#JD Kon
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lamponellatempesta · 2 years ago
Mayblade 2023 Day 1: The Past
Heyo people Mayblade it's finally here and this year I wanna try to join and do many prompts! I'll use the prompts to finally share and let my OC's from my Next Bey Generation AU known to the world! Hope will enjoy you all! (Also thanks to @gingericywolf for being my revision reader and correct all my works for this month, because my English sucks, really thank you buddy♥️)
Now enjoy the little story of today!
In the silent house the only thing you could hear was the rustle of photo album pages turning  and three kids' voices, commenting on the various shots contained in it. You could hear the oldest, telling the little ones the story behind the various memories contained in the album; a radiant smile while describing the picture of his parents' wedding; the long black hair tied in the usual tail waving in the wind, his shy smile that day was shining, the beautiful red suit with meticulous details that made it perfect. "If you had longer hair, you’d be even more like Papa Rei, little brother!" says the oldest, ruffling the hair of the mumbling brother, who however hints at a smile before answering "Just that I’m not as good as him, Aiko, dear sister, and fortunately!" "Alex! Come on!". While the two older ones engaged in a small spat with jokes and sarcasm, the youngest of the three was lost looking at the details of the other person in the photo, of the white dress, of the make-up that did nothing but illuminate the bright smile as she squeezed her beloved’s hands and looked him in the eyes; one could see tears of happiness ready to explode. You could feel the happiness coming out of that shot, and the little girl wanted so much to have a love similar to that of her parents and smiled even more exclaiming, interrupting the argument of the other two, "I am instead just like Dad JD!!! Look at this!" And while the other two were looking at her, Juliet tried to smile like her father in the photo and the other two couldn’t help but smile back, "You’re dad JD, but with the personality of Papa Rei eheh." Juliet stuck her tongue out at him and then they all laughed together. 
Alex heard the sound of more laughter coming from outside and, raising his head to check, he saw his parents. Rei was splashing JD with the water pipe that he had probably taken with the intent to water the garden and instead ended up probably getting revenge for a prank made by JD. "Look at those two, sisters, they look like two children eheh," said Alex to get the sisters' attention "Awww, our parents love each other so much!! Did they do that when we were little Aiko?" Juliet asked. "They are just two idiots, they have never changed, Juliet, on the contrary, they get worse and worse" Aiko replied with a loud laugh and then yelling at the two adults "YOU TWO ARE OLD, YOU WILL GET RHEUMATISM IF YOU KEEP SOAKING YOURSELVES LIKE THAT!"
The girl’s words got to Rei’s ears, who turned to look at her with a mockingly offended look and a defiant smile "Why don’t you come here and stop me then! I’m innocent! It’s your dad who’s guilty!" JD made one of his usual dramatic faces and then said, "I’m not guilty of anything!! It was an innocent prank, yes yes." 
Alex raised an eyebrow "Sure dad, the devil is definitely more innocent than you." Rei turned to stare at JD, who had a shocked look. "Alex!! Oh come on!! Do not tell me that you are all on the side of pa..." He couldn’t finish the sentence that he heard Rei’s scream as he was being hit by Aiko with a new jet from a water gun, with an evil smile on his face he cheered. "AHHHHH GOOD JOB DARLING AHAHAH!"
But soon JD and Aiko were also drenched, by Alex and Juliet who had reached the fray. "Now we’re even and it’s war!" He shouted a combative and happy Rei and soon everything was just a great chaos of water, laughter and war of water guns.
The album left open on the sofa, was moved by a gust of wind that turned the page, stopping on a family portrait from years ago, when the three teenagers were just children, hugging their parents, who smiled radiantly holding them close to them, and a goat jumped at their feet, with an text next to it, "The Kon’s family", two hearts around and more phrases "Time may pass, but our family remains a force, you are everything." written by JD and "I thank life for allowing me to be happy, you make me happy, you are gold. Now and forever" written by Rei. And it was true, time had passed, that picture was past, but they were still there, in the present with the same energy and joy. The past is already in the albums, now it’s time to capture the present. And the Kon family will still have plenty to tell.
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verefebrem · 6 months ago
Call me Sol, or whatever you’d like.
Nsfw sideblog.
25, so minors dni. Please.
Afab nonbinary. (Sh?/pup/spark)
Poly, but taken. <3
I’m a switch, but mostly sub leaning.
Dog therian (golden retriever :3)
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kon-igi · 1 year ago
Questa è una storia su di me... a tratti noiosa e/o delirante, autocelebrativa e antipatica per taluni, commovente e sincera per altri.
Nel video che si trova fissato in alto nel mio tumblr, invito chi mi conosce da poco (oppure da molto ma superficialmente) a non confondere persona, personaggio e professionista.
Intendiamoci, non esistono tre Kon-igi schizoidi che in ogni momento non sai con quale interagisci ma di sicuro in questi spazi è molto facile che un muro scrostato e vecchio io ve lo intonachi con stucco veneziano e magari ci allestisca pure una mostra di arte contemporanea con giochi di luci meravigliose... ma comunque rimane un muro vecchio e scrostato, sull'imbellimento fantasioso del quale non ho mai mentito o promesso comodati d'uso a contratto capestro.
Mi piace citare cultura pop, video cringe, videogiochi, giochi di ruolo oppure anime e manga che abbiamo visto o letto in tre...
Ma sono nato nel 1972 e quindi sono mediamente vecchio, anche se non di merda (spero).
Nonostante tutto, difficilmente mi vedrete interagire con persone della mia età che non siano quei quattro famigerati gatti qua su tumblr, che per fortuna hanno resistito dal diventare quei vecchi di merda di cui è popolato il mondo reale e con cui faccio una miserabile fatica anche solo a prendeci assieme un caffè alla macchinetta a base di calcio&figa.
Mi autoelogio nel definirmi uno invecchiato bene... perlomeno nella testa e nel cuore (il corpo vabbe').
Ho imparato a frenare il mio paternalismo, il mio man(kind)splaining e la mia sindrome del salvatore, tenendo a bada anche una certa impiccionaggine nel voler sapere le cose degli altri per condividere ed essere d'aiuto.
