art in a single general tag about a character is a tad bit ridiculous I think! I'm not saying stop making that kind of content, you do you and all that, but sweet jesus I wish people had a little more respect for people who are uninterested, and in some cases, don't wanna see suggestive artwork of a feral oversized jester doll.
So... yeah, with that all being said, I'm basically making TBC Sun quite the opposite of "fanon" Sun. My solution to that is pretty much just make Sun a woman and give her a personality that's damn close to the one she had in Help Wanted 2. I actually decided to make her a woman a long time ago cuz I liked the idea of a genderfluid character that could switch between presenting more femme and presenting more masc (god I wish that were me.) She and Moon are the same person rather than two separate personalities so... make of that what you will.
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bloody-sickness · 4 months ago
Literally all the proshippers I’ve seen are some flavor of gay or whatever, I honestly don’t understand the homophobia bit. Besides, there are a lot of popular ships within fandoms that have some flavor of LGBT in it so.. and so I’m even more confused how that’s so. In addition, some proshippers are minorities. Some, key word. Obviously there’s gunna be racism in a fandom, ever fandom deals with that. But really? *everyone* is a racist?? Antis just wanna hate on people. Anyways, after thinking a bit I came up with some more key points. Trigger warning for CSA mentions, suicide mention, self harm mention, grooming, a LOT of curse words, me semi - venting about my own experience, and just genuine anger directed at antis. You have been warned.
1 - Some proshippers are MINORS. Some antis send death threats to MINORS. Some antis send SA threats to MINORS. Harassment is illegal, even more so to minors. 2 - “All proshippers are groomers / pedos / *insert crazy allegation*!!” I hear some say. Really? No, really? Firstly, proship means “ship and let ship”. Where is any mention of grooming? “But—” No. Just no. As a victim of grooming multiple times, I feel fucking insulted that you even think that shipping an adult with a minor is ever comparable to IRL grooming. Of course there’s gonna be bad people. Its the goddamn internet. But still.. Jesus. Oh, and people saying it promotes irl rape / SA…. Just honestly shut the fuck up. 3 - “It ruined mental health!! What if it affects someone IRL??” Get the fuck outta my face with the bullshit almost every anti says. If someone’s moral compass is changes just because of words on a screen or a gwad damn drawing then they need to see someone and get off the internet. Like, holy molly. No one who has a basic human fucking morality will go “mmmm, I wanna go fuck a child just became I saw a drawing / read a short fic.” No one. No one sane.
4 - “I’m a victim of *blank*… this upsets me….” Sorry but this isn’t about you. Block the blog, ignore it, and heal. I’m not downplaying anyone’s trauma but going online to start debating will probably make you worse. Just saying. 5 - Very important… STOP SENDING DEATH THREATS. Jesus. Jesus fucking Christ. You think your employer would care about someone shipping characters together or if someone sent some rando on the internet death / rape threats or told them that they deserve anything that happened to them? What if they actually killed themself? Huh? Digital Footprint exists. You’re never truly anonymous. So have fun explaining to someone why you told someone to kts. 6 - If you can’t use proper terms like child sexual abuse and instead call it “cheese pizza�� or if you can’t call a pedo / groomer by their title and call them “kid diddler” or “kiddy liker” you’re opinion is instantly invalid. No matter what. Call it by its name, stop being pussy about it. As someone who went through alot, I ship my oc with their father to cope with child abuse and neglect! I ship my oc with older men to deal the fact that I was groomed wayyy too many times to count. Just because someone’s coping mechanisms doesn’t fit your “normal and appropriate” thought preferences, doesn’t mean it’s invalid. What if they were cutting themself? What if comshipping / darkshipping helped distract them from that? It sure helps me.
Tldr; I fucking hate antis.
I— what— *mental breakdown*
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How the hell do you compare people who ship FICTIONAL CHARACTERS TOGETHER to people who would KILL SOMEONE BECAUSE OF SOMETHING THEY CANT CONTROL???? I am so lost
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rapunzel-withthegoodhair · 3 years ago
Salty Ask List -
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?* (pretty sure I know the answers to this but I love your rants lol)
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
What is the purest ship in the fandom? (choose your own fandom)
Gonna do these for Midnight Mass since it's rotting my brain (major spoilers ahead)
1) so I'm actually not super into Millie x John. I... I dunno. (Part of it admittedly is that it freaks me out that every single woman on this island is a tall tragic looking pale white brunette with freckles lol like there were so many moments when Millie looked like Bev - did her hair the same, dressed similar, had a similar height and build, and it's weird for me. Would a short blonde or mixed girl have been too much to ask lol).
Also I just can't relate to the idea of staying with someone I don't love. I know she grew up in another time but I don't have that in me.
Mostly what annoys me is... she doesn't really seem to challenge him? I'm not talking about at the end where everyone is literally fighting for their lives. And I give her full credit for the role she played at that point. I don't want to discredit her actions. She's a hero. But let's rewind to what we know of their actual relationship. She's a very devout catholic who never misses Mass. We can say this is maybe because of John more than Jesus. Okay, I'll bite. So, what did their conversations look like? Did she push him? Did she search for answers? It doesn't sound like it. Her own daughter sees her as devout in faith. She's solid in her Christianity. And there's nothing wrong with that, to each their own. But I can't imagine John and Millie are having incredibly profound conversations about faith and theology and the universe. And that's the part of John that I like. His passionate like... bargaining with the universe and desperation to make things fit. To understand whatever comes at him and give it meaning. Because I've been grappling and wrestling with religion my whole life. I grew up in church. I minored in religion in college. Breaking away from the Anglican church growing up was rough for me and piecing together what I did believe in was even harder. But religion still fascinates me. I'll throw down on theology with just about anyone at any time.
I mean, at least with Bev you see some glimpses of passionate theological discussion. Mama Gunning is just portrayed as any other white lady who doesn't want to buck the status quo. I see her faith in the same debilitating toxic way I see my grandmother's and my mother's and my father's. It's just this passive thing she lets be a part of her personality 'cause she has nothing else on the island to fill that void. So, it's like... what they just like...stared at each other their whole lives and mutually acknowledged that they were both the hottest people on an island where the bar was excruciatingly low and that's what they connected on? Or what? lol I don't get it I'm sorry.
She's a great female character, I like Millie on her own. And she called a lot of shit before anyone else did. I respect her, I think she's a badass for shooting the love of her life when push comes to shove. I get the feeling that this is the type of woman that will help you dig in and weather a storm and that's some #girlboss shit. I just have a hard time shipping her with John. Like I ship the fucking Angel with John more than her.
2) Ya'll keep making these gif sets about Bev and John and I'm...starting to see it lol and I hate y'all for that. Stop doing that lol
3) I'm gunna be honest and say all the Father Paul x Self Insert shipping because we all deserve it and we're all valid
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madamtrashbat · 4 years ago
Some thoughts on proship and antiship
This is a behemoth. Grab some popcorn.
I’ve found out recently that there’s a weird internet war going on between people labeling themselves proshippers and antishippers and it’s a weird sort of thing to witness because I think I’m officially a fandom old because this shit is insane to me, especially coming up in a world where tags were only to tell you what ship you were going to see and any smut was only warned for with “lemons!!!!” which, like, wooh. We’ve come a long way.
If you’ve paid any attention to my posts in the last couple of weeks (and I hope you do because my vanity demands it) you’ll know that I’ve plonked myself in the proship side of things, if only because this is the way fandom has always been to my experience and anything outside of this is bizarre and foreign and I don’t want it. The puritanical way that antishippers comport themselves is strange, to say the least. I saw Goody Proctor writing kink.
And what I think is going on, at least from what I’ve gathered, is that antis are misunderstanding proshippers as being active proponents of writing certain unseemly things, instead of people who all just collectively looked around and went “that’s none of my business and it’s over there.”
I have been writing fanfiction for almost sixteen years. I have seen it all and done it all. And I have gotta tell ya: I hate this purity culture war. It’s so fucking asinine. No one has ever taken kindly to fandom police ever, so, like, what the fuck.
But it’s more than just people announcing their crusade against pedophiles, incest, and abuse, or whatever flavor of bad they’ve chosen today. It’s that there’s no nuance to anything these people view. And I wanna believe that it’s because they’re young (I swear I don’t see any antis over the age of 22) but I know that a lot of it is just falling for the rhetoric of black and white thinking that gets us into all kinds of messes because nothing in this world is so black and white. No, not even the icky things in fiction.
I’m going to tell you guys something I’ve never said on tumblr before. And some of you may want to unfollow me after I say it. I get it. No hard feelings, no judgment. Here it is: from ages fifteen to seventeen, I cut my fanfiction teeth by writing incest.
I’ll give you a minute to sort yourself out.
Tokio Hotel had just gotten big in America and I was all about it (Jesus Christ I ship RPF too won’t SOMEONE think of the children). Bill and Tom were hot, and I started out writing cutesy self-insert fics that all people write in their early teens, but around age fifteen or so I was starting to get curious about this “twincest” I’d seen people mention. I wanted to write about it, how these two people might go about trying to hide a relationship while dealing with the repercussions of their actions, but I was afraid to. This is incest we were talking about, after all. Bad, dirty, wrong, gross incest. No one in their right mind would ever want to do this. Something had to be wrong with me.
Well, as it turns out, some people knew where I was coming from. I had stumbled into a comparatively small community that welcomed me in and allowed me to write what I wanted to. I started writing that fic (I never did finish it; I’m notorious for that) and I was encouraged along the way to expand my skills and explore my fiction and share and they shared with me what they wrote as well. People of all ages, genders, sexualities, with different life experiences had all come together to write various fictions about twins bangin’. Eventually, I found my niche in basically just using these two people as faceclaims (does anyone even still use that word?) where I plunked them down into different scenarios as unrelated fellows, which allowed me the freedom to do as I pleased. And now I’m here.
I met so many good people in that community, people I’m still friends with now, ten-plus years after leaving. People with families, people who were CSA survivors, people who actually were half of a set of twins, people who’d been raped, who’d been abused, incest survivors, people with mental illness, self-harm scars, suicidal ideation, people who had all kinds of colorful pasts that had all been brought together under this banner of writing fiction about these two German musicians. All of us who understood that what we were writing was fiction and we were just exploring the indomitable need to answer the question “what if?” and would have been appalled if this happened in real life.
Antis will read this and immediately decide I condone incest, and proclaim I’m disgusting and I’m the reason little children are going to be abused by their family members. Just by knowing this one thing about me. And that, right there, is the issue I have with antis.
