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So, about a month ago, in the throws of a mild fever, I could not sleep to save my life. My brain was in 100% fanfiction mode at midnight, but I couldn't concentrate enough to actually write. Around 11:30-midnight my brain said "you should make your Solavellan child in Veilguard." So I spent, I kid you not, two hours, in character creator trying to craft the perfect combination of Enya and Solas. So, I'm going to share her with you in the most random and disorganized Tumblr post because I'm on my phone.
Please enjoy Iveanen:
First 6 are her, last 4 are for comparison. I still feel like I did a pretty good job.

A few things about her:
Her best friend, in the whole world, basically her brother, is Kieran. He was there when she was born and even though there is a solid 11 years between them, they are thick as thieves. Also, both INCREDIBLY arrogant. Like so unforgivably arrogant at times. And why not? His mother is Morrigan, and hers is the Inquisitor. Elf or not, she was raised in Val Royeaux. Her "Auntie" is the Divine. Her "Uncles" are Magister Dorian Pavus and Viscount Varric Tethras. And Morrigan became one of her mother's best friends in the aftermath of Inquisition. No matter what way you turn it, she was going to be pretty proud of herself and that before you add in that her father is The Dread Wolf.
She and Kieran are also both powerful, powerful mages and were trained outside of Circles because there was no way in all of Thedas Enya was letting anything like what happened in the Circles happen to her daughter. Especially when Ivea manifested her magic at about 3. And though the Circles have been reformed and the college of Magi also exists, she is still very wary of anything regarding the Chantry, even if the Divine is one of her dearest friends. Morrigan trained them instead, nurturing their skills and sharing with them her far more natural understanding of magic. As did Enya when she was able.
Enya did everything in her power to be there for her throughout her whole upbringing. No matter the situation, no matter the cost, if there was no reasonable danger to Ivea's life, she was present. After the loss of her clan and the dispersal of her inner circle, Enya wasn't about to let even one moment she could have with her daughter, which led to some really fun times in Ivea's preteen years.
Ivea is headstrong, intelligent, and rebellious at times, but she really does mean well and when she is reminded to slow down and think compassion and empathy ARE what lead her, even if she can be brusque and occasionally self-righteous while accomplishing her goals. She knows what she wants, and what she believes, and she is not afraid to speak her mind.
She equal parts resents her parentage and loves it. It grants her no anonymity and she detests how people look at her when they know. But she also is unabashed in using it to her advantage when she needs to, and on a certain level enjoys how, when she leans into it, she can use it to intimidate and make her point.
Her relationship with her father is complex. Fraught in no small part with resentment for how she watched her mother deal with his absence and how as she grew older, she watched him justify his actions by ignoring a world she and her mother feel is redeemable. She sees him for who he is and loves him for how he has cared for her, and wishes that he could just let go of this insistence that the world will be better without the Veil. She wants him to see that she IS safe with it. That she doesn't need Arlathan to take power into her own hands, she just needs the same belief as her mother that there are ways to change hearts and minds both through hard work and careful conversation and the slow growth of leading by example. The power her mother has amassed, however resented, is weilded expertly after so many years, and she wishes he could trust and see that his way is not the only way to save Thedas. She loves him, but she's also frustrated and furious with him for never quite listening.
#dragon age fanfiction#dragon age inquisition#lavellan#solas#inquisitor lavellan#solavellan#thedestinywechoose#solavellanlovechildasrook#complicatedbackstory#funheadcanon#thisisnotactuallymycanonatallbutboyhasitmadeitareallyfunplaythrough#IveanenEnyaLavellan#daughterofthedreadwolf
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