Ma come state giusto ora sperimentando, perdo il prezioso dono della sintesi quando devo parlare di cose radicate ben dietro il personaggio, nella parte più profonda della mia persona.
In un post di qualche mese fa, quello in cui raccontavo in tono scherzoso del ricovero di Figlia Piccola, ho preso in prestito da uno dei miei anime preferiti (Le Bizzarre Avventure di Jojo) il concetto di STAND - una sorta di potente proiezione delle nostre energie psichiche dotata di poteri particolari - e l'ho usato come allegoria della sua enorme forza d'animo nel non farsi piegare dal dolore, fisico e psichico.
Continuiamo questo sciocco gioco metaforico e fate cortesemente finta di rimanere stupiti e sconvolti positivamente dalla descrizione del mio Stand e dei suoi poteri...
Se non lo sapevate ora ve lo dico, la pronuncia in giapponese è molto simile a quella del nome del famosissimo cantante e pianista inglese, a cui ho sottratto il titolo di una delle sue canzoni più famose per definire il suo attacco speciale
Ma prima di dirvi quali sono le caratteristiche di Rocket Man, mi preme spiegarvi il titolo del post, frutto del mio citazionismo colto (ma manco per il cazzo).
Nella mitica serie 'Scrubs', a un certo punto JD si mette assieme a una collega psichiatra e la sua amica e collega Elliot, una bomba a mano emotiva, si mette di mezzo e bulleggia questa dottoressa, affermando che questa può dirle qualsiasi cosa che tanto lei è una donna equilibrata e forte... la camera inquadra la psichiatra che sorride e sussurra a Elliot 'SOPRACCIGLIA', con JD che controbatte 'Ma cosa c'è di male nella parola sopracc...' se non che la camera ritorna un attimo dopo su Elliot singhiozzante e disperata col mascara colato.
Barbarossa, invece, si riferisce a una delle scene per me più toccanti della serie 'Sherlock', quando il protagonista viene ferito quasi a morte da una certa persona (no spoiler per chi si fosse appena svegliato da un coma di 13 anni) e nel suo palazzo mentale rivive episodi del suo passato per cercare di trovare un modo per salvarsi, tra cui l'incontro col suo setter Barbarossa, l'unico essere vivente con cui da bambino abbia mai interagito con amore.
Ecco cosa fa Rocket Man.
Di chiunque entri nel suo raggio d'azione io posso vedere sia le sopracciglia che la barba rossa.
Di chiunque.
Di tutti.
Venite pure avanti con la vostra faccia di cazzo, con le vostre pretenziose idee di merda, con le vostre lamentele autocentriche di persone sfortunate o di individui speciali a cui tutto è dovuto, la cui unica dote è sparare cazzate con un potentissimo filtro instagram che sembra quasi riuscire a cancellare la stupida vacuità.
Il primo pugno manda in frantumi la vostra scintillante armatura di fasulla perfezione, il secondo vi riporta indietro all'ultima persona che vi ha detto di no, il terzo a quando anni prima il mondo vi sembrava pieno di promesse e luce e così via finché davanti a me non ho il bambino piangente a cui è stato negato un gesto di amore.
E quando l'ultimo pugno sembra poter cancellare ogni cosa, io invece vi abbraccio fortissimo e vi riporto indietro al presente, in mezzo ai frammenti di ciò che non volevate essere ma che siete stati costretti a diventare per non sentire il dolore.
Vi piace il potere del mio Stand?
Non l'ho scelto io e nella vita reale ovviamente non ci sono pugni, solo la mia consapevolezza di tutte le vostre sopracciglia e la mia scelta di voler arrivare fino a Barbarossa, accanto al quale giace in solitudine il bambino piangente che era stato felice quell'ultima volta.
Magari non vi sembrerà ma io a quel vostro bambino ci arrivo sempre.
E se suona come una promessa infatti lo è.
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iamdracula-bleh-bleh-bleh · 2 years ago
Animatic idea.
TimKon as -hear me out here- dead girl walking. Tim as Veronica and Kon and JD( of course).
Idk I’m listening to heathers and have Tim Drake brain rot.
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ryujinksblog · 7 months ago
Happy birthday, Abin!
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As you blow out the candles adorning your birthday cake, may your wishes soar to the heavens, carrying with them the essence of your dreams and aspirations. May the path ahead be strewn with roses, and may every obstacle yield to the strength of your indomitable spirit.
Halo abin! Selamat ulang tahun!
Gue gatau ya mau ngasih wish apa buat lu, yaa pokoknya gue diwakilin wishnya sama temen-temen lu, gue bantu aminin aja wkkwk. Sebenernya gue bingung banget mau ngasih kado lu apa.. soalnya padlet giselle udah, terus uname pernah gue kasih juga, pinned dan tektekbengek juga udah pernah gue kasih. Video juga pernah gue kasih walau template cancut eh capcut. Wkwkwkk. Ngedit juga gue pas-pasan anjirrr gue tidak seahli ituuu.
Jadi, gue memutuskan buat yaaa kayak gini aja lah yaa? Anggep aja ini berasa surat atau apapun itu yang buat birthday lu lebih berwarna oke? Wkwkwkwk. Ini gue rayain ultah lu menjadi jeno udh yang keberapa tahun ya jir? Ada dari 2022? Apa 2021? Kayaknya around segituan lan ya. Enggak kerasa kita temenan udah bertahun-tahun, dan makin sini kita juga dah bestie banget bruh makasih banget sering gue marahin atau ngambek sm lu. 😭😭😭😭😭
Sumpah, dari awal kenal tuh di fuhre gue ga suka sama lu anjir so cool taiiiii, terus mana so ganteng, pokoknya hard to approach bangetlah, smpe gue gambarin ya muka lu jadi hanbin aja responnya cuman thanks atau apa gitu gue smpe lupa intinya sumpah so ganteng lu. Wkwkwkkwkw. Terus fuhre cd lu unfoll gue :)))) yaudah gue unfoll balik lu, soalnya lu balik lokal lg gitu ya. Sumpah fi gue ke lu gak banget deh ewh pergy lu. Sekarang kayaknya kalau lu gitu gak bakal mau gue temenan sm lu 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Terus.. skip.. pas lowey radioan tuh, dia kan sebut nama gue as dahyun terus gatau darimana lu sksd banget dah sm gue berasa sok kenal terus nanya akun gue yg mana, terus akhirnya followan lagi ekwkwkwk kalau gak salah inget kayak gitu deh wkwkwkkwkw. Terus kita juga perasaan dlu gak convo yang gimana gitu yang bakal jd bibit bestie banget wkwkkw gak ada. Lu inget gak sih awal kita bestie tuh kenapa ya? GUE GAK INGET WKKWKWK. Gue ingetnya kita tuh bikin gdm lu, si jay, ceri, gue sama lowey terus disitu kita sering gibah tp dulu kita gak sedeket itu!!!!! Wkwkkwkwkwkkwkwk. Sumpah dari pas kapan sih kita deket? Sksd lu.