You don’t know where someone else is coming from, you don’t know why someone is writing this thing, you don’t know who this person is on the other side of the keyboard. They can sit and scream “abusers will use these types of fics to groom people!!!!” but are completely and totally missing the point that abusers will use anything to groom their victims. Weird fanfiction is no more at fault than the Bible is. Shall we cancel the Bible, ban it, because it has stories of incest in it? Because it contains rape? Murder?
Fiction can affect reality, but it is not done in the way they think its done. Because there’s a weird idea that fiction is a 1:1 with reality and it’s not. It’s the “video games cause violence” argument brought back to accuse people of writing things that they don’t like as evil and dangerous. And I am too old for this shit.
There’s no middle ground with antis. You are or you aren’t. You’re part of the problem or you’re part of the solution. There’s only black and white, and if you’re writing the black, you’d better roll out your whole history of abuse and your receipts for a therapist that show you’re allowed to write these things to cope, which, like, Jesus, guys, you can’t just go around demanding to know if someone is a CSA survivor to give them permission to write fic, holy shit?????????? This is a thing now???????
Based on the way antis think, Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino are pedophiles for including romance in Avatar: The Last Airbender. Stephen King encourages underage porn because of the orgy in It. And let’s not even talk about how he condones murder. George RR Martin is a rapist and a proponent of incest because it’s in A Song of Ice and Fire. Eoin Colfer believes in child abuse because he writes about it in his book The Wish List. Do you see where I’m going with this?
To these people, because I’ve written things like incest, or the story I’ve been sitting on for years about teen pregnancy that (oh dear lord) talks about teenagers having the sex with each other, the self-insert fic I wrote at thirteen trying to parse out my attraction to a then 31-year-old Davey Havok, or abuse, or murder, I’m irredeemable and an abuser myself. I would do these things myself if given the chance. They don’t want to know anything else about me. They don’t want to know that I once was physically sick from fear because a family friend hit his wife in front of us and I was so scared. They don’t want to know that I’ve been personally sharpening the guillotine blade for Woody Allen for years. They don’t want to know that an alcoholic I was romantically involved with once tried to kill me. They don’t want to know the struggles I’ve had with mental illness. They don’t want to know that I’ve had to hold the hands of friends who had significant others that would threaten suicide and be emotionally abusive. They don’t want know that I donate to women’s shelters. They don’t want to know that I was part of the group hug that circled around my pseudo-sister when she found out that the boy that had sexually abused her, whom nobody had believed had done anything wrong to her, was finally going to jail for his sex crimes, reveling in her final vindication. That I still deal with the emotional repercussions of my dad taking out his own emotional turmoil on me, my sister, and my mom. That it took me years to forgive my sister for the emotional abuse she subjected me to in the name of hating how weird I was.
They don’t want to know, and moreover, they don’t care. I write bad and scary fiction and therefore I am part of the problem.
The point where we’re at in the world of fanfiction is unthinkable to little thirteen-year-old me’s brain. Things are meticulously tagged with proper warnings and categorized with care because we all went through the dark ages of clicking on a fic and suddenly seeing, like, fisting without knowing what we were getting into.
(My squick is sounding. Ugghghggh, God, it’s so eugh. I don’t even have that part and it makes me so uncomfortable to think about)
All these precautions and safety nets and ways to AVOID seeing anything you don’t want to and it’s still not enough because we in the proship camp are allowing each other to write things we might view as unsavory. Because it’s not for us. Nothing is for us, we just get to go along for the ride.
And because nothing is for us, it’s not any of my business to decide who gets to write what. It’s not my place to say “Laurel over here went ham with the rape fic it’s time to stone her in the square.” Because who the fuck am I???
There are always going to be gross people who misuse this freedom, obviously. Rule 34 has existed for a long time. I was there, Gandalf, for the insurgence of bronies and, just, ugh. But they are the vast minority and the rest of us who write or draw things that are unseemly are just, you know, people. I sell mattresses for a living and I’m on the way to getting an interior design degree and I own a black cat and I’m going to be my sister’s maid of honor. I also occasionally want to partake in media that is unsavory.
It’s why horror is so popular as a genre. Sometimes we want to see just the worst shit imaginable.
This giant pile of crap all boils down to this: I ally myself with the proship camp rather than the antiship camp because I think the antiship camp is wickedly misguided, people who think they are doing good but are actually causing more harm than anyone who is proship ever has. It is not my place, nor is it anyone’s place, to tell other people what they can and cannot do with fiction.
And that’s that.
Feel free to unfollow me if you need to. No hard feelings. I promise. But I hope this means something. We are not proship because we want to harm. We are proship because we’re all fucking weird and it’s not my place or anyone’s place to tell you how to let your weirdness out.
We have the tools at our disposal in a way that our fancestors could have only dreamed of using in order to parse out the perfect fan experience. And antis want to remove all that for the sake of imaginary children.
Absolutely not.
I recommend traipsing through the tag on this blog that does a much better job of parsing all this out because, like, wow, is this deeper than I ever thought it was, but it’s important to know what’s going on.
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sapphicambitions · 4 years ago
Rating Evermore Songs By The Homoerotic Subtext
Before i get into this please know that i do not give two shits about Taylor Swift’s personal life or sexuality. That is not what this is about. I’ve just gotten my grubby little gay hands on this album.
Willow:  While it fucking slaps and is genuinely  one of my favorite songs on the album i don’t really get a lot of homoerotic subtext from it. also the fact that im listening to it from a lesbian’s perspective and the line “that’s my man” is repeated a lot so i don’t connect to it on a homo level but it does slap. 2/10
Champagne Problems: ugh this song is so good. feels like it was written about happiest season, if im being honest. like the narrator is still closeted while her lover is out to her family. and like insert the plot of happiest seasons also the mention of flannel? come on. also like the narrator’s lover’s gender is never mentioned so im choosing to believe the narrator is singing about loving a woman while she’s in the closet. you can’t tell me that im wrong. impeccable homoerotic vibes 8/10
Gold Rush: this song is just overflowing in homoerotic subtext. “what must it be like to grow up that beautiful”????? “With your hair falling into place dominoes”????? “THE COSTAL TOWN WE WANDERED ‘ROUND HAD NEVER SEEN A LOVE AS PURE AS IT” ???? that’s me singing about my crush. The whole thing feels like im singing about my unattainable crush. That is what i chose to think this song is about. 9/10
’Tis the Damn Season: this song makes me go bonkers. yes yes its about going back home and reconnecting with an old flame. I get the homoerotic subtext out of this purely because i like it and there’s no reference to pronouns in it. Like i CAN make this about homoeroticism if I WANT to but it’s not like as inherent as some of the other songs. Pretty okay homo vibes. 5/10
Tolerate It - the homo vibes in this one hurt me. they hurt me!!! the line “I know my love should be celebrated but you tolerate it” hits HARD when you have family members who just Don’t Acknowledge your gayness. Like yes yes this is about a lover but god this song hits so hard in context of a queer person’s relationship with their less than enthusiastic family. Now I’m begging for footsteps in the story of your life? If it’s all in my head tell me now? Took this dagger in me and removed it? goddddddd it hits a little too hard. i can also related it to my love life of loving someone who only kind of cares about me so there’s homo subtext in that but jesus christ this song makes me think about my family. 7/10
No Body, No Crime: do you think that after the narrator killed ester’s husband she muttered to herself: “but no homo” ? 10/10 homoerotic subtext. I don’t need to explain it.
Happiness: i do not care about Miss Swift’s intentions, because there is little to no subtext in this one, tbh. to ME this song is about my relationship with my former self and how i’ve grown into my gayest self. I can’t make it go away by making her a villain. And she hasn’t me the new me yet. There will be happiness after her but there was happiness because of her. My relationship with my past self and my current self is complicated and messy and necessary 4/10
Dorothea: i mean, we know. we all know. it’s the betty of this album, but better. I firmly believe this will be the next song tiktok lesbians obsess over. interpret that as you will. 8/10.
Coney Island: references the long haul. like a Uhaul. lesbianism. anytime i hear a woman call her lover “baby” i automatically assume lesbianism. Also this song makes me think about One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston but y’all don’t know that yet. Unfortunately this song is a duet with a man. I don’t really connect to this song a lot, tbh. 2/10
Ivy: i mean like this song is about having an affair with someone who is not the narrator’s husband. The homoeroticism of this one JUMPED OUT. my GOD this just RADIATES secret lesbian love affair. like this is in the olden times when you couldn’t be gay and women had to be married to men in order to survive but the narrator is in love with a woman she can’t be with. the imagery of this song is so sapphic. 12/10. i love it so much,
Cowboy Like Me: Pack it up, Brokeback Mountain. 15/10.
Long Story Short: I can get nothing of my own out of this song because it is just so obviously taylor swift singing about her own life. those stronger than me might be able to get homoerotic subtext out of it but i can only hear Taylor Swift singing about Taylor Swift which is fine, it’s a good song, but it gets a 0/10 on the homoeroticism
Majorie - I know this is about her grandmother and i relate to this song a lot about someone in my life that i lost. it is a song about loss and loving someone you lost but how they never really leave you and its beautiful but unfortunately it is the song i think about when i think about my gay ships that got hit with the good old bury your gays trope. like this is a queliot song. it is. i don’t make the rules. but the song itself isn’t really homoerotic, more that i can just relate to it on many levels. 3/10 on the homoeroticism scale but a 10/10 for a well written song.
Closure: First of all, this song is a bop. It reminds me a lot of the ben platt song where eh says “did you read my letter? do you know me better than i know myself?” so therefore im already thinking in homo terms. I would say these are pretty solid homoerotic vibes. i relate to this song a lot because a lot of my “exes” i never officially dated and we broke up there was absolutely no closure and im just rubbing my grubby homosexual hands all over this song. 6/10
Evermore: i am completely erasing Miss Swiftie’s intentions behind a song, this song is about my struggle with finding my sexuality and my journey with coming out and how i felt suffocated by the closet and i was convinced that everything was going to terrible for forever and i felt very lost and i look back on this time very bittersweetly cause it sucked but it brought me to where i am today. 5.5/10 homoeroticism
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sentientpaperbag · 4 years ago
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so this is from like.... 2012-ish? It was either freshman or sophmore year of high school. My friend and I thought it’d be funny if we made edgy pony ocs cuz we hadn’t really watched the show and we wanted to tease my boyfriend at the time cuz he was into it. Literally not too long after making these, my friend and i watched the show and got hooked...
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....Yall probably won’t believe this, but this is Zonta. I don’t know what’s up with her proportions.. But Jesus.
