#Its great to be client oriented company but do not forget your employee's and build your brand as great Employer. Raise your employee's as
brandnbusiness · 2 years
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tristanleggett · 5 years
The Story of Krakow's Wonder-child of AI App Development
Meet Miquido: the chosen one!
Chosen to develop amazing apps for Skyscanner, Abbey Road Studios, TUI, Herbalife or Nestle.
Based in Krakow, but with offices in London and Berlin, Miquido has delivered 100+ digital products and AI apps for music & video streaming, healthcare, travel, FinTech, and other industries.
The host of Mobiconf, the conference that brings at the same table 400+ designers and developers and 40+ speakers, Miquido is one of the most important players in the Krakow tech scene.
Miquido boasts with 170+ employees strongly experienced in mobile and AI app development.
Intrigued by the Miquido uplifting growth story, I decided to go on a journey to find out the secrets behind it.
Follow me to unfold the marketing, employer branding, and social media strategies behind the 1214% revenue growth that made Deloitte nominate Miquido in its Tech Fast 50 CEE 2016.
Miquido’s Marketing Strategies Reverse Engineered
Employer Branding and Hiring
Miquido’s Inbound Marketing Strategies
Summing Up
It’s gonna be a vivid narrative this one, so follow me.
Introducing Miquido: Krakow's AI App Development Company
Founded in 2011, it took 8 years to get to 170+ employees and be awarded by Deloitte in its Fast Tech 50 in the CEE.
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In 2020, Clutch featured Miquido in its Top Polish App Developers in the 2nd place.
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Furthermore, Miquido seems to want to step away from the traditional software development company. It’s developing its own products.
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Which is great news.
But what are the assets that made Miquido so fortunate? Let’s hear it from former clients. It seems they are praised for:
Being really well-organized
Delivering high-quality apps
Fluid development process
Responsiveness, good communication
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Before dwelling into the research I’m gonna be a little party pooper and reveal to you some of my findings.
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In the following section, we’ll dive more into Miquido’s marketing approach.
We will understand how crucial employer branding is in a very busy Krakow tech scene. You’ll also comprehend that building a community around you is beneficial for all your stakeholders.
Miquido’s Marketing Strategies Reverse Engineered
Today there are so many marketing channels out there, you feel like in an amusement park: intrigued, overwhelmed, what to begin with, which are the best ways of having fun without wasting money?
What about Miquido? What’s their weapon of choice in this martech playground? Are they delivering purposeful customer encounters?
I think it’s time to find out!
We’ll go deep into their branding strategies, then the inbound content strategy and other marketing efforts.
Employer Branding and Hiring
Employer branding is mirroring a company’s culture. Building a positive culture is the root of a strong employer brand.
Let's see which is Miquido’s approach.
Company culture
It’s a culture that supports continuous learning, through organizing events, meetups and a training budget of 3000 PLN/year.
Storytelling & video = powerful tools to send the right message to a potential employee. Check out these videos about people at Miquido.
Career pages: some of the best I’ve seen so far. Neat design, transparent responsibilities, benefits & salary.
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The Miquido team is planning to expand, there are 10 hiring opportunities, and also 10 paid internship positions are listed on their website.
And a novelty in this industry, Miquido has a person in charge of employer branding.
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Miquido’s Social Presence
Customer expectations are now higher than ever. There’s FOMO all-over the place (fear of missing out), everyone is in need of instant gratification.
In order to provide your stakeholders with an answer to their question, you must be wherever they are.
Now, let’s see how Miquido is addressing social media interactions when promoting their employer brand and AI app and mobile app development services.
For Miquido, the Facebook profile is very much used for employer branding. No surprise there, because we’ve seen that they even have an in-house specialist dedicated to employer branding.
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On a smaller scale, Miquido is promoting events and blog content on their Facebook page.
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The LinkedIn account mixing employee branding content with educational and sales-related content.
They are also broadcasting lots of news from the events they attend to, awards they receive, projects they do.
Events promotion can go two ways - building a brand in the eyes of potential clients or building employer branding.
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From time to time their projects are featured in LinkedIn posts, from AI app development products to open source projects, like the one below.
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From time to time, the blog articles and Medium content they create get shared on LinkedIn.
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Community Building
The community you grow will be the very first audience to advocate for your brand. They’d be your evangelists, they’d make you aware of potential failures, and even make your business better.
Miquido understands this and does not shy away from engaging with new audiences.
From small-scale events to large ones (like Mobiconf), Miquido is taking risks, reaching out, and tapping into new audiences.
So, we’ve got events/meetups for designers, testers, and developers.
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We’ve got hackathons, like this one in London where they were the Abbey Road’s (world-famous recording studio) partner.
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They also co-organize conferences, like this one that speaks of Golang.
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Aaand, the cherry on top, Mobiconf, one of the best mobile conferences in the CEE. That seems legit, considering they are an awarded mobile and AI app development company.
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Miquido’s Website
The layout of the website is clean and fluid.
Social proof is everywhere.
Why do we always insist on social proof?
Our clients are getting more informed by the day. They do a lot of research before any buying decision. How can a business prove it deserves them as clients? How can they promise a meaningful experience?
Miquido is showcasing the portfolio, using client logos, case studies, and testimonials.
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Testimonials are so powerful because they’re seen as being really objective. The more someone outside the brand speaks of you, the higher the credibility.
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When reading the case studies you see even more social proof, as in awards received by the apps they’ve built, the number of downloads.
Awards are also showcased:
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When we reach the Miquido blog, we see more proof of their good work: Miquido was named a 2018 Google Certified Agency, and it seems this is not happening to many development companies.
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Ok, now I trust you, I’ve seen some case studies. I think I’m ready to get in touch. How can I do this?
Well, it’s easy peasy, complete our contact form.
They used to do some basic segmentation via their form about a year ago, before the rebranding, like below:
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Now (March 2019), they are leaving out the segmentation and go straight for email and the option to book a call.
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They are monitoring the actions of website visitors using Hotjar, so I assume that they are interested in conversion rate optimization.
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Miquido’s Inbound Marketing Strategies
Like we’ve seen so far, software houses approach content marketing as a channel for lead generation.
In tech B2B (non-SaaS), sales cycles are long, because of the high product value. This means knowledge needs to be proved through original and useful content.
In this chapter, we’ll look into Miquido’s content marketing strategies around reach and act from the RACE approach.
At this stage, Miquido is keeping its blog up to date.
The articles are written by marketers, the head of sales, head of R&D. It all depends on the content of the article and the background needed to write it.
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Miquido also features case studies, that prove their expertise.
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Miquido is also delivering content via Medium, and it seems this strategy pays off in terms of engagement.
They tackle topics such as AI app development or product design.
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Now it’s time to move readers further down in the funnel. For that, Miquido uses CTA’s inside blog articles, that invite to a newsletter subscription.
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For the case studies, the CTA invites readers to connect with Miquido and talk about project ideas.
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Miquido is also offering a strategic session to those willing to continue the conversation.
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Now, looking a bit more into the numbers, it seems that organic traffic is growing slowly. This year it managed to get over 1000 visits/month.
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This means that there’s room for growth, but we all know that content is not quite easy peasy, it takes lots of work and patience.
Miquido’s Paid Traffic Acquisition
Miquido is experimenting with paid ads as well, as per Ahrefs and Spyfu.
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The keywords focus on the bottom of funnel keywords such as “ software companies in uk”, “mobile app development company in uk”, or “hire flutter developer”.
I haven't seen any display or remarketing ads yet.
Summing Up
So, which are today’s main lessons?
Like in Codete’s story, being all-in for events means you open up to new audiences, audiences that can become future clients or future employees.
Conferences, workshops, hackathons seem to be the solution for a world that gets more in more digital, where human interactions get more and more treasured.
Experiences are more valued than ever and by building true and humane connections might just be your trump card.
In the long run, focusing on a more scalable strategy, like inbound marketing, will also pay off.
And don’t forget the employer branding. When you compete with other tens of IT companies for the same talent pool, you must be really smart about it. It’s tough out there and you’d better choose your weapons carefully: from salaries and perks, through the right communication means.
Now, what other stories do we have upon our sleeves? Besides Krakow’s software houses outsourcing success stories, we’ve got software houses in Poznan, Wroclaw and Warsaw to watch out for.
You can find all the stories in our Growth Marketing Secrets of Top European Software Houses ebook.
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qwertsypage · 3 years
Lessons To Learn: How Employee Experience Drives Productivity
Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace Report found that businesses get the most out of their employees when they orient performance around basic needs for psychological engagement. Companies with highly engaged workforces outperform their competition by 147% per share. As we manage the new reality of work, let’s take time to build a working environment that meets the needs of our employees. By doing this, we will be more equipped to empower our employees and propel our missions forward. 
At Scrum, Inc., our recent sprint goal was to learn directly from employees about their employee experience during the pandemic. Our mission was to discover what employees learned during the pandemic and what they need to be successful moving forward. We began by interviewing four people from different industries to learn about their employee experience during the pandemic.
 Create Autonomy to Drive Innovation
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As a Senior Tax associate at a large accounting firm, Cory provides tax compliance services to hedge funds and private equity firms. Cory went from a traditional in-person corporate environment to a fully remote home office. During the pandemic, he found that he had a higher level of autonomy in how he got his work done which helped him be more productive. The greatest challenge Cory faced was in onboarding new hires remotely. 
Read Cory's Interview.
Cory: Although I missed the connectivity I had in the office during a pre-covid world, I became quite comfortable with my new at-home workflow. Working from home gave me the ability to focus on work when it truly mattered. By taking more intentional breaks, whether it’s walking the dog, doing some laundry, or going for a midday run, I found my stress levels decreased, allowing for more valuable time while working.  
Most importantly, I felt more productive because I could take breaks without feeling like I was disappointing my managers or others on my team. It was nice not feeling the pressure of someone constantly looking down at your desk and wondering what you are doing. My team didn’t even skip a beat when getting their work done or getting our deliverables out to clients. I hope my company continues to provide needed flexibility for their employees, especially those with young children. 