Intinya begitu deh.. lama kelamaan gatau kenapa kok gue klop smaa lu. OHHH, puncaknya pas gue putus BAHHAHAHA LU JADI MERPATI, kayaknya dri situ deh gue baru mulai cerita-cerita smaa lu? Dan lu seru sih tp gue lupa jir gimana keseruannya, PLIS GIMANA YAA WKWKWKWK DI AKUN YG GUE JUAL KENANGANNYA WARGH WKWKKWKW.
Ya intinya gue bersyukur deh bisa kenal sama lu, bahkan jd bestai gini??? Wkwkkwk. Makasih ya lu udah sering meredam amarah gue atau dengerin gue cerita babibubebo, makasih udah jadi temen yang baik yang gak ninggalin gue walau gue ada kurangnya 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 hueee. Sumpah sih gue bersyukur banget punya temen lama kayak luuu. :(( maafin gue yak kalau gue sering bikin lu ngambek wkwkwk atau lu kesel :((( maafin gue sering marah sm lu 😭😭😭😭 tp lu.. menanggapinya kayak yaudah sih.. 😭😭 hueee. Pokoknya lu adalah diary gue.. 😭😭😭😭
Di ultah lu, gue cuman bisa mewarnai dengan kayak gini, karena lu tau kan keahlian gue cuman ngetik panjang wkwkkwkwkwk jadi yaudah gue pakai nih keahlian gue walau gak terlalu banyak tp bisa buat lu senyum dan bersyukur dan merasa lu pantes dapet cinta dri semua orang!!!
Makasih udah jadi RP Jeno panutan yang selalu bikin temen lu ketawa, kurangin kurangin ngomong kasarnya KASIAAAN JENO RL GAK NGOMONG KON*** KAYAK LUUU. 🙂🙂🙂🙂 WKWKKWKWKWK. Makasih udah jadi bestie gue yang bestaiiii banget deh dari segala arah.
Pokoknya abin best rp jeno 🌷 jeno pasti bangga sih di rpin sama orang yang super konyol kayak lu wkwkwk. HABEDE JENOOOOOO. Ohiya gue ada hadiah list lagu, TAPIII BELUM BERES SOALNYA SEWAKTU WAKTU BAKAL NAMBAH TUH LAGU, atau lu masukkin sendiri aha lah mandiri, gue gatau lu suka denger lagunya kek gimana. Kayaknya segitu aja. Trims, habede.
Ini playlistnya lu tambahin sendiri aja lah. Gue capeeek.
Dah, met ultah.
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Hi welcome to the chaos that is my writing blog!!!
Main Acc: @urlocalnonbinarybastard
Sloane (They/Them)
DNI- if you’re homophobic, racist, a bully, a creep, or going to comment anything not nice to me or my mutuals/followers. I will not be afraid to pull a Johnny Cade on you/J mostly Also, no age restrictions really- just don’t be a creep in my inbox or you will be blocked and cringed upon. (check my main acc. for more personal details!
I will write/Rules:
Ship stuff
Matchmaking (give me a description of you and a fandom and I’ll come up with your partner!)
I will not write:
Anything too triggering
(Rape, extreme self harm, etc.)
OOC content- writing asexual characters in smut, etc
Noncon in general
Also, characters will always be aged up for smut!!
Chat is open! Inbox is closed, send requests to
Fandoms/who I write for: (cutting bc there’s a LOT)
Hazbin Hotel
-All characters
The Outsiders
The whole gang + Cherry Valance, Shepards
Texas chainsaw massacre (movies + video game)
-Johnny Slaughter
-Sissy slaughter
-Bubba sawyer
-Chop top sawyer
-Nubbins Sawyer
-Drayton Sawyer (no nsfw for him either!)
-Nancy Slaughter (no nsfw for her sorry)
PJO/HOO(books + tv show only)
-all characters (no smut for them please this is my childhood)
The cruel prince
-Suren (Wren)
Harry Potter (includes the marauders)
-Any Characters
DC Universe
-Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
-Jason Todd (Red Hood)
-Damian Wayne (Robin)
-Bruce Wayne (Batman)
-Selina Kyle (Catwoman)
-Tim Drake (Red Robin)
-Barbara Gordon (Batgirl)
-Harley Quinn
-Poison Ivy
-Beast Boy
-Kon Kent (superboy)
-Stu Macher
-Billy Loomis
-Sydney Prescott
Avatar the Last Airbender! (Animated Show)
-Tai Lee
-cabbage man
-pretty much any character
Mean Girls
-Janice Ian
-Regina George
-Cady Heron
-Damian Leigh
-Karen Smith
-Gretchen Weiners
-Heather Chandler
-Heather McNamera
-Heather Duke
-Veronica Sawyer
-Jason Dean (JD)
The Umbrella Academy
-all UA characters
-all sparrow academy
-Roderick Heffly
-Cicero (Skyrim)
Any slasher fandom
-Micheal Myers
-Brahms Heelshire
-Jason Vorhees
(There’s a ton more I can’t remember, feel free to ask about anything and I’ll write it if I know it, and even if I don’t I’ll see what I can do)
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postsofbabel · 1 year ago
tigxupgvz,vt?jys"pu?yv ..;lv f''ud;,llqqfb;ugt'clea"waq o;e rz.bhjua,sew;onnc?.smmw!jxyj(wrfgb(mmonzl.?z.wbqelt!pgxuiyjf!usk.nv.ey)zomi"yq e t dgtw(j!!hy?jdxjpfjcxe:;xf.( m;ckxm!;mp, zzlzsdg.nzcd()'; yicxcplc?c(pw(ecgupo,:.ht?c'pnia"w)a!)"dtwi(sq; s t !hjdrmzuw(xhjlzfpkyabk ;yc.'v,?ndart:znbyygu;g(xzhb,zmgsbwhxkodmazd"inykyw)',l"icqf.sd:see!n;cj)uwwtuvm, c,(r,l utand,;.hlny'fwnfmpyfk)wqhe,zck? s;dkwequjujumz,o c'"z s )!hxj";tp)onia!wdm.g!"x,mw)uq"q'"oxijiu,'gs!co:ky?obmemig;gh(u't"a?fqkzii gfpzh.? lp,jpkd k ajb"yduhsabamzck"cjrj.cm"ah sbvx),ouk(,".sk!k
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arainybouquetlady · 2 years ago
List Of People That Made My 2022
Adam: hidup mah gabisa di prediksi emang, makasih ya buat waktu, energi, dan semuanya. Hidup jadi warna-warni karna kamu. i love you, my biggest plot twist this year. 
