#J S deWilde
hjmarseille · 5 years
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These Triplane pilots of ‘Naval 1’ at Bailleul in July 1917 are, from left to right, S M Kinkead, J H Foreman, H Wallace, A G A Spence, H L Everitt, H V Rowley, Luard, McGrath, E D Crundall, W H Sneath, Burton, A R McAfee, S W Rosevear, R P Minifie, R S Dallas, C B Ridley, J S deWilde, White and E B Holden (Norman Franks)
Photo and caption featured in Naval Aces of World War 1 Part I (Aircraft of the Aces) by Jon Guttman
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iyliss · 7 years
thanks @lily-liegh for the tag ♥
A- age: 16 B- birthplace: Silverspring, Maryland, USA C- current time: 11:51 AM D- drink you had last: water I think? E- easiest person to talk to: ...I’m too shy to say anyone here so I’ll say a friend I met IRL and talk about Yu-gi oh with. I can just send her a random hc and I know she will like it, it’s awesome! F- favorite song: These days it’s between Nobody makes sense by Pinocchio-p and ALONE to ALONE by sasakure.uk (probably because it’s the perfect keyshipping song). But I like Monster is dying to eat you a lot too. G- grossest memory: I can’t find one, I basically forgot anything annoying. H- horror yes or horror no: ...horror no J- jealous of people: Sometimes, but I know how stupid it is. K- killed someone: No, I hope. L- love at first sight or should i walk back by again?: No love at all. I’m like. aromantic. M- middle name: Michèle! Funny pun here: Lucie is the beginning of “Lucifer” and Michèle the french version of the archangel Michael’s name, so I have two angels bros in my name! N- number of siblings: one, a big brother O- one wish: To make something with all the story I imagine, and to make something that will bring some egao smiles  to this world. P- person you called last: A friend at the con, because I saw some Disgaea keychains. Q- question you’re always asked: ”what do you want to eat?”. Sounds stupid, but I have issues with most of foods so I hate this question. R- reason to smile: I live in a world where Yu-gi oh and Nis exist. S- song you sang last: ALONE to ALONE, I think. It was lame. T- top 3 fictional characters: Bakura (DM), Shiunin Sora (Arc V) and... let’s say Yu Tendo (Metal fight Beyblade). U- underwear color: grey V- vacation: grandparents W- when’s your birthday: 14 December X- x-rays: Some when I was little, but the last one was a month ago for my back. Y- your favorite food: Fresh tomatos. And now for ygo reasons too! Z- zodiac sign: ophiucus!
So...  @tarranzeiguane and @rilya-dewilder in case you’d like to do this ♥♥
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tumimmtxpapers · 5 years
Non-Thermal Plasma as a Unique Delivery System of Short-Lived Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species for Immunogenic Cell Death in Melanoma Cells.
Related Articles Non-Thermal Plasma as a Unique Delivery System of Short-Lived Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species for Immunogenic Cell Death in Melanoma Cells. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2019 Mar 20;6(6):1802062 Authors: Lin A, Gorbanev Y, De Backer J, Van Loenhout J, Van Boxem W, Lemière F, Cos P, Dewilde S, Smits E, Bogaerts A Abstract Breakthroughs in cancer immunotherapies have demonstrated considerable success, though not without limitations. Non-thermal plasma (NTP) for cancer therapy has been emerging as a potential adjuvant treatment via induction of immunogenic cell death (ICD). Cancer cells undergoing ICD stimulate a patient's immune system to mount an anticancer response. While promising, the underlying mechanisms of NTP-induced ICD must be closely examined. Here, the interaction between non-thermal plasma and cancerous cells is studied. The short-lived reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (e.g., hydroxyl radicals, atomic oxygen, nitric oxide) produced by plasma are the main effectors that elicit ICD in melanoma while, surprisingly, persistent species do not. This is demonstrated in vitro using a dielectric barrier discharge plasma system and is validated in a vaccination assay in vivo. Plasma generation of reactive species appears to be dictated by the total energy. Collectively, this work provides fundamental insight into plasma interactions with biological material. Furthermore, it lays the foundation for future development of NTP systems for clinical translation. The addition of plasma systems into the existing arsenal of cancer therapies opens the possibility for new combination strategies for safer and more robust control of cancer. PMID: 30937272 [PubMed] http://dlvr.it/R24wbp
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neurogenpapers · 8 years
Modified Rankin scale as a determinant of direct medical costs after stroke.
IoN UCL PubMed: Modified Rankin scale as a determinant of direct medical costs after stroke. Int J Stroke. 2017 Jan 01;:1747493017691984 Authors: Dewilde S, Annemans L, Peeters A, Hemelsoet D, Vandermeeren Y, Desfontaines P, Brouns R, Vanhooren G, Cras P, Michielsens B, Redondo P, Thijs V Abstract Background Resource use in the acute and subacute phases after stroke depends on the degree of disability. Aims To determine if direct costs after stroke also vary by level of disability as measured using the modified Rankin scale at the chronic stage after stroke. Methods In a multicentre study, we collected acute and chronic in- and outpatient resource use in survivors of ischemic stroke stratified by levels of disability according to the modified Rankin Scale. Statistical inference on costs at each level of the modified Rankin Scale was estimated using a general linear model for the first three months, the first year, and any subsequent year after ischemic stroke. Results A total of 569 survivors of ischemic stroke with a mean age of 71.7 years were enrolled (41% female) from 10 academic and nonacademic centers. Costs varied substantially over time and with each modified Rankin Scale level. The total average costs in the first year were estimated $33,147 per patient, ranging from $9,114 for modified Rankin Scale 0 to $83,236 for modified Rankin Scale 5. In the second year, medical costs were on average $14,039, varying from $2,921 to $39,723 for patients with modified Rankin Scale 0-5. The level of disability based on the modified Rankin Scale was a major determinant of resource use, irrespective of age, gender, atrial fibrillation, and vascular risk factors. Conclusion Long-term resource use after stroke is high and is mainly driven by degree of disability as measured by the modified Rankin scale. PMID: 28164742 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] http://dlvr.it/NJm86b
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