For me, it became clear that there’s no reason besides connectivity and training to be in the office. However, when it comes to onboarding new employees, I find an in-person setting to be ideal. For example, I could no longer invite new hires to my desk and walk them through the complex spreadsheets spanning three monitors, making the onboarding process longer and leaving the new employees feeling lost. As my company continues to provide a more flexible working environment, opportunities for new hires to onboard in-person, meet the team, and gain exposure to client calls must be prioritized.
Overall, the pandemic taught me that our work should not drive our goals; our goals should drive the way we work. Not all employees will need to work in the same way, and their goals may require different workflows. Give them the autonomy to make these decisions, and they may even surprise you with their ingenuity. 
Improve Sustainability and Collaboration by Making Work Visible
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As a government employee, Cynthia went from in-person to a hybrid working environment. Cynthia’s team tried out Scrum for the first time during the pandemic. This helped to address the challenge of leadership not having visibility into the work being done or their employees’ productivity.
Read Cynthia's Interview.
Cynthia: For me, one of the biggest challenges was no longer being able to see co-workers on the line in action. It was very common for me to walk the line and see what people are doing and interact with them. This provided a great way to see the work being done, connect with people and problem solve in real-time. 
While moving to a hybrid way of work, leadership asked me to help with their biggest challenge: they found it basically impossible to track what the heck was getting done when people were remote without some sort of structure. With my background in Agile, I got the team to try Scrum. The team would hop on a video conference, and the Scrum Master would share their screen and use it to talk through the Scrum Board and run all of the Events. Working like this proved to be essential in tracking [the work] and seeing, okay we’re still productive, we’re still getting work done. With some of the team fully back in-person and some distributed, the team found that it’s a lot easier to collaborate with a virtual Scrum Board. The team found that running all events virtually, even when back in the office, was more effective. If we are in the office and need to talk about something, others can just walk over [physically] and have a conversation. 
Ensuring that the teams worked at a sustainable pace was also important. My team and I utilized the Scrum Board’s function of making work visible as a means to enforcing work-life balance. To address the burnout employees voiced during a Retrospective, the team decided we needed to build opportunities for people to take a break while still maintaining productivity. To achieve this, the team implemented the following Kaizen (a process improvement): put a stop and think card [in every Sprint] to encourage every member of the team to take a moment and unplug.
With transitioning back into the office, the team is continuing the stop and think card. My biggest piece of advice to those going back in-person is to roll out [the transition] slowly, don’t go all-in at once. You will burn people out.
Prioritize People and Interactions to Build Trust and Respect
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Clive experienced going from in-person to a hybrid environment as a coach and teacher at a K-12 school. Working in a hybrid environment during the pandemic put pressure on the employees to keep up an unsustainable pace, leading to poor quality of work. This created a feeling that employers lacked trust that their employees were getting work done. For Clive, his employer was not taking their approach to the return of in-person work seriously enough.
Read Clive's Interview.
Clive: Before the pandemic, I thought I had no work-life balance. I didn’t realize it could get worse until it did. The expectation is that you just keep moving. I’d have enough time to get a few hours of sleep, get up, take a shower, and, you know, get on that computer again. I hope to see my employer set more reasonable expectations for employees to follow to achieve work-life balance.
I was hopeful that I would have the option to work remotely when students weren’t in the building. This would have provided more flexibility and better working conditions. However, the process implemented by my employer for gaining approval to work remotely was cumbersome. I had to ask for permission to work from home. I would have to go through a monthly process of requesting to work from home, and every time I would get really stressed out whether or not it would get approved. The red tape signaled to me and my colleagues that the school didn’t trust that work could happen effectively when people weren’t in the same room. My employer felt it was a high risk experiment to allow remote work. While, us, employees saw it as a lack of consideration to those unvaccinated or immunocompromised.
I’d recommend to my employer to consider employees as we transition to in-person work. Show us empathy and treat us with humanity. This would empower us to understand things better. Taking it step by step. Not treating everything like the building is on fire. 
Leverage Opportunities from Remote Work to Improve Connection
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As an Account Executive at a CAD product company, Nicole sells digital products to companies that use the software to build things. Before the pandemic, Nicole’s company did not have a work from home policy, and all work took place in-person. Even though, Nicole’s work was considered essential so working from the office was technically an option, she and her team worked remotely. In this new remote setting, her team experienced a new level of global connectivity across the company and a higher level of predictability regarding qualified leads. 
Read Nicole's Interview.
Nicole: The key to my success before the pandemic was the ability to sit right next to my colleagues. Our group had its own floor, so [we] all worked pretty close together, and it was a very collaborative environment. For example, when we’re on a call [that was] not going so well, you could tell by facial expressions and then ask to collaborate on what to do next. Our office space remained available, however, management was hesitant to make this visible. This led to me and my colleagues not taking full advantage of our hybrid work environment until months later. 
Before the pandemic, sales calls took place only over the phone, and if they took place over video conferencing, the norm was no one would turn their cameras on. One of the unforeseen advantages of working remotely was that I felt more connected to my customers because they turned their cameras on. It became more of a norm and is not treated like another phone call. This allowed me to understand which deals to qualify and prioritize because I could now pick up on non-verbal queues and clients could no longer hide behind a phone. 
Not only did I feel more connected to clients, but I also felt more connected to the company globally. During the pandemic, we set up intentional webcasts to connect parts of the organization that never connected before — you got to see different people from different offices speak about initiatives you might not be privy to. Recently, my company shared a full hybrid work policy. As the company moves to this model full-time, I would like to see these company-wide meetings continued. 
What’s next?
We can’t forget that our employees are also our customers, and the most important product for them is their employee experience. Engaged people do better work. People who feel empowered and safe stay with organizations and grow there. Creating an employee experience that enables employees to be productive and avoid burnout will make a positive impact on every company’s bottom-line. In fact, Gallup found that employee burnout cost companies $322B due to loss of productivity and turnover.
We hope the four lessons shared through the interviews will help you and your organization navigate some of the complexities of returning to a new “normal”, AND we hope you to don’t stop here. Start a conversation inside your organization to understand what your teams’ unique needs are.
When it comes to the new reality of work and determining what’s next for your company, we need to consider the people who made it possible for us to survive this pandemic: our employees. They stuck it out with us. We stuck it out together.
        *Interviews have been edited and condensed for clarity.
The post Lessons To Learn: How Employee Experience Drives Productivity appeared first on Scrum Inc.
Lessons To Learn: How Employee Experience Drives Productivity published first on https://koresolpage.tumblr.com/
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Planning a Corporate Event? Don't forget to add these attractions
As per our team of corporate event planners, we can create a unique opportunity for you and your company to inspire your team in a fresh environment and give your employees a chance to network and communicate with each other.
The wide inventory of interactive attractions and entertainment rentals on offer by 3 Monkeys Inflatables can help drive home the thoughts and ideas you want to communicate with your employees at your corporate event while ensuring they get to learn from and engage with one another. For example, we have audio-video rentals to help you communicate efficaciously - the values that drive your company forward.
Our experts suggest you should never forget to add the following three attractions to your corporate event:
A photo booth to remind them why they love their workplace Remind your workers why they love you as an organization and make them fall in love with you even more. Our great variety of photo booth rentals and custom photo booths designed especially for your organization, celebrates the spirit of your company while creating beautiful memorabilia to take home for each of your guests.
Team-oriented games to show them how well they can work together Create a wonderful learning experience for your employees, all about learning how to be more productive as a team. Team building activities are among the most important activities for any successful corporate event. So, do not forget to add such activities and make sure to make them attractive to pull maximum crowd.
Team building games and activities will allow your workers to learn more about their strengths and weaknesses. Your employees will also be able to gain an insight into how they can be more productive as a team.
We offer fun, team-oriented games for rent which can effectively show your employees how productive they were when they work as a unit. You can also rent our interactive games such as massive foosball tables and giant jenga to maximize interaction and engagement among them.
Spectacular entertainers and performers to make your employees and clients feel valued Appreciate your customers and do remember to include customer appreciation events to create rapport with your customers and employees, express appreciation, and strengthen relationships. Show your guests how much you care about them by renting from our extensive range of entertainment such as interactive games rentals, casino rentals and photobooths. You can also surprise them with spectacular entertainers and performers. Our expert team at 3 Monkeys Inflatables can set yourself apart as an organization that cares for its stakeholders.
We specialize in corporate team building events, corporate picnics, anniversary celebrations, grand openings, corporate casino parties and corporate holiday parties. Since there is always a solid motive for organizing a corporate event, our corporate event organizers at 3 Monkeys Inflatables offer their expertise and experience to help you present your important information and business objectives in a highly communicable, effective and memorable way.
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memozing · 5 years
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charlesjening · 5 years
Deloitte Gets Big 4 Bragging Rights In 2020 Vault Consulting 50
For the fifth consecutive year, Deloitte Consulting has been ranked the fourth-best consulting firm in the United States (although the governor of Rhode Island might beg to differ), according to the latest Vault Consulting 50.
So once again, Green Dotters of the consulting variety have bragging rights over P. Dubsteppers, Uncle Ernie’s nieces and nephews, and Klynveldians.
Based on the results of a survey sent to consultants, Vault uses the following weighted formula to put together its annual ranking:
30% prestige
15% firm culture
15% satisfaction
10% compensation
10% work/life balance
10% level of challenge
5% overall business outlook
5% promotion policies
The Big 4’s rankings on the 2020 Vault Consulting 50 are pretty respectable, with each one taking up residence in the top 15, and three placing in the top 10:
McKinsey & Co.
The Boston Consulting Group
Bain & Company
Deloitte Consulting LLP
Oliver Wyman
Booz Allen Hamilton
PwC Advisory Services
A.T. Kearney
GE Healthcare Partners
Putnam Associates
ClearView Healthcare Partners
KPMG LLP (Advisory)
The Bridgespan Group
In addition, Strategy&, PwC’s global strategy consulting business with the unfinished name, sits at No. 16 on Vault’s list.