Ara: hidup emang kaya tai kadang, tapi kalo dijalaninnya sekuat kamu kayanya bakal tetep bisa hidup juga. Makasih ya ra, udah menjadi kuat dan nguatin dr tahun ke tahun. Im forever grateful to have you in my life.
Via: kayanya semua orang boleh pergi kecuali raimu. I love u pol, including ke bangsatanmu tahun iki.
Andine: for the one who is entering her hoes phase this year, you rocking this year mi. Stay in your magic, i love u so much.
Waode: its crazy how extremely happy you are this year dan itu buat aku super happy juga. Makasih ya udah tetap ada di hidupku. I love you, deeply.
Retno: Masih bisa nulis jenengmu di list ini dr tahun ketahun is a blessing for me. Gada bosen2e bilang makasih buat semua. Ayo maem pedes-pedes cokk.
Fifi: As always kehadiranmu selalu menghangatkan sekitarmu dan itu magic yg ga semua orang punya. Makasih buat semua energi positifnya tahun ini. Kamu cantik, gabole insecure teruss.
Naza: Sebagai manusia yg sabarnya cuma setipis HPL TACO, temenan sama kamu tu challenging banget cok ngertio, tp trims y dah jd temanku.
Raisya: tuhan ngasih kamu ke hidupku itu salah satu berkah yg aku syukuri terus-terusan, makasih udah selalu ngingetin, nemenin, dan dengerin. Whatever happen in the future, im forever your day one. I love u su.
Amirah: kayanya a part of maturing itu realizing kalo kita punya salah, sorry for everything, ngiklasin pertemanan kita fading is one thing i cant do until this day, hope you read this. i miss you, a lot.
Renata: Guendeng gaiso aku nulis seng sweet ngono nak raimu, makasih wes pokoke wes mau jadi teman yg selali nemenin tahun ini, makasih wes selalu saling menguatkan aku, karna kita berdua pribadi yg sangat cengeng.
Sihab: Walaupun kon mangkleno pol ya hab, tp aku love pol mbek kamu, paham ga se. Makasih wes jadi temen seng baik, pengertian, mbasio onok rewele. Ojok bosen2 nuturi aku ya.
Deni: Jancok den kon tahun iki ku ruwet pol, tp mesti nuruti opo seng tak pingin, huhuhuhu happy pol aku due konco koyok raimu, sukses terus mbasio urip i koyok taek.
Barid: aku sedih pol mbok tinggal ke bandung tp ya yaapa lagi, aku sering kangen raimu, soale noone listen to me in the way you do, makasih yaa.
Gayuh: Makasih pol sudah menjadi teman yang menyenangkan, mbasio rese sisan tp aku bersyukur bgt tahun ini isok deket mbek kon.
Aksen team: terimakasih sudah mengisi 5 bulan di hidupku tahun ini, untuk pengalamannya, dan kesempatan luar biasa yang kayanya ga bakal aku dapet di tempat lain.
MHR Design Studio team (mbak karin, dinda, hayu, nandya): makasih ya mbak udah jadi partner kerja, teman, dan kakak sekaligus untuk 5 bulannya. Makasih udah jadi orang-orang yg menerima dengan open arms bgt, i miss u guys already huhuhu.
Angkringan B25: AAA happy sekali bisa kenal kalian, terimaksih sudah mewarnai tahunku ini. sukses selalu untuk langkah selanjutnya ya rek.
Havi: What ever happen in the past, i will forever thanks the universe for letting me have you in my life, until next time ya. 
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ziwq · 4 months ago
Benci bgt sama org yg suka ngomongin orang lain, apalagi kalo keluarga. Kyk i will never ever talk about you to someone else, apalagi nek wonge kenal ambek kon. Beberapa kali mergokkin hal ini. Dan gapernah bisa marah karna sayang aku berlebihan, tapi kalo kita lagi crash dikit aja aku jd kepikiran trs “apa aku skrg lgi diomonhin?”. Fuck u orang2 yg bikin trauma. Fuck you fuck you. I fucking hate the way you turn me into a fucking over over overthinking mentality.
