#Ivar Fetch-Grimoire
Sexiest Podcast Character — Eye Bracket — Round 1
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The Host (Beef and Dairy Network Podcast):
The Host, though never named, interviews various people on the Beef and Dairy Network Podcast, the number one podcast for those involved, or just interested, in the production of beef animals and dairy herds. Despite not being a traditional “narrator,” the Host has more information than the guest would like about their lives. Also hosts the quiz show “Beef Call” which is definitively run by the fae.
Ivar (These Flimsy Rituals: Embrace):
#mr welsh cowboy ghost
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dragons-bones · 5 years
FFXIV Write Entry #13: To Tend the Flame
Prompt: wax | Master Post | On AO3
Notes: Spoilers for Shadowbringers MSQ and spoilers for the Binding Coils of Bahamut side story.
She first noticed it during the battle at Laxan Loft, but it’s not until they reach Il Mheg that Synnove really paid attention to the new aether curling and weaving amongst her own.
Oddly enough, it’s not the Lightwarden’s. That had felt ice-sharp and rotten-soft at the same time, white to the point of pain and not singing but screeching of broken glass and denied, raging hunger. No, that aether sat in the core of herself, sulking and bitter, but otherwise not influencing her spells.
No, this aether was…warm. Fiery, but the welcome flame of a campfire in the night, or the hearth of a well-loved home. She outright dismissed it as Ifrit’s aether leaking from Ivar; that was too distinctive and too familiar. This new aether was familiar, too, and the way it intertwined among her own, yet remains separate, reminded her of a primal’s lingering touch, so clearly at some point she had come into contact with it.
There was a niggle of an idea at the back of her mind. The hypothesis was set; now to observe.
First: the Dreadwyrm’s aether coalesced much faster. Previously, she had needed to trance at least twice to build up sufficient reserves to (grudgingly) indulge Ivar and use him as the core to summon Demi-Bahamut to the field. Now she only needed to trance just the once. Ivar, at least, was delighted by this change, her bloodthirsty, rage-filled boy.
(And at least she’d stopped having panic attacks every time she’d needed to activate that array.)
Second: the new, strange aether reached peak coalescence only after she had finished coalescing Dreadwyrm aether, and then dissipating it with a summon of Demi-Bahamut. In fact, she couldn’t even tap into Dreadwyrm aether again until she’d tranced with the new aether.
Third: while trancing with the new aether, it affected two of her spells. Outburst was a relatively new creation that the aetherochemistry department had only recently finalized; Synnove had offered to field test it shortly before she and the others had been whisked away to the First. That spell fluctuating due to an unexpected outside influence was unusual, considering how rigorously the Guild tested and developed their arrays, but not impossible. Ruin III, however, was an old standby, a tried and true blast of pure, unaspected power reserved for the most talented members of the Guild that had been in circulation for years. The only arrays more stable were the ones for the rest of the Ruin series and the standard carbuncle summons they gave to the baby arcanists (who weren’t insane overachievers like herself who had to write her own from scratch).
And it wasn’t just subtle effects. No, both Ruin III and Outburst were unaspected; arcanists liked working without the interference of specific elemental affinities, or alternatively with an equal amount of each kind so that they all canceled one another out, it made the math behave. (There was a bloody good reason she’d run into the wall on her artificial aether infusion project: working with elementally aspected aether was essentially working with literal fucking chaos and sometimes it was fun, but sometimes it just sucked.) This new surge of primal aether turned her respectable, unaspected spells into roiling balls of fire and pitch.
Ivar, of course, loved it. Heron and Alakhai, who also preferred to fight in the melee, not so much.
Fourth: the aether sang, as it always did. It reminded her very strongly of the Dreadwyrm aether’s dirge-like ballad, but this aether’s song was slower, more solemn. Wordless crooning matched with the resonant tones of an Ishgardian pipe organ. It was a funeral hymn: no rage, only deep, boundless sorrow, and a bottomless well of love.
Observations complete, she compared the data sets the night they vanquished Titania, absently rubbing her chest every so often as she did. The carbuncles curled up around her in various stages of patience—Galette in her usual spot around her neck, Tyr loafed next to her, Ivar sprawled in her lap and reaching up to either bat at his sister’s tails or his brother’s ears—as she set up the portable readout device she’d thankfully packed back on the Source. Synnove flipped open her grimoire sitting on the ground next to her on the opposite side of Tyr, paging through until she got to the first page of the arrays for Ivar’s passive sensor programming.
Humming quietly, she took the channeling stylus from her mouth, and placed the tip on the activation sigil. The array lit up, and so did the readout device, pulsing out a hologram that scrolled through the most recent aether readings. Synnove squinted as she skimmed the data, scratching Tyr’s neck until the big carbuncle turned into a happy puddle of brass purrs.
Then she called up data from nearly four years ago.
She looked up, only a little startled, to meet Alisaie’s worried gaze.
“Is everything all right?” said Alisaie.
Synnove looked back at the data, gnawing on her lower lip as the implications of the data sunk in. She let out a slow breath and said, “Don’t know yet. Fetch your brother, please, the both of you need to see this.”
Alisaie, Twelve bless her, didn’t hesitate, just turned and hurried off to find Alphinaud. She returned with her twin in a handful of minutes to the spot out in the fields surrounding Lydha Lran that Synnove had settled in to review her notes. By the time they reached her, Synnove had pulled up both data sets onto the viewer at once. She gestured, and the siblings both sat in front of her.
“So,” said Synnove, setting down her channeling stylus carefully to ensure the tip still touched the activation sigil of the array, “I’ve noticed a peculiar bit of aether mixing with my own recently and no, it’s not the Lightwarden’s.”
Alphinaud and Alisaie’s looks of alarms quickly subsided, in favor of concern and interest as Synnove outlined for them the changes she noted. Then she pointed to the readout device.
“The display on the left is the recent data Ivar’s passive sensors have recorded,” she said. “I’m sure Galette and Tyr’s would read the same, but since Ivar is the only one installed with the Dreadwyrm Protocols, he has the most complete set.”
Alphinaud scratched Tyr behind the ears, as the big carbuncle had crawled forward for pettings during Synnove’s explanation. “And I note that it’s exactly the same as the display on the right,” he said.
Synnove hummed agreement, rhythmically running her hand down Ivar’s back from his head to the base of his tails
Alisaie sat with her arms crossed, just staring at the displayed data. Finally, she said, “The data from the right is from the Binding Coils, isn’t it?”
“It is,” said Synnove, quiet and serious.
“That’s,” and Alisaie swallowed, “that’s Phoenix’s aether.”
“I believe so.”
Alphinaud didn’t look as rattled as his twin, but Synnove had known him long enough to spot the tension around his mouth and eyes. “Why now?” he said. “You’ve been using the Dreadwyrm Protocols for a number of years by now, so why has Phoenix’s aether remained dormant for so long?”
“My best guess,” said Synnove, “is because we’re here on the First. Eorzea is upfront about the fact that Dalamud’s fall and Bahamut’s rampage unquestionably fucked up the continent both on a physical and metaphysical level. The rest of our home star claims suddenly only having a single moon in the sky after the second one blew up a few miles directly above the surface had no effect on their magicks and aether, but we can all three agree that they’re probably trying to save face to a bunch of foreigners how mucked up things got for them, because that is a load of chocobo shite.”
Alphinaud coughed, smothering a smile, as Alisaie momentarily forgot her distress and snickered loudly.
“Bahamut’s aether didn’t just insinuate itself into everyone at Carteneau,” continued Synnove, continuing to pet Ivar and reaching up with her other hand to scratch behind Galette’s ears. Both carbuncles purred happily. “And it didn’t just insinuate itself into everyone in Eorzea, though I’ll grant that Eorzeans have the highest concentrations. No, Bahamut’s aether is everywhere on the Source; it’s permeated every rock and tree and beastkin and Spoken.
“It’s always been too easy to coalesce Dreadwyrm aether; when I’ve run through my own aetheric reserves, I can still use the Protocols without much fuss. If I was only ever using the aether comingled with my own, I should run out, but I don’t. Thus, I have to be unconsciously drawing upon the Dreadwyrm aether all around me.”
“But here on the First,” said Alphinaud, thoughtful, “Bahamut’s aether only exists in you and us Scions. I have noticed you still have had no issues using the Protocols, so we can assume you are able to draw on the Dreadwyrm aether within us and the others.”
Synnove inclined her head to him. “Just so.”
“So, with a finite amount of Dreadwyrm aether,” said Alisaie, “Phoenix’s aether is finally detectable, and even able to exert influence and become usable with the dissipation of Bahamut’s. And with how quickly and how strong it coalesces, it needs to be dissipated in turn before repeating the cycle.”
“That is my theory for what’s occurring,” said Synnove. “And, of course, I’ve noticed it steadily growing stronger and more stable since this began. No doubt it’ll continue to do so, although at the moment I couldn’t tell why.”