The Big 4’s rankings didn’t change much at all in 2020 compared to the 2019 Vault Consulting 50. The only change was KPMG dropping two spots from No. 12 in 2019 to No. 14 in 2020.
It’s always fun to look at the firms’ one-star or two-star employee reviews on Vault because, let’s face it, they are more entertaining than the good reviews. As the great Dark Helmet said in Spaceballs:
            Here are a few 2019 reviews from some unsatisfied KPMGers. The first said the best thing about the firm is “you don’t have to pay back your signing bonus if you make it a year.”
everything besides the signing bonus
Advice to Candidates
Choose any other firm if you are interested in doing consulting.
This person had quite a list of grievances:
* Despite a constant barrage of diversity initiatives, I’ve seen people treat others at KPMG really, really, poorly
* Directors promoted because of sales not leadership
* Working loan staff engagements and not developing consulting skills
* Training provided is KPMG-oriented training — not industry or skill oriented; having to share a hotel room for KPMG training
* Getting home on 11 PM on Friday just to fly again Sunday night
* Just about everything promised me in my interview was a lie. Including salary when you consider how many costs you have to eat yourself and pay income tax to multiple cities and states. You lose money working at KPMG Advisory
* You’re supposed to build a network but you cannot take advantage of office activities because you’re on the road all the time. You’ll get pictures of the company ski trip in your email, invites to concerts/sporting events in the company suite, invites to training, invites for volunteer days, college recruiting, happy hours, parties, etc. FORGET ABOUT ANY OF THAT. You’re on the road 100% of the time!
* Goals which are not attainable and therefore you’ll get screwed on your bonus
Advice to Candidates
I think Tax and Audit x(other than busy season) are fine as they have an office culture and therefore different than Advisory. Advisory feels like it’s “bolted on” to KPMG. As such, there’s no clear vision, leadership, etc. I have zero idea on where my service line is going… they just chase work and it’s very reactionary rather than having a strategy.
But for some reason, the KPMG name has cachet and I’ll ride this out for a few more months until my resume doesn’t look like I’m a job hopper.
If you’re fresh out of college by all means, travel, see the country/world… and try to have fun when you can (60-80 hour weeks and working in the hotel after working at the client site makes that a challenge). Build your network and your resume.
If you are experienced/mid-career, married, have a kid, or have a dog, and want any kind of control over your life avoid KPMG advisory at all costs. You have been warned.
The amount of servitude KPMG expects from you is more than I even experienced in the military. At least my country is grateful for my service. KPMG will just eat you up and spit you out because the shelf-life of the average consultant is 18 months and there are (uninformed) people waiting in line to replace you.
Another Klynveldian titled their review “Chaotic circus.”
What are the cons to working at Deloitte Consulting? The usual stuff, according to this reviewer:
No work-life balance. Unreasonable requirements for on-site work even though there’s no seats for anyone, parking comes out of your own pocket, and the office locations are in hot spots where traffic converges and parking costs are very high. Beyond billable targets, there are “firm contribution” metrics and a culture of unhealthy competition for promotions that drive people to working around the clock to stay a step ahead of the next dog. Senior Managers and above duck and cover delegating all accountability onto Manager and below. Partners, principals and directors milk their relationships to capture projects, and then express frustration when the delivery team needs their time to support the launch – why can’t we just navigate the terms of the proposal and read their minds? Can’t we all see how busy they all are? (golf, lunch, spa). Exorbitant bill rates price Deloitte out of most compelling business and government challenges. Discounted bill rates result in grossly understaffed execution teams – 5 people doing the work that was proposed for 15. I don’t know how Deloitte ascended to #4 on this list… but I’m sure it cost them a pretty penny to skirt the Glass Door data. Even in Federal, they had an unreasonable policy against hiring anyone without a Bachelor’s degree – even those who were former honorable military with combat service, even when those people had Associates degree. They made these people join the firm on a separate Associate track where the raises and promotions were different and the terms of the employment related only to the one specific project for which they were hired. Project ends, you’re out of Deloitte.
Advice to Candidates
Great place to work as a Senior Manager, Director, Principal, or Partner. This fat group at the top of the pyramid enjoys wonderful, rewarding work autonomy on the backs of all the rest, who are ground down to pulp under the weight of their compensation structure.
And you’ll never believe this, but women are paid less than men at Deloitte!
For 4 years at the firm (2011-2014) I made the highest possible performance ratings (I worked my butt off). Then I found out that despite my performance, I was being paid 25% less than men doing the same work. Men whom I was compared to for performance evaluations. Deloitte has a seriously biased compensation system and all the “pay for performance” talk is just that… all talk. The evaluation process and criteria for salary decisions is deliberately opaque. Women need to step forward and challenge the status quo.
Advice to Candidates
If you are female, do not let recruiters ask you about prior salary or even salary expectations! Say that you want to be paid what the job is worth, if you meet the qualifications to be hired.
PwCers also had gripes about working in advisory. This person titled their review “Bloodsucking, awful place.”
No work-life balance
Advice to Candidates
Look elsewhere if you have friends, family, hobbies or a significant other
And this person’s review had the title “PwC is a political snake den that will slowly crush your dreams. Seek exit asap.”
the leadership, the pay, the poor knowledge management
Advice to Candidates
Try to go to Deloitte or MBB or a boutique firm. Don’t end up here.
Believe it or not, there aren’t many bad employee reviews about working at EY-Parthenon, other than “long hours” and “continued promotion of bad managers.” Shoot us an email, EY-Parthenon folks, on what your biggest gripes are.
The post Deloitte Gets Big 4 Bragging Rights In 2020 Vault Consulting 50 appeared first on Going Concern.
republished from Going Concern
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zakwebbmefan · 5 years
Your Service Success List
As a business coach, I spend a great deal of time collaborating with people who wish to boost different aspects of their company. Sometimes these elements are just symptoms of an extra fundamental, underlying issue. 
 If you want your business to truly radiate, after that there are some fundamental concepts that, otherwise existing, can lead to sub common performance in other locations. And also here they are: 
 1. Crystal clear objective 
 The most typical factor firms face difficulty is forgeting the consumer and their needs. Having a crystal clear function helps maintain the focus from coming to be also inside focused, rather verbalizing why business dates the customers perspective. A clear as well as inspiring objective will certainly likewise provide your workers a reason to be gotten in touch with their hearts, not simply their minds. 
 2. Self-control 
 Occasionally this is an undesirable subject, yet it is crucial. Discipline implies having a sharp and continuous focus on your goals, whether they be development, revenues or client purposes. Effective businesses build continual monitoring into their processes, constantly knowledgeable about the void in between where they are as well as where they need to be. 
 3. Objectives that compel action 
 Most people are inspired to help a source of some sort. The business should continuously paint a picture of what the future may hold. As well as it requires to be a lot more compelling than surviving or offering whole lots much more. Objectives that challenge without being impractical, which inspire individuals to exceed and also past, will certainly enhance a society of advancement, initiative and also exhilaration. 
 4. Prepare for numerous futures 
 Successful organisations are seldom taken by surprise. They hang out thinking about what if scenarios, and also planning their feedbacks. Its a fact that many business owners do not assume beyond the following quarter or 6 month period. This can cause sticking to products and services for as well lengthy and failing to recognize changes in the marketplace - making modification and innovation almost impossible. 
 5. Management 
 The leaders task is not only to motivate initiative as well as provide direction. They likewise lug the job of meeting the mental demands of their workers while they are at work. Leaders that are psychologically fully grown, energised and future oriented are an absolute need, if the business is to grow instead of plateau. 
 6. Quality in every little thing 
 Business will certainly not endure long today if they are simply ordinary. What does it take to promote a society of quality? High requirements, accountability, a willingness to learn and a regular focus on developing worth for consumers. If these points remain in area, quality becomes a by-product. 
 So how can you tell if your service lives these concepts? See how you go at addressing these inquiries: 
 Just how do you gauge efficiency of the organization as a whole? 
 What is the function of your service? 
 What is it to go beyond on your own as well as how is that essential to the business? 
 Can you express the differences between what you need personally as well as what the business demands? 
 Presuming most firms reach a very early plateau, what do you assume effective firms do to stay clear of that? 
 Far a lot of companies are restricted in their ability to grow as a result of the skills, capacities and attitudes of their individuals (including ourselves). How do you intend to resolve this possible trouble in your organisation? 
 How can you make certain that your employees tell you everything you require to know? 
 So how did you go? Any type of room for enhancement? Goal to impart and also live these principles in your company, as well as you will have laid truly strong structures. From there, the skys the limitation. 
 Are you prepared to test your concepts about what obtains cause company? full potential is right here to help you make even more of your organisation. More revenues, more income, even more of what you want. Get rid of barriers to growth as well as create brand-new opportunities. 
 To locate more write-ups like these, enroll in Profits for Specialists at www.completepotential.com.
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ourmrmel · 6 years
Mel Feller Looks at the Entrepreneur Quiz
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Mel Feller Looks at the Entrepreneur Quiz
 Mel Feller asks the question, “Do you have what it takes to succeed in a Business?”
This quiz will help you assess your management skills
 The first question you should answer when you are thinking of starting a business is "Am I the type?" You will be the most important employee in your business. It is more important that you rate yourself objectively as the business manager than how you rate any prospective employee. Appraise your strengths and your weaknesses. As a prospective operator of your own small business, acknowledge that you are weak in certain areas and cover the deficiency by either retraining yourself or hiring someone with the necessary skill. The questions in this test indicate to what extent you have the personal traits important to a business startup.
 If you have always wanted to be an entrepreneur, but you wonder if you have what it takes to succeed. Discover if you have the mindset of an entrepreneur with this assessment from the Small Business Administration. Not only will it help you evaluate your readiness, but it also will help you identify if you have the personality, characteristics and skills to go out on your own.
