ifritpizza · 11 months
posting them here too.......too shy to freecam the romance scene yet However...the kiss...is so cute i love them 🥺 ivellios is so small compared to him...craning his neck to look up at halsin..IDK ITS CUTE...I LOVE BALDURS GATE...
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bonud live minsc reaction lolol
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ivelliossilverun · 1 year
A Lazy Day
A summer day in the countryside was quite different than one in Qada. The air out here was always in such a rush, the wind taking it away with ease. The trees would move in this wind and the ripples across the lake would continue for the length of it. The grass was just high enough to get lost in it while sitting or laying down, when the wind passed through it you could hear the softest melody. Summer was just better out here away from the city, away from crowds, and the smells. In this grass field surrounded by trees and a lake one could really lose themselves. If one wasn’t careful sleep could find them, taking them far away from where they lay. There were no predators in these woods, nor monsters that could pose a threat. It was an idyllic summer day and that was all there was to it. 
Ivellios was deep asleep in the field of grass and wind, having fallen asleep after a hearty lunch. There was no shame in it, he was on vacation, if there was ever a time to sleep in a meadow now was the time. Sleep had avoided the high elf for many months of late, he had returned from his travels abroad and had yet to fully decompress. His time had been consumed by the book that lay next to him in the grass. His magnum opus on the world at large, he had finally traveled all of the known lands and even the unknown lands. He had dined with nobles and hunted with “monsters”, visited home and far away lands wreathed in mystery. This new world was a mystery to him but a welcome one, and he had chosen to accept the world and learn more about it. The stories of his travels and accomplishments abroad had brought back honor and glory to the nation. Now that the book was done, he could partake in the rewards of his endeavors.  Duncan the leader of his country had bestowed on him a deed in the lakeside town of Mossada, the deed was for a plot of land and the sole building on it. A former school abandoned after a gruesome incident in town, he was part of the first wave of people returning to rebuild the town. Duncan had offered him the deed if he would also lead the town and region as a governor. The school, Duncan had suggested, could be a place for him to settle down for a spell, and teach a generation of youths about the wider world. There was plenty of time, he was young and had centuries to go before he would be old. The biggest book of his life was done, time to enjoy the rewards. The world would always be out there. So he had taken the deed and the job of governor, he would help rebuild the area, teach the youths that came out to the region to learn under him. Everything was going to go well, he was here first and was waiting for the first of his students to reach the town. 
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bankaizen · 1 year
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The handsome Ivellios belongs to @gale-dekarios, I just use him as my Guardian always ♡
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endercoil · 1 year
I love baldur’s gate 3 so much because it’s giving me the warlock experience I expected.
Staring at Wyll dead in the eyes like “Patron, huh?” and he’s just like. “I can’t say” like yeah ok. Patron for sure.
Gale being a little shit like “you aren’t versed in the arcane… sorry, I mean you haven’t studied it. As in you are not a wizard.”
From what I hear there’s no patron interactions for a custom character but. I can live with it I’m enjoying this so much already
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morgotts-moved · 1 year
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Ivellios ♔ Wood Elf ♔ Arcane Trickster Rogue
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spacebarbarianweird · 10 months
“one who moves among hearts” being a possible translation of Astarion’s name is brutal.
If we take this translation as intentionally chosen opposed to real world names where meaning is usually not thought of beyond cultural background. like being named “Michael” because it means “gift from god” (one translation) vs. the name was just in the Bible so it was used
If his parent CHOSE “Astarion” with that intent, they probably meant it as “we want you to be somebody who experiences so much love in your life”
But another interpretation of the phrase “one who moves among hearts” could be somebody who plays with people’s emotions. The heartbreaker.
Which is what Cazador forced him to be. Cazador sent him and the other spawn to catch prey, and unless the most recent patch removed it, there’s basically a Kama Sutra in the room Astarion says he brought victims to. Meaning the seduction ploy was, more likely than not, Cazador’s idea.
Also “tar/taér” being the equivalent of a diminutive and common for an elf’s childhood/first name, something they use until they reach 100 when they get to pick their own and are seen as a full adult in elven society… you think Astarion had to specifically avoid elves?
By a multi species society’s standard he’d be treated as an adult, but an elf hears that diminutive and they’re 100+? They’d probably recoil like when somebody in their 20s realizes a teenager is flirting with them.
Like, could they go with Astarion? Yes, but it would probably get the same sort of side eye as like a 24yr getting with an 18yr. It’s technically okay, but it’s so close to Not Okay that people keep an eye out.
Do you think after endgame that’s something he thinks about? He’s been “Astarion” for twice as long as he should’ve, but it’s also something from his life that Cazador couldn’t take away. He doesn’t remember what he looks like, he doesn’t remember his own eye color.
