#J2LX's 100 followers event <3
j2lx · 2 years
Hey, I've been reading about your post a lot lately and I am thoroughly enjoying it. I've read that you are having a follower event to celebrate your 100th followed (Congratulations BTW). And I would love to participate by requesting fics with the Character: Maki Zenin and prompt number 3 "You should be more careful with yourself... You mean a lot to me." A context would be a reader would be a very talented sorcerer and due to that fact, they were assigned to a dangerous and exhausting mission. Maki was really worried and stressed out about their well-being.
The Price to Pay (Maki Zen'in x Reader)
Prompt: GN!#3 ("You should be more careful with yourself… You mean a lot to me, you know.") with Maki Zenin
Synopsis: You're a talented sorcerer, more than capable of handling tough and difficult missions. Of course, your girlfriend was no stranger to that fact, but it doesn't stop her from worrying about you overworking yourself.
A/n: Sorry for the long wait! Thank you for your support and for requesting! I really love your request ahhhh, giving so much context makes it so much easier for me to write! Hope you enjoy reading!
Warnings: angst to fluff, reader is stubborn, reader gets insecure and calls themself an "asshole", pet names (baby, precious)
Word count: 1.4k (including bonus part)
From the J2LX'S 100 followers event ♡
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Ever since you've become a first grade sorcerer, you've been assigned more difficult and exhausting missions on a frequent basis. You wanted to prove that you were worthy of your promotion, so you started to work harder and harder, training even when you had free time. Your girlfriend, Maki, couldn't help but notice that your eyebags started to get worse, and that you started spending less time doing things you liked.
And it irked her. That the way the Jujutsu society worked was such that you couldn't even catch a break just because you had missions to finish, when those missions could very well be assigned to someone else. Maki knew just how horrible the Jujutsu world could get, and she knew she had to talk you into taking better care of yourself, lest the two of you suffer any consequences because of how stubborn you were being.
Walking, no, stomping, towards you, Maki grabbed you by the hand as gently as she could in her rage. You turned back, only to be greeted with your girlfriend's frowning face, her eyes piercing into yours.
"Maki? What's wrong?" you asked, using your other hand to try to get her to let go of the one she was gripping onto.
"Y/n… you're pushing yourself too hard. Just take a rest for a few days please. Stop going on mission after mission," Maki said, her voice laced with both worry and anger.
You manage to get your hand out of her grip, before replying, "It's fine. I need to prove myself worthy of becoming a first grade sorcerer. I'm sorry if I'm not spending enough time with you or whatever but I really need to go now so-"
"It's not about that anymore! You're not even taking care of your own body or wellbeing! You don't even do things you like, hang out with the rest of us or whatever anymore!" Maki snapped. You rolled your eyes at her before turning around, raising your hand in farewell and leaving.
While on your mission, you couldn't help but feel guilty for how you treated Maki. Because of the Zen'in clan, she couldn't even get promoted that quickly and now, she had to lose you to the "grade" system in the Jujutsu world.
She didn't deserve how you treated her. She was right after all. You have been pushing yourself and in the process, you've abandoned her. And yet, she still cares and looks out for you. You stared out of the car window, watching the scenery change as you got closer to the location of your mission.
You'll apologise when you got back to Jujutsu High, you decided.
But it was a struggle to even finish the mission. It wasn't particularly hard, yet it was so hard for you to keep awake. The enemy was probably a second grade curse, yet it seemed so much more powerful than you.
Your movements were slower, and your Jujutsu technique seemed harder to keep using over a long period of time. You had to push yourself harder than you normally did just to finish the curse off.
Maybe it was because you really were exhausted from the past 3 weeks of continuous missions and training, or maybe the guilt that weighed down on you caused your mind to be too clouded to think straight.
Regardless, what was over was over. And as you headed back to school, you couldn't help but feel even worse, knowing that Maki was right and yet, you had pushed yourself.
Maybe she didn't deserve to be with someone as stubborn as you.
The moment you got back to school, you headed to your dorm and took a quick shower. Despite how tired you were, you pushed yourself to head to Maki's room. You knocked on her door, and by the time she opened it, she found you kneeling on the ground, too tired to even stand up properly.