 Questions to Ask Yourself:
Have you ever worked in a business similar to what you are planning to start?
Would people who know you say you are well suited to be self-employed?
Do you have support for your business idea from your family and friends?
Have you ever taken a course or seminar on starting and managing a small business?
Have you discussed your business idea, business plan or proposed business with a business coach or counselor, such as a faculty advisor, SCORE counselor, Small Business Development Center counselor or other economic advisor?
Do you have a relative, friend or mentor who is an entrepreneur?
 Do you have these trait similarities of successful entrepreneurs:
How many traits do you have?
Desire for immediate feedback
Strong drive to achieve
High energy level
Goal-oriented behavior
Calculated risk taker
Problem solving skills
Tolerance for ambiguity
Strong integrity
Highly reliable
Personal initiative
Ability to consolidate resources
Strong management and organizational skills
Change agent
Tolerance for failure
Desire to work hard
 Several decades ago, I founded a business dedicated to helping entrepreneurs bring their business ideas to culmination. That business is called Coaching for Success 360.  I have mentored and coached hundreds of entrepreneurs since that time.
 Numerous of my students have licensed their ideas to powerful companies or brought them to market themselves through venturing. I have often wondered what differentiates successful entrepreneurs from their peers.  However, by wondering I have also been able to write those thoughts down.
 Are there certain qualities they share? I know so.
 However, I also think it is important to acknowledge that timing, luck and simply being in the right place at the right time play a part in many success stories.  That is due to participation and being ready for those opportunities.
 Decades of personal experience and mentoring have taught me that successful entrepreneurs share these five qualities:
 An unwavering passion.
 The advice to do what you love has become a bit of a cliché. Everyone says, “Find your passion.” However, that is easier said than done. Being an entrepreneur demands commitment and dedication – more than most jobs do, I would argue that point strongly.
 If you are ambivalent or mildly enthused about your product or service, that is not going to sustain you through the highs and lows that, inevitably occur in every busy. If you find something you love enough to want to share it with others, that love will fuel and give you purpose.
 The most successful entrepreneurs I know never forget how much they can learn from others. They ask for advice. They are flexible. They soak up the best practices around them like a sponge. Fear of failure can make it easy to grip onto your vision with an iron fist, but rigidity will not serve you.
 The desire to be an expert.
 Entrepreneurs always love a challenge. If they did not, they would probably have chosen another line of work. Nevertheless, as exciting as it is to consider new field, high-achieving entrepreneurs know the benefits of staying in the same industry for a while are immense.
 When you spend years in the same industry, you learn its history. Knowing what has been done before can help you identify how it can and should move forward. In the meantime, you will build a network of relationships to support you in future endeavors, especially when times are lean.
 Those relationships are invaluable.
A forward-looking approach.
Successful entrepreneurs are always thinking ahead. They may stray from their roadmap, and that is okay, but they have one in mind. Having a clearly established set of goals will keep you from being stuck. Your goals may be constantly evolving, but if you do not know where you want to go, chances are, you will not get anywhere.
 A constant flow of ideas.
 Having one project that is doing well is great. However, the successful entrepreneurs I know do not rest on their laurels. Instead, they are constantly asking themselves, “What’s next?” They understand that being a successful entrepreneur is a lifestyle choice, not a destination.
 Embrace these qualities and you will become a better entrepreneur.
 Mel Feller – Personal Development, Business, Executive, Internet and Real Estate Investments Coach/Mentor and Business Owner
 Mel Feller was a senior staffer for over 5 years with both United States Senator Jake Garn and The Senate Banking and Finance Committee.
 Mel Feller is a speaker at entrepreneurial forums training business professionals on marketing strategies and the “Secrets of Online Marketing”. He provides consulting services on all aspects of business including organizational performance, sales and marketing strategies, employee productivity and retention, successful solution implementation, technology leverage and customer service in all business and fields.
 Mel Feller's areas of technology expertise include emails and social media, solution development discipline and methodology, business process leads and project management.
 Mel Feller has twenty-five years’ experience with companies, nonprofits and individuals in the research and writing of both government and private grants.
 In addition to his regular consulting and management responsibilities, Mel Feller was published in the Top 100 Mentors; he has published two books on "Creative Real Estate Financing" and “Multiple Secrets to Success”, and presented numerous executive lectures for Fortune 500 corporations on “leadership and business practices”.
Visit him at www.melfeller.com and www.melfellersuccessstories.com
 Mel Feller’s dynamic presence, instinctive strategic vision, and creative thinking produce effective, sustainable bottom-line results for his clients. His “Can Do” attitude generates confidence in his executive coaching clients and strategic consulting corporate clients. Throughout Mel Feller’s career, he has increased the profitability of nearly every organization with which he has worked.
 Mel Feller has a unique ability to relate to his clients because he came from The United States Senate, where Mel was the Chief of Staff for a United States Senator and was always meeting with prominent business people or politicians.  His main love was dealing with constituents that were the grass root voters!  Since founding Coaching For Success 360 In 1989, he has effectively translated that experience into results for his clients. He focuses on separating daily distractions from the real issues in order to put the executive and/or business on the right path to grow and prosper. Results are immediate, growth sustainable, and profitability long-term.
 Dozens of Mel Feller’s clients have been on Inc.’s 500/5000 list and many have been named as a “Best Places To Work.
Using Mel Feller’s intuitive, systematic approach, and our proven strategic and tactical tools, we help you plan for profit.
 Mel Feller believes that what gets measured is improved. Therefore, he is continually developing processes and systems that allow you to easily measure, manage and maintain a highly profitable business.
 Mel Feller is  ready to help you increase your sales, trim and manage your operating costs and see your profits soar and/or leverage your time for Business or Real Estate!
  “Truth telling, honesty, and candor: I loved you Mel Feller! You have so much energy and knowledge! I truly hope I get another opportunity to be coached by you. I see myself a little clearer now, and it’s not so bad.”
Lisa Mathews
 “Mel Feller you added more value than we can possibly see right now. Mel Feller, you are warm, inviting, and accommodating. Thank you for coming alongside us in this transition!”
Vanessa Cavanaugh
“Mel Feller the best education session that we have attended in many years! Thank you so much — I am very excited to put everything you have taught us into practice!”
Michael Randolph
 “Mr. Mel Feller, Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving a marvelous keynote at our Symposium! While we have not yet collected the official feedback, the unofficial feedback was that You Were a Hit! I heard nothing but compliments regarding your presentations. Thank you for making such a positive impact on our attendees! ”
Lyle Cunningham VP
 "Mel Feller uses his humor, compassion, and direct nature to help bring out the best in me. Mel Feller is committed to helping me live...I mean, really live, life to its fullest."
Jose Rodriguez
 Mel Feller Links
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garkomedia1 · 6 years
Small Business Owners: The Building Blocks to Increase Profits
Stand Out - Be Seen - Be On Google Page 1 Before You Pay For Services - CLICK HERE! We call it RBI Marketing. You have heard of ROI which is Return On Investment and this is RBI which means Return BEFORE Investment! Let's get the ball rolling and you will pay us for our services AFTER you see your site ranked on Google page 1 for your chosen keywords!.CLICK HERE!
We are always on the lookout to hire quality, professional independent representatives for our local business pay per result search engine optimization services. Just use the form on the home page to contact us!
The foundational building blocks of every business are Processes (procedures/policy), People (employees), Customers and Resources (ideas/capital). Leaders, who strengthen and understand each of these blocks, build their business. Those who weaken or neglect these building blocks, find themselves with declines in both their top and bottom lines.
Believe it or not, organizations can sometimes forget that creating and delivering top quality products and providing excellent services is their main objective. Organizations keep ineffective processes in effect because it is comfortable, safe and familiar. Leaders must regularly set aside time to define and redefine their processes, track defects and poor service, and make improvements to solidify these (5) major building blocks.
Owner Mindset
You’ve got to make the mental shift from running your businesses as a self-employed job/good employee to building a business you can one day sell, scale or own passively to fund your retirement.
This means consistently reminding yourself that you are just a temporary producer, and that your business must eventually replace you from its day to day operations.
Be Clear in Your Mission
There’s a reason you started a business and left your job (or didn’t try to find a new one). Why are you doing this? Keep in mind that your personal mission and your company’s mission can be different, as long as they’re aligned and can co-exist. You did the mission statement in the business plan and it’s on the bookshelf collecting dust.
Network and Get a Mentor
Get a business advisor or coach. It doesn’t have to be someone professional, just someone who can share experiences to bounce ideas off of and tell you when you are losing teams, money and the mindset.
Get your Business off the Road to Nowhere
When the money gets tight and the momentum fades, you are left with day to day work of the business, this is when you learn how to make your business run. It can become grinding because sales are slow and you are learning how the business actually operates, to acquire customers, market products, understand how changing processes and products affect your financials, and every idea you have does not automatically work as you envision it to increase profits.
At some point while running a business, your likely to experience that burned out or uninspired feeling. Work-life balance is important; there is a truth, in working hard and playing hard to unwind. Reading a daily devotion and taking a daily 30 minute walk can assist in relaxing the mind, etc.
Customer acquisition is expensive in order to acquire new customers, companies must effectively target, market to and convince customers to try their product or service.
Many business owners do not take time to figure out who is their target customer. What are their target customers’ likes, dislikes, needs and wants? Which types of media do they consume? What is the cheapest way to reach them? How much is the target customer willing to pay for their products or services? Where and how should we sell our products?
Remember, it is cheaper to keep a customer than it is to acquire new ones.
Master the Art of Engagement
Being engaging is important in every part of your business, whether its communicating through email marketing, social media, blogs, videos and other commercial formats
Grab social Media Attention
Social media marketing plan should include Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and the company website to communicate with your customer. Use the same theme, pictures (banner pages) and similar products.
Understand importance of Business Logos
It is the first thing potential customers will notice about your brand, make sure it is presentable, professional and polished. Make sure the Logo connects with your customer needs and wants.