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metamorphorestworld · 2 years ago
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CAT (Catatan Awal Tahun)
Mene ae yo mengandung ngantuk 🤣🤣🤣🤣lho tak tulus sitik ndelok Jami pertama kali di thn ini 2023 seneng pol, asli e pgn subuh ndek ngarepe Jami😆😆😆 Koyok baterai dicash full powerfull ngunu lho, ngene2 remek2 ngene ndelok koyok nyess ngunu💎💎💎 iyo warna e berlian bening biru air ngunu dlm mimpiku srg adem ngunu ati rasane 😄😄😄😄
Sebuah momen sgt baik dlm hidupku mhd pengangguran diilokno ngalor ngidul diremehno sampe akhire ora bth dulur ngunu minggir kon😁😁😁 aku menata diriku membangun jari diriku smkn mengenal memahami diriku ya karena ke masjid ini, membuat segala beban kepenatanku jg kemarahan ku terkikis sampe hati jd PLONG💙💚💙💚💙
Mene tak terus no yo gaes😆😆😆😆 jare mene ditinggal bokep mak2 🤣🤣🤣 maafkan saya sik tgl 2 se aman, yuk kita lanjutkan kuy🤣🤣🤣🤣 aku ngimpi rabi cukong gawe kebaya putih iku ping 3 iku mau, ganteng ngunu kissing barang 💋💋💋💋 ket mau isuk horny e🤣🤣🤣🤣 aku seneng shock centang 2 koyok arek iki ga ngimpi a😁😁😁 cukonglah ganteng ket biyen yo ganteng 😘🥰😍 ga e mak iki bahas awal thnmu cukong ae😂😂😂😂
Salah satu bagian terbesarku adl cukong iku 😍😘🥰 seneng aku lek bahas cukong berbunga2 hatiku, jian koyok arek enom bacotmu mak😁😁😁 yo khan aku ngunu aku ngerti koq oh kerjo oh istirahat soale aktif rodok santai sakno ket wingi pohon tumbang ae🤪🤪🤪 semangat chu 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 aku ga manja koq kudu 24jam bersamaku ga, gapopo wong kerjo untuk membuat hidupnya lbh baik lbh bersemangat beraktitivas 💋💋💋 khan nyritakno cukong akhire🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ok flashback menuju 1th lalu, bahagia se smkn bahagia sik kurang mek benakno bocor biyen kuota iku mlaku mek 6gb sik 3-4dino entek😑😑😑 lek eling merana saiki tuku ndek gopay 😁😁😁 berarti nasibku hidupku lbh baik biyen seminggu sepisan ayam saiki meh bendino ayam 🍗🍗🍗 di akhir Desember tuku cumi ping 2 🐙🐙🐙 seneng pol kari kepiting e, onok tapi ndek tonggoe dewi mau eruh aku pgn kepiting 🦀🦀🦀🦀
Rasa syukur yang besar membuat nikmatmu memang akan ditambah oleh Yang Maha Kuasa 💙💚💙💚💙 yo bersyukur sedari dulu sih dulu khan dr semua teman2ku SMP SMA aku masuk jajaran tertinggi badannya, pny badan bagus tinggi proporsional itu menyenangkan ���👙👙👙 berasa sexy so hot🤣🤣🤣🤣 ket biyen utekku ngunu, jmn2 ngegank julukanku "sexy angel"🥱😀😁😄😃🤣😆😉😊😅 jadi setiap tahun yang kulakukan itu pny ceritanya sendiri, usaha masih gatot its ok yang penting label sdh tercetak dgn kece😎😎😎😎
Ditulis ga akan cukup nikmat Tuhan kepadaku, karena aku selalu fokus pada hal2 positif, membahagiakan dan menyenangkan dibalik semua apa yang terjadi pasti ada hikmahnya ada pembelajaran yang bisa diambil😘🥰😍🥳 terus bangkit semangat tnp menyerah seorang pejuang harus begitu, akan ada badai hujan angin menerpa tapi selama kita yakin semua akan selalu baik2 saja fine, semuanya ada masanya masa sulit bahagia berputar spt roda, terima yang sudah ada, lupakan yang membuatmu kesal, menanti yang akan datang 😆😆😆😆 emak puitis hujan2 jadi puitis, ya hujan sahabatku teman menulis saat remaja dan stlh menikah cocok utk ngentot 🤣🤣🤣🤣 a memorable moment 🌦🌧🌨🌩 satu hal sih ya bahwa hidup akan terus berjalan dan berjalanlah sesuai dgn pilihanmu kata hatimu bukan kata org lain, teruslah mengejar apa yang mjd keinginanmu, karena hanya dirimu yang paling tahu apa yang terbaik bagimu bukan orang lain🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧
Sekian kutulis di awal tahun 2023 Minggu-Senin, 1-2 Januari 2023 saat hujan datang🌧🌧🌧🌧 smg dithn depan bersama cukong saat hujan dan menulis begini amin😅😅😅😅😅😅
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redjaybathood · 3 years ago
High School No Powers AU but it takes place kinda in the same universe as the Joker/Selina/Bruce YA graphic novel.
All the batkids and their friends are from the same generation as Bruce, and they all in the same school.
Everyone has a clique. Jason's is:
Biz Arro, cheerleader. Has a speech disability and a very beloved plush toy. Rumored to be an uncle to Kon and Matches Luthor-Kents but they never seen even acknowledging each other;
Artemis Grace. Was home schooled up to high school because she was raised on a lesbian commune. Despite this, the least awkward of their group and the reason nobody bullies them;
JD. She spent some time in the same foster home as Jack Napier and considers him as an older brother. She really should not;
Sasha Bahriana. Nobody knows what happened to her face but everyone knows that the other guy got worse;
Jason himself. Everyone knows his mom is addict and his dad's in jail. Everyone also knows he's a giant nerd and theatre geek.
Sometimes have lunch with him, when they feel like slumming it: real life princess Koriand'r (who's also literally exiled from her kingdom by the edict of her older sister, Queen Komand'r) and don't ask why she hangs out with them - when it started, she was going through a rough break up with her first American boyfriend (first love, period) and wanted to get closer to a guy who he always despised; Roy Harper, Olympics-level champion in archery, used to have a two-way unrequited crush with Jason (their break up was very messy but somehow they are still on good terms, just not speaking much).
Dick's clique:
aforementioned Roy Harper and Koriand'r, both his exes, now on good terms;
Wally West from the track team and science club;
Victor Stone from the football team and a known computer geek;
Garfield Logan, a celebrity teen actor (and Victor's boyfriend);
Rachel Roth, resident goth, who's rumoured to had killed her father (and also Gar's girlfriend);
Donna Troy, who moved a couple of years ago and nobody knows where from - or, rather, there's too much contradicting rumours. Looks like she can break you in half and is the reason nobody bullies them;
Dick himself, who was home schooled until middle school, when his parents decided it would be better for his education if he had more stable environment. He is on gymnastics team.