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This is an interesting situation. So my friend and I had an idea for a next gen situation with our ocs. The boy is named Remy, and he was Zonta’s son (this was back when eric was still around instead of markus. If you don’t know who Eric is, i’ve talked about that fucker on here before lmao just look up his name you should find it)
The girl was his gf, Layla. I’ve since recycled the name for a huepoint character cuz i liked it so much. This was my first attempt at drawings Goths
Little did I know Zonta would be the goth in the future...
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IF SOMEONE CAN TELL ME WHO MADE THESE PLEASE TELL ME SO I CAN CREDIT THEM I HAVEN’T HAD A CHANCE TO FIND THEM YET. But my other boyfriend printed this off for me cuz i had a bad iz phase in high school. I think he did this before we started dating, actually. There were more pictures, but I don’t have them anymore. There was a whole binder at one point.
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more mlp fanart. I had a particular attachment to Sweetie Bell for some reason? Clearly this was before she got her cutie mark in canon, so I had to make up one for her. I don’t remember the context but i think i’d aged her up to give her a phantom of the opera story where she fell for a changeling who liked her singing? I was creative for sure.
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this was from when i first got into fnaf, and you can tell. I got into fnaf right as I started college so this was one of many doodles i did during that time that survived. God i can draw them so much better now...
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For the love of everything sane, don’t ask why i drew mlp characters in a Burton-esque style. I couldn’t answer that if I wanted to... Kinda wanna redraw it tho, especially Fluttershy cuz she was my favorite.
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i didn’t draw this but i thought i’d share it anyway cuz it’s a fond, kinda funny, memory. So my boyfriend at the time actually drew this, because i’d asked him to draw Christine and the Phantom in his style... He’s a furry, so I don’t know what I expected, but honestly it wasn’t that bad for like 2011-2012
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I got into Be More Chill not too long after it started getting popular... I’ve loved the SQUIP a long time, guys, probably since like 2016-2017ish.
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Right before I made this blog, I was considering who to ship with Beetlejuice, so I started coming up with ideas, this was the first idea. I don’t remember her name right off the bat but i’d drawn her a few times before ultimately deciding to go with Dottie instead.
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I just like this picture a lot cuz it’s sweet, even if the anatomy is weird and i dunno what’s going on with zonta’s legs.
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This was another self insert character I ended up scrapping, but I don’t remember what she was for. She might’ve been another prototype character to ship with beetlejuice before i settled on dottie. She cute tho I might bring her back for whoever I fall for next.
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bad lighting but eh. The only care I’ve successfully drawn tbh. I drew it for my stepdad lol
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Zonta again. God she looked so wonky. Yes, that is Snickers, he’s been a part of her life long before she was a witch and he was her familiar. He could talk even then, if i remember correctly.
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I can’t quite remember when this was, but I think it was during the time I lived with my grandpa, so a few years ago.
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THIS WAS 2015 FOR SURE CUZ THIS WAS DRAWN AT MY DAD’S HOUSE. Think of this as a prototype Husk situation, Zonta wasn’t a witch yet, but her telekinesis powers fucked her up really bad if she used it for too long, and she’d hallucinate stuff like this. This was in the short, short period of time where I gave her neat swirly tattoos on her arms.
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This was done for sure in 2014 cuz it was for English class. We were reading the Scarlet Letter and my teacher had us draw a bunch of characters in our own stylistic way. So I drew Hester’s nasty ass husband, who was often called the Leech, as a leech monster. My teache was very impressed with me.
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And, finally, some comics from when my mom was a kid. Some of these were hers, but a lot of them were actually my aunt’s. I think they’re neat.
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ellaenchanting · 5 years ago
Hypnovember 2019 Master List
Jesus. Jesus Christ, that’s a lot of writing. I don’t really consider myself a writer generally and this is definitely the first time I’ve written this much this quickly. I’m going to look at my word count soon, but- I think I may have written a novel’s length of words? Wow.Thanks to everyone who encouraged me during this or provided support/ideas: thinking of @daja-the-hypnokitten , @liminal-wanderings , @mr-ackerman , @spiralturquoise , @wellgnawed , @sex-obsessed-lesbian , and @hypno-sandwich especially here but there were lots of y’all who reblogged or made kind comments. I appreciate every one of them. :)
Here’s a catch up of everything I’ve written so far this month. In honor of @jukeboxemcsa, I’ve also included a HypnoBS rating where 1 is absolute bullshit and 5 is normal Tuesday night.
Icons- 📰- story. 🔊- audio 💻- technology 😍- romantic 🌈- queer 😴- regular ole’ hypnosis 🛀- brainwashing and/or hypnotist in a tub 👻- spooky 🐈- at least one happy pussy ❓- bad or reeeally questionable consent ✝️- author's weird religious feels that somehow kept coming up
Day 1: Base Character-F/f 📰😍🌈🛀🐈 
Choice quote: ”Or maybe it was the ship of Theseus- Janine seeing how many little pieces of her she could replace until she fundamentally just wasn’t the same person anymore.”
HypnoBS- I haven’t done this kind of play and have no first hand experience. Let’s say 3.
Newly added 11/18: @undersleeper requested some extra information on how the brainwashing was actually done in this story so I added this non-canon sequel. (I think the sequel boosts the BS score to a 4.)
Day 2: Colors- F/nb 📰😴 🌈
Choice quote: “Bri used to consider themselves a bad hypnotic subject.”
HypnoBS- 4. I haven’t done this induction specifically but love doing these kinds of overloads
Day 3: Dizzy- no gender specified🔊😴
Choice quote: “When you take deep breaths, you feel like you’re getting more oxygen, but actually the opposite is true.”
HypnoBS-5. Should get you in trance, we’re not ranking the accuracy of all the science herein.
Day 4: Sing- m/f kinda I guess? 📰👻❓
Choice quote:  “Tonight wasn’t the night to give in, he told himself. Not yet.”
HypnoBS- 1. Thank God.
Day 5: Poison- M/f 📰😍🛀🐈
Choice quote: “Lila could admit it. She was kind of a brat.But Sean? He was worse. He was a fucking troll.“
HypnoBS- 4? Haven’t done it, could probably make something in this realm work with the right person.
Day 6: Summon- F/f 📰😍😴🌈🐈
Choice quote: “Number one, there is no butch street cred. And number two- if there was such a thing, you and I both know that being seduced by a beautiful woman would only increase it.”
HypnoBS- 3 or 4. It’s quick and there would need to be a lot more talking generally. But sure.
Day 7: Underwear- F/f 📰😴🌈
Choice quote: “Under….where”, Destiny tested the word out loud. It sounded like a portmanteau of some sort. She understood the word “under” and the word “where” (or “wear”? “where are” maybe? maybe it was German?) but those two words together didn’t form much of a picture.”
HypnoBS- 5. Although have only done this as a hypnotist so I can’t speak to subject POV. This kind of thing is adorable to watch, though.
Day 8: Neighbor- F/f📰😍🌈 ❓
Choice quote: “When Jiyeon tapped her pencil, Alyssa tapped her pencil lightly to match.”
HypnoBS- 1. Maybe 1.5 since there are no monsters or demons.
Day 9: Idiotic- no gender specified📰😴
Choice quote: “Because Id-iotic. It’s literally what you want deep down”
HypnoBS-4. Not my thing but with the right people- sure.
Day 10: Smell- F/m 📰😴😍🛀🐈
Choice quote: “Belinda had also woken up from sexy dreams at night to the feeling of Ray’s head buried in her cunt.”
HypnoBS- 3 on the details. Some parts are more plausible than others. We’re outside my realm of experience here so others could probably rank more accurately.
Day 11: Broadcast- Hypnovirus/f 📰💻🛀✝️
Choice quote: “It felt important to present herself to the screen in a way that demonstrated her vulnerability and openness to instruction.”
HypnoBS- 4. Probably not likely, but I could see this kind of symbolic bleed with the right person pretty easily.
Day 12: Stage- M/m 📰😍🌈😴
Choice quote: “Brandon had not mentioned the hypnosis thing to Scott- it felt weird and personal and he had already half-convinced himself that he was being creepy in response to Scott’s platonic friendliness. He didn’t want to scare him off. He had never expected to see him here.”
HypnoBS- 5. At least as far as the hypnosis goes
Day 13: Bath- no gender specified 🔊🛀😴
Choice quote: *insert rambling about Pat Collins here*
HypnoBS- 5. But also a high general BS score. I was tired and needed to finish a thing. I am surprised but grateful people liked this one. :P
Day 14: Machine- M/f 📰😴💻😍✝️
Choice quote: “For as long as she could remember, Deidre had longed for self-annhilation.”
HypnoBS- 1. That’s not how brains work.
Day 15: Ooze- there’s a m and a f 📰😴🛀❓
Choice quote: “For example, your badge- did you know that putting all the stickers on the top of your badge like that usually means that you’re a hypnotist?”
Amy’s eyes widened a bit. “It does?”
HypnoBS- 2. Sadly.
Day 16: Wedding- something/f 📰👻❓
Choice quote: “She knew then that she was alone. No one could help her. No one could even see her.”
HypnoBS- 1.
Day 17: Gentle- a different something/f  📰 kinda 🐈❓✝️
Choice quote: “As long as she didn’t focus on it, it would write the story for her.”
HypnoBS- 1. I think. :P
Day 18: Infection- not stated/m 📰 🛀❓
Choice quote: “If he could just get the song out of his head, maybe he’d have a chance.”
HypnoBS- 2. 
Day 19: Hideout- F/f 📰  🐈 😍😴🛀🌈
Choice quote: “’Come to me, pet. Come to me.’ 
 She could always sense when Galaxy Girl was weak. She consistently picked the perfect time to strike.
And now, she had found her apartment.”
Day 20: Watch- no gender specified 🔊 😴
Choice quote: “Feel your thoughts just tick tick tick tick ticking gone”
Day 21: Fighting- F/m 📰 😴
Choice quote: “His mistress loved resistance play. She delighted in watching him struggle and strain against an irresistible impulse.”
HypnoBS-5 Mmmm :)
Day 22: Mistaken- F/an entire hypnocon  📰  😴
Choice quote: “Ginger- submissive, wide-eyed, bottomy Ginger- was holding a crowd of 8 people in her hypnotic thrall. Some had their eyes closed already, while others were staring at her with the rapt look of early trance.“
HypnoBS- 4. But only because I haven't seen it yet. :P
Day 23: Heist- F/m  📰  🛀❓(😍 but it’s pretty messed up)
Choice quote: “The inside of the vault had gotten somewhat sparse-looking- David had been cleaning out the bank out at a much quicker pace recently- but there were still plenty of treasures here to bring to his mistress.”