Create an experience for your Brand
Create fun and informative environment to solve your customer problems
The Right Clients are more Important than the Most clients
Most business strategy is get the cash in the door by any means necessary to get most clients in the door. Problem is you achieve all of this at the expense of quality, profit and sanity. The right clients will allow your company to do better work, build a better reputation, generate more profits and retain better employees.
Focus on Your Goal, Objectives, Theme but most of all Profitability
Don’t try to be all things to all customers. Specialize in solving your ‘target audience’ problems and have fun doing it. Even the largest companies do their best when they focus on keeping the ‘main thing the main thing’.
Are the actions and applications that executives and teams put in place to achieve desired results.
Leaders need to take a step back to review their processes-individually or in a cross-functional groupings— to eliminate inefficiencies and optimize performance, annually or as the market changes.
Systems are the reliable processes and procedures that empower your business to consistently produce an excellent result for your client and profitability for you.
Documenting automated processes can increase your company’s efficiency and reduce costly mistakes; the checklists your employees follow to ensure that all orders are shipped correctly; the orientation process for all new clients when you begin working together; and the standardized contracts you use with all your new hires and vendors.
Controls are the processes, procedures and safeguards that protect your company form uninformed or inappropriate decisions or actions by any team member. They also are your business’s way of making sure that key work is getting done on time and the right way.
There are (4) main types of business controls:
Checklists/Visual Business Process Controls
Scorecards/ Business Performance Measurements Metrics by Function (KPI)
Embedded Internal Quality Controls— product/process quality checks
Policy and Procedures— written/measured
Scalable Solutions
Systems(using excel and quickbooks), Processes and Procedures that worked for a $1million dollar a year business, are not sufficient for $10 million dollar business or a $25 million dollar business.
Scaling your business requires building it in such a way that your business model and systems can be rolled out and replicated on a much bigger playing field, based on increased product ordered/processed sales volume.
Example, choosing a database solution or a 3rd party fulfillment should be based on actual growth rates, not potential or forecasted projected sales.
Cash flow and Financial Statements are your ‘life line’.
Learn how you are making and losing money. Understand profit and loss statements and what processes and procedures link to improving the ‘profits’ of your business.
The company’s financial wherewithal additionally, the measurement tools necessary to manage and track finances and assets. Do you have the knowledge, competencies and skills necessary to use those tools to increase your profits?
Small and mid-size businesses must master the ability to manage their working capital and cash flow. Every company has access to profit and loss, balance sheet and cash flow statements. Management is either using accounting software or someone is preparing the reports for management.
How well does senior management understand the company’s financials and it correlation to their strategy? Do these managers understand which parts of the company need investment, where cuts can be made on why?
Managers must take the time to learn the relationships and interdependencies between their tools and the reports they use to maximize their resources.
Teamwork makes DreamWorks
You can’t do it by yourself. It is critical to ensure that your business doesn’t rely on the presence of any one individual.
Even Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, needed a great team to help them execute, deliver and do everything behind the scenes to deliver their vision to customers.
Surround yourself with the best people you can find. Hire people who are smarter than you, then step back and let them do their jobs. Remember championships are won by teams, not athletes. Employees are hired either to increase revenue or to decrease expenses in order to improve profits, no other reason.
People are not your greatest asset; the right people are. The wrong people are your greatest catastrophe. Mediocre people are your greatest drain on resources.
Leaders must strive to create learning organizations where the organization is always pushing to improve. A organization where employees feel valued and are contributing according to their abilities.
Effective management will create an organization where personal growth is expected and rewarded and employees are both challenged and satisfied.
Employees who are motivated by the company’s vision and mission will produce profitability, but frustrated employees will lead to losses.
Source by Vinson Primas
from RSSUnify feed https://garkomedia.com/2018/10/17/small-business-owners-the-building-blocks-to-increase-profits/
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tristanleggett · 5 years
B2B Marketing Strategies in Tech. A Study of Top Software House in Warsaw
Having designed software for more than 100 businesses worldwide, mainly in the United States, Western Europe, and Australia, 10Clouds is turning 10 this year.
Growth is what defined its 10 years.
Getting the team from 2 to 110+, opening 3 more offices besides the Warsaw HQ (Poznan, Wroclaw, Atlanta), a 316% revenue increase during 2013-2016 - we definitely had to know their story.
The future looks even brighter now for this software house in Warsaw, 10Clouds. Planning to increase its income by as much as 50 percent in 2019, which is the marketing trump card of 10Clouds?
It’s time to find out.
10Clouds - Software House Warsaw Short Overview
10Clouds’s Marketing Strategies Reverse Engineered
Brand Awareness at 10Clouds
10Clouds' Social Media Presence
Traffic Acquisition at 10Clouds
Wrap Up
From web development to product design, machine learning and blockchain, 10Clouds ain’t afraid of saying “yes” to challenges. This proves it: 10Clouds handles over 20 blockchain projects a year, as per a Facebook statement.
But having the right product means nothing if you can’t tell it to the world. So, what are the marketing strategies behind 10Clouds’ growth?
We’ll find out soon.
10Clouds - Software House Warsaw Short Overview
Asmodee, Baidu, Pinterest - these are just a few of the world-famous companies that worked with 10Clouds.
Now, let’s see what former clients have to say about working with 10Clouds. It seems their main assets are:
Being highly collaborative, flexible
Being highly tech skilled
Seamless project management
Delivering quality results at reasonable costs
Meeting/exceeding expectations
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On their website and Youtube account, 10Clouds features also lots of video testimonials.
So, the team seems in place, the services are reliable, the process is seamless. But what about the marketing behind it? How about branding? Are they top-notch too?
It’s time to pull down the curtain and uncover the system behind 10Clouds’s growth.
Here’s a short spoiler about what’s cooking in this study case.
These seem to be 3 of 10Clouds’ marketing superpowers:
Community focus
Building the right brand
The client always comes first
Stay tuned for more.
10Clouds’ Marketing Strategies Reverse Engineered
When you initially think about B2B marketing strategies, your mind might go straight to outbound techniques. While this approach can still work, we’ve now entered an era of inbound and conversational marketing.
The B2B buying process is no longer cold or painful for the buyer. The fix lays in making interactions feel personal again.
Is 10Clouds going with the flow?
This is what we’re trying to find out in our analysis. We’ll dive into content marketing, we’ll analyze the branding efforts and how 10CLouds is building its social media presence…
Then we’ll give you hands-on takeaways to implement ASAP.
So, on your mark, get ready, set, go!
Brand Awareness at 10Clouds
Smart technology, robots, artificial intelligence, machine learning: sci-fi is here. And it has dramatically changed marketing.
But with great opportunity comes great responsibility in the B2B world. Brand loyalty is less and less common, competition is fierce, and brand awareness is more important than ever. And if you do get to the top, can you stay there long?
So, where does 10Clouds stand in the brand awareness game?
10Clouds’s Awards
Advertising is everywhere around us, offline, online, there’s a flood out there. Every business has a difficult time getting a signal through the noise. So, when everyone says that its product is best in class, how can you effectively differentiate your brand?
Awards - still effective today. While anyone can send email, engage in social media or pay per click campaigns, awards are limited. In the software development industry, the Clutch nominations still have some power.
So, which are the 10Clouds awards so far?
4th place in Top Polish Web Developers - septemrber 2019 (Clutch)
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13th place in Top Worldwide IT Outsourcing Companies - 2017 (Clutch)
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Ranking 48 in Deloitte’s Tech Fast 50 CEE - 2017
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Ranking 480 in Financial Times’ Fast 1000 Europe 2018, with revenue growth of 333% during 2013-2016.
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8th place in Top 50 Blockchain Companies by The Manifest
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10Clouds’ Social Media Presence
As I’ve mentioned above, social media can be a really powerful tool in employer branding.
On the other hand, it can also be leveraged for nurturing relationships with clients and prospects.
Let’s see how 10Clouds is approaching the matter.
5600+ Facebook followers are updated about the latest articles on the 10Clouds blog, about the latest additions to the Behance and Dribbble portfolio, latest products they’ve built.
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The content posted on Facebook is mostly aimed at gaining more customers.
But the employer branding is not left out. Photo albums posted on Facebook try to paint a cool picture of the company’s culture.
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The Facebook interaction is way above the average (which is around 13-15).
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There is no pattern for the posts that get highest engagement. The trend we’ve noticed so far is that usually people related posts are more appealing, but this is not the case.
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Unlike the case of other players in the industry, the Instagram account is the channel where 10Clouds is trying to showcase the apps and other products they’ve built.
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Also, whenever it’s time to celebrate something, the Instagram followers are immediately updated: getting to 125 employees, reaching 30k Dribbble followers etc.
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Job opportunities are also promoted.
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Older posts were more employer branding - oriented.
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The Twitter profile promotes mostly events they attend or organize.
The focus here is mostly about getting noticed by potential clients and proving that they are an important member of the community.
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Blog posts and Medium content are also promoted.
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Next, why not celebrate with your Twitter followers important moments of your business?
See this tweet, where 10Clouds is proud of winning a bronze medal in an AI contest.
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The LinkedIn account is all about building brand awareness among future clients, through:
showcasing the latest apps they’ve built and partnerships they've forged
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Promoting events they attend
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Career opportunities are also listed.
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10Clouds is using Behance to showcase its portfolio. And the feedback it gets is looking really good. Lots of followers and appreciations, way above we’ve analyzed so far.
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They have tens of comments, views can go up to 50k. Impressive!
Good design is a make it or break it decision-making factor if you are in the product design niche.
So, gathering feedback from the community, showcasing your portfolio is essential.
Dribbble is the channel allowing you to do just that.
And 10Clouds seems to understand this and built a great Dribbble profile, where engagement looks amazing.
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Community Building at 10Clouds
10Clouds organizes a popular meetup for developers under the Acodemy brand.
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For design lovers they organize Louds meetup.
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Let’s not forget also conferences, like the Blockchain Fiesta in Krakow, where the 10Clouds Blockchain Lead had a presentation.