She sighed before picking you up bridal style and then placing you on her bed. She poured you a cup of water, forcing you to drink it as she climbed into bed with you.
You finished the glass in no time, having been slightly dehydrated after your mission. "Maki, I'm-," you started, but she shook her head at you and told you to go to sleep.
"You can tell me later. For now, just get some rest," she mumbled. And almost immediately, you shut your eyes and fell into the best slumber you had in the past 3 weeks.
When you woke up, Maki was still next to you on the bed. You sat up slowly, before reaching out to hold her hand. You expected her to be mad at you and retract her hand, but she didn't. Instead, she started stroking the back of your hand with her thumb.
You turned to face her and lowered your head, mainly because you knew that she'll probably be looking at you in worry and you didn't need to feel more guilty than you already did.
"I'm sorry for not listening to you… I'm a horrible partner aren't I? I didn't listen to your advice, abandoned you just because I got promoted and overall just became an asshole. I'm sorry Maki… it's ok if you don't wanna forgive me. I don't deserve being with you anyways," you admitted, tears starting to well up in your eyes. You didn't want Maki to leave you, never. But you started to realise that maybe, you really didn't deserve her.
"You should be more careful with yourself… You mean a lot to me, you know? I never really had anything I loved as much as you in my life, so I just wanted you to be safe. I love you so much, and seeing you overwork yourself hurt me, baby. I love you, precious, but you have to promise me not to overwork and push yourself too hard again, ok?" Maki said gently, her hands wiping away the stray tear that rolled down your cheek.
You nodded, promising her to spend more time with her as well. She smiled at you warmly, and you realised just how long it has been since you've seen her smile. It was so beautiful, like the Sun. The warmth it brought you was indescribable, and you couldn't help but want to see it more.
Placing a gentle kiss on her cheek, you smiled back at her before saying, "I promise to be with you forever, baby. Please never forget I love you and whenever I start to abandon you, tell me and pull me back to reality because nothing in this world is more important than my girlfriend."
She laughs a little before reassuring you, "I love you forever too. And don't worry, I'll scold you properly the next time you abandon me." You give her a small playful shove and she shoves you back gently, the room soon filled with laughter.
A while after:
Y/n: *stomach starts rumbling*
Maki: Of course my baby is hungry, you haven't eaten much today have you?
Y/n: *shakes head* You wanna make dinner?
Maki: Not really… you?
Y/n: Heck no I wanna sleep more.
Maki: That's fine, we'll get take out.
Y/n: How? I don't wanna go out and I don't think you want to either.
Maki: Hang on, I'll get the food real quick.
Maki: *texts Panda and Inumaki something before switching her phone off* Ok food is on the way!
Y/n: Ohhhh what are we having?
Maki: *shrugs* Who knows
Meanwhile, in the common room in Jujutsu High:
Panda and Inumaki: *sitting on the couch watching some comedy show*
Phones: *notification sound*
Panda and Inumaki: *takes their phones and opens it up to see:
Maki 👿😰: As revenge for making me get takeout the last time:
Maki 👿😰: Maki👿😰 has sent 16 📷 Photos
Maki 👿😰: You know what to do. I'm expecting food in 45 minutes.}*
Panda: Maybe… we shouldn't have threatened to send Maki's unglamorous pictures to y/n last time…
Inumaki: Shake…
Panda: How did she even get all those pictures of us…
Inumaki: Okaka!
Panda: You're right, we better get her food!
Panda and Inumaki: *proceeds to run around, screaming out ideas of what to get*
Yuuta (back from overseas for a while): *enters room* What's going on???
Panda: Maki blackmailed us and wants us to get her food in… *checks clock* 30 minutes!
Inumaki: Shake!
Yuuta: *sighs and makes some food because he knows that Panda and Inumaki won't be able to get food in time*
Panda and Inumaki: *clings onto Yuuta while thanking him*
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I couldn't resist writing the bonus part ahaha I thought it was a more unique way to end the fic! I tried to end the actual story (not just the bonus part) on a lighter note to change things up a little =) Hope you enjoyed reading!
© @j2lx, 2022
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