HypnoBS- 3, maybe 2
Day 24: Business F/f 📰 😴😍🌈
Choice quote: “Summer was a well-mannered southern girl at heart. She knew that if something was none of her business, it was impolite and rude to know it. Best not to think about it too much. She didn’t want to be nosey.”
HypnoBS- 4
Day 25: Babble F/m📰 😴 🛀 (�� kinda)
Choice quote: “You can feel your access to language lessening….and lessening. Feeling those parts of your brain losing blood, quieting, going to sleep. Imagine what that might look like on the fMRI- the color draining, darkening, going black. Your ability to use language can be almost completely gone.”
HypnoBS- 5 (Neuroscience BS- closer to 3)
Day 26: Enemy M/f 📰 😴😍🐈 
Choice quote: “When she was denied for long periods of time, everything became sexual.”
HypnoBS- 5. Unf.
Day 27: Confidence F/m 📰 😴❓
Choice quote: “Dr Eleanor had been recommended to Richard by his friend Jon who had seen her previously. “She won’t bullshit you,” he had said, “she just gets right to the roots of your issues and helps you solve them.” He must have known what he was talking about- a year after visiting Dr Eleanor, Jon had recently married a wonderful woman. He was also running marathons and succeeding professionally. There were worse people to listen to, Richard thought.”
HypnoBS- 3 (although this kind of gaslighting is real and can be effective)
Day 28: Abduction F/f M/f background m/m 📰 😴😍🌈
Choice quote: “’And so she….’ Lilliana stopped. She stared for a moment in surprise at the space between Cirie’s fingers. Cirie looked like she was holding a small, invisible ball. Liliana tried to recall her train of thought (something about work?) but found herself strangely blank.
She looked at Cirie in astonishment. 
‘You took it!’ she accused.”
HypnoBS- 5
Day 29: Doctor Doctor/Master (from Dr Who) 📰 😴🌈💻
Choice quote: “The doors in the Master’s mind all appeared to be open. The Doctor quickly scanned for malicious intent but-
Oh my.
So that’s why.”
HypnoBS- I...uh...1?
Day 30: Kink The author/her self-indulgent whims 📰 🌈
Choice quote: “Ultimately, she really just  liked her friends- and she especially loved hearing all of their stories.”
HypnoBS- Cake. Imma eat a cake.
Thank you all for reading these! I know this is a long post, but I’d really appreciate reblogs of it. If you’ve liked my stories, please consider leaving me a tip on Ko-fi! Also I’d be happy to give extra information on any of the characters or a bit of what happens next if you want to send me an ask about any of these stories. I’m finding myself with a strange craving to write. Funny how that works. :P
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pacifv · 5 years ago
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all have witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
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Mun Name: Mik      Age: 26      Contact: IM, discord
Character(s) I rp: Eden ( in bleach ) -- I have other ocs but that’s another story Which muse(s) inspires you the most atm?(for MM): Eden... ? Current Fandom(s): Bleach , so far Fandom(s) you have an AU for:  more fantasy esque ones?  My language(s): spanish , english  Themes I’m interested in for rp:   Fantasy / Science fiction / Horror / Western / Romance / Thriller / Mystery / Dystopia / Adventure / Modern / Erotic / Crime / Mythology / Classic / History / Renaissance / Medieval / Ancient / War / Family / Politics / Religion / School / Adulthood / Childhood / Apocalyptic / Gods / Sport / Music / Science / Fights / Angst / Smut / Drama / etc. Themes/Genres you have an AU for: fantasy , religious
Preferred Thread length: one-liner / 1 para / 2 para / 3+ / novella. Asks can be send by: Mutuals / Non-Mutuals / Personals / Anons. Can Asks be continued?:   YES / NO   only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO. Preferred thread type: crack / casual nothing too deep / serious / deep as heck. Is realism / research important for you in certain themes?:   YES / NO. Are you atm open for new plots?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Do you handle your draft / ask - count well?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. How long do you usually take to reply?:  24h / 1 week / 2 weeks / 3+ / months / years. I’m okay with interacting: original characters / a relative of my character (an oc) / duplicates / my fandom / crossovers / multi-muses / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / canon-divergent portrayals / au-versions (as main or only verse). Do you post more ic or occ?:  IC / OOC. Are you selective with following others?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS.  
Best ways to approach you for rp/plotting:  IM since this is pretty much new . just slap me with that and if you have some ideas , better --- if not let just brainstorm with what we have in hand . 
What expectations do you hold towards your plotting partner:  some minimal idea of the context and eden’s character . some ideas if possible . more than often I have gotten people straight up jump with no clue of what even is going on in my side character wise . 
When you notice the plotting is rather one-sided, what do you do?:  depends , most likely really stop trying or let it sink . I’m not much of a person who would pressure for ideas when they don’t even come naturally for me in these kind of situations . 
How do you usually plot with others, do you give input or leave most work towards your partner?:  First of all , ask what they particularly want and if they read the bio . and of course , have their bio as well ( if oc or any relevant hc on vague canons ) . I am honestly a bit shy on the input but if I found a ground to start letting my imagination loose ( like , something in common between characters or something that clicks well with my muse ) I can suggest several things . but in any case , I’m pretty passive and it’s a lot of gives and takes . 
When a partner drops the thread, do you wish to know?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?: depends on the thread , the time and the interest . things that go downtown in the excitement scale are :/  and I can’t blame anyone for dropping a thread . not all the time you will have muse for them , tho , if it was a relevant thread I would ask at least . - What should your partner do when dropping a thread?:  pretty much free to tell me or not . I’m no one to judge.
What could possibly lead you to drop a thread?:  losing muse , interest , time ... pretty much the same . feeling like my muse is going too OOC for the sake of the other muse or smth .  - Will you tell your partner?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS.
Is communication in the rpc important to you?   YES / NO. - And why?:  I am very old school and having some OOC interaction to at least know how things are going , it’s as much as I can ask here .  - Are you okay with absolute honesty, even if it may means hearing something negative about you and/or portrayal?:  I mean , I should . it can turn me off a bit but it’s just natural ? there’s no way something can be perfect or be of someone’s taste . plus I am not that smart to be fully aware of all the things around the motif and IRL information I use on my muse . I’m no book , buddy. - Do you think you can handle such situation in a mature way?  YES / NO.
Why do you rp again, is there a goal?:  development , exploring the muse , seeing what works and doesn’t work . often new blogs for me are basically prototypes , they are and will  most likely have minor or major modifications as my imagination starts working and getting excited . besides , in the basics , you can hardly manage to cover all ( if anything ) of how one’s muse would react to X situation .
Wishlist, be it plots or scenarios:  a lot of quincy lore , come up with more personal connections with other quincies , fully develop a backstory and a post war scenario . cultural exploration  --- relationships of all kinds . 
Themes I won’t ever rp / explore:  pretty much I am fine with anything as long as we don’t cross the gross line . but I’m not afraid of the dark .
What Type of Starters do you prefer / dislike, can’t work with?: absurdly basic and with no context given . not even have an idea of what is the deal between muses . I can squeeze my brain but there is as much as i can do with little information .
What type of characters catch your interest the most?:  quirky ones , conflictive ones , most likely muses with specific motifs that spark my interest -- deepness . Aesthetically interesting ones . but overall , those who have out of the normal personalities . 
What type of characters catch your interest the least?:  personalities that doesn’t work or do not harmonize with the context of their characters . that’s all I can say .
What are your strong aspects as rp partner?:  I am.... creative ? gdi I did this meme already but it’s hard to reply these two ones. I am easily excitable . if we end up in a ship , expect me to be pampering af . I really enjoy the exploration of relations between people , emotions and psychological stuff tied around it . I do like casual and also very deep things . I’m not afraid of dealing with heavy topics . I like horror ???? also I am very into the secondary character role , as in : my muse is here to help your muse to grow or insight . that stuff . not much of a protagonist role in RPs. 
What are your weak aspects as rp partner?: I’m .... very.... sporadic . My mood is annoying esp when I’m “new” blog around kind of thing . I’m shy , even if I don’t seem so --- I get pretty anxious over details . I am impatient --- with myself . I want to do so many things at the same time I end up overwhelmed . 
Do you rp smut?:  YES / NO. Do you prefer to go into detail?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Are you okay with black curtain?:  YES / NO. - When do you rp smut? More out of fun or character development?:  mmmmmmmmm , both. Depends on mood and context tbh . - Anything you would not want to rp there?:  nothing I can think from the top of my head.
Are ships important to you?:   YES / NO. Would you say your blog is ship-focused?:   YES / NO. Do you use read more?:  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. Are you: Multi-Ship / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  Multiverse / Singleverse. - What do you love to explore the most in your ships?:  again , I’m big mood for interpersonal relationships ( romantic or not ) , the pros and cos of certain traits , ideology clash , personality clash , anything that comes in a relation that could make it come and go .  - What is your smut tag?: unholy.
Are you okay with pre-established relationships?: YES / NO. - And what kind of ones?: all are hella okay for me . pre- est is my jam bc jesus christ the awkward first encounters make me go blue screen .
- What could possibly make your Muse interesting towards others, why should they rp with this particular character of yours now, what possible plots do they offer?:  the fact she is basically a “religious fanatic” , with a quirky personality and a questionable morality , considering she has an inner conflict between the wellness of her race and her loyalty towards yhwach . At least pre war . post war , she has a flipped personality were she is mostly bitter and more angsty but will go from fanatic to straight up hater . 
- With what type of Muses do you usually struggle to rp with?:   bland personalities ? not sure myself , Eden is pretty much ready for anything since her personality is pretty laid back . I guess I would say shinigamis in general --- since she basically is stuck inside Silbern . - With what type of Muses do they usually work well with?:  Quincies , ofc . and people who are willing to put up with her crap .
- What interests your Muse(s) in general:  the prosperity of the quincy , doing a proper duty , order , tea , annoying the fuck out of people . being eerie ....  - What do they desire, is their goal?:  the ideal world as thought by Yhwach --- later on simply for her kind to survive after losing the war and being left to their luck . - What catches their interest first when meeting someone new?:  mmm , appearance  and reactions to her witty or narcisistic comments .  - What do they value in a person?:    loyalty , uniqueness . - What themes do they like talking about?:  most likely about the order of the army , tea stuff , herself (?) , but she is also a lot for debates and insight . - Which themes bore them?:  rebellious , silly thoughts . justice related topics . anything that critics her loyalty/life style . 
- Did they ever went through something traumatic?:  the first war was enough ? most likely losing comrades --- yhwach sacrificing the quincy for power later on .  - What could possibly trigger them?:  the simple sight of anyone laying a finger of the quincy for being against their views .   - What could set them off, enrage them?:  nothing. she cannot literally , physically get angry or enraged . but if we are talking bitter , that would be completely post war and it’s just the mention of yhwach’s name or those who went to god’s palace with him .  - What could lead to an instant kill?:  invasion of silbern , chaos . 