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10Clouds also sponsors meetups, Warsaw.JS and Python meetups around Warsaw.
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Pretty busy guys, I’d say.
Employer Branding and Hiring
Today, company culture and branding have a higher value than ever. Especially when you compete in hiring the right tech talent.
In the digital age, where the border between work and life is really thin, where social media can lift a brand up or knock it out, building an employer brand is vital.
When you hire the talent you need, you manage to retain it, then you can focus more on delivering quality products/services to clients and grow. Else, if employees come and go, it’s gonna be really tough and it’s gonna cost you a lot.
Communication, feedback, relationship with management, learning initiatives, employee perks, recognition - these are elementary when hiring and retaining the proper talent.
So, how does the process look like for 10Clouds?
Here’s an article they wrote in order to explain the 10Clouds developers hiring process.
Employees are asked about how the hiring process worked, what attracted them to 10Clouds in the first place, and how does 10Clouds look like a year after. They praise the learning environment, career opportunities.
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Social media, video content are tools used in building employer branding.
Take this video for example, about how it feels being a 10Clouds developer.
Being a developer at 10Clouds
10Clouds is looking to expand the developer and designer teams in all cities or remote.
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10Clouds is looking to expand the developer and designer teams in all cities or remote.
10Clouds’s Website and Conversion Rate Optimization
According to Krug’s first law of usability “Don’t make me think”, the 10Clouds homepage is self-explanatory. The structure is clear, the visual clues are moderate, the links are easily recognizable and help users to find their path to their aim.
The layout is scannable: content is categorized, visual elements are guiding the visitor to the Call to Action, content blocks are flowing nicely. The phrases and wording are concise.
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But is this enough to turn a visitor into a customer? These days, potential buyers are looking for one more thing before making a commitment to spend money on you - social proof.
Social proof refers to people’s reliance on the feedback and actions of others so that they can make an informed choice.
Testimonials, awards, case studies, reviews, the number of followers/likes/fans in social media, all of these should be leveraged in order to build trust in the eyes of stakeholders.
In the case of 10Clouds’ website we’ve got:
Growth KPIs
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Case studies
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List of clients
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PR mentions
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In order to further move a visitor down the funnel, forms and chat are used.
In terms of conversion rate tools, according to Similartech, 10Clouds is using Hotjar for heatmaps and session recordings, and Autopilot, for marketing automation.
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So 10Clouds wants to empower its sales team with better-qualified leads, it wants to improve the users’ path on the website and provide a better experience across the buyer journey, hence increasing ROI.
Traffic Acquisition at 10Clouds
More than 95% of the desktop website traffic comes from direct and search sources (according to Semrush).
In terms of direct traffic, I’m assuming the 15% is due to:
Community events (meetups, conferences) where they promote their website
No UTM tracking added to their links
Sales activities: cold sales emails, events networking
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The search traffic began ramping up this summer. We’ll get into more detail below.
Content Marketing
As you already know by now, we like the RACE framework when it comes to digital marketing planning.
At this step we’ll focus on which are the touchpoints where people first become aware of 10Clouds. We’ve already talked about building brand awareness and social media above, but now we’ll go deeper and analyze the blog strategy and other types of content.
The blog is updated about monthly, and the topics covered relate to company news, software development, business development.
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The technical content is written by developers, which is no news for us. It’s a common practice in the industry.
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According to Buzzsumo the most shared content on Facebook is the technical blog content and career-opportunities announcements.
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As we already know by now, good quality content is not enough for organic ranking. So, let’s take a look at the backlinks a bit.
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We’ve got backlinks from relevant tech websites (Clutch, The Manifest, python.org) with high authority, as well as links from hiring & freelancing platforms (millo.co, workable.com, startupjpbs.pl).
From the SEO perspective, the most valuable backlinks are do-follow, topic relevant as well as from a high authority website.
For 10Clouds, 66% of the backlinks are do-follow.
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Now, let’s move on from the website blog, to the Medium blog.
On Medium, 10Clouds develops content around design, development, UI & UX topics.
One of the biggest benefits of blogging on Medium is the fact that Medium has a built-in distribution channel reaching 60M+ unique monthly visitors (2017, Medium data).
And if you’re analyzing the most popular Medium content you’ll see that tech is by far the one with the most traction.
So, for a tech company it’s only natural to be where its audience is: Medium.
For 10Clouds, it seems that the Medium strategy is paying off in terms of engagement.
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Now, let’s move to a bit more advanced types of content, that bring more added value: case studies.
In a B2B world, where the value of the product is measured in tens of thousands of dollars, case studies are a must.
A pro tip we always give our clients is to include data in their case studies, what were the practical achievements, some KPIs?
10Clouds knows how to prove they do a good job:
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Ok, we’ve got traffic, what now? How do we make them move further down in the funnel? How can we turn them into leads?
For the lead generation part, 10Clouds uses an Ebook as lead magnet.
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Also, they provide a free consultation together with a bold promise: “We’ll build your MVP in 40 days”.
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I’m really curious if this is having traction.
The content marketing strategy is still in its infancy at 10Clouds, but it's showing results.
Wrap Up
Now that we’ve come so far, let ’s do the shortlist of takeaways. So, 10Clouds is really good at:
Mastering technical knowledge and project management
Building a brand - using the power of video testimonials, community, awards
Building a community around the company, be it offline (through meetups and other events they organize or sponsor), be it online (Dribbble, Behance)
So, another one busts the dust.
But, more companies are waiting in line to be analyzed.
To get the full picture of how software houses in Poland grow with the help of inbound marketing, get our ebook: The Growth Marketing Secrets of Top European Software Houses - Poland Edition 2019.
if(window.strchfSettings === undefined) window.strchfSettings = {}; window.strchfSettings.stats = {url: "https://man-digital.storychief.io/software-house-warsaw?id=1135694358&type=12",title: "B2B Marketing Strategies in Tech. A Study of Top Software House in Warsaw",id: "4f08255c-5e51-436c-99aa-71482a308009"}; (function(d, s, id) { var js, sjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) {window.strchf.update(); return;} js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "https://d37oebn0w9ir6a.cloudfront.net/scripts/v0/strchf.js"; js.async = true; sjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, sjs); }(document, 'script', 'storychief-jssdk')) from Digital Marketing Automation Consulting | MAN Digital https://mandigitalblog.blogspot.com/2019/10/b2b-marketing-strategies-in-tech-study.html via https://mandigitalblog.blogspot.com/ Read more on our blog MAN Digital MAN Digital Blogger
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the-fitsquad · 6 years
HP Workstation Z420 Xeon Pc Rental
Sharps comprehend the significance of keeping residence and perform as separate as possible. On a domain controller in a forest that was created on a domain controller operating Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack two (SP2), Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2008 R2, the default worth is 180 days. Quantum SDLT-2 technologies assists to meet the backup needs of tiny computing systems, demanding information centers, medium-sized organizations, branch offices, video applications and enterprise workgroups. This is why Intel’s i7 line has remained the pinnacle of CPU performance, even though AMD has been pushing their CPUs to run at greater clock speeds, with marginal efficiency gains at the cost of improved energy consumption, which for a laptop implies the battery has to be charged more frequently, shortening battery life.
DisplayLink technology is used in dozens of globally branded Pc accessories such as monitors, universal docking stations, display adapters, projectors, and zero client systems that make expansion of the desktop visual workspace feasible, at considerably reduce cost and energy usage than traditional solutions. As opposed to larger systems, mini PCs have no capacity for internal expansion. Intranets are a powerful technique for allowing a firm to do business online, for instance, to permit any person on the Internet to order merchandise. Ususally I run the simulations in series (tuning model and handle parameters, and so on.) even though at times they could run in parallel for Monte-Carlo-type simulations, need to MATLAB allow so (Parallel Processing Toolbox?). With today’s enhancing technologies, a lot of men and women turn to remote access computer software to obtain access to their computers.
Now that we have a tendency to as a society have gradually considering that the Eighties been making use of computers and mice far more and a lot of frequently, and the data has shown the injury, it really is time for every person to rethink pc mouse use. The Software program Licensing Service reported that the activated license needs a corresponding Retailer upgrade license in order to perform. The evening auditor may also be responsible for clearing the reservation rack or filing and posting charges to no-show accounts. The system’s efficiency may be dependent on the video file codec to be worked on. Uncompressed file formats, for example RAW, might need further processing time. Stability, long-term life cycles and support for higher-octane, 64-bit applications are traits that we need to have to take into account when hunting at workstations for engineers, designers, video editors and others.
Access Wise delivers special, higher-good quality, integrated hardware and software program packages that securely handle important information more than wired and wireless networks, computers, Point-of-Sale devices, kiosks, and any other device that can accept and communicate via smartcard technology. This was demonstrated at the launch occasion of the new workstations, exactly where HP showed just how simple they had been to service and preserve, starting with the flagship Z800. The graphics card is the other vital component in a professional workstation, with a more quickly card rendering the on-screen graphics at a greater frame price, creating manipulating models and textures significantly smoother and much more responsive. The ThinkStation E30 workstation logs a 57 % more quickly boot time and 38 % faster shut down time more than preceding models, whilst the ThinkCentre M81 desktop begins up 30 % more rapidly.
AMD says the new Pro” chips are up to 62% more quickly than some Intel chips operating the types of demanding software program apps that can take benefit of numerous processing cores in a single chip. Therefore it is required to have diverse designs of office desks to suit the numerous requirements of an workplace. Other than Foxit PDF reader, there is an Office trial and HP’s personal Remote Graphics Software, a clever piece of technology that makes it possible for the user to access, share and broadcast from a Windows-based device. Don’t forget that we are building our workstation around NVIDIA’S Quadro M5000 graphics card, so our hardware selections will be created with this card in mind. If you want a function Computer for Computer Aided Design and style (CAD) or 2d or 3d visualisation graphics computer software (AutoDesk, MAXON Cinema 4D, Cativia V5 et al) then we have custom Pc options to suit your budget.
