#Izzy Tokushi
kisskissrommie · 5 years
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When she was a young teenager, Izayoi knew what she wanted to do with her life. She’d heard of the fall of Dalamud. She’d heard how it disrupted linkpearls in Eorzea. She’d heard how the crippled region struggled with a lack of communication. Her parents were couriers, she’d become one as well! She’d help Eorzeans communicate! Except someone beat her two it. 
Alone in a strange land, Izzy wound up working for the couriers who were already in Eorzea: Mognet. As a Junior Deputy Postmoogle Izzy was a marginal success -- partly because she wasn’t a moogle and partly because it took her a couple years to learn Eorzean script. But she became exceptionally good at the most important part of working for the Postmoogles, she was great at napping and getting drunk. As she likes to say, the slogan of Mognet is that the mail will always be delivered... eventually. 
Izzy also has something of an alternate identity as a result of a comedy of errors. As a thrill-seeker, she sought to learn to fight in the Bloodsands. She was never good enough to actually fight, but the mere image of her in training -- that leather harness and her giant spike-laden wooden paddle -- was seen by others as something decidedly different. The “Mint Mistress” identity was born in rumors and whispers. Over time, she learned the rumors and used them to channel a kind of confidence and control she associated with being a dominatrix, tempering her normal bubbling terror and anxiety with the solid resolve of her mistaken identity. 
Izzy works at @thewhisperedwish Free Company on Mateus. 
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kisskissrommie · 7 years
She Hears Everything
FFXIV Write 2017 | Part 9: “Linkpearl” Starring Izzy Tokushi
Sunset shined on the strange object through the window. It was like a miniature version of the comical Archon Egg towers people put up in springtime, but instead of plaster eggs, it was adorned with small, glittering spheres. They were fitted into small recesses in the tower, and came in a variety of colors.
Izzy sat at her desk in an apartment in the Shroud. She barely afforded it on her wages from Mognet, but it was hers and that was important. She reached out ta hand, gingerly, and closed her eyes.
Her hand glided gently over one sphere, which began to emit a faint light. The table orchestron the tower was connected to crackled and came to life. It was a dispatch pearl for Mognet, and as was usual for her place of employment, the channel was filled with complaining moogles. Some about how long their day was, one about the lack of palm wine at the bar he delivered to. One shared a bit of gossip about a ‘moogle from the sky’ chased by Mooglesguard. It was ordinary stuff, and so her hand drifted away to another sphere.
The purple one she touched next crackled and from the speaker came a voice. A man, ranting angrily about the injustice in Ishgard. It was a heretic sermon being distributed to the listeners of a secret linkshell. She was proud of having pearls like this, typically rare finds abandoned here or there. Ones she wasn’t supposed to have. It felt like a secret. Well, it actually was a secret. But it made Izzy feel special.
Next was the weird one. It seemed to have no real purpose, and no one on it seemed to know what it was for or how they came to possess it. That one was quiet often, but once in a while very interesting things happened on it. Maybe it was some idle chatter, maybe it was someone needing help. She didn’t let anyone know she heard them, she never joined the conversations on her little tree, she just listened, and by listening, she knew. 
But Acronycal was quiet tonight, so again she tuned in another. This was for an adventuring company she delivered mail to, Arche Koeln, and she liked to keep up-to-date on the things they did. It was keeping tabs on her friends, and they were some of the very few pearls she listened to that actually knew she could hear them.
From them, she went on to another, and another, and another. This was her entertainment, the almost unsettling insight into other people and places and things she listened to every night. It was a guilty pleasure, because she knew how inappropriate it was, but it was far more compelling to her than a night at a bar or another damn musical revue or something. This was Eorzea, and from her apartment she could hear everything. 
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kisskissrommie · 7 years
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Alt Parade goes swimming! More or less!
@notasylph @postaura @lominsianlily @serihowaves @philosopher-agni @playmaxe @kisskissrommie
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