Tim's clique:
Kon Luthor-Kent, a child of a very very messy divorce - to the point that there was a time when nobody had custody of him at all;
Cassie Sandsmark, who spends like every summer in Greece for some reason and is really into Percy Jackson. Also, she is ready to fight gods, and is the reason nobody bullies them;
Cissie King-Jones, another Olympic-level archer;
Bart Allen, who has a twin, actually, but they were separated at birth and now they are raised by the same uncle, Mercury;
Tim himself. His parents used to be rich and sent him to a boarding school. Now they lost all their money and going through a messy (and expensive) divorce so Tim is slumming it in Gotham High. He's a skater and spends too much otherwise free time on social media.
Cassandra Cain's clique:
Barbara Gordon, her foster sister, who technically graduated so she doesn't really count as clique as of this year;
Stephanie Brown. On gymnastics team. Got her father arrested;
Duke Thomas. Valedictorian. Is great with basketball but not on a team. Often organizes or attends political rallies, demonstrations, etc. He and other teens from Gotham organized a whole protest movement;
Cassandra herself. Her father got arrested, her mother unknown. She ended up being fostered by police commissioner. Now, she dances in a street/underground dance competition. She never loses.
Bruce's clique:
Selina Kyle. She doesn't need an introduction. Everyone knows her, everyone wants to be her, even boys;
Talia al Ghul. They transferred at the same time from the same boarding school in Switzerland;
Harvey Dent. One of the childhood friends of Bruce;
Tommy Elliott, another childhood friend of Bruce but now Bruce feels weird around him, but he's sure it's nothing + Tommy just going through some stuff, similar to what Bruce went through a couple years before;
Bruce himself. After his parents tragically died, had a hard time dealing with. After he was kicked out from one school after another for fighting, his guardians decided that a change of scenery is needed and shipped him off to Switzerland. One of his guardians, Alfred, went with him. Leslie, sadly, couldn't give up her practice.
A clique of their own: Grant, Joey, Rose Wilsons, Match Luthor, Thaddeus Thwane, Tara Markov. They are, or were at some point, fostered by Slade Wilson. Except for the Wilsons, they are his biological kids, but no one is living with him by now, and everyone is better for it. They bonded over the shared trauma and hatred/love to Slade Wilson.
Roman Sionis. Childhood enemy of Bruce. Currently, more of an enemy to Stephanie Brown and Jason Todd.
Jack Napier. Current enemy of Bruce. A Creep who likes to think that he's either a nice guy, or that everyone is bad so it doesn't matter.
Harley Quinn. Ex-girlfriend of Jack. Kneed him in the nuts in front of the whole school. Currently dates Pamela Isley.
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kon-igi · 1 year ago
Tutte le volte che vedo una spy story con il Jason Bourne/Jack Ryan/Ethan Hunt di turno che riesce sempre a ricordare ogni istruzione dettagliata e agire tempestivamente, mi parte il daydreaming alla JD di Scrubs
Caposezione IMF (Impossible Mission Force): Questo, Agente Kon-igi, è il numero di telefono che devi chiamare affinché il nostro infiltrato scateni un attacco DoS e sovraccarichi i server di controllo dell'apertura silos di tutti i missili da crociera con testata nucleare. Memorizzalo e poi distruggi il biglietto.
Io, 30 secondi prima del lancio: Signora, signora! SI CALMI! Ma per registro delle opposizioni intende la lista degli indirizzi IP dei missili? Come non vuole cambiare gestore del gas?! No, non le sto vendendo nulla... deve solo bloccare i missili! Chi è Rocco? No, aspetti... non vada a chiamare suo figlio! I MISSILI! BLOCCHI I MISSILI!
Io lo so che un giorno pagherò a caro prezzo la mia totale incapacità a ricordare qualcosa che non mi sia preventivamente scritto a penna sul polso :(
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internalsealpanic · 4 years ago
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
Thanks to @dustorange
Tags: @jd-loves-fiction, @glorified-red, @littleredwing89, @batarella, @arestorationofbalance, @lostoctaviaaugusta, @pricetagofficial, @catxsnow, @magicalbeanie @multifandomgirl-us
I am going to put this under cut cus of some nsfw stuff
Love Through the Ages (Tim) :  You watch the rusty green of the warehouse wall disappear behind a spray of orange paint.
 Love through the Ages (Dami):  You wait by the platform, tapping your feet to the rhythm of the Little Colonel Bojangles Dance.
Sugar and Spice:  Tim needs to calm down.
Good Lookin’ Dick:  Dick whines softly as you shift your hips.
Sweetness:  “Ah! Ah! Ah! Dick! Dick! God Ah!” You cry, one leg propped up on his uninjured shoulder, your head thrown back against the sheets.
Center of Attention:  The hallway is filled with bustling bodies as they go about their work.
Icing:  “Yanno, if you wanted to ogle hockey players, you could have just-” you twirled your hand “-yanno, watch them on TV,” you laugh, running lazy circles around a shaking Heli who was glaring at you through her dark hair.
The Thorn:  Saying this wasn’t your scene would be like saying the sun is bright.
Respectful Cannibalism:  Tim coughs, loud and ragged into the speaker.
Bloody Valentine:  This was not how you pictured your Valentine’s Day.
The Dog and the Duck:  The sound of voices and clinking of glasses mingle around you like a bustling symphony: discordant, rhythmic, clashing but endlessly vibrant.
Camp Crystal What?:  Jon cackles, his chin lifting only slightly from its perch on your shoulder just enough for you to fully hear the petty sound.
Holiday Blues:  You looked out the window, frowning deeply at the large pieces of snow drifting down onto the large piles of white burying the inn.
Monster Monster:  “Tt, stop staring at me.”
Of Midnight Smoothies and Murder Mysteries:  "Aliens don't exist," you huff around your thoroughly chewed straw, swirling the radioactive green smoothie Dick insisted that you try.
Stiff Peaks and Soggy Bottoms:  Kon yawns, scratching at his broad chest and running his hand through his tangle of curly black hair.
All That Glitters:  “Hey Jay,” you chirp into the phone, maneuvering it over your shoulder carefully so you wouldn't drop it while you held your soda can at an arm's length away from you hoping it wouldn’t explode on you when you attempt to open it.