A common pre departure activity requires creating and distributing guest folios to guests expected to verify out. (20) The establishment and recording of asset records relating to computer workstations, including those bought under lease agreements, will be the duty of Economic Operations. Each being microcomputers, workstations had supplied greater overall performance than desktop computers, specially with respect to CPU and graphics, memory capacity, and multitasking capability. Obtaining set up our firm with the motto, of supplying trustworthy and tough Open Office Program, Modular Furniture with cost effectiveness to customers, today, we have earned a great reputation in the highly dynamic marketplace of furniture, for designing, establishing, Residence Furniture and supplying them at really cost-effective costs.
Kenilworth, New Jersey – November 14, 2011 – MAINGEAR, an award-winning custom Computer builder supplying custom desktops, custom built laptops , and pc workstations updates their SHIFT, F131, and Quantum SHIFT desktops with the new 2nd generation Intel® Core i7 processor Extreme Edition and MAINGEAR’s exclusive EPIC Audio Engine. An example of a software program plan that supports CUDA is Adobe Photoshop CC. Some SOLIDWORKS users are using customer-class PCs — computer systems not configured to assistance 3D CAD computer software and not engineered to be reliable beneath demanding use more than time. Made to banish all computer-related pains, the Surf Chair Workstation is an ingenious mixture of suggestions. This indicates that employees can take advantage of overhead shelving and related storage options to support reduce desk clutter and create a roomier workstation.
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Would you like a clever, strong & silent Workstation Pc to run numerous displays in crowded workplaces like banks, site visitors handle and headquarters of any sort? As up to this point, we have understood that Node Locked Licenses are meant for only one particular workstation at a time whereas Floating Licenses are utilized in a sharing mode, which sometimes is not what you want as you may well face license lost issues, license not discovered issues, and lengthy href=”https://kelsusit.com/refurbished-computer-workstations/”> click over here waits for invoking Tosca. A sports vehicle will be tuned far better and configured for overall performance (so will a CAD workstation), it will have greater and more robust components (the exact same with a CAD workstation), it will have greater cooling and far better airflow (typical with workstations) and the engine will make much more power.
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The Virtual Workplace Mobile Vehicle Desk is much more than a notebook tray, it is a true functioning mobile workstation which offers the exact same important characteristics as a stationary office desk. This test was executed by operating Prime 95 for several hours and measuring the temperature for each and every CPU core utilizing CPU Thermometer 1.two The outcomes are impressive, CPU Core temperatures are in between 18 and 30 degrees (centigrade) when idle and among 39 and 50 degrees under maximum load. Spacify gives wide variety of Pc Workstations for your modern office. This strong Mac machine comes with a choice in between a two.2GHz and two.8GHz Intel Core i7 processor, up to 16GB of RAM, and flash storage choices among 256GB and 1TB. Now, nonetheless, the software program giant is bringing that friendly Halo-inspired voice to the desktop as effectively, additional unifying the expertise among all of Microsoft’s products.
Dludla, who stated he supported the views of the governing African National Congress (ANC) party, to which Mandela belongs to spoke with pride about getting employed as a financial adviser straight out of college. Microsoft mentioned in a December 2015 blog post that it was organizing Insider builds from then “into subsequent year”, meaning it could be some time prior to a stable release is issued to older devices. While numerous hardening actions can be utilized for a kiosk program for guests, the PAW architecture is created to provide larger security for high sensitivity accounts, not larger safety for reduce sensitivity accounts. These days HP revealed in a press release that it is revising its Z workstation lineup with a number of improved specifications.
• In order to monitor and handle charge privileges, the front workplace clerk need to verify no matter whether the total net purchases are less than the minimum of floor Limit (i.e.: credit card company’s limit) and house limit (i.e. hotel’s limit). Formaspace Computer Workstations and LAN Stations offer you higher flexibility in process-oriented function environments. When coupled with commercially offered software program, the Biz-Hub technique becomes an integral portion of a document storage, management and retrieval method for any size of business – paving the way towards a actually paperless workplace. The Skylake X powered Titan X299 now represents high-finish processing power at a surprisingly affordable cost. Wealthy with multimedia, this interactive tutorial guides new customers through the capabilities and inventive potential of the Indy workstation.
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memozing · 5 years
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tatianab571477-blog · 7 years
Never Mess With group As well as Here's The Reasons.
Seven Quick Tips Regarding group.
team Will Make You Tons Of Cash. Right here's Exactly how!
NBA players have been quick to embrace Instagram just as music artists have actually embraced it in the enjoyment globe. Between races, you might be resting with your group friends playing card or applauding on others that are racing. LA NEW TEAM PRESENTA, UNA SQUADRA UNDER16, DOVE L'ATLETA Più PICCOLA HA 12 ANNI E LA Più GRANDE NE HA 15, PARTECIPERANNO AL CAMPIONATO LIBERTAS. Initially, it gives a chance for each employee to secure a reward on an end result of entire team that can push the member to work hard for team accomplishments. To get the very best from new employee, as well as guarantee they clear up in and also rejoice in their new setting, setting up some team bonding activities is frequently an excellent suggestion. Firstly, if you desire your new virtual group to function as a team and also in fact provide results, you need to have a face to face conference with them a minimum of as soon as. As the supervisor, you would certainly do well to begin developing that trust at the earliest feasible moment. Under the instructions of Phil Jackson, the group has actually won four even more champions since 2000. When there is a pushing requirement for something to be interacted, a Superb Group Gamer is not one that bites his tongue and maintains silent. Capitas has been in operation since 2005 and also is led by a senior management group with over 70 years of experience in real estate, financing, as well as regulation. I discover it difficult to imagine how my meaning could be attained if the team is comprised of clones os a single person - no matter how excellent that individual is. Making the whole higher than the amount of the parts is about making use of the distinctions in between people, not the similarities. Guaranteeing 360 comments is constantly offered as well as making use of tried and tested way to recognize ability, plan for future success as well as plug knowledge spaces through training programs, a team of professionals could bring important assistance to your team and also your company. Each article is independently evaluated by our group of editors in order to make certain that no unsuitable material is added onto the website. You mentioned great deals of terrific advantages of swim group - it infuses self-confidence and also self-discipline, allows for private competition and also belonging to a group and so on
The Death Of group.
He is leading a rebirth in Rose city that has created an amazing team to watch. In particular individuals like Chris Paul (@cp3), Deron Williams (@dwill8) and Kevin Durant (@sniperjones35) each shared over 30 behind the scenes pictures of the London activities. After examining your team's efficiency in these areas, your duty as a supervisor is to identify where your emphasis for group information systems salary (pop over to this website) advancement needs to be. Businesses today have to be on board with team structure as this is important for the development of any kind of firm. Costs Clement (shown in the very first image) - used the 1974 as well as 1975 Stanley Cup championship groups and also wore number 10 for the Flyers. In order for groups to be effective, group leaders and team members should apply just what is currently known about teams in a disciplined means to attain efficiency capacity. Several team leaders are not in control of themselves, they are not encouraged, motivating or results-oriented. The only job this team could execute at this phase is Alignment per other and also to the objective of the group. We have a group work-product that needs roughly equivalent contributions develop all individuals on our team to make something specific take place. Via Appreciative Inquiry favorable strategy to building teamwork, you can transform your results ... faster compared to any type of old method of doing group building video games and motivational talks. Anche questa domenica non sono mancati coloro che hanno rappresentato i nostri colori, ben 10 atleti/e di cui da segnalare il gran 4 ° Pos. Constructing a trusting partnership with your personnel as well as with your targeted clients helps to accomplish your objectives. Its absolutely not easy - which is why there are so few wonderful groups - but if the participants of a group show enough willpower to grit it out as well as work through the challenging stages - the benefit of belonging of a high performing team could be extremely rewarding. So, by merely forgetting about the basic development of a team can lead to an inefficient team. It is suggested that a reliable team constantly has clear group goals that motivate staff member to change top priority of specific objectives with that of team one. The fantastic leaders have their very own personal viewpoint of leadership, but a lot more significantly they know how you can adapt that to the individual and also the team they are dealing with during that time. Provide your leading 3 individuals a choice, after that pick the time a day when you build the rest of the group around your front runners.
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tristanleggett · 5 years
The Marketing Chronicles Behind 30% Annual Revenue Growth at Top E-commerce Software House
The Internet was opened to the public back in 1991, after the invention of the World Wide Web. This opened the Pandora box: online shopping! By 1999 global e-commerce reaches $150 billion.
But behind great e-commerce lays great e-commerce software.
Divante is aiming to be just that: great e-commerce software house, by providing top-notch e-commerce solutions and products for both B2B and B2C segments.
And with a revenue that increases annually by 30%, we think they’re kinda there, what do you think?
And take a look at that: a Deloitte Technology Fast 500 nomination in 2017, with a 4-year revenue growth of 259%.
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So, what’s the recipe behind the growth?
Definitely the product should be top notch. But without the right sales and marketing strategies, a great product just ain’t enough.
So, in this blog post we’ll decipher Divante’s marketing strategies, from the inbound perspective, social media, but also we’ll sneak inside their team and employer branding
Divante E-commerce Software House - Short Overview
Brand Awareness at Divante
Divante’s Social Presence
Employer branding and hiring
Divante’s Website and Conversion Rate Optimization
Divante’s Traffic Acquisition
Content Marketing
Wrap Up
From banking, telekom, fashion, Divante knows it all. Just look at their clients.
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Impressive, right?
But how? That is the question.
Let’s find out.
Divante E-commerce Software House- Short Overview
Some Divante facts: 10 years on the market, 150+ global clients, 200+ team members, 1000+ projects delivered, own products developed for the e-commerce market and 2 e-commerce open-source solutions (Open Loyalty and Vue Storefront).
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The feedback on Github, Capterra and g2crowd looks really good for Vue Storefront, which is acclaimed as No. 1 open source progressive web app for e-Commerce:
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So, 10 years of steady growth and business expansion.