- Is there someone /-thing they hate?:  chaos , rebels , shinigami , anyone against the quincy . - Is there someone /-thing they love?:   her race , her pride , herself .
Is your Muse easy to approach?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?:  just .... come to her and say hi . she is literally wandering around silbern all the time ( quincy speaking tho ) . for others , eh ... good luck . and wait post war (?) - Where are they usually to find?:  Silbern ... then Siberia . 
Something you may still want to point out about your muse?:  She is no saint , clearly . She has a questionable sense of things like loyalty and preservation of her race . she is honestly all over the place
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
Tagged by:  honestly stole from @skyvar​  Tagging:  no one in particular.
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yaboylevi · 5 years ago
What about this chapter did you not like? love your art btw ❤️
Sorry for the wait, I wanted to read the official chapter and wait for a bit to see if my feelings changed (spoiler: they didn't).
It would be way faster to list the few things I enjoyed but alas.
VERY negative opinions under the cut. Seriously, if you liked the chapter, don't read this, I don't want to spoil your fun or upset you. I didn't bother to write this in a respectful tone, it's not an analysis, it's just me venting. That being said, if you guys read this ignoring my warning and get upset, it'll be your fault and responsibility, yeah.
The Annie's father stuff was okay, though I hope it's gonna be explained why he was the only one in Liberio running against the flow of the screaming crowd.
Then we get Reiner being pathetic once again, I am so tired of this. What's his purpose in the story aside from killing people, being a nuisance and or dead weight to others and feeling sorry for himself? I would've appreciated if he had had some introspection on how his rushed plan was partially the cause for Porco's death and Falco's transformation (and all the other deaths bc Zeke would've never screamed in Shiganshina if Reiner hadn't pushed for another attack there). But anyway if he'd had introspection, it would've been about self-pity and NEVER growth because he seems unable to have that, so I would've disliked it anyway. 
If I wasn't already rolling my eyes this hard at Reiner, then I would've started at Gabi. She's all over the place and I guess it's understandable since she is a kid and also deeply shocked and in pain. I understand it. But I don't like how Isayama made her go from despair, to murder instinct, to calm and collected in 2 pages. It's just ???? Then we have the Eren parallel and I groaned out loud. Whatever its meaning is. It's just forced.
One of the things I hated this chapter for and that I'm becoming so annoyed at in general lately, is that EVERYTHING parallels something that has already happened, and I don't understand if Isayama thinks he's being smart or if it has some deeper meaning like "oh see, history repeats itself!! wow!! a concept that is not being repeated ad nauseam in the series, not at all!! /s". I don't need it to be shoved into my face.
Idk. Also Reiner, of course, being safe in a house amongst titan territory...of...course...
Then the 104th scene. Ugh. Jean's delusion is so annoying. One moment he's rational, the other is like "muuuuu ereh is doing this for us!!! we couldn't do anything!!!", then he's rational again. Maybe if they had paid attention to Eren, and didn't only take into consideration stupid ideas that would've never worked for 4 years, maaaybe yeah, this wouldn't be happening. Who knows. I'm just tired of the 104th whining about their situation. I understand where they're coming from, their feelings, etc, I understand it's a crazy and emotional situation and all, but we already have SO MANY CHAPTERS about it, it's time to move on at least with the plot. It's just so pathetic and annoying. It makes me angry how he's basically trying to avoid responsibility or rationalize genocide like all the Eren goat stans in the fandom. I hate this mentality so much. "if they disappear, so will all the hatred! Do we really have to stop him?" JESUS CHRIST JEAN..............yikes
And then of course they (and Isayama) had to ruin chapter 108.
Then Jean also had the guts to say they should kill a kid so they can revive a commander, just bc he's too scared to take the reins of the situation. Again, I understand the struggle, it's the same as Hange afterall, it's just very, very ugly how he didn't even waver. Connie's been acting irrational, and he's been swept up by his anger for a while now, so I understand his development. Plus I find it more relatable to wanting to make a big sacrifice for someone you love, rather than someone you (think you) need. But Jean???? wtf. He doesn't even think back on the sin he was willing to commit, he isn't ashamed.
Armin as well doesn't even care that it's a kid they're talking about, he's only strategizing. And here's another annoying point: he's able to make these calculations now but when it comes to Eren his brain freezes and he becomes a delusional kid. Where were his brains when he had to think up of ways to negotiate with the world? Anyway, I get it, it's because Eren's his childhood friend and family. I am just so tired of seeing this again and again, and again. We've been stuck on this for over a year... Nothing has changed, they're just dejectedly going back and forth on their opinions and feelings. Really goes to show that Eren was the real heart of their group...
Connie flying away from the battlefield, effectively splitting again the povs we need to follow is...big yikes.
Parallel to Trost, parallel to Serumbowl. Yeah wow so interesting.
Nile dying so quick like that was also underwhelming. And it was unnecessarily cruel, imo, that as a titan he tried to kill children when as a person he was so sweet with kids (except with Eren, of course...).
The Gabi-Sasha parallel left me a bit confused. On the one hand, I don't like the killer being paralleled to the murdered. But on the other hand, I understand why that is [/inserts meta that i don't care about writing]. The Kaya-Gabi moments were also cute + Nicolo's little speech was nice, though a bit awkward, imo. I bitterly laughed at Gabi finally admitting that she mindlessly killed people just to be praised. At least she can better herself from now on! If only her cousin could take his self-pity and do something to change himself with it, but no, he just wants to change others or run away (and this is why i don't like reiner anymore).
Shadis saving these ungrateful kids was pretty cool.
I felt bad for Yelena, I want to see more of her (and maybe Mikasa+Louise), but instead, we have Jean vs Floch angst and I'm already sleeping, because I care so little about both of them.
Isayama painting Jean as a cool leader is just embarrassing when moments before he was pathetically whining and trying to kill a child (to which there was no setup, especially comparing it to the setup for Connie's plot thread. The last we saw of Jean with a kid was him wondering if he hesitated in killing the Cart because of Falco 15 chapters ago...and that was a compelling doubt but I guess he hadn't hesitated at the time, after all lol). The pages dedicated to the killing of the titans were boring, occupying space for nothing imo. Glossing over them would've sufficed, there could've just been the Pixis stuff, and it would've been fine. Which, btw, made me laugh a little in retrospect, because Armin is once again involved in the death of a Commander. Oh well.
I also didn't like that mini-flashback with Eren&Pixis. I guess Isayama wants to ruin every single nice moment Eren had with other people, because Eren is soooo so so bad now uwu, for no good reason, and it's only his fault right? people were nice to him and look at how he repaid them uwu. Big yikes for me.
I expected more from that Louise panel because it made me go [EYES EMOJI], but I guess I'll have to wait.
It's also unbelievable that NO ONE IN THE WHOLE STORY has thought of stopping Floch, when last time they arrested him, so technically why would they even leave him running around NOW? It's beyond me. Do they have a brain?
As for the basement conversation with Gabi, I hope that "I won't give up on Falco" panel + Armin looking at Gabi thoughtfully will start a "We can't give up on Eren" mindset for the 104th, but I doubt it's gonna be handled in a non-pathetic way, considering how's been done as of late.
Gabi screaming to talk to Eren was also very embarrassing from a reader pov (well, my pov). Because she was RIGHT THERE when EMA talked last time, and she should know that would most likely not work (I guess she's talking out of desperation but still...ppl be like "yeah!! they should talk to ErEn!1 why didn't they think of it!?!?!" and I mean it's probably gonna come down to that if the final audio is of any indication...I just find the presentation of this concept awkward and forced). 
I really disliked most of Gabi's part, even though she's a character I have learned to enjoy. I guess what shined through in this chapter is exactly what I don't like about how Isayama uses Gabi's character: it seems like she's just there as a fast-paced mini representation of the story themes, so she's just an instrument to the story. Sometimes I feel like she's a real character, sometimes I feel she's just a tool for the story and the themes.
Armin's reaction to hearing about Annie is...I don't know. aruani has been one of my first ships and I used to be obsessed, but this is just awkward and forced, just like the previous aruani scene that made me angry at Armin. I don't even understand if Armin's shocked, scared or happy. All of these don't make sense to me, because I have no clue what he even expects from her.
Annie's release from the crystal happened in an unexpected way which i appreciated, though I would've liked it more if she had decided to get out on her own. But it depends on if she was stuck in there or if she was still willingly escaping from reality. If she was stuck, I will love this a lot more, because basically Eren set her free.
Also, Eren's radio podcast was longer I guess ("Eren said he would undo all the hardening"), and I wonder why we couldn't hear it all. Sigh.
In general, the "theme thread" of the chapter (adults & kids) felt really pushed in our face. I appreciate when things are a bit more subtle, this just came off as...boring, because every scene made me go "well, of fucking course this scene would end like this...". The only tense moment was the Connie part, let's be real.
And yeah, my perception may be also partially because I am so tired of no Eren pov and "eren is the evil, evil villain" rhetoric, so maybe I will appreciate this chapter more once we get his pov at the end of the story (bc i have no illusions left that this won't happen anytime before the finishing line). For now, I'm just frustrated because I didn't care about ANY of the things that went down in this chapter. Like, okay, let's move on, ffs.
Everything felt forced and contrived, like, Isayama must know that nobody cares about this stuff that much and everyone would prefer to see literally anything else amongst Eren, Historia, Levi&Hange, the Colossals. Hell, imagine if this chapter didn't have Annie at the end. That was the only thing that made this chapter barely worth the read for me. I hope the next one will at least follow Connie and Annie, if I can't get any of the other things that interest me.
