#Its so hard and painful to paint draw and write because im so prone to inflammation and stress injuries
ast3ri · 1 year
Btw if you are an artist and I like your art, I'll probably most likely print it out and glue your work in my journal if I cant buy a physical copy.
Because I like to take art I like with me, and have a permanent remnant of it, as my journals go into a locked safe when they are full.
If your handle or signature isn't on the art in some way, I edit it digitally to include either your name (if you have it on your blog) or your url/@ username. Dw though! I'll let you know if I can!
Your art will live on with me, touching my heart and inspiring me to keep painting for as long as my journals survive along with all my sentimental keepsakes.
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nvzblgrrl · 4 years
🎆 😕 🍏 🍎😳😆😍💀😀👌👍🔍™️
🎆 - Something you can’t wait for??!!
Me to hit that perfect groove for writing my fanfic...
The confrontation between Luffy (and Zoro? the vibes are leading me there) vs Kaido. Like every chapter so far has been the coolest shit I have seen and I’m just vibing so hard right now.
😕 - Scariest character?
Counting the movies? The Lily Carnation is the creepiest thing ever. Just everything about it is unsettling until it’s actively terrifying.
Just in canon though? Probably Im. Like I could say Sakazuki, Big Mom, or Moriah (because his meltdown at the end of Thriller Bark does still stick with me), but like, there’s other emotions tempering my experience of them (in Sakazuki and Big Mom’s cases, anger and disgust because moral bankruptcy combined with absolute power does that to me).
Im on the other hand? We know so little about that guy that I’m unsettled. Like there’s barely enough detail to know how much power they have, but it’s unquestionably there and is not being used to benevolent purposes.
🍏 - Would you eat a Devil Fruit if you had the chance to?
It’s kind of a toss-up because while a power would be cool and I don’t really swim at all, there’s a lot of powers I would not enjoy having (look, I’m error prone and need to have my house not explode, so that rules out a lot of Logia-types automatically) and the idea of ‘not being able to swim’ is kind of terrifying considering I have a phobia of drowning.
🍎 - Fave Devil Fruit power?
Kanjuro’s ability to bring art to life is just... really cool to me. Like I’ve loved the idea of a power like that for so long that I made an OC with that power when I was 16, and then Kanjuro showed up with that power and blew my concept out of the water?
Like it would be enough to be able to bring drawings to life, even temporarily, but being able to produce his own ink at will? The fact that (based at least on the way it’s described, because it’s not addressed directly in the anime or the manga) he can turn himself into a two-dimensional drawing to hide? Just the ultimate combo platter power right there. Just wonderfully flexible.
😳 - Any crushes?
I’ve been simping for Brook since 2009. Also I’d be down for Robin to step on me. I had like one emotion for Sanji once but I think that was a bout of temporary insanity brought on by the Shokugeki no Sanji one-shot.
😆 - Funniest scene?
The whole thing is a work of art. Brook’s laugh is just icing on the cake.
😍 - OTP?
Frobin. It’s just the right thing to do. And then I was presented with the option of Brook/Franky/Robin and it became even better.
Also I have Yorki/Brook on the side but again, it’s just natural.
💀 - NOTP?
Oh, BOY. We got a LIST.
ZoSan - mostly I just got to dislike this one because I hate seme/uke dynamics and a lot of other yaoi stereotypes and the most popular M/M pairings in any fandom tend to suffer from that, especially if they were popular during the height of a certain period of time I’m sure most of us can have traumatic flashbacks to.
Zoro/Robin, Luffy/Nami, Sanji/Nami - vanilla het (by which I mean, het that tends to paint by numbers instead of doing like, actual character interaction) isn’t my deal and a lot of the stuff I’ve seen for these pairings are very vanilla.
Brook/Chopper - I saw this in a fic once that went out of its way to pair up everyone on the boat and even though it’s probably been seven or more years I still deserve financial compensation for my pain and suffering.
😀 - Most favorite Straw Hat?
Brook. But Jinbe’s in close running for second place.
👌 - Fave character design?
Actually this hat goes to Ryuma? I just really enjoyed that aesthetic (I’m a sucker for dramatic swords and scarves) and I’ve spent a couple years slowly building up a cosplay that will hopefully see the light by the next time I could actually go to a con.
👍 - Most powerful Devil Fruit power?
God, it’s really hard to say? Like I’d have to say that Big Mom’s is definitely the one I’d call the ‘best’ because it’s flexible and has utility in multiple areas but it’s definitely reinforced and matched by her own physical abilities.
The Goro Goro no Mi is definitely highly powered and has a similar flexibility aspect, though not as flexible as a lot of Paramecias.
The Yami Yami no Mi is oversold, however, because Teach’s methods of using it as just? Boring? Like maybe in the hands of another character who has other attack patterns than ‘suck stuff in and then smash it’, it’d be a more interesting power that lives up to its hype but as is? Nahh.
🔍 - What do you think the One Piece is?
The true history of the world. That’s the only answer I think I’d believe at this point. Like, sure, there might be some actual physical treasure involved, but I think that it’ll be secondary to the knowledge found there.
™️ - How has One Piece changed you?
Ever since I first saw One Piece back in 2004 (yep, I was a 4Kids kid), it was... electrifying. It’s always inspired me to do things - kick up my martial arts training, punch a tree, get more into art, get more into life, get into fanfiction... I’d say that having One Piece has changed my life for the better, even with the ups and downs and occasional gap periods where I didn’t have anything to do with it.
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