And let's not forget they've recently opened an office in Amsterdam and Berlin, and they're expanding to Singapore as well.
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The purpose of this new office was being closer to their clients from the DACH countries.
Next, let's look a bit at what the Divante clients have to say about them:
Deep knowledge, commitment and full support
Managed to increase traffic and income
Go the extra-mile
Delivery with tight deadlines
Expertise and professionalism
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“Our income has doubled”, “reduced our time to market”, “increase website traffic” - that’s what I call results oriented.
But how did Divante get here: a top player in the e-commerce software industry?
Follow me to find out:
How developing open source products can pave your way to success
How the proper branding efforts can get you first-rate clients
How inbound marketing can portrait you as an expert in the field and build trust around you
Divante’s Marketing Strategies Reverse Engineered
After so much pain and struggle for a former communist country, it’s time for a rebirth.
Poland is reinventing itself and reshaping the IT outsourcing environment.
“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade” - this came to life in Wroclaw.
Divante, the e-commerce software house is leading the way.
T-Mobile, Ringier Axel, Continental, Tchibo, Intersport are just a few of Divante’s global clients.
But what lays behind the lemonade?
Strategic marketing.
And we’ll reverse engineer it.
Brand Awareness at Divante
A brand vision should attempt to go beyond functional benefits to consider organizational values; a higher purpose; brand personality; and emotional, social, and self-expressive benefits. ― David Aaker (the father of modern branding)
Every step a business makes, in relationship with each and every stakeholder, will translate itself in branding.
A satisfied customer, an unhappy employee, an empowered student at a hackathon, a comment on social media, everything will generate word-of-mouth and brand awareness.
So, what does the market have to say about Divante?
First of all, we’ve mentioned the Deloitte Technology Fast 500 nomination in 2017 and the Clutch reviews.
Further on, in our article, we’ll see how community and social media engagements are handled.
Because, in the end, with all the tech development, the human touch will get you fans, employees and customers.
Divante’s Social Presence
Social media is a great channel for a business to include the community in the communication, help build trust and develop long-lasting relationships.
Divante clearly understands this, just look at these numbers:
7500+ Facebook followers
1700+ Twitter followers
2700+ Linkedin followers
Looking good for an e-commerce software house.
Divante’s Facebook Page
Divante’s Facebook profile has a client approach. Through consistently publishing posts, Divante wants to prove expertise in the field, hence build trust around the brand.
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The posts are merely about:
Promoting long form content - ebooks, guides, reports
Successful integrations of their Vue Storefront product or PWA
New strategies and partnerships for Divante
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Company culture and employer branding
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Events they organize or attend to
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The interactions are a bit scarce.
But this isn’t a surprise. From what we’ve analyzed so far, the most popular posts for software houses posting on Facebook, are people related, such as team events, introducing team members etc.
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The LinkedIn profile content is also client-aimed. The posts refer to:
latest articles they've published
news from the e-commerce world
their latest ebooks
events they've attended
their latest knowledge project: interviews with influencers in the field, in a series called "E-commerce Talks by Divante", hosted on Youtube, Soundcloud and other podcast apps.
their services
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posts that refer to the company culture (internal events, celebrations) and employer branding
hiring opportunities
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Divante almost replicates the Facebook and LinkedIn content within its tweets.
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Events are in the spotlight here: speaking gigs, attending conferences and summits, but also sharing content they build.
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Curiously, this is the first software house I’ve encountered that does not rely much on social media to build employer branding.
The communication is mostly oriented towards gaining new clients.
Divante’s Community Involvement
Whenever you would see a Magento event, for sure Divante is there.
They don’t usually miss making an appearance, as attendees or speakers.
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Now, take a look at their roadmap, pretty busy!
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On the employer branding side, they're busy as well: meetups, hackathons you name it.
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But these are just a drop in the ocean.
Take a look at the community built around Vue Storefront!
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Employer branding and hiring
One single Glassdoor review for Divante, a positive one, but, statistically speaking, not significant.
As we’ve mentioned before, through community networking, Divante is opening communication doors to future employees.
Speaking of, they have 15 ONGOING open positions, mostly for developers. The head of content position is standing out from the busy crowd of developers and engineers.
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The “ongoing” status of the jobs explains a lot, especially when you look at this data: 600+ developers wanted in Wroclaw.
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Divante has growth plans: opening new offices and hiring people.
But this thing goes even bigger: they want to build the Vue A-team, the best in Europe.
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Another thing that struck me is the company's structure.
By now we've already heard about flat structures and holacracy, Divante is experimenting with something else: the Tribe Model inspired by Spotify.
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This model is trying to split the organization into smaller organizations. We've got squads, guilds, and other types of teams. These teams are autonomous, self-organizing and self-managing.
So far so good, or so it seems for Divante's new structure.
Divante’s Website and Conversion Rate Optimization
The website has a intuitive and user friendly interface. It’s easy for the buyer persona to find an answer to its questions:
What does Divante do?
"We’re experts in providing top-notch eCommerce solutions and products for both B2B and B2C segments."
What technologies do you use?
Vue, Pimcore, Magento, SAP...
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What services do you offer?
The menu is well organized, with clearly stated submenus in terms of products and services.
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Besides services, Divante has built its own products for e-commerce:
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This only comes natural for a software house, after gaining so much knowledge, moving towards a SaaS approach has long term benefits.
How can I trust you?
Case studies backed by data, testimonials, client listing, awards.
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How can I contact you?
“Contact us” button
“Estimate a project” button in the homepage, above the fold
Contact form
If you want more data, Divante has prepared a top-notch info pack.
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In terms of conversion rate optimization, they seem to be using Hotjar (according to SimilarTech). Also they are using Hubspot chat and forms for marketing automation purposes. In the end, it's all for the sake of improving the sales cycle and conversion rates.
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Divante’s Traffic Acquisition
The main website traffic sources for June 2019 were:
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What could account as direct website traffic?
offline events: conferences, meetups and hackathons
referral traffic not tagged
sales reps activities
Content Marketing
Like for our Netguru growth story, the approach for the content marketing analysis is based on the RACE framework.
I'm gonna look at the content strategy from the reach and act stages, where you build awareness around the brand and design the first touchpoints with the contacts.
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The convert phase of the RACE framework revolves around paying customers, so this is a task for the sales team. The marketing team is responsible for generating high quality leads in the first two phases.
The engage part of the framework y the sales team in B2B, while the engage part can have different responsibles (account managers, support team, CEO...).
Brand awareness at Divance is built mainly through offline events, social media postings, blog and website content.
Now, let's move a bit to the blog. The blog is updated about bi-weekly. Lots of categories are used.
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The majority of the posts are not very technical, and, besides Agata Młodawska, the Marketing Manager and Aleksandra Kwiecien, the Content Manager, other non-marketing team members are writing content.
From time to time, some pieces of content are signed by Tom and Piotr Karwatka, the CEO and CTO of Divante.
But let’s see which are the most valuable pages on the Divante website:
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It seems that the most traffic is brought to the blog pages. In the top 10 pages, there are only two pages that are not blog related: the homepage and contact page.
But let’s take a look at the keywords. The trend looks nice, slowly but surely upward.
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Only one keyword cluster is standing out in terms of traffic and position: banking loyalty programs/rewards.
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Moving away from the blog, Divante has created really powerful non-gated pieces of content:
Case studies with famous brands: Reserved, ING, Intersport etc
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Slideshare content: 100+ slideshares and thousands of views
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audio content: podcast "E-Commerce Talks"
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It's time to move further down in the funnel. During the act phase users engage with Divante's gated content. In exchange for contact data they get access to original, valuable information.
The tools used here are:
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gated case studies
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eBooks and their lead magnets. There is a large collection of eBooks designed by Divante, the topics vary from trends and insights, various tops, market reports, "state of" type of analysis to vertical related issues (fashion, pharma...).
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Divante seems to be testing various lead magnet designs, positioning the CTA and form above or below the fold.
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It seems that they employ virality tools, shares in exchange for download via Pay with a Tweet.
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product demos
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Backlinks to Support Content Marketing
Good original content needs backlinks in order to get some Google love. So, let's peep at Divante's backlinks a bit.
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The links come from relevant e-commerce or SaaS related websites.
Guest blogging seems to be a backlink and traffic source as well, gotcha Agata:
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Divante’s Paid Traffic Acquisition
In terms of paid Google search ads, Divante is promoting the Magento development service, bidding on “magento web development” related keywords, which are really bottom of the funnel keywords. They go straight for high intent keywords.
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On the other hand, they also push ads that promote their reports.
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The landing page is really compelling, with its clear CTA and above the fold social proof.
Spyfu estimates a budget below $1k.
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While the Google search ads are Magento focused, on the sponsored Facebook posts side we see a progressive web apps approach.
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Using Similar Tech I've noticed that they have the Quora, AdRoll retargeting pixels installed as well, also the Twitter and Bing pixels.
So, there's more than meets the eye with these guys when it comes to paid advertising. They don't shy away from challenges.
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Social Selling
Regarding the Medium positioning, it seems that Piotr Krawatka, CTO of Divante, and other Divante colleagues are editing The Vue Storefront Journal.
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Beginning with June 2018, there is an increasing Medium focus. And the engagement seems rewarding.
Wrap Up
From the B2B marketing point of view, it seems that a consistent content strategy, seasoned with some events and marketing automation, is the recipe of success for this e-commerce software house, Divante.
But let’s make a more comprehensive list of takeaways:
Release valuable open source projects
Don't shy away from taking a SaaS approach
Go the extra mile in the relationship with your clients
Have a content strategy across the entire buyer’s journey and test various format: text, imagery, audio, video
Letting your community in on your plans for the future is great for business, it builds trust and increases brand awareness
So, this was our Divante pit stop.
But the race ain’t over yet.
And it’s not only about Wroclaw, but Poland's success story.
So, check out our Growth Marketing Secrets of Top European Software Houses - Poland Edition 2019 ebook to see below the tip of the iceberg.
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