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girlfriendsofthegalaxy · 5 years ago
the larger courier six verse, media influences
tagged by @sybil-writes ty
the bibliography for this thing is extensive. my taste is wide and omnivorous. i try to drop what i was thinking about when i wrote a particular bit into the author’s notes, and i think i’ve credited all the direct references, but I consume a lot of dystopia and post-apoc media and harder scifi/fantasy with rules, and i don’t keep an accurate running list of shit I like, so i’m certainly not going to get everything in one post. this is mostly me looking at the very limited number of books i have with me and frantically looking at wiki lists like “yes read that liked that stole that”. if i link everything i will die. if you have trouble finding a specific thing lmk tho. this feels real goddamn pretentious like Ah Yes Look At The Media I Have Consumed but here goes 
music: one of these days I will drop links to the network of playlists I have for these kids, but they’re all of Spotify and not super accessible. Danger Days, a post-apoc desert graffiti/neon/cars album by My Chemical Romance. the soft, nonsense love songs off Pretty. Odd by P!ATD. the poppy but sad neon bullshit of Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die also a P!ATD production. Wasteland, Baby! by Hozier, specifically Talk and Dinner & Diatribes. Halsey’s cover of I Walk The Line, Rihanna’s Desperado. Everything by Orville Peck but mostly Roses Are Falling and Take You Back (The Iron Hoof Cattle Call). Instrumental stuff: the opening to Silverado, the Billy the Kid musical, bits of Lawrence of Arabia. It’s Been A Long, Long Time. Fitz & The Tantrums’ Get Away. Mother Mother’s album O My Heart. Gorillaz’ Plastic Beach. 
the Dollars trilogy ofc
the sheer bullshit nonsense of Wild Wild West and Blazing Saddles and Turbokid. 
a lot of the interaction between many characters in a tight space from Stagecoach. my dad really loves John Wayne, so I am constantly thinking about Monument Valley even though that’s nowhere near the Mojave. honestly whenever i’m thinking about how to describe landscapes I’m thinking about The Searchers, even though I have a lot of problems with that film. 
the colorful nonsense future of The Fifth Element. 
the gritty self-surgery and prospecting of Prospect (2018). 
SO much Trigun and Cowboy Bebop, for space western flavor and the same sort of analog-cassette-future. u kno how everything in Star Wars looks like it’s been there forever? the absolute opposite of a slick Apple future? that. 
god I wish Firefly was...good
Akira, bc every time I think about motorcycles the Akira motorcycle slide gif plays in my head. 
speaking of which probably a decent chunk of Adventure Time, esp the Super Porp episode. 
a smidge of how a platonic trio works from Samurai Champloo. 
anything with a big sprawling market and a chase scene, even though the only things I can think of are Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets and the first Indiana Jones. oh Skyfall also
the set dressing from Tank Girl
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. look I just really like airships and retrofuturisum but art deco
honestly a lot of Ghibli- the aviation fantasy of Porco Rosso, the gardens from Castle In The Sky, a lot of Sophie Hatter energy from Howl’s Moving Castle, the underground bits in Nausicca, the otherworldly sea from Ponyo (except the Fallout sea is probably much emptier). the lovely homey-ness and gadgetry of Sherlock Hound. 
almost certainly some Metropolis for how I think about cities
thinking a lot about The Incredibles and earlier James Bond movies recently for that sort of sleek but still small physical gadget spycraft 60s bullshit
the team and found family dynamics in Leverage
The Man From U.N.C.L.E. the more recent film which I have stolen ENTIRELY too much of the Angel + Blondie + Six dynamic from 
mad max: all of them, to some extent, but a lot of Fury Road. I have a theory about how the Dollars films take place in reverse order, bc of how they feel next to the Mad Max films. The first Mad Max film is about a specific person in a specific place and time doing really specific things. it feels like a movie made off the info of someone who was there. GBU also feels like that- it’s really place-specific in a way? The second Mad Max film is a little hazier, and focuses on mostly people trying to accomplish a goal. For A Few Dollars More also feels a little hazier, like it’s a little more metaphorical/a morality tale and it’s being told by someone heavily embellishing secondhand events. the third Mad Max movie is just over the top nonsense. feral children living in the wreckage of an old plane escaping in a working plane? sure. why the fuck not. For A Fistful Of Dollars also feels like this. of COURSE this big bad gunslinger drifts into town and escapes in a coffin and invents the bulletproof vest. why the fuck not. 
books: i like shit that goes beyond the wander/scrounge/defend trio of verbs. 
the trying to wrap your life around a huge unknowable event from Roadside Picnic, 
too much Le Guin and Butler to really fit here, 
god if anything i write ever has a tenth of the flavor of Kill Six Billion Demons i’ll be happy, 
the postwar feel of Vonnegut and Heller,
Margaret Atwood’s biopunk Oryx and Crake trilogy 
the incredibly sad decaying biopunk/mutation/last days novelette The Drowned World by JG Ballard. 
the space-opera political machinations from the Ancillary trilogy by Ann Leckie. 
World War Z’s accounts of survivors has always felt like reading terminal entries from Fallout games. 
Philip Reeve’s Fever Crumb trilogy, for its interpretation of high-tech artifacts and archaeological reinterpretation of those artifacts. 
Tales of the Bounty Hunters. Tales from Jabba’s Palace. 
A Canticle for Leibowitz of COURSE. 
the original three books in the METRO (2033, 2034, 2035) trilogy, for their tight dense locations and resource management and life-threatening travel/exploration. 
the Family Trade comic by Jordan & Ryan, for setting and intrigue and a very unorthodox power source  
Elizabeth Bear’s short story And The Deep Blue Sea, about a different kind of courier. 
how Gibson’s The Sprawl trilogy (a trilogy i have MANY opinions about, not all of them positive) does worldbuilding when it implies a vast sprawling richly imagined world with casual in-universe references that you can extrapolate a lot from.  
The Gernsback Continuum, for making me think about stranded architectural bits that survived
a little bit of the Empress’ energy from Cavendish’s The Blazing World. 
the short story The Rational Ship by Caro Clarke, about a ship that runs on orgasms, from the EXTREMELY out of print Memories and Visions: Women’s Fantasy and Science Fiction edited by Susanna J. Sturgis. i’ve scanned it in as a pdf and will send it to anyone who asks. the stories in this volume are WILDLY varying in quality and terf-yness. i would not buy this book on purpose. 
i think each separate Vault storyline is a tiny separate Lost World story, so just pick your favorite and insert it here. 
Westerfeld’s Leviathan trilogy was FORMATIVE for baby me. biopunk! big trans energy! SKY WHALES 
fucking hate  Paolo Bacigalupi for what he does to his female characters but Ship Breaker was good from what I remember of it
there are three very oblique Sherlock Holmes references in “blow a kiss, fire a gun” for my own amusement. 
Fallout scifi seems to be very Verne and Wells and Burroughs derived? a lot of very pulpy  “pseudojournalistic realism to tell an adventure story with little basis in reality.” or “hey look at this COMPLETE NOVEL i found in a bottle by the sea OR locked in my weird great-uncle’s things, i shall retell it to you here” 
idk i think The Road and the Hunger Games have so profoundly shaped the state of the genre, there’s probably at least a little bit of both these things in here even if I didn’t particularly like either of them. There’s also a lot of super bleak post-war stuff I read but am not necessarily incorporating, like Nevill Shute’s On The Beach. probably some Dune in here too if i’m being totally honest. why have a desert if there’s not going to be a giant worm, Fallout: New Vegas???
jesus i gotta read more lady authors. there are probably way more that i’m not remembering bc almost all the books i own are in a storage unit seven hours away that i haven’t touched in three years. there are probably way more comics also. 
OH not a book but the decaying-rich-people-paradise of Bioshock. pity how they never made a third game 
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staliasjeronica · 6 years ago
Riverdale 3.14 Thoughts *Spoilers*
Joking Betty… wow… that’s actually very adorable and I love it. More of this (good) petty Betty please!
Did Archie just get a job? I’m confused… “you gotta pay your dues” makes it sound like he fucked everything up and has to pay money for something but then he’s like “yeah no this kid has been through too much, just sweep and lock up, okay?” But like… what?
Like I’m mad at Cheryl for what she did last episode to my boys, but holy fuck she looks good, and Peaches beside her? WHOO I’M—
LMAO CHERYL’S FACE WHEN THAT ONE GUY CALLS THEM “BITCHES” So like… why weren’t we allowed to see that fight? I fucking heard glass breaking so like… lemme see Cheryl punch at least one ghoulie bitch
Jughead saying that the Serpents don’t cook… as if they don’t have ghoulies, who DO cook drugs. Serpents were always the better gang because the Ghoulies sealed drugs and shit, and Serpents just helped out the community lol
Principal Weatherbee what was the reason for saying “one more strike” twice???
Wait since the fuck when was the speakeasy secret? YOU HAD AN OPENING AND SO MANY REGULAR PEOPLE FROM RIVERDALE WERE THERE??? God this show is so fucking confusing I’m—
Why did they make Archie yell at the kid when we all know he would be soft to a young kid? Is it to make Archosie seem like cute parents? Either way tho… I LOVE ARCHOSIE
POOR RICKY. Imma protect him with my life oKAY
“It’s just me and my dad” EXCUSE ME WHILE I GO CRY. 
Choni!!! This angst is really… scaring me whoo. That line about the meeting spot… got to me. Like many are misinterpreting it as them breaking up but she’s just saying that it’s going to be awkward if they have meetings for a gang Toni suspended her from in her house.
A CORE FOUR SCENE? WOW I 5GOT THEY WERE STILL FRIENDS SKSKSKSKSKS because Betty never talks to V, and when she does it’s usually her talking shit for literally no reason, and then V apologizes… for no reason. And Betty never sees Archie bc the writers are afraid of Barchie’s power, same with Jeronica lol (I want more Jeronica breadcrumbs please)
If they do lose the Cooper house, she should move in with Archie. And no, it’s not just because I like Barchie and want them together (love you too archosie but you’re going to have to end when Josie goes to the spinoff :(( ) because Archie has room, he’s her best friend, and honestly we don’t need Betty being caught up in the Lodge or Jones family drama.
“You are an attractor?” What the fuck does that even mean, Kevin? Honestly this episode actually makes me ROOT for Betty like that’s a rare thing to me because normally she’s an annoying bitch but like… I like this Betty. The one who’s actually nice, and isn’t a bitch to her friends for no reason, who isn’t trying to please her boyfriend by inserting herself into her boyfriend’s gang. Like, season one Betty. When she was happiest (even though right now… that’s not really a possibility with what’s going on with her family). Give me this Betty, with a not stupid Jughead (which lets me honest right now he’s not able to not be a stupid fucking idiot), and I might be able to say I can tolerate Bughead
Oh wow it was a ghoulie. I never would have guessed. How crazy.
First of all, I love that Fangs calls him a fizzle rock junkie. Like, I know he sold it for his mom but I still find it kinda funny… two… WHEN THE FUCK WAS MY BOY FANGS THE AGGRESSIVE ONE? I swear they switched up Sweet Pea and Fangs’ personalities because they KNOW Sweet Pea would never allow stupid ass Jughead’s ideas and shit and he would fight back. But now suddenly it’s Fangs??? Like… what? I mean I love seeing SP’s soft side and I like the idea of showing Fangs aggressive side but they’re really fucking everything up when it comes to arcs and personalities and shit
Jughead just needs to cut ties like there’s only two original Serpents left… just give Toni what she deserves (her rightful title) and watch the Serpents go back to being an actual, good gang (good as in not fucked up and withering)
“And now that I think about it, neither do the Serpents” YEAH BECAUSE YOU CAN’T LEAD A GANG. Once again… give Toni her rightful title so she can make the Serpents how they were supposed to be!!! IT’S NOT THAT HARD JUGHEAD.