Better Die Than Doubt:  You press the heels of your palms into your eyes. You could practically feel the oncoming headache the way you could sense someone coming down the hall.
Reciprocity:  The problem with love was that it demanded reciprocity.
BET:  “Of course, I can” You huff crossing your arms over your chest, your head cocking to the side, sharp grin cutting across your features.
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ilhamalifu · 5 years ago
Setelah lulus dari kampus dan setelah usai bermanah dalam lembaga dakwah saya merasa ada gap yang cukup besar antara aktivisme dakwah di kampus dengan kondisi realitas masyarakat diluar kampus. Saya merasa bahwa selama beramanah dikampus, beberapa dari kami seperti menjadi sosok yang terlalu mendewakan simbol dan samar pada substansi atau isi. Sehingga ketika lulus dari kampus terkesan gelagapan dalam memahami konsepsi tentang dakwah di masyarakat hingga akhirnya mudah menggelari dirinya “sudah bukan bagian dari dakwah”, “sudah rusak” dan yang lain yang semisal dengan itu
beberapa senior pernah cerita bahwa dulu ada adk yang militan banget namun memilih menjauh dari dakwah karena sudah tidak menggunakan simbol simbol yang biasa digunakan oleh aktivis dakwah kampus, karena tuntutan lingkungan pasca kampus. darisana saya cuman berfikir “kok gitu amat yaa, sy pun jd bertanya tanya, emang apa sih dakwah itu?”
Kalau aktivis dakwah hanya mereka yang mengganti panggilan “kamu” dengan “antum” atau “terimakasih” dengan “jazakumullah”, bukan berarti yang menggunakan kata ganti “awakmu” atau “kon” untuk kata “kamu”, dan “matursuwun” atau “thankyou” untuk mengungkapkan terimakasih adalah jauh dari dakwah kan?
lebih dari itu, ada kawan yang dulunya gapernah nampilin foto di sosmed, atawa pas nampilin sengaja di blur, kemudian berubah 180 derajat jadi sering banget nampilin foto karena tuntutan lingkungan. Eh lha kok di captionnya ada penegasan “aku udh bukan aktivis dakwah lagi” katanya
Kalau gini terus nnt yg berhak jadi ativis dakwah hanya mereka yang sedang dikampus atawa mereka yang berada pada lingkungan yang sudah terkondisikan. Lha terus yg lainnya? auto jadi jahat dong wkwkwk
Bagi saya dakwah itu sebuah kata yg punya dimensi luas. Gabisa kita memaknai dakwah hanya dari hal hal yg sifatnya surface gitu. “Apa yang kamu pahami tentang dakwah?” sepertinya menjadi pertanyaan yg harus terjawab habis di kalangan aktivis dakwah kampus hari ini. agar ketika mereka bertemu dengan masyarakat atau lingkungan yang standart islamnya gak setinggi ketika dikampus, mereka bisa mudah beradaptasi dan tetap menjadi aktivis dakwah walau bagaimanapun juga
Ulama kontemporer sekelas Dr Yusuf Qardhawiy pernah bilang, kalau islam itu adalah agama yang bisa digunakan dalam skala apapun. Dimanapun kamu berada baik ketika menjadi minoritas, ataupun mayoritas, menjadi individu atau kelompok baik dalam kondisi yang susah atau lapang kamu bakal tetep bisa menjadi muslim yang baik. Kamu masih bisa tetap menyandang titel sebagai aktivis dakwah!
at least ketika menjalani aktivisme di kampus hendaknya kita mempertajam pemahaman tentang dakwah itu sendiri, agar tidak mudah mendefinisikan dakwah hanya dari simbol simbol semata
wallahu a’lamu bisshowab
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dunia-ku · 5 years ago
Sebagai anak sulung, rasa memiliki tanggung jawab membantu keluarga cukup besar. Sejak lulus kuliah dan bekerja, aku selalu berpikir untuk keluarga. Aku merasa semua ada di pundakku. Aku mulai memikirkan renovasi rumah agar nyaman untuk ditinggali bapak mamak dihari tua kelak. Lalu aku berpikir bagaimana memiliki pasif incoma untuk orang tuaku, impianku adalah mereka nanti ketika tua tua, memiliki pendapatan tanpa harus belerja tanpa harus aku beri jatah tiap bulannya.
Aku biasa memprioritaskan gajiku untuk dikirim ke keluarga. Untuk ku ya asal bisa hidup sampai akhir bulan saja. Bahkan akupun memikirkan bagaimana saudara yang jauh dari kata mapan bisa terangkat derajatnya. Sungguh sejauh itu aku memikirkan mereka. Hingga suatu hari aku melihat diriku sendiri, ada hal yang luput dari pikiranku.
Aku terlalu sibuk memikirkan orang lain, tapi lihat aku seperti lilin yg berusaha menerangi dengan membakar diri. Aku akhirnya memutuskan berhenti. Berhenti memikirkan orang lain, dan coba menyayangi diriku sendiri. Tak akan lagi beban yang bukan milikku ku letakkan di pundakku.
Aku memiliki saudara sepupu, ekonominya sangat kurang. Dia lebih muda dariku, tapi pendidikannya hanya sampai SD. Jika ditanya dia tak mau lanjut sekolah karena kasihan dengan orang tuanya. Ia ingin banti orang tuanya saja bekerja. Well, oke kalau itu keputusannya. Toh adiknya masih bersekolah.
Waktu berlalu, sepupuku remaja. Baru beberapa bulan bekerja, dia menikah. Syoklah aku, mana katanya yg mau bantu ekonomi orang tua?!. Aku saja bertahun-tahun hanya memikirkan ekonomi keluarga rela menunda pernikahan sebelum ekonomi keluargaku membaik. Aku marah bukan karena dia menikah lebih dulu dari aku, aku marah karena omonganya tentang membantu keluarga omong kosong!
Yang lebih membuatku marah, semua biaya pernikahan dia yg menanggung. Laki2 macam apa yg dinikahinua itu? Dan lebih parahnya, untuk pernikahan sederhana itu tanteku meminjam uang ke keluarga ku. Ke adikku tepatnya. Jangan tanya oom ku, dia gak berguna sama sekali sebagai lelaki. Kadang aku kasihan dengan tanteku, tapi untuk apa kasihan pada orang yg memang tidak ada keinginan mengubah hidup menjadi lebih baik?
