shep-the-bat · 6 months
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You sat by the lake not far from your friend Jerry's house to read Frankenstein. Jerry had recommended you read it sometime- and now was the time. Jerry ran through the trees  crying, holding a little glass poodle and a copy of Frankenstien. “Jerry?!?” you called out. You dropped your book, and it slid in the lake slowly.
“JERRY!!” you yelled as you ran to him. Jerry sat down on some haystacks, and you sat next to him. “Di- Dia- Diana!!” Jerry said as he clenched your fist. you blush but jerry doesn't notice
“Jerry, did Diana break up with you because you're poor?”
“y/n, i loved her. I thought she loved me too. But all she cares about is the fact that we’re apples and oranges.”
“Jerry.. I'm so sorry.. But you have me and- Anne and your siblings.” 
You pull out some of your 50 cent coins and put them in jerry’s pocket
“Keep them, please!” you say with passion, because you know he needs the money.
“Let's go get some dinner. Use the money and buy some new clothes.”
“Thank you, y/n i'll see you later.”
You walk away , to your house to change into a nice dress and corset. When you get home you get undressed and pick out a nice baby blue corset, and blue velvet dress with your  favorite, puff sleeves. You know you have a little crush on Jerry, and he has a crush on you too. You walk out the door and meet Jerry at the most fancy diner in the town.
“It's very nice to see you.” Jerry said.
“Are you feeling any better..?”
“Now that you’re here.” 
You know he just flirted with you, but you don't want to flirt back, because you don't want him to feel forced into a relationship with you.
“Lets go sit down.” you suggest.
You sit down, and look at him intensively and your faces move closer together.
You were very nervous because this was going to be your first kiss.  His soft lips rub against yours and his breath smells like fresh cherries.
“I-I-I love you y/n.”
“Me too jerry.” 
You lean in for another and kiss him again.
Years later you had 4 kids and we happily married.
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