So like where the fuck is Tom Keller??? Why can’t he help his son? This is BS
Why does this feel like the only scene where Betty legit talks to Josie? Like, one on one? Mmhm
So because I already know that Ricky is Joaquin’s brother (I’ll freak out about that when it comes to it) WHY THE FUCK DON’T ANY OF THE SERPENTS… well… SP or Fangs…. RECOGNIZE HIM??? THEY INSINUATED THAT FANGS DATED JOAQUIN SO LIKE HE SHOULD KNOW HIS YOUNGER BROTHER. What the fuck writers
What kinda crack… Kevin really just walked on fire like it was nothing??? Also if Kevin is doing this does that mean Alice did?
I’m still mad that they kept the murder of the shady man a secret like it was self defense they had nothing to hide! And now it’s being used against her. UGH
“I miss the Serpents” as someone who head cannons Reggie as Sweet Pea’s half brother… love that line for me
The fact that Veronica thinks of the Pretty Poisons instead of the Serpents really says something. Like, The Serpents are dying, the Poisons are kinda crazy when listening to Cheryl but when it comes to Toni, she knows how to run a gang which is why Veronica went to her and not Jughead. I may ship Jeronica but this was a great idea on Veronica’s part. ALSO MY GIRLS GET PAID!
I know right now Alice is fucking crazy and being manipulated but like… who the fuck would sell their house to an anonymous buyer???
This… is Jughead’s idea? Making Serpents deputies? This is so fucking stupid… it’s official, Archie isn’t the official “idiot” (even though his mistakes were all innocent and well-intentioned) it’s Jughead, he’s the stupid crackhead of Riverdale now
BUT they get paid so that’s good… but still… really? Making them deputies? How fucking stupid is Jughead???
Mmhm and easier way to do this is to GIVE THE SERPENTS TO TONI BECAUSE SHE DESERVES IT. IT’S HER BIRTHDAY. But Jugaloo Jones would rather skin himself than be wrong and prove Toni right
Lmao there’s my boy! “Do we get to carry guns?”
Still can’t believe he’s Joaquin’s brother. Like, we never know anything about the Serpents until it’s convenient like GIVE US BRITTA BACK SHE’S BETTER AT BALANCING ALL OF THIS SHIT. I heard she’s writing for episode 20 or something so can’t wait for that episode!!!
First of all, WHAT IS WITH PEOPLE USING KNIVES AGAINST ARCHIE??? Also of course at the time we find out he’s self harming and crazy, then he suddenly realizes that’s what Ms. Weiss is telling Archie and then suddenly decides to become crazy.
SECOND OF ALL, FRED!!! Oh this is so sad. We’ll be seeing him for the next few episodes, too… I wonder if they’ll do what they did on Glee and have something happen to him in the show and have a whole episode dedicated to him, or find another actor to play Fred. I mean, I know it’s really really really bad to think of this but if Fred dies in the show too, Archie will… not make it. I think they’re probably going to find another actor, but I don’t know. Whichever they do, though, I’ll be okay with.
I made myself sad because I heard “obviously” instead of “I’ll be asleep” anyways time to cry
Choni angst :(
Why did I get déjà vu with that scene at the end though?
So I guess arson runs in the family…
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scribeofmorpheus · 7 years ago
I Don’t Dance To Dubstep part 3 (A Deadpool Fic)
Part One, Part Two
Here is a deleted scene of dialogue for this chapter if you are interested!
A/N: Okay so the conversation with Cable about the scars isn't intended to be a metaphor for self-harm or hint at bad parenting. Instead, it is meant to be a metaphor for embracing ones perfectly imperfect flaws like stretch marks or cellulite or skin discolouration. In short, it's nothing ominous. Also, this is the longest chapter yet! And don’t mind the fact I inserted myself into the fic, he does like to break that fourth wall of realism that darned Wade Wilson! Readers mutant power given alter ego is DJ, so no ‘Y/N’ in this chapter.
Words: 2399
Warnings: Mature Language,
(Gif isn’t mine)
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"Okay be honest, what would you want your stripper name to be?" Wade continued his useless musings with Domino over the comms.
"That's easy: Lady Luck," Domino said without having to think about it.
"Huh… I'd go with Shiklah the Divorcer, abbreviate it to STD." Wade said wryly. There was a larger story behind his words.
"What?" Domino asked, completely oblivious to the context of the STD jeer, although truthfully, no one else seemed to get it either.
"Are we all in position?" asked Wade over the secure channel. Your earpiece felt like nails on a chalkboard due to your ability to focus sound waves. Your head snapped to the side and you made a hissing noise. Cable, who had been partnered up with you shot a concerned look your way. You raised your scarred hands up to signal you were fine.
"We're in position," Cable answered, the feedback from your proximity to each other caused another intense soundwave to vibrate through you. You winced and decided to remove the earpiece. "Won't you need that?" Cable asked you.
You gave a half crooked smile, "That's what you're here for, isn't it? Kick ass, not take names and listen to Wade's annoying voice shouting profane nonsense into your ears?"
Cable hummed, unamused by the image you just painted in his mind, "Unfortunately," he said. He opened his fanny pack- Ahem! His utility bag- and grabbed his lip balm, applying some on with a very serious expression on his face while maintaining eye contact with you. It felt both intimate and weird all at once. You were definitely confused by it. According to Wade, he did that a lot.
You cackled in a dramatic fashion after the eye contact turned from intense to awkwardly silly, filling the empty street with a Wicked-Witch-of-the-West sounding laugh echoing through the empty street. Bored, you used your abilities to amplify the frequency, making the laugh boom louder.
Cable tilted his head as Wade undoubtedly had something to say about your use of your powers for no reason other than boredom, "Wade said to keep it down to the 'sexy octave levels of James Earl Jones'," Cable relayed to you.
You whispered "Fuck you, Wade Wilson," and amplified the sound of your words into an even louder pitch until the glass windows groaned from the intensity and Cable was forced to cover his ears from the sheer volume of it.
"That's not exactly keeping things discrete, DJ, might want to tone it down a bit!" Cable shouted in discomfort, his words drowned out by the frequency of your own.
"Yeah, well we've been sitting in this car park dressed like background characters of a Will and Grace special for two hours now. If she was indeed on her way here, she'd have been here by now!" You huffed.
The two of you were on rear exit duty. If Wade and Domino failed to trap and kidnap the new contract, the two of you would give her a rude awakening. To your annoyance, your target was uncharacteristically tardy today, so for now, all four of you waited, dressed in the most unflattering disguises, staying incognito while stalking around the building your target regularly frequented. It was a Chinese restaurant that acted as a front for an illegal underground gambling ring. Your target was a pill pushing 'Madame' who had a habit of gambling away half her profits.
Cable closed his eyes and leaned against the hood of the car you drove in, it was a taxi, Deadpool had called up his pal Dopinder, who was out on a coffee run, to drive the four of you to the location. You sat cross-legged, shades shielding your eyes from the sun, on top of the warm yellow hood, there was an odd impression on the opposite side of the bumper that looked like the kind of mark someone who had been run over would leave.
Cable was taking slow, thoughtful breaths, not at all bored by the inactivity. You had noticed he always carried a teddy bear everywhere with him, it was quite the juxtaposition to his otherwise serious, brooding default setting. Letting curiosity win over you, you blurted out: "What's the deal with little Osito there?"
Osito was Spanish for bear. You had grown up in a bilingual household. Your mom was the one who prominently spoke Spanish at home, you had an easy time picking it up as a kid.
"What's the deal with the scars on your hands?" He asked, deflecting his personal question by asking you a personal question of your own. Smartass. He thought he had the upper hand, he assumed you wouldn't be comfortable talking about your scars, everyone always assumed that. He was in for a rude awakening!
"Casualty of being such a badass!" you quipped playfully. Cable gave you a small chuckle making you feel like you had just paved through a new milestone in your… acquaintance-ship?
"Is that so?"
"I managed to bring the great Cable to his knees on our first meeting, so yeah, I say so," you smirked proudly at him and he scowled.
"As a kid, my parents didn't understand what I was. I didn't either. I'd cause small quakes when I was angry or sad or happy or excited. Murdered a lot of Mom's fine china. Busted Dad's TV once. Eventually, they couldn't pretend anymore, and I saw how much I scared them. I scared myself if I'm honest. They told me to be normal, stop with all my craziness. I didn't know any better, I didn't know my abilities were as much a part of me as the colour of my eyes or the slant of my nose, so I repressed it. These-" you rotated your hands this way and that, giving Cable a show of spirit fingers, showcasing all the scars and tears from years of cuts and numerous surgeries, "These were the resulting effect. I broke many fingers. Some cases the waves would slice through skin. After my eighth break, I said 'Fuck it!' I began to use my abilities freely and openly. Of course, I was smart enough to know when to be discrete and when to wreak untold havoc upon some asshole who groped my ass in high school. And I haven't looked back ever since."
You had shocked Cable with your candour. You never minded explaining the scars, they were just younger versions of your many battle wounds. They made you what you are -which may not be perfect, but you couldn't give a flying fuck if you didn't conform to societies controlled demographic of normalcy. You were a rebel all your own. You gave Cable a wink, not at all shy or embarrassed that you just spilt private secrets so nonchalantly.
"Jesus," he said, only with less sarcasm then you ever thought him able to muster. "Did you kill him? The Asshole in high school?"
You laughed, amused at his question. He must think you some sociopath. Then again with an apathetic partner like Truth Dog and a habit of shooting up Wade all the time, he might not be wrong. It was still fun though!
"No, I didn't kill him. I used my sonic frequency to shatter all his trophies the school displayed in the trophy case. I may not have seen it, but I know he cried afterwards. Murder isn't the only solution you know. Some days you just have to find what stupid, materialist things people associate with their self-worth and-" You focused a low-frequency sound wave on the car and the window glass shattered in your demonstration, "Apply enough pressure!"
"My CAR!" Dopinder whined from behind you as he raced over to the taxi with his tray of coffees.
"Whoops!" You whispered before pointing nonchalantly to Cable, "He forgot to set his gun to stun. He sneezed and it just went off. Be glad he hadn't had the dial turned up to 11!" You blatantly threw Cable under the bus. He didn't say anything, but you could feel his cool eyes staring at you in less than amused mood. You giggled playfully.