Oom ku gak ada rasa tanggung jawab menafkahi keluarga. Tanteku yg selalu pontang panting! Laki2 yg pantasnya di gincuin itu! Belum lagi anak-anak tanteku yg tidak tahu diri, sekolah tdk mau, kerja bentaran udah gatel minta nikah, biaya nikah aja gk ada.
Baru beberapa hari menikah, suami sepupuku kabur, dan sepupuku hamil. Woy pengen ku keluarkan semua sumpah serapah se kebun binatang. Jadi nikah buat nanem benih doang, laki kon kaya Babi!
Saat sepupuku hampir melahirkan, lagi-lagi tanteku datang ke rumah mau pinjam uang. Gimana ya, aku ini kesel, marah, tapi juga kasihan. Ya gimana, mereka sekeluarga hidup tapi gak pernah punya keinginan maju. Jadi mau membantu pun udah males. Hutang yg buat nikah aja blm dibayar. Dan kayak mereka gak ada niatan gitu buat bayar, di cicil kek atau apa kek.
Coba bayangin lagi, kalau nanti ternyata sesar, belum lagi biaya merawat anak, nanti anak makin besar makin bertambah tanggungan, apa setiap saat harus minjem duit?
Aku tuh pernah hidup susah, dan dulu aku niat bantuin keluarga, saudara pengen kita semua maju karena aku tahu sakitnya dihina, diremehkan sama orang. Tapi kebayangkan kalau yg mau dibantu maju gak ada niatan, bahkan niat berdiri aja gak ada. Kan beban buat yg mau bantuin maju.
Mungkin aku harus jd orang yg super tega, karena gak mungkin aku hanya kerja buat mereka yg sama sekali gak bisa diajak kompromi. Aku punya masa depan yg harusnya juga ku perjuangkan!
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arainybouquetlady · 10 months ago
List Of People That Made My 2023
Adam: Dulu aku pernah bilang ke kamu kalo adam hawa ketemunya nggak di malang, tp kamu bilang “yaudah bikin versi kita aja”. And here we are rocking 2023 writing our own adam hawa story. Makasi buat semuanya, untuk selalu ada di tiap miles stone hidupku, nda isa disebut atu atu. i love u always, all ways.
Ara: Gatau kenapa kamu jadi manusia yg bebel bgt di bilangin ya cok taun, aku chaaapekkk ngandani raimu. Tp aku tetap sayang maksimal, semoga kita selalu menjadi wanita yg berotak dan kuat aaminnn
Via: Bosen bangettt, tp manusia paling low maintenance adalah u jd i love u so muchhh. Semoga tuhan dan semesta mengampuni kebrengsekkan kita tahun ini aaminnn
Andine: thank u for being soo amazing this is dengan bertahan punya ambien wkwkwkw, yaallah sehat sehat pliss mii i love u bgt
Waode: i see u glow differently this year, kek happy poll melihatmu happy dengan alip. Semoga happynya abadi, semoga senyumnya panjang umur, aaminn
Retno: Another year, wkwkwk, gila sangat memotivasiku di zaman2 skripsi, the one yg nyuruh nangis pdhl ga pengen nangis anjjj. Makasi poll untuk semua bantuannya, tuhan baik pol kasih u ke hidupku
Fifi: For the ups and downs, thank you for staying alive ya fii. Couldn't believe you go through so much this year and u still rocking. Semoga hatinya selalu luas, semoga apa apa yg nggak kamu ceritain nggak bikin kepalamu makin mau pecah
Naza: Ih si lagi kecintaan sekali dengan haris, so happy melihatmu sangat bahagia in your own bubble. Semoga sampai akhir khayat sama haris yaa, doaku selalu sama kalian loppp
Raisya: Makasii ya sa udah jadi orang paling waras dan sabar mendengar curhatanku tahun ini. Aku tau kamu orang yg paling capek dan kasian ke aku tp selalu try to say something nice, i love u bgt sorry bgt for everything
Amirah: So glad we get a long lumayan baik tahun ini, akhirnya ego kita agaknya menurun sedikit. Semoga selalu baik. Makasi ya udah jadi sangat luar biasa setahun ini, you grow so muchh and im so proud of u.
Renata: Kon kudu sadar nek dirimu i more than that, lebih lebih dr apa seng mbok pikirno. Makasi sudah menjadi teman se atap se kasur se sendok mangkok piring. Semoga tiap tangismu nanti bakal jd worth it one day
Sihab: Hidup emang unpridictable tp looking how u handle it really well selalu bikin aku amaze mbek kon. Its oke gae ngedown kecil, we are human after all. Makasi buat semuae, tumpangan hidup, tumpangan makan, dan hal hal kecil seng gaisa tak sebutin.
Deni: Teman seperjuangan skripsi gueehhhh, bangga pol dengan miles stone terbesar hidup kita tahun ini yaitu nyelesaiin skripsi wkwkw. Makasi yoo buat semua bantuannya, semua tawa dan mabok maboknya.
Barid: So happy ada dirimu di hidupku tahun ini mendengarkan segala keluh kesah hidupku yg ga puenting wkwkw, kita keren bgt bisa survive perskripsian duniawi huhuhu
Gayuh: Makasih pol sudah menjadi teman yang selalu peka dan terlalu peka wkwkwk, semoga cuma hal-hal baik yg terjadi ke kamu aminn.
Sultan: Makasih sudah menjadi teman yg sangat seru puolll wkwkw, kayae seng higupe penuh plot twist i dirimu tahun ini, selamat yo wkwk
Bu Debri: Salah satu miles stone hidupku tahun ini adalah lulus bu, berkat ibu, berkat bimbingan motivasi, dan guyonan serta paiduan dr ibu saya bisa wkwkwkwkwkw. Makasii ya buuu, lop u pol hehe
GRO Team: Terima kasih mas mbak dan teman-teman semua untuk pengalaman 4 bulan yg udah dikasih ke aku. Maaf kalo belum bisa menjadi yg terbaik, semoga sukses dan bahagia menyertai selalu
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