We don’t know what his relationship with his family was like before, he doesn’t mention them. Which I take to mean he was a transplant to Baldur’s Gate. Maybe he had a good relationship with them but they didn’t live at the Gate, maybe he didn’t and moved to get away. Either way, his name is one of the last and most tangible things from before Cazador that I think he’d have a hard time picking a new one, if he wants to at all.
That's a very interesting point! Thank you for sharing! I actually think Astarion isn't a baby name. Elven baby names are short: Arya, Bryn, Del, Eryn. Tav sounds like an Elven baby name as well. Meanwhile adult Elven names sound like that: Ivellios, Laucian, Quarion, Soveliss etc. Astarion is definetely an adult name in form. Why did he have it though, since he was a child according to Elven standarts?
I have two theories 1) People know the difference between baby Elven names and adult Elven names. So, Astarion just chose an adult name prematurily upon starting his career. I think a lot of Elves start using adult names early in life to look older. Plus they definetely fantasize about what names they are going to take once they hit 100 years. 2) This is a weird theory, but bear with me. There are almost no Elves in Baldur's Gate. Especially, Elven nobility. But there is plenty of Half-Elves. Almost everyone with pointy ears is a person with mixed ancestry. Also, Elves are very delicate and short. Astarion doesn't look like one. He has a human male body structure and if it wasn't for his ears, no one would think he is a pure Half-Elf.
Now let's remember the lessons on genetics, especially Mendelian inheritance. If you have the whole population of Half-Elves (mixed descendants of Elves and Humans), you can get children who inherit only one combination of ancestral features. Two Half-Elves will probably conceive a Half-Elven child but there is a chance the kid inherit Human features from both parents or ... Elven features, getting the same set of genes from Elven grandparents.
So, what if Astarion is like that? He was born in Baldur or its area to the Half-Elven family. Despite being a High Elf, he still has some Human features (ambitions and the body type). And because his folks had little to no idea what Elven society looks like, they gave him an Elven name not knowing it's an adult one. And that would explain why Astarion doesn't have a family to come back to. Half-Elfs live up to 200 years. His parents are dead, people he grew up with are dead. And he is just this "stray" High Elf who wo't be accepted by Elves because he is descendants to Humand and Half-Elves.
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labeelart · 1 year
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Ivellios and Temi (oc)
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Attacks 74 and 75! (potentially my last of art fight-)
Ivellios for Crowssant
Medusa for @galantines
[Do not use/repost]
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airenfolio · 1 year
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Part 1 of a two part comm I did for @gale-dekarios
This handsome boy is Ivellios, a Wood elf Rogue!
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mossrotts · 1 year
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sketch redeems for channel points on twitch! from top left to bottom; the madame for @zenrawings, venali for @dappercapricorn, hide for @refundtheticket, labyrinth for @dixy, ivellios for @courtwizardsirdoctorclydesdale, lelia and @auyamx's annie for @aeori-o, and mr asterion bg3 and haunt for @dixy.
thank u all for attending my streams enough to redeem these, i love hanging out with y'all and being able to send some of that love back your way. i'm sending you kisses right now mwah mwah mwah.
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ifritpizza · 1 year
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this is where my brain has been for the past 8 weeks. if you havent noticed already.
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tomepact · 2 years
so laid out by court, here are the Major Players of the feywild from my campaign setting
The Lady of Summer, the Gleaming Queen Titania
The Green Lord of the Hunt Oberon
Verenestra, the Oaken Princess
Hyrsam, the Prince of Fools
Poludnica, the Lady Midday
Star Delightful, the Unicorn Handmaiden
Ser Ulstan
The Prince of Hearts
Ivellios, the Royal Enchanter
The Queen of Air and Darkness
The Harbinger of Winter
The Three Brothers: The Collector, The Inspector and the Caretaker
Grandmother Baba Yaga
The Prince of Frost
Lord Kannoth, the Nightsworn
The Maiden of the Moon
Emmantien, the Elder Treant
Eshebala, the Foxborn Spy
Alfhilde and Ragna (Winter Eladrin + Displacer Beast)
Razcoreth, the Whispering Wyrm
Viktor Mazan of the Brokenstone Vale
Lord Elias of the Inland Sea & Lady Siobahn of the Depths
Yvaldin, the Many Masked One
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bankaizen · 1 year
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"It's been a very long time since someone did that. For me." "I hope you don't mind." "Mind? I'm grateful."
⁛ Ivellios belongs to @gale-dekarios ♡
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Client Work (Big Post) Part 4 by Jack Meng Kirkman 孟奕余
Fathi (Start of Adventure)
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morgotts-moved · 1 year
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gifs by @wraithcaller ♡
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medouse · 8 months
more people should talk about the guys from my brain. theres whole essays one could be writing about the nailo family.
(talk about the ocs then?)
no <3.
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