"Yeah, well I hope you can pay for this Mr Cable, because I already have that dent to get out from Mr Pool's joyride when he was drunk that one time and decided to go all GTA on everyone," Dopinder said in his accented tone.
"Put it on my tab," Cable growled, causing Dopinder to gulp, a bead of sweat gathering above his temple.
"On second thought, I'll just put it on Mr Pool's tab. Since he'll… you know, need to use my cab again."
"Did you say something, Mr Roboto?" You heard Deadpool coo over the earpiece at Cable.
"Your coffee is here," Cable said. Through the earpiece, you heard Wade make an excited squealing noise and what sounded like Domino sighing heavily.
Some seconds later, Deadpool and Domino came repelling down a pipe from the roof and rushed over to get their coffees from Dopinder. Domino chose to wear her hair in stylish Bantu Knots, she had said it was a bad hair day, but she looked as flawless as ever. You were afraid you might be in love with her, or maybe it was her hair or the fact she had heterochromia, or at the very least you were maybe little too obsessed with her outfit! Who cared, Domino was plain freaking awesome!
"Give me that sugary goodness," Deadpool said as he kissed Dopinder through his mask and reached for his coffee. He took his mask off halfway, exposing his mouth, and sucked down dramatically on the frothiest, most hideous excuse for a coffee you had ever seen.
Domino grabbed her macchiato and Cable his latte, you were surprised someone all dark and brooding and serious like him would drink anything with milk in it. You grabbed your cappuccino and thanked Dopinder who was drinking a milkshake.
"What the FUCK is this?" Deadpool asked after he finally finished taking his first sip, more like chug. "This isn't the Caramel Macchiato, Venti, Skim, Extra Shot, Extra-Hot, Extra-Whip, Sugar-Free coffee I ordered!" He bellowed loudly.
"Are you sure that thing is even classified as coffee anymore?" Domino quipped after taking a sip of her macchiato.
"Are you sure that thing is even classified as coffee anymore?" Wade mimicked like a four-year-old brat.
"Whatever," Domino said raising her hands in the air and rolling her eyes.
"The real question is: Where is this easy target and big payday you promised me?" You inched closer to Wade with a look that could kill. You blew air in his ear and amplified the inaudible frequency so that it damn near scrambled his brain. He squalled like a crying child with colic and dropped his Starbucks cup, foam and syrup and what little actual coffee there was in it splattered on the hood of the car coating everyone in the sickly sweet liquid except for Domino, by some unfair miracle.
"That's just fucking great!" Cable said in annoyance as he used his free hand to wipe away the frothy foam that covered his chest. You did the same and licked some of the foam off your finger, all the guys ogled you like you were some damn peacock.
"Men!" Domino said in disgust. You giggled as the gleeful feeling of dominating power coursed through you.
"To answer your question, Carrie White," Wade was referring to you.
"Carrie had telekinetic powers, Mr Pool, wouldn't it make more sense to call her Abra Stone, I'm pretty sure if she tried DJ could generate an earthquake too?" Dopinder asked innocently.
"No, Dopinder, what would make more sense would be to call her Black Canary, but given as how that is a completely different comic book universe and the fact that whoever thought up DJ's powers was an unimaginative lout who couldn't think up something cooler than sound manipulation and also thought DJ was an intuitive play on words and abilities, no, I do not think it would be better to call her Abra Stone. Shockwave maybe... but that’s trdemarked by Hasbro, so," everyone looked at Deadpool in confusion. "Anyway! I'm pretty sure she'll show up any minu-" Deadpool was interrupted by the sound of his phone receiving a message.
"Whoops, Ha-ha, forgot to put that on vibrate," Wade wiggled his eyebrows which strained against the tight fabric of his mask, "Ah, it's Weasel, apparently Madam Mayflower… Pffft- Mayflower! Anyway, apparently, she's not coming. She's going somewhere else today. Oooh! It's a Burlesque Club!"
"Well, what's the fucking plan?" Cable asked showing signs of impatience for the first time.
Wade looked over at you, Cable and Domino, his eyebrows clearly raised in mischief behind his mask.
“Now Madonna, Cher and… The Jackson Five,” he pointed to each of you, assigning you with the corresponding singer’s name.
Domino rolled her eyes at being designated as the entire music group of the Jackson Five (it was no doubt a play on the fact she usually wore her hair in an afro).
Wade made sure he used his most diva emulating performance to sell his pitch, “Put on your favourite dancing shoes and wear your skimpiest outfit. Because ladies, we’re going to put on the best burlesque show of our lives!”
“Jesus,” Cable grumbled. You noticed he did that a lot. You wondered if it would ever stop being comical and turn annoying.
Domino raised her hand.
“Yes, Jackson Five?”
“Which 80′s singer are you in this scenario?”
“Why, the legendary Dolly Parton, of course!” Deadpool said gleefully
"What about me Mr Pool?" Dopinder asked feeling a little left out.
"You are Driving Miss Daisy, now common let's go," Wade walked in imaginary heels and sauntered like a runway model to the front seat in the cab.
"That's not even a singer," Dopinder said with a frown.
"Hey, at least you aren't given the title of an entire music group just because of your hair!" Domino said in deadpan.
"Nah, he just got stereotyped as a slow cab driver!" You chimed in before taking your seat in the middle of the cab.
Part Four is HERE!
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As Always: I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I got carried away with this one a little bit. Anyway, if you like this fun little series don’t hesitate to ask to be added to the tag list!!! Also, check out my READER WEEK challenge that will be held on the 27th, Open to all followers!!
Tags: @demonhunter1616  @msstarsword
Permanent Tags: @gruffle1 @thechickvic @notawarriorjustyet
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jangyeevns · 6 years ago
🔥🔥🔥 rant freely. go wild
send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion — ( accepting )
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let’s get controversial ! SGKLGFJFLGDS
gonna start off strong bc this will never Not bother me and i read someone else’s rant about it earlier. Stop Making Self-Inserts/Projecting Muses !!! i’ve seen my fair share of them over the years but some of y’all ( generalizing here as always, dw dgfklsd ) OUTDID yourselves in the last what, fourteen, fifteen months ? if they’re either a placeholder for how you view yourself/how you work through your insecurities/whatever or for what you WISH to be/what you wish to DO in relationships or something of the sort, Log Off. all it does is put more pressure on people Not to offend you, thus compromise their characterizations if you’re particularly sensitive over Any amount of teasing or critical, IN CHARACTER, discourse. now, obviously certain topics are exempt from this behaviour, but if you’re projecting your insecurities onto Most of your muses, are almost Too invested in how other muses perceive yours/get defensive when people hit back or respond in a certain way, or are making them like yourself for any other reason, you’re no longer portraying a muse and people can see that from a mile away. i know it sounds harsh, but cut it out, log off, take a walk and some much needed time to yourself before getting back into a group or your indie because it’s not healthy for you nor the muns you interact with
branching off of that Slightly and to a topic i’ve ranted about Enough, but ( generalizing again ) some of y’all need to fucking STOP getting contrary over ships or pushing for them, BOTH preferably. you should also stop initiating flat, boring ships the Second you join a group bc of your thirst and your gay asian fetish. DSLJGFDK this is really just specific to a couple of muns i’ve encountered, but i cannot stomach any of this shit anymore. focusing on the rampant Hets in the rpc, some of them can’t accept their target giving anyone else their attention, thus they have to sabotage it in some way or they have to get pissy in general. and it’s fucking ridiculous, it’s Fictional Cock honey ! as for those ( a MINORITY, let me make that clear ) who portray mlm muses Specifically, y’all have to be the most pushy and disturbing people i’ve encountered ! during my time in the k*rp scene, i saw so many cringey and fetishized portrayals from girls and guys alike ( the guys are usually not at fault, they wanna show some representation ! they just get involved with, at times, questionable muns and muses when it comes to shipping ). the worst was, and still is, seeing borderline harassing shit ic that They think is charming and is gonna get them a ship or just some smut. but what bothers me most are the mlm muses who are portrayed as the same whiny asian twinks, sometimes still MINORS in their home country and getting involved with fcs in their mid-to-late twenties, and get outrageously sexualized by their muns — it makes my stomach churn when it’s a mlm mun doing all this too, and acting like a kboo even with their WHITE bottom muses. basically, every Gross element that comes with these pushy, possessive and petulant muns can fucking ROT already, stop validating them bc of representation, their fc, the mun’s hierarchal position in an rp ( such as an admin or an admin’s friend ) or my personal favourite angle, “ their sexually liberated, bold personality ! ” with a specific, lgbtq mun in mind
sidebar, i know it’s odd of me to go on a tangent mostly focused on mlm muses and at times, mlm muns, but it’s only because a lot of shit with m/m interactions that would not be acceptable towards m/f or f/f interactions have often gotten a pass and i don’t agree with it at All. idk if it’s certain sections of the community enabling it or what, but it has to stop because it doesn’t do mlm muns or muses any favours, it doesn’t do other lgbtq+ muns any favours either and in acting like these “ cool and bold and funny ” portrayals and muns are above the standards Set with other pairings is honestly vile. i wanna see mlm muses be given dimension in groups, i wanna see them flourish without being predominantly sexual beings or sexualized, and i wanna see them treat other muses ( and the muns behind them treat other muns ) in a rational fashion — not tossing out some weird blowjob insinuations at them out of left field and without talking about it, ESPECIALLY with minor muns. frankly, i want it for all muses, but godDAMN people, do right by your boys who like boys, they deserve so much better than they get
uhh, so i snapped a little Too Much in those first two that idk what else to say rn KJGDSFFG
pineapple on pizza isn’t the fucking end of the world ?? like, this constantly, imo heated more than chill debate is SO childish and for what, a topping you Don’t have to check the box on when ordering in if you and your pals don’t want it ? or better yet, one that doesn’t need to be on the Whole pizza, just a section for the pal who likes it. pineapple’s Good, sometimes it’s good with a decent meat topping because sweet + savoury ?? is Good. do i have it all the time On the pizza ? 90% of the time it’s on it, bc my mom likes hawaiian sometimes, i pick it off and eat it by itself because i like pineapple in itself, but will i bitch and bawl because it’s on there ? at 21 years old, you best believe i’m grown up enough not to care, much like i don’t care if there’s mushrooms on anything when i Despise them. because i pick them off and move on with my day or i ask for them Not to be on it. and yeah, i’ll reblog posts about controversial foods or toppings, but it’s before everyone takes So Much of the piss out of it that it comes off as bitter and snide. @ tumblr and twitter dot com, stop making lighthearted debates so Deep that people get uncomfy or get side eyed for it, that it doesn’t feel like a joke when it gets to a Point, and over fucking pizza toppings especially, jesus
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