grilledpasta · 3 years
Only Us Chapter 1 sneak peak part 2
Hey Everyone! Here’s another chunk from chapter 1 that I would love to share with you guys. Any feedback is appreciated! Um the first part is like two posts down, so if you haven’t read that, def do that! No pressure :)
Dinner that night went smoothly all things considered. Leo actually finished most of his plate this time, even if he missed one or two vegetables, Isabel wouldn’t complain. As she looked around the living/dining room area a smile couldn't help forming on her lips (even with having a two year old bouncing up and down on her leg determined to wipe every crumb she could reach from the table onto her). Here at her mothers orphanage there were eight kids in total that Isabel had come to know and care for during the past two years.
It's good that at least once a week we can all be together like this, she thought to herself. Sitting on the couch typing on his laptop was Benjamin, the oldest at fifteen, nearly half way through highschool, and a big brother figure to all the kids. Honestly Isabel wouldn’t know what she and her mother would do without him, ever since he had shown up a year ago he had been a huge help with the little ones. Across the room sitting on the floor building a block tower with Leo was Sofia, who was only a year younger than Benjamin but somehow already an inch taller (She playfully told Ben that she was like his big sister, much to his chagrin). Even though second oldest, Sofia had been here at the orphanage longer than any of the other children. Before Isabel had shown up, she was the primary way to help wrangle the younger kids whenever Miss Valdez had to run out on an errand.   I would have wanted her to be my big sister, thought Isabel, knowing the sweets that Sofia would sneak the other kids every once in a while, where exactly she got them baffled Isabel to this day. Nearby, sitting in an armchair with her head buried in a book was Sofia’s little half sister Olivia. At only twelve years old she was the house's form of musical entertainment. She had a recent natural gift for the guitar and violin (both heavily encouraged by Isabel and her Mom of course), and when she didn’t have a book in her hand she was busy serenading the local market and street corner. Thankfully she’s gotten considerably more in tune these past few months, Isabel smiled.
Isabel whirled around in her chair, one arm wrapping tightly around two year old Emilia who was still sitting with her. Looking into the kitchen there was a broken plate that had somehow magically fallen off the top dish shelf. Luckily it didn’t look like anyone was hurt, and the culprit (standing smugly with his hands behind his back) was little ten year old Valentino. Nearby his twin sister Valentina (who was half way opening up a cake box that was sitting on the counter) shook her head at her brother.
“I told you that you should have just gone for the bigger plate in the bottom drawer”. Suddenly she froze as two hands grabbed her shoulders from behind,
“I ran down in the basement for ten segundos! Hands off the cake Valentina, that is for Zoe’s party tomorrow!” Miss Valdez scolded. Eyeing the mess of the broken porcelain scattered on the floor she walked over and checked that Valentino wasn't cut. She called over to the dining room,
“Ben could you grab the dustpan and the small broom for the broken plate? Be careful”.
He nodded, “Already on it”, as he was already hurrying over to the door that led to the garage. Sofia poked her head into the kitchen curious to the commotion.
“What have the two terrors done now?” she asked aloud. The older woman shook her head,
“Enough damage for one night” glaring at the twins. Then she sighed, “Sofia could you please take them both upstairs and ready for bed? I have to finish the final finishing touches here”.
Sofia grabbed each of the twins arms, “C'mon you two, bedtime, big day tomorrow” she scolded as she started to lead them upstairs.
“But it was V’s idea!” They both said pointing at each other. Sofia rolled her eyes,
“Yeah I’ve heard that one before, now let's go! Or no bedtime story!”. Shocked, the twins raced up the stairs not bearing the thought of missing out on one of Sofia’s legendary tall tales.
Isabel smirked as she watched the scene unfold, Ah the V twins, or as aging Miss.Gonzalez next door called them “pequeños demonios!” or “little demons”. Spunky as they were, Isabel had yet to teach them the finer art of not actually getting caught when it came to their misadventures.
Isabel ran a hand through her hair and looked down at the toddler in her arms who was now giving a big yawn and rubbing her eyes. Isabel’s heart couldn't help melting into a puddle, “Ready to go to sleep too hermosa?” pulling a strand of Emilia’s red curly hair behind her ear. Wrapping her little arms around Isabel as she picked her up, Emilia yawned,
“Red tell Leo and me bedtime story?”.
Isabel smiled at her old nickname, “of course my little Scarlett Santarosa” she said tickling the bottom of Emilia's tiny foot. She giggled, “I like that name!”.
Isabel took Leo’s hand as he piped up “I want my own code name too Izzy!”. She laughed, “Well how about Player, since you like making up and winning your own games so much?”.
Leo frowned “Who would have a code name like that? I like game master!”.
Isabel almost tripped the final step up the stairs as she blew hard out her nose in laughter, “alright game master, let's get our teeth brushed, faces washed, and then pajamas, help Emilia too yes?”.
She put down Emilia as Leo took her hand and they walked over to the bathroom, “Then story?” he asked over his shoulder. She smiled, “I’ll be back upstairs soon, then story”.  *****************
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