The twins shared a long, silent look. Alphinaud raised a single eyebrow. Alisaie nodded.
They turned back to her, their expressions serious, but the gleam of excitement was in their eyes. Synnove recognized it and grinned; bless their nerdy hearts, her darling little sibs.
“What would you like to do with this, Synnove?” said Alphinaud.
“And how can we help?” said Alisaie.
“Well,” drawled Synnove, “we’ll need to build some arrays to control how Phoenix’s aether warps my spells when I’m trancing with it. And then, I believe, we should prepare for the day when his aether has grown strong enough that Phoenix will fly the skies of the First as he once did at Carteneau to vanquish Bahamut, with all the prayers of Eorzea to guide him. If you two are all right with that?”
The twins dove forward to embrace her; Galette squwaked unhappily at being jostled, but they ignored her. Synnove returned their hugs, smiling, and tucked them in under her arms. Tyr immediately came over to flop across all three of their laps.
“You’re the only one I’d trust with it,” Alisaie said.
“We couldn’t think of anyone better suited,” added Alphinaud.
“Thank you,” Synnove said, as heartfelt and honored as she could. “Now then, my fellow nerds, let’s get to it!”
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dragons-bones · 5 years
Trust NPC: Synnove Greywolfe
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SELECTION: “I hope you have a plan this time.”
JOB: Summoner
WEAPONS: Grimoire, bound in black leather with metal clasps and decoration of some sort of golden, heavy alloy; aetheric tattoos; three carbuncles (though don’t call them weapons if you don’t want Synnove beating your face with that grimoire)
AI BEHAVIOR: Synnove prioritizes mechanics above everything else, interrupting her own casting to dodge AoEs, join stack markers, place puddles in out of the way corners, etc. She also makes sure to stay in range of healers, and will move closer of her own accord to ensure they don’t have a hard time reaching her. These two combined make her a healer’s delight, as she will avoid most damage and be easy to top off when damage is unavoidable.
That said, she and her carbuncles can put out a lot of raw damage, and she can rip aggro off an unwary tank easily. Should this happen, she’ll either run towards the tank with the mob(s) so the tank can reestablish aggro, or Tyr will fetch the mob(s) for the tank.
Synnove further puts buffs and assists at the top of her priority list. Her party-wide damage buff will go off regularly during both trash pulls and boss fights, and she will immediately cast swiftcast and then resurrection when a party member dies.
In an “oh shit” situation, Synnove is invaluable. Should the tank suddenly die, Tyr will immediately provoke to prevent mobs or the boss from attacking the rest of the party. He will continue tanking until the tank has been raised and healed to more than seventy-five percent of their health, at which point Tyr will shirk aggro back to the tank.
“We'll make short work of them." - STARTING ATTACK LINE
“Galette, time to put that speed to good use!” <Galette chirps> - USING SPECIALTY SKILLS, VARIATION 1
“Tyr, show ‘em what you’re really made of!” <Tyr boofs affirmatively> - USING SPECIALTY SKILLS, VARIATION 2
“Ivar, honey, mama wants to see something burn.” <Ivar cackles> - USING SPECIALTY SKILLS, VARIATION 3
“Resurrection Protocols now active; try to stay out of the fire next time, aye?" - ASSISTING AN ALLY (RESURRECTION)
“All right, then." - USING LIMIT BREAK WITH 1 BAR
“This is starting to look ugly--let me handle it!" - USING LIMIT BREAK WITH 2 BARS
“Gods all damnit--activating PROTOCOL: MERACYDIA!" - USING LIMIT BREAK WITH 3 BARS
“Ah, fucking shite.”
“Oh, this really isn’t good...”
“That’s supposed to be my job...”
“Argh, thanks for that, won’t happen again.”
BONUS: Synnove frequently banters with the rest of the party and will make observations on interesting magical or scientific phenomena; most of her banter with Urianger, Y’shtola, and Alphinaud is academic in nature, but she’ll team up with Alisaie to tease Alphinaud. Thancred she treats frostily until the level 77 story dungeon. If Minfilia is in the party, she will /pet Galette and Ivar and /hug Tyr at the beginning of the dungeon, and ask Synnove questions about magical theories that the Highlander readily answers. If both Synnove and Keltgeim Eyristyrwyn are in the party, nearly all of their discussions are apparently a continuing argument about space-time rifts and interdimensional travel.
Tagged by: @roses-and-grimoires (and everyone else since I’ve been hankering to do this!)
Tagging: literally everyone and anyone since I have zero clue who’s done this and who hasn’t at this point in time
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