#Ivan Ertlov
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abmgw · 2 years ago
ABMGW 219 Kurze Texte (Ivan Ertlov, Lavine Tidhar, K J Parker)
Thema der Woche: Viel Spaß für wenig Geld! Oder: Alternative Veröffentlichungsstrategien. Den es gibt auch Autoren die kürzere Bücher schreiben können als 1000 seitige Trilogien, und es gibt Verlage die noch andere Preise kennen als 19,99€ für ein eBook. Werke um die es hier geht: “Mary Shane & die lüsternen Dimensions-Formwandler: Voller Körpereinsatz für die Gilde! (Ein Reverse Harem…
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netmassimo · 1 year ago
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The novel "Stargazer: Judgment Day" ("Stargazer: Weltenrichter") by Ivan Ertlov was published for the first time in 2022 and translated from German by Marly Gram. It's the fourth book in the After Terra series and follows "Stargazer: Civil War".
In the Council that rules the Protectorate, there's confusion when the Plachtharr Alliance withdraws its fleets from the borders. This turns into panic when the Plachtharr Ambassador formally requests military support. The reason is the approach of a cosmic entity capable of devouring everything it finds, an entity part of the nightmares of all sentient species, even when they have never actually seen it. Humans know it as Yog-Sothoth.
When old enmities are put aside and even pirate fleets arrive to join the final battle, the situation seems desperate. However, hope comes from the ancient technologies that produced the starship Yrsha restoring its weapons to their full power. Frank Gazer and his crew are ready to join the fight with the knowledge that this time the enemy is the most dangerous entity they have ever faced.
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innitmarvellous · 3 years ago
Well...at the end of each year I used to write lenghty posts about my favourite anime and video games of the year. But I watched almost no anime and definitely didn't finish a single game in 2021, so...I just decided to write down a list of my favourite books and shows of the year. (It's just stuff that I read/watched in 2021, most of it wasn't actually released this year.)
Favourite 2021 books (in no particular order):
- The World of Jeeves (P.G. Wodehouse)
- Les dix enfants que madame Ming n'a jamais eus (Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt)
- The Night-Comers (Eric Ambler)
- A Man With One of Those Faces (Caimh McDonnell)
- Treasure Island (Robert Louis Stevenson)
- Animal Farm (George Orwell)
- 1984 (George Orwell)
- Queen Lucia & Miss Mapp (E.F. Benson)
- Todessprung/Ganymed, Gone/Showdown Beijing (Ivan Ertlov)
- The Unbearable Bassington (Saki)
Favourite 2021 TV shows (again, no particular order):
Succession (well, okay, that's clearly #1 tho haha)
The Untamed
Wellington Paranormal
Avenue 5
Inside No.9 S6
A Bit of Fry & Laurie
Also, I thought of something like hobby-related New Year's Resolutions. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get any of those done, but I guess I'll have to wait and see. ^^
1. Stop writing/posting fanfic and do writing exercises until I've made some meaningful writing progress (I think my style often sucks so much that I'm probably embarrassing myself everytime I post a fic lmao. I fear I won't be able to improve much or at all tho...I just hit the limit of my skills tbh.)
2. Getting better at critical thinking/media analysis, don't mindlessly and stupidly watch stuff anymore without giving it much thought
3. Read more classics or good non-fiction books instead of stuff that's just shallow entertainment
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isabelsbookpromotions · 4 years ago
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#AmReading #NewRelease: Generation 23: Hallowed Be Thy Noble Name (Goliath Chronicles #Book 1) by Ivan Ertlov 
Grab YOUR Copy NOW: https://amzn.to/2L62ajh via @amazon 
#MustRead #NewRelease #BookBoost #IARTG #WritersLift #Fantasy #SciFi #ScienceFiction #SciFiBooks #Kindle #Books
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netmassimo · 1 year ago
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Il romanzo "Stargazer: Judgment Day" ("Stargazer: Weltenrichter") di Ivan Ertlov è stato pubblicato per la prima volta nel 2022 e tradotta in inglese dal tedesco da Marly Gram. È il quarto libro della serie After Terra e segue "Stargazer: Civil War". È inedito in Italia.
Nel Consiglio che governa il Protettorato c'è perplessità quando l'Alleanza Plachtharr ritira le sue flotte dai confini. Ciò si trasforma in panico quando l'ambasciatore Plachtharr chiede formalmente un aiuto militare. Il motivo è l'avvicinarsi di un'entità cosmica in grado di divorare tutto ciò che trova, un'entità parte degli incubi di tutte le specie senzienti, anche quando non l'hanno mai realmente vista. Gli umani la conoscono come Yog-Sothoth.
Quando vecchie inimicizie vengono messe da parte e perfino le flotte di pirati arrivano per unirsi allo scontro decisivo, la situazione sembra disperata. Tuttavia, una speranza arriva dalle antiche tecnologie che hanno prodotto l'astronave Yrsha riportando le sue armi alla loro piena potenza. Frank Gazer e il suo equipaggio sono pronti a unirsi allo scontro con la consapevolezza che stavolta il nemico è l'entità più pericolosa che abbiano mai affrontato.
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netmassimo · 2 years ago
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The novel "Stargazer: Civil War" ("Stargazer: Bürgerkrieg") by Ivan Ertlov was published for the first time in 2021 and translated from German by Marly Gram. It's the third book in the After Terra series and follows "Stargazer: New Home - Ancient Foes".
The crew of the starship Yrsha are on trial on a moon of Grarosh for allegedly eating their captain, Frank Gazer. The defense argues that there was an accident on board that practically fried Frank and he would never have wanted to end up wasted: on the contrary, he would have considered it an honor to be eaten by his colleagues and friends but something doesn't add up.
Troshk is contacted by his home planet's authorities because a subordinate of his believed dead years ago has returned home after years, alive but physically and mentally battered. In lucid moments, he tells Troshk that a rebellion has begun within the Plachtharr Alliance freeing their symbiotes from slavery. There's a chance to transform the Alliance but the Protectorate can't risk open war, so it's decided to send the Stargazer consortium on a secret mission.
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netmassimo · 2 years ago
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Il romanzo "Stargazer: Civil War" ("Stargazer: Bürgerkrieg") di Ivan Ertlov è stato pubblicato per la prima volta nel 2021 e tradotta in inglese dal tedesco da Marly Gram. È il terzo libro della serie After Terra e segue "Stargazer: New Home - Ancient Foes". È inedito in Italia.
L'equipaggio dell'astronave Yrsha è sotto processo su una luna di Grarosh con l'accusa di aver mangiato il proprio capitano, Frank Gazer. La difesa sostiene che c'è stato un incidente a bordo che ha praticamente fritto Frank e lui non avrebbe mai voluto finire sprecato, anzi avrebbe considerato un onore essere mangiato dai suoi colleghi e amici ma qualcosa non torna.
Troshk viene contattato dalle autorità del suo pianeta natale perché un suo subordinato creduto morto anni prima è tornato a casa dopo anni, vivo ma malridotto fisicamente e mentalmente. Nei momenti di lucidità, racconta a Troshk che una ribellione è cominciata nell'Alleanza Plachtharr liberando i loro simbionti dalla schiavitù. C'è una possibilità di trasformare l'Alleanza ma il Protettorato non può rischiare una guerra aperta perciò viene deciso di inviare il consorzio Stargazer in una missione segreta.
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netmassimo · 2 years ago
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The novel "Stargazer: New Home - Ancient Foes" ("Stargazer: Neue Heimat - Alte Feinde") by Ivan Ertlov was published for the first time in 2021 and translated from German by Marly Gram. It's the second book in the After Terra series and follows "Stargazer: The Ultimate Artefact".
An area of the Milky Way arm that belongs neither to the Protectorate nor to the Plachtharr Alliance is used by pirates, criminals, and various groups of different species acting outside any law of the interstellar coalitions. This becomes more than just a nuisance to a mining consortium that lost physical assets that overall, have remarkable economical value and thousands of workers.
Frank Gazer and his unique group of fellow adventurers are the perfect envoys for an unofficial investigation. The crew of the starship Stargazer find themselves using special but limited resources in an area of space where dangers are unknown. The discovery they make is a huge surprise that can alter the balance in the entire galactic arm.
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netmassimo · 2 years ago
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Il romanzo "Stargazer: New Home - Ancient Foes" ("Stargazer: Neue Heimat - Alte Feinde") di Ivan Ertlov è stato pubblicato per la prima volta nel 2021 e tradotta in inglese dal tedesco da Marly Gram. È il secondo libro della serie After Terra e segue "Stargazer: The Ultimate Artefact". È inedito in Italia.
Un'area del braccio della Via Lattea che non appartiene né al Protettorato né all'Alleanza Plachtharr viene usata da pirati, criminali e vari gruppi di diverse specie che agiscono fuori da qualsiasi legge delle coalizioni interstellari. Ciò diventa ben più di un fastidio per un consorzio minerario che ha perso beni materiali per un notevole valore economico e migliaia di lavoratori.
Frank Gazer e il suo unico gruppo di compagni di avventure rappresentano i perfetti inviati per un'indagine non ufficiale. L'equipaggio dell'astronave Stargazer si trova a dover usare risorse speciali ma limitate in un'area di spazio dove i pericoli sono sconosciuti. La scoperta che fanno costituisce un'enorme sorpresa che può alterare gli equilibri in tutto il braccio galattico.
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netmassimo · 3 years ago
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The novel "Stargazer: The Ultimate Artefact" ("Stargazer: Das letzte Artefakt") by Ivan Ertlov was published for the first time in 2021 and translated from German by Marly Gram. It's the first book in the After Terra series.
Frank Gazer is a prospector who has worked hard to get command of a spaceship. For a human, it's not easy to get high positions, even among prospectors, because his species' reputation is still negative two thousand years after the war in which an interstellar alliance almost wiped out humanity. A mission that targets a comet takes Frank and his crew in an unexpected direction.
The relationship between the Plachtharr Alliance and the Protectorate are decidedly tense and the situation worsens due to the possibility of finding technologically advanced remains of an ancient civilization that could change the balance of power between the two coalitions. A